xt70p26q0p3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q0p3j/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1928 journals kaes_circulars_221_annual_report_1927 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 221 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 221 1928 1928 2014 true xt70p26q0p3j section xt70p26q0p3j l
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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Group of farmers being instructed in keeping fnrni accounts at the home
of n community project leader.
Lexington, Ky.
July, 1928
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on
l*>‘ couiperation of the College of Agriculture, University of l{euiu¢·ky,
wml the U. S, Department of Agriculture, and distributed in ful‘thel‘£ll1<‘€
uf the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May R, 1914.

Letters 0f Transmittal
Lexington, Kentucky,
January 3, 1928.
President Frank L. McVey,
University of Kentucky. _
My dear President McVey:
I have the honor to present the annual report of the
Division of Agricultural Extension of the College of Agricul-
ture, University of Kentucky, for the year ended December 31, EX
1927. In this report will be found a statement of the various ,(Q,,,,,Q-
activities of the past year, a list ot publications and a iiiianpial C,CS ,,,,,
_ statement of receipts and expenditures. ,,,.,,g,.CS
Respectfully, tml ihc
THOMAS COOPER, Dean and Director. plishcd
in the ;
tural ag
’ Lexington, Kentucky. ,,,,. ,,,C
January 10, 1928. ,.0,,,,, ,
Honorable Flem D. Sampson, ,·,,,,,]S ,
Governor of Kentucky. _ ,,,.,.,,SS,,
Sir, ,»i·oper
place a
In accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State
` of Kentucky, approved March 15, 1916, I herewith submit the
annual report of the Division of Agricultural Extension of thc T,
College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, for the YGHY ,,,,0,,,
ended December 31, 1927. ,,, ,.0,,.
Respectfully, "Y Dui)
out cor
FRANK L. McVnv, 1’¢·esidon.f. of ,,0,
aud so

T. R. BRYANT, Assistant Director
Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics in
Kentucky is 1naking a healthy, normal growth. \Vhile obsta-
cles are encountered in a few places, the work in general is
progressing satisfactorily. The reports of individual workers
for the year 1927 were noticeably free from references to diffi-
culties, being devoted to a narrative of what had been accom-
plished in their particular fields.
One indication of the healthy condition of the work   found
in the fact that during the year the number of county agricul-
tural agents increased from 71 to 78, with 7 other counties hav-
ing their money ready to employ agents as soon as suitable men
eould be found. In order to effect such increase with all the
funds at the disposal of the University already allotted, it was
- necessary to require the counties to provide a slightly larger
proportion of the funds required, which made it possible to
place agents in new counties.
Loom Insxnnizsi-iir
The progress in Extension work is not so correctly indi-
cated by the increased number of agents as it is by the increase
in volume and quality of work made possible by the assistance
of public spirited local people who are willing to assume, with-
out compensation,. the duties of local leadership in certain phases
of work. One agrees to lead the poultry project in a given
county or community, another sponsors the work in dairying,
· and so on for other branches. The good results of the work of

4 Kentucky Extension, Circular N 0. 221
these people can hardly be overestimated, and unlimited gratt
tude should be extended to these workers who give freely of their EM
time and labor to help others. Their work multiplies many are four
times the efficiency with which extension agents can prosecute L. H. &
their work. Coach (
The efficiency of the work of these leaders has been greatly consjdm
increased by frequent local conferences or training schools een. Bourbm
ducted for their benefit and, thru them, for the benefit of others ,,,,S,,,GS$
Some of these leaders devote their efforts to assisting in the boys approx,
and girls’ club work, others to work with adults, and some hy Mm, S,
both` _ _ _ bv Lou?
The integration of the extension work with the research at- fhich _
experimental work of the Agricultural College has proved most V . ’  
beneficial. Both the Experiment Station and Extension Work. Slim Pt
ers have their offices and laboratories in the same building, The gms  
research facilities of the Experiment Station are in this way the glii
made immediately available to the Extension Service, which in mimcm
itself is an outgrowth of the investigational and experimental iriejlhe
work of the Experiment Station. Both the Experiment Station OH Sum
and the Extension Service are under the direction of one man. OH
_ which eliminates any lost motion or other difficulties that might Exttmsi
A arise if the two institutions were in any way separate. mmm (
the won
Coor121c.x·i·1Ne Aenxcnzs thru Th
A large factor of success in Extension work is its ability to · iifimw
cooperate with other existing agencies. For example, the Hmm f'
schools, banks, railroads, farmers’ and breeders’ organizations. imotgd
· civic clubs, Y. M. C. A., newspapers, boards of health, fair boarri~ lmpflow
—including the State Fair——stockyards, parent-teachers` zissovizi- my m I
tions, and business houses, as well as others have helped in A
various ways, both morally and materially, to accomplish tilt *h0“’H`
purposes for which the Extension Service is erected. Tilt i¤€ :¤ ·: .,»_   ·-   i dm
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Home of Vick \Vilsou, colored, Fayette County. Example of farm home
improvement. Note paint, {lowers aud shade trees with garden in rear.
. . ·]
· in working among colored people. As a matter of fact, these mm
negro agents, in addition to work in strictly agricultural mat-
ters, have proved to be quite adept in such projects as hoine
p conveniences, gardening and, with the help of selected leaders
even in the matter of canning and preserving fruits, vegetables
and meats.
Negro agents are employed in Christian, Fayette, Madison ’
and VVarren Counties. A
During the year 45 definite soil demonstrations were started »
and 41 were successfully completed, while in crop work 766
adopted improved practices. A special effort has been made to

 Ammo!. Report for 1927 11
get certain farms in each county to carry on a more or less com-
5-, plete p1`Og`1`El1Tl aCCO1‘CllHg to I'€G0nllll€llCl€Cl methods. Each agent
37 now has two or three such farms in his county. The results are
iu gratifying. The negro farmer is just as alert and willing to
e- adopt a worth-while idea and put it into practice as is the white
T9 farmer.
is Colored people have taken considerable interest in horti-
ts culture, including gardening, fruit culture and home beautifica-
Y` tion. Four hundred and sixty-four farms have taken part in
ni this work. They preserved and canned 9,700 quarts of fruit
U and 13,990 quarts of vegetables. In one instance a club garden
ig for boys was cultivated on a rather large scale. The total value
  of products was $761.50, costing $310.00 including labor, leav-
4; ing a net profit of $451.50.
§ In community activities the colored people have been quite
06 active. They were largely responsible for securing two con-
solidated schools, and thru junior elub work equipped sixteen
p schools with drinking water systems. Three of the four counties
  held community fairs. These were well attended and the prod-
  ucts exhibited attested the quality of the work that had been
l done, At one of these a clinic for colored children was held,
Y where six leading doctors donated their services to make the
."· 2 . examinations and furnished each child a report to take home.
9 One junior camp was held with 35 children in attendance.
M The following iigures are extracted from the supervisors
No tabulated report:
it- . . . .
County-wide extension o1‘gi11l1Z3U0¤$ ----——---»··------ -- 4
HC Officers and volunteer lo&€l€l`S -----»·--------·-—------·---   481
lsv Communities conducting extension programs .... 52
es Adult local clubs ............ - --·---~-----------------—---- — -·—-—--—-—--· 56
Junior local clubs ..............................l.l..................... 51
OH Club members entering normal schools or col-
l leges .............................»·----- - --------------··-··---—— — ·—------··-· 58
Community fairs .......................-.- - ---------------—----—--—·—·   16
Cd T County fairs ......................... . ........------------- - --------·-----—·-- 3
66 Training meetings, juniors ..............- - ------·-----—------   24
to Training meetings, adults ............---.-. - -·----·-----»·—-·- 18

 12 ]{CIlli”ll1C]Ujj E.rtcns1i0n. Circular N0. 221
Tl1e problen1 of Home Denmnstration Wo1·l< has bee11 at-  
taeked mainly l'l11‘U tl1e ageney of tl1e l10ll1€1l1E`tl{€1'Si clubs. These Hm
elubs are organizations of farm wo111e11 whose potential leaders my
are consulted by the l1o111e demonstration agent, looking to the
perfeeting of a11 organization Thldl which the wo1ne11 can se-;1n·e mo
instruction and training i11 111a11y of the things tl1at are espe. my
eially signitieant to them. Thru this organization Zllltl its wen-]; oth
they learn to tix more definitely i11 their own minds Hlltl those The
of their assoeiates j11st what they need most, Hlltl l1ow to get it_ dog
Definite ])l‘O,Q_'1'ZllHS for tl1e year are laid out, Cl11l)1`it(‘l11Q work in me]
foods, elothing, home 1llH112lg'ClllG1ll, and certain definite projeets deh
, looking to iniproveinent of the C()1llllll111ll}', all of which plans ms,
are made detinite tllltl speeitie, witl1 certain leaders in ehai-ge Obj,
of each project. The plan works, and is 11ever abandoned when tha
tl1e results have o11ee been de111o11strated. Tl1e work itself dur- QW
ing its progress gives opportunity for social expression whieh Etc?
. is very gratifying, espevially i11 rural eon1n1unities where, from pur
a social standpoint, life is likely to heeoine n1ore o1· less monot-
1 onous. Tl1e work is also adapted to C()l11lll2l1l(l tl1e interest of thm
those in more favored commuiiities wl1o appreciate just as keenly Dat]
the advantage of better homes and more wl1oleson1e COlllll1llllll}' mm,
enterprise. thc
No doubt tl1e organization will be more useful when deli- of E
nitely related to tl1e work of aetive fa1·n1ers’ O1'Q`il]llZTtllO1lS, so thm
that tl1e whole of farm and eoinmunity life may be 1no1·e elt’e1·-
T tively helped. This is well illustrated by the problem of had
roads. which can be i111proved only when the question is taken
up by all tl1e people in eoneerted etfort, Examples of aeeoni- hom
plishment in this matter are not laeking, where it has bee11 111aNl‘ j The
niunities is eneouraging and gives a genuine thrill to the ]l00[llt*· fm,
Two eounties p11t on pageants during the year, and others haw muc
had similar or just as worth-while aetivities, Some real a1‘t‘l#t* me
iD. various lines ll2`t\'O been revealed by these (ZO]]ll1lllll`ll`}' a0tl\`l· Stud

 Ammo], Report for 1927 13
ties, and this means much, especially in a community where little
l- initiative has ever been shown and where the people are accus-
*9 tomed to go elsewhere to get social and intellectual enjoyment
YS or recreation.
W The homemakers’ camps give opportunity for the wife and
i° mother to get a vacation which she l1as not had for years. Lec-
°‘ tures, demonstrations, motion pictures, handcraft, music and
'li other such activities absorb her attention at these camps. In
if the average rural district there is seldom any one event which
l· definitely calls the farm homemaker from her labor to refresh-
lll ment, both physical and mental. The camp is an event with a
li definite date, with an excellent program of entertainment and
ls instruction to make the week worth-while. The most important
¥" object is rest, and the camp managers handle this in such a way
`ll that the women get the rest while they feel that they are really
I" engaging in a full day ’s activities. The recesses, "rest periods,"
'll etc., are made sufficiently frequent and long to accomplish the
lll purposes of rest and recuperation,
’l‘ The effect of these camps is very impressive. The things
(lf that some of the women have to say about them borders on the
lll pathetic. Four years ago one such camp was held as an experi-
lll mental attempt. The success encouraged the holding of two
_ the following summer, still on an experimental basis. Assured
lt of success, there were six the following summer, and in 1927
S0 there were eleven.
ml During the year a contest was held to select the tive farm
m` llomemakers who were doing the best wo1·k at their profession.
(lc All the attributes of a farm homemaker in relation to her fam-
lu ily, the home and the community were studied carefully in the
eases of a large number of women nominated for this honor.
mi l The gold badge awards were provided by one of the leading
hx l?i1‘1l1 home journals of tl1e country. The undertaking proved
  mllcli more difficult than it first appeared, due to the nuuiber
its <‘11l01‘cd, the closeness of the scores attained, and the careful
U. Slllfly that was made necessary in order to insure fairness. Al

 14 Kentucky Extension Circullar No. 221
all events the final scores resulted in awards being made to the NM
following five women: Mrs. R. E. Tipton, Fayette County; Mrs, b€f(
John Moore, Boyd County; Mrs. Theodore Posey, Henderson of "
County; Mrs. L. L. W1·igl1t, Graves County; and Mrs. Arthur “`OI`
Plain, McLean County. Lin
HoME Ecorsonrcs Wirn Gnnis Pl`O(
Where possible, arrangements are made with local home- ,
makers’ clubs for the women to sponsor the club work with girls.  
An adult leader for each project group of girls is necessary,  
and the homemakers’ clubs have become at fruitful source of such  
leadership. j
> The work with girls is divided into three general groups:  
foods, clothing, and room improvement. Each of these general  
lines of work is divided into definite projects or exercises. As
in all extension work, definiteness of the tasks assigned and spe- , i
cific direction for their execution are most important. "Plan Q
‘ your work and work your plan" is good for all, and the junior »
groups are no exception.
T One field worker from the home office held fifty-four train-
ing meetings for women who were engaged in leading groups
of girls. By this means they came to understand clearly what
the work was and how to execute it. This leadership, supported
by the county home demonstration agent, is responsible for the
higher percentage of girls who completed the projects under-
. taken. It also aids in keeping the girls in club work, encourag- BCH,
ing them to work year after year completing the four units of Fm.,
the clothing work, three in food preparation, and three in food unit
preservation, and one on room improvement, Girls quite f1‘c- gah,.
quently engage in the gardening and poultry projects, and some- H
times in raising calves and pigs, but in such work they are mo1‘€ Om
often under the guidance of the county agricultural agent and
the leaders whose assistance he has enlisted. , i
The "Dem0nstration Teams" constitute an attractive fea-
ture of gi1‘ls’ work. These teams prepare definite de1n0nSl1`?l·
tions of canning, meal prcpa1·ation, butter-making, and a multi-
_ tude of other home practices. Competition for places on these

 Annnal. Report for 1927 15
teams is keen and the teams are in great demand to demonstrate
before local groups and even at State and National gatherings
l of various kinds. In these exercises, as well as in judging team
1 .
P work, the Kentucky girls have stood well at the International
Live Stock Exposition, the National Dairy Show, and elsewhere.
The same can be said of their competitive exhibits of their
products at such shows.
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