xt70p26q2498 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q2498/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-01-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1971 1971 1971-01-19 2020 true xt70p26q2498 section xt70p26q2498 ..2 I , I i _ - III I , I
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uesday. Jane 19. 197! UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON \ol I.\H. \.., m , . 2
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BY MIKE MILAM sponsibilities‘ ”are to be used in . , V ' 2' ‘gwe‘tfiwg‘fl 5‘, ;. r r. g .‘ -‘I 22
Kernel Staff Writer detemiiiunq tnt‘ertereni 2.. coer- , '5' . ‘ . 2.2%.?»er '13, 22.}2. i j

The nearly forgotten student cion, and disniption." 2 .. . __IgI / %§£Ifia’”e -. '.-'. ‘- _-

. . . . . ., " ”t ' ”eta/,azflv ' 2'2' ‘ '2'. ,. . ' 1, v‘
code revrsions Wlll meet final ob- Section 3.4 of the code de- . _ 2 2 .22 :figIeIIfiMIJ ..’_ -_ - .-,.I I _
stacles when they are reVIewed fines student nights as the right 2' _ z fig}? I... ._ .-‘;2.' -
by 18mm student groups this to freedom of expression. which “a?! ‘1 '3: e.” T:é:”fls;;»¢g 3- . '.2 .2 2'; "-.
wee ‘ "‘Ch'de‘ ”W ”W ‘0 Pick“ 0' ' ' 2 r a ”We »-

_ The Student Affairs (.omimt- demonstrate for a cause . . .' It as». .. 3 wnghfii} .. g: . +;;a.1.t~rl.---i'. . .2;
N79. (SAC). WhiCh mad“ th" '9' also says that the student must 2 ‘ ‘ ~ ' ‘2: w... . . . ”ta. _ ' ' f 2‘ ’e . :
Visionfi. Wilt WNW-t the final act in an ”orderly and peaceful .2 ‘ t ..:? .II’ L. '2
draft of the proposed revisions manner." while not interfering 2 I”. ’ 2 ) '3-2 _s- i5 -I.I’;
1“ the fonn of hearlngs and (115' “nth the proper f‘lnctlons of I .ts2 \ I.I I . , ’. e... III

’ "Whom at 7130 11"“ “X1333 t0" the L'niversity-" Furtherethe-‘m' ,0" ., . . I-g
morrow, and Thursday in Room (lent must follow "the L'ni- . - ~.. - . 2. ‘»., . .

119 Of the Student Center. versity‘s regulations 35 to time, WV” ’ : ,.

The Board oanistees. which place. and manner. \ R ' . ,2 rt ‘ tie,

has final say about any revtsed That. declared 21‘” ”I: . -. its! =II.II ~-I I e,\‘--‘ 31“..

code. will discuss it and vote on '9 the h'ig'Jlet‘t change that pro . . . 2:92 , ' "2 ,2 , .1727. .

“Jim 31 ably wont go through. I dont 7 F - d I - Kerr‘rei mi nu Ke' an , 2r _.‘;~"~. .- .‘I. I;

TheCraduateand Profession- know the response that the over- W orld rum s up .;2
- . ‘ ~- 2 V all code will et from the board. , . . 2_
‘1] Student A“°““h0h (Cl SA) but I'm suregthat it will get a It s not often that one can talk to someone from students at an Intemational Students Reception ’2, 3 .;

' s '2 2 . o u . . ‘ .. J .22" .‘.‘ ,
met W‘th the (Ode ”infer“ 0" favorable a ilaiise from the stu- almost anywhere in the world but the opportunity held Monday night in the Student Center. Here I «.I: _
Monday and 2Y0ted unanimously 1 t‘ W I? ed to vet them‘in- became real to Christine Carrigues (left), a UK Christine speaks with Kulwant Thind from India ‘I .'-
to accept SAC s new code. ()ther ( en 5- I? 'e h student who found herself one of the American andjacob Akintole from Nigeria. '2 er ‘ t ’2’.” 3'
such groups will be asked to do terested. It?” _ ,t ‘I 'I 4;,
the same tllih “'L‘ek. . 7 . T . n . _- -. #...3,.;.._.¢_-“Y_..

Needs Feedeee 0 rtw n Laws: LL 3 l8 the [38 no -

. . . Barbara Ries. head of theStu= III .2 4,

. (tent Right 5 def.“ and a member EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the l)iltereuccs of opinion conceriie iiiu" (“hen fetal motion is first The l’w; «2 n»: 1 Mb t xiii . 2 I, j t .2 “2:;
0f the StudentGovernment-8110;1- setonrl of a fisepart series “hid! inu abortion emanate from the teltm usually lb’ \\(‘t‘t\.\ b_\ i-oine \t‘!it|ii]i 422’ t ”thohk o... . 9" .-
sored committee to reVIse tie examines the issues roiiici'iiing conflicting Values \Vlllf‘ll peo— nion—hm 2. ()thei‘s iii.iint.iiii that \\'.ishiii‘.:to:,. l) (' tha’ ah 2 '3 i if. I I: ‘2
code, said that (:28 {Sew “X 8 abortion. ple place on human life in its “life” is not until birth. laid been ""‘i‘ittt'Yt'ii . 7, rI.“ '5
needs student fee dc ' B \VE l)EL\\'() BROWN \arious‘ stages of development (Iatholits (Zonsidcr lt \lllt‘tlt‘l' (stei- sum» i)”. {no tent”): :‘aye'f. I '

.. . . . \2 .e. .e , , . . .. H .. . . . . . 2 :_ .; .. . .2 .
Since tts pnmary purpose “I. t t \l . F l' or fulfillment the Roman (..itnolic ( hni‘th the (hurt h and (1é24’..‘- 2. - w. , _2 2 _
.I I r . .2 ssis an . anagmg A nor I , . . I II. . I . I I _ a _ i . II I l . II. .i.\7.‘ .i. , .- 2. '{2 :-
is to aid the LK student. the \VheneVei‘ ch'inizes in l-m Im, lhc arguments: of the ”my“. firm hft t)tLlIliS \\li(]i toiutp \otain- .tit.I.ItI\ pi inns t. , . . fi. .2‘ ._ III . -.
changes that we brought 3b01|t ‘ 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . 2 . , tion occurs l‘l'()Ill that moment erinu it dmeienth ethlu-i '- I2 e; :2. ,. 2 ..:2. 2' '2'
should ITOdllCC a better defined taking Phtt'tfi both proponents ”lg “Emmi“ seem to mini“) on the\ consider the ”Wino of stilll't' ‘s si\ d it it \s is l‘lrt e t‘ i-
‘ ,, Y .. incl 0 )oiieiits (.mmt to the f0“. around which or whose life is - .. ‘ _ .. ‘_ ‘ - “ ‘ ‘ “‘ i i ~ I', , . .
code Miss Riessaid. thhthat ‘ p1 ‘ ‘ - , , cells a life. and acuirdiniz to tu 192% that .i hope iiihd that “We! ’ 2 . ., 2‘
‘ ' and the abortion issue is no cs— hmhfl \alucd ””d t" \shat dh‘ - ‘ .- z 2 2" . 2 .2 . -.
in mind we WOMd like every Stu- . ‘ 1 l H '1 .' L’N‘t‘ gomp “gm. for u“, m2“ thein. destruction of the tetus life begins at tlu~ moment .:t 22?‘ ,‘e 3 .. II _I2. I~ ,. I
dent to some to our meetings. “mm” A” ""4”” “""hhh . .. .- at anV stage is‘ infantici’dc. conception , ff?" . ,2- 2‘ '.-'
jg such .1 fllIKl‘ttnt’nt‘lllV cmo- of the fetus. others for the lite , . - g . . , _
httt I exPeCt a very small ttlm' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ . Pope l).tltl also said that then 1 ~ I. 3’ -
. . . .. ‘- 2| H, tl . .2 1 . _ ot the mother and her right to WMM-N’,W . 2. 2, I. 2 .2 2. .
outofiiiterested students. “mm P“) ’ (m- h 51‘ ‘5 “ft” . . might 1,. (dusts fraught u uh I. ._ .
. \ ~ . . . 2 determine what to do \\’ltll her 2 2 _ .. —2 -‘. .'
mtuts ire in ms l l . .
- ' ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ 2‘ -2 . - .- .. . ‘ . .n'in. i \\ an '1 l't"'l.t n2. ‘2 , 2 ' ‘
She also explained thatcopies As’ the International (Ioiifcr— htt'e “h‘lh Shh ”tho” “”1”“ h“ we'atller l2 L x t ih. ~l..-\ «Li ki ti . :e‘fle‘. '..‘ ‘1 .
0f the COde are available in the cnce on Abortion stated in its (““ht" ”f hf“ for thh rm: 01‘ ”mi.” "‘ (til 1 Hi t!1 Q i ' it‘ll J" i ' e 1' "
_ ‘ ‘ “ ' ' . . . ' '_ 2 - 22 ;I\i_~ viI .2- ~_.‘. f'
Student Government office. book “The Terrible Choice: The th" population “hwh ”huht h“ FPTC‘S! for Lexington am? v1 ”hm “i in” ii I- iti I it w. ". 3 '- . _~.- .; ‘
The mOSt controversial pro- Abortion llilciiima “Baum”. harmed if abortion isn't used as emit)" Cloudy and co'd ““11 a t "‘t t I“ t m“ ‘1 ”H‘” “"t ”NI It '"I g” -’ ‘3 2 .
posed change, NHSS Ries said. i 2‘ V t, t lf ‘, I. ‘ .2 ,1 ‘ll'lL‘l's'>(ll‘()p tt) C()i|tt"t('(‘pti()ii v few periods of snow flurries to thati't’asiiiiat-(liiiesi ,. (it \ . pm. (I .2 . t - “1-. —.II
2 -‘ I e —in non-re— ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 . . -~ - ‘2 ‘ I ' ‘ 2
deals with Section60fthepresent U. , ”Sp“ or _ _ d3 . Fan and cold ton] ht and therapeiitu .il .[titlltltiiis .ibzn .. ..- ,, r

.. code which “at“ ”No student ligious. practical terms. or be- One of the basic questions in not as cold W l esdag High “In” dmw to 3 1‘2t2- thi- flush .i‘; I-III ~I iI..II-: 2‘ :4
aha“ engage in, interference cause of rm'crence for or sanc— the controversy is. “\thn does today mid 20? low tonight 10 oi nu-nt I] 1III iitt ol the III 'itll‘l ;Iy-;. .2.I f . .'
t ' . . . . . , s . . n . . - ' ' I ‘ ‘ i 'i H 2 , , K . ~‘ V ,_
COCYCtOh 0' disruption .. my ”f M“ m “412mm“ thmh‘ ht" ”"hh'h-V hhhm') I” “"h‘“ High 'Wednesday in the .305 ll] 'ittit‘l “tints i1 i- t i". 42,2 . 2.“ V

a - - , _ . . I ' . 2 . ll 2t “III-III .".{v‘.."

- 51 d tR' ht ti2oin earliest recorded liistoi'_\' abortion is murder because they Precipitation probabilitiCS' 10 ( hurt} I us ”\1." III IIII 21. II . .- Q . I 1' II .

~ ' i . . I i . , t i ii . I4 .. i , _ . .I ‘I .
u on 'g 9 there has been no disagreement lit‘llt‘Vt‘ life beams at coiu‘cp» t t d .5 cm” 'ght ,. .. 1) 2. 2 it. i.. V o 2 I i ' 2' “ ’7
SAC's revision ofthis section " 2 . ‘ 2- } , -‘ percen 0 ay, per cm ' ” “h“ '2‘ ‘ ‘2’“' ‘2“ -' -- , ..I . 221 2,
2 - - . - - that human life itselt is t it‘ tion. ()thers' hold that life I _ ’- .'. ‘f. 7‘ .’
states that student rights and re- pmhpm imolycd 12,, abortion. doesn‘t begin until 22(11,i(.k(.,,. , ,,,M,M,m,, (ontinued on Page 8. ( ol. 1 I, _iI: I,
‘ .iI II . ‘I 2 ~ I"
22 ‘ 22 ‘ 22 ' ‘ ‘ " ' ’ ‘ ' " " ' " e a . a ‘5'" " . -. "' ' i'; "
2 ~ . . ‘2’ ' ‘2'7'2='2‘=- ' ‘ ." ‘ ‘-
- 2. .egt . .- 2‘jf‘2if‘ifi Ei‘“ ‘ 2.. w V . ' ' 2‘. 2 s 2 2 . " 1., '
2.4;. 3 s Wflthfi . 2 2 ' .W‘I ' ' ‘ ' 2 ' ”A ' '5" 2: 2-
?_:'-2'j="‘: file .9 . . ., . III. : j-zk . . \ I \ We, ,» 2X5 . II ..I . I . ." I‘
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-I.._v.s.:¢;..2ig'-=\.I. “ . w," i . - 2 2 t . . » - .2
t; I . fllff \ . f if.“ , 1 ~I II . I2 .
(I I_ , . r.» .. ..~ .» . 23g: -, . . ‘ 3 2 2
I . _ . , ’3 I II 3 I (s IIIII II III II I I III I
:-<_;.II 2 Q I l 1 I ' I 3‘ 2
”d _Ig- .' = D . i , I - 2_ 9 ' .
.. i t I t i 2 i , ' ‘ "t I '2 . . - ,'
I 17f 2 t 5.2," H t“: 9: """b‘w- '3‘.» i I -\.:L? .. 2. I' " ’3 ‘:"-'- - ,..'.‘A I! i .t-- ':'- ' 2 ‘ , ‘ i i . ‘ , ' ‘
- .. t . as. 2 e. we . ~ 2 .~ . 2.
2‘5; 2 . . II2,. . . . I . I
. . Lislemng um] ”eluding . . 2 2.
. -I‘: \ I ‘ .- I? I_.f:'.::3i;;;‘._».l:I,.I \’ , . . .. '7 t i i
-: 2- . I . II After listening to three women speakers. the recent tour. Miss Iaylor ("prossud that ”mm “ I“ . , . . .
I - 3-: audience had their chance to get in on the dis- a feeling ot cooperation among the people and .' . . 2
U cussion Monday nightasWomen .sLiberation spon- that she saw a picture "different from \s hat mu 2 ‘ ‘ .
2. r a ' * sored a discussion on Palestine. The three women. see in the paper." In the audience dismission . ‘
‘i'i'; 1”“ Susie Taylor (speaking at left). Sharon Rose and which followed. Shukri Shakshir iahovc right! ' ‘ ‘-
’ Kathy Tackney spoke of their own experiences debates a point with Gabriel ]. lddan. ‘ - .
‘ ” 22 2 2 in dealing with the people of Palestine on a Kernel l‘hnto Rs .i...~2 wmm ' 2
. i . y . .

 2—TIIF,KENTI’(IK\" KERNEL. Tuesday, Jan. l9, 197] _________________________________________—
‘ V 0 V o ) .0 . . :
Pledges Neutrality iii l iiiiiaiy ,
______——__;—————4 ;
K'l dN edStt D t' Ch '
l.()['lS\'ll.I:E, Ky iAPlh- neuiul a new chairman because Breathitt then nominated and proper notice of the meeting was Rep. Peter COD“. D-LOUiS- l;
Forniei state Sen. Shelby lsni- \iis. Marie Turner. the tempo— extollul Kinkead while support- not given, and that the cominit— ville. a Combs supporter, said .
kead was elected state Deiiitr rary chairman, had told me on ers of Ford—including Miller, tee was being plunged unneces- ”the governor in Frankfort is g
, crate chairman Monday despite two occasions she did not want committeetreasurer CeorgeDud- sarily into a party squabble. making us look silly every step
‘ ' . warnings that the Ill()\t‘ would to serye. ley of Louisville, Senate Presi- Breathitt maintained that Of the way because We do not “
_ hurt the party. . Money Needed dent Pro-Teni William Sullivan, somebody needed to raise money haven spokesman."
' ‘ The ur-y'egir-olrl Lexington Combs said he also was in- oi Henderson, and Senate Ma- to keep state headquarters at Then Miller arose and said: l
mortgage insurance t‘Xt’L‘utht’llll- formed that money was needed jority Leader Huddleston-triedto Frankfort open, and that the cn— ”You are tearing down, my l
, ' iiiediately pledged strict neutral— to keep open the state headquart- stave off a decision by technical tire process ofselection was above friends, what you have worked ;‘ »
‘ _ ity in the gubernatorial primary on and that ”unless we elected objections which were overniled. board. so hard to build up . . .Whatever :-
g ' -. between iormer Cov. Bert Combs a new chairman, the doors of The Ford forces. did not, as ”Give us three weeks tonanie we get from this, God help us, i
‘ ‘ _ and Lt. Gov. Wendell Ford. headquarters would be closed." Miller indicated earlier, run Mil— someone We can agree on," Hud- we deserve it." i
. ' But this did not appear to Combs said he understood let in Opposition to Kinkead. dleston said. “That's all this is And House Majority Leader l‘
. satisfy the Ford backers, who committee memberswereadvised No Notice about. . .We know we cannot Terry McBrayer, D-Greenup,
' ‘ ‘- said it merely would snow the ot the situation and theunext Huddleston and others ham- carry the decision here, but we commented”We have postponed
people of keiitiicky that a small thing he knew about it . was iiiered at the contention that the can appeal to common sense and too long our attack on the Re-
~ ' clique dominates Democratic when I saw Mr. J. R. Millers move ”was clandestine," that good political judgment. publican Party.
,1 politics. letter charging me With some
. ’ State Sen. Dee Hiiddleston, sort of conspiracy, and sayingI 9 . .
, 1' I) Elizabethtown said after- was attempting to use the chair- C ll S t tl d
7 ‘ wards; nianship to my advantage. This a e l S anl l ues one
.' 'Political Move' is simply not so.” ' ' _
‘ . . ~ "This is an ill-conceived pol- Combs called Kinkead an The court-martial of Lt. William at My Lai to kill anything that He added that the defendant
. . mm] ”10W 0“ the part of ex- ”honorable man. He would not 'L. Calleylr. was recessed mdefin- moved in the village, including could not recall any such expo-
. g . judge Bert (:0.be born out of use the chainnanship for me and mfl)’ Monday (0 allowpsychia- women and children. Medina sure. ._
' .; . ,f, desperation in an effort to get lwould “Oi “fidui hh“ 10- ”f" “a""nanon oi tiiedetendant is undergoing investigation and Calley listened attentively to
’ , his campaign for governor go- Tht’ election climaxed 1 1/2 a tera defensepsychiatnst ”med evaluation conceming his role LaVeme's analysis of his mind =
' - ' ing." hours of sometimes bitterdebate. the issue Of his sanity during the at My Lai. and [)ergénality ‘b‘aged 0;] a ger- ..
' Huddleston and former state Neither Combs,FordnorKinkead alleged My Lai massacre. LaVeme said there was a ‘ ' ‘ ‘
. , . . . W' . ies of tests conducted prior to
Chainnan J. R. Miller, Owens- Were present during the squabble "hm" the Jury present Dr. POSSlbllltY Calley mlflht have the court-martial's opening Nov. . '
.- ‘ boro, said the outcome was a but Kinkead entered the room Albert LaVem of New York been exposed tomariluanafumes l2
. ‘ ‘. 4 ‘ r t . _ ‘ . . .
. . foregone conclusion because most later. . Univemty bellevue Medical in a tent or other enclosed place Defense witnesses have testi-
, . members of the Central Com- [pledge myself to strictneu- Center testified that Calley act- the night before the My Lai . .
i , ' h“ d b " ed ‘ h ' ' - - fied that Calley and his platoon
mittee d een appomt Bit er trality in the primary and more ed as a robot, a slave to orders Assault. Such exposure could '—--
~ b'C b‘ f C .pd .. 1 . . . . innocently inhaled marijuana,
_ , , - . , ) om 50f omier 0\~ -J wan activemvolvement of young p60 of his company commander dur- produce marijuana intox1cation, and above all his reverence for
’ i . T- Breathltl. a Combs supporter. pie," Kinkead said. ing the My Lai sweep. he said, even though Calleyhim— big company commander Ca t
. ' . .~ ' ‘ The hhal .vote 0“ Kinkead, He lambasted the state Be» Asked ifin his opinion Calley self was not a user. Ernest Medina—a "father'imapge'
- . , ' . Wh‘? “'35 nominatedbylijreathitt, publican administration of Gov. knew the difference between However, LaVeme admitted to him ..
, _ was 3:1,].Mth th mPemdcrts 9:55" Louie B. Nurm, declaring that right and wrong at My Lai, that this was based on his esti- " '
' ' . ' '"g' ar 1”“ t e or at 10" the COP will have a “handpick- LaVeme said he did. Then, he mate that 80 percent of the Galley was incapable of pre-
, had pleaded for a delay of about ed . n , , , . . . ‘ . ,
. ._ . , y . candidate for governor, but was asked. Amencansm Vietnam used man- meditated murder, as charged -
. three weeks until a consensus -- . . , 1
. - . would not be able to fool Ken- Did he have the ability to ad- juana. by the govemment,saidLa\ eme.
. candidate could be chosen. t k' be t b k .Q here to the right)" I)
, _ , » Combs denied he had “at- "“1““338 “ “0 ““Pr?m“~“5- ..N u. . it I, I
,' tempted to take advantage of ”TONS Leadership ”Ho e w ness rep "K- C R U T'-
. the situation in any way to ad- Mrs. Turner opened the pro- e had a compulSIon t9 Peace orps equeStS p 34
~ . ‘ - . vance my candidacy." ceedings by saying ”it is imper- carry out hls dUtY 35 an officer. I
, ‘ He said he had nothing to do ative that we have strong lead- The answer, thgcfihrl ruled, Peace Corps Director Joseph are currently abroad. and that _
‘ _‘ ‘1 with calling the meeting, that he ership" to help Democrats in raised the ”She 9- ”3"?!“ 5 53h" H. Blatchford hasannounced new 10 more are in training. 1'3
' -. . was consulted after the decision the legislature and see that they ty. ‘ThUS. the DYOSCClIh‘m “ht” opportunities for graduating stu- ”()ur applications this year '
, .‘ . . had been made. are ”not unduly punished by matically became entitled to ex- dents to serve overseas with the are dramatically up," Blatch-
“ - ”I agreed that we probably Nunn." amine the deffendant through Peace Corps. ford explained, ”but so are our '
,. , . . ‘ o psychfiitristso'tits 3wrtluallnfros: .. . . ' , requests from overseas. Right
,. . , .Mllnv Drllg’s Ineffectlve 0 gm e 1 m 15 e en . “ Lniversity 0f he'ltHCk)’ now, we are filling positionsthat
. , . V , examination of. La\ eme in the alumni have made a tremend- cover more than 360 separate job
‘ . “ . 0 presence 0f lhelhry- ous contribution over the past categories."
‘: ‘ . FDj/l C0nl ”1188101191. says \' 1h? court held all“; that La- decade to the Peace Corps 1)er Students interested in addi-
' p : \\'ASI'II\(‘T‘()V AP) \1 . . eme "‘ answer place( the bur- grams throughout the world. tional details about Peace Corps
-> y » . . » . 1 ,. .l ‘ .xorc In a recent study of llOSplt‘é‘ll- den upon the prosecution to declared the 37-year-old director. Opportunities abroad are invited
. - . than lei percent of sonic 16.000 acquired infections. he said, it prove that Culley did have the ~ "
i ‘ -- drugs tested for the Food and “I l}. l [14 \'- lwlf f “ll b'l' ~ lh . 1 “ to contact their local PeaceCorps A;
' I 7 l)’ . “ ’szl ii ist tioiiwer ‘iound d5 Jum “1d- “ U~ l-d -0 d a Ht) to m ert to he right. . He said that 8 tom] 0f 53 Office or write to: Peace COTPS- I“:
. '“ ”(h {““lll ,1. “i i} , FDA l’“‘“’”t1‘ “”6“le“““bml‘”had that he was Sim” 'dl M)’ Li“- L niversity graduates had already Department P,Washington,l).(1. “C",
l i - i . l I" in: sh l\\(i l ill mm— “U ddmml ”Klonce ”l “€th Ihedefense “filled vainly for served abroad, that seven others 20525. P
, ' ‘ ”‘1“1”ml\‘“( ‘ oncay ”11001in requiring SHChthCI- examination within a matter of F"
' ., -. l)l, (.liarles C. deards told .~~ . , '. .. . ._ . . . Io
. , y. . . , . . dpy. hours, saying, Time is critical lll
. l,_ . the Senate monopoly siibcoin- “\s won as the first results to the case" .V; ‘1‘..\ ,
g- ‘ , , . mince that a test oi loan} drugs were announced, Edwards said, Justice is more critical,"re- a, 2.3% TODAY and :r
.. v. . _ conducted by the \ational Acad- “”11”th resistance appeared plied the military judge (‘01 --.. we
.- , . ; Ellinikwm W "m N Thshrst 11"“ of defense was Reid Kennedy. “I think the ex- TOMORROW w
‘ lnciiective ”'7 percent; pm» to throw the issues into hear- amination out?“ to be complete -. , .. at”, :1
.i I ' \llil) (filet‘tiu' 34.9 percent; prU- mgh‘ “0m WlilCli pronaded d6 an(_l_th0rough" The Famine for announcement: is . roo
“ li.llil\ effective 7 3 percent Cll- lays could lit‘ ailllClp‘dtt‘fl. There Ithlnk it s unwarranted and 7:30 p.m. two days prior to the first COMING UP -
. . ' ' .. ‘ , . ~ . _ ,s .- . publication of items in this column.
.. , . . Mutt. l9! percent and ciiectivc "i ”9 CPU” 51”“ “Thing CXCHIP' unnecessary, Calley said, Application fees of Student Govern-
. - but with some qualification ‘24 m)“ ”l a great numberx‘Of drugs when newsmen asked him about 511:9; Lglgd'ggéfifag‘lge igel’gfierestafggg;
‘ . ‘ ‘ ppm.” from the efficacy review, he said. the delay TODAY Government office. Pi?
. , , . a
. . g _’ "Would you rather get it over Physical Conditioningt :rfgrami _— Agl‘i‘yfifles Rgfi‘l'lblfncflz’; 33:3"23: iét
' - "' . M.l .t dnt ic‘ "e l'lCl- '. .,. ,
. . ~ . W“??? “I“ W“ “M .“wi... an“..i::““..ir“..““33‘.:““.“'.;“.s.“: °
' ' ' 5 ’ O . hes. he replied. Klonday, Jan“ 18' m the Sports Cen- Saturday. Jan. 23, at the Central Bap— F239
._ . . . ~ ‘ Ch“ 11.1644 N'hl ‘11 R d.
' .I * ‘- ' ’L 9 (”raft . La‘ eme attributed (.alley 3 “Politics and the Strip Mines." For- Rfimissi‘bfif $1_00 adulis,ocalfi‘lljr:n {ti-2e. GIB
. _ .I' . y . 6" h, ~ ¢,_ .47; actions at My Lai to combat Eercgalglgi ccfirggnligfiigfirggglie‘gspeglég Rum“, In"! study Skills Com"; Ph
' '. '- CL 53 a ‘4 » stress. the possibility of having p.m. Jan. 19 in Student Center-room flirsc‘flnsgfwgeka“golf-2:335 353:2;
. ' ‘ “r. J I—«_ ‘ - 206- f '.t td t'd ts. S' ‘
> .1 9" g V i'/ were under ("den from Nledina rgbmmilglflsoeld igriec’dlturelgluilldgngl.n
' p Poll Workers in the tall Student B-A
’ ~' Government election may pick up per
' . 0 their checks in room 204 of the Stu- rat
, ~ " Dr cleamn Speaal ‘°
" ' . y g UK Placement Service ' Alia
" i . I I ON E Students may register for interviews 00"
‘ “ . A ..,.. .. $3.3.“““.“r;:.“ 333333;“: .2.“ °’
. . . a e ‘. ‘
" - U nUUR - vance with the Placement Sgrvice. 201 QUI
' ' _ __ _ Old Agricultural Bldg. Phone ext. 01d
, r— — — — — —' — "1 82746. 3;?
J . 21. P ' G ' c t
. . ' ' I YOU MUST HAVE THIS COUPON! I Puglli‘c Schoolsr—Tgheckegxcieeduleobld‘ok
. O for late information.
. . PIA
e r Sororit Rush I I
' , DRE ' l
. . JANUARY 23 - FEBRUARY 2, 1971 l SWEATERS 5555 (P'°"‘) Your Grades
. i MA
’ . roo
_ REGISTRATION . . . l 49¢ each 99¢ each I VOLUNTEER FOR BRIEF 2%..
. 333-
, - ' Complex, Donovan, and Blazer l . . I STUDY “mu
2 Offer Expires Jan. 27—2 Day Serwce I p v 1- pRoJEC‘r MAL
- r l' m . . . ii
_ , 0 e e IOS O 00 L" _ ""_ — — — "_ — —‘ — J (Respond Immediately) 30¢.
' January 14, is, is, 19, 1971 LOCATIONS w.
' . B I 0' d Euclid at Woodland Joyland Plaza Call 258-8659
NV V8 . . ‘
e ' ° ' lmpenol Plaza WestSIde Plaza ‘ 0R COME BY 3::
o I"
Be A Greek! Cardinal Volley . l KASTLE HALL 003 ll
' > ...' d I w - ~ . A ' ' v . - -~~«--~--«- w—v- v -.
u"- - A 4‘. §mtu .oa-<--a-. s“ r.- '. a.“ .‘vn.’--.‘. ,-- ..¢.'- -s»- A .. “---- " ~- .- ‘»“.‘ ~ ~‘~-- hI-a‘ . oan~o~ log-a- . - »- -- ‘ ‘ ‘
I . l . .

 . 1 . , . 91
. ‘ 1 ‘, 1
MH— THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tursdav. Jan. 19. |97l —3 .- -1 1, -1 , ,
— Pi . “9.4;: - ”if , if; .1. _. - . . '
:- _ f 3 . . '1 1 I, , . .11 . . 1‘
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V I): M", I? > ,. _ . '17-.'-:; _‘ . C . 72 % ng 1"13111: :12. _ l’_ .' .‘ ' . .1 . . 11 ‘.
351 ' »..":_-I;,‘1’1- . Os '-’ 1 1 '1: _“‘ i.' ‘1 1 '. '
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“at“ 4 ; .3. .. irii ‘ ., ‘, ’ . . ,.
t. 6 _ 9 ‘ ' ._ .1‘111111 ...- L 1 . :1, ‘1 ~ _' 3 ‘ , . ‘.
3- Fun is where you find it and a ‘foosball game found ‘ .I ‘ .311 " .-
. )1;' 17 ”‘_1
. m the game room of the Student Center can easily - * ; ( j- . -'
become a field for real competition even though the W 3‘3
results aren’t likely to make the local newspaper s .. __ , .3. . : .1 ‘ . *5. - : ~ .- . ,_- I
‘ 1111‘3‘11”:-.i:1‘53.;.. ‘ .. . ,‘1111 i3“ 5152.5.11’1151'131a,a};11111 .( _ 1111 I“! . 3 _. .» . . ' 1.’ e‘ . \ ‘ .
SpOTtS page. UK students Eddze Lunsford (upper g r 1' 2121;. ,. we ‘ ‘—,- ~ " , i z . v ' 1
left) and Albert Bonds proved wm or lose, fooshall fiwssw we» . * ' ,. . .2 ~ _ _ -. ,. .
t . - , . ’ 1.1x...” *Wmi’WWM‘g 1'3” . . .. .. ._ .Ff:__’f;;j’.fl__ . . .ww...» . . W“ . .9-.. 1 i‘ .1 -. :- ;"1 '. ‘
' kernel Photos hv [\t‘ll \V eaver '- W 1111M ’1 1 1‘ 1' 1’1 1' '
v \ ., ,~ ». .-._.:;::;...-..,.:._::-:,.;. . eiwmwwnweWe-m -. ..'; '.-.".......Y .11 ' ’11 1 1 s . , ) 11 ,_
y, 1 mid: 11 1 . ’ 1 11 - - :-,:--~~g-gsgagegjz;_ 35;; :52)“ "5112’ 1» :1 1‘~ 1. ~ 1, 1.,
s . , , . . . ‘ ' ~;: '-~' I .- 3:53:14,1;.5e;-:=;.;::3;-iiiééiéééfiéiéégi:25:15.39932-:1 my”? ‘1 :1 . ' 1 f1 3 -1
1 Chum“! “vermin! will be Iccepted Wm“... v ‘ ‘ * “111,3 -- '1, ,- .- 111 ,5:
' - on o pro-paid basis only. Ads my be - " , '~ . ' .‘ .1 . ~
£113“! In person Mondny through .,,,,,~WBEWABD 1 _1-, - 1 11 . ,r ‘.
ti: r‘u’a°i£§r%'3iiy"iiii“i§§‘ei“i€§3$ LOST—0"" brown “0‘“ “at Friday ' ’1' '1 “T1 '1 " 1 .. -
lll. Journalism Bldg 1 night from SC. Ballroom coatrlogolgil. . HE L 1 .’ . ‘. ‘4 ._‘ é '. ,..
' . o o ‘ ‘ ”‘ a * .. ' 3-".
! macs are 31.25 for 20 words. $3.00 Rward’ “55 "501' Rum ' '- iI ’ .- i '.
or no consecutive insertions o! the WW ~ - ,7. .- . . '_ ,9
some ad of 20 words. and 83.75 per MISCELLANEOUS UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY 1 ‘«. ' >1 . “\\1‘. .1 .11
week, 20 words. WW , I ‘> ‘ ' ‘ .‘ . 7 I
The deadline is 11 mm. the do GARAGE to rent very near campus. . .9 _. q :11 ., f1 1;
Prior to publication. No advertisemen’l For Sale. 1967 Corvette .convertible. - . 9 i . f1 ' . '
my elte race religion or nstlonsl red. automatic. 29,000 original miles. F DVER I IN . r - . ', 3- .
' ' Must see. 253-0870. 18.120 _ , J _‘. ' 3 . .3 _ i . -.
origin as s quaflflcstlon for renting . .. . . ' - é ' ' --
rooms or for employment. IMPROVE YBYR GRADES—Yelunfieetr f. -' > . .1 V- f 5,}
’or study 5 'il 5 iinui-ovemeu proJec . 2+ . . . 5,. .. . , . 7 .
-N--- , , , _ liespond immediately. call 258-8659 or . DEADLINE: Copy must be received 11 a.m. the day prior to the .. g. a
- FOR SALE come by Kastle Hall 003. 14J27 first insertio-I .1 .. 2‘ ._ -. ;. ,. .1
‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘. “‘“W' INSTANT CARIBBEAN! Live aboard ' ' ; .-. ,n .4
FOR SALE—Twm lens Reflex camera the ss Regina and sail among the - . _ 3. . _ . .-
_ Yashica-C 120 roll film. Kodak Tour— islands where winter is thousands of - ’1-* ‘ 1 ’ ,. 111) 1. ‘ 1'
lst II. Beginners camera. 620 film. miles away. Join other students from ‘ . ' - '1 ~ ‘ . ‘ .1 "
‘ Contact P. G. Kalom, CP 19. 15.121 UK and University of Tennessee dur- AME D l’ « ‘1 - '~ 1 ‘ ' 11 1 1) ‘
FOUR 14 inch Cragar SS Mags. Phone write Donald Pilkinton, Wholesale -‘ - -. , . J ' ~ ' .. , _-
269-1474. 19.125 Tours International. PO. Box 838115 . . i' ‘ .‘ ‘ :‘
'M—“fi- K ill . Tenn. 37916. -. ,~ . _ 3 I ., ’-
' GIBSON ES=335 Guitar and Case.— HOXV e _ Address Phone ,1 . .
Phone 269-1474. 19.125 . . '1 '1 ' . -. '
WWW .. . i 1'1"1 1.~1‘ ;,1
FOR RENT :17.“ 1 .1: l _ _ . . , _ . . ‘. __ ,
' "‘ ‘ ‘ “““‘"“‘"“ g V ' Ad Clossnhcotlon (For Sale) (For Rent) (Wanted), etc .. ~.._ - .. ,. .1-
B-A-C-H-E-L-O-R efficiencies to 6 . ' ”:13;';;;55.,§;§W~;..;;35;. R t. d .- 1. -' '. ' ‘ ‘ ~ .'
person units. $90 up. Adults. Special .- 0 6 ~ . .- - , , .1 3 . .. .
rates for doubling up. Between UK— .‘ 1; fi;§i_._,;;§§;g;§5§"-.-.35 GP . .1' ' ‘1 ' i‘ - 1.
town. Nice. 254-6134, 266-4632. 4D-J22 ‘ (Mm-".5;.;;:§g;;;s:s:-:-r.1. “3:3 ., = - ’
mm— .I-zézigg‘e; . .1 ., . -- ' . , ‘
APARTMENTS—316 Rose-Street. Allen Copy: :1 . .. .
' Manor; furnished; all electric; air- - 1 33151;,” 1321;; . .' ~ ' .
conditioned; carpeted. Call 299-9370 -. . - ' .' , . -
or see Manager in Apartments. 14.122 -*f:;f,_”;-; 35* - ' _- ,1 3 ._ . .
QUIET. neat room. house with two “' ~ , .
old ladies, parakeet. Refrigerator , ‘ ' .‘-' ‘ _ - . 1
available. Sunset Drive. Phone 266- ' . - , .l‘ "‘ ' “ . -' ,
, ,___,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,...,.- - '. . ‘ .5
ssnvwls W - -. smsms ' ' 1- ' . r
. ’ A s . . s . . n . . . - . u . s . . . i . . - . . . . n - - u e . s - . . n y . . s n . . ~ . s i . - o n . . . ~ . o . . . s u . v s n e n . 1 \ 1 . 2 ’s ’
PIANO TUNING —Reasonable prices. “W.hmom " 1. '3 ‘
All work guaranteed. Trained by . . - 3
Steinway a; Sons in New York. Mr. “ ‘3 mug . . ‘ . . ‘
Davies. 252-1909. ass-Men: j (\\ #1 . . . ~
WW \ > 1 . l ‘ . . ‘ v _
wmsn ‘ ‘x 3"" . , ‘ . ' - ‘
MALE roommate w share two Md- ‘ sou-usssys-s-uu-uuInset-sass-sssssss-sso-u-ns-u-nansnn..--....-s-.--.-..s--..~>-...-.i..-....-n...in...---..-s....-s...- r, ‘
emerge” “Weir am: i w k. - -. ~ - ~ .
, . per mon . a . - . . \ . . .
gafeggudenlpre‘em-C‘n “$31390 4". ngttg'j,“ ee ' Starting Date 111 No. ofinsertions Charges . .- -_
—'———_—‘ Except Sunday: I: Helm” 1 . . _ . . . . . ‘ . . ., 1_
“$3.? mgwggedggw‘g mt”: 94—54—19 , RATES (20 words): I Insertion, $1.25, 3 insertions, $3.00, 5 insertions, $3.75 I- . 3 3 . 1 .
miles from campus; 1% baths. large ‘ ‘
’°°m" 271-8702. 1”" TURFLAND MALL I . The KERNEL accepts classified advertising on a pro-paid basis ONLY. This form may be mailed , ‘ ~
NEED people to Me house. 0.11 0 ' . along with a check, to The Kentucky Kernel, Journalism Building. University of Kentucky, _ »_ ‘
333-1383 or 3534370- 10.13! "' " ‘/ I 'OL FM" MALL i 1 Lexington, Kentucky 40506. The Kernel reserves tho right to rotuso publication of any clessi- r ' _ -
—————-———-—-——— . . o c l ‘
MALI: 3nd or wider-mo Mont Hmo- «wiiuwna; MAN: um tied-hornet" considordtohoinsppnormorlnpoortssto. . , 3
‘ mad for roommate. W- ——————————-——-—-—— ' .
flame-11’“ ans .. -.- _ . _. _ . _* _ _ -_ ._ _ 3‘ 7 . ~
. 7 11. -1’ ‘ 1 1 11 2 v 1 1 ’1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1. 1 1’ 1 - . ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ~ ' -- m4 . . . .. ._ . . . : ., - - ‘ .~- \uh , - . 3-. 1:1

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t 1,11 { Cad N a - , :
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. IIIIIIIlInu \tate Sen, Shelby Kin Qi‘tilul a new L‘h‘u'm” l em . :
v ~ W. - . t ‘ A , . . * t n . .. , .
. l , (‘mh- i'li:l:rn‘i'l:vln\‘ll “lat“ Dt‘lllu— “1:. Lilld'nc 111”]ch ”I" lli‘klllllll):: Blreatllitt the" ”Olllllldt 1 O crat 10 C . I
- w; ' H N ' "J!“V'J)‘ (1955; u ' I‘mmunt l‘ t‘xto led K‘ . l a and . - 3' rm
. “Inning“ that the mou- “will! two occasions ~l.:fldl.