xt70p26q0g12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q0g12/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1983-12 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Wax Bean, December 1983 text The Wax Bean, December 1983 1983 1983-12 2014 true xt70p26q0g12 section xt70p26q0g12 Qc 2* I
O » · F7 l
H W@ X E E A E 1
.. E T — E O  
` The Uytéveyusitg 06 Kentucky 'Léb/umxZeA.,Sx€a,§6 Orngcwulzzitéan »su.pp£evnev¤,t to they _  
- ' "Gftzérl Bean _ >
— F3 LK! December 1983 . l
I , The Christmas Luncheon will be held on Friday, December 16th, at  
  11:30 a.m. in the Razi Book Room on the 5th Floor of King South. Meat  
i   and drinks (non—alcohol ic, of course) will be provided by LSO. Retired i
J staff members have been invited to be our guests. Y
Everyone has been asked to bring a dish that will serve eight. If N
you haven't seen a sign—up sheet in your department, call Patty Hornback ·
in the Cataloging Department, 7-3831.* `
If you are not an LSO member, you will be expected to pay $1.50 at
the door to help cover expenses. (The budgeted cost for this event is
about $235.) LSO dues are $3 per year. New employees may join by
` seeing LSO treasurer Barbara Hale in;GPD, 7-3139.
As in the past, please bring aitoy for a child. These gifts will
be given to several agencies who wilil then distribute them. Label your
package with the age and sex of the ehild.
A tradition we'd like to revive is the white elephant gift
¤ exchange. Bring something that you have lying around the house. It
* might be something you'd consider selling at a garage sale, or it could
be something you're simply tired of dusting or moving around!
*A Reminder: Please bring your own serving spoon. Label your dish and
your spoon so they will not get lost. You are responsible for heating
and getting your dish to the luncheon. Please bring your dish to the
5th floor by 11:15 a.m. You are responsible for cleaning your dish
afterwards. .
Ballots for officers for LSO for the 1984 year have been
\ 1 distributed. Please return yours as soon as possible to Cecil Madison,
l - LSO secretary, Mail Room, King Nofth. Results will be announced at the
Christmas Luncheon. `
The much—anticipated controversy over renaming the GREEN BEAN did
not materialize. I received only three responses, two to keep the name
and one with many suggestions all retaining "green" (how about The
Gangreen?). I guess the beans will remain for a while longer. Just for

 ;  fun I thought we would reprint 33% of the responses with a rebuttal. -
Yi In regard to the notice in the October WAX BEAN asking for
  1 suggestions for a new name for the Green Bean, I would like to point out
  A that this came up for a somewhat heated discussion at an L.S.O. meeting
  some years back and the staff voted to keep the old name as long as it
5 » had the subtitle: University pj gentucky Libraries' Newsletter. The
E name had been changed once before from the simple _B_1_ill_etin, to the more -
  memorable (if wretched) Green Bean.
I Here is a xeroxed news note from the February 22, 1974 green Bean
? . that seems most apt to me.
’ (UPI) —-— A mild—mannered librarian at Michigan State University has
launched what could be called the "Librarian Liberation Movement".
David Taylor said he and many of his colleagues are angry over the
seeming whimsy publishers use in changing the names of their
publications. The group Taylor formed is called LUTFCSUSTC. That "
stands for Librarians United to Fight Costly, Silly, Unnecessary Serial
Title Changes.
At the annual American Library Association meeting a "Snake in the
Grass Award" is made to a library that had the gall to change the name
of its own publication. They are baffled to find a library staff so
oblivious to the confusion, aggravation, and expense of changing the
name of its journal.
= No matter what new name is chosen, some six or seven years hence,
* another group of newcomers to the staff will be amazed and/or offended
at such a choice.
Terry Warth
Cataloger (including serials)
Special Col lections
¢1Il'®P0]IIl1' '
A Letter From the Editor ——
So you say our proposal is a CSUSTC. I say HOGWASES The very
tenets on which this country was founded enables us to consider such a
proposal. A serial title is indicative of the group issuing it or the
audience for which it is intended. Are you saying that the staff should
remain a bushel of beans'?! Many illustrious serials have changed their
names over the years for very legitimate reasons. Why, if your thinking I
prevailed Horse World would still be Sbmrtt Snorits or the New Jersey
Instructional Series would be forever known as C\n»d:pit-—¤BA, a very
discriptive appel lation I must say. Serials would be doomed to keep
names that were once though cute but no longer discriptive and lost
forever to the people who might be enticed to look at them. High
i. 2

 quality serials would lose contributing authors because who would want
to put on their resume that they published in Peep and Unc instead of
_ the Journal of Animal Science. Where is David Taylor's LUTFCSUSTC now, -
may I ask? It appears to be gone, like the Bulletin of the ILS. lluseun
uf latural History that died after 96 years of publication with nary a
name change. Who remembers them now'? Speaking of the ”snake in the
Er.: grass award", isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
  The basic question here is not the name change but the freedom to
J do so. I say one group has no right to limit the choice of others. I
;» too am opposed to silly, unnecessary serial title changes but I will not
» _, stand in the way of group destiny. I say pursue the SUSTC but do not
l A label every change a SUSTC. To do so would seriously limit our freedom
  of choice.
l Toni Powell
  . . Former Cataloger (including serials)
` Agriculture
-‘f‘ Are You a B00k Batterer: a quiz to learn the truth about your attitudes
· to books:
A This short test will reveal your true attitude. Check the most
appropriate responses.
_ , 1. I remove books for the shelf by pulling the top of the spine and am
= pleased to hear the sound of tearing, especially with a new book.
i n
· al ways M__f1:equent l y I
sometimes nev er  
· 1
2. I eat or drink while reading and feel better when the crumbs drop i
onto the pages or when I spill coffee on them. T  
al ways __ _____ wi re quentl y Q
sometimes ____________nev er  
3. I push down hard on the spine of a book when I am photocc>pyi.n,g in i
order to break its spine. ' ‘
_________al ways _____________ 7____p “____4;"requently  
some times ____ ________*nev er

   N p V
¢·§;ji ""
  4. When shelving books I fill each shelf as full as possible and am
  1 I gratified when I can jam that last volume into a space obviously too
  small for it. ,
 I _ al ways frequentl y
QI;. · sometimes nev er
  5. I like to stack books up in piles, putting the smallest and
'~ __ flimsiest books on the bottom and topping the pile up with the largest,
L - hoping that the whole thing will go tumbling on to the floor.
E al ways f requentl y
  h sometimes never
T 6. I razor or tear articles, pages, pictures out of library books,
“ especially if I think something might be useful to others. (I know it is
  to me) . ·‘ A
  al ways f requentl y
Q if sometimes nev er
I Scoring: 1
V Give_ yourself 3 points for each "always" 2 for "frequently" 1 for
J "sometimes", O for ”never". Add up the total.
I ¤ 15-18 -- unhealthy attitude to books and learning
I * 8-14 -— your attitude toward information is unhealthy and you need
to actively change it.
  1-7 -- watch yourself. You could be developing a hostile attitude to
books and learning.
0 -- congratulations, your attitude towards printed information is
. very healthy. Stay vigilant.
Reprinted and condensed from the University of British Columbia Library
Bulletin and written by Jacelyn Foster, UBC orientation librarian.
Submitted by Jessie Adams.
AHH}! THE SDH (or former staff)
Condolences to RUBY (Journalism Reading Room) and DAN HERALD on the
recent loss of Dan's father. ”
_ JOHN V. RICHARDSON has been promoted to associate professor with tenure
I at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of
W California, Los Angeles. John was once head of Interlibrary Loans in
y University of Kentucky Libraries. .
` 4