xt70p26q291b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q291b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 2008 2008 2008-04-15 2020 true xt70p26q291b section xt70p26q291b  


WAPRIL I5, 2008







Refugee flees
war-tom home,
finds second
chance in US.

Ex Jill Luster


(iovemment and rebel forces began fighting in
Mabior Ghack’s village in I987. When he heard
shots. 5-year-old Ghack began running.

He couldn't find his parents. and out of fear he
did not go back to try to join them.

“When you are in that kind of situation. all you
think about is living or dying." he said. “There are
no other options. So you have to think of living."

Ghack’. who will graduate in May with a civil
engineering degree. is one of the “lost boys of Su—
dan." the name given to more than 27.000 boys
displaced or orphaned during the Second Sudanese
Civil War between 1983 and 2003.

During the war. govemment troops systemati-
cally attacked Sudanese villages. More than 2 mil-
lion people were killed during the 20-year war. ac—
cording to the International Rescue Committee.
Girls were raped. taken as slaves. killed or adopted
by other Sudanese families. Many boys. often or-
phaned. traveled on foot for weeks to nearby coun«
tries as refugees.

Fleeing from his Sudanese village to Ethiopia
was a three-week joumey. During that time. Ghack
and a friend were protected by an older man. and
the group managed to avoid the attacks from wild
animals and from armed forces while crossing the
Sudanese border. However. Ghack had only the
clothes on his back and whatever food he could
scavenge when he left Sudan.

It wasn‘t much better in Ethiopia.

"You can‘t make it on your own." he said.
“Some people tried to go back. and some died be-
cause of animals. some died because of hunger.
some died because of lack of water."

For three more years Ghack lived in an
Ethiopian refugee camp. While there. he didn‘t
think much about whether he would get to see his
parents again. if they were even alive ~ it was too
unrealistic. he said.

When he was 9. Ethiopian rebels overthrew the
government. resulting in chaos for the country.
Ghack and others abandoned the camp and began
the dangerous trip back into Sudan.

See Ghack on page 3

Sudanese refugee Mabior Ghack became a US. citizen
in June 2007 He will graduate from UK in May with a
civil engineering degree

Transy Student
fears deportation
back to Sudan

ByJill taster
Jlaster@kykernel. com

Members of Lino Nakwa's village were gath—
ering for prayer when the rebels came and took
him from his family. The Sudan People's Libera-
tion Army took Nakwa. then 12. and his brother.
trained them to fight with sticks and forced them to
work in the rebel groups camp.

The training Nakwa received as a boy is now
affecting his steps toward obtaining US. citizen-
ship: His application for a green card has been dew
nied because of the "military-type training" the
SPLA forced him to undergo.

“It was the reason I fled my country." Nakwa
said. “It was the reason I came here. and now that
same information is being used to take me back."

Now. because of his refugee status. he could be
deported at any time.

Nakwa. a senior at Transylvania University. re-
ceived a letter from the Department of Homeland
Security‘s Citizenship and Immigration Services
denying him citizenship in late February. Although
the letter said he and his brother were forced to re-
ceive the “military-type training." it also said de—
nial of his green card cannot be appealed.

Returning to Sudan is a frightening thought for
Nakwa: He is scared of being killed for being a
Christian if he is deported.

“The fact that I stand no chance for appeal fills
me with fear." Nakwa said.

A representative for Citizenship and Immigra—

See Nokwo on page 3










mourns loss
of loyal friend


Top: Friends of Connie Blount the UK student killed in a hit and- run accident Sunday write her letters betrin a nieinir) ial sr-ri ice ii ! c-r n )l ashram

Hundreds gather in grief to
reflect on UK student’s life

@y Blair Thomas


Her smile was infectious. her spirit was conta—
gious. and friends and family who shared their
memories of Connie Blount at her memorial ser~

TOP PHOTO av ELLIOTT HESS. new word av BRITNEY mcmrosu : suirr
Above. Attendees of the memorial for Connie Blount grieve as the service comes to a close yesterday event no .t th. Barns: Stu: inn Cc'tte'

vice yesterday said she was the best friend any of

them had ever known.

Blount. I8. was killed in a hit—and—run tlc‘c‘l‘
dent early Sunday morning while crossing the in
tersection of South Broadway and West Maxwell

More than 250 people packed the Baptist Stu~
dent Center last night to reflect on the life of a girl
who they said spread joy everywhere she went.

“I knew there was a (iod when she smiled."
said Jack Blount. Connie‘s father. “Light shined
out so bright it almost blinded me sometimes,"

Jack Blount and his wife. Cindy. plan to take
their daughter‘s body back to their
home in Park City. Utah tomorrow.
Blount's father said the family wanted
to have a service on campus because
so many people had called to share
their love and support after his daugh-
ter‘s death.

“I can‘t begin to describe how
much this service means to us." Jack
Blount said. holding back tears. “To
see all the love here that she gained in
just seven months in Kentucky 7, all
of these people. Tonight truly has strengthened

Blount. a freshman. was a member of the
equestrian team and came to UK to pursue her
love for horses. Jack Blount said.

Cary Campbell. a member of the equestrian
team. said Blount's upbeat personality was an uti—
matched presence on the team.

“Connie bubbled at life. either at the barn.

Jack Blount

Mourners linger to talk and grieve alter the setyit ,~,
ended yesterday evening

studying at .1. am. for a chemistry lcst or out w itli
her friends." said Campbell. a freshman.

“People will remember her beautiful blue
eyes and an amazing smile. but thesc are really
just the superficial things that oyershadowed

someone of such depth. passion and abid-
ing friendship. I'm glad to have had a good
friend like Connie." (luiipbcll said.

A slideshow that included hundreds of
pictures of Blount w itli hct ll'lt‘lltls and
family was a reminder of .ill the people
whom she touched and what .i great friend
she always was. said Callie Schott.
member of thc equestrian team.

“We are left with a \oid and a warmth
in our hearts." said Schott. a senior. "I .tlll
blessed to hayc known her,”

It is a mid that won‘t be filled anytmic soon.
her father said.

"This is the hardest thing I've cyer had to
face. I can‘t begin to describe what it feels likc."
.lack Blount said. "When I got the call lroni the
hospital that Connie was dead. I had jumped at
the phone because I thought it was my oldcst
daughter telling me I was a grandfather "

also a

See Blount t‘“ liddt‘ 3

VP‘it ’ilrtr

Police have
suspect in

By Juliann Vachon
vat tion .zkykernel coin

l’olicc are following :nultiplc leads
and are inyestigaling one suspect in
particular who could have been in—
\olyed in .i ltllnllltlrl‘llll incident early
Sunday that killed .i [K student. said
()tficci Scull Lynch of thc l.c\i!tgtoii

.\ pickup trut I. struck ( omit-.-
Blount. In. o: l’ai'k ('ity. l l.llt. wniic
slic was sll‘SSI‘ltl thc int;isc.ti in at
South Ittoadway and “co .\l.i\wcll
Sticct with .i tiicnd .it about I l5 .i :n
Blount died later that morning .it tlic
l'ls' \lcdital ('eiitci ll'Ull‘ iiiitiitcs. po
licc said Sunday

lhc truck. liclit .iilorcd all
My itl lltt‘ (it't'w‘tdl \ltllitts r.i.tl.t‘ \l'il
not stop altt-i hitting Bimini .intl t'.-tt
\Ulllll on South Iiioai'w tfiiitlttc said
l’olitc li.i\c not ltlcasctl .iiiy naiiic
niadc .uij. .‘liargcs but lynch said Tl _.
hay c "strong leads "

lack Blount ('oniiic's tatlict. s.i.t1
llt.‘ \l‘i‘lsc‘ \\'lll j‘tlllkt _\t'\lc‘l\l.l_\ .tllc‘l
noon and \t as plcascd \\ :‘li the
progress they made sinic thc intidciit

"I can tell you they wcic \cty cy
citcd whcn I spoke with thcni' l.i.k
lilount said “llicy worked .tll night
and has c inadc .l trcnicndous progt. ss
I think were .inyious to scc what tlic\
lcarn in thc tic\t day or two "

.f I\i\\r.l

V‘r Investigation .

Reduced budget cuts into tutoring service

8 Katie Salt}

With state funding cuts stretching UK's bud»
get for the upcoming school year. one student
service is in danger of losing funding.

The Study has been open for a few years.
but it will have to cut many of its programs if
outside funding sources do not come through.

Over the past four years The Study has re-
ceived funding from various sources such as
Student Govemment and individual colleges.
said Karin Lewis. director of academic en-
hancement at The Study. But because of the
budget cuts. funding is not coming in like pre—
vious years. she said.

“Right now we don't have commitments
like we usually do because each of the colleges
don‘t know what they‘re going to have to cut
Lewis said.

The Study provides free academic consul-

tations. peer tutoring and study strategy Stillll' deed.

nars for (K students. Political science and
Spanish junior .Icssica Johnson works as a
peer tutor in Math I23 and said The Study
helps students who have trouble learning in
large classes.

“It‘s a great help to students because some
of these classes are huge and it's hard for them
to leam iii that environment." Johnson said
"People often say there is no way they could
pass the class without The Study."

The provost has contributed money to The
Study in the past. lewis said. but now that con-
tribution is not certain either When decidmg
where to absorb the budget cut. Provost ls’um
ble Subbaswamy said in an email that his goal
is to maintain the quality of the educational ex-
perience at UK. '

“We have to balance the curricular staffing
needs against various support functions." Sub-
baswamy said in the email. “The Study is. in

an important .icadcntn support sct\ ttc
My budget reduction rctoiiinicndatioti to the
President will try to balantc .ill tbcsc y'ttllMtlt‘lr
.Illtttts .ts lk‘sl .ts pttsstl‘lc ..

“1thtltci'cdtuttoii in ltmding. .lolinson said
she hopes the ptoyost will proyidc money to
keep The Study going

"I‘m highly
provost needs to rccogni/c that academics are
why w c are here."
pro\tdcs a huge resource for students to 1m
proyc Ill academics 'i
‘ Study held a staff meeting
lohnson said and workers w crc intortiicd that
The Study would be may understatfed and that
many of its seiy ices would hayc to be cut

Normally .it this point in thc year. l.ewis
said she would be recruiting and hiring stu-
dents to work nest year. But with the uncer
tainty of the funding. she said that has been put
on hold

disappointed because the

lohnson said "The Study


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 PAGE 2] Tuesday, April 15, 2008


























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: 70 is the easiest day, 0
the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is an 8 — The planning phase is
just about over. Now it’s time to get
your hands dirty Show leadership,
Take on a difficult task without hesv

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is a 6 A Appreciate the love and it
will grow, right before your eyes If
it's hard to talk about. show your
feelings through your actions Cook-
ies are a nice gesture.

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 7 — Domestic matters demand
attention and even a shopping
spree, Don't overlook the basics, a
happy home brings you good luck.

4puz com

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 5 7A You’re gaining what you've
already earned. This bounty is not a
gift. It might seem like that to some-
body else, but you know the whole

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today IS a
7 ~ It’s not easy to keep your mind
on business, but it could be quite
profitable. Stop daydreaming for
long enough to make a nice bonus.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept 22) Today is
a 6 4— You're getting stronger and
more inquisitive Your charm and
sense of humor make you especially
attractive Enjoy what you've ac»

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 —— Congratulate your partner on
a recent accomplishment. You
couldn't have done it yourself, and
you get to share in the benefits
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 Finish up the tasks you're
been assrgned ahead of schedule
Don't waste time working when you
could be out playing with friends,

Collision (Ir-enter

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You need a break

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 v You're lucky, but
that's not entirely enough Good luck
is not always there, Also have the
facts and figures at your fingertips
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To-
day is a 6 Make a wise invest-
ment and then congratulate yourself
on your good financral judgment
Then go out to celebrate Tw some-
thing different

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is an 8 7~ Continue to query an
expert who thinks he knows more
than you do. Actually, JUSI the oppo-
site's true. You don’t have to reveal
that fact

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day IS a 5 # You'll do better now
with routines you've got down by
heart Improve your efficiency and
you'll also increase your profits Get



Today’ 5

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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel 777 ‘ ((( Q I


'I'I'Ie DiSl-I

As fricnds and family gath-
crcd to cclcbratc Jcssica Alba‘s
impcnding mothcrhood at the
Evcr Aftcr 'l‘cahousc in I-.A.‘s
Studio City ncighborhood on
April 6. thc scvcn—monthsprcg—
nant actrcss positivcly glowed.

“It was just way from the
hcart." gucst Kim Kardashian
tclls Us of thc showcr for thc ac-
trcss. 26. who is cxpccting a
daughtcr in Junc (sources say
Honor is among thc namcs be-
ing considcrcd). “It was hcr
closest fricnds. and it was very

A crowd of 40 -- including
pals Rashida Jones. Jaime King
and. of coursc. Alba‘s mom.
Cathy . .sippcd Bcllinis and
nibblcd on Sprinklcs cupcakes
at the outdoor afternoon affair.
which featured tarot card read-
ings. massages. baby-thcmcd
party games and a DJ spinning
jam. and funk tuncs. Each guest
also painted a squarc to be made
into a quilt for thc baby. Says an
attcndcc. "Thcrc was lots of

Family Affair

Early on III the fcstivitics.
dad-to~bc ('ash Warrcn. 39.
madc a camco. popping by to
thank thc ucII-wis'hcrs for
showcring his fianccc with all
thc kiddic csscntials. which in—
cludcd lots of baby clothcs madc
of organically grown cotton.

"Wc’r'c doing cvcrything
ccofricndly." Alba‘s interior dc-
signcr. Kari Whitman. a guest at
thc showcr. has told Us of her
clicnt‘s grccn strcak.

But the coolcst gift. says onc
gucst. w as a box full of fabulous

l"sl\i It‘KII't I‘I

KiiN'i‘chv l BANDS

W: ux vs Arkansas i.-~.mievize, AR us v= Georgia seem, 6A or: vs. South Carolina. Columbia. 5c ~ Mutton Iawr vs. Florida . .,
Iasketball' Men's SEC Bakaball Tournament: Atlanta. GA » Women's SEC Basketball Tournament: Nashville. TN -
‘ NCAA Men‘s Basketball tournament Anaheim, CA

Wu my uncut-e Bane


With just two months to go
until her baby girl's arrival,
Alba is feted by friends at

baby shoes. from glittery party
shoes to pint-size Pumas. Not
only is Alba prcparcd with a
wcll—stockcd nurscry. but she‘s
also emotionally set to cmbracc
hcr ncw rolc.

"She‘s getting advice. but
shc’s not nervous at all." a pal
thIs Us. "She was bom to bc a
mothcr. and she‘ll bc a grcat

—~— Aimee Agresti


Engaged and at odds
with her folks, a pregnant
Spears turns 17 alone

On April 4. the night Jamie
Lynn Spears turned I7. hcr fam—
ily gathered for a festive Italian
dinncr in a private room at Ris—
torantc Peppone in LA. As Brit»
ncy chatted with older brother
Bryan and his girlfriend. shc
dined on salad and ravioli. “She
was beautiful. happy and having
a wonderful time." an cycwit—
ness tells Us. Parents Jamie and
Lynnc. too. “were all smiles."
And thc birthday girl‘.’ Well. she
wasn't there.

Instcad. the pregnant tccn
(duc this summcr) was in Mc—
Cornb. Miss.. quietly celebrating
with her fiancc. pipc laycr
Casey Aldridgc. 19, Their big
plans: After spending time at
Aldridgc‘s homc --— whcrc. says
a source. the pair have been
staying ~ they shopped at a
Wal—Mart beforc grabbing din—
ncr at a Ruby Tuesday. “They

an afternoon tea party in LA.

looked prctty undcrwhclmcd." a
fcllow dincr says of the couplc.
who atc pickings from the salad
bar and drank iced tcas. “Thcrc
was no birthday cake. No
dcsscrt." They then headed to a
house party (picture pickup
trucks and din roads) thrown by
a pal in Jamic Lynn‘s honor.
Thc most cxcitcmcnt camc
two days later. when the duo
and friends rode ATVs around
Aldridgc‘s property. "They wcrc
just messing around." a photog-
rapher who was taking shots of
the pair tells Us. But the mood
changcd whcn Aldridge told thc
photographers they were tres—

passing. “Hc said we nccd to
leave." says the photographer.

“He had a gun on his lap."

Even though Jamie Lynn is j '- ; 1
far from Califomia. her special i I I '
day wasn‘t entirely ignorcd by
her family. On April 3. Britney. I - ’
26. visited thc Ed Hardy ware- ,

house in LA. and picked out
some birthday presents for hcr
sister. marketing director Nicole
Irving tells Us. "She had us send
her three swimsuits and a bunch
of the Crystal Rock line.“

As for the parents (who
sources say strongly disapprove
of Jamie Lynn‘s engagement).
they don't mean to play fa—
vorites. but due to Britney‘s
mental illness. thcy havc no
choice. “They‘ve had a hard
time balancing both girls." says
a Lynne insidcr. “Obviously the
Britney situation was an immc-
diatc crisis."

-~— Joey Bartolomeo


Where have you been tliisyear.’

vim“ mun



{ //i/'




























Continued from page 1


A friend of Blount described as a male
in his late teens or early 20s was walking
her to her condo on South Upper Street af-
ter a night with friends at two or three dif-
ferent locations, Jack Blount said.

Lynch said accounts from the night
showed that Blount and her friend had been
drinking alcohol, but he did not think that
contributed to the accident.

The two were walking west, crossing
South Broadway, and Lynch said he could
not comment on where they were coming
from because it could jeopardize the investi-

Jack Blount said he talked with the
young man who was walking with his
daughter, the police and doctors at UK
Medical Center. Multiple people told him
they did not think Connie or her friend had
enough to drink that would impair their
ability to walk home safely. he said.

“We weren‘t here so we don't know the
exact details." Jack Blount said. “It certain-
ly would not surprise me that Connie or her
friend or any other college student would
have a drink on a Saturday night."

“l‘ve been Connie's father for more
than 18 years. and I’ve never seen Connie
drunk,“ he said. "She was just a responsible
young woman.‘

Blount‘s body underwent an autopsy
Sunday, but a toxicology report and other
results will not be available for one to three
months, said Sarah Davis, deputy coroner at
the Fayette County Coroner‘s office. on

Police suspect that Blount and her friend
crossed the intersection while the traffic sig—
nal was green for vehicles. Lynch said.

But Jack Blount said the man. who gave
his account of the incident to police. said he
had some trouble remembering the specifics
of the night, such as what color the light was
when they started crossing the street.

“You‘re not typically in record mode as
you walk home," Jack Blount said, "And
after being traumatized by seeing your
friend hit by a truck. all of a sudden you
start second guessing yourself about what
you saw."


Continued from page 1


Blount's older sister. Kelley Krohnert.
gave birth to a daughter Sunday aftemoon.

“Being an aunt is something she looked
so forward to." Jack Blount said. "I will
miss her. we all will miss her. But I am
comforted knowing that this isn‘t the end.
knowing that I will see her again someday."

Her father said he has no doubt she is
in heaven looking down on him and laugh-
ing, and he is sure she’s: still pursuing her
love of horses.

“She came home from Sunday school
one day when she was young and wanted
to know if there are horses in heaven." he
said. “Anyone who has read the Bible
knows there are horses. Any anyone who
knows Connie knows she is riding one
right now."



Continued from page 1

After facing many of the same obsta-
cles he encountered on the way to Ethiopia,
Ghack arrived in a small Sudanese town
where he lived for about four months be—
fore he decided to cross with a group into
Kenya, a safer country where he could go
to school.

In 1993, six years after fleeing his
home village, Ghack figured out how to
contact his father. He called from Kenya
and told his father he was alive.

In the months that followed. Ghack, ll.
saved up money to call about once a
month. During middle school he worked as
a plumber and tended a small plot of kale, a
leafy green vegetable he sold at the market
to pay for school supplies.

During their last phone conversation,
Ghack told his father he wanted to visit Su-
dan to see his family. His father told him
not to because he could be killed in the
conflict between rebel and govemment
forces. and to stay in school instead.

A year after they last talked on the
phone. Ghack received a letter from his un-
cle. As he began to open it. his cousin. who
knew what it contained. told Ghack to
throw it away. He opened it anyway.

His parents had been killed during
fighting between the goveniment and rebel

“l was on the bed. and I fell to the


floor,“ Ghack said. "
for two weeks."

Ghack finished high school in Kenya in
2000. A year later, he heard a religious
group would be interested in sponsoring
him and other refugees going to the United
States. The refugees thought it was all talk
until they began filling out applications.

After a yearlong process of interviews
and paperwork. Ghack was on his way to
the United States.

Ghack arrived in Louisville in 2001. He
could write proficiently in English, but he
had trouble speaking it. Ghack took classes
through the Kentucky Refugee Ministries
to learn both American culture and English.

He began working nights at a gas station
and taking classes at Jefferson Community
College in Louisville during the day. Ghack
graduated with an associate degree and ap-
plied to UK. The workload was daunting.

“When (my father) told me to go into
engineering. l didn’t think l would go to
college. Even when l was admitted to UK.
I didn't think I would graduate," he said.

Ghack, a US. citizen since June 2007.
has been at UK for four years.

Fellow students sometimes ask him for
his story, but he doesn‘t say much. Some—
one recently asked him if he was going to
visit his parents after graduation. He evad-
ed the question and replied that he would
visit his family.

“l don‘t tell a lot of my history because
ifl tell them, I don‘t think they would be-
lieve it." he said.

I didn't go to school



Continued from page 1


tion Services said he could not comment on
specific cases.

The Department of Homeland Security
changed its policy in March and said the
status of immigrants like Nakwa would be
reconsidered. Nakwa‘s lawyer filed an ap‘
peal this week. but a decision may not
come for months.

Several weeks ago, students and faculty
at Transylvania began a campaign to keep
one of their own in the United States.

“He‘s a total victim of terror. He‘s not a
terrorist." said Transylvania senior Neil
Barry. a friend of Nakwa‘s who has helped
organize the campaign. “He‘s the kind of
guy you‘d want your sister to date. The
way this country‘s treated him is horrible.“

The militaristic training Nakwa re—
ceived in Sudan in I991 was during the
Second Sudanese Civil War. which lasted
between 1983 and 2003. Government
troops systematically attacked Sudanese
villages. More than 2 million people were
killed. including Nakwa‘s father.

After a month as a captive of the
SPLA. Nakwa and his older brother decid~
ed to flee. It was dangerous -— a group of
boys tried to escape the day earlier'and
were killed w but the two decided it was
worth the risk.

"It was just one of those things where
you say. 'Whatever happens to me hap—
pens} " he said.

Nakwa and his brother fled through the

jungle for two days without food or water.

in constant fear the SPLA would follow
and kill them. They reached Kenya. but it


