xt70p26q223n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q223n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1998-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1998 text GLSO News, June 1998 1998 1998-06 2019 true xt70p26q223n section xt70p26q223n '“Gm GLSO NE VV S 1
1.135315: i
0“" 19 JUNE 1998
,; WWW Vol. 13 No. 6
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization i
) , . . put on. GLSO sponsors several Friday’s at 8 pm.
I I'idl» Pk'nk' activites during the picnic to raise Tickets are $7 and are available :
. , . . . funds to make sure it can happen at the door. Proceeds will benefit the i
largeTsquusezarrSotmcieinpfigfiuggj again next year. So, bring some the Lexington Pride Center and the :
will take place Sunday June 14 from cash for cold drinks, T—shirts, and raf- AIDS Medication Fund, Parking in j
noon to 4 p m at Windy Knoll Farm fle tickets (several business. have the library garage will be free. 1;
(For directions see Pride Schedule already donated some great gift cer- We are considering usmg phd j
insert) if we have a larger turn out tificates for this year’s raffle). And if tographs of the qth made into slides 1
than last year parking may be tight you don’t want to buy anything, we'll as background. it you have any quilt i
so plan to come with friends always accept donations to the Pride pictures, with or withoutipeople In
This isapotluck so please bring Month Fund. _ them, taken at any quilt display, :
a dish to share We have divided the Come on out for a day in the please call Terry (25575469). 3
the food list alphabetically but it you country and make this the largest . 80, show your prideby support- 2
have a favorite dish you‘re dying to Pride event ever in LeXIngton. girg1gct0uts first production June 18
bring, don't let this stop you. ' l
A" 33'?“ 0.’ Bread . Elegies for Angels, Banquet Extrodinaire i
J-R Main Dish (can be veggie) Punks, and Raging
S-Z Dessert ems
pota- Q“ YearTRSVJISSASS‘ASLZ?32583315413 :
‘0 sa'ad' mm“ 395”” Las‘ V53?" we ActOut, Lexington‘s newest the— Sunday, June 21 at 5:00 pm. at the a
had 5000 WC“ that"'we"’ ”5 bes‘ aler group. is pleased to bring Campbell House inn (corner oi South
that YOU dont know. . Elegies for Angels, Punks and Broadway and Mason Headley).
COld 30“ drinks and Water WI” be Raging Queens to Lexington for the This event, which allows us to cele- T
301d by GLSO W’th ”OMS going to first time. This powerfully written brate ourselves and our accomplish- "
cover the COSt Of putting this event piece celebrates the lives of those ments, is always a fitting end to Pride :
togethei- ”9359 do NOT ”mg 3‘00' who have died of AIDS. inspired by month. ,
h°'- .. the AIDS Memorial Quilt, it tells the . .
In addition to the potluck, a w0n- stories of some of the people who continued page3 communitynews
derful variety of local talent including have panels on that quilt.
singers, dancers and comics will per— This play encompasses humor Spa [150" ,
form . throughout the , day. and sorrow, harmony and discord, -
Entertainment begins at 1230' so tragedy and hope. Acast of 32 local 0f the Month
bring a lawn chair or blanket to make actors and four singers will perform - ;
yourself comfortable. , to the accompaniment of an original .
. If 3'09 “ke to ShOp' don t forget to score of blues, jazz and gospel. l
bring a little extra cash. Vendors Elegies ,0, Angels, Punks and U" itarian 5
"0”? gay-owned and gay-friendly Raging Queens will be performed
busmesses M” be selling a variety 0f Thursday, June 18 and Friday, June . , ;
items. GLSO wrll sell T'Sh'rtS’ “Fits, 19 in the theater on the first floor of U n Ive rsa I ISt ‘:
bumper stickers, and other Pride the downtown Lexington Public , l
items. . . . Library (not the State Theater, as 1
. .A'mOUQh adm‘SSlO" to the Pride reported last month). Thursday’s C h u rC h ;
Picnic is free, it does cost money to performance begins at 7 pm. and i

 . A So, What is This? mow Ithat yotu’rfi outtof
' » My hard disk t e c osete 8 me 0
@‘MY& Ch 7 crashed, and i lost the come out of the house...
LESMfiN program i usually do this by Mary Crone
VI???" newsletter on. if your name Urvashi Vaid spoke at a UK
3 was on the Out and Proud list to be Lambda event several years ago and
R6. published in October, the list is gone. emphasized the need for LBGT peo-
Please call Mary (266-5904) to get pie to become more involved with
["1“ e {if your name back on. Sending more other progressive groups. If we want
gegi‘fi' money is not a bad idea either. . them to support us we need to sup-
‘ Or perhaps, some of you who port them.
have not subscribed or contributed Some groups are actively asking
The GLSO News will use the coupon below to help us for members of our community to join
Vol.13 Issue 6 achieve 200 subscribers. What them. This year l have become a
Published Monthly by COU'd be more important than con- part of the Central Kentucky
tributing to increased safety and free- Community Leadership Program
dom in Eur lives and in the lives of (CKCLP) and serve on the board of
‘ the Chi ren who are wondering the Museum of Culture and Diversity.
Téle Lexullfton abgut tgimsewes 8V8" as we type CKCLP will soon be taking applica-
a I CS Ian . an rea - . . tions for individuals who want to be
. Y . . Elizabeth OUt there In 33“ Diego on the second team of civic leaders.
Serv1ce Orgamzatton was k'nd enough to send me a “few If you want an application or more
program and to teach me somethlng information, give me a call.
about how to put it onto my comput- i have also attended a Racial
er very early one Saturday mornlng. Dialogue Working Group meeting
Editors: ldldn’t get around to asking her what and a Networking luncheon that
M C this dodad ls. its on the tool bar but meets monthly to discuss racial
ary rone got in mg (knuaék Express for issues. LBGT individuals should
_ ummies 00 - an anyone OUt become active in these groups. It's
Peter Taylor there t9” me if this is time to get out of the "house" of our
W/T'J', 7’ insulated community. if you think
1/ _ you might be interested, call me at
Layout Editor: flnore than oecoratlon? 266-5904 or | just might call you.
Charlie Perkins =-'i"‘"=i'“'<"5 ‘-‘7-1"-""”<'«-‘"’- ‘7 f "view-'-«‘-:“»i'r‘c‘:»'.-"e1v53=-" ’her::~h‘3;'.:<.-‘>z.h:n-~,\:;-:c-.‘e~,h':we, n. men-e ~..i;h‘:‘.-e'h-:.al2-:2- 3‘32:- ave-Md: Lemma
r.r'-:i‘;‘1‘~“h“i{2 ~ ~' ' , . hem" mu, fégiégthkA‘Ii-‘ffji'htgei’7.i‘.‘~f7§_*i‘
GLso Annual Dues " 2 :ehehhfififiefifififlbwfibfi
m?“ “2‘33““? 3": N831"
es an ews etter or eMWWWW
Couples: $20 am“
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are ””h
hose oh he authors and hhhh necessarily Wmmmmml’mmsmw
rerespent hose oh he use Board. $29mmemembetsmp maxim letter
Submissions are walcome and become the W.“
”WWW 0‘ ”‘3 GLSO‘ The Staff ”339W“ “‘9 Mamiwmlfiawgmtseaddow
hehhehhsuhhhehhs ahhahehhehehs shimmwmwwmmemmmm
as well as the right to reject any submissions imamm‘gmétwmwfihmducmm
”r “mm-“’- minewommmlimflaflmwfiowdm

 This year we are honored to Kiya Heartwood and Miriam traditions as well as merchandising. .
present State Represenitive Kathy Davidson will be joined by Kopana The event is "dry" and folks need to
Stein as our after-dinner speaker. Terry on drums, Sean Tater on bass, bring a picnic lunch if you would like
Rep. Stein has done a tremendous and Pete Poggione on guitar. to eat on site. If you or your group '
job supporting the lesbigaytrans Admission will be $5 to $10 slid- would like to distribute literature
community, and we encourage ing scale. Doors open at 7:30, music and/or do a ritual or WOFKShOD. we'd
everyone to come out and show our begins at 8:00. We will sell beer and be glad to have YOU participate and
appreciation. Entertainment will be soft drinks, and have a table of GLSO help make the celebration as diverse
provided by SisterSound, T-shirts and pride items for sale. and mUItl-hadlhhhal as DOSSlble- The
Lexington‘s women’s chorus. Some of the profits will go to the contact person '5 Chris Florence 605‘

The highlight of the banquet is Pride Center. 268-1640 or Chandonn@ aol-com
the presentation of the Wasson Wishing Chair is releasing a new
Award and the Rainbow Community CD, Undisputed Country with the title LIFE MAPS
Service Award. These awards cut a gay pride song written at this The Women’s Spirituality Group
honor outstanding volunteers in our time last year. The CD will not be of the Unitarian Church meets about
community. We have an outstand— ready for this concert but we Will let twice a month on Friday evenings.
ing list of nominees for_ both awards. you know. how you can order a copy. This is a group of lesbian and straight
Current Wasson nominees Include WlShlng'Chalr ‘00" be perfogflmlfig women mostly Unitarians but we
Keith Lovan, Terry Mullins, Diane at the National omen’s US'C ’ - '
Lawless, Mark Johnson and part- Festival in .Muncie, lndiana on June Stzaggegthoalasnanrtgriiheedr figgggtge

- 25th. This is a great festival usually . . y
ners Susan and B’UC'? BOY"?- held in Bioomington. For complete and learning experiences to honor
Rambf’w'csmwmiy Ser‘t’we “30'?" information call 317-927-9355 or the Goddess energy Within US- We
nees inc U G e eXing 0n en S email wia@indynet.com. laugh a lot
Chorus, Ebony Male, Metropolitan On Friday, June 5th we will join
Community ChUFCh and The Royal ‘ with interweave and meet at the
Soverign imperial CCU” 07 all gntlsgi‘rgafrrdfifieszto frzrréNoon Fellowship House at 6:30pm for pot
Kentuck . , , k 7: f m. Kell

Each organization will also “'7‘” 109m, Pat“. .0‘ The Person?’ I(LJI'CFeESrnecijiai‘iitiiii ggchrjsfihoggocess o);
announce their volunteer of the DlVlhe, a local spirituality QVOUpi Wl” making Life Maps. Lite Maps are a
year. Organizations should have be hosting “Summerfest '98." The . . . .

. . . . . way of telling part of our life stories in
the name of their vounteer to Terry Site is the Unitarian Church at 3645

. . . . . order to honor ourselves and each

by Sunday, June 7. Call him at 255- Clays Mill Road. Admis3ion is $5 . . ~

. . . . . other. There is a small charge (slid-
5469 or e-mail him at There Will be a variety of rituals ding scale) of $2 to $5 for expenses
misterb@_gte.net. and workshops in various spiritual '

Admissmn is $25 per person
($22.50 with a table of eight or
more). Tickets are available at The
Bar (from Kenneth), Crossings or by _
calling 255-5469. Last day to pur- _
chase tickets is Wed, June 17. / Fave 210191915011

. ‘VISI‘IING CIIAIR I o 0 Sign Language lnlcrprctcr
in Concert . / Certified: NAD/Rll)
On Friday, June 19 interweave , . _ ,
. . . . \oicc: 6008/9—940‘)
l and GLSO present Wishing Chair in [,1 MT mm 3:, ,_ 3 W)
‘ concert at the Unitarian Church. We / E1351. 'i‘erpbearo301.com
have a new air conditioned room '
that is perfect for this show. ‘

 MATURE PEOPLE MAKE sometzinghelse whtile liaLmtoontirzmedI throlugt;3 the rgomer: cinto another

0 ma e er porn. a's w en ' ruyg nume xperl n e.“
_ THE BEST PARTI‘IEBS remembered the words I'd read and Tam spends time with her
"It" I" a ser res by Kelly OFerreII written about last month from friends as I do mine. Once a month,
u, think mature people make the best Conversations I/Wh God, Book II - to her time with friends ls. spent in our
partners. [Among] several mature search my souls memory for a ’truly apartment, which requres that I be
attitudes they share their belong - genuine experience." somewhere else on that evening.
ings’ responsibilities, freedom to When there was a moment of She lets me know what night and I
express their feelings, trust, time and silence, I mustered up my courage - make plans to be out of the apart-
effort, and comfortable silences..." and humility - and said softly, "l'm ment. We share our time with one
From Living With Sobriety sorry if you feel like I don't care about another and with our friends. It's
‘ you when you're sick. I do care probably the first me-you-us relation-

Well, I wouldn't exactly call II a about you - very much." ship I‘ve ever had.

"comfortable silence," In“ what came The air, the energy, the essence We may argue and disagree, but
OUI Of It was-nothing short Of a mlra- in the car changed, moved, vibrated l have more fun with Tammy than
cle. I arrived home from work in the moment after those words anyone else I've ever known. I feel
exhausted one day last month and were uttered. It was more than just safe, loved and nurtured. I've heard
found Tammy, my partner, waiting on Tam's quiet response of apology and it said that water seeks it's own level.
me to ”I" an errand._ After a few gratitude that moved us into another Somewhere along the way, others
words WIIII her, I “tallied that she place. No, it was something sepa- taught me how to feel sate, loved and
wasn'tfeellng very well. rate from the two of us- something nurtured all by myself. I'm grateful to

l II e" started when we were about I‘m not sure I’ve ever experienced have Tammy to share In these gifts.

1 to get I" the car and realized neither before. A "soul memory" that only Thank goodness maturity is
(II us had the checkbook. I.” be the the desire for could bring into exis- about progress - not perfection.
first to admit it - maturity is not always tence.
my strong SUII' Basically, It sounded "Sharing [our material] belong- As Queer as...

I'ke IIIISI “I'm "OI gomg back up ings" is anice gift Tam and l offer one GLSO has been collecting the

‘ those steps to get It." another. But, perhaps one of the names of people who wish to have

”Well, neither am I" greatest gifts I have received in this their names printed in October on our

: Then I guess we'll have I0 9° relationship is "the freedom to Out and Proud Page For a

; togetherto get II 0' "OI do “"5 at all." express [my] feelings.“ When I come donation of $3 or more, you too

‘ By the time 'we returned Ie the car, to Tarn and express a new aware- can be on this list of supporters.

‘ checkbook. I" hand, we fluctuated ness, an embarrassing moment, an Unfortunately, my computer

, between Silence and argument. I uncomfortable judgment, what I hear crashed a few weeks ago and I lost
COUId have tossed her OUI OI that car from Tammy is - "I know what you everything on my hard disk. It you
anywhere between Waller Avenue mean. I've felt that way before too," have already donated you will have
and Southland Prlve. , or "Have you been able to talk to any- to let me know to reenter your name.

AI S°me Wm» ”‘0“th I dec'ded one about this?" You can call Mary Crone (266-5904)
‘0 5'“ ”F" A '9‘” years €9°s When What I don't hear is, “Well, or Terry Mullins (255-5469) who will
Tam and I had IUSI moved "I together what‘s the matter with you, Kelly? I be keeping a duplicated list just in

i and were trying I0 adIIISI; we were thought you were smarter than that. I case.

‘ argurng more than laughing, and a can't believe you‘d feel like that." It was these contributions that
friend suggeSIed that If I wanted our It's wondertul to trust someone enabled us to start using color in the
relatlonshlp to change then I needed enough to say what's in my body. newsletter, an idea that has proved
to change the things I come I've thought, too often, that I was the successful. We appreciated your

S'he told-me that two people only one who felt "that way." Tam support and would like suggestions

, couldnt argue II one shuts ”‘1 So, I reminds me, I'm not alone. And about some creative use of this
shut up and mad thinking about speaking the words helps move me year's contributions.

 it i
I; in association with i
e N ational Entertainer of the Year 3
’i ' Presents ;
l- . ‘
6 “Bi ' I
i. may tag: fiftO/ZQ
.ll '
in Eats etauza'z
3| ———---—- o_
. National ‘7' r
,3 F59“ or THE dfifi
.5 gigagc/fiuns f g i l ‘2 L. ‘
Id 8a,: 0 8 IE ' g
[0 lllzrtumzr q/ the 31.5:
IS . ,
” ‘uma‘ BL mgfigg Y 97
a ”533“.” 5:? ' . . .‘
er i. BLUEGRASS E. 0. Y.
5‘ er » " EMERITUS!
)U ;f., - ”it“. 2: ‘5-
at Radisson Plaza Hotel 369 W. Vine St.
1e Lexington, Ky.
3d For information on tickets or applactions please call (606) 321-2053
or Advance Tickets on Sale Now for Reserve Seating

 LL :ILLEilLLLthLILL'nutmlilflth 1L "limlimitL1535!?t-liiillli.ilfiltLil“ :LLii 'tiiltlai'ttfLILt‘ifi:LEW;'itiillliilitliILii‘" 45L "itEM3|5,.ilt|53Lfinitflhtllth" LLili ll;fttit‘it"ltii‘littitliLtii" Lt: Iliii,i|‘~Lii"t"'|ll..il‘L34:'|i.t'll.:i|1'ii."!li“
8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:30 pm MCC Board Mtg 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
8:30 pm Rainbow Bowling (Woodland Park) Reh (Pride Center (Arboretum) -
League 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
7:00 pm MCC Study Group
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA \ g .
- :-
_..__.___ ____.. ___ ___._ _ __ __ _____.._ ___.__ _ Mr '1 _~ '
:ii’ 1ft: .i'tiiuii:::tncni 111:: tin-1i ii uni '1! ill L1: ti..:ill ., . a," ,1 ,7
L pRLDE ORIENTED SERVICES L 7:00 pm GLSO Board Mtg 6:00 pm Department of 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners . I - " . -
(Pride Ctr) Justice Pride Dinner (Woodland Park) Reh (Pride Center) (Arboretum) _
, 8:00 pm AA Step Study (see article) 6:00 pm HlV/AlDS Support 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
“145 am UU Church and 17:00 pm Pride Planning 7:00 pm MCC Study Group
Pot Luck . . . .
”:30 am LMCC _ Committee (Pride Ctr) 7:30 pm Fairness (Pride
, - 7:30 pm PFIAG (Chapel Center)
5.00 pm Coronation . . .
, Hill Presbyterian Church) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian
6.00 pm Ebony Male Mtg 330 R , bo B 1'
mm pm w €S aur an
6:00 pm SisterSound Reh eague
(Park Methodist Church) '
7:00pm Dignity (LMCC) 5 5 7 S. leestone
,. _ W, t“ W—‘ Tm“ ..n‘m ...i; 7,111. LCXlngtOIl, KY’
ti 13L. Iii Lin it 113:1» Li .1!“ :'l litiiitt it! ‘fiuil' nit ‘lLfll
10:45 am UU Church 8100 pm AA Step Study 6:30 pm Networking Forum 6:00 pm Frontrunners 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners 2 5 3 ‘00 1 4
11:30 am LMCC and Pot Luck (Pride Ctr) 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support Group (Arboretum)
12:00 noon Picnic 13:30 pm Rainbow Bowling 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:00 pm Men‘s Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA °
6:00 pm SisterSound Reh League 7:30 pm Fairness (Pride Reh (Pride Center) featurlng the famous
(Park Methodist Church) Center) '
8110 pm Gav/Lesbian AA Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
ALSO SUBMIT ADDITIONS. seerng blueberry ,
_ . 273.9649 . eggs benedtct arnold,
{lit'lll .11: gtt git .;;:t: iii: .;;;§t‘53;3:. tti an :iii 1 Spanish omelettes
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 8:30 pm Rainbow Bowling 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men's Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
11:30 am LMCC League (Woodland Park) Reh (Pride Center) 7:00 pm MCC Games (Arboretum) gourmet desserts,
5:00 pm Banquet 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support 8:00 pm Bluegrass Colts Night 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA d h
6:00pm SisteiSound Reh Group ' members , an mu m re
(Park Methodist Church) 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 9:00 pm Bluegrass Colts C 0
7:00 pm Dignity (LMCC) 7:30 pm Fairness Meeting non-members
(We Came) All of our breads and
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
JELLL‘LLLL‘K -_ :LILLLL: LIILELLL _. :Liti 3?:le ILLLLLILL ‘i;iLi‘LiLi.- [Ltlt KHLL'LLKLLitL .L-n, 1iiLLLiLIlLlIKithi. .ILLLL'LI'WL lililmtlli‘itli’1:1’uiltlL1LLL LLLLHtiM" L 'IiLILLILL‘ILLlLIL'I‘ 'LLLILLL '5‘ LL "-aLLLILILLILiW||: WEILKHLLLLL ' LiILL 'iiiiliilLlLILLilliltLILLLLII LzLLLiLLILlLL "QLLLLLIi‘LtiILELILmLLLL' desserts are baked dally
" » -'.L ' fit? a " U ' ‘lm-t.“ -i',‘i,‘ "li Lit" """-“'" ' 't " ' ' I'- , ti: “i'."""‘”vui=:. .11:an 'lL‘LLLW "inn
‘ i- xl "iii-ll - - in ii- 1'" ‘- ' ”=“l ' ' 1:: l. = .ui: ,i:i:i'iil.ii. 135'
£ng 3: Sltglecrscound Reh League »i=ii:ittLL*L 'Liitittiliiiiitllttl L ,litlLLL. LLLLLLL LLLLLttLllllllilth LELLL airinillliL'L 'ltillliillfltthL: LLLIHuiiiLH' lLL“?!lliiiminu itLiiL'L LLLLLLLLLL L tLliinn-n LELéthllinmiir “flit ‘li, LLLLLL! Lfl.it.iiiiinillllll'l'L MLLL L Itirtltti ..rtltlt‘ iitLIli In 0111‘ kltChen
(Park Methodist Church) , ,, ,, ...,.,.,....,_,, -. ., : . ,
. iit*-'-=it;...‘ltli¢it iii-4i limit i 'i...;:ii it: lit; tint ill: .it'lit‘i! it 1‘73: : itiiiltp: it: till“ iii-iii ti lthttttz ll:....,.:ii?ifit3i...2§l:;.~.ll:"nliit..;i.lii?-‘1lésliiK-ili
F Evening Parking

 If..___.-.___,,___:._...-_—-H____-...-_WELL-_,..____....-..__-._- .._..___. .__,____. .._ . _..____-._.,... ...--,-.L,-.____.____L E
l, l
E’ 1998 ,Cexéngton fizide Schedule E
ESunday, May 31st; 10:45am, Unitarian Annual Lesbigaytrans Reading by local writers. E
E‘ Universalist Church, PRIDE SERVICE. Admission is $5.00 and includes desert bar, cot-
E 3554 Clays Mill Rd. Following the service will be fee or tea. A cash bar will be available. Call Kelly E
E lnterweave's monthly potluck. Please bring a Flood (277-6168) for more information. E
E dish or a soft drink to share. Free EE
4 Wednesday, June 10th: 6:30pm-9:30pm,
E Friday, June 5th, 6:30pm Potluck and FellOWShiP House 9f the Unitarian
i 7pm Program, KELLY O’FERRELL LIFE Church Interweave Will show the docu-E
MAPS, Unitarian Church, Fellowship House. 21:21:?2; gafgéfivitStiznxmziica £213;
The Woman’s Spirituality Group and Interweave. 1929 Fofioi’ved by Stonewall a fiction-
Lite Maps are a way of telling part of our life sto— . ' ’ i
ries to honor ourselves and each other. ai'zed yet, accurate account Of the events
i Sliddmg Scale $2_$5_ surrounding the protest at the Stonewall
i Bar In 1969. 3564 Clays Mill Rd. We will start
E'Saturday, June 6th: 10pm-12am, with a potluck at 6:30 and begin the show
AiVOL's LATEX ARMY INVASION. pmmp‘” 3‘ 7300- ”98- E
i &
E BAR COMPLEX, CROSSINGS&CLUB141. No 7pm The Bluegrass Bel'es present.
E specific charge, bar covers may apply. TRANSGENDER 8‘ PROUD: COM'NG
F OUT AT THE MOVIES. At the Kentucky
Sunday, June 7th: 10:45am, Unitarian Theatre. Admission $4.75. E
Universalist Church, WORSHIP SER- l
IVICE "Images of Godldess reflected Saturday, June 13th1 8pm. The
lin Gay Lesbian Theology", Mary Lexington Men's Chorus PRIDE CON-
ECrone, Worship Associate. 3564 Clays Mill CERT with special guests SisterSound atE
1E Rd. Join us for “First Sunday" lunch following the the Singletary Center for the Arts. TICKEIS $9-00-E
iE service. 1
E Saturday, June 13th: 7pm. MARY ANNE
Sunday, June 7th: 7pm, Royal Sovereign MARTIN, LESBIAN AUTHOR will be at
E Imperial Court presents... CORONA- Joseph Beth's signing her latest novel. E
TION XVII at the Radisson. Admission is E
E$10.00 in advance $25.00 at the door. Sunday, June 14th: Noon-4pm. The
; Fifth Annual GLBT PRIDE PICNIC at
Sunday, June 7th: 8pm Working Class Windy Knoll Farm, 3263 Cleveland Rd.
Kitchen GAY PRIDE READINGS in the North (off Winchester Rd.-see next page
EJoseph Beth Cafe'. This is the Second over for directions). Potluck, entertainment
E .

 i; come to set up information tables (bring your Pride Center Of the Bluegrass. i
own table). Businesses who want to sell items _ _ ' i
‘please contact Keliy at (606) 277-6168. EgiagéJx?teh1\9Il;?$:ls£GpménR$ a???
. A . . . . . . _ _ V,
hoi. (See article on the page one.) lnterweave Will host Wishing .Chair, Kiyai
; Heartwood and Miriam DaVIdson in celebration i
i , _' . r, of their new CD. Concert begins at 8pm. Sliding
l mewmm scale admission $5.00-$10.00. Beer and soft‘
3 -j';~i:f' Wmeliamislooatedataafia drinks will be sold. Some of the proceeds will!
i ClevelandeNortthm Lexington,tako benefit the Pride Center of the Bluegrass
“th9iifidi7.535113;1~lii‘_i?§ pastNeWCircie :
l Rd:i_ji‘3|eveian¢ifiéii'istfiérfiféi‘hiilfléigihé Saturday, June 20th: 9am Lexington
E ”MWWK‘EQ‘WW139333Airstream Frontrunners "FUN RUNNiIALK" This
i left. ”3°. Cleyeialtfi Rd you ilfmd thetarm event will start at the UK Arboretum and then
i 9" WNWE‘-h§“'-m?‘§:d9wfljth§m3dr' 7 , move onto the streets of Lexington suburbs. ;'
l . 1? Free.
i Wcmbsmtovbflnotg ~' i
‘1 UPQW‘EW‘SM? shame ’ ,; Saturday, June 20th: Noon-10:00pm
i 2".”‘699‘San‘1 Pia“: ~ , L , a “SUMMERFEST ‘98.” oh the grounds of
i 3)WWW”“maramemkas" the Unitarian Church 3564 Cla 5 Mill Fld ‘
, ‘ and to spend at the booths; , . . . y . "
i 4)Achair or blanket , . Diverse spiritual workshops and ritualsi
} . , . . ‘ ‘ ; Admission $5 (See article on page 3,
3 “Community News") l
|Tuesday, June 16th: iOpm-iam Ebony , . }
‘Maie & The Bar Complex present... A Sunday, June Ztst: 11:30am Lexmgtons
‘RHYTHM & BLUES EXPLOSION. Metropolitan community ChUl'Ch PRIDE
‘ Admission isfree. SERVICE 385 Waller Ave. The LMCC Pride
i SerVIce Will feature a speCiai Choral Tribute to|
D' . . i
|Thursday, June 18th, 7:00 pm and lsney Free i
Friday, June 19th, 8:00 pm: ActO ut Sunday, June 215t: 5pm. THE SEV-
‘Lexington Public Library Theatre, 140 Campbell House inn with after dinner‘
East Main St. “Eiegies” celebrates the lives of speaker, State Representative Kathyi
those who have died from AiDS. The piece was Stein. Entertainment provided by the magnifi-
linspired by the AIDS Memorial Quilt, The show cent voices of SisterSound. Admission $25.00!
encompasses humor and sorrow, harmony and Pier person or $22-50 With a table 07 8 or more. ‘
ldiscord,tragedy and hope. Admission $700 pro- Tickets available from Kenneth at The Bar,
‘ Crossings or by calling 255-5469. i
I — S I _ GLSO Page 8

 Lexlngton UU Church for five years followed by Theists, Christians, and
umtaflan Views and find it to be a very rewarding Mystics. i am aware that in our
by Mary Crone experience. I plan a series of articles Lexington congregation there are
_ , concerning Unltarianism to appear also individuals that consider them-
The ”"33"“ . Universallst over the next several months. lhope selves Jewish, Buddhist, Agnostic,
Church 0‘ Lexrngton '5 the Gl-SO to encourage you to give us a try. and Atheist.
sponsor 0‘ “1'5 month. Unitarians Within our congregation we So with all of these labels, what
around the country as well as over- have an out and visible group of les- holds us together? Shared values.
$835 actively seek diverse congrega- bigaytrans people, ages I7 to 60 When asked what we should be help-
trons and have welcomed lesblgay- something, as well as a number of ‘ing our children learn within the
trans people "“0 their churches. We LBGT people who are less out. either church, a large percentage of the
can_be' tound teaching children, by choice or by circumstance. respondents agreed on “a sense of
Singing '" the choirs, S'mng on the Whatever is comfortable for the indi- inherent worth, self-respect.” and
boards, and deliver mg sermons. vidual is fine with the rest of us. “openness to difference and respect
'The U-U; Assocration, 0‘" I am sometimes asked what for others.“ The survey showed a
national organization, encourages makes one a Unitarian or what our strong commitment to becoming
U;U~ churchesto work 0" homopho- beliefs include. There are a number more culturally and racially diverse
bla wrthm their'congregations and of ways to answer that question. A congregations, to modeling anti-
their communltles. The Falth m recent survey of 9,000 UUs tound racism and to being a voice for jus—
Action. .Department °_f the that although we have quite varied tice wlthin our communities. These
A_ssocration has an Prime 0f ways otdefining our theologies. we answers were equally distributed
Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and are held together by common values. across theological identifications.
Transgender Concerns headed by About 46% of the respondents I find that these values are
Ke'th Kron, a former board member choose “Humanist” for their theologi- reflected in our local church, and are
0? Gl—SO- We writ-reprint an article by cal label, followed by 19% the basis for activity within our com-
h'm "1 an upcoming newsletter. "Earth/nature centered spirituality,” m u n ity. confirmed on next page
I have been a member of the
‘11. ' ' l '
l £1 .. Proudly Servmg Kentucky 5 Lesbian,
» Ga Bisexual Trans endered
, I o . .
l . , . and Strayt Communities. '
l/InV/OR LD ,
‘ .. -lll BROKER NETWORK ’
“m'm"“’"°m EQUAL HOUSING ,
‘ 273'7501 . OPPORTUNITY ,

 There are five social action groups '
l within the Church which provide ge’lue m “e Noe
- ways for UUs to volunteer time men- “Dem Genie /I’lae Noe,
l toring children in local schools, serv- y n It A. h . . .
_ ing dinner at Solomon House, work- - a . y was upset to iscoveq t at 462112 is a man. 74ll this time
’ ing for animal welfare, planing LBGT .9 have leen fillte'u‘ng gettie's advise though my undeistanding of hez as a
evenlts w‘ilth Intecrjweave. WOYklng for ha. allow could you deceive me like this?
: raCIa ius ce, an more.
. I also find our worship services 74 No flange! ’Cm’at 7“"
- to be spiritually and intellectually (Dem 307%“
i stimulating. This yearwe are having you me way too hung up on the dominant society’s gender cute.
9 two pride theme serwces. On May ,mieg hone “m d H _ 'h h h h . A
f 31$t Rev. Kelly Flood, assisted by 7 . y. - pp y a any, wit t ose n: 0 ate some in ewe in ctmeen
I Davina Warner and Matt Cockrum, what you thin/e of as the two gendew. othwe you heatd of multiple pet—
I “all! be building their service around sonalitics, one lady, dififietent peisonalities? ‘ZOell I) have only one peasan—
: holnl$ggg§ggggl$htmg a "my wel' ality 6ut .9 appeai in multiple ladies. I} 50 when the spiu‘t takes me-othe
, On June 7th I will be leading the .Cavendeii Spout. 74114 no, y'ust lemuse you may have met me as seen me
- gervice (ti)?— “usage: of God/Idess in appeaq as a malt one evening in my (£54 (I) will assume you maze not just
a 55%;; stgrst autirloggmfigl’erwgach: listening to gossip, deat) doesn’t mean that .9 will not thalit someone
l (LBGTS and friends) will be hosting a else's {may next. flow alout yams? .05 you leave yam mind vacant .0 may
. potluck lunch after the May Sist ser- fust slip in fat 4 visit. yaw [mow J’m theze when you stint luyi‘ng
; :23: gpggresrgnvhflybiggghalgal: Saste’m Kentucky 7422:, eating down home cookin', and flhlhklng 74le8—1.
- June 7th service. Hugs and Kisses, genie Mae
0 O
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Office: 606-269-7331 a;
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E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com
Call me with all your Real Estate needs Whig?” “W

 GLSO News IS proud to present 3
our sponsors for 1998 1
Sills Inn, Bed and Breakfast Guest House...............................(606) 873-4478
Voted “Best in the Bluegrass”..........................................(800) 526-9801 ‘
Windy Knoll Farm299-7410 ‘
Riding lessons, dressage and jumping, trail riding, boarding 1
SisterSound873-7791 _
Diverse music for all women j
Metropolitan Community Church.....................................................271-1407 ‘
387 Waller Ave, Sunday Worship 11:30 AM I
A Church for all God’s People 3
‘ Unitarian Universalist Church223-1448 ‘
r 3564 Clays Mill Rd., Sunday Worship 10:45AM
1 Seeking a diverse congregation
Beverly K. Turner LCSW, Counselorffherapist...............................269—6497 1
‘ The Bar Complex255-1551 -
224 E. Main ,
ScottAckerman, Paul Simonin Realty................................................269-7331
Call me with your real estate needs.....................(voice mail) 294-2055
Sue Strong, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist...........................................277-3119
Lexington Men’s Chorus266-9175
Pegasus Trave1253-1644 «
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO =
Out and Proud Members of the LBGT Community
Donations of 3S or more no