xt70p26q281s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q281s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1999 1999 1999-11-12 2020 true xt70p26q281s section xt70p26q281s 1 “I" rv- .





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Put foot
in mouth

Flying is a way of life for
some. Here are some
lessons learned in
Flying lOl.

If you push the stick
forward. the houses
get bigger, if you pull
the stick back they
get smaller. (Unless
you keep pulling the
stick back. Then they
get bigger again.)

Flying is not dangerous;
crashing is

It's better to be down
here wishing you
were up there, than
up there wishing you
were down here.

The propeller is just a
big fan in the front of
the plane to keep the
pilot cool. Want
proof? Make it stop;
then watch the pilot
break out into a

Speed is life, altitude is
life insurance. No one
has ever collided
with the sky.

It's best to keep the
pointed end going
forward as much as

The only time you have
too much fuel is
when you're on fire.

The probability of
survival is equal to
the angle of arrival.

You know you've landed
with the wheels up
when it takes full
power to taxi.

Helicopters can't really
fly. they're just so
ugly that the earth
immediately repels

Young man, was that a
landing or were we
shot down?

Good judgment comes
from experience and
experience comes
from bad judgment.

There are three simple
rules for making a
smooth landing.
Unfortunately, no one
knows what they are.

The only thing worse
than a captain who
never flew as co-pilot
is a co-pilot who
once was a captain.

Be nice to your first
officer. He may be
your captain at your
next airline.

A thunderstorm is never
as bad on the inside
as it appears on the
outside. It's worse.

A fool and his money are
soon flying more
airplane than he can






tragedy .8

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I'Iay relives Jonestown


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nors veterans _ deathmw



Members of Pershing Rifles drill team stand at attention before firing the
Zl-gun salute yesterday at Administration Field on UK's campus.

m . .l"



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By Stephanie Raufisch


"What a great day to
be an .-\merican.“

(‘ol James S. Parker.
professor of aerospace
studies. proudly said these
words as he began his
speech during the Veter-
an‘s l)ay (,‘eremony yes»
terday at :\(llllllllSII‘(lIl()ll

This was the second
Veterans Day (‘eremony
to take place at UK since
its renewal last year. The
ceremony was a tradition
until the early 90s. when
the school felt that the
cadet core vas too small to
continue with the cerenio
ny. said (‘ol Mike lnman.

commanding officer of
Army R()'l‘t‘.
The ceremony in

volved the 21TI(S for tick?
et information
Senior Flute Re: Ildl lirnii Pope. film Sinuletary (enter




UK Volleyball vs Georgia fnm Memorial (tiltsouni

Saturda 11/13

(athollc Mass at The Newman (miter ntiiti


Senior Recitals (haries Weilnmp it Allison tinanuel Uni“ Smart-vary (enter Shannon Kinu.


Special Events
Mdnnrdnldn 99 (Diwali Nttei. Indian i If'llll‘df program With Iiiillim folk cmnc ex classic dl dam 9s.
and songs. 6—907“. Memorial Hall

Sunda 11/14

Res life Tutoring [no Inl. 6.104? Holmes Study tounqe and (omnmns 306

Res tile Tutoring Spanish. 5A i‘pm. Holmes (Idssrtiom

Res life Tutoring Math. 6 10pm, (ommons 108A

Res lite Tutoring, History I08 109 #me at (om-nous 1088 8. History 104 I05 2 5pm at
(ommons 306

Hes life Tutoring (hemisliy. 541nm Rovd Study Iniinui»


Sunday Morning Worship llam (hrisfian Student Fellowship 1802 (nltimtiia Ave \
(athollc Mass at The Newman (enter 9am. II mam ‘itim. 8 30pm

UK Volleyball vs South (dl'l‘llf‘d )nm. Mi‘lY‘lH‘lnl t iill\!'|H“

[xhll‘ilf (IN tilt HHINK iht' Milit'mllm Nears tilt Art Museum 1) ‘wm





 “Mimi,“ -.

Sports 1 t


Adam Spaw

Phone: 2571915 | Email. it ueblueadarnét yahoocom






























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WHOM 77 666i at AON saiidxa Tip? 2
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Doctors lSUlEJl ieuosmd 381:]. ' ’
seunes Mg 3. I.
d Sllllflpeell I9 Siaquiiig nets I
recommen 'sapKQ all'] 'iaumi/xaqiig. 2
o “eqianboea. ’
By Adam simg readmg the gamma x53 mad.
SPORtsoAitv [DIYOR iieqiaxseg 'souqmav. .
Kernel. . . .39! -

UK's scraggily group of op- II I
posing exhibitionists were a far JUSIUIIOJUJ ON
cry away from a formidable bas- .
ketball team last night in Rupp M 7M SWOQID-uxz 5W4- ’

Arena. awiaoaa MOU uiol‘ no.4 JI ,;

There was a 7‘1“. 339 lb. cen~ SUBwRVI a i
ter. There was 5‘10" guard with - 9“.“ i
a struggling goatee who looked i
like he had just finished a pick . l JO! 2 W F x} ”smash Jggriuii‘egméigguegm .3
up game at the YMCA. And then Any 6 InCh 3 had 9|DPUDZ 'M [£1 2
there was a 6'9" forward. fresh : '
otfa 1987 graduation from Neva- Su b J ’ ' l 9 l l -9lz ;
da- Reno. The Athletes In Action 4 l
were anything but. Yet. despite I ;
the squad's collage of over- sandWICh ”WISE 5 l; I
weight and over-the-hill, they
managed to give the (‘ats a game f $1 99
until late in the second half of or ' .
L'K‘s 98-77 victory. i
. VKFWT‘mmm “ “WWW” USP [21 “Kansas City Jazz” Seminar ;
In the first half and went to the Limit 4 per coupon per customer and the 3
locker room with the score tied Good only at . f
ill-13, 385 S L'mestone Freshman Discovery Program ,

"We (lid a lot better job in Present ' t i
the second half with every-
thing." l'K head coach Tubby ' If
Smith said. "We limited their - M'ke Ana" (“1d .-‘
looks. and the smaller lineup we .
tried was effective." Bourbon Street . ;

Smith‘s sleek and effective . . 5
group featured freshman guard i
Keith Hogans. whose alley-hoop 3
dunk with close to ten-minutes
left in the second half provided
the first edition of two 9.0 Wild- Be happy,
cat runs. “1 like a play like that. "l“ 70'5“" l KERN“ 5”"

IiIiiileii: 3:“ $3215; (El’g’gfinlmfhli UK freshma