xt70p26q266m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q266m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 04, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 04, 1985 1985 1985-03-04 2020 true xt70p26q266m section xt70p26q266m ___________________—______________—______—___—_______
Vol. LXXXIX, No. ‘23 .: _’ g .. .. - ~3Wfi _ UnlvouflydWy.W, W Mum 197' Monday, March 4. I“ ,
3’ (“”ha DAVIS ‘0 UK ‘0 hike up the Slack created _' out the bugs (in the roposall Wally Skiba. director of human re. . '
l 5"“ smwm‘” RY "Fe has °,‘, “‘e ”cm.“ ml” and “It does enhance peripheral areas (around the let's go for it." p source serum. has been looking at ' '
. . . . articulated (double-sized) PM - . The same sentiment was echoed Lex'l‘ran's proposal for several
s The Lexington Transit Authority is would alsobeputlntouse,hesald. campus). . . . Ourprlmary concern (IS) the core by the majority of the SGA senators. weeks. He said that bfisid.5 the ‘ _
consrdenng a proposal Wthh W00“ “There are now two bus system of the University _ up and down Rose. M who voted unanimously to tenta- problem of the tight corners, he was 3 ‘ - ;
3'” students and faculty members — the campus and ”KT?“ 53’5“ tlvely endorsetheproposal concerned that the proposal would ‘ ’4 - ~
‘ free lid” to ”Where in W" from tems. We want ‘0 eliminate some Wally Skiba: “On paper, it seems like a good decrease service through the center ' 7 - ’-
UK in exchange for dropping some duplication," Herman said. LexTran director of human resource services idea," said Jon Lamos. a senator~at5 of campus. 2' 5 - . f
0f the bus serv ices excluswe cam- currently has 51" buses exclusrvely 5 large. “It sounds a lot more efficient “It does enhance peripheral areas ' 5 "
, *- ”runs for U-Kvs use. That nummr Wand m — than'heone We have now “ (around the campus) That‘s not our ' .‘ . 7
7' - Larry he'h‘ant chairman 0‘ Lex- reduced, b‘“ it has “0‘ been estab ' Lamas, however, saidHerman of- primary concern." Skiba said, “Our ' ' I. : ‘ '
. “all. said in return for the free hShed byhowrnany. : endorsed Herman 5 WWI, pen- $31 was vetoed by the UK adminis- fered one note of caution at the pre- primary concern list the core of the 5 5- '
servrce and reduced fares back to The new system would be imple— ding a report of a bus serv1ce com- tration. sentation — the articulated buses University ~up and down Rose.“ 2' l 5‘ ’ '
. campus next fall, Lex'l‘ran. would merited mphasalf approved by the mittee ‘0 be appomted by Tim “This is an opportunity for com- are not able to get around tight cor— Herman said the new proposal ' - ' - a 1
ellmlngte ‘5 0f the 120 excluswe UK UK adhthStflhoh- .The Student fiendehhergi SG_A president. Last muter students to cut their fares,“ ners, such as the corner of Rose would actually increase the number 5 I 7 '
bus trips. Buses would be rerouted Gavernment Association tentatively semester, an earlier Lex'n-an prOpo Freudenberg said. “If we can work Street and Euclid Avenue. SW LEXTRAN‘ pageé , ’_ . W 5
. 5 :
Merger could link “”1: . ' h l ‘
. ...s .,:> ., .55, a. .J. as . «5 s w :1: ‘37.» hwy“? 3 ,. ‘ “(.7 _, {gh- v 7 7 ., :7: “V7“ 7‘ . '
f I . ' 5'... 5' 4 37 .5 7.55” 5213”» -- Siva-54'? ’ ‘ i1: 3' a... W ..... , , 5. '
a state institutions ~ .. W... .._.,_,.. , - .. .5 5; 5555 .. A.
“o M,.._... M... w M. m .. 5 .

. . o o ‘ gfgmgew" we‘w‘;Mu 5-7:... ‘ 7 7'7" ‘ 7’7 7 ' 5 . ‘ . ,
Statewzde umverszty governing boards .5 hr“ 5 . 5- x ' :2 i
becoming the trend, consultant says 5 £3; ._ , .

s:zr~.5§~ 7 .. .' 7 .
By DARRELLCLEM tion, Millett outlined the pros and #3:» 9"“ . l , . . :
Senior Staff Writer cons of a merger, citing examples of 4 .3, p i ‘
_ mergers in other states. “(But) if 5.3 ’.~ . . r l
The proposed UK5University of theshoe fits,wearit,"he said. a?" 38‘s , . Q W ' _
Louisville merger is “somewhat Decisions to merge universities, m. , .. 3 v: 7: " ’ .
unique" and could eventually lead to he said, can arise to combat expand- . ..=: — we - magma f; .. s: ‘9- .“ . .3 .
a combined, statewide university ing costs in higher education or to f 3 ’7 if?" "" 7 : , 5.. , , .. ' " . 3 .
system with a single governing reduce program duplication in state- 3'5." “'3’“ r5. .3 r“ ' . . ~ 7 a, are}? i??? "“5; cf" - ~
board. supported institutions. But “there is .jW- is 3,. . 7t? 5 $3.3" ate “571:5? 5. , i ‘
That possibility was put forth by no governor and no legislative lead- . i .5 ‘. .1333? "teak ,5; 3% '1}? , 1 i. *5 j? . ‘g I 3 '
John D. Millett. an independent con- er I‘ve been able to find who is will- "i ‘ 5"5. 5 .. -~ ; . WW 2 c1; r- 7‘ .3 '~ '
sultant and former chancellor of ingtoidentify (the universities) that 5. «.3 J", ~.§5 3* ifsi .1. .7 I I 7 5
Ohio's statewide university system. shouldbemerged or eliminated.“ l 5. 5- “f 1* 3% , ’ s . 1;... 5< 3&7 3 37 ’ Z _ " i, w
“I can't think of another exactly A merger could also result if it is A: ‘ i_ “' :.2;? , 7. ' g? ’1‘}: _ '- r. ' ‘ '
comparable situation.“ such as the felt that program quality will be im- so“ :35 ‘ ”fight 3*. 9;»? - 7 .~-
proposal to merge two doctoral uni~ proved, Millett said, although defi- KT ,; 3;” 3 2 .53.. . “1",5,‘ : .
versitias like UK and U of L, without ning quality canbea problem. .; » 3' 3:- '. ' 3 . 3.35333 .3. ~: 3 : _
including the state's other six insti- “It's like (former Supreme Court) 5:3,»: “ft. 5-3 gigs, g; ‘i . 5 . ' .
tutions,he said. Justice Stewart and pornography. 3 ,:r - . 3 .5 is ' a ._ "*5; f“ 5 -. ,
“If there is a trend, that trend is You know how Justice Stewart de- -, " ' ’“° 3 “ ‘ ‘ ‘7'?”- 3:5...- , .. or “S . ‘ . ' :
toward statewide governing fined pornography —— he didn‘t know . , ' . , _. W W ' .4 .. .1 ,5- " ' _ '
boards" Millett said. “If the legis~ how to define it but he knew it when L. “'8‘“ 5 1“ ' “'7'" " ,.. a. _ 77,7 ' '7 ~. - 7 ‘ 7
lature should vote to merge those hesawit.“ l 7” ’7 I , :5- .555. ., Warflgflms w . 4'\_- "h x, .. .
3:) lrlStltutl‘Ol’B. I can t imagine that Kentucky is “fortunate" that its ’ " “ , : 5 5...- M“ :, : . - N ,
other SIX would be left out for all)“ states ted . . . , . . 5 5 . . «~55, 395.3
le thoftime." ' “PW umversmer . ._ .. .. . 5 2 we : -
anbyfluggt spoke Friday at an Open have separate boards of trustees, .5‘ r 3“ '~'>-.‘-“:“~ ‘7‘. 55 WWKM .‘ . . w...- ufi 5 5 ‘7‘ '
meeting on merger Sponsored by the mg: Eight: 7,29 52““? tfi" ‘ ‘ ’5 s '. : ‘ . 'T 7 " , ~ , . warns... ' ' 7 Hr» ...., .
UK chapter Of the American A5507 strongest ovemi boards ' th: 5 ‘7 «M 3'- " .2“? 53' ”3‘53,“ was? 3 552,“ ' . . ' 7 f
ciation of University Professors. nation g "g m ' ’ ~ s e: ‘r '> " 3.; fiwe’a‘" 2"~"""‘:wé' 1.53152; 4:" -,
AAUP members are seeking infor- ' ‘ iii'rTi'ssiniun kc'nrlYaT
mation before a merger statement is Brad Canon, a University Senate Water sports
made to the Board of Trustees member, attended the meeting and _ . _ _ .
mergercommittee in April. said Millett‘s comments on the CHE Richard Parks, an employee of the Lexington Park District, dlSmCF and the sanitation department were Cleaning the side. ‘ . ,
While cautiously avoiding specific were surprising. “I don‘t think our hoses down the sidewalk on Vine Street yesterday. The park walks 1“ preparation for the Final FOL " ' »
references to the UK-U of L situa- SeeMERGER,page6 , ' .
S eaker calls for close of ender a Pmposed ' ' ‘ -
g g p e a. 5hr - 5 l l . ' -
Women should support legislation to restore czvzl rights acts, Ridings says -' ' 5 ' ocatlon for i ' -
Bl'LIN'S-KADABA — also vice chairwoman of the Pri~ right senators. Ridin said. Both 7‘} bl k t V ' 7 . ' '.
Contributing Writer Outstanding Lexington women chard Committee for Academic Kentucky senators cosgponsored the ‘ 3 5 ’ ac cen er ' ' ' .
Dorothy Ri dings national prosi were honored for various Excgllence. “Whozlr: I wast in ninth ac'l‘h h .. g: 2' . . . . ' ' ,'
. ' . . gra e, men t prin ing an is year, owever, neither Wen- . ' ' , . _ - ,
dent 0f the League 0‘ Women V0“ :37“ emeantesgesterday. women took study hall," she said. dell Ford, D-Ky., nor Mitch McCon- q 5 Cr] t1 Clzed 5 5 .
ers. asked women yesterday ‘0 ry. p g ' “Iwantedtotake printing." nell, R-Ky., cosponsored the bill. {it ', . - :
help: close thesender gap by sup ——'—'———_‘ Title ix would require those in- Ridings encouraged women at UK ‘33., r or Eliznamiimrus ’ - 5
porting the CW“ Rights Restorer stitutiom from discrimination: stitutiors receiving federal funds to to write to the senators for support Wow .. News Editor '
tion Add 1985‘ . Title VI- WhiCh protects racial. eth- provide :qual oppOrtunitios for of the act. ' ' . 5:" 1‘ ' . - .
“We can focus some serious at nic and other minorities; the Reha- both men and women. “There are "Everybody can and should be- ‘fl ‘ Even though the proposed location ' .
tentlon “3 the very real gender gap bilitation AOL Wthh protects the a number of complaints that the come involved in pushing political Ad of a black cultural center is pending ‘ ‘ 5 ,
between attitudes of men and disabled; and the Age Discnmina- Justice Department is refusing to issues," she said. “I know elected , an April 2 vote of the full Student 2 ‘ '
.women and use that for real politi- hon Act. which protects the elder- review on the grounds of Grove officials do pay attention to constit- DOROTHY R'D'hcs Activities Board, about 15 students ' 5 ' , 5‘
cal. 500131 .and economic change," ly. City v. Bell,"she said. uents. That‘s how women can . . .That‘satragedy." have already begun voicing their -
Rldlhgs said ‘0 about 100 women "The CM] Rights “6‘0“!th In the case, the Court ruled that changetheworld.“ The gender gap. she said. is disapproval. . ' -
and four men'at the Student Center Act of 1985 would restore the four only the institutional departments Ridings. former editor of the issue-based and not political candi» Those who regularly use the Stu- ' ‘ >
Addition during the keynote ad- original civil rights acts.“ she said. which receive federal funds must Kentucky Business Ledger, crit- diate- or party-based. The sender dent Center yime room said they ‘
dress opemns the Sixth annual "Nothing more.” comply with Title IX, not the insti- icized the media for oversimplify- gap is the differences in attitudes were displeased about Thursday‘s ‘ '
Women's History Celebration. The restoration act, in partic- tution asawhole. ing the gender gap problem. “The between men and women on issues decision of the SAB executive com- 5 7
Riding called for support of the ular. would mm power to Title A similar act failed to pass the gender gap became a media dar- such as military aggression. ecu mittee to use the room which is lo .
Civil Rights Restoration Act of less [X that was “gutted" in the US. Senate last year because of a fil- ling," she said following her nomics, social services, environ- cated between the Student Govem- . ' :
that would reaffirm Title 1)}, which Supreme Court decision of Grove ibustering move by the Reagan ad— speech. "it was something they mental protection and equal rights, ment Association offices and several -
protects women 1" educational lh' City College v5 Bell. said Ridings, ministration and some radical wrote about in short-hand fashion. she said. vending machinesonthefirst floor.
By 3 pm. Friday, they had orga- ' '
nized their efforts and collected 30 ' 5
O 0 . signatures on a petition opposing the
Celebration recognizes women ’ s histor
' y Kathy Ashcraft, a political science
senior and an SGA Arts & Sciences '
. . . .. , _ . By CORI SHEETS g' ‘ sonata; said the :{tudirll‘tlsddor‘il’t opi
.. . ‘3; Reporter pose creation a c tura
mmsm . ‘ i M5 . 7/ M center. but don't want the room
on m "'1“me Members of the feminist newspa. L , w taken away from them. It has be
”DOE . t, per Emergence and the campus * 1/ Ufigh‘ag ’ I,» In -. J 0:: come a popular gathenng place for
4' 7‘ lags. Chime?“ the National Organization 4/ 5 65‘, ' // offcampus 5W3 between
'1 1. Wu?” 3 ‘ . for Women are celebrating Women‘s # / 1 ‘( . /" r /- ' /,v 2 . , Gil-586.5119 said. .
m w I!“ h History week in a truly historic $2, ,///5’ (.15. ’ , ,f/ \ /' “It's one of the few places in the
5m 5" iii? ' ' . .-_ . manner —— they'll be wearim early 711% b . L : ,1 , ‘\ . Student Center that‘s consistently
,' ....., 2.53.5: W Nth-century clothing and carry“! 7‘ /// / ‘1 - . :7? p c ,‘ used," She said. ”I challenge you ‘0
‘ .. a“. demorltr'ationligm. : 7w, , / - l _ , v. ,3 find somewhere else in the Student
M I... and“ fl Calling them lrlforrnatioml pick- 4 ”l/ I, ’v o ‘ / 3' K ,I, . Center thfll's CWiStenUY Faded on
’WUW! 59¢ , ‘7 55:. eta. Suzanne Feliciano, coordinator 4 /i Z 7 , 4 5 . vb / Saturdayand Sundayafternoona."
ugly—I. Vim... of the campus chapter of now, said : 4' ' ,5/1 - I» l1, ‘ . .5 <— / 3‘ J \ SAB President Louis Straub
, we 3c “is women will be carrying signs per- my 33/; / : 5’ 1. r, 5”“), ";‘§ agreed. saying that after monitoring
on mo o’ Iii-pillar tainimtowomen'shiatory. g’ @ fiat l a . a . r the room for about three weeks,
”m-..’ .37.- . Some (1 the sign carried by the -: [M / 9 ‘ | E: , fig: SAB officials found it was usually
M ‘ 7 7 ' 7 7 “a” will bear the logo "Did W" h" l , ‘ '. .- / crowded; at lunchtime there were
hmyou'veonlybeenabletovote . . \— ’ .', ' uualIysoormmstudalts.
alncelm?"hlicianonid. v , ‘ \ 6;, However, become most of the stu-
“Youm women don‘t realize ‘ ‘hq 1/ , 7 -' dents were “eating lunch or visit-
they're missing anything. They don't . , 4 ' -« 1 ing." he said SAB wt they had
; 2‘ ‘3 _ ér’ 2.; know abut the Wanen'l Studia "NUDU/Krmlor-vhlr‘ other places in tin mt Center to
7_ 5“...“d7w ~ ~- ‘ Program, “an out of became activities will be taking She gave a speech titled “Women a Hall said. “N like to see more com gogwgmww‘cfil' that .1
Macaw . hooped“? 9““ "'1‘ “‘ h” "K °‘ placedrrlngtheentiremonth. wadmm." mmmmmogeofthir. 'Wu ' a: ‘
.-' ’ 5 ’ onset-wheref- Confirming ””5”“de It can be a cavity or fraternity W the 8'1 or library (Hi
5:3: Will: . - 2..., gig the wear. actlvitlel along with The .ctivitier bean yuiaoay It in addition, for the entire month, he... . cl”, . mm, mm", are twoot the few place-on amp-
3‘," “are ; i 5,5; NOW. Emergence and the airloc- at the seldom Center with keynote the my education office will m 0;. jun . imp of mm“ aet- with tables and an informal am
1...“... W give? ., cannulty and continuing m- ope-hr Dorothy Riding, who in: beapornorlngupeoher‘smu. an WWW like to he" spine, they are M ‘00
“W‘W‘W ’“‘ ‘ tit “Vienna's m Celebration" to." a Woman Vows since 1.3. to invite a W. Iron 1! charge." ' soccumnon. para “m5 "7
l o

 2 - KENTUCK YKERNEL My, m 4, 1‘
information on this calendar of events is collected
. and coordlmt-d through the Stud-.0? Center ,AsllxlfleL
, Olllce, M/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
‘ on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on
tho calendar, a Campus Calendar iorm must be filled
out and returned to the Student Activities Office
baseline: Forms will b: med no isler than the Monday proceeding the pubiioeiion due.
0 Academics: last day to drop a
0 Academics: Last day to w/
. draw from the Univ. or reduce
. . schedule and receive any re-
. Exhibitions: Cranbrook Academy/Sculp- C°"""'" Room 22 J91! 5"“"15'. C°"C°"I ° Luncheons: 'Ed. for the Forties 8 Beyond' lurid: Request refund thru Registrars ‘Ottice‘lw
ture 8 Mixed Media/Drawings 8 Models; Ras- Center “”1"“ Arts;8PM; Call7-4929 , bY Df- LOU" 5W1“: 32 for lunch; 4'2 R050: Gillis Bldg.
. dallGailery; Cali7-8867 ° MN'N‘Q‘: Em‘N’QMCO F'm'm" W°m°ns Noon-1PM;Call254-1881 0 Concerts: Contemporary Music Concert-UK
' e Exhibitions: Art Museum-Kentucky Quilts: PfOSsmeeting;111$C;5:30PM;Call254-2946 ' Meetings: National Organization lOT Orchestra; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-
» , . ”004900: Center for the Arts; Call 73297 h. Movies: Tlghtrope: $1.75: Worsham Women meeting: 205 SC: 12-1 PM; Call 254- 4929
o Exhibitions: Cranbrook Academy Graduate T .eatre’; 7:30 PM h 2946 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting-equip.
Student Exhibition; Fine Arts Bld .; 12-4:30 PM: _ 0' er. Farm ouse Dance Contest; Public ° MOW”: Singin' in "‘19 Rain; 31-75: ment rovided' Alumni G m' 7:30 PM' Call
9 p . y . .
Cali7-8148 inVlted: S2; SC Grand Ballroom; 7 PM; Call 8- Worsham Theatre: 7:30PM 277-9303
0 Lectures: Leonard Nimoy ‘Confessions at a 68“ . . _ . ° R“"°'33 50°" recital: J9"? PlOfCO. Clar- 0 Movies: Singin‘ in the Rain; $1.75:
' Trek Lover'; $6-Pub. 8 SS-Stu.; Center for the ° Other: M'"°“'Y Career F9"? 206 5C1 ‘0 Inet; Memorial Hall: 8PM; Call7-4900 Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM
' ‘ Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-8867 AM" PM: C°" 7'9‘0 . y ' 5130'”: SEC BOSRO'bO" Tournament; Bir- 0 Sports: Sign up for intra. Wrestling at Man-
. .- 0 Meetings: ‘Ramans: A Letter to Non-Con- ° 5PM"; Entry §”d""°'f°' ‘Mm'PWPl 5°" Mingham datory Clinic: 135 Seaton; 4PM; Call7-3928
formists' A Bible study: 412 Rose: 7 PM; Call :er-at 'A'llgrs. meetlng only.; SC Auditorium; 5 ° Sports: UK 305.5“. V5- Eastern KY- (H); °$P°fl$1 SEC Tournament; Birmingham
. 253-0329 N: Ca 7'_S928 . Sh'V'lY “Old? 2 PM 0 Workshops: Second interview/Salary Ne-
- e Movies: Free Screening of ‘Lady Hawk'; , ”or” Soccer M°"°9°“ m°°""97 SC AU' ' Workshops: Job Search Strategies gotiation; Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.;3:30 PM
. Worsham Theatre; 8 PM dltorlum: 5 PM; Call 7-3928 . Workshop; Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.; 9AM 0 Workshops: Alumni Job Club; Free; 103A
e Workshops: Resume Writing Workshop; ° SPOT“: UK 303050" VS- 30” 51010 (H): ShIV- 0 Meetings: Amnesty international meeting; Mathews Bldg.: 5:30 PM
. Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.; 11 AM 'eY “it'd: 2PM. ”55C: 7:30PM: Call 8-8147 . Meetings: Pre-Vet Club meeting; 106 Ani-
e Other: Tickets for play 'oh Coward' on ' Sports: thtle Kentucky Splash (Open to 0 Other: Career Expo; Table set up in White- mal Pathology Bldg.: 7:30 PM; Call 8-8507
sale now!; Tickets 35 a 56 includes dessert; teams from any reSldence hall); Memorial COl' lid" CB-first "001’ corridor; 9 AM-2 PM; Call 7- 0 Other: Panel Discussion on Sci. 8 Engi-
. _ Call 7-1378 Iseum; 7 PM: Calla-2215 2378 neering Research needs in Mining; SC Theatre;
‘ 1:30 PM; Call 7-8636
' 0 Other: lMMR Annual Program Review Lun-
cheon; $5.25; SC Grand Ballroom; Noon; Call
0 Lectures: 'Health Patterns' discussion by
> Dr. Barbara Brevard-21 Plus; 412 Rose: 5:30
PM; Call 254-1881
° Movies: Mad Max: 5175: Worsham e Movies: Mad Max; $175; Worsham 0 Movies: Mad Max; $1.75; Worsham 0 Exhibitions: Cranbrook Academy/Sculpture
Theatre: 7:30 PM . . Theatre: 7:30 pM Theatre; 7:30 PM 8 Mixed Media/Drawings 8 Models; Rasdall
.0 Recutals: Contemporary Mu5lc Recntal: Alan . Sports: SEC Tournament; Birmingham 0 Lectures: Lecture: is There a 'Right' Way to Gallery; Coll 7.8867
. Felnberg, P'°"°7 Center for the Arts; 8 PM; 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Tennessee (H); POHOVM BOCh?I COMB" for the Arts; 2 PM: C0” 0 Exhibitions: Art Museum-Kentucky Quilts:
C0“ 7'49” , . Shivley Field; Noon 7-4929 1800-1900; Center for the Arts; Call 7-3297
. 0 Sports: SEC Tournament: Birmingham 0 Concerts: University Choristers; Center for a Sports: cheerleader Clinics-March 11, 12 8.
° Workshops: Summer Job Search the Arts; 3 PM; Call 7-4929 13; Memorial Coliseum; 7 PM-9 PM: Call 7-3726
Workshop; Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.; 11 AM 0 Concerts: Kentucky Wind Quintet; Center e Concerts: Symphonic Winds Concert-W.
- ., 3, for the Arts: 8PM; 7-4929 Harry Clarke, Conductor; Center for the Arts; 8
. . 0 Lectures: Lecture: Is There a 'Right' Way to pM; c°||7_4929 .
Perform Bach?; Center for the Arts; 2 PM: Call e Concerts: Buddy Rich and His Band-featur-
7-4929 ing Steve Marcus; Memorial Hall; 8 PM; Call 7-
0 Movies: Mad Max: $1.75; Worsham 8867
Theatre; 7:30 PM ‘ 0 Meetings: 'Romans: A Letter to the Non-
' 01h": Films 0" quilts and quiltmaklng; Conlormists': A Bible study; 412 Rose; 7 PM;
Center for the Arts; 2 PM; Call 7-3297 Call 253.0329
0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Tennessee (H); e Movies: Mad Max; $1.75; Worsham
Shivley Field; 1:30 PM Theatre; 7:30 PM
0 Other: Tickets for play 'Oh Coward' on
sale now! Tickets 55 8 $6 includes dessert;
Call 7-1378
0 Sports: Those trying out for Cheerleading
, MUST attend 2 of 3 Clinics; Memorial Col-
’ iseum; 7 PM-9 PM: Call 7-3726
- Movies Arts 8 Concerts Intramural and Athletic Events
. 2 ‘ ‘ 3 4. Free screening of 'Lady Hawk” Worsham Theatre: 8 PM 3/5: Concerts: Room 22 Jazz Ensemble Concert; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 313':ng 392af-lem'lline for lntra. Soccer-at Mgrs. meeting onlyl; SC Auditorium; 5
t - h . _ 2 ' . , ’ 7.4929 : a -
‘ g 2. Eggtgo'ze'hsei R7casingvs‘aiis7génvllll‘3d: T1532“ 7:” PM 3/7: Contemporary Music Concert-UK Orchestra; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; 3/5: Soccer Managers meeting; SCAuditorium; 5PM: Call7-3928
3 7, Singin' in the Rain; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:3) PM (01174929 3/5: UK Baseball vs. Ball State (H); Shivley Field; 2 PM
. . 3'8: Mad M“: $1.75;Worshom Theatre; 7:” PM 3/10: University Choristers; Center for m. Arts; 3PM; Call 7.4929 3/5: Little Kentucky Splash (Open to teams from any residence hall); Memorial
3 9' Mad Max: Si .75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 3/10: Kentucky Vlflnd Quintet; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7-4929 Coliseum; 7 PM: Call 8-2215
I ‘ 3, 10: Mad Max; 51,75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM 3/11: Symphonic Winds Concert-W. Harry Clarke, Conductor; Center tor the 3/6thru3/9: SECBasketballTournament; Birmingham
. . 3 11: Mad Max; 3' .75: Worsham Theatre: 7.30 PM Arts: 8 PM: Call 7-4929 3/6: UK Baseball vs. Eastern Ky. (H); Shivley Field; 2 PM '
. . 3/11: Buddy Rich and His Bond-featuring Steve Marcus; Memorial Hall; 8 PM; 3/7: Sign up for lntra. Wrestling at Mandatory Clinic; 135 Seaton; 4 PM; Call 7-
Call7-8867 3928
- " 3/4 thru 3/13: Exhibitions: Cranbrook Academy/Sculpture 8 Mixed Media- 3/91 UK Baseball VS- TOHDOS!“ (H): Shivley Field: 12 Noon
‘ /Drawings 8 Models; Rasdall Gallery; Call 7-8867 3/10: UK Baseball vs. Tennessee (H); Shivley Field; 1:30 PM
3/4 thru 3/24: Art Museum-Kentucky Quilts: lemma; Center for the Arts; 15/” thru 3/13: Cheerleader Clinics; Memorial Coliseum; 7 PM-9 PM: Call 7-
. - f ' Call7-3297 3726 -
l - 3/4 thru 3/i2: Cranbrook Academy Graduate Student Exhibition; Fine Arts 3/ll: Those trying out lor Cheerleading MUST attend 2 of 3 Clinics: Memorial
. . Bldg.: 124:” PM; Call 7-8148 Coliseum; 7 PM-9PM; Call 7-3726
‘ ' ° . 1'5; s .. Looking Ahead
' ‘ . Meetings and Lectures IA peCIa Events
. '1 TI
‘ . ’y I F . . . _ .
- _ ‘ 3'4: Lectures: Leonard Nimoy 'Conlessions at a Trek Lover'; Sb-Pubu’SS-Stu; 3/7; Academics: Lastdayto dropacourso :11: msg#13233, pz’c21791r3: Academy Graduate S'Udm" E‘hlbmon' Fm.
. ' Center lortho Arts: 8PM; Call7-8867 3/7: Last day to w/draw tram the Univ. or reduce schedule and receive any 1 2 ' modi‘l . v_ _ _ .
. ' - . 3 7. 'Health Patterns' discussion by Dr. Barbara Brovard-21 Plus; 412 Rose: relund-Requestretund thruRogistrarsOltice107Gillis Bldg. Sfiymx‘éflbcflm dalghlgggvard Dessert “.0" show$5 Shh/“Nb" SC
'. 5:30 PM: Call 254-1381 3/4: other: Tickets for play 'Ol't Coward' on sale now! TiCkO'S $5 ‘ $6— includ— 3/12: En", mum's“ Co-Rec Soltball-at Mgrs mufing OM“, SC Auditori-
3 10- Lecture: Is There a 'Right' Way to Perform Bach?; Center for the Arts; 2 osdossort; Call 7-1378 ' um- 5PM~ Cain-3928 ' "
PM; 7-4929 3/5: Farmhouse Dance Contest; Public invited: 82: SC Grand Bel room: 7 PM; ' . ' dead , , ,
' 3 6: Luncheons: ’Ed. for the Forties 8 Beyond' by Dr. Louis Switt; $2 for lunch; Cail8-6841 2337-332? line for Co-Rec Faculty/Stall WM". SC Auditorium. 5 PM‘
. 412 Rose: Noon-1 PM: Call 254-1881 3/5: Minority Career Fair: 2065C; iO AM-l PM: Call 7-9442 ' : . Mlmur'
' . 3 4- Meetings: 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Conlormists' A Bible study; 412 Rose; 3/6: Career Expo: Table set up in Whitehall CB-lirst floor corridor; 9 AM-2 PM; :Qumpxiggpautcfilrfshgleoding MUST attend 2 0' 3 Clinics, '0'
‘ ' 7 PM: Call 253-0329 Call7-2B78 3n : Kmm" low," ; - - .
3,5, Emergence Feminist Women‘s Press meeting; 111 SC; 5:!) PM; Call 254- 3/7: Panel discussion on Sci. 8 Engineering Research needs In Mining; SC 3 U n town (H) Shw'” FM¢3PM
' 2946 Theatre: 1:30 PM; Call 7-8636
' 3’6: Notional Organisation lor Women meeting; 205 SC, 12-1 PM; Call 254- 3/7: lMMR Annual Program Review Luncheon: 35.25: SC Grand Ballroom;
. , 2946 Noon; Cain-8636
' 3'6: Amnesty international meeting; 115 SC; 7:30 PM; Call 8-8147 3/10: Films on quilts and quiltmoking; Center lor thoArts; 2 PM; Call 7-3297
' 3 7: UK Fencing Club meeting-equipment provided; Alumni Gym; 7:30 PM; 3/11: Tickets for play ‘Oh Coward' on sale now! Tickets 35 8 86 includes des-
Call 277-9” sort; Cali 7-1378
3. 7: Pro-Vet Club meeting; 106 Animal Pathology Bldg; 73) PM; Call 8-8507 3/4: Workshops: Resume Writing Workshop: Free: 103A Mathews Bldg; 11
- . 3.11: 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Conlormists' A Bible study: 412 Rose 7 PM; AM
Call 253-0329 3/6: Job Search Strategies Workshop: Free: lmA Mathews Ildg.: 9AM
' 3/7: Second interview/Salary Negotiation: Free; 1WMathews Iidg.: 3:1” PM
' ‘ 3/7: Alumni Job Club: Free: imA Mathews 0169.; 5:30 PM
3/8: SummerJobSoarchWarkshop: Free; imA Mathews Bldg.: 11 AM
g/féuzocitais: Guest recital: Jerry Pierce, Clarinet: Memorial Hall: 8 PM: Call
3/8: Cont Music R ital: Alon - .
PM; Call 7W'Y 0‘ Feinberg, Piano, Center tor the Arts. I
s . \



Clean sweep

Florida takes three straight from Kentucky
By JOHN PAINTER lull-ranked Calms to outscore UK Besides Campbell's hornet. which " . I'
new 30-4 in the three-game series. Flor- was Kentucky’s first this season and . . .
ida took a pair Saturday evening by the only extra base hit here, the i) . '

GAINESVILLE. n; _ Numbers a 34), 12-1 count, then concluded brightspotswerehardtocomeby. .. l ..
easily tell the story of the UK Wild- things witha 15-3 pasting yesteday. Ray (0-1) continues to be the ,. . . . .
cats‘ fateful Florida swing that tough luck pitcher- ’l‘he senior ushty , . . . . .
operiedtlie1905seesoriona3-6note. A season-high crowd of 1,550 was has a 1.93 ERA over 14 innings but m A K 5‘ _ .' .

In other words. only the weather on hand Saturday as Gator hurlers his teammates luive scored just one ,. . . ~ ‘\I\ . , .
was great. Jeff Fischer and Scott Ruskin nearly run during that span to make the . .. :3.“ - t‘ . I - ,

A .247 batting average and a 7.42 pulled off twin shutouts. Only UK se- phrase “hold 'em right there Jay “v.2: . . 9g? 3%., 7-4: . . I -_ . . ,.
earned run average — bad hitting nior shortstop Rick Campbeu's two- obsolete. ‘ ~ "-‘ do: - ., -
and worse pitching — have current- out, two-strike home run in the final I ,5 x". ' ., t , I' ' 2 - r _
ly placed Kentucky in a tie with inning of the nightcap prevented the Saturday night, Ray allowed only ' ., ‘ * . , . , y
Vanderbilt for last place in the doublewhitewash. six Florida hits while striking out :32. .. *W ' . 4 i 4. ‘ "
Southeastern Conference’s Eastern three. M - I . 5 » _ . .‘
Division. Both. following weekend Yesterday righthander Jeff Hell- But Kentucky threatened only in r. . fig, "”‘. .' .' . _
sweeps 8‘ the lands 0‘ Florida and man received the same kind of the second inning, when seniors , M ~ ‘ , , - ’ .
Tennessee respectively, are 0-3 in treatment given Saturday to UK Randy Clark and Kevin Gothard . . , , * ‘ _ - . _ '
theearl SEC clings. Ra nd Tim Swob. su lied UK's on] two hits in the _ . llMSHAIWKemlW' . . " .

y g sTtIaerteasathasy pelgeda Hellman (2,1) “:2“ shutout. D}lirlng tint inning Kentucky gymnast Michelle Remark performs during UK's victory over Eastern Michigan Saturday. . i .‘ f _

“It’s just a matter of the other with five runs in the first and never Kentucky leased “when? as him . ' - f g;
teams wanting to win more than we looked back. Murphy’s w follow two to. e t,
have," said a disgruntled UK head “If I don’t see some changes in Flscbel‘. however,_ preserved hlS ymnasts tum e y ast 1C lgan . . ' - .
coach Keith Madison after yester- the way we‘re playing — if I don't ElcilIlltoutperhy slashing grail “leg . . I .
day’s loss. “We played exactly the see some changes by the Ball State 5"“. on a 2 as e B ANDY DUMSTORF . . mm K ndall Lu t . ‘ . .,
way Florida wantedusto.” game (tomorrow’s home opener at 2 themmng. SSOI'tsEditor firmnghbgctol‘gnllliglhlgk 3:; new mar-itsn onethe unevgzsbjfs ' ' . .. ~ '

. ., p-ln.)." Madison said, “then I'm . , , they did," Little said after the (9.4) and floor exercise (9.45) and ' '~ . W

That ‘way was poorly enough for gomgI to start moving some new The Cats “:1qu a smme Before Saturday’s meet with meet. “We had a rough week of scored an all-around score of . . . . .
the defending SEC champion and faces mtothelineup. homeetandinlexington tomorrow. Eastern Michigan, UK gymnIas- practice and we really needed 37.05. Sophomore Cindy Durr . .. '
ties coach Leah Little was hoping this (the score)." scored a 9.5 on the vault, break» , _ ,v

. her team would bouncerack Kentucky has four remaining ingherold recordof9.4. _ ', '

Bayou Ben als hold off Wildcats "5 WWW m... .. m... m... it... mamevemamcordslso ' =

, ”mm"? Conference schedule before the NCAA Re- fell during the meet — a team I- l ' '

. cmmP'meaweekear'm' SlOMIS 89‘ underway ll the vaulting total of 46.0 broke the , " :

S th . UKS final score not only left young UK squad makes it to the old mark of 45.35, set the week . ‘ I ‘

WI“ 0“ eas ern 0n erence l e the coach ecstatic but a little re- regional, and it would be short- before. Four nine-pluses and an 7 "
lleved Withtheoutcome, sighted to count UK out, it would 8.85 r45.85> broke the former ‘ '

Staff andAPreports the whole game," Reynolds said. However, the Wildcats did man- The Kentucky mark 180.75. beanother Kentucky first. floor exercise record of 44.60. , ' ‘ '
.«Butmy teammates helped meout. agetooutrebound tsusezs. was a UK first. breaking the old And the uneven bar score M45) _ - I X ,

In the end, it was Louisiana “There‘s no way one person can Kentucky sank 20d 52 shots from school record of 177.05 which was Saturday. the Kentucky team bettered the old recordof 4365 - -

State's diamond defense which guardKenny Walker." the field for 38 percent for the game set earlier this year. Eastern not Onb' sel a new OverallISGhOOI . , . » ’ ‘
proved to be a real gem in their Walker. however. who also leads and turnedtheballover 18 times. Michigan finished the meet with score. but broke four mdivrdual IThe gymnasts Will be In action _‘ . _ ~ .
Southeastem Conference titleclinch- the sac in rebounds with 10.4 per The victory gave the Bayou Beng- ascoreofl73.45. records agaimt Eastern Michi- Saturday "18*" {vhen they host = ,

er against Kentucky. game, managed to pull down 13 in als their sixth straight SEC triumph “I was pleased with our overall gan. Bewling Green at 4130‘ . ..

The Tigers installed the diamond- thegame. and ninth win in 11 games, increas- -
andone defense in last Thursday’s “I think the diamond really can ing their league mark to 13-5 and ~
practice in an attempt to shut down fused them,” LSU coach Dale season recordto 19-8. - '
the SEC’s leading scorer and re- Brown said after the game. “We Kentucky, 11-7 and 15-11. lost in Study, Reading, and I'!N°TICE'!l ~ ’
bormder, Kenny Walker. played four different defemes dur- the Assembly Center for the sixth Classroom Stra*° let on e o ‘ _

ThEPIOy med ing the game and they never really time in Eight yeam- The Wildcats ————-—-—9— Are YOU an Ouf_°f.t°wn studenf Wllh »

The Bengals, led by Jerry Rey- figured out what we were doing." finished in a third place tie with Ala- 10 sessions of basic study skills, IMMEDIATE dental needs? .
nolcb. held Walker. who was leading “I just want to hail Jerry Rey- bamaintheSECstandings. including Reading Speed8 H‘ * h f H . ,' '
the league with 22.3 points per nolds for the job he did on Kenny Kentucky freshman Ed Davender ’r/Iyw ‘ Comprehension Improvement. Our 0 if: OedleIrs liteodot argyldgaI '
game, ‘0 just 16 in Saturday's 67451 Walker," Brown added. “i thought led all scorers with 22. Nikita Wilson t" / F"; :10 UK swam“; 525 Nomsmdoms ' ”‘ 'Zzlrggcy (3,9 " ° 5 . '
Vlcm- Walker was held to only one Walker was umtoppable. But Jerry pumped in 11 and Derrick Taylor C _ ---------- Sound” and evening opp's. , ‘
field goal in the first half film. changed my mind today. added 10 for the Tigers. -Complete dental services . I

Wildcat coach Joe 8. Hall praised “Hedida brilliantjob." Tennessee upset Georgia 86-85 Sat- Soc. 3: Mon ‘ Wu! 3". Wm. E. Sho