xt70p26q236z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q236z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1996 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1996 Vol.67 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 1996 Vol.67 No.3 1996 1996 2019 true xt70p26q236z section xt70p26q236z ' on the ' fieWWvfisnis.”ms'~’%* "‘ ”6 "
. as sewage , I x
" ‘ lookout iii Velma, Number 4
. .. . April 18-19 Vw"‘“’;‘§“& ;' _ w j _- 3.’ fiw‘ww The Ollictal PUbllCatlon
: . ‘ Spring Advertising Seminar 3. W13 . , slit 3’ 391$!“th Kentucky Press
......» ' Lexington W... 1 W . , Servrce E g g g n ..
' 'l'm 2°41 ' i 5" i f ‘ NT CKY I g E B 3 g '
{PA Summer Convention ,_ .. R . = - i _ _, I) > £3,
. ,, Bowling Green 51.? Q . 9E" : S (2 rzrriJ 0
' ’ " (Jl.ii“.,1f.‘l'. . > 1, 2 —f U) 11 ,
: :1."‘/‘¢.'l'="l'l ~September 25-28 . 1 ' 'w § 0 — E E
. . ,Qj'}. .f'I; NNA Convention 1, ' ' ”n g E x .V
i. M. "ii." Pryland Hotel, Nashville . -’”""" M" ’ f I’M” § 0 m 3
'.,-1;U..l!,i:{ ., ,. . ~ .V ._ i <3 .
‘ 'September 26-27 {1" ~ » *' g % 2:13 0' 1
KPA/KPS Board of Directors . / « :13 313 o
, Fall Retreat, Opiyland Hotel, Nashville . v. . f s ' "'“ 3 E E g
-]anuary23-241997 _ ' _ it“ . E? a m
‘"“““’" KPA WinterConvention . . ’ . 1 , _,
Seelbach Hotel, Louisville . 3V. - - . . . 3 / j 8 _»
. ~ iii”: R1 Ch ardS , Bradley left teaChlng 9
_ -- ' newspaper careers for life of pohucs
I 1.5g, if]? ‘~ '33:" By LISA CARNAHAN er," he recalled. "She taught Latin,
. .. fl, , M 'j KPA News Bureau English, German and French. It
“ ', :, .1 . 3' - .' Two of the most influential leg- was her love for the languages and
_ , V . j V'_'V'V 5" ' 'V , g . .~ islators in Frankfort have a back- literature that made it important
2 VV I. 1 V . , _. ..-. _ 1. 51‘ij ground in journalism. Although the to me."
Q. " ' ‘ .» ‘ _'_. * backgrounds are different, one in Richards graduated from
“J 3' _ . teaching and one actually in the Kentucky Wesleyan with a degree
V , ' '1. Vi,” , newspaper business, both share a in English and went on the follow-
' , 1 ‘ iniffif: love for writing and the profession. ing year to obtain a master's degree -
_ . .Lgéi' . in 'ournalism from the University .
, - 3 % JOdy RIChards of Il/Iissouri.
. .1 .1 . .. *x Servmg as Speaker of the House After college, Richards pulled a
WM gyfix 0f RepresentativeS, Jody Richards six-month stint in the Army. His
. .w 21", If?“ I i5 fulfilling a lifelong dream — a teaching career began immediately
. g, as ié'i V 1 dream he calls "very satisfying." See RICHARDS page 5
. . .2- 1 " "“ “3:? is " .vThose terms are also used by ’
‘1';" '4' i Richards to describe his previous Fred Bradley /
3% .... , profession of teaching journalism If today's technology had
' . 1 ’i ‘. at Western Kentucky University. - . - _
V 33,3 R' h d . d h 1 ft W gripped the industry a little soon .
' 3i 3 gr); 1 - 1'1"; 1c ar S 531 e e. estern er, Fred Bradley might still be run-
gag V, because he had been bitten by a ning a newspaper and the
’ 1 ' 5‘ bug, a terminaleolitical bug, as Kentucky Senate might have lost
, - , he characterizedit. one of its most influential mem-
V 3 ' .. In those days we had a state bers.
' I' law that no onriicould W?“ for 3 From 1930 to the mid 50s, "
_ " 1.! state—Vsupporte institutioln E" I Bradley's family owned and operat— -
' ' M - ~- serve m the Gene?“ Assemb 3." 0 ed a newspaper in Providence that
-- M ”WWW Wade the very dlmcult deCision to included its own printing opera»
5‘ $1 give up my teaching Job 2" It was tion. The publication started out as
in Ab°V°3 JOdY Rlchards P'O' one Of the hardest demswnsl V6 a daily but due to declining popula-
, sides over the House of ever had to make, Richards said. tion was converted to a weekly and
Representatives during the The Bowling Green native was later merged with another
.. " 1996 regular session. formed Superior Books, a wholesale publication to become the
. Richards, a former lournal- b°°k distributing company, and set Providence Journal Enterprise the
: ‘ _ . . '3'“ "“93““ says ho '3 his sights on the legislature — the 't t'll h ld tod ’
. fulfilling a lifelong dream by 1 b1' office he sa 5 he's ever namei 51 0 S a)’-
' . ‘ :. sorvlng as speaker of the g“ y l?“ 'c d . H y 1 d The "ewsPaPel‘ “’35 a member
4 " House. Loft:Senato Majority eei}: infiereste. 1:937 e “:52; ecte of the Associated Press, which
, , ' WMP Ff“ 3'04in 800th“ to t e ouse m. 5 Van years accordin to Bradley, was very
. l f g
' ' ' journalism Qfaduami WWW later, reached his ultimate goa o unusual in that day and time.
I» «.r ' , have stayed In the "old had being elected speaker. "I remember when we had a '
.- ' 3W V ., 3,3335% .333. today's technology been In Richards knew he wanted to be mine explosion in 1939 and 27 peo_
. . A: rs . “'3' place "h." his famlly a journalist back in high school, ple were killed. AP came in there
‘ I ,M‘“ ownodowookly WP“? ““998“ It was a break m family and set up shop," Bradley said.
. . . . s ..,;,. ,r“.g,. ., ' ,. ”we" tradItIOIl. s BRADLEY a e 4
.. 4" W... Mwisamn "My mother was an avid read- ee ’ p g
- _ ., " ' ' MW hallo am Manchu-Inn State W glvo Wildcats Approved libel retraction bill -
‘ " w “3 MOW“ ...-pg. 4 Moron-1mm ... pg. 6 good news for media pg. 11
‘5'! I
1‘- win" ~'- 3 ' “ .. .' "-7 '1 - . .. fr ., N " 7. '~ . . . ' ' ' i . , ‘ .
1'_ "La l ' . "-At'. ." L I l : ' v " ~' ‘ ikfi' ‘ " v 'r " ." ...» ' I ‘ k‘“ I. it ‘ J I, i“ ' i r I

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, April, 1996 r
K t k l . th W '
61] 11C y pCOp C, pape S 6 HE S ,
Stldham promOth Frankhn JOIHS Staff as a reporter for the Jessamine sessmn on developing niche prod- ,
_ . . _ Journal and editor of the paper 5 ucts.
at Corb1n Tunes-Tribune at The Winchester Sun Life Here ses‘tnon-_ , L°Wery was 315° recently h?"-
_ . , , . . Evans is a Junior at Asbury ored by Landmark Community
Times-Tribune Advertismg . . Mikka Darby Franklin has College where she majors in jour- Newspaper Inc., President Randy
Manager Rochelle Stidham was JOlned the staff of The Winchester nalism. She held an intern position Mast. Mast presented Lowery with
recently named general manager of Sun as an advertismg sales repre- for The State Journal in Frankfort a watch for his 20th anniversary
the Corbin daily newspaper. sentative. She Will be responsrble and served as editor of the college's with LCNI.
Stidham has served as advertis- for overall advertising programs for student newspaper.
ing manager since 1991 and has a various businesses. Franklin Oldham Era announCCS
total of 12 years of experience in received a bachelor's degree in C h-ll (1 Cl .
the newspaper business. gadito 231d. televtision Iiriom figrfhezzg a 1 name C ltor new staff members i
ta e n my n a W]
Herald Leader receives a minor iii orggnlizatiohal commu- at LaurCl News-Leader Joyce Wampler and Deborah }
_ . nications. During 1988-89 she Ed Cahill has been named gen- Nichols have J°1hed the staff ofThe ?
Communlty SEWIOC award reigned as Miss Kentucky and par- eral manager/editor. of the Laurel 'Oltlhlam E73,] LaGfraggea Wampleg l
Th H ld L d . d h tic1pated in the Miss America News—Leader. Cahill preViously ‘S_ e new C 355‘ {e a “50‘" 3h
. e era ea er receive t e Pageant. served as managing editor of the N‘ChOIS ‘5 a part—time Office 355‘5'
Media Recognition Award1 for three Russell Springs Times Journal. tant.
recent series on race re ations in - Durin h' -
. g 15 tenure at the Times , ,
Lex’l‘rhitgrward was presented by the Evajns hlre'd aSJreportler Journal, the newspaper finished in MaSClC JOHIS nCWS Staff
’ V V 01‘ essam1ne Quma the top three in its class for general . ‘ L
Bluegrass Chapter Of The Raging] . . excellence two out of the last three at Mt Sterllng Ad Vocale
Conference. Rhiannon Evans has been hired ears _ _
. y ‘ Deanna Mascle mined the Mt.
Th t k P , Sterling Advocate staff recently as
‘ '_ 6 K61] 11C y TCSS — "" Turner hired as sports, a staff writer. She will cover
Th K tuck P (ISSN-OOZ3-0324)‘ b- Di m‘ct]? n r 1 news re orter Montgomery County Fiscal Court
9 en y TESS lSpU S e
lished monthlybythe Kentucky Press Glenn Cray, Manchester Enterprise ge e a p. . :?%§::xi%:tiosmtsgi(205113332:
Associadon/KennickyPressSen'i'ce, Inc. Mark Turner has Jomed the ‘
Second-class postageispaid atFrankfort, Districti4 news staff of The Harrodsburg ture stories.
KY.40601Subscnpmn prioeis$8peryean StuartSimpson, Pulaski Week Herald as a sports and general MaSCIe comes to The Advocate
Postmaster: Send change ofaddresstoThe news reporter. after working as a staff writer at
Kentuckyl’ress, 10] COHSUIIKEI‘LARQ, District lS-A A 1994 graduate 0f the the Jessamine Journal.
Frankfort, KY. 40601,(502)223—8821. Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader University of Kentucky Turner
Officersand Directors osmmss majored ,in political science- His Promotions, staff changes *
KentuckyPness Association Tom Moom,$tanford1nterior]ournal interest In Journalism Started in _ .
junior high school when he started announced at R1chmond
President State at Large coverin school sports. The interest - -
lohnDelSanto,Ashland Daily Independent Russ Powell, Ashland Daily Independent continuid through high school and Sp ts Keri}; T3313}? aRt‘uLl-tlmg
. or wri r a e ic mon
PresidentEliect Ed Riney,0wensboro Messengerlnquirer first?! aridthlelllceoill: “:15 :t’ 33%;: Register since 1994, has been
GeneClaba, Recorder Newspapers K k K 1 g p p named sports editor. Taylor started
Chip Hutcheson,PrincetonTimes Leader entuc y erne- covering sports for the paper in
Pa“ Pram . . . . . 1992 as a correspondent.
Dorothy Abernathy, OldhamEra Merv Aubespin, Lou15v11leCounerjoumal Martln named news Jeff Drummond, reporter and
VioePiesident Associates Division - sports editor. of The Harlan Daily
Guy Hatfield,CitizenVotoeand Times Barbara McDaniel, Toyota Motor edltor at The Banner Enterprise Slhee 1.993, Jomed the
Manufacturing Cheryl Martin has been named Register 5 staff in late March.
Treasurer news editor of The Banner in Drummond iS the new aSSlStant 1
Many Backus, Appalachian News Express Advertising Division Butler County. A 1993 journalism news editor and assistant sports i
0.15m! Teresa Revmt’ Mica" County News graduate from Western Kentucky editor at The Register. 1
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader News EditorialDivision UniverSIty', She jOined the neWSpa' T dfifiwtfer lifpogter/photogriip::r l
John Nelson, Pulaski Week per 5 staff"; 1994_ o evms as een promo e o i a
Distdctz oversee the newspapers lifestyles ;
Jed DillinghamDawsonSpringsProgmss Circulation Division ' section, Medley. He joined the - ‘
Ice Mitchell,LexingtonHerald Leader NOIan r€t1r€S as press Richmond newspaper's staff in i
DiSm'Ct3 1994 after workin at the Dail
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News Journalism Education Operator at ManCheSter Enterprise in Harlangfor two years.y '
D 3- R0“ W01“, Easier“ Kenm‘k)’ John G. Nolan will retire May 1
“rid“ niversity as senior ress o erator and r0- -
CharliePortmann, Franklin Favorite duction pmanager for 2}“? InSldC the Turret,
Districts Enhfisccfikfreihd Kim Greene, Wyatt, Maneh9§ter Enterprise/‘1' Frank staffers win honors
David Greer, Eliyabethtown News Tarrantand Combs Phthhmg- N013“ has been run— . ‘ .
Enerpn‘se ning the presses for 42 years and Made the Turret, a.ong With
Kentucky Press Association oversees print quality of 11 weekly The Leader from the 2nd Region
District6 Kentucky Press ServiceStaff newspapers. He will be replaced by ROTC headquarters in Fort Knox,
DaVe Eldhdgelflenry COUNY Local 1833“? THThonpsgn,'Execuht1ive Dimmer 22-year veteran Freddie Burns. were winners in the annual
onme owa ' ”me“ “38‘” . TRADOC printjoumalism competi-
District7 Gloria Davis, Advertising Director I 0 VIfiaks .
Kelley Wamick, Gallatin County News Lisa Camahan, News Bureau Director wery S at Gwrgla tlonTzllitelfIati'ngtowaosehzgie d top civil
Rb L ‘.,R_ Ch/M her - _ _ ~ . ’
Dam” cieardtmr eeear ar mg ad conference, receives ,an enterpnse metwme pews”
Ken Metz,Bath County News Outlook Sue Cammack, Secretary ' ' per for, the third consecutive year
Buffy Johnson, Bookkeeping Assistant IJCNI ZO‘YCaI I‘GCOgnltlon and the 10th time in the past 14
District 10-11 . Sherry Harper, Advertising Assistant Kentucky Standard Publisher years ;
Marty Bacms'AppalaCh’an News Express Rad‘el Mccany’qlppmg 0mm” . Steve Lowery was one of the speak- Staff members winning awards ' '
Districtiz fizgsfixnéwggégigiféfisesemce ers at the Georgia Press included Spc. William Boldt who
mmmkflJacme/BQW Carol PaytoniClippingAssistant - Association's Ad Conferencedn was named pringjournalist of the
Enmse , . Holly Stigers, Clipping Assistant March. Lowery led an interactive -¢ontlnued on page 12 .
. q \ . ¥
\ r n

 l . l
l The Kentucky Press, Aptilfi 996 - Page 3
‘ ' y l C t‘t' t h f
g 0
st. ttstssssts ssssstst, st papers in KIPA contest
tentative May 1996 graduates from ; Ragerlfyg 4325253561533 Box 95.
Western Kentucky University's ,pfis:viy:’n Humphrey _‘ 5201 Oak Hill College newspapers across the Feature Story — Chris Hutchins,
journalism programs. Rd, Evansville, IN 47711 745-6603 state recently competed in a con- College Heights Herald .
Addresses and telephone num- Cayloyn E. John —- 1800 Cedar Point test sponsored by the Kentucky Reviews — Carrie Morrison,
bars are included so students can Rd.._LaGranxet Ky. 40031 745-4339 Intercollegiate Press Association. Kentucky Kernel
be contacted in advance of their °.El‘zab°t}?Mar3hall —1112G“’d°mm9k The College Heights Herald, General interest column ——
. Circle, Lomswlle,KY40223 745-4738 r . . . 1 . .
graduation about employment , Michele Mason _ 305 Bummer Rd. Western Kentucky LniverSity 5 Matt l‘elice, Kentucky Kernel
opportunities at KPA member Wilmington, NC 28409 782-7682 newspaper, garnered 10 first-place Editorial — Mitchell Quarles,
_ newspapers. Unless otherwise ' Adam John Pawlowski — 124 Geers awards and one of its writers was College Heights Herald
noted, the area code for the listed Dr» Lebanon, TN 37087 745-6630 named Journalist of the Year. The Editorial cartoon — Stacy
i telephone numbers is (502). AvtmgwlggggsxeSLEEOY715§9622§°11Y WKU paper scored the most points Curtis, College Heights Herald
i . , T3" 8 R. R06, _ 1510 Poindexter, overall. Opinion page — Matt Felice,
l, . Print Jomnmsm Londorll, KY 40741 (606) 878-5503 The Kentucky Kernel, the stu- Kentucky Kernel
i‘, ‘ 07818 Donald Allen — 825 13‘3“ 1}“1 . Jason L. Vincent —— 2944 Hwy. 259N, dent newspaper at the University Sports, game story -— Kevin
St‘ B.°".Vh"3 Gm?“ KY 42101 782'6586 Brownsville, KY 42210 745-6641 of Kentucky, captured 14 first- Kell , Colle e Hei hts Herald
0 William LeWis Chandler —— P.O. Box . Kat - Wat q _ 428 C d tD y g g .
543, Bowling Green, KY 42101 796-1865 NashxiillelzaTN 387r2‘11—745_29‘;2Mm°" 1"" place awards. Sports, news —— Stephen 'I‘rimble,
. Courtney Lee Cage] _ 2605 Abbydale , Christy Withers _ 655 Payne Rd. Eastern Kentucky University's Kentucky Kernel
Court,_LaGrsnge, KY40031 745-6635 Ekron, KY40117 745_2762 ’ newspaper, The Eastern Progress, Sports, feature story — Brian
{vMehssé MiIGEgafgg—ffg‘tffne“ finished first in four categories. Bennett, Kentucky Kernel
. aii’gfiinsetler1811674Glasgow Rd. Photo The Northerner at Northern Sports column — Brett Dawson,
Mt. Herman, 12343157 781-5227 0 Craig Donald Allen — address listed Kentucky University and the Trail Kentucky Kernel
- Kara Jill Mahaney —— 631 East 11th St. abOYe ‘ Blazer at Morehead State Overall layout — Dennis Vamey,
Bowling Green, KY 42101 843-698.? lthllgne Ly%rzli§3;a2%g)rg43_3;g E- Imnhln University each won two first-place College Heights Herald
0 Stephame A. McCarty—222 Highland . (VIEWS, L . Ch dl P O B awards. Front page layout __ Erin
Dr., Eded, NC 27288 745-4110 ‘ 18"? 9w” an er "‘ - - ox Th t t - d d b taf’f B h K k , KB 1
. Linda 3. Morris _ 1108 Nutwood St” 543, Bowling Green, KY42102 796-1865 9 CO" PS W831u {:8 y S 8 ac ner, entuc ) me
Bowling Green, KY 42103 782-6286 ' David Christensen — 740 Fred Webb 0f the LeXington Herald-Leader, Feature page layout -- Mary
l 0 Mitchell Quarles _ 1319 'I‘wyman St., Rd, Moultrie, GA 21768 746-9529 The Courier~Journal in Louisville, Ann Lawrence and Nancy Elmore,
l Hopkinsville, KY42240 745-4110 6_:T%AA93%‘2’§P“ “ 250 Elcammo D“, the Cincinnati Enquirer and other The Eastern Progress
Reb Re 1d — 1505 H' hl d J r _ .
1.}. F:::§fortynK()Y 480601 796-18589 an S O Lucinda Leigh Davis — 334 Raintree neWSpap‘Frs' Sports Page layOUt She“
. Michael Seott _ 231 W. McElroy, D,” Hendersonville,KY37075 8434543 . Kevm Kelly of the College Phalsaphie,.Kentucky Kernel
Morganfield,KY42437 781_2220 . Regina Angelea Dicker _ p_o. Box Heights Herald was named Best speCial section —— Staff,
. Kimberly A. Thomas _. p_o_ Box 406, 4071, Elizabethtown, KY 42702 7469482 1 Journalist of the Year. Kelly is a Kentucky Kernel
Henry, TN 3823113439994 EJ813911 131“] G’gg 1—014gg'6l3gé53‘h St- junior print journalism major from Comic strip —- Steven Stegelin,
l ngsa fawn Tlgl‘iilzgho—47l44514zssggmown .Ol‘zj:gm;932; Hughes _. P 0 Box 99 Lexington. He won two firsts, a The Northerner
. .3183]; ¥§Agat6_2710Tmmpemne’ Greenville. Junction, ME 04442 7962085 l second, a_ th_ird_and an honorable Informational graphics —— Jon
Louisville, “40220 7459644 {Clayton Jackson —— 9731 SW 195th ’ mention in indiVidual categories. Grant, College Heights Herald >
. Garry D. Varney — 1111 Raccoon Rd., Clmlei Dunnelloni FL 34432 782-2681 Melissa Gagliardi finished just one Original illustration — Greg
' Raccoon,.KY 41557 745-6653 L ClingEdwxggzfige * 450 SW 98th point behind in the category which, Eans, Kentucky Kernel ’ ,
‘ CathenneWhIPPle“6514M“ddYFord ,aéle’ “5’11? M J . according to the judges, was the News photo — Dana Johnson,
Rd, Georgetown, KY 40324 746-0049 aymon e eese r. — 7 Pinewood 1 t. . 'th . C ll H . ht H ld
Ave.,Lititz, pA 17543 7962799 c osest compe ition ever w1 .SIX 0 ege eig s era
Advertising - Bruce Newland Jr. — 1101 Lockersville students from three schools finish- Feature photo — Matt Barton,
. Lana Bea“ _ 371 Ra Pridd Rd Rd, Ashland City, TN 37015 782-5232 ingjust six points apart. Kentucky Kernel \ "
- y _ y y ” ' .DaV‘d wane” ,Sm‘th ‘ 100 ”‘1‘“ Rd, The other winners included: Sports photo —- James Crisp, \ ,
Lenchfield, KY 42754 781 2827 Kingston Ontario Canada K7M159 _ . . \
. Cynthia Biggg __ 1403 Hodgenville Rd, , Patrick Dennis Witty _ 715 Leslie News story — Melissa Gagliardi Kentucky Kernel . u
Campellsville, KY42718 782-9732 Ave., Glasgow, KY42141 and Kevin Kelly, College Heights Photo essay — Joe Stefanchik,
fflTamalria Eggljg‘zfigigssizgnac Court, ' Mark S. Wolf —- 11434 West Colony, l Herald . College Heights Herald '
r “‘9‘" ‘3' ' . . BosxetIDS3709 ] Investigative reporting — Advertismg deSign -— Cathy
1 0 Carol S. Clements —— 7354 Airline Rd, . .
; Henderson, “42420 793_0509 . , l Tonya Root and Karin Lowe (tie), Jones, Kentucky Kernel
5 . Ronnie West], Couch _ m2 3,, 193, (Th? KPA News Bmau ls College Heights Herald Advertising copy _ Eric Phillips, :
, Bedford,KY40006 745-6664 attempting ‘0 (190910!) a system l Continuing news — Selena The Trail Blazer
‘ l . Don Edwards — 1121 Gen. McArthur through whwh member newspapers Woody, The Eastern Progress Advertising art _ Jeremy Cox,
: ' PrJtfiZntlivowdg: 3:32: Elgeiilsifxie can betterfill employment vacancws. News analysis and special The Trail Blazer
l . Dr. Loiiisville KY840272 745_2340 Graduatwn 113$ from otherjournal- reports — Eric Caldwell and John Advertising campaign —— Cathy
l o Devin Michael Gummy _ 4502 Park ‘3’” programs "If,” state have been Bach, The Northerner Jones, Kentucky Kernel
I Ave., Nashville, TN 37209 732-9079 requested and 101.11 hopefully be pub- Personality Profile — Mary Ann House ad — Monica Keeton, The
' ' J08 K. Gregory — 6417 Gum Station lwhed ln the May KentUCky Press.) Lawrence, The Eastern progress Eastern Progress
./ '
Th KPA N B ' th f -
you. 'la' e a vantage o avmg a
reporter for a551gnments in the
Ca 1talc1t
; . l'll'l l'I'l ll
| A _"‘ M" __ .‘-‘
"on lWIIIH " ' ' '
It 'l ._ m Call Lzsa C amahan at 1 -800-2 64 --5 72 1
ml”! lll Hrluun , , _ . . . . t .
l l- . l , ‘ .
l ‘ ’ '

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, April, 1996
L ' l t rt’ (1 1 l 1
By LIBBY FRAAS “Media-bashing rates right up there with Columbus, Ohio, for the Dayton Daily News. -
OK, David Hawpe, David Holwerk and the ethics-gutting as a legislative activity ’9 Some became fascinated, as I think all good «
rest of you “negative” journalists. You owe me ' journalists are, with the clash of interests and 5.
one. . — issues and crossed the line: Terry Sebastian is ..
I stood in for you in January at a session on leby Fraas editor of the interim Legislative Record and '
“building confidence in the General Assembly" professor of journalism, EKU Klol-ks if; tfhe LRC public information office; Beth
while 138 “wine and dinin -less le 'slators took "-——"———'._'—‘.—'—— i son e t The Courier-Journal to eventually
out some of their frustragiins with1 the lack of Genesrgllfiiezzlgg :tddletiit: 110:3; thSSt' . return '50 Frankfort as a registered legislative
, . come editors tfor the ACLU -
respect they ve been getting lately. who now receive these stories including Jamie agen ' . . .
“Media-bashing” rates right up there with B k N t f th G t C t N d . All came away from their introduction to leg- J
u - - ‘ ' ‘ ' 3 er 9“ z 0 . e .ran oun y ews an islative re ortin With a much better under-
ethics-gutting" as a legislative actiVity. Allen Blair of Imne’s Citizen Voice & Times. - p a g n - i
Granted, I’m sure the Davids COUId have Some of those students are now reporters cov~ standing 0f the process by mud} laws are made i'
StUCk up for themselves, and I was, after all, a ering the legislature as part of their beats such and repealed, budgets are planned and reVised, '5
- ~ _ . . . speCial interests are protected or skewered.
pretty 1300f SUbStltUte for the news media as tar as Janeen Miracle at the ShelbyVille Sentinel-
. One of the reasons I started the course was to
gets go. . . ‘ News and Jeff Newton at the Elizabethtown f“ rt . 'd' fth 1p . l t I .
All I’ve done is teach journalism students at News-Enterprise. 1 a co .ain V01 m coverage 0 e Eggs a ure.
Eastern, which since 1982 includes bringing Some have left the state. Debra Jasper, who am asIbigakfan as in}: 0 :18 Fran ort {fess
them to Frankfort each regular session to reported on Rep, Ray Overstreet’s failed efforts corps. .t 1“. most 0 t em ndways to te t. e .
. . . . . bi stories With accurac and flair. But the le s-
observe, learn and write stories for weekly news- to get his concealed gun bill passed in the 1986 g Sy g1
. . . . .g . . . . . . ee REPORTING, page 11
papers in hentucky on what goes on in the sessmn, is now tracking a Similar bill in
African—American, worked at the He ran for county judge, won Bradley thinks reporters also
B radley newspaper and also did odd jobs for that office and served for four years. tend to lose their objectivity in cov-
the Bradley family. He was repairing He ran for the state Senate in 1980 ering the legislature. ;

. an area already damaged by lighten- where he's been since that time, ele- "All I ask is that you report ,
Contlnued from page 1 ing when a second lightening bolt hit vating himself to the leadership objectively," he said. "Quit putting i
"They had a machine that could him and he was electrocuted. position of Majority Whip for the us all in the same huddle. If some— I
transmit photographs. I can Fred was running the newspaper last three sessions. one is bad, then say that one is bad.
remember that like it was yester- in his father's absence and he pub- "I enjoy it," said Bradley of his Don't lump all 138 of us together.
day I remember it so well lished a front page story about leadership status. "It gives you I'd say 95 percent of the legislators
because I hadn't even seen a televi- lightening striking twice that more of a voice and more influence up here are working diligently for
sion at this point, and here they included the man's obituary. His in overall government. My relation— their constituents The ones that 1
were sending a photo." father was besieged by complaints ship with fellow senators is also aren't, aren't going to be back in 3

Bradley graduated from the from the community because an better there's a certain amount of two or four years anyway." i I
University Of Kentucky With ajour— African~American's obituary ran on respect given to leadership." Bradley, Who turns 65 this i
nalism degree in 1953. That same the front page. Bradley has become close friends month, says he has no immediate .
year found him in the Air Force and "He was my friend and it was a with a few of his colleagues, includ- plans 0f retirement. An avid runner, '
debating his future. heck of a story besides," said ing Bob Leeper, D-Paducah, and the senator's office is filled with tro-
"It was there I decided to go to law Bradley. David Boswell, D—Owensboro, who phies from marathon races he's W0"-
SChOOl and not {OllOW Dad's footsteps," Bradley recalls hand folding sec- are houseguests of Bradley's during "I've Still got two-and-half~years -
said Bradley. "In those days at small tions of the newspaper, which had a the session. Of this term left," he said. "I've hOt
newspapers. you didn‘t have the circulation of3,2OO at the time. "This helps too," he said. "You made any plans after that. I enjoy
chance to be a writer because you "We had this big sheets of paper get to know who you can rely on the JOb- It's very phySical and takes . .
were busy being a mechanic trying to that we folded to make the eight-page and who is effective." a great deal of stamina and I guess
keep all the machinery operating. On sections," Bradley said. "I remember Bradley believes the media at Ill be at “5 until I can't give my con- .
Saturdays, we were busy pouring when we bought a new press, it cost times has been unduly critical of leg- stituents 1_10 percent. -‘ 9
metal, melting metal topour back into more than our house. They took a islators. He stlll keeps up a farm he J
the press to get ready for next week's sledge hammer to the old one, and it "I don't mind just criticism .. bought in 1967 and operates a .'
edition. With everything else you had was the only time I ever saw my Dad over the budget, for instance, or if small busmess, Fred 3 Fast Freight. i l
to do, you just couldn't be a journalist, cry. He had worked for so many years we pass some bad piece of legisla- Bradley 'say 5 the WOSt rewarding i
which is whatl wanted to do." nursing that press." tion," he said. "But I resent it when part th‘SJOP ‘5 helping others. i
Bradley's father, J .L. Bradley, When Bradley started practicing they attack us personally, implying When you can do something for ‘;
served as president of the Kentucky law and his father realized he was- we're looking for a free ride. I don't 5°?“ group or md'v'dual’ some- i
Press Association in 1938. At his n't coming back to take over the think anyone is doing that. thing they really need, thats the J
newspaper in Providence, J.L. newspaper,’J.L. Bradley sold the "The Herald-Leader paints us best part, he said. J
Bradley worked 16 hours a day, Providence Journal Enterprise and too much as a group. The Courier- . ,
seven days a week — another moved to Frankfort to operate an Journal normally is fair- BUt you " ' i
aspect of the business his son was office supply store. He could never read so much implying that we're _ W 3
not fond of. quite put the profession behind him all at the trough well I've seen ,Qflslis’ f:

"Dad almost lived there," though, even after retirement in plenty ofjournalists in my day at if; , 3
Bradley recalled. "But if I had Florida where he edited a Kiwanis the trough, t00-" it ‘ ,
known then what it would be like monthly publication. ' ' ~
today, with all the changes in tech— "I've never met anyone quite like FOR SALE . . . i
nology, I would have stayed with him," said Bradley. "He could type . . An Innovative XTension :
it." 80 words a minute with two fingers. In d I a "a I 3 me e kl'e S I designed to save “E“? i,

Bradley served in about every He always had to keep a hand in $290,088 gross, anerncrease prodtijctiwty l
capacity at the newspaper during the business." W e31 criaiéng 3.,5 m
his father’s absences, from office Bradley entered public life "by only 5‘ 59'908 uar ress ' '
manager to pressman, and from accident." After being reactivated .
editor to reporter. into the service because of the John van der Linden, broker, Ca“ l'800‘223'l600 i
One of the most memorable writ— Pueblo Crisis during the Vietnam R0. Box 275 '°' '"'° and FREE mm "'5" l
ing experiences for Bradley War, he returned after a year and a " , a ‘
involved the unusual death of a half to find his law practice "just Spl(r7lt1lé?l§%6lg§8360 W“ n" ‘1
friend and co-worker. The man, an about gone." a. M. _. ~- ~ . .. t. ~_J J
i . . J

 § .
I l
i The Kentucky Press,- April,‘1996 - Page 5 ' .
I W KPA l t ff ' d ' ° f '
The Western Kentucky Press Association to another term. tured samples from the Times-Leader's use of
held its Spring Conference March 14-15 in The WKPA program included a session on digital photography and negative scanning. Phil
Paducah. editing, featuring Karl Harrison, executive edi- Boger and Tim Harman of the Computer Center
' Cindy Riley, editor of the Herald Ledger in tor of The Paducah Sun, and Ron Jenkins, edi— in Jasper, Ind., continued the computer—gener-
‘, Eddyville, was elected president of the organiza- tor of The Gleanor in Henderson. Paducah Sun ated photography demonstration by setting up a
.“ tion. columnist Pat Brockenborough also provided a network with computer hardware they brought
_: Riley succeeds Chris Evans, editor of The program session on the need for newspapers to along. The representatives scanned negatives
Crittenden Press in Marion. Nancy Mick, pub- publish more light news and feature stories. and showed WKPA members some shortcuts for ,
lisher of The Crittenden Press, was elected to Chip Hutcheson, publisher of the Times- enhancing computer-generated photographs for -
j serve a one—year term as vice-president and Leader in Princeton, gave a presentation on his publication. .
, longtime secretary-treasurer Jed Dillingham of newspaper's newest technological advancement. WKPA will meet again in September for its
1 the Dawson Springs Progress was reappointed The session, entitled "Desktop Darkroom" fea- regular Fall Conference.
: ° Adams said he also thinks general," Adams recalled. "You've Citing the recent coverage ofthe .
g RIChardS Richards' career goals conflicted got to remember that this was concealed deadly weapons legisla-
'; with advising the student publica— 1968, 69 and 70 and student unrest tion, Richards said he thinks the
Continued from page1 tion.” . was even filtering into‘ Kentucky. I media focuses too much attention ,
following the Army at a college in Jody was always running for think it wasfrustrating for Jody on legislation that has no real
Amarillo, Texas. something. I think he was preSi— whose main interest was more in meaning and too little attention on
Western Kentucky University dent of the Young Democrats, the the PR Side of things. I think he the important, complex issues. .
_ had a opening and Richards came state Jaycees he was always Viewed thenewspaper and the Richards, who was the brunt of
back to his native Kentuck . looking to speak to groups to pro- news'media in general as-a way to severe critiCism as the'sessmn
Within a short period Richards mote his message, said Adams. I get his message out sometimes. neared an end, also believes. at
. . . ’ think at one time he was also inter» Richards maintains close ties to times the media can be too critical
was adViSing the college newspa- . . . . . .
ested in being aSSistant to the pres- Western and is an incredible oflegislators.
perLTh. . ll . ident, and being in that position boost" to the college, according to "I don't think the Lexington-
, . . 'S was an especia y interest- (advising the student newspaper) is journalism professor Jim Highland. Herald, editorially, is fair .. and
: ing time for me, Richards said