xt70rx937t9n_101 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_16/Multipage4461.pdf 1910 January-February 1910 1910 January-February section false xt70rx937t9n_101 xt70rx937t9n Warren, Ohio, Jan. 55, 1910.

Dear Member of the. Official Board:—

If any of you he op the copy of the I-iinutes which
Mrs. - Stewart has jus t sent us , 17183.1 so add my name "so the list
of those- present at the opening: of the Busine so Committee
me eting.

I am also sending; you a little fimnoi‘al statemn‘b

which you can paste, in if you want to. J. told Ad‘s.

Stewart I would acid an item or two to those which I pre sented
at the meeting Ema I did not hive time ‘uo do that whe n I
was in New York. ‘5 mififi be mogul to have it there.

I. know you will delighted to know that Miss Greg
has collected more money this last month then her erpenses
amountecl to. This is what she 31 ways hopes: and wants
to do but in some fields it is: hard to accomplish.

Cord. 1151,1137 your 3 ,

HTU/AD‘V ‘ /W7m3/W ‘


 Warren, Ohio, Jan. 5, 1910.

Dear Miss Clay encl Miss Blackwellz- ‘
You know the auditors have always required that my
bank books am my other to 01:3 agree to amounts. You also

know that the re has beeneome trouble with the Headquarters

accounts and I presume you Willhe embarrassed when you come

to audit the books. ' > ' -

.I leave "been undecided whether itwae ‘beet to close
the books promptly as the Constitution demands or to keep
them open a little while so tint the Headqmer ters accounts
might be settled. After much thought, I have decicled
to abide by the law.

Beoause~ theseleficounte are not fully settled, this
statement will seem in some cases incongruous. For instance,
we will have to say on this: yeer'e'bo oke that 135500. was speint
for Heafiquerters. _ Undoubtedly some of this will be returned
but it urillhe on'ne'xt year's books. I can explain this
to the >‘Converrt ion and; I can make "a foot-note in my financiel
report so if any body looks' at it iticsm he explained. 'You
must be a little lenient. ‘ ' ' '

You see. the business grew in my hands so that little
by little each 3763?? thiuge were aficled. The fact that
1' Lucy Anthony has poWsrr‘r-l to drag; on Miss Shaw’s accouut , Ithet
fMiee ‘eck was new "and. LuCy Anthony and. iii 38 8.1;th were new'end
could not tell her What to'do, brought on this difficulty.

We muet look at this from all Sides and all must be. petieut.


Now days I try to turn matters around and. see how 3; would feel


 in the othefi fellow's “place. The m are reasons- why fih ings

are as they are, but. that flees: not make it any easier to bear.

1am calling; your attention to this: mat ter this
early So that you may be thinking: about it 8116.. lest I might

over 10 ok if. 1m: er.


Corc’i ially your 3 ,



 1 I:
_ .‘r, January $51; . 199%,“.

Hrs. Harriet T. Upton,

”arren, P.


n “9
reached home fihis n(rning from Richwonfl, 7irginia
and Found a letter from 3r$A Jenn D. ‘uite, treasurer of the Louisville

axolcsing,fik-fiw;g hfz. I have endorsed and now send to you.


It is £119 Initiomfl Baum; {3-5 Y.'1UT€% Henl’nwrs vi“ ‘ere .Louissvilie ff. R.



‘ rs. bite made the mistake of Sefiéing than to me instead of to you,

and T an exce§wingly sorry that they have failed Lo Teach yet in time

1. .a

to hon to the requrt of nvr numbers, Ike inujhvxu n. 5. now has

115 membars. They thin oar

tate Cunvention has a great 191p to them.
fou:d some letters frcm ymw uhuiiing L0 be ansmared.

a; wi_w 2; ;: ',fi& ’ *w?) a ‘5, g; a-weak extra u

for the headguurterfi stenogralhor, for.? ugree with you that it would

be & miSJake to change so short a time before our COHVEEtiOH.

In regard to powr letter makinv me if I could go to St. Louis.


I feel it is impossible for we to do so, flur :951slature meets tuis

winter and T must do somefifiéfigslative work 53d also, if possible, 7
must do sumething flar the petition. I am sorry 7 cannct be useful in
this emergenCy.

I had a fielightffll visit in Richmond, §a. I did not see #11
T did manta

of the mnmugrs of the new Virginia Asaocintion ngai‘”

Hrs. Vali


 *ahenting. T fUHNK

4.1 ~~‘,.‘. 1’
I “flat ‘ 1L,;, v

Tary unhnston, tie nut

tfle Kssooiatinn since her ffirnf

iotéor t: f.e 'TySh
interestefl unfi achiVe'wemborA f believe the ‘3‘ Lian is how on
its feet. “Rh? are to have a lantn'o by ’

. - ,7 .L . . 1.1. _ -
r11ézv. an (LG 35L: of H118

“ishing you ‘

31".“: (1 31’1": “17753

(i30'r‘fl i 9,1 —'7.," SIC-‘1}- ".->_'.’:) ,


 Natinnal Amprimn Mnman gmfi‘rage Azanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, 505 Fiflh Ave. New York City.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Fosler Avery, Swarllimore, Pa.

. . 5464 Jefferson Ave, Chicago Ill.
Second VICE Prestdenl. Florence Kelley, . .
I05 East 22nd Slreet. New York City. NAT'ONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Seen-lam, Frances Squire Potter, 505 Fifth Ave., New York City

. . . . La Cl y. l89 N. M'll SL, Lexington. Ky.
505 F‘m‘ Ave. New York on“ Auditors. l/‘Xliuc:i Sloane Blackwell. l6 Beacon Slrcel, Boslon. Mass.

Recording Secrelary, Ella S. Stewart,

Treasurer, Harriel Taylor Uplon. Warren, Ohio.



1.. .—1—.. .7'» -..~— .. .- . : ,
Clif—‘vl‘- ‘ .-. _: , ,--.,J . - ._ ...... UMIZ’MDE}.

:zmnot 3. 30111“ letter orc-yerly, the

89th. 01 December, 3' :_ ‘. unt1l.the 5 h arrlvi

couree it is ,. . ~ .g countefi on

we could not get

tie aew hook'w- _. . up. I an erclosing receipt.

ca rut .= '2. .mn; ~T the person to Whom it .hould

Naturally v ',T u .1 'L to IT‘ Shepard, but


that the Louisville Club

5 menbere?

Yes, it was splendid about the Virginia meeting

and to thing that.Mies Mary JL ~ton 19 a me1her n? the


I am wondering what you thought about Miss Shaw's

nomination of Lucy Anthony to represent the 1ational in


By the way, I know that Mrs. John D. White. Her



mher of ’E.:i A4;~‘ its when

in Congrc s ~<' mg? V s 7‘thii 'ave

occasiorally in

are the


 Natimml Amrrimn 133111116111 fiufi‘mge Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fiflh Ave, New York City. ’ 1;,
Fits! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmore. Pa.

5464 Jefferson Ave. Chicago, Ill.
Second Vice Presideni, Florence Kelley,
105 East 22nd 51m, New 110.11 C111,. NAT'ONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Secrulary, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave" New York City

. . 1 _ La Cl ,iB9N.M'lISt..Le' t .K.
505 F'flh Ave. New York C‘ly' Audilors. {Ali-21:30:11 Blackwell. l6 Beaconxgllgrfel-l, Bleon. Mass.

Recording Scerelarv, Ella S. Stewart,

Treasurer. Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.


3.111111: If 11’) , l? 10.


1 -. 7. ~. 1 . . ,
11011 1; 113101-11 11s you 7:1..-11 De :1.i‘1t131'1'e rated- in fine



5111131 119' c- e'r1.1.1' 1.16311
"1‘0 try '17: have 11113 at: =1" :1 1.- j .:_2.1-:e in the
775221.9111 1115; i; e 11
i110:r.‘~'.:‘=.sed = 330111, E :1 quite
11m iit'imn". ” e 7 ' - mi: 1:151 61"1’1’101‘5371100 vii-'1; h the

L‘ .L

{feyortere in nthie 17.519. 'ixi'12-1'i; “ ' "V ? no *1. of

'thinge 111151. '- I did not ,‘oelieve aim-i7 “.- munii 12;; relied


upon the ne1'*1x1::»:gef1-"e as we do in the East. 7 0 "be 11er("l/1~w W)


using; divorcee, T to}; of CORTES, ii. ins-1° 1m-.ori:u~


1311111, 30 1111113. ?_ .5 “C“, Buffy: age were ziivoreerl but

1 .

in 111:? 11111167. it 11:01:13 11. 1:0 live 17.111711 men 1.11110
;1‘<‘1user.‘1 them 530.1- ‘iJh-z raj-1e 21211. .5? p120 pile.
(We 11011v eie e 011 the 33011.11‘1'1'1

1111i. 11019 the 'T‘T'O‘SI‘ 01‘1" ,vei'v

to TSDOTI‘t .‘LLTrijjf'i'Z‘fiii'ig to 1311117 one.

4m. Avery has been 1ie

.11 f0: 111.. .3116; 1'110 1ee

.1 “1.1 ,~ - .1 TZ'. ”.3 ,. . , 1 ._ .1

L... 1,0 .1511. ._ 11. . . 11111, 1 .15711111-3 Lie . ,_ 1.111111 1.0
511111116. 1711.111 119.3711 111i'i711 rze . {She 31:11.93 1.11:1"1'515‘311

11.110111 11121. 15111 up he :1: mind not - to 13%;;11-31. :‘13’0 1‘ re ~e lee -

‘tion nerd; time. I have v1.1.3.1. uen heir noi: to corrm11111ie11te


 1 I "r"

to "fine 130111“: 11115111 .1. 1313713

[1 pg

h111.:.e11 e‘1“fl0111‘1r‘l :E’rrr' 1 £11., means
01'11‘1'1" .: ~: (5"; -- "1.": 1? 3-1216.

11.1.13 (:3

‘17:) e “erL‘L‘tevov91:21'32911191‘11:

l. .L.‘

(011111 1.1191 .
J: 510 I'm-‘1;

' r . ~ 11.“. .J.'1 ..
J O W: 1111:5371 1,171,191 WG'

WTJ' 13317171:

"1711'hO 1.71:9, 1: V 1?: H3?
sutis 111,01;ny J30 'JSJlE-ETEE, 110 read, proof on frog-31%?- 8 1:71.16. C 01116.
C10 any kinfl oi" \mirk, 3.111;“. 3111:; s: i ; asked “rs. Avery to
is 110‘; 13101131113 '30 Jim?" and she
”£70 (1319 CJlélele her and, 311183 N ‘i clone so.
"all 1397:” 362017137 awful. I 'thj.1'1k it is getting
knovm thm11gh~out "the (30:11'11'q1u1ifi3r became 4 52,111 hav 11'1- s 0
many let‘mr fro 111 pewple thanking», me for 37 past war 1:: and
81-,13rir11f»; they know something is wzm 113-: 30:36 where and all sorts
of things. I cam 1. 3,1”; :31370111‘1-5'1 this vr:i_t‘1*10ut
committing; , "“. 14.31131'1‘1'1 inf}; “131' J;’J,1‘1n.J-:ingfiller; for their
1171111111163 3 S .
0124,33 , you know I am not 1-1
$31-13; “Chit ifh 11-1133 so 3111 v (2‘1"31' Hark to me


mm: “pm $361111 13051.3":71 i 8 com SIDE d.

C 01117.: . J_J.3r grom‘s,



is: 3.33 1:: We 3“


11:20:" 33:73 33.131633: 9 : 1:333:13.

11.231335}: ii: 33333.3 3.33.: 913‘:

{ET-hem}: 3,303.": g7 0333:


hi: 3.3.




{23:3 “3371(1655

1212333 3333.33. 3311333133397 333‘; :3.

3:03.: 3:393:33 "I30 (if; :11}; thing 3.313; I: a":

310 , 3‘3 . Upton, 33633333331013 tell

if: 113:: one or We Other , {like

ficient +313:er 333333.213}. “he :3: e039}.

3323:3711 may (3203!. 9:32.38 :30.

he :1 336’} (13:37 11032106. ”531301113

11.23.535.333: 3703:6333 tel-Very (3:31;? 331:3

- the 13:33;

91:13:13.5: 133832310, 3323. 3": fzr'1'3131fih37fig33

of enemas

go :3 :2. 03-33333: ign. The r 11::

our favor :3 $3.1m


the: V101}? fear

mere: 133133.635: the: if; 3.333.353,

(3:313:37. We are 3.33 :3. splenfiid

present governmem hes been 3303mm,

310 3.1513. party.
Republicem 13.3333 gaming; 130 133311; 3133

800 3.1112133.“


"I33 0 3 3:33:33
he: 1.1!

3 33:30.13].

3.11:1 3.331333333121-
re W32
2*; :3 3363553113333 331933311013. pmvifiefi.
3233311333 “‘30

:30 megnen’cly 3.: 3:331:33 vote

Chev will {grasp 33.33 333333335 for help.

claimthegr will 33.223733 :3 33013 :3 of 520,000 I: the: y

3333.3713333, 331. Jam. 10.19.10

mturdz 333. 13; 33133.33 inaeefi.

re 0:: .3336: £13. ed and :3


323333133331 over 333:3 33:33:32 33:31.23 33033333.

“ij co ngrumfimsi «73313.3.

33033133313513 :13 33‘

333N153 W

53:33.“. the 403,300 73133313333313.3633":

ele etion” .‘L 33-033. :30

I‘Qffilju; tr: election vote on it.
last mimzte

1111131 1 the '5‘3‘181311332‘

men were .3123. con-—


3‘: 33:31: :3 35.033. sea

election 11... we 03311330313133.3313

fines it will probably

we have “333333.13 (3149633231) 033 we 33.3.39.

3.": ' 33113.3 S :ince

me :3

it» 1:35?) . 3'5de)" .

“35033 work md :95 33:31:33 :30

they 3:311 me, I feel vm Regeful

Wee (33:33: 133123 up 3.:

he one 311313331: very much in

effixmre 5.33 52.011333; 3:31:33: 23‘:
.maguirez‘E €30
1333:3336 to “work: 330113102331137. The
gr.» fling, ans: miefectory

the fight- :33’ their lives.

{3 me


 page 2

pretty ncen knowing. Five out of ten ~— and two I am un~
certain of besides —— pf the democratic condidatee for gov—
ernor, are suffragists. Nearly all the talked of republi—
cans candidates are. They are using evefy effort to get
Dennis Flynn to be a cumiidete and if he coneente we will have
a strong friend. there.

I receivefi a telegram from fire. Boyer Saturaefi 3.x.
from.flew York énfiuiring about fiime of election so I sngpose
they were holfiing on.ibr that. l n It makes me frantic to
think of only 6» aaye to get her here -- locatede— at work—-

and carry on a campaign. Gen you.not See how shortsighted?

Sincerely and hopeiully yours

Kaye H. Biggers.

I most forgot my'flnnnere —- Thank you so much for helping us
ab out the dues.
I ,The Sec. of State said our petition was the cleanest and in the

best Shape of any fihafi baa ever coMe to the office.


 1?<213113¢r1 '?1 '

Jan.£5t, ’“

.'.£ -.


fi;eak fully now,



fvult to ?infl'uith

' Eill . 11c: ny211"21 gr<>11 frv "- g> "‘ 1‘;


iravines; of

Lexingt)n, L3,


5:0? .131 131' (:j:4"-{\93"E=. LU'HJ‘ESEW

O”. on

Feeémber mus because

,. a; JD",‘ .»_.
‘ H”. .L: w 1

"1.0 1193465 I‘m: “lug; 'LU‘LQ‘;

- r-

‘ ,1?
l6 midi; uJ.

lne ayself to talk LO 5

to yon letter is

fill g



, n_nce E have mean

an $177}? 2-9..» mm ”

Conwonil(n “ill be


:3 little Lo for our g3~

on? yower fio control. Van gnaw


A .

from you,

regroacn me with

30 not be alarmed; I have no

or with what you want to flo. I

into trowhle which is none of your


 14 .
making, but which will fall.heavily on your head if you are not careful/.
I am glad you closed your hooLs according to the law.But you write to


JiSS'Blgckwell anfl me that ihare will be certain things incongrduOus,

to be ex.

,lained,— that you are ”putfiing yourself in the

otheV fellow's glaaa’, anL twat all of us ought to : :«' ... New I

A Av

do not fully nnfiersuunfl ,me

notes ':.. » " 1'3-claar the

{31111-3 ng;

”,Lzm 22,110


0 i‘

.Wn 2 “ -;; f‘vxi 4‘ GP '20: 19“?)
4.3 " , ..“»,—
11-50 t‘mwfi



finn nu?

thath a
she 3093 rot swncend in fifliflfl . ‘w ;11 :‘iSfucfiimn,
books may &O;y khe most mulgnfint , -;11 *' ' I beg

an exnert manhuntanfi, who .nmii n" {J 7 a u in $313

Frankly, I Sen Li? vvr‘ 5'c‘ ;~ nature and fear 0:



; f.

G 4.). -- .,



$8 Kalil?

mar" ,-' w



' 7,. .1“






 511:??- t -

o M ‘
_, «Jammie:


 .i .-

4'. 1....)

' u .h. . 'lJ' V‘y
ML, mm m: -


4331? '33:“ 1.311193%;

'é '52 a: w: 2m“;


.zz‘ . w .u w .. .‘ .
yh,‘ .‘ ' ," 1“ i
vu‘ :364‘1 “Mini "'3


 V n 1.55 , . »
LE I \1 CT .

._ . 3m 5km
‘ , My "i;1.rr:;v's§, ,‘
45:24:"? W: '0

r-.«.;«;'sri - Jim 12 #:3173445


- . 7., hi. 4 ‘
‘ f’Lmhmvnw.



 a: fit”: V'



 Natinnal Amerimn 1531mm $uffrag2 Afianriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave.. New York Cilyi . Recording Secretary. Ella S. Slewarl.

First Vice Presidcnl. Rachel Foster Avery. Swartlimore. Pa. ’ t .

Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley, NATlONAL HFADQUARTERS 5464 Jefferson Ave, Chicago, “L
I05 East 22nd Street. New Yorl: City. A 7

Corresponding Secrclury, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave, New York City . .
. . ’ -. . IL u Cl y, l89 N. Mill SL. Lexinglon. Ky.
505 Elm Ave.. New York C'ly' AUUIIOYS. lAzlicxea Smile Blackwell. 6 Beacon Slreel, Boslon, Mass.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Uplon. Warren, Ohio.



 - 2—-Ju‘h

34thany must
be the housekeerer, must r
Lie: 196% must be given w

and of a little d1.flPT orfier

caulé be

5%; 01*”: szmase+'

i told her Lucy

hired in heafl.uarturs

91-1—111 (3C:

90 laflk

known abanfi it, bu as it mas, we were :1one of u” snyw

he then told me monethirw tha t I had nut kno,n b9
*hat they were to t9fie QGOO, from the $5000. a
college work and gay Lucy Anthony with it.
haéméafienfisd * gay her from the
the helpers ; '4 Office. I
tell an;fb'
no secret
anors for everv cent 3,ent,
t Should not be M9nt10n 9d.”
to fiieg

wve a cerfixih gubervifilon


aasiderec‘; paid the 3600. wgich V33 f0

thony. Misu Thomas seamed fio have no iflea but +w,

r '1


 "' r- a 1 n T!‘
“4,1,1 .

:Ln'tlrm'n’r? 121» all 50 fires; :;


but ; ." wfiet
L: i :2

arose from

fifiunae in

7926 n7travagant

fiaii, ‘All r45hf ” It T8311?
Ail 0r hot. ; .J; her I was
283d and am» told we t0 L .- over eerfia*

I told her 1 ~ : nut knn? gra. gotfier av

ably impremsedin

flHlC}i 5,015) f?

fire; (517314115


any okinion in regarfi to Handgunrfiera until “

. 1;



 ihat She


+0 give invcvnm1%(wc

M QY \f“ 2)

313.63 . as.

anthnny was to , meafiruarters.


€31.13; cleflr‘m ‘ made
taar to get a T a»H; of mlr 4:?
an awful flay for me,
Several tjijS niflCG ’ ._ 1;. arrrzk‘1ko»
:nthnny wnulfi get out (I 'k: fieadqutr rtess.
baninesr COYmittee me ting '1 L m ank We all of mg
arran5ements had been each .V fii, )Hld :flo lon5er
any sort 3f cantrol or :n; 1;“ >~. wufilt on.
has been at 1% e Sanitarium -_ a , fiime.
returned Monfiay or juesday. mms' geek
in the ban}: room. There h.ve been tva c” Elem to
A lar e number cf : f ILTiStS have been air" tpnomf
amé sto,cing at ,e;a(u2:tems. L”; 'ntter Lug
reek very'little, w1¢t l have learnufi


daifig exactly "1? 'u“v sort

she Cifl before we 2?: ”my new arrangenefitg

casticaliy NO 3155


iflGTC is no use ofv w i pfiw you any ;crticli

. L_

tude iS nOt at all ax? Tgu } d0 nut khan



 i: Decauge
< L,—

$07 I

on not fit $0 give an opinioa.
you three anfl nwfi
age 0i stirring
firs. ftewart is in
If yam t1.<=

fi '53,)“

abifie by vuur

fihis mzt“e,

‘dose rooms. 1 though
i sort of switched over because

"I J

ma”ier a 1 aired in the newsmaners. I feel sure 4;

by our not floing the thing which seemfiu hfird ta

'helieve we are 301nm to call dawn more conflemnatiafl thvfl
we otherwise woulfi. 30 you thin? a letter sent h;

fififiTESSCfi to Lucy Anthony, asklng her to kee;
r&om anfi t0 cease 53v mg directions in the fleafiqrwrfiers
effect anyfihing. A Very e.am, fiair friené
who has rather leaned towarés misw
says that she is beginning to feel d3 ¢ g'is ’ “rqu was an”
leJVe no sfione unturned Hfitil not only L-g ‘ r aflfl M‘
were out of Headquarters, but steer


Aeszvctfuliy vours,
j’flfiw / @725},




. , I t f; (N‘

:‘r‘lml‘it ,

Tofforing J; * ‘ ‘ ‘“3001“

725.10% “9’39



.1- of 1,46 names were») i».

T groan ~ ' ' '1 ' "4 “ ” ' “ ‘
. . a V ;. 1n.mrw-x:~!;;x_<2r, :, 1:3, but in




 The Womanlg .lanrnal

A weekly paper, founded l))' llnu)‘ Stone in 1370, devoted to women's interests, and especially to equal suffrage.

It contains the news of the equal rights lllOYL‘lllLllL in :ill purh oi' the world: lms special departments
devoted to women‘s \\‘orl; in the colleges, in tlie elinrches; in law and in medicine, and in nolnen's clubs;
‘eienize, philanthropy and reform; furnishes

chronicles women's progr is in (Lrt, invention7 industry, domestic
D's in the enfrnnuliised States.

answers to objections, and news of the working of equal snll

i l’lorenee M. Adkinson.

S Henry ll. Blackwell.
l (‘zitlnmne Wilde.

l Aline Stone unit-1mm. A“""‘“”” l"‘““”“"


l’il’st yezir on triul to new snlismiliers (or permanently in elnlis of six or 11101:). 51,30.

'l’lnm; month.» on trial, :5 cents. liegnlzn price per year, 52.50.

To any one getting [11):]. club of 2; 1lL.\\'SUl)bCl'llJLl'S at 51.50 (\cln; need not nll ll\c ill-lilo same town), We

will p21): a cash premium of Twenty luillzn‘s. Address
\VORIAN’S JOURNAL, 3 Park Street, Boston, M ass.
" 'llin lwst :ionrrt- of information upon tln- wonnin question that: l l\no\\ ,H#(’/Hl'l/ liar/1m.
“ It: i4 :In :Irlnor)‘ of weapons lo 311 who urn battling; for llll) rights of lllllllllllil)‘.”*.lllll'{/ .I. Lil'm'mm'r.
" 11‘ i.-; Hie, most; l'l'iitll)ll: and extensive HKHH‘I‘U of information regarding what women are doing. \\'l1:it:tliey t-un do.
and wind flit-y Hllullhl din It i-4 line olili»-;L ol‘ the women’s papers now 111 vxiste1nm,:unl lmslmilt up loritsell'u solid and
nnhlmnisliml reputation.“ri/u/io H'uml llmr'v.


 ? Natinnal Amerimn filament gmfl’ragv Aaznriafinn
”W (Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Picsidcnl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Avc., New York City.

Rccarding Secretary, Ella S. Stewart,
& Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmoxe. Pa.

5464 Jefferson Ave, Chicago, lll.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

Second Vice Presia’enf, Florence Kelley,
V 105 East 22nd Street. New York Cily. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Secretary, Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave” New York Ci: . .
§ 505 mm] Ave.. New York City. Y Auditors: Laura Clay, l89 N. Mull SL.Lex1ngton. Ky.

Alice Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Smack. Boston. Mass.

. (1:111:11; , f; 1'. 1111


 Natinnal Amerimn Mnman gmffragp Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

' l
3%.; T350 1
Us y

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 505 Fifth Ave., New York City.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmore, Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley,

105 East 22nd Street. New York City.
Corresponding Secrelam, Frances Squire Potter.

505 Fifth Ave.. New York City


Recording Secretary, Ella S. Stewart.
5464 Jefferson Ave. Chicago. Ill.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

. . Laura Clay. 189 N. Mill St.,Lexington. Ky.
Auditors. {Alice Stone Blackwell. 6 Beacon Street. Boston, Mass.

505 Fifth Ave.. New York City


“i. M. a

15'} 31 C) T;



l k; ,--



 Natiunal Amerimn Hfinman gmfi‘ragp Afifinriatinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, gem finnaRHolriiar: Shay;1 505Fsifll1 ?Ve.. N103“! York Cily. Recording Secrelaw. Ella S. Slewarl.

Firs! Vice resi enl, ac e osler very. warhmom, a. .

Second Vice Prasidcnl. Florence Kelley, 5464 Jefferson Ave, Chlcago, ”l'
105 East 22nd Street. New York Cily‘ NATlONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

Corresponding Secrelary. Frances Squire Potter. 505 Fifth Ave New York Cit . .
. . -. y . , (Laura Clay, l89 N. Ml] 5L, Lexmgl n. Ky.
505 Elm Ave.. New York Cxly. Auditors. lAlice Stone Blackwell. 16 Beacon Streoel. Boston. Mass.


you in reztzjatrfd 1; 0


I'l OT!" 72' "‘

C o 31 IS e 3; 013.


er heavy hearted 080111188

lime been 110333335 3 ‘2; - , «in 3.3033331 30 is in? en.


1‘3 saeufheim things woulfl 3' ve Ice 15500 00 for

Oklahoma. I have just received. word from her ti'mt


mac Sivan that anmiml‘ +0 63303311933 divieion of euf~
work and. that is ”the 413171103133 goofy-mt er ilemorial,

Isn't that too had?


 unmaf M“: . IQEC.


have been exxaeunrrl busy 31505 I zeoaivefl your
first latiar aUuhfl the mon.unts; h"i:g 3'”. ,0 BLULLLo ?;'nhnut ingortunt
'.”. . hills. I returne5 yostor‘Ly evening m15 take tuis LO‘HLLL when
? W2vo in: mnoh'te Lo ajfiolf Lo manner your first lofiter 553 taut 10 .stn
an?kefl Jon.8 ' This excess of mark hue hoan LFLo amuse of 955155,
not m; unmillingness i" ‘Lamn yon? anxiotios.

First Letter. I tunnot understunfi your Position in boing willing fio hoax
too ros;onoihility of 501 3 2‘ L L.:i .’ .” uthg u.UOTLt LL mi 3 clerks ra-
Lher taun Lorry f —- Thf“ . 5 fl>le from whafi you 5rioo taufi 3

have Loo aoorunts ~,'”T‘;L c‘u' “h. o nxot straighten them 0R3. If‘
votes that its receiyus L? 0 not sn'fioient all along you-wore run!
trouble for gm. w;elf not 10 121L813» Lyon greater care. I

clear in my wn mind_that you shoulfi require such aocsLntS and items

Jiss *huw L , . orL.,“ it We 5QL LLrtors as to onahle yon to

an ordorly unfi clear aintomont to the‘aufiitors. If, on uneoufif of the
confusion of moving this . now imgomsibla, I 5Lu15 recommend tha you Shfli
shonlfi at lofst get such BtLtoments no vro possible collectofl un5_refer
the 5isoreganoie8'to the whole Boarfi when it meets in "ashington,7rafiher
Lhan firy to hour the confusion yourfiolf, and wartioulurl;, rather taat am-
barrnss the auditors by having them flooide indepenfiontly uyon an5w\of

prooooflings_hefore the hooks orn put into their hanés.

fiecond Ief for. I do not think you ought fio return any receipts which

havo been given you. . nk you oughtto no considering how to extricate



be fihinling how
1or 13% w? ", v NHLV uh; nnmvl. 30 not
fio so over the ace vats, if
I new regenfi Lhi ufiviefi, 55330

giaolua can be himfifififi hianefi. E an hat undarmtnnd


‘ains nf flaw View sufficieytlg to hyfiTQCifitC gmwr enfleuvor to make

snarl eas; for QVaTybcny exca,t fihofin w o hpfi HDtHiJfi fio an with

—p n

: thing ifiEO it. JL Lme arurl our he unhangled ; u' .'g rt, let it'a”

If it «317101., 31:» 5mm :,::':‘2.£-', (2:;“0, in a. cttzy'iclitiim, 1131011 l“ ,u'b—

f, n

-- ,4 ‘ knx . “.i- H 4 ‘up «rap "2 .
”mTCVfin 3.9.??ka ,--:m.t-.21f ne :ummm, u; .-.n 1m; a.,~l~‘_,.-.1L.;l "V

hinvlon. nxd lot uho whole amurfi vota whafi ullawunces 33mll



1 - . ‘ . ,..- .,,. .n. ‘- ,. .. . H. .1. .. a x
$10. 713531;? -..,‘L Hat”. (lnnlhtwluh Of MOVlflé-Ja 2le


\?;0w 1310 tannegv :ujil nut 5&1311‘ be
cfedited. 7 $0 not than} it s a matter of ¢roat imfiortanae if money

;ai£ for litm?utwr3,®tc/ has bean ex;oniofi for exganscs of OtHfiT FR‘th-
manta. {She only 361210118 fitting m 1:1 be if «it is not accwntmi'frur at, all.
If T WHTQ in your ;lace I‘mmwlfl insist nyon careful itemified neaounta; if
they are not attainable, I would then require u statement from those réSpor
Bible for the confusion that the name mtg were muddled. I believe th,
loarfl is willing to make every allowance for ins troubles 6fymoving ufifi
the fiiffioultias of having a fieyesitory in a Jew York hank. lll 3 be—

lieve it l, u“ u,-'.» ‘ straightforward, plannsfimtement 0f Row affairs

stsnd. H . . p 2 pv,p“” ; tbunts apnnnt be made to bulafice to a
amount, I helieve fihe jourd muald be fiatisfiefi with fl Ouraful of'ort


9 make them Harmonize, nnfl than hvuld b0 willing, by vote, to may it

Xfiwid ‘ Was smtisfiefl, vhioh mwwln be all the morld hug a right tn ran‘

quire .
I am daegly intarestnfl in'the various items of hens you writé. I Shaul
be sorry if the ”old guard” is not atill'kept at the helm; but I know a

convention is gainfi to do as it ;lepses always. at least, the new {eagle


 K I
‘ 4
33mm 1';- ‘J

«’1, . A ,__ :,
AW! 77623, 10.71;:0


linvau mini.



one in mi

ljfsn 11; \v0].1 tc:

«ince :6

ins ;‘ist ugon

~ut your kindneas


the hookkeoping there. I fenl so sure

taut I urge it very much. If all

making ,hings haluno 09 to you no Jeta

solution is handing the uhola matter to

such vntns a:

has the authority to '13: L88

1.) “A 3 .
:4 1, M7): in 11

yo: into sown 113M ic:inn;13
that now is
m r firmness

. "

will aotfile any

21’ nnw ofi,


.3? 1,119"


itz.18' B

but Lh--



: .10 45"} ,1.
,. . mu

§"'1_€':V F) V O @6313

uni-4" {I

Ifl lonking ?8T

to fiuaidn on

Yulef for Ken
to ”118 Oflifin.L
. ruleafi just beanufie there

Lhem whenever


{13.1 I1

of heart anfl goafianuture

allowance for the faults of
the time to be stricf

does not smoceafl in

elieve t e right

Board, which only








}”1LCé? illfni

‘ :"J (—2 . he

,purn ~g‘g ‘ *s a v; L;0 fura' Tune
interest 3r0@7



”f course, ;“b duraturc "" this loan in conflitiow

- .11 .
£181.31: in 1,,»

“tenons of ‘klanoma,&vtofi

and says “v f 3 ,0 or 1% tiara



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