xt70p26pzr47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26pzr47/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-02-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  5, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  5, 1926 1926 1926-02-05 2012 true xt70p26pzr47 section xt70p26pzr47 CADET





















PLAY 'CATS HERE Freak of Marriages Makes INJURED WHEN
Boy Ancestor to Himself
MONDAY NIGHT Students in the past have often STRUCK BY CAR
Invaders From Southland Ex
pectcd to Furnish Stiff Opposition Against Blue
and White Five

Besuden, Mohney, McFarland,
Carey and Jenkins Will Prob
ably Start Game
The appnrently invincible University of Kentucky basketball quintette,
victorious through seven successive
contests, will attempt to make it eight
straight when it engages Auburn, an
other Southern Conference member,
in the
Monday night at 8 o'clock,
men's gymnasium.
To date, Auburn has played but
three conference games, taking the
first only to drop a double engagement
to the might Tulane Greenbacks, a
team conceded by many authorities
to be one of the strongest contenders
for the Southern basketball crowns
this year.
However, Auburn can be counted
upon to put up their customary fight,
and unless all signs fail, the 'Cats
will have to keep their claws in good
condition if they succeed in keeping
unblemished their 100 percent standing in the S. I. C.
Winning this game will mean much
to the cause of Kentucky, because
only 16 of the 22 conference teams
will be permitted to participate in
the S. I. C. tournament, and the
eligibility of each team will be based,
upon its comparative standing at the
close of the regular season.
Coach Eklund will probably start
Besuden at center, with Mohney and
McFarland as forwards and Captain
Carey and Jenkins holding down the
guard positions.



Trophy Will be Given to Outstanding Man in Freshman
Class by Senior Men's



arise through the

marriages of
One of the problems
most often considered is whether a
man can be his own grandfather.
That he can be, and sometimes is,
is shown in the following clipping
from a Gary, Indiana newspaper.
Can a boy be his own grandfatha
er? He can. The case of Jan
proves it. To make a long
story short: There were living
here a widow and a daughter-in-laand a man and his son. The
widow nlarried the son, and the
daughter the old man. The widow
was therefore mother to her husband's father, and consequently
grandmother to her own husband.
They had a son to whom she was
As the son
of a
must be
either a grandfather or a great-unclboy was one or the
other. He was his own grandfathAnd the boy was Jan.


Secretary to Dean Boyd Suffers
Dislocated Shoulder and
Sprained Ankle as Result of Accident
Dr. Granville Terrell in St. Jos
eph's Hospital
from Appendicitis
Miss Idie Lee Turner, secretary to
Dean Pnul P. Boyd, was run down by
an automobile, driven by John A.
Brickcn, last Monday afternoon while
on the way to her home on Waller
avenue, in Rodes addition, after leav
ing the dean's office. Miss Turner
started to cross the street just in
front of her home, hoping to stop a
friend who was just driving nway,
and in her haste failed to see the car
driven by Mr. Bricken.
The blow
dislocated her right shoulder and

sprained her ankle.
No Fault of Driver
The accident was not on account of
any carlessness of the driver, for he
was going slowly. He lives on Wal
ler avenue, only a few doors from
Miss Turner's home.
Dr. J. E. Rush, of the department
of hygiene and public health, administered to Miss Turner's wounds. He
gave her the
toxin as
Brown, Henratby, Milem, Fergu
preventative, because he feared
son, Scott and Bulock Will
blood poisoning from a small wound
Represent University in
in the ankle caused by a rock. She was
League Contests
resting well Wednesday afternoon and
expected to be back in the dean's ofORATOR IS ALSO NAMED fice in a few days. She has been with
Dean Boyd for several years, and her
Six students, John Y. Brown, W. presence is greatly missed during the
H. Henratby, Sam Milem, W. R. Ferg- rush of second semester classification.
uson, W. D. Scott and John R. Bul
Dr. Granville Terrell, head of the
lock, were chosen Monday evening at
the debating team
the Little theater in White hall, to
represent the university in the Pen
tangular and Triangular debating
leagues this year. Thirteen were entered in the competition. The judges
were Professor Scarborough, of the
College of Law; Professor Walbridge
Purchases Drury
and Professor Sutherland of the Eng Fraternity
lish department of the College of Apartments at Corner of Rose
Arts and Sciences.
and Maxwell Streets; Pos-


try-out- s,






session Next Fall


Each contestant was required to de





The chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at
the University of Kentucky last week
Special Course
Sales closed the deal for their new house
Be Given located at the corner of Rose will
Maxwell streets. The chapter
occupy its present home at 273 South
C. P. Brewer Will Hold Classes Limestone street until next summer
In Lafayette Ballroom Start- when it will take possession of their
ing February 15
new home.
Approximately $35,000 was involved
Prof. Wellington Patrick, director in the deal and the sale of the house,
of the Extension department at the which is now known as the Drury
university, has announced that a spec- apartments, was placed on record at
ial course in sales psychology will be the courthouse Saturday.
taught by C. P. Brewer. Mr. Brew
Will Accomodate 35
er is a specialist along these lines and
brick apart
The house is a
is being brought here from Colorado ment and will accomodate 35 per
by Professor Patrick.
Extensive improvements, in
Comes Well Recommended
cluding the. installation of a kitchen
uniMr. Brewer has served several
and dining room and a chapter room
versities in different states and comes in the basement, havo been planned
Kentucky well recommended by all and will be made next summer.
those who have had opportunity to
Total valuation of fraternity owned
know him. Among these institutions, property at the University of Kenwith which he has been associated, tucky is now more than 250,000. In
addition to Pi Kappa Alpha, houses
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) are owned by Alpha Tau Omega,
Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Kap
pa Alpha, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta
Theta, Triangle and Delta Chi.
The new home of the Pi Kappa
Alpha chapter will bear the name of
Stanley Hartwell Smith memorial
hall, in commemoration of a former
member of the fraternity who was the
student of the university to lose
semester. It will be hard to decide firstlife in the World War.
that race, for several of the instructors had to go outside ot class to bring Law
their number of "E's" up to standard. It would be nice to be going to
college during the Millennium
then there would be little worry as to Judge William Huggins and T.
whether the grade would bo an "Ef
B. McCregor Will Address
or an "A". The Millennium is the day
Legal Students
when all college professors and instructors will overlook the student's
Two speakers have been secured
mistakes and manners; giving a grade to address the members of the Law
that will ease the conscience when College next week, Dean Chas. Turck
they wrap their downy quilt about announced early this week.
them at slumber time. It is very
On next Tuesday, Februury 9, Judge
doubtful though that such a day was William Huggins, of New York, will
to include the university.
speak on "Industrial Democracy," in
Dicker hall to the members of the
Students Get Wrong Idea
From the aftermath discussions, Law and Engineering Colleges. Judge
one who had never seen a college pro Huggins is the author of the bill crefessor would draw the conclusion that ating the first court of industrial re
they were a pack of ferocious ani lations and was the first judge of that
mals, "lying" in wait for tho first court.
T, B. McGregor will speak on Thurs
student that came their way, in order
to pounce on him and ruin his life. day in the law rooms. His subject
But from personal observation, it will be, "Abraham Lincoln as a law
seems as though thero were at least yer."
In tho near future James Park,
a few who arc human ut heart.
After all is said and done, it is best county attorney of Fayette county,
also will deliver an address. His sub
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) ject hus not been determined.



Make More
Many Students Resolve
Give Fewer E's
A's and Professors
Next Semester
During Four Months
All I know is what I hear on the
campus. It is very evident that New
Year's evo is not the only time that
college students turn over new leaves
and make resolutions. A hectic semester"1' has just come to a close, bringing
its disastrous results to many, while
casting lights of glory on others.
Those who have been classed with the
former and find themselves in an
situation with the registrar's office, resolve to make a
standing of three the second semester,
and show the professor that they can
do better. Those who have come out
of .the maelstrom with a standing of
two or better, modestly comment on
their achievement, saying that they
didn't work very much and were
greatly surprised. Well, it is a fair
bet to say that these that didn't make
their standing didn't work, and those
that did, did work. None of them
were surprised.
Professors Running Close Race
Although the results have not been
make known as yet. it is certain thut
several of the professors nnd instruct
ors are running a close race for nrst
place in the number of "E's" for the

Plan to Work Out New Sys
tern of Operation
A meeting of the entire news
staff of the Kernel will be held on
next Monday, February 8, at 12
o'clock in Professor Grehnn's room
in the basement of the Science
building. A number of changes have
been made in the personnel of the
staff and it would be wise for 'the
members to glance over the masthead and make sure that their
name appears therein before coming to the meeting.
The editor plans, at this meeting,
to work out n new system of operation whereby the work will be
more evenly distributed among the
different members during this
semester and every member is
urged to be present.
Anyone absent from this assembly without a valid excuse will be
discharged from the staff. This
means youl

Managing Editor


to Hear
Next Week



Band to Name Sponsor AD PDAVI M ATF I Y
Will Elect New Marching Com

panion for Wiemann Today
This afternoon at 4 o'clock a new
marching companion is to be chosen
for Drum Major Al Wiemann by the
members of the university R. O. T. C
band at the annual election of their
sponsor. The retiring sponsor is Miss
Willy King.
In choosing a sponsor for the band
a number of qualifications are consid
ered. Among these nrc musical ability, a scholastic standing of at least
one and the nbility to march.
Only sophomores and juniors are
eligible for the honor.

Mrs. Fred Rasch Dies
Mother of Former Student Suc
cumbs in Covington
Mrs. Fred Rasch, mother of Miss
Lilian Rasch. who was Graduated from
the university last vear. died at hnr
homo in Covington, Ky., Tuesday eve
ning, after a lingering illness of sev-

eral months.

Mrs. Rasch was prominent in club
work and has many friends in Cov

ington and throughout the state.
Lillian was a member of the Delta
Zeta fraternity and wa3 prominent in
all student activities. She has many
friends among the students and faculty who extend to her their sincere
Vocational Guidance Conference sympathy.
for Benefit of Students Will



EVENT liver a four minute constructive

Lamp and Cross, senior men's honorary fraternity, has announced that
at their regular pledging exercises on
May Day they will present a silver
cup to the outstanding freshman boy
in the university. The selection for
this honor will be based on scholarship, activities, and the service the
freshman has rendered the university,
the same standards by which men are
selected from the junior class for
membership in Lamp and Cross.
Will Be Annual Custom
Lamp and Cross plans to make this
an annual custom and it should be an
incentive to all freshmen boys to
study, as well as to increase their interest and participation in activities
and to make them start serving the
university as soon as they enter.
This same custom was started by
Mortar Board, senior women's honorary fraternity, last year, when they
presented a silver cup to the fresh- (CONTINUED ON PAGE

busied themselves in reckoning
possible complications which might

Kernel Meeting

at University




Get Your Mail



OF "Y"

Owen E. Pence, of Chicago, mem
ber of the National Board of Vocational Guidance, will be the principal
speaker at the Vocational Guidance
Conference, will be the principal
speaker at the Vocational Guidance,
Conference to be held at the university
from Friday, February 12, through
Sunday, February 14, under the au
spices of the University Y. M. C. A.
Mr. Pence has been studying this
problem for about four years and approaches it from a scientific standpoint.

First Move Taken by U. K. on Subject
The purpose of the conference is to
stress the fundamentals underlying
the decisions and choice of life work.
This is the first move taken by the
university with reference to vocational
guidance and the desire of everyone
concerned is that it be followed up
and studied as a permanent thing;
preferably that vocational guidance be
made a department of one of the colleges.


Notifies Students Concerning Notices from Deans

Total Number Includes 87 First
Termers; Registrar's Office
Expects More to Report
During Week



Period of Registration Extended
One Day to Allow Time for
Physical Exams.
At noon Wednesday, the total en
rollment nt the University of Kentucky for the second semester of
number includes 87 new students of
which 02 are boys and 27 are girls.
This year it was necessary for all
new students to complete the physical examination before they could
either register or classify in the uni
versity and these examinations were
held at the dispensary, Monday morn
ing for boys and Monday afternoon
for girls.
The regular registration was sche
duled for Monday only, but due to the
necessity of the initial examination
it was continued through Tuesday,
also. Registration for those entering
late will continue the rest of this week
in the mornings from 10 to 12 o'clock.
Those registering late were required
to pay an additional fee of $1 for
each day they were late.
Collect Extra Fees
All girls were required to pay an
additional 50 cents for dues to the
Women's Student Government Asso
ciation. This amount has always been
collected but due to the inconvenience

Notice has been
President McVey's office that, beginning with this semester students will
be held responsible for all notices sent (CONTINUED ON PAGE
them from their deans and other university offices. All this matter will
be delivered through the university
postoffice where each student has
been assigned a box for the payment
of 30 cents included in the registra-



tion fee.

See Miss Bean concerning

the number of your box and the


Senior Poet Honored

College of Law to Occupy Structure Formerly Used by Experiment Station; to Be Finished in Spring

Virgil Sturgill's, "The Painted COST
Ship" to Be Published

Virgil Leon Sturgill, a senior in
the College of Education, University
of Kentucky, has recently been honored by the Writer-Publishcommittee,
of a large western publishing house,
by being chosen to appear in a new
volume soon to come from their press
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) entitled, Our Contemporary Poets."
This volume will include three of the
poems, a life sketch, and photograph
of the author.
Mr. Sturgill's poem, "The Painted
Ship," received honorable mention in
Trophy Is on Display at Book "Poets of the Future," an anthology
of American college verse published
Store; Winner to Be Anby the Startford Company, of Boston,
nounced Soon
and appearing in the spring of 1924.
The silver loving cup, which the One of his poems will be published in
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority will give the new issue of that publication to
to the mostv outstanding freshman come from the press some time this
girl, who will be chosen in the near spring.
future, is on display in the university
book store in the men's gymnasium.
Any freshman girl is eligible for
the honor and a committee, composed
at once. Call at
of Dean Virginia Franke, Eleanor information cards
Smith, Eugenia Herrington and Fran- Kentuckian office any afternoon this
week and obtain them. The
ces Lee, will meet within the next ten
days to decide upon the winner. The
cup was offered by the sorority at the
beginning of the semester to promote
activities and scholarship among the
first year girls to stimulate interest
in university and campus life.
In order to select the most worthy
girl, all of her activities during the

Alpha Gams to Present
Cup to Freshman Girl



The Old Chemistry building, situated behind the Administration building, is undergoing a complete renovation in preparation for its use by the
College of Law next year. Work on
the building began several weeks ago,
and a plan of improvements and alterations is being carried out at an
estimated cost of $10,000. When completed it will furnish a complete home
for the Law College, provision being
made for the library, class rooms, offices, and locker rooms for men and
The work is expected to
be completed late this spring, and the
building will be ready for occupation
not later than June 15.
Originally the home of the Experiment Station, the Chemistry building
was erected in 1888.
It burned in
1889, and was rebuilt later the same
year. It contained the Experiment
Station and the Chemistry and Science
departments until 1905, when it was
turned over to the Chemistry department alone.
The work is being done by tho department of building and grounds,
under the superivision of Mr. M.

Feature Writer Honors State Legislature

past semester, her loyalty to tho university and her scholastic record will


be included.

this here institution turned
up its toes a couple or maybe three
Fridays back, quit passin' out information, education and the like nnd
began askin' embarrassin' questions
'through the painful medium of a
flock of examinations. The results
was quite disastrous in most cases and
there was a number of us which had
considered ourselves to be ncgotiatin'
business with the various departments
on an "A" basis and found that such
wasn't tho case. There was some
which had been so fortunate as to intercept a large portion of overflow of
eloquence and knowledge which flows
from the instructor's desk on out
through the door and thero was some
who hadn't been sittin' next to the
door and consequently wasn't sure
what it was all about when they came
before the various inquisitions.
Profs Have Standard System
I went to the first exam and found
that the profs had a standard system
of administerin' tho torture. They
would figure out just what one was
likely to study at the last few hours
of the mornin' before, which is the
conventional time for all conscientious

Get Grey


Concluding a five month's study of
etymology, a class in the curriculum
of the department of journalism in
which upper classmen are enrolled
and during which time they had made
a thorough study of tho origin, definition and correct usage of words
tho instructor swooned when reading
tho examination papers containing the
following words used "correctly" in
His "faux pas" was very strong.
The "acoustics" of the child were
It is hoped a law will be passed to
exclude "eleemosynary" proceedings.
The man who was "mendacious"
was given a life sentence.
Oh, "apropos," I forgot to tell you
that Elizabeth was dead.




students to do the studyin' for the
semester, and then ask somethin' else.
On Wednesday of the week of doom,
judgment, etc., I went to a place whero
the verdict was published. I says to
a fellow goin' past, "What does this
here E' signify"?
Well, he snys, it don't stand for
excellent, if that's what's on your
"Thanks," I says, "That's the information I wanted from you."
I strolls out on the campus rubbin'
my chin in token of deep thought and
hopin' that somebody from the office
would catch me lookin' like that. The
school children was sncakiu' about the
campus like boss thieves expectin'
Sherlock Holmes to gallop up on his
fiery steed most any minute.
Everybody seemed to be expectin' bad news
and nobody seemed to bo disappointed.
They'd creep into a buildin' ami come
out a few minutes later, glancin' wildly about for a comfortable shoulder
to weep on. They was mostly blondes,
so I drifted off in another direction.
Huns Into Roommate
Presently, out of the gloomy atmo- -





Professors Ask Too Many Embarrasing
Questions of Students On Examinations;

Why Teachers









Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne
Buffalo, February 13 (Second SatRegular) . luncheon at 1:15
Chamber of Commerce, corner Mnin
and Seneca street.



Louisville, February 0 (First Saturday Regular) luncheon
at 1:15
Chicago, February 13 (Third MonElk's Club.
Philadelphia, February
(First day Regular) luncheon at 12:15
Saturday Regular) luncheon at 1:15 Marshall Field Men's Store (Grill
Engineer's Club, 1317 Spruce street. Room).

At this time we wish to express our appreciation of the editorial which
appeared in the Lexington Leader of Wednesday, January 13, 192G, part
of which is quoted below. The newspapers of our land have an influence
so tremendous and
that it cannot definitely be estimated, and
it is through this medium, to n great extent that an institution makes
friends and goes forward. This is particularly true, when the time for n
decision relative to its progress is at hand.
"The University has reached a stage in its growth at which it cannot
any longer afford to develop haphazardly, and as chance permits. A comprehensive plan must be outlined and ndhered to. It has arrived at its majority. It has become the second largest State University in the South.
It can look forward to a student body of 10,000 in a comparatively short interval of time. It must build for the years of its stalwart and vigorous
maturity, in competition with other great and expanding institutions of like
character which arc being generously supported by an appreciative public,
and are being more and more thronged with ambitious and aggressive young
men and women resolved to secure an education and prepare themselves for
life in an era which will make greater demands upon human resources
of intellect and skill and character than any in the past.
"Education is thc only key to progress. Without it nothing can be
done worthily and well. It will open up the vast resources, human and material lying unexploited in Kentucky. It will increase the wealth and augu-methe happiness and contentment! of thc citizenship. It will build better
homes, better roads, better churches, better and larger banks, business houses,
factories, mininir operations, railroads and public institutions. It will solve
our political and social problems, insure clean and efficient administration
of the laws and of public affairs, remove inequalities and inequities, banish
poverty and vice and shed a fresh lustre upon the fame of the old Com
monwealth wherever the name of Kentucky is repeated.
Thousands of young men and
"Great things have been accomplished.
women have been set on the high road of success and honorable endeavor
Priceless human material has been recovered "from every nook and corner of
the State. Immense wealth has been added to the store of riches accumulated
With inadequate funds splendid and lasting results have been achieved.
"But a new era is dawning. A larger program must be prepared and
financed. The University must be cct like a city upon a hill which cannot
be hid, a center of light and learning which shall attract the admiration and
enlist the sympathies of every citizen of the State.
"It can be done. It is to be devoutly hoped that the new General As- smbly will honor itself by making a good beginning in the full sense of a
great responsibility."



The following is taken from the editorial page of the Lexington Herald
of Monday, January 4, 1926. The Herald, through its columns, is always
ready to befried and boost the University in her plans for progress.
In a recent issue of the Kentucky Kernel there was publishd a most in
teresting review by Prof. George Roberts of the achievements of the Col
lege of Agriculture. This institution has playd a most important part in
the development of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky is the outgrowth
of the Agricultural and Mechanical College which was established under the
act, passed by congress in 1862. Pro
provisions of the Morrill Land-Grafessor Roberts tells how John B. Bowman, regent of Kentucky University, in
accepting the conditions of the legislature for incorporating the Agricultural
and Mechanical College with the university, pledged that he would pur
chase an experimental farm for the sole and exclusive use of agriculture
With monev raised bv Donular subscription 433 acres were purchased. The
work and activities of the College of Agriculture, the extension division and
kindred activities of the Experiment Station are reviewed by Dr. Roberts.
While the details of the activities of this institution may not be fully known,
there is hardly a farm or a house in Kentucky that does not have some
knowledge of some phase of the work done by the College of Agriculture.
One of the greatest handicaps of the College of Agriculture, Dr. Roberts
points out, is the lack of sufficient farm acreage for experimental purposes
Two years ago the college added 130 acres to the land already used.
Some may think without investigation that the extension and experiment
al work conducted by the state is done on a large scale at present. Investi-gaiowill show otherwise. A graphic illustration of this is given by Dr,
Roberts who points out that there are more than 250,000 farms in Kentucky
and there arc more than 1,300,000 persons, or more than half the people
of Kentucky, living on them.
Those who own, manage, or work on the farm of Kentucky do not have

time or facilities for research, investigation and intensive, specialized study

upon important subjects affecting agricultural development. A farmer without
the privilege of such expert advice as is given from the extension division
of the College of Agriculture is like a teacher or lawyer without the use of a


Formulates Grad Sends Address
Plans for April Meeting- of Three on "Lost" List

K. E. A.


Headquarters of K. E. A., Uni- Alumni Are Urged to Send in
Addresses of Lost
versity and Alumni AssociaMembers
tion to Be at the Brown
The Kentucky Educational Association will hold its annual meeting in
Louisville, April 21 to 24, with headquarters at the Brown hotel.
Extensive arrangements are bqing
made for this occasion by the Louis
ville Alumni club, and those at the
University most interested in the K.
E. A.
The meeting opens
April 21, with headquarters of the
University of Kentucky and the Alumni Association, as last year, also at
tho Brown.
The University of Kentucky banquet will bo held on Thursday, April 22. Tho Louisville club
is planning u dance as their part of
the social program. This dance is to
be held in the .Crystall ballroom.
Prof. A. E. Ligon, president of tho
K. E. A., professor in education, and
principal of tho University high
school, has called several meetings of
the K, E. A. committee from the
University, and indications point to
this being the best and biggest K. E.
A. 'ever held in the state of Kentucky.

If all of the members of tho Alumni
Association were as active in sending in addresses for Alumni on our
lost list, as a few of them are, we
would have no trouble keeping up
with the whereabouts of our alumni.
The latest such aid is from Herbert
Graham '16 of Lynbrook, L. I., who
sends us the following:
is advertis"Joseph G. Dodge
ing manager of the New Era and a
director of tho Huntover Press, Inc.,
holding corporation of several Long
Island newspapers.
"William K. Dorman
at one
time with the Lexington Herald, is advertising manager of tho Great Neck
Resort and the Enterprise of Oyster
ex-2- 1



Richard II. Jenkins '15, attorney in
New York is Police Justice of MuN
verne, a thriving Long Island village.
"The Hatchet," official publication
of the student body of the George
Washington University, is tho largest
of any college weekly publication in
the United States, with a circulation

of 5,500 copies.

U. K. Professor

Dies in



Prof. A. It. Crnndnll, Instrumental in Establishing of University, Dies at His Home
Word of the death of Prof. A. R.
Crandall, 6nc of thc associates of thc
late Dr. James K. Patterson in the
establishment of thc University of
Kentucky, has come to John W.
Gunn '00, of this city. In a letter to
Thc Lexington Herald, Mr. Gunn says:
"I recently heard that Prof. A. R.
Crnndnll, one of thc most learned professors of that noble group of men
who assisted thc late James K.
in establishing and maintaing
tho State College of Kentucky, now
thc University of Kentucky, was still
living at Milton, Wisconsin. I immediately wrote him a letter of congratulation in which I told him something
of thc present condition of tho University, thc growth of this city and
thc history of a number of his friends
and former pupils.
"This letter reached him while he
was in full possession of his faculties,
just five days before he died. I received a reply from his daughter this
week, saying that her father had reShe
ceived and enjoyed my letter.
adds that Professor Crandall taught
in thc University at Milton until 1918,
since when he has been living there
He would have been
in retirement.
86 years of age in September. He wns
the sole survivor of that very able
body of men which
consisted of
.James K. Patterson, president, and
Professor Robert Peter, R. M.
John II. Neville, John Shackle-forJames G. White, Maurice Kir-b- y
and A. R. Crandall.
"He died Tuesday, January 12, at


8 p. m.

"Kentucky owes him much for his
work in helping to establish and maintain the University; for his many
years of teaching the sciences; for
his great contributions to'our knowledge of Kentucky's geology and for
the untold good his influence exerted
upon the hundreds of men and wo
men, his former students, who will
deeply regret his passing.
Professor Crandall will be remembered by many of the earlier graduates and former students as Pro
fessor of Natural History and Di
rector of the Mechanical Shops.


wns removed after five weeks investi- uary 1, 1926."
Wc are in receipt of thc following
gation by thc State Athletic board. In
basketball for tho first time Corydon from Mrs. Harry B. Waller, formerly
Miss Eva May Wesley, "Please send
won n tournament cup.
"I received gratifying appraisals of my Kentucky Kernel to Glendale,
my classromm work, but this is get- Ariz., as I am giving up my work here
Falls City Alumni Made Plans ting too personal so must close."
nnd returning to Arizona on account
of the illness of my sister.
for Big Kentucky Education'21
al Association Meeting
"I am enjoying my work here very
Charles R. Rodgcrs, who was a
In April
student at New York University, Now much, teaching home economics and