xt70rx937t9n_103 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_18/Multipage4555.pdf 1910 March 15-31 1910 1910 March 15-31 section false xt70rx937t9n_103 xt70rx937t9n National Amrrimn Woman fiufi‘mgv Afifinfiafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fiflh Ave... New York City. ‘ 7' Recording Secretary, Ella S. Slewarl.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmore, Pa: 5464 Jefferson Ave Chicago Ill

Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley, _
105 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harriel Taylor Uplon. Warren, Ohior

Corresponding Secrclam, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Filll’l Ave New Y k C' - 1
~ . ., QI’ lty . . jLaura Clay, “39 N. M1” SL, Lexrnglon. Ky.
505 Fifth Ave.. New York Clly. I Audrlors: lAlice Slone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mast.

Larch , 1110
1‘: 5.1" 711518 1713:] ,
You 11121.11
lotto-:1" 013 57331531011151.

. lo

CG 0990 sad ”so 9115,1111

11111.6- 11 13115: 1:1: s More ,
of all the votes cast at
31117 F ”m T ooulflj‘r'l; "near to enter
3m 15111151115611911.1; 111111111
lmo _ _, , ‘” if 8:12:36? otedmnm f 115101112
15: FITS . f“;o;1or until we
1101130111? .T on J'lGVfl" 5o 11115; to,
'n v'j 1:11. .1 15011371131: have
, _ .1er case booms 6 Kiss
Lt through 11.1: 5. 817-. had t1». 6
e 355101315; now 5,10 111” 12911131115: the 3"":1‘11’18”
to Oklahoma. I just 1125. 11336211 to know ;_ :1 xii .5.
Von will see by the let? ,2- 15.111 sending; 51‘ u in
IX‘Gfgath‘d to Bliss Siaw's Clerk
bro 0.5311: to hear to wire me 11551,}1 , oo 1111.19.11 we voted
The most imgor‘tz‘ml: 61'. , not in 11151 n"

{.113 j_m;_‘1or‘t11.11‘13 enough one to ‘1'): Sure , “not to 111511111116. 1:31.13


 National Amrrirzm filament fiufi‘mgp Annnriatinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Sufirage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave. New York City‘

Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmore, Pa. .

Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley, 5464 Jefferson Ave, Chicago, lll.
l05 East 22nd Street, New York Cily, NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Uplon. Warren, Ohio.

Corresponding Secretory, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave New York Cit . .
. . u . Y . . ‘l Laura Clay. l89 Nr M1“ 51., Lexmgton. Ky.
505 F‘hl‘ Ave.. New York C‘ly' ' Auditors. lAlicc Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mesa.

Recording Secretary, Ella S. Stewart,


larch 16,1910
fro/ow M .y
Dear State iresident;~
As you.know, the annual convention will be held
in Washington April 14th. to 19th. Your state paid

‘$617;9 dues last year one you will therefore be allowed

/2. delegates, including your president and member of
the National Executive Committee. I am enclosing ere~

deutiel blanks and.blanks for alternates. I

I usually send a postal card for acknowledgement

pf these blanks, but this time I am going to ask you to
send me a letter, giving me this information and, at the
same time, giving me the names of your delegates, with
their home addresses. It may be that you are uncertain
of all of them, but let me have the list as you have it

Cordielly yours,

‘8fi27Z4fléeAZ/Ci::fi¢4é§; 2%2é4g%é~



 National Amprimn woman Smflfrage Aaanriatinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave. New York Cily. “'5'." 9 Recording Secretary, Ella S. Stewarl
First Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmore, Pa. '

Second Vice President, Florence Kelley, 5464 Jefferson Ave. Chicago. “L

105 East 22nd Slreel. New York Cily. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.
Corresponding Secrelam, Frances Squire Potter.

. _ 505 Fifth Ave.. New York City . Laura Clay |89 N. Mill St. Le ' 1 K
505 FM Ave” New York Cnyr A“""""‘ l Alice Stone Blackwell. 6 Bea'conxglleil. 3:510“. Ma...


March 17, l 910
Dear Miss Clay,

I think I told you that I did not want Mrs. Boyer
to go so quickly to Oklahoma for the same reason that
I did not want the National Headquarters, Belmont, Har—
per, &0. settled without consultation. In writing to
Miss Shaw a few days ago, I said that since we had sent
Mrs. Boyer there, I did not see how we could get out of
paying the bills which she had contracted, afidethat ling
thought if she felt differently abort it and there was
a misunderstanding about it, that she better ask for
another vote. She replies as follows;~

"I cannot agree with you that we are under any
obligations to pay any bills in Oklahoma except Mrs.

Boyer's salary and expenses. We agreed to help Okla—
home to the extent of sending Mrs. Boyer but we did not
agree to pay any hills which Mrs. Boyer might contract
in the state after she got there except those which
were associated with or connected with her expenses.

If they run up their bills they must pay them. We are
under no obligations whatever to provide Headquarters
or anything else simply because we complied with their
request to send them Mrs. Boyer. If you will look at
the vote which I sent out on Feb. 5rd. asking if we
should maintain Headquarters in Oklahoma, you will see
that Mrs. Kelley, Miss Clay ahd Miss Blackwell voted yes,
Mrs. Avery,Mrs. Stewart and I voted no and Mrs. Potter
and yourself practically voted no. Consequently the
vote was taken by the National Board not to maintain
Headquarters in Oklahoma and therefore I do not think
we should pay the bills for them. Of course I know that
Miss Clay and Miss Blackwell if they both remain on the
Board, will vote strongly in favor of doing so but how
the other members of the new Board wdll vote is still
undertain, but the present Board has Voted no."

I am sending you this paragraph because it re—
lates to Oklahoma and you are sort of a god mother to
Oklahoma, and because I want to explain to you that I
did not vote no on establishing Headquarters in Okla~
home. I said that if we had money or knew where to get
it that I was for it, or that was my idea. When we voted
to move Headquarters to New York, Miss Shaw said she
thought we could get such a lot of money there among



rich people; and so when this Oklahoma matter came up,
I said that I thought I could raise the South Dakota
money, which would not he so much, and asked her Why
the New York people for whom the National had done

so much this year, could_not finance Oklahoma. She
replied that undoubtedly the New York people could
support the Oklahoma work if I would get the money, she
didn't know how.

This is not very important but it may throw some
light on the matter when it comes up later.

Cordially yours,

[If y/ . // L/ —
cam/WWW 04 ,/ W WW


 Natinnal Amerimn mnman gmfl’ragp Azifinriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and lnlemalional Woman Suffrage Alliance)

:resiijnl, :ev. :nnaRHolr’fg Shaw. 505 Elm live” NePw York City. ‘ ‘ Recording Secretary, Ella S. Stewart.

its! ice taxi enl, ac e osler Avery. wart more, a. ,

Second Vice Presideni, Florence Kelley, 5464 Jefferson Ave, Chicago, “L
105 East 22nd Street. Nrw York Cily. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Secrehzru, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave. New York City
505 Fifth Ave.. New York City. ~ '

Treasurer. Harriel Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

. . Laura Clay. l89 N. Mill 51., Lexington. Ky.
Audllors. {Alice Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Slreei, Bouon. Man.


fiarch 1?,1910.

wd #0 send a eogy of tie enclosei

you singly bee: it gives rhe real confiitions of ihe

situation in flew Kerk. .% vrv be you will nflf

"r, I


(b mat

lecture Mrs. Jelmnnt denounoefl in

some way firs. Ghereupon a re ortnr

than imtnrvieved Arm. :" grcfieried
told her
.r-s one 1;}: ins

Jayer. Egon seeing 5 7"; Harper W tea 5 letter

Catt ana the letfier i am sending you is from hrs.

answer to it.

Cordially yours,.




New York, 2 7. 86th. 9t.,
March 11,1910
Dear hrs. Larger,

Upon my return from dlhsny l found.your letter
awaiting me and I have been in a chase ”11 day to get a copy of the ar—
ticle to which you referred. I now have it.' Zhat I know about it is
this. Tuesday evening Miss nogers called me on the phone and said that
at yonrlecture Hrs. Belmont had said thus and so about Miss Hay and me
being in substance the ma ter printed in this article and credited to
Mrs. fielmont. She said she called me to see if I had anything to say
in reply. I replied that I had ahsolutely nothing to say. She said
further Mrs. Belmont says you have given out all the n ss about her
and Mrs. Meokey,and I reylied that I knew nothing about the nutters
referred to in (I think) that days leper. (The article which had set
Mrs. Belmont end hrs. Hockey as rivals.) I said the yepers had not
got that information from me nor at my office but in Mrs. helmont's
own office, to which hiss‘fiogers replied, "Of course we all know that."
Your name was not rentioned by either of us

I have been hard in zhe labor of enfrancbising my sex
for two decades. In that time I have been attacked usny a ti e, but I
never gave a newsyaper’ a :5d a": rieifence 4-;1‘13.‘ :1 word -1 net my critics.
It takes the new folks to do ,” L Ehose of us who have labored early
and l te to try to cement'oryia unit's to try to wend breeches and per
suade Icorlo to pork togetjzf ‘ n, £7; to the gross to tear such smal
results as hiVe been a“‘ ; mvrrrjf Qhe siuiation in flew York is

enough to make the very angels wecy Things leak out here and there
and the girls piece up a tale which they 72- gathered frou many

sources and "y so doing flier o‘ey one , "e camn against another,
'7 oi uufien in -',rnl chi s ra_ists in gerticlar.
. " the number articles in the trees is an evidence
,u I thing we sjould ane flora grogress i; we had consider—
»s. In my twenty two years of service,I have never passed such a
year. 1 have never received such hitter and unjust criticism, I have
never been so lied about, (to out it mildly) and have never had a life
long service to an idea (which hes weant herd tor? and continual sacri—
fice) cherged to motives of personal ambition,3ealousy and similar
satanic qualities before. i have reason,to th"h that ny fate has been
repcated in many other cases. Rodi suffrage camp has become
suspicious of eadi other, and l: evidently gnlffl willing to believe
that other women lie, and stoop to the most dishonrable things.
Since we certainly belong to a class of women above the average, if
this is really true, we scarcely deserve the sufirage or enytling but
purification. Ye could never carry an amendment if we had one, in
such a state of intolerable susyicion. I do not clearly understand
the source of all tlis turmoil. I have persistently tried to bring
pence and mutual understanding but one night as well tny to reap the
whirlwind. A |_
near: say that the time has come to get up a big harmony
story and chow that all are adhering to the cowmon cause. That will
not make those who have learned to hate, love one another, but it will
relieve the public mind of the growing conviction that we are all fools
or knaves.
So far aS“you"areVbareerned, I believe you when you say
that you did n9t.say the things credited $0-rou_in,that article but I
have heard practically“thnseisememthrnés"from”fifidyVSturces all credited
to you. You have perhaps not told just that story to anyone but you


 Natimml Amvriran murmur! finfi'ragv Afifinfiafiflll.



 have let out the fact that you were unfriendly to HR, to the local
workers &c. and naturally I must believe that you have been Mrsu
Belmont's teacher when she makes such unwarrantable charges against me.
Time after tile the news has come straight that Mrs. Belmontis
viciOusly Opposed to me and the work I may happen to do. Also, I am
told that this is your attitude, and so outspoken had you been that
some of the newsraper people were amazed that you would come to my
house. I claim no infallible traits myself, but i hope to be able to
say on my dying day that l have done the cause no harm. That means
that I am not attacking fellow uoflaers, a reading harmful gossip in the
press nor trying to outdo other vorkgrs. My heart has been heavy

all the winter Titn the weight of this anul situation growing‘uore com~
plicated aha more renacing to the cause ovwry day. Others may say the
movement is SWeejimg on to“*rfi victory! I know it is if there can be a
union but 13h)it it 1 ghee we are iixing ion Hue hi jOSt “emotion the
good cause has ever lei.


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* l



 Natinnal Amerimn Mnman $ufl’rage Azanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fillh Ave.. New York City.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore. Pa.
Second Vice Presidcnl, Florence Kelley,

l05 East 22nd Street, New York City.

Corresponding Secrelary, Frances Squire Potter,

505 Fifth Ave.. New York City.

Recording Secrelaw, Ella S. Stewart,
5464 Jefferson Ave. Chicago. Ill.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

. . Laura Clay. l89 N. Mill St.. Lexington Ky.
Auditors. {Alice Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mass.

505 Fifth Ave., New York City

* v


Amrazzee Eula.—

‘L r-

a ce:u 101 headquvrte

from the time I
'an war.
to happen.



1; ,, ,— n 3 a
».- .u; wt ~ salaly,

\ 37lt tile

am wondering

Larch 18, 1910.

u,u: letter when I receiVed

but not

quarters of an

message received +he

now what i9 going

€t§a11y yours



 National Amprimn Woman gmfl’ragv Afifinfiafifltt

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave. New York City. Recording Secretary, Ella S. Stewart,

Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore, Pa. it h. In

Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley, V 5464 Jo erson Ave, C rcago. '
105 East 22nd Street, New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer. Harriet Taylor Uplon. Warren, Ohio.

Corresponding Secretary, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave., New York City ‘Laum Clay. l89 N. Mill 51., Lexington. Ky.

505 Fifth Ave.. New York CitY- Audilors: lAlice Stone Blackwell, 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mass.


warm 18, 1910.

Dear Miss Clay:—

The Program Committee have asked is to have
charge of two morning hours of the Convention, and when
I first talked with them about it I had a good deal of
fervor on the subject of as rying out a certain program
but now i at. a -..V i 4-1."; so tired,

I an now, however, asking a for y
speak and I do not want anybody to talk Jhst can not
tell of some practical thing they have done and how they
have done it. I am wondering if you could tell us
about the Virginie club you organized, or any other

thing, speaking five minutet. I want to
be fortified with a few speakers and the re st can be

I received a letter yesterday from Miss Show in
which.she said we were not to be allowed to pay any
expenses of Headquseters in Oklahoma, and this morning I
got a letter from Mrs. Boyer in which She said that if
she does not have money by the middle of next week, she will

be bankrupted. I have gotten some money to pay our

endebtedness and was just about to send mrs. Boyer a check

for her Headquarters bills. I have telegraphed


 C1327”; , 2
Mng Shaw the con (11' 171.0 ns and am e‘ir‘peoting: an answer.
As Mrs. Avery is in New York “today I think I will hear
fromlfiiss Shaw that it is all rig-ht to send 1.111.. Boyer
some money.

I do think I am perfectly :qul when I feel so
keenly about some things that I do not speak my mind.
I knew Mrs. Boyer ought not to go to Oklahorrn wit hout
hating things in black and White . Miss Shaw said.

if she was to go at all she: must go then. I have

'ust about reached the limit of mm atience.


CON 1. «11 1y yours,



 Natinnal Ampriran 1331mm finfl’ragp Afiznriatinn

(Member National Council of Women and lnternalional Woman Suffrage Alliance)

gresr’zijnl, linev. :nnaRHosar: Shaw/'3; 505 FSifllr live” Ngv York City. ‘ l 7 Recording Secretary. Ella 5. Slewarl.

irsl ice resr' enl, ac e osler very. wan more, a. ,

Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley, 5464 Jefferson Ave, Chrcagu, ”l'
IO5 East 22nd Street, New York Cilyt NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harrie! Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

Corresponding Secrelam, Frances Squire. Potter. 505 Filth Ave New York Cit . . ,
. . n Y . , Laura Clay, I89 N. Mrll 51., Lexmgl n. ky.
505 Elm Ave.. New York Crly, Audrtors, lAliee Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Streoct. Boston' Mass.


Dear Miss Clay,

Your letter of the 18th. and the 19th. duly 11%;-
ceived. I have reed. the n1 both very carefully.

I was joking when I said. "You ounot quietly
say that the treasury is no part of your “nus iness.”
That is , if I remember rightly. Anyway, I certainly was

no t @8112 sur ihg you .

thankful the ’6 this matt er is all clear t

to you. I do think that everybody is going to be fafr and
sqwriure and fearless. Heretofore I love always be on
fearful. Now I feel equal to anything. The tone which
Miss Shaw assumes in her letter is the one which she uses
towards me almost all the time . There seems to be "1 gen-
eral feeling on the. part of our frienrls that this is on i
important convention and all delegations are to be full I
believe and the strongest ani best oeoole are to he there.

A. J.

Al's-Jays co rdie 1137 3,70 urs ,

firm or ~






. .3


.n J





,7 w- ,3


5:} filfi‘

-r 'n,


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‘ ('2






 National Amritsar Woman fitfiragp Asfinriatinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fillh Ave., New York City. ‘7 l L L Recording Secrciaw. Ella S. Stewart,
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swnrthmorc. Pa. 5464 Jefferson Ave Chicago Ill.

Second Vice Fresidenl. Florence Kelley,
l05 East 22nd Street. New York Cilyr NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harrie! Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

Corresponding Secrclary, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Flill’l Ave New York City (Laura Cla [69 N NH] S . ’
‘ ' " - . 4 Y. . l . 1.. Lexington. ky.
505 Flhh AVE” NEW York CIW- Auriliorsr lAlice Slone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street, Boston. Mass.


March 25, L110.

Dear Miss Clay:—
Glsd you let me see Miss Gregg's letter.
Am returning it.

Please send me by v-eturn mail Eire. V:- lentire

and address.

Have asked Eire. Avery to save ten minutes
somewhere on the program for your co-gusrdisn hill
report. She will probably write you about it.

I have asked Miss ..-’-‘rndrews to go over the letters
of Miss Shaw in regard to this Oklahoma husine ss. She
has said so many different things at different times that
I hardly know W at the lest directions were . When I have
the information, I will then send the note to her to be

signed. The last letter she wrote me she said she

refused to borrow money for any campaign and that the

Business Commit tee had not voted in melting a campaign in
case of a general election.

I undrrstand Miss Shaw has asked Elizabeth for a
conference. I will hear from her in a few days. This
may mean th: t she wants to learn what we all think or that
she wants to make up to Elizabeth for certain short
comings or tint she wants Elizabeth to he Corresponding

Secretary, which means that Mrs. Amery has re fused or that


 She wants to get rid. '. Mrs. hamper and wiehee Elizabeth
to take he 1' place. Hrs. Avery feels that ”T e. 11:44er er
pernicious influence we have in iie36.(iluzirtC—ars.
I feel that Lucy is. Well, we only have to keep our
eyes open and not be afraid to de the thirg that is right
am just. You always do the latt e1". Sometimes
you don't see the whole th ing. I always see it but em

0 ower rlly a‘bo ut a. cting . I f I am f0 1‘ given fo 3* el. 1 my

cowardice I will never be so any more.

COTE? Elly your S ,

,fi/W/W W




 National A? *primn Woman gmffmgp Azfinriafinn

(M« r National Council of Women and International Woman Suflrage Alliance)

:resicijnl, if)“. (.IAnnaRHolleg Shaw, 505 Fgflh it“? NePw York City. ‘ 1“ 1“" ’ Recording Secretary, Ella S. Slcwan,

its! icc resi cni, ac e osler Avery. warl map. a. ,

Second Vice President. Florence Kelley, 5464 1565““ A“ cm“ "L
105 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harrie! Taylor Uplon. Warren. Ohio.

Corresponding Secrelary, Frances Squire. Potter. 505 Filth Ave New York Ci! . .
. ‘ . -. , y . . (Laura Clay, l89 N. M1“ 31., Lexmalon. Ky.
505 RM] AVE" New York C‘ly' Aurlllols. lAlice Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mass.


.T-Iarr‘h 2-4:, ,iSlO.

Miss Clay:—

Vour letter of Ilia-troh 72rd duly received. Ind ed,
your request did not displeese me at all. Of course,
when you give that money to Oklzithome. the Iletimdel Treasury
doesn't get it. But Miss D'iruoe left that money
to you to he used as you ea J i‘it. This see-ins to be the
most important thing to you and I do not see whose business
it is.

I have Wrought my own machine and my own stenographer
up to the house, end cannot tell Vithout {3:0 ing dorn to the

O ffice or doing a. lot of telephoning whether that intireet

has been "paid or not. I will look it up and let you know.

As I have no Association Cheeks here, I am sending Dr. Ruth
Gray my personal cheek for 360. I am do ing this to


avoid delay. I am enclosing; ‘fliss- Shaw's letter, which has
just come. Please return it the minute you have
read it. I am senfing it because I am so pressed for time
I cannot copy parts about Oklahoma.

The reason I had not sent her the note for signed:
ture was I understood her to say she would not sign it, and

I thought it was us eless to go on with the negotiation.

Cor d i8. 11 y yours


 Natinnal Amerimn Mnman gmffragv Afianfiafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, 505 Fifth Ave” New York City.

Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore. Pal .

Second Vice Presidenl. Florence Kelley, ‘ 5464 Jeflerson Ave. Clncago. “L
I05 East 22nd Street. New York Cily. NATIONAL HE‘ADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

Corresponding Secreiary, Frances Squire Potter, 505 F“) A N Y k Cl . . ,.
505 m Am. New m 0., ‘ 6‘” °' ‘Y Auditors: {testified-91Wate-meet“.Mm.

Recording Secrclaw, Ella S. Slewarl.



Dee-r Miss Clay:—

I em sending you Mrs. Boyer ls letter, I
presume you Insure hm? this same i1"formeti0 n. I haVO
told. her that I was so oppoese? to he}? gsr'tmting to
Oklahom. until everything was perfectly elear am in
writing, as to whet shoulfi he ione. I have told her

the mat ter will he votezl on in Executive
ee probably, 8110 then it will be settled.
tolfi he t that the t mdeney among our workers

more enl more agai nst campaighs . I have also

tolfl, he :r.‘ that you think we only have to leave 2“. Irejority

of the votes cast on the amendment am“ that Mrs. Avery

thinks we have to have a majority of the votes cast at

the election. That we hett er have that matter settled.
I hate to have Miss Shem say that I voted against this
Oklahoma work. I simply said. I was in favor of it if we
knew the re the money mm coming; from, hut it did seem to
me as if I ooulcln't stand. another seige of the Oklahoma

folks begging on one hand and Miss Shem scolding: on the

other . Cordielly yo or s,

7W fflngW




Two Useful Clippings




Millie’s Recipe

The wonderful variations our little
maid played upon a simple and inex—
pensive rule for cake became quite a
joke in the family, and all our cakes
and puddings were familiarly known
as “Millie’s Recipe.”

The rule is one tablespoonful of but—
ter, three fourths of a cupful of sugar,
one egg, one half cupful of milk, one
cupful of flour and two teaspoonfuls of

Sometimes, Millie’s cake recipe ap—
peared as a plain steamed pudding with
a well-flavored sauce.

Sometimes as a cup pudding, with a
spoonful of jam or preserve placed in
the bottom of the cup. A spoonful of
rich cranberry-sauce, alternating with
a spoonful of the batter, then steamed,
was a prime favorite.

Another way was to bake it in a
square pan, cut it in two and fill with
a rich custard. When baked in gem-
pans there seemed to be no end to the
varied possibilities. Besides plain cup
cakes, the addition of a little cocoanut,
spice, Currants, figs, dates or prunes al—
tered the character of the cakes entire—
ly, not to speak of the changes achieved
by the use of frosting of different
colors and flavors. The small cakes
were nice to serve with canned or pre—
served fruit at luncheons and were al—
ways acceptable at five—o’clock tea.
Millie often served the cakes as des—
sert, the ones containing fruit or spice,
steamed and brought to the table with
a hard or liquid sauce. The cocoanut
and plain cakes were served cold, with
cream, custard, or scooped out and
filled with lemon or grape-fruit mar»
malade.~C[a/'a Cor/wane Cody in
[Voman’s Home Companion for April.

At the Door

One day the front»door bell at Our
house rang loudly. Aunt Sabriny, col—
ored, who has lived with us for more
than three decades, and knows all our
visitors, hurried off to the door. We
heard her in conversation a moment,
and then she came back, vouchsafing
no explanation.

“\Vho was it, Aunt Sabriny?” I in-

"Aw, jus’ some1fool pusson lookin’
fer the wrong number,” she said.—
M'om W'mlmzfx Home Companion for

A pril.


 Natinnal 311121111111 135111111111 gvuffragp 91521111111th

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Preaidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave.. New York City. @flfl‘ffl ll Recording Secrelary Ella S. Slewart
First Vice President, Rachel FosterKAfivery. Swarlhmore, Pa. 5464 Jefferson Ave Chicago lll
Second Vice President. Florence e ey, ’ '
105 East 22nd SlreeL New York cny. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
Corresponding Secrdary, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave" New York Cily
505 Fifth Ave. New York City.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Uplon. Warren, Ohio.

. 3 La Cl y. 189 N Mll 5L. Lexingl n Ky.
Audrlorx. {Aliuc'ea Sloane Blackwell l6 Beacon StrSel. Boslon. Mass.



I thank you very much 3 2 w , Tainotine's addres..
to know
1518 Shaw 'TT 9 11' u: w:; and then
made her iromise
myth 1. ” 3
ybod; ,1 _5~ LL?’ 3‘. 3m m’oe no?

0 7i ‘ think she probal

LIGALR .‘J.,. l _ out; COI] ’:~:3!}'311,1

now ana3

’1en Are. 2 a 3 a ”E z ‘“ 1”f ‘ ‘ n4 1 . 3 longer

serve under

T t11_1,f

fime when they should stand by their guns, and I brought
more 3 “r hag? on Mrs. AVer not to do it.

peOIL e urge ”1“ . 1: ~;% 5 for Erosideab
feelirg that w' z _. wholly unequal to the pogiif
and that things got worse, hatred mo1e te rib ie between

Eew York people, made peoyle urge Mrs. Averw to run for

' U

ITS 8*5eflfi People thought She wag the only porgon who



Sno took it unfler adviserent for

concluded it was asking too much of her.

S 11:: w 1:" orite (1 upon
she is e llivall
is pretty well
to be Corresyoniirg Secrets"
she be Irec'flent end mrs. Avery Corresponfling
have no Heedquarters' clerk.

seemefl to think this was quite e 7505 scheme. I saw
through it imr1eliately. he flies Scan 50 es to Europe and
is away from the Offi mce a great deal, as Mrs. Avery has
the habit of working like mad for a few weeks and then
stopping for two or three weeks, Kiss Anthony would be in
charge of neadquarters and of all our precious affairs.
I cal ed Mrs. Avery's attention to this and told her what
it meant, and she said, yes, that that was wept they thought;
Miss 811a2 could then have I11cy. Mrs. Avery told Miss
Shaw in Lucy's yresenée tim1t Iucy was not acceptable to
the Busine s Committee in a business we y and that she knew
she was not competent, whereupon Miss Shaw said that she
was the most competent person that she knew of and talked
that Way right before Lucy. Mrs. Avery has wobbled
hetWeen being President, resigning from Vice presifient and
CorreSn'onaing Secretary, until she does not know where she

stands. I have told her I was not in favor of her

for Corresponding Secretary if she was not going to take

the Headquarters away from Miss Shaw. Yesterday

Elizabeth was to spend with Mrs. Avery, ans ‘ think they


 would then decide What place mrs. Avery had better take.

I realize I was selfish to urge her to stay on the Board

for 1 was doing it for m: own sake and it has occurred to

me that it might beAwell if she went off. She

simply can not stand out when Miss Shaw is concerned

because she says she pulls on her heart strings 30.

Well, I will let you know as soon as I know
anything, because surely we want to keep things in as
good shape as we possibly can.

I understand both Mrs. Belmont and Mrs. Mackay
are to be at the Convention, and that since Miss Shaw has
known Mrs. Belmont was to be there she has had more
courage. Mrs. Maokay, I also understand, is to
be a candidate for fresident. I do not khow whether

this is absolutely true or not.

Cordially yours,