xt70rx937t9n_102 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_17/Multipage4524.pdf 1910 March 1-14 1910 1910 March 1-14 section false xt70rx937t9n_102 xt70rx937t9n National Amrrimn Woman gmfi’ragp Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suflrage Alliance)

Prear'denl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave.. New York City. L \ Recording Secretary, Ella S. Slewall.
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore, Pa. 5464 Jefferson Ave. Chicago, “I.

Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley, ‘ ‘
l05 East 22nd Slreel. New York City. NATlONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Uplon, Warren, Ohio.

Corresponding Secrelaru, Frances Squire P0118“ 505 Fifth Ave., New York City . La Clay 189 N. MI] 5:. Lexingt n. Ky.
505 Film AVE" NEW York CilY- Auditors: lAlil: Stone, Blackwell. l6 Beacon Strait. Boston. Mass.


March 2,1910
Dear Miss Clay,Mrs. Stewart and Miss Blackwell,

It has been a long time since I wrote you any gossip
in regard to curiae; Association. There is hardly a day that
something does not transpire which you ought to know and of
which I have learned but have not time to write you. I was
sick in bad all day yesterday and have been leading up to that
condition for sometime. Mrs. Kelley was in Youngstown Saturday
and I went down to see her. She had not heard anything from
Headquarters and I told her what I knew. It seems that Miss
Shaw is very much better than she has been in months. Mrs.
Potter, as Mrs. Stewort knows, has been very sick and is not
going to be able to do wish between now and convention time
except a little office work. She had to cancel all of her an-
gagements. Wasn't that a pity?

Mrs. Mackay has given out to the papers that she
is not auxiliary to our association, that we had no business to
put her name on the letter head, and that she has an association
quite as important and as much ofa national character as ours
is. You know how I stood on that auxiliaryship question. But
maybe it was Just as well that Miss Shaw took that upon herself
because if she had. not people would have said that if we had

let Mrs]. Mackay in to our association she would not have



formed an association of her own. , So all's Well that ends well.
Mrs. Harper and Miss Shaw lave had some sort of a falling out.
This is not the first time. They have been spatting back and
forth for a number of weeks now. The other day Mrs. Harper
went into Miss Shaw's room for something and when she came back
she said that she was never going into Miss Shaw's room again;
that Miss Shaw insulted her every time she appeared there. I
do not get this information from Elizabeth. She never tells me
anything about matters in the press bureau. In the meantime
Mrs. Belmont has gotten disgusted with all the quarreling and
the fussing and she left the office the other day, went home and
wrote Mrs. Harper 8. note saying she could work better at home
and flat she would not be back. This made Miss Peck and some
of the rest in Headquarters a little anxious because they say
Mrs. Belmont has been in the office every day she was'in town
since last September. It seems Mrs. Harper tried to write a i
conciliatory letter and make things all right, but was not

very successful.

Mrs. Maokay has withdrawn from the New York Legisla-
tive Committee and I think she said she was through with them.
I am not positive about this. Mrs. Maokay was sad because Mrs.
Belmont was allowed to arrange 111s March 9th. Albany meeting.
Mrs. Mackay. was also mad because she had arranged this first
hearing, and after everything was all arranged, Mrs. Belmont
put up some bulletins showing the difference in wages paid

to men and women and in this list were the telegraph com-

panies, showing how poorly mmen were paid. Mr. and Mrs.



Maekay went into the meeting, and as they largely own the

telegraph companies of the United Stat es, Mrs. Mackay was
furious and it is said that Mr. Maokay had hard weak to hold
her down to keep her from going in there and having the workmen
tear down the banners. So as I read it, Mrs. Belmont is cross
at Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Harper is cross at Miss Shaw,Mrs. Maokay
will have nothing more to do with the New Yolk State society
and Miss Shaw is out of patience with Mrs. Mackay because she
is organizing National societies in states where we have
associations, and altogether it is a beatuiful, sweet state of

Mrs. Belmont is likewise mad at the New York
association. In the meantime, the question of woman's ad—
vancement goes on.

Miss Beck writes me that she is not going to serve
another year and she wants to tell Miss Shaw so that things can
he planned early. She may,howeverm change her mind after she
sees Mrs. Potter, although it is Mrs. Potter who is urging her
to leave. Mrs. Potter is very wretched and she is going to rest
a year and she wants Miss Peek torest too.

I think we will arrive at a better conclusion what
to do if we know these things as they happen. I must say I
have given no guessing. I have heard indirectly that Miss
Shaw was going to run Mrs. Belmont for Treasurer. But I do not
think there is anything in this.

I am going'to send the Business Committee a letter

in regard to the Treasurer’s work in a few days. I am just

giving you this gossip so you will be ready when the tattle
is on.

HTU*A Cordially yours ,


 National Amprimn iflflnman gmfl’ragp Assnriatinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave.. New York City.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore. Pu. ,
Second Vice President. Florence Kelley, ' 5464 Jefferson Ave, Clncago. ”1'

Recording Secretary, Ella S. Stewart,

105 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Secretary, Frances Squire Potter, 505 Fill) A . N Y rk Cl
505 Fifth Ave. New York City. ‘ ve’ ew ° 1"

Treasurer. Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

. . Laura Clay. l89 N. Mill 31.. Lexington. Ky.
Ammo”. {Alice Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Man.


March '7 .1910

Dear Miss Clay,

Miss Shaw_thinks that our vote to borrow a thous—
and dollars for Oklahoma is sufficient to warrant out
borrowing your thousand dollars, regardless of whether
there is a special or a general election. Therefore
the majority of the committee will be Willing to sign
Mr. Upton's note, which seems to suit you, and it will
soon get around to you. If you are Willing to send me
the thousand dollars before that note reaches you,trust~
ing me to make it right in case anything slips, I mean
of course officially, I shall be glad to have you do so.
Miss Shaw does not seem to know what to do about Okla-
homa. She really has bothered with so many little things
that she is hardly fit to grapple with such a big one and
I do not know as any of us would be. At least two mem-
bers of the committee feel, I am told, that it is utterly
useless to proceed there if there is to be a general elec—

tion. However, you will hear about this from Miss Shaw

in a few days I think, because Mrs. Avery is going to

New York to help her decide some important things.

HTU*A WW / ®w% W50


 National Amerimn moment y‘sufi’ragv Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fillh Ave. New York City. mi" 'L Recording 5601“,th Ella S. Slewan.

First Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Alivery. Swarthmore. Pa. 5464 Jefferson Ave. Chicago, lll.
d V' P ’cI 1, Fl K , ' _

5550” "e ’5“ ‘3" lggcgastezezynd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harrier Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohm.

Corresponding Secrclam. Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave., New York City A (1' . {Lama Clay. l89 N. Mill 5," Lexington. Ky.
505 Fifth AWL. New York CiIY- :1 Hon. Alice Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street. Boston, Mass.


March 7,1910

Dear Miss Clay and Miss Blackwell,

I am going to ask you a question Which you are
at liberty to answer or not. I do not know as it is any
of my business. I feel sure whatever you do, both of you,
you do honestly and fairly. Why do you give money direct

to the Oklahoma campaign, as you have done ever since

it began, instead of sending it through the treasury?

I think the moral effect is not very good. Mrs. Boyer is
an extremely extravagant person. I always shiver when

I get her bills. For instance, in the one which has just
come, she pays $5 00 a box for carbon paper which we get
for $1 25. Formerly she did not consult us in regard to
expenditures and it always troubled me greatly. But

now that we all know she is extravagant, that her ideas
are great, entirely too great according to my notion, but
still We hired her, I do not think we ought to complain
to_he£ about her'bills. It never did any good when I

did it before and now I think we are responsible and not
she. When you send her money direct, as you have Just
sent $500 00, she does not feel that the National was
giving that, and she feels that she can have just as

nmch from the National as if she did not have that.



have not nentioned this to any of the rest of the Board

but i would like to know if yot. do not see it in this
light. When we used to have campaigns on, I always had
some Unney tucked away which we could use, the Banker
bequest, the Hussey bequest or the Lewis gift, &0. but \
now we are absolutely down to bed rock. We owe the
Thomas Garrett Fund $1000 00, (of course they will not
press that) and I have in my desk bills amounting to
about $800 00 and have no money with which to pay

them. I am writing the official board in regard to
this and Will not elaborate on it here, but I am won—
dering if you do not see the above matter as I do. I

shall be glad to hear from you in regard to it.

Cordially yours,


I] / r .1 ,
(ism/”WVM a


 Natimml Amrrimn mnman gmfl‘ragv Asturiafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave., New York City.

First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmore. Pa. .

Second Vice President, Florence Kelley, 5464 Jefferson Ave. Chicago. “1'
|05 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio

Corresponding Secrelary, Frances Squire Potter, 505 Fifth Ave New York Cit
. . -. y . Laura Clay l89 N. Mill St. Lexington. Ky.
505 F‘hh Ave.. New York Cm” Audi/or: {Alice Stone Blackwell 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mass.

Recording Secretary. Ella S. Stewart.


March 7,1910
Dear Wiss fllsy,

I lrve really not told vou to what extent pressure
has been brought to bear on me to stand ;for p.resident.
It has been awful. find I lave been.terribly unhappy in
reggird to it. "he mire I know of the nnnrgement of
headquarters under Miss thaw, the more I know that somebody
ought to stand against her. I have had to ndmit,however,
that I am not brave enough.to do it. The condition has
absolutely made me ill, but sitar writing many letters,
and begging nzd pleading, I have gotten these oeonle
to say they will not hailing propose my name in any form.
No one knows how this relieves me. .t allows me to be
free to stand ibr the separation of headquarters fn3m
hiss Shaw, for the election of some one else for president
if possible, and for the elimination of Lucy Anthony from
our work. I mean from our headquarters. It seems almost
necessary for us to choose our second vice nresident from
New York city. Therm is talk thst Mrs. Belmont will run.
People seem to agree that Anna Garlin dpencer, who is a mem-
ber of nearly all New Vork associations, is not affiliated
with any faction, would hive nmch back bone to stand up for
what is right. I think she would make a good candidate.
Some peonle even su:w 59st her for president. Mrs. 'very
he s refused to stand for corresponding secretary principally
because riiSS Shaw will not agre e to having the headquarters
separated. from Mrs. Belmont;snd Elizabeth who seemed to be
the despised one at “cattle, and whom Miss Shaw said she
did not want to inve in Headquarters, has been asked by
Miss Shaw to stand for corresponding sec. etary. This she
has refused to do. hrs. Harper will not be cna.innan of
the press work aid it is doubtful if Elizabeth will be milln
ing to take her place. So at this writing, after nine
months of trial, Miss Shaw and Mrs. Belmont stand d_one in
our great headquarters on 5th. avenue.

My ihther is better and if nothing happens I now

etpect to leave for “s shin3ton Sunday night.

I meant to write you yesterday to send the books “by
Express to me at the ~rlingtgn. __‘

Giordizfl 1y y01rrs,
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 Warren, Ohio, Murch 7,1910

Dear Member of the Official Board,

At Seattle we voted to allow the ,_F"reei€xe31t a
stenogrepher at {-315 00 a week; You will remember I feared
this would not be a sufficient sum, hut Mrs. Kelley, who had
so long her“: an office in New York, assured us: that she had
neVer paid more than that and tm.t her girls n16. staifl with
her almost indéfinitely. Miss Shaw therefore sent
order to pay her stenographer {$15 00 9. week and tint was;
on file in my office. When She really began l ark, She found
that she could not get a suitable stewardrim-121191" 1‘01" that amount
emit rs Belmont agreed. to pray the :38 00‘ a. vista}: differ ance for
a year, giving Miss. Lihaw check for the :‘smoimit. life sent

taken in

there from sales, 1-1116!

saw that Miss Shaw's

week from our funcle. I. 1 ‘~ 'm :' '1 ‘r became I
feared it wee not legal e116 thxt L "may 13.311321“; 1213.0. l how—
ever, stretched my conscience or tiu'm; fire, hecam‘se Tupi“; I
armed up the amount that had her—h merit for sienogrsiwh'}; and;
divided by the number of weeks, I fmmfl, i _::

or the average was about right. _é.i"ter oi. ,1 ': meeting,

Miss Shaw weote me that beginning the first o" the ycar I was

to 17-51:? her etenog‘f‘r-‘xh‘her 313318 00 e, avec‘ar‘. I '37:". 311:1 toll her
I would he very glad to do it _ J; -. Qom~

mittee Mould. want to do


 Natinual Amm'imu 133111113111 Smff‘agr Aaanriafinn.



help her in any way they could and that I wishefl she would send

out a vote and when it wee refurned make me e

did not seem to think a vote was neceSSHry. You will remrmber
the question of Mrs. Belmont's $5 00 a week was brought up at
the New York meefiiny. ”ode; T Wm in receipt of a letter from

Mien “haw enclosing a bill for firi ‘?i f” \F a gflflitional

3flfifh€r for!+fl%t weeks fnnfiaan
sends me a new order for For clerk of thaf salary. Finoc Lhe
let. of January .e huVC been serding V‘ee Shaw p15 00 a wee?

.VAJAI'I e ..

for he? efienogrugher and I en poeefi rte Iai neon 151mg fihe
money-riieh fire. fielmont gave her to ;:; whe fiiffemence.
will wriue Miss Shaw egain about #hie and handle if as care-

fully as I ‘ and ask her to wut'okw a, f; Jegerfi to it,

"but in case s}m 1m LL not, \flmxt eh I to (w)? 3:?a. .Etzontinue

to ggy L'e W15 00 as voted or will you pledge yourseIVee to

vote 40x V*' } 00 when L can bring it up in 9he business
Committee -'97’ : at hashington? I cannot take votes, but
of 00138 I could bring such a nutter before our boiy. my
one desire in this waiter is to do t.e thing which i am law.

fully empowered to do.

Uordially yours,

/ / ,fl siézfi/ i;
”,i/J‘J \ / I, ,/,/ /fl
fivbmmw OW W V/ L

C @M

.. *.


 National Amrrimn woman Smfi'ragv Assuriatinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave.. New York City. W“!- L' ' Remnfing Secrelaw, Ella 5. Shaw“...

First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore. Pa. . .

Second Vice Presidcnl, Florence Kelley, ‘ , t I 5464 Jeflerson Ave. CI‘llCaED. “l.
105 East 22nd Street, New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Secrelary, Frances Squire Potter, 505 Fifth Ave. New York City
505 Fifth Ave. New York City. I

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

. , Laura Cl y. I89 N. MI] 51., Lexington. Ky.
Auditors. Alice Sloane Blackwell. l6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mass.



March 10,1910

Dear Miss Clay,

Miss Blackwell has had indigestion which affected
her heart and she is not able to do much work. I have
written her in regard to auditing the books and she and
I both think that you better ask someone in Lexington to
help you with the auditing. That is, agpoint an auditor
pro tem. If you get an accountant or someone who cannot
work without pay, Miss Blackwell will be very glad to
reimburse her. I think this is by far the best thing
we can do. The books are ready to go to you and I have
been waiting for some receipts from Miss Shaw. I wrote
her again yesterday and wrote also to Mrs. Stewart think—
ing possibly Mrs. Stewart had sent them to Mrs.Stewart,
telling them both they must get them here at once.

Mrs. Avery is here for a day or two. I wish I
could see you. Things are developing so fast that I
cannot any longer keep up the gossip with you. I am
hoping something will turn up at Eashington to make things
easier; but of one thing I am convinced, that if Miss Shaw
is reelected president, we simply must have Headquarters
taken away from her or take her away from the Headquar-
ters. It is possible that we may take them to Washington.

ucy is laying her plans to have a person in Headquarters
who will be amenable to herself and Miss Shaw, and then when
this correSponding secretary is away or indisposed, Lucy
will haVe the management. At Seattle I let three or four
important things go by without taking my stand, a stand
which I now know I ought to have taken. 1 never will
do it again no matter What the circumstances areand I
never will vote to give power to Lucy Anthony or to
elect anybody to any office who will be dominated ny her.
I consider her the nnst harmful person we have in our
ranks. Mrs. Avery does not agree with me about this.

She thinks she is harmful but she things Mrs. Harper has
done us more harm than anyone else. She does not think
Mrs. Harper can help it and she says she is not immoral,
she is just unmoral. I presume these things are planned
for us in a certain way and we may get sons lesson from
them,but unless we are pretty steady headed and pretty
vuolent, the association certainly will go to pieces. I
told Elizabeth this sometime ago and she hardly believed
me but now she writes that she thinks unless something
resuscitates us, the old National association has it
has been will not live long. She ought to know.

Cordially yours,


 Warren, Ohio March 10,1.
Dear Herbs? of the Official ooard;“

I 1n1Ve lfiiljts 'to 1110 {Won tot <11” ebcwlt 38713 F”) 137136
in my basket unraifi. I have no money with which to pay them.
We owe ttw ‘“om derrett “un.d : thinennd Collots, hut of course
we “1117. not be yressed or 131 at. l have amxealed to :711 the
peofile tho have 11»1Le due m~d f3+LPTPR in evetwthin» I pass 1.
hly can from that souro e 1 en hen din money irr flout? Dakota
and am having very good mo oer-2r: 1'131: it, not {gettin‘ large
sumsbbut getting 0 goodly number of ~o11 sums from frflhlf in
the states Where there 1'...“ not 1717.01: .ot‘ve L’Iorl' (no that T. :10 not
feel that we are robbing we trr'to 1 aoul. . To_o 0:1 a person
who m 7 norfiloiy 11;Ln no n thinr‘ rod dollars tho. i
1 18ve vritten to ask her if she tonld do this. 1 sh
tlot will clear my on? inotltednors, hwt fill leave Q
befo1e our annual meeting v‘thout an; money to meet mar ohliga~
tions. I usually count on leflO 00 to he used at oonvontion
time. 00 he sure, we get heck pert of this in pledges and in
other vFRY“, but we have to E~vo the Gish to start with. To must
pey hotel bills, hall rent, printing -


fl wrest.


.3 .w ‘ .1.-
)_=..“ WEEmF‘

54:0 .

Then there is the Oklahoma oaMpaignp Er Boyer
writes me that she has reoeived @500 00 from tvo ”rienlv 721$.
she will use to put some lOUel Workers into the Congressiolal
districts, but that will ltst onl7 siX weeks. "he 597s ttut
will leave us the expenses oi headquarters in Oklahoma. to grovide
for. Mrs. Boyer sends the hi] 1 ior her 07% (e33enses, fill 15, and
for the Headruerters exoeDSe s ior about a month :nd a hell,

3120 75. Extenees o: this Kind will have to he met uy to conven—
tion time and of course after that the amount will he much more,
because people will he in the field, provided of course we

carry on the campaign.

1 have not troubled you about 11119, hoping 111 the
time something would trans ire to ielieve the situation. have
had to heve an extra stenogrepher, Whom oi Course I have
myself. I have had to do ttis or cease the oiroularizing
South Dakota campaign.

We have Miss :enfield's salary and miss 1reg5's salary
and the 1ntter.is planning to do a fiTeet deal of additional tork
I hear. Miss Peniield says that the folks in Headquarters
in South Dakota are working double time and thet they really
ought to have some more help. when we 737 Mrs. Ezekiel 7100 00
.a month for petition sundries and rent. And of course there are
the deadquerters expenses, &c. 1 am mentioninu in this list only
the thing we which we lave absolutely oblig ated ourselves to pay
to tie 1st. oi -Mqr. .

I hate studied ands tudied the finance es to trv to gind
out Why it was that Withour getting so much from the Thomas
Garrett 1und and with JJs. belmont paying all 01 the LXPBDSBS


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 ogrrmn, Ohio,

I 51m eor y WSL 1.:1 S SANTOS SS‘“ 11* S vote
(gliizoflion oi‘ .~;: 1. Z‘~'..ri- ‘ooc 2.111516.“ S: '1 ’ mud; 1.119.
my to soUIr " ,: Wealtlee certain
gngOPTiQtiOfiS SSS =Son5 SMrS SSS fl 4 3“ ; SSS? for your
clerk hire. You "111 rpmemoor I R,I S3; think it was
enon 1 2833 no“ I S; more than 7 '23 “1 11am; 3 be mace
11.0( h“3 SESS you Shou1fi havc a 9 o k hiTG S necessary.
I haw 1112.1? 5:0 have an ev‘tra 016.1% 119379 pair}. hi“? myself,
anfi ShiS, $056116? 111: tM 1% ix thick I usefi to be
1 loweo Shn oomYSittvS, SSTS :1 -3 SESstror'S Salarv.
1S treSSurer, I cannot wa' ,vw Saucy Shioh
I can 38? you the 3 9.?“ 1 7:21 3K5 bring
the ousineSS Commitieo St Maehifigton, Where _ 1
be vo ea, if you brefer to :SVS if Some tSSt WSz‘ SomeVel,
30m S11 I car hear, She convehfiion of lflfl . =-. Join; to
be 2 love feaSt, SSS S11 fbw 11111S Ibings W‘ 35 SSE b9
olenreq out on no 1Sy_bsfore Ska? time ouggd to receive

1 Sid not know that there waS any vote taken at the
York meofiiny which SSSS it impoSrible for Lucy to So

,.. which you n ntefi done. In tY.o ' ;3ragraph in which
you m:1?e thiS 4H1omowf you say * W 's wholly unneceSSSry
eYnonoP, for MG