xt70p26q045w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26q045w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1949-10-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1949 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1949 1949 1949-10-28 2013 true xt70p26q045w section xt70p26q045w The Kentucky Kernel







Lara Hoggard

Same Groups
In Tag Lead


the five home football games. Delta
Delta Delta and Lamba Chi Alpha
continue to lead in the ODK tag,
In the sorority division Alpha Xi
Delta is second and Zeta Tau Alpha
third. Sigma Alpha Epsilon is
second and Delta Chi third in the
fraternity division.


though not a parThe
ticipant for any of the trophies,
turned in $12.30 to the tag sale'
chairman last week.

Columbia Prof
To Talk Here
Dr. John K. Norton of Columbia
University will be the principal
speaker at a luncheon-meetin- g
the Kentucky Association of Dean
of Women. Saturday, in the SUB.
Registration will be held at 9:3'
a. m. in Jewell Hall.
This session is being held in connection with the annual Kentucky
Education Conference on the University campus this week.

1500 Teachers
Atlend Meet

Approximately 1500 Kentucky
educators are expected to meet on
the campus today and tomorrow for
the University's twenty-sixt- h
Educational Conference and the fifteenth annual meeting of the Kentucky Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools.
speakers include Dr.
John K. Norton. Columbia University, and Dean W. J. Moore, Eastern Kentucky State College.
Sectional meetings or administration problems, art education, vocational rehabilitation, physical education, foreign language, and school
library problems will be held
throughout the conference.
James Lechay. artist whose works
have been on exhibit in the art gallery for the past two weeks, will be
the guest speaker at the art section
of the conference. The section will
meet tomorrow morning in room 211
of the Funkhouser Biological Sciences Building.
Dorri Fitz, assistant professor of
art. will preside at the meeting.
Mr. Lechay and Ulfert Wilke, visiting art teacher for the past summer session, will participate in the
art seminar at 10 a.m. Mr. Wilke is
on the slaifof the Allen R. Hite
art institute 'in Louisville.

Women Voters Plan
Straw Vote Poll
A mock election to get a poll of the
students and faculty vote on the
constitutional admendment will be
conducted by the League of Women
Voters Wednesday. Charlotte Garr,
president, has announced
election will be held in the






State Vocal Clinic
Opens Here Today

Sunny, Mild
High Of 70

The Kentucky state vocal clinic
for high school and college music
teachers and students will be held
on the campus today and tomorrow.
Miss Jean Marie McConnell, clinic
director, has announced.
Inaugurated this year as Kenvocal clinic,
tucky's only state-wid- e
the conference is designed to
familiarize students and teachers
with the latest techniques in vocal
Instruction. A preview of the music
to be used by next spring's All
chorus will also be
Highlighting the two day session
wiu oe a preview tomorrow by Lara
Hoggard, assistant director of the
Fred Waring Glee Club, of music to
be used by the 1950 All Kentucky
chorus. The chorus, annual feature
of the State High School Music
Festival, is made up of several hundred high school students. Hoggard
will direct the group next spring at
its appearance on the campus.
Also on the clinic program is a
demonstration of choral ballet by a
group of modern dance students and
madrigal singers from the University. The ballet will be directed by
Mrs. Reveli Estill Shaw of the physical education department and the
singers by Prof. Aimo Kiviniemi of
the mupsic department.
Visiting consultants who will appear on the program include Charles
F. Bryan, Nashville, member of the
Peabody College music faculty and
arranger of part of the music that
has been used by the All Kentucky
chorus; Mrs. Martha Graham Hill,
of the University of Louisville music
department; Prof. Rolf Hovey, head
Other features of the two day clinic are a diction forum, a repertoire
staff mill participate in the program.
Visiting consultants who will appear on the program include Lara
Hoggard, Westchester, N. Y.. assistant director of the Fred Waring
Glee Club; Charles F. Bryan, Nashville, member of the Peabody College music faculty and arranger
of part of the music that has been
used by the
Mrs. Martha Graham Hill, of the
University of Louisville music department; Prof. Rolf Hovey. head
of the Berea College music department, and John Griffey, director of
music for the Corbitt city' schools.
Miss Anne Grace O'Callagan. of
Atlanta, president of the southern
division of the National Music Educators Association will also attend
j the clinic.
Highlights of the two day clinic
are a diction forum, a repertoire
session, a choral ballet program, and
a dinner for both teachers and
students to be held tonight in the
SUB. The Kentucky Choral Vocal
Association will meet tomorrow.
The clinic program has been arranged so that teachers and students wishing to attend the
football game may do
so. Miss McConnell added.
Sponsored jointly by the University extension and music departments, the clinic is conducted as a
part of the University's high school
activities program which include'
an annual speech clinic and statewide music and speech festivals.
Members of the University music
staff will participate in the clinic

















Number 6

Cats To Try Rebound
In Annual Cincy Tilt
A combined meeting of the
ness and editorial staffs of the
Kentuckian will be held in the
Kyian office at 4 p.m. today. Members must attend.








fr.liK'IIU .ItfftitW!...
















if Y


For the first time in nearly a decade, the famout Hallowe'en ghost of ancient Neville Hall appeared
this week. Ben Williams, Kernel photographer, attracted by the screams of coeds Helen Deiss (left) and
Ginny Buckner, arrived in time to snap the remarkable picture shown above. The apparition, evidently
frightened by the flash bulbs and general confusion, faded away a second later. Tradition savs that the
often called "Neville Neddy"
usually appears in the late afternoon on a day just before

'On Location Show Planned
By Kentucky Radio Players

The cast for this week's producThis week is outdoor week for the
Kentucky Radio Players, WBKY's tion is Joe Knight, Bobby Preston,
amateur dramatics group, produced Margaret Larkin, Louise Hill. Edand directed by Linley Stafford, UK ward Henry, Alien Sither, Dudley
Saunders, and Gene Arkle. The enstudent.
of the city gineers handling the outdoor show
With the
park commission and the city public will be Hugh Bassett and Bill Englibrary, the players are going on lish.
location to Gratz park at Second
and Walnut streets in Lexington to
act a play.
The play, an original radio script
written by Grear Johnson, former
UK student, is set in Central park,
New York City.
Producer-directStafford feels
that doing the play in a realistic
setting will better enable the actors
Advanced subscription sales for
to fit themselves into the mood of the 1950 Kentuckian will end on
the drama. Authentic sound effects Nov. 4. All students who wish to buy
will be furnished by traffic and a Kentuckian may subscribe for
other common city noises.
them in the
of the SUB
play production, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. dafly,
which will be tape recorded, will be Monday through Friday. The price
broadcast over station WKLX sun-da- y is $4 during the advance sale. After
at 6:30 p.m. It also may be Nov . 4. the regular price of $5 will!
heard over station WBKY-Fbe charged.
Tuesday at 8 p.m.
Fraternity and sorority agents
Going on location is a technique
usually associated with the movies. must turn in subscription
Nov. 4 at 4 pjn.
Perhaps the Kentucky Radio players
are pioneering something new in
Juniors and seniors who have not
had their pictures taken must do
This is an experimental drama in so by Nov. 4, if they wish their picthe Kentucky writers series which ture to appear in the class section of
is being presented by the Kentucky the Kentuckian. The photographer's
radio players acting group. There hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 P.m.
James C. Blair, second year law wiu De otner experimental arama Monday through Friday in the Y- Lounge.
student, attended the first National features as tne series progresses.
Conference of Law Review Editors
held in Chicago recently.
While at the conference Blair
served as chairman of discussion
groups on competing procedures for
membership on law reviews, and on
editing and revising procedures.
The purpose of the conference was
This is the second of a series of r
to improve the work of the law reviews through the exchange of ideas articles released by the military de-- I a composite of courage, honesty,!
partment, to point out the oppor- - integrity, fidelity, high character,
and information, and to establisn a
tunities the Army offers to young nobleness, and trustworthiness. It,
National Law Review Association.
men of the ROTC who can measure like duty, can never be compromised.
up to Regular Army standards f or
From the moment of his appoint- -'
Absentees Must File
career officers.
mtnt as an officer a man must place
By Tomorrow Noon
of his country
Under the unified Department
Students who wish to vote by of Defense, the Army, Navy, and above his personal preferences. The
Air Forces have been laced together needs of his assignment must come
absentee ballot in the Nov. 8 elecinto a single team to insure domes- - first. This is taken for granted betion must file applications by tomorrow noon, Elliott Jones, presitic tranquility and provide for the cause it's part of the Code.
In tendering his farewell to the
common defense. As a member of
dent of the Veterans Club has anthis team the Army must provide Army, a very great citizen once said
The application blanks, a notary, qualified leaders to carry through that the most impressive feature of
and envelopes will be furnished the many missions of peace and war the Army was its nobility of tradiat a booth in the Great Hall of the ROTC men here at the University tion. Public service, leadership, unselfishness, discipline, loyalty, deof Kentucky can share this responSUB, Jones stated.
sibility IF they possess the stamina, pendability, and gentlemanly conThe applications are to be mailthese are the factors which
ed to the county clerk of the loyalty, and strength of character duct
leader and
county in which the student is to win and uphold the Code of the guide the military
strengthen the Code of the Army
registered to vote.
all worthy professions, the officer.
A booth to notarize the ballots
Newly commissioned officers bewill be set up in the SUB by military has its code of honor. Duty,
honor, and country have been ex- come part of a very large, closely
Thursday, Jones added.
pressed as the code of the Army Of- knit group, each member having his
ficer. It is a high standard and an own particular interests, profession- unspoken guide with which there is al responsibilities,
and personal
no compromise. Those who habitual- characteristics. This heterogenous
ly meet the Code enjoy good will, group is welded together by the comprofessional recognition, and associ- mon bond of the oath of office and
ations which ripen into lifelong a common interest in the national
all defense. Loyalty is the keystone on
which the execution of Army misranks.
To the Army officer, honor must sions is based.
things. Officers
in an
the Sadie Hawkins race will be con- be observed in all individually and Army officer career. required new and
It is a
ducted on the soccer field at 2:30 will be respected as citizens have
different life, and certainly an inp.m. The Sadie Hawkins dance will as a group as long
teresting one. Unlike any other procomplete confidence in their unfailbe held in the SUB at 8:30 p.m.
ing honor. Inasmuch as an officer fession, the Army is at once a
A representative from each fraterand a way of life unto itself.
is one who is physically, mentally.
nity, sorority, and dorms will be spiritually, morally, and profession- It is said that time brings all
eligible for the prizes given for the ally sound, his word may be accept- - things. Certainly for the army ofmost original dogpatch costume, the ed without question. His spoken and ficer, time does bring a wide variety
most authentic Lil' Abner and Daisy written statements are free from of opportunities and experiences.
Mae costume, and the winner of the guile. As he guards his individual Youth does well to view any career
turnip chompin' contest.
reputation he is also mindful of the throughout its extent, and to realize
Girls, start planning now for the reputation of fellow officers and of that all worthy fields of endeavor
kill, and men, don't give your phone all worthy individuals.
require that ability must be proven
number to anyone.
Honor, under the Army's code, is and recognition earned.

Kyian Rates
Change Nov. 4


Law Student Attends
Chicago Conference

Military Department Explains!
Role Of Officers In Army


Senator Virgil Chapman will ac- tept a thank-yo- u
album from the
children of France at a meeting of
foreign language students to begin
at 9 a. m. tomorrow in the Journalism building.
The theme of the meeting, which
is open to University students, is
"An Adquate Language Program for
Kentucky Schools."
Educators and well known personalities scheduled to take part in the
program are Tom Wallace, editor
emeritus of the Louisville Times.
Sally Adams Robinson, instructor of
Latin at Lafayette High School.
Walter E. Stiefel, professor of romance languages at the University
of Tennessee, and Mrs. Amry
wife of Dr. Vandenbosch,
head of the political science department.
The conference will end with
luncheon at 12:30 p. m.

By Kent Holllngsworth

Arnold Blackburn, assistant pro- fessor of organ at the University,
will give an organ recital at 4 pjn..
Sunday in Memorial Hall. The re- cital is the second performance of
the Sunday afternoon musicale
The program will be the first
public recital given in Lexington by
Mr. Blackburn
since joining the
University music staff and the first
organ recital to be given as part of
the musicale series for several years,
The program will be divided into
three parts, the first to consist of
by Louis Couperin;
de primer tono" by Fray
Thomas de Santa Maria: two chor-- 1
ale preludes. "Lobe den Herren" by
Johann Walther. and "Vom Himmel
da komm' ieh Her" by Johann
Pachelbel. and "Concerto in A Ml- by Antonio Vivaldi.
The second part will include,,
"Elegy" by Thalban Ball: Toccata
on "Ave Maris Stella' by Marcel
"Chant de Faix" by Jean
Langlais: and "Les Enfants de Dieu"
by Oliver Messiaen. The final part
will be "Sonata on the Ninety-Fourt- h
Psalm' by Julius Reubke.
Special guests for Sunday's pro- gram will be the members of the
University's music humanities class-- I





Desirous Law Students
Should File Applications


All students now enrolled at the
University who expect to enter the
Law School in February. 1950, are
requested to make application for
entrance Monday. All applications .should be. filed in Room.,16
of the Administration Building."

Death Takes
Dr. Crawley
Dr. Clyde B. Cra'.v!ey, professor of
physics died after a two month's
illness Wednesday evening at his
his Lexington residence.
Dr. Crawley, a member of the Department of Physics since 1913, was
scheduled to te listed in the next
edition of Who's Who in America.
His campus activities included
serving twice as president of the
Alpha of Kentucky chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa, national scholastic
Last yecr he served as
president of the Society of Sigma
Xi, graduate research fraternity.
Dr. Crawley also held membership
in the American Physics Society,
acting for several years as treasurer
of its Southeastern section, the
American Association of Physics
Teachers, the American Association
of University Professors. Southern
Association of Science, Pi Mu
Epsilon, honorary mathematics
society, and Sigma Pi Epsilon,
honorary physics fraternity.
A native of Hopkinsville,
Crawley received his bachelor and
masters degrees from UK, and hU
doctcrate from the California Institute of Technology.





UK Students Can Help
By Endorsing Amendment

most prolific ground
back Red Dougherty:






best blocking lineman

Blake: and other regulars as Roger
Alkie Richards,
Floyd Shorts.

risthe stitutional salary limitation are govible in every phase of our
: ernment establishment. state
has five new tuberculosis hospital
On Nov. 8 citizens of Kentucky, CLOSED due to lack of trained per- will vote on an amendment to the sonneL
state constitution. It is an amend
The staffs of state mental institu
ment to change the limit of salary tions are shorthanded. Public health
for public officers.
services in Kentucky are on the
John E. Reeves, Chairman of the brink of a breakdown. There is a
County Commitgrave and chronic shortage of traintee for Citizenship, says, "Students ed, qualified school teachers.
can help by voting for, and by getUK has been directly affected. In
ting others to vote for this amendthe past few years there has been
ment." Reeves is attached to the an exodus of competent
UK Political Science department.
members to other states accepting
This is NOT a political question or positions for more pay.
University faculty members, due
a partisan issue. The plain good
sense of it. and the urgent need of to a recent court interpretation, are
it, has drawn to the support of the not affected by the maximum pay
change representatives from every law. The sad fact is. however, the
limitation still remains as a "conwalk of life in the state.
Salaries have to be scaled down ditioning" influence.
A booklet published by the Kenfrom the $5,000 limit. Allen Trout.
tucky Health. Welfare and Salary-Lim- it
correLouisville Courier-JournAmendment Committee sums
spondent, wrote on this subject in
up the constitutional change issue in
1946: "the anonymous throng of litmanner: "Whose ox but yours
tle people at the bottom actually are this
not drawing enough to make both is being gored, fellow Kentuckian."

Twenty-tw- o
Bearcast lettermen
and a host of sophomores up from
a highly talented freshman squad
fought for starting assignments.
Captain Thurman Owens and Joe
Hauk handle the end positions.
Hauk was the leading pass snagger
last season, holding on to 20 loose
ones for 263 yards and two scores.
Big Shelly Dunlap and Dick Kane
should be at the tackle posts tomor-




Little Leo

5' 7"


and Lowell Storm will be the guards.
Storm played on the Great Lakes
team that whipped Notre Dame and
also on the Cincinnati team that
upset Big Ten champ. Indiana,
three years ago. John Pramik will
center the ball.
Behind O'MaUey at quarterback
will be
Moe McMillan, experienced at signal calling. Howie Bellamah. who averaged over five yards a try last season will do most of the ball toting.
Sophomore Al Kanta is a battering
fullback. Don BriU and Pete St.
Clair are the two best defensive


ends meet."

The salary limitation is a fraud.
It is defended by some people as a
safeguard of economy. Actually, it
creates greater costs, not only
through failure to get the right man
for the right place, but because
often two men must be hired to do
the work that one qualified man
might do.
Who suffers by the employment of
the mediocre, the untrained, the
temporary and casual worker? Ken-- t




No money, no servants.

Everybody seems to realize
truth of this axiom except



Stage Students Show
Talent On Fridays
Anvone interested in watching
student actors participate in dra- matics is invited to come to the
auditorium in the Journalism build
ing on anv Fridav afternoon at
p.m., Wallace M. Briggs, director has i

Ready For Use

i'Next Semester

Swimming will return to the Uni
pay A scene is given from a major play versity next year after an absence
does. Kentuckians
through the nose, in hidden train- by members of the Theory and of eight years.
The swimming pool in the new
ing costs, in lessened service.
Technique of Acting class each
Fieldhouse has been completed but
The blighting effects of the con- cannot be used until the heating
system has been installed. There is
a possibility that it may be ready
by next semester.,
B. A. Shively. athletic director,
stated that the pool will meet
Olympic standards, and will be un.
der the supervision of the physical
education department.
A swimming team, the first since
1942. wiU be formed next year.
Dr. Don Cash Seaton. director of
physical education, explained that
the pool wiU be used for physical
education classes during the day. It
will be used at night by the students and members of the faculty.
Children of the faculty will be permitted to use the pool on Saturdays.
A full aquatic program is planned
for the future. There wUl be diving
contests, instructions in rowing, and
water shows for the public.
Dr. Seaton stated that after a
student finishes physical education
requirements, he may still enroll in
advanced swimming classes.

,r-- al


JC Cxi
i ) Id

u- -i

Warning Sounded To All Men
'Sadie Hawkins' In The Wind
Don't be alarmed when you see
your roommates running to their
classes barefooted, girls. They are
just the extra eager coeds who are
preparing ahead of time for Sadie
Hawkins Week.
Yes, Sadie Hawkins Week (that is
when the girls get to chase the boys,
legally) is just around the corner.
Keys, sophomore leadership honorary, has announced that Nov. 12
will be the official Sadie Hawkins
Day at UK. For a whole week before
the big race, girls may ask all men
for dates.
The turnip chompin' contest and


Du-pr- e':


Kentucky continues one of its
oldest football rivalries, one that
started with a 32-- 4 defeat back in
1894. when it meets the Cincinnati
Bearcats at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon on Stoll Field.
The Wildcats are supposed to win
this one. as Cincinnati's win over
Mississippi State two weeks ago is
the only bright spot on a 2 season
record thus far.
However, the Bearcats are on the
upgrade, guided skillfully by their
new coach Sid Gillman. former
end for Ohio State in the
early thirties. Gillman. a fanatic
on game movies, has schooled his
boys over and over on their game
mistakes, results of which are shown
in the Bearcats' last three
live victories.
one of the few interesting things
to warrant the appearance of 30 000
tne pitching duel
lans wiU
tween tne SEC
Conference top passers. Babe Par-no- r'
m and Tom o'MaUey. respectively
O'MaUey Made 9M Yards in 48
O'MaUey. senior quarterback
working for his fourth letter, led
his conference last year completing
71 passes in 147 heaves, good for
900 yards and seven TDs. Besides
all this arm work, the Cincinnati
Hughes High graduate, did most
of the punting for the Bearcats.
His 47 boots average 33 yards.
The Queen City boys were definitely weakened
from last year
when they lost their


By Joe Lee

French Album
Will Be Given
To University

Passing Duel Seen
As Game's Highlight

Onran Recital
By Blackburn
Set For Sunday

Kentuckian Staffs Hold
Combined Meeting Today

DDD's Boolh
Wins Trophy
Delta Delta Delta sorority won
FaU Carnival
awarded by Lances, junior men's
leadership honorary. Friday nisht.
Barbara Ann Mandt. junior in the
College of Agriculture and Home
spon- -'
Economics and the
sor. was crowned queen of the Carnival.
Delta Tau Delta was the runner-u- p.

the annual

ca-le- er


LOOK AT THAT!" . . . two more sulisl'ietl customers agreed with the jii.lsrs that the
peep show was a winner at l.aur;-- Carnival last werkrnd. (Inset) Walter Pulri. k crowns Barlooks
null, i ri ii-i- l sponsor, iii. eu oi Mi.' carnival as .Vuuy Hivhit. ih-i-i sponsor anil minuT-up- ,

"Will i K
Tri-Dt-- lt





The carnival booths were judged
on the basis of originality and popularity, the sponsor's beauty and the

� i

Friday, Octobpr 28, 1040


There is a story of two states, called Minnesota and Kentucky.
Tliev were very similar, with comparable land area, resources and
population when, in ISfvj. lxith founded state universities. Hut
tlie state in the "reat Xorth Woods concentrated on education; the
lUuegrass State tolerated it.




are to be
All sir nett article and column
the opiniont of the writer
'hemselvr$, and do not neccnartljf reflect
he opinion of The Kernel.


Office at Lexington,
Less than a centurv later, the Minnesotans proudlv saw their Kentucky, at the Post class matter under
ranked well with the other 47; the Kentuckians winced and he Act of March 3, 1879.
turned away. Minnesota, still with population, resources and
area alxMit the same as Kentucky's, gave its state university al- George Reynolds
Managing Editor
most five times as much.
Bob Cok
News Editor
Nell Blair
President Donovan, in the proposed budget for the University.
Sports Editor
Tom Diskin
is asking the State legislature for S6.127,3(X) for 1950-5and Harold Fleenor .... Business Manager
Each of these amounts is alxmt one-thir- d
$6,352,300 for 1951-5Society Editor
Jobie Anderson
of what tin University of Minnesota received for 1949-5Head Feature Writer
Joe Lee .....

Farmers alone made over

in 194S by following
the University, than if


of a


Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerre
Kentucky ress Asio- ia'ion
National Eaitonni Asr.ormt i'i





National AdvertisingSerVice.luc.
4ZO Madison Avi.

Nsw Yomc N. Y.

By Josef

00 pet semestft

act up. Yessir, hit reely was a
Tuther mourning while I wuz try- spirnted affair. Everybody .seamed
ing tuh rassel the sleep outn' my luh have a rite plfaheratin time
eyes, over a cupa black koffee afore
tawked oul'n ther money by
barkers, exceptin
hit kum time fer thet fust hour them
class, a por feller kum a trembling one leetie frashman.
This young'n didn't git no ferther
inta the caffeeteria. He was so
skeered hit tuk him neerly all than wher peeple wuz a throwin
steddy up enuf to tawk. baste bawls at a targit whiten made
mourning to
Hit seams thet he had jist bearly a feller slither inla a water m troff.
escaped with hiz life an lim a tryin I heered him vow as how he was
goin tuh pratis pitchin all nex sumtuh git acrost Lime street.
Before he started he tuk a quick mer, cause he spent all hiz money
peer and thangs looked favontable afore he got tuh git a lookee at
"Whatta ya expect? I only called her up two weeks ago!
tuh crossin. but time he got neerly them Gokhn Nausjet dancing gals,
hat" way over a bus kum fum one and didn't nok ihrt feller in the
dirreckshun, two truks fom another, troff even onect. I wooda tuk a
autemobeels cupple ov pot shoots at them lited
and bout
kum racin fum behind the bus, all candles mysef if fen I hadda brans;
a blowin ther horn fo all theys my squarral rifel along.
Shore wer exter tollerable inspirin
worth. Wal. this por boy saw thet
tuh tuh see
When the big plane carrying the UK football players, coaches none fer this red lite, sowuz goin shet welcum so meny asupporters outatter
he jist
the tee. bak home
and officials circled Blue Grass Field last Sunday, they were morej hiz eyes and giv up. He finely end- ther hard fit game down Texas way.
tuh go ye
front of Jerry's ariding the
them than by any other since ed up inbars ov sum feller's motor ' Shows hamt daid yitthet areel site.
encouraged by the scene
Be set in of ye.
Coach Bear Bryant took over the football Wildcats.
skooter, and a truk fender in hiz

Earl Conn, Kent Hollingsworth


Asst. Sports Editors
Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips
News Desk
Bob Fain
Ben Williams and Ralph Shell



Circulation Mgr.

Bert McKenna


Ma-lon- y,


methods dethey had used old and
They depend upon the University for much Rosemary Hilling and Bill Mansfield
of their newspapers weekly farm pages; they send soil samples
Assistant News Editors
for testing; they hear memlcrs of the faculty in all parts of the
state, speaking on increased production through improved
Every other economic and cultural group in Kentucky depends
upon UK as well. Kentucky schools get teachers and new teaching metlKxls; businessmen attend schools and profit from surveys
and studies in such things as finance and taxes at the University. Late Lyrics
A large percentage of Kentucky's professional men are trained here. Editor, The Kernel:
I had been hoping that this year
Progress in Kentucky rests largely upon progress at UK. New at UK would be better than last
buildings are urgently needed. Without a new pharmacy build- year. But alas, it is just as bad up
not worse. Frankly, I am fed
ing, most of Kentucky's new pharmacists will be graduated from with fraternity serenades.
a class C college of pharmacy. This new building is required bv Above all, we are in college to
an agreement made with the American Council on Pharmaceutical study. Most intelligent people study
from 7 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Monday
Education when the Louisville School of Pharmacy lxcame a part through Sunday. By stopping at
of the University.
11:30 you are in bed and sound

and Mary Swetman


The Awakening




Letters To The Editor


Three thousand fans and the Best Baud in Dixie were there to
over as quickly as possible. Or to meet them the day after they suffered their first defeat of 194().
get back to the Tavern where they A
year ago, that would have leeii an unusual crowd even for a!
spent several hours before thy
winning Kentucky team. It proved to many of the "winning!
started on the serenade.
team spirit" skeptics that the University and Central Kentucky
If people insist on serenades, why
football minded.
not have a system so girls can hear have really lecome

them at a more reasonable

One would be to have all serenades
between 6 and 6:30 p.m. Everyone
is finished with dinner at this hour
and would enjoy a few moments of
sweet music before they face the
books at 7. A second proposal
asleep by 12.
would be to have the boys serenade
Unless a new dormitory for women is constructed, UK must
But! Frat men think it simply at 7 a..m and wake the girls with a
continue to turn away more than 1000 girls who wish to attend wonderful to slip up and serenade song bright and. early each morngirls at 1 and 2 a.m. Every girl ing (a system could be worked out
the school every year.
must crawl out of bed against her where each frat would sing each
The complexity of modern scientific developments demands will and better judgment, then dash
(Continued on Page 5)
excellent laboratories and equipment if Kentucky's scientists are for the windows and doors, and
stand there freezing to death for 10
as those in other states.
or 15 minutes. Then everyone must
go through the process of clapping
Veteran enrollment, which was largely responsible for the 10S their hands and yelling themselves
hoarse to show the boys how they
per cent increase in enrollment between 19-3- anl 1948, has
decrease. The loss of income from the federal government appreciated on warbling.
The boys,
the other hand, are
through the veterans' program must ye absorlxxl to a great extent generally in a hurry to get on down
the street and get the whole evening
by the state.


Paue Two



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