xt70p26pzr22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26pzr22/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1924-01-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 1924 1924 1924-01-11 2012 true xt70p26pzr22 section xt70p26pzr22 The Kentucky Kernel






Four Months' Illness Proves
Fatal to University Instructor
Body to Be Taken to Pennsyl-


Michigan Graduate Takes Place
Professor J. C. Jones

Mr. James Lee MacGrcgor, of
Ypsalanti, Michigan, has joined the
faculty of the College of Arts and
Sciences as Professor of History and
Political Science, in the place of Prof.
J. C. Jones, who is on leave of absence.


Dr. J. T. C. Noe

spoke on


First Series of Meetings Closes Educational Dreams," Dean Paul P.
Boyd talked on "The Department of
At Beginning of ChristEducation and the University," and
mas Holidays

Mrs. E. F. Farqtrhar, president of the
Club of the University,
leg of the Bible study Woman's
The first
spoke briefly on "Our, Vision of a
courses ended with the holidays. The
attendance has been unusually good Greater
Among the guests of the University
up to this time, showing an aggregate
attendance of all classes of 444 for the at the banquet were G. Ivan Barnes,
first week, 437 for the second week, Director of Vocational
397 for the third week with one fra- Senator H. M. Forman, member of
ternity house unreported, 358 for the the Board of Trustees of the Univerfourth week with one fraternity and sity; W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary
three private home classes unreported, and City Commissioner, and J. Virgil
and 239 for the fifth weelk with four Chapman, supervisor of rural schools.
The program was arranged by Dean
and four private home
W. S. Taylor, as chairman, Miss
classes unreported.
The Alpha Gamma Rho and Kappa Mary E. Sweeney, Dean C. R. Melch- Sigma fraternities are leading in point er, Prof. L. L. Danzler, H. J. Scar
Patrick, Prof.
of attendance, based on enrollment; borough, Wellington
the former having an attendance of Carl Lampert and Dean W. E. Free98 per cent and the latter having an man.
attendance of 95 per cent. One priKvate home class, 287 South Limestone,
has an attendance of 100 per cent.
There are other classes which have
had a high attendance up to their last
Messrs. C. J. Tate and Ryan Ringo
meeting but being tardy in their reports are not considered in the calcula- are planning to open an office soon
for practice in engineering.
tions at this time.

N 13


School Superintendents Hold Confer
ence in Louisville


MacGregor took both his
and graduate work at the
University of Michigan, from which
Dr. P. K. Holmes, 42 years old, died he received his Master's degree in 1922.
Tuesday morning at 7:15 o'clock at
Since then, he has taken further work
the Good Samaritan Hospital, after an
Holmes along .the lines of English legal hisillness offour months. Dr.
was head of the Hygiene and' Public tory and assisted Prof. Turner in the
Health Department of the University
of Kentucky and was widely known Department of History at
as a writer on medical subjects. He
was president of the Kentucky Physi
Association, and a BANQUET IN HONOR OF
member of many other medical socie
Dr. Holmes came to the University SUPT. M'HENRY RHOADS
Prior to coming
in the fall of 1920.
here he had taught in Ohio Wesleyan,
and had been on the faculty of the New Head of Public Instruction
University of Cincinnati, Bowdoin Col
Presented With Watch By
lege and the Y. M. C. A. College of
Springfield, Mass.
Dr. Holmes was the author of many
health articles which appeared in news
McHenry Rhoads, State Superinpapers and magazines, and had writ-te- n tendent of Public Instruction, and for
two books which were nearing mer professor in the College of Edu
publication at the time of his death cation, was the guest of honor at a
He was also associate editor of the banquet given by the University of
Kentucky Medical Journal.
Kentucky last Friday night at the
Dr. Holmes was born in Yarmouth, Phoenix Hotel. Following the ban
Nova Scotia, and received his elemen quet was an elaborate program
tary education in that place, he then music and speeches. Dr. Frank L
attended the Y. M. C. A. College where McVey, presiding as toastmaster, pre
he received his bachelor's degree in sented Mr. Rhoads with a handsome
physical education. In 1910 he took watch as a token of affection and and
his master of arts degree in Physical congratulations from his colleagues.
Education. In 1910 he took his masSuperintendent
ter of arts degree at Clarks University,
Rhoad's brief response, in which he
in 1916 he received his degree in
spoke of his dreams for educational
medicine at Bowdoin Medical School.
progress in Kentucky, were two violin
solos by Professor Carl Lampert, ac(Continued on page 5)
companied by Mrs. Lampert, a vocal
solo by Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, accompanied by Mrs. J. B. Hutson, and the
singing of all the guests of Mr. C.
Frank Dunn's composition dedicated
Y.M.C.A. BIBLE CLASSES and "Good "College President
to the

vania Funeral Thurs





A 1924 Kentuckian

Several representatives of the University of Kentucky are attending the
annual Conference of School Superin
tendents being held at the Henry Wat- terson Hotel in Louisville this week.
Wellington Patrick, director of Uni
versity extension and a member of the
executive committee of the Association
of County and City School Superin
tendents, went to Louisville Tuesday.
Others attending are Dr. W. S. Tay
lor, Dean of the College of Education;
E. L. Gillis, Registrar; and Prof. M.
E. Ligon, of the College of Education.
Among the issues to be taken up at
the conference are a drive for the new
certification of teachers' law; a new attendance law, and consideration of
resolutions on the proposed bond is-

The annual "K" dance for the bene
of the Kentuckian will be given
Saturday, January 19, from 9 until 12,
in the University Gymnasium and un
til that time the "Kentuckian" can be
bought for $5.00 cash, or $3.00 cash
and $2.50 to be paid not later than
February 15. After January 19, the
price of the book will advance to $5.50 sue.
cash and will continue to be sold at
that price until press time when they
will be sold for six dollars.
Save money and insure the management financial success by subscribing


on league of nations



CATS OPEN BASKETBALL "Why The United States Should
Join the League of Nations"
is Subject

The growing interest among under



FIVE graduates of American universities and

Blue and White Easily Defeat
Vandy in Conference

Commodores Score But. Two
Goals From Field in Entire

colleges in the League of Nations and
the World Court has prompted the
College Division of the League of Na
Association to conduct an essay contest, with prizes of
$100, $75, and $50 each to students
who desire to compete for them.
The contest is announced by. Cor
liss Lamont, who, as chairman of the
Committee of University and College
Students of the League of Nations
Association, is in charge
of the organization of branches of the
Association in universities and colleges.
Mr. Lamont reports that over
eighty universities and colleges have
already been organized.
The subject of the essay is to be:
"Why the United States Should Join
the League of Nations." Total number of words submitted by the contestant must not exceed three thousand.
Only one essay may be submitted by
any one contestant.
Manuscripts must be typewritten
and only on one side of the page, and
must not be rolled. No manuscripts
should therefore be included by the
All manuscripts must be received at
the office of the League of Nations
Association, 15 West
37th Street, New York, 'by 12 o'clock
noon, March 1st, 1924.
The submission of any manuscript,
whether or not it receives an award
shall give the Association full rights
to publish any part or all of it in such
manner and at such times as it may


Turning loose a defense that allowed the University of Vanderbilt five
but few shots at the basket at close
range and an offense with which the
Commodores were unable to cope, the
Cats formally opened the 1924 court
victory over the
season with a
Nashville quintet, Tuesday, January
The Commodores made but two
the entire forty
field goals during
minutes of play and but one of these
was within the foul circle.
A Kentucky victory was never in
doubt for the Blue and White
leaped into the lead a few
minutes after Referee Lane tossed the
ball into the air for the initial
and were never headed throughout the
contest. The first period found the
Cats settling down into their stride
with but a fair amount of scoring,
the Blue and White seemingly having
little trouble in getting the exact location of the iron hoop. Baskets by
McFarland-an- d
Riefkin started the
Cats on their way and the half ended
with the count 14-leader, dropped in a marker from near
his team's only field goal
in this period;
In the second half the Cats began
where they had left off and without
any delay proceeded to hit basket after
basket. The closing minutes of the
game found the Cats going faster than
ever and running the total count to
33. Meanwhile Bell had managed to
drop in another field goal, which,
coupled with five free throws made,
brought the Vandy score to 13.
Each of the eight Cats that Buch-hesent into the game played a high




mid-floo- r,


(Continued on pipe 5.)




your first three
payments on the Greater Kentucky fund were received last
fall and the old year passed out
with everything almost paid up.
Start the New Year right by
paying the fourth installment.
Stop by the Alumni office or
send check payable to George
B .Carey, treasurer.





Franz Molnar's "Liliom" Under
Direction of Prof. Sax is

Promoters Are Greatly Pleased
Over Popularity of The

crowded house composed
critical ad
mirers of the higher form of dramatic
art, a cast of both amateurs and pro-- :
fessional players won the admiration
of all those present at the premier
performance which marked the opening of the Romany Theatre Monday
night. The theatre is a unique little
playhouse on Winslow street which
has recently been transformed from a
Negro church by members of various
departments at the University under
the direction of Carol M .Sax, head of
the art department of the University.
The opening play was Franz Mol- nar s bizarre leeend. "Liliom." ac
cording to the Glazer text. Under the
direction of Professor Sax and with
his splendid aid the characters were
dramatized so perfectly that one could
well picture the time when sedate
beauty reigned.
The artistic setting in which "Lil
iom" was presented is due to the cooperation of the leading citizens of thte
Blue Grass, assisted by the best
theatrical talent among the students
and instructors of the University.
Their efforts assured success to this
enterprise which promises to be one
of the most beautiful centers for the
development of local dramatic talent.
True to its name, suggesting gypsy
life of Southern Europe, the interior of
the theatre is a gay mass of colors.
The side walls are of deep purple and

of the most cultured and

(Continued on page 4.)


Dr. McVey

Speaks to Student
Body at Regular Chapel

President McVey spoke to the student body in the chapel Tuesday at the
fifth hour on "Living up to a High
Capacity or Basis." He first gave a
short account of the life of Dr. P. K.
Holmes, head of the Hygiene depart
ment of the University who died Jan
uary 8th, mentioning the valuable
he rendered to the University and
Community in general. He said that
Doctor Holmes was a man who had
lived a life of service and that he pos
sessed a high point of effectiveness and

Later in his talk Dector McVey
said that days are not measured by the
length of the day, or the fact that
there are so many days containintr somany hours, hut that days should be
measured by the quality of what is.
done each day.
Students come to the college to allow mental capacity to develop and to.
increase mental capacity, to develop
and to increase mental capacity, and
this is the opportunity to live a bigger



Page Two

Alumni Notes
Editor Alumni Secretary
Jan. 12. (Second Sat- .Regular) luncheon at 1:15
p. m., Chamibcr of (Commerce,
corner Main and Seneca streets.
(Chicago. Jan. 21. (Third Mon- day Regular) luncheon at 12:30
p. m., Marshall Field's Restaur- ant. Men's fir!11.
Detroit, Jan. 26. (Last Sat- dinner, Dixie- urday Regular)
land Inn.


The Alumni office, in this, the first
issue of the Kernel in the New Year,
wishes to extend its greetings to the
Alumni members and former students
wherever they may be. The New
Year is a time for looking backward
a few moments and then facing resolutely forward. The backward glance
at the beginning of 1924 will be one
to encourage and invigorate, for 1923
was one of the best years in the history of Old State.
The short time devoted to retrospection will show that in 1923 the has- kctball building was begun and is now
well under way. Plans for the me-- !
morial building were completed and
are now in the office of the superintendent of the buildings and grounds,
awaiting additional funds before construction is begun.
The Greater Kentucky
demonstrated that the alumni and
friends of the University were willing
to give material aid to its advancement and they did to the extent of
more than $200,000.
On Tuesday the legislature convened at Frankfort.
It is in their power
to render valuable and much needed
aid to the University or they can, by
refusing larger appropriations, retard
its advancement and discourage those
who are waiting with hope for the
long expected assistance. Every former student and alumnus can do his
little part in seeing that the legislature does not refuse to vote the University more funds. The legislature
is composed of men who are representing the people. Let us show them
that the majority of the people favor
With this short summary of the
work accomplished in 1923 and the
hope 1924 presents let every alumnus
everywhere start out the year in the
spirit of our old pep song and "fight
for the Blue and White till we bring
home the victory."

tion to this last summer 5,000 cuds
dealing with the student loan fund,
information and building program of
the University wcro inserted in other
letters going out.
This work is done by the chief of
the office force with two studen;
helpers giving regular hours to the
work and 10 or 11 part time student
helpers, working only a few hours a
week. An example of the extra work
done by the office during the Greater
Kentucky campaign is shown by the
fact that in the two weeks from September 23 to October 6 the office sent
out 8,454 pieces of circular matter,
some printed and some typed,


Summary For Last Two Years Shows
Work Accomplished

Work on the basketball, athletic and
recreation hall was pushed this week
with the weather conditions favor
able after many days of cold and
rain. The contractors
Wednesday morning that the building
would be ready for the erection of the
steel girders in six days. When the
girders arc laid the rest of the work
will progress rapidly.
Although there is a general impres
sion that the building will be used
primarily and principally for basketball games and practice, this is not
the case, according to S. A. Boles,
director of athletics at the University.
Instead it will be used for all large
student assemblies, such as commencement exercises, and will be used for
gymnasium classes and entertainments
of various sorts and will fill dozens
of other long felt needs at the institution.
The floor space of the building will
be 180 by 110 feet. It will have arrangements for seating 3,000 persons,
and on occasion will
temporary seating arrangements for
another thousand. There will be three
courts for basketball playing and practice, with shower baths and locker
rooms for all sorts of athletics.
There will be rest rooms for both men
and women, and the offices of the
athletic director and coaches will be
moved to the building.
Although the building will be of inestimable value to the University practically the whole year round, and will
be used for all basketball games, including the high school tournament,
only about fifteen percent of its use
will be for basketball, according to
W. C. Wilson, Alumni Secretary,

Dean F. Paul Anderson was the
guest of honor at 'the annual smoker
of the New York Alumni Club, attended by 26 former Kentucky students,
held at Keen's Chop House, in New
York City, December 7.
The club reported that after a fine
dinner Dean Anderson was introduced
by R. T. Taylor, '15, president. Dean
Anderson told the cluib all the good
and amusing news from Kentucky that
he could in the time allotted him, after
which members of the club were addressed by some of the other alumni
present including Howard P. Ingefls
and Frank Daugherty, the latter of the
Philadelphia Club.
The New York Club inclosed the in
vitation sent out by the secretary of
the club, David L. Thornton, Jr., '21,
to remind the members of the meet
ing. In a
on the invitation
the secretary calls the attention of the
members to the fact that if they are
not getting the Kernel they are missing
a lot of interesting
news. Such a
criticism from the distant members of
the Association is an incentive to the
Kernel staff and Alumni office to co
operate and see to it that it continues
be enjoyable.

There seems to exist at the present
time a general impression that the
work of the Alumni Secretary and the
office force is very light. A summary
of the work accomplished by the Alumni office
force last year (1922-23- ),
which has just been prepared, shows
just what the office did do.
'For the year from June 1, 1921, to
June 1, 1922, 2,409 individual letters
were written and mailed, 1,050 of
which were typed, 23,563 mimeograph
letters were sent, 12,559 mimeograph
bulletins mailed, included 2,500 inserts
for Kernels, 421 news stories prepared
and used, 163 printed pamphlets and
4,954 cards mailed. This work does
not include the regular correspondence and the routine work of the office. There are about 12,000 cards to
be kept in order and correct
marl hv Hierting returned letters to
niui last aaciress.
For the same months 1922-2totals show the following correspDnd-ei'C- e
and material sent out by ihe
1,- Individual letter-;f'57: mimeograph letters, 7,936; bullPhiladelphia Meeting Postponed
etins, 1,074; printed pamphlets md
The last meeting of the Philadelletters, 11,301; printed cards, 9,133; phia Club was postponed on account
Kernels, 13,3 ; Kerne! s ujiVineius, oi tne death of Mrs. R. R. Taliaferro,
9.335 and 138 news stories.
In addi wife of R. H. Taliaferro, class of '13.





The meeting was to have been held
December 8, but on account of Mrs.
Taliaferro's death was postponed until this mouth.
Mr. Taliaferro is at the present time
sales engineer for the Carrier Engi
neering Corporation, at Philadelphia.
The alumni office extends its deepest
sympathy in his bereavement.
The report from the secretary of
the club had this paragraph in rc
gard to Herbert Graham's resignation
as Alumni Secretary:
"The Philadelphia Club wa sindecd
sorry to hear of the resignation of
Mr. Graham. We feel, however, that
we have been very fortunate in hav
ing him to organise the work so well
that his successor will find it com
paratively easy to carry on."
The date for the January meeting
has not been decided at the time the
letter was written.

tion for our alumni recotds.



Joseph Nelson Harper is Director,
Soil Improvement Committee of the
Southern Fertilizer Association, 614-1- 9
Rhoads Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. He
asks that his Kernel be sent to his residence address, 789 Peachtrcc street.

One of the "regulars" to recently replace his name on the honor roll is
Benjamin Franklin Robinson, assistant engineer, Maintenance of Way Department, Florida East Coast Railway,
St. Augustine, Fla.
He has been with this company ever
since graduating and has held his
present position for several years. The
residence mailing address is 23 Cincinnati Avenue.

William A. Stanfill has been practicing 'law at Hazard, Ky., ever since receiving his degree, and is a member of
the law firm of Faulkner and Stanfill.

Betwixt Us

Uses to Be Made of Basketball House
Are Enumerated





O. L. Jones, former superintendent
of city schools at Princeton, is chief
assistant in the office of the state superintendent of public instruotion,
Rhoads, at Frankfort, Ky. Mr.
Jones received his B. A. degree in
Education in '14 and M. A. in '17, and
has been teaching in the high schools
of the State since 1914.

ing for the last two years at Vandcr-bil- t.
He has been considered the best
guard in the South, and has probably
been given several mentions for
At Kentucky, he received
the title of "the fightingest center that
ever stepped upon StoN Field." Kelley, along with Freddy Fcst and others, is a lover of the gridiron, a true
sportsman, a man of high calibre, a
quick thinker, and above all a true
alumnus of the University of Kentucky.
He is one of the charter members of
Sigma chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi,
and, during his stay at Kentucky, he
became very popular. His many
friends here will be glad to hear of
his being elected captain of the

A visitor in the A'lumni

office dur-

ing the holiday season was Marion
Brooks Spraguc. Miss Sprague has
just finished her course in nursing and
is now a graduate of the Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses at
Baltimore. At present she is with her
parents at High Oaks, Lexington, Ky.
Jack M. Dorr is with the State National Bank, Front street, Maysville,
Ky. He has charge of the savings
fund for school children in addition to
his regular duties. Ever since receiving his degree he has (been one of
the field workers with the Extension
Department of the Experiment Station until accepting his present position early in November.

"At this late date I am making en
closed subscription to the Greater
Kentucky Campaign. I sincerely re
gret that I cannot give as Kberally as
I would like to my Alma Mater but I
have very large local obligations to
schools and churches in Topeka and
vicinity. May success crown the
splendid efforts in this campaign be
ing made by alumni and friends of
the University." C. G. Blakely, Pres.
Herndon J. Evans, until recently
Aleene B. Edwards is teaching at
C. G. Blakely & Company, insurance Elizabeth, N. C, and asks that her with the Associated Press at Trank-for- t,
business, 533 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kernel be sent there.
is now editor
of the Pineville
Sun, Pineville, Ky. Mrs. Evans was
formerly Miss Mary Elizabeth Down'16
with some ing ex23. They have been making
"Here's my belated
Her many friends among a'lumni more thrown in for good measure. their home in Pineville since Novemand former students will regret hear- You will also find two more simol-eo- ber first.
Boen Gibson spent the Christmas
ing the death of Mrs. J. H. Kemper
which will put my name in good
(nee Emia Allen ex-- ) Sunday night, standing on the Kernel list. On ac- holidays with his mother, in Lesing-.oHe is designing engineer in the
January 6. She had been ill for sev- count of some quite extended trips
eral months and a few days previous- during the last few months these mat- office of the Pennsylvania Railroad at
ly had undergone an operation,
ters have been overlooked. However, Altoona, Penna. His residence and
she rallied and seemed to be I hope you can still use the money to mailing address is 1812 Thirteenth St.
Frederick W. Nessler is wh the engetting along nicely when suddenly advantage." N. Minton Cregor, chief
death came. For many years she chemist and general superintendent, gineering department of the Indianataught in the history department of Research Products Company, Warren, polis Union Railway. Imnicdiari-i- after graduating he entered the employ
the public schools of Lexington and Ohio.
was an authority on the early history
"The Kernel came just at the op- of the International Petroleum Comof the State and one of the best known portune
time and place. Enclosed pany and was in Mexico until Septemas we'll as best loved teachers in the find two dollars." Norman
Terry, ber, 1923, when he returned to the U.
city. Besides her husband, she leaves Terry's Poultry Farm and Hatchery, S. and entered his present position.
Address 1054 N. Tacoma Ave., Indiana sister, Mrs. J. W. Cammack, of Fulton, Ky.
apolis, Ind.
Owenton, Ky., and two brothers, W.
Ray Allen '97, with Sinclair Refining
Company, Chicago, 111., and L. B. Al"Dear Secretary:
Your communi"I have neglected sending in my
len, '99, with C. & O. Railroad, Richcation received today made me realize
dues and find I can no longer do withmond, Va.
that the small sum that I could give out the Kernel. Even though
to the Greater Kentucky campaign
present in person I am there in spirit
fund would be accepted in the same
and always ready to say a good word
A telegram from St. Louis, dated spirit as if it were a hundred times as for my Alma Mater." Clyde Filbeck,
December 31, reads thus: "Hereby much. A long illness and serious op- Supt. High School, Benton, Ky.
contribute fifty dollars to Student eration last year, 'knocked' me out,
Clyde O. Taylor is with the PackLoan Fund, payable as desired. Pros not only physically, but financially, in ard Motor Car Company, Detroit,
an overwhelming nianner. That experous and Happy New Year."
Mich. Address 129 Charlotte St., Apt.
Louis Wynne Martin, Sa'les Rep., plains my silence during the campaign. 303.
I am now trying to set 'sauare with
American Car and Foundry Company,
"Am sorry indeed to have neglected
the world. I wish I could send Old
915 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.
dues so long and promise to do better
State a real contribution
because I in the future. I will not have a perlove her so dearly." Marie C. Becker,
manent address as long as I remain
teaching in Carrollton, Ky., box 156.
in the Coast Survey, (but the one given
"After reading alumni notes in the
will always reach me." Byron WilNovember 29 issue of the Kernel, I
liams, U. S. Coast and Geoditic Surmust confess dereliction in not keepE. Kelley, former UniversiEverett
vey, Washington, D. C.
ing the Secretary better informed. In
ty of Kentucky gridiron star, has been
"Please send back numbers of the
the notes you state of me, 'during the
selected to lead Vandenbilt University Kernel if possible. I hate to miss
period of the World War he was chief
eleven for the season of 1924.
them. I am sorry I waited so long
engineer with the Ransom & RanKelley, while a student at the Uni- to
send dues but Abetter late than
dolph Company, Toledo, Ohio. While
versity of Kentucky, displayed the never." Augusta Winn, 221 Orland
it was true that I held the title of chief
type of football that he has been play Ave., N., Kissimmee, Fla.
engineer at that time, yet, during the
my assistant was in charge and I
was at the War Department Committee on Special Training and was on
duty in various camps in connection
with the training of army specialists.
My duties took me to the firing range
750 Frelinghuyscn Avenu,
behind a 'Heavy Browning' at several
Newark, N. J.
divisional camps as well as the more
Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia
important educational training centers,
and earned for me a commission as
Lieut.-Col- .,
U. S. A., O. R. C, which
I now
hold." 'Frederick H. Evans,
235 Shelter Street, Rochester, N. Y.
There was no thought of Mr. Evans'
with the help of the following Kentuckiani :
work not being patriotic in the note
Lyle. 'M
lolling, '15
given in the issue of November 29,
Lyle, '00
H. Wortham. M6
since many engineers were detailed
L. L. Lewie, '07
R. WateriUl, '20
by the War Department in special serJ. H. Bailey, '20
M. S. Smith, 'OS
vice with the various engineering firms
R. L. Jones, '12
W, B. Thornton, '21
N. O. Belt. '22
throughout the country. We are glad
6R. Duncan, '12 '13
A. P. ShinkHn '2 j
to publish the above, however, and
also to have this interesting informa




Carrier Engineering Corporation


to make "Every day a good day"







Society Calendar
Jan. 11 Delta Zeta
at Patterson Hall.

Between Phoenix Hotel and Western Union
(Formerly at Lafayette-Phoeni- x

Maxwells and Fords



The following announcements have
been received (by friends on the campus:
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cequin
announce the marriage of their
Sarah Kathcrine
Mr. Oakley Ray Brown
on Wednesday, December twenty-sixt- h
Nineteen Hundred Twenty-threFulton, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown arc both graduate students of the University and
were prominent in activities while on
the campus. Mr. Brown was a member of Alpha Sigma Phi, social fraternity, and Mrs. Brown was a member
of Phi Upsilon Omicron, honorary
Home Economics fraternity.

Dance for Omega Rho
Miss Thclma Ellis entertained with
an informal dance during the ho'liday
season, in honor of the Omega Rho
fraternity, at her home in Avalon
Park. The house was attractively
decorated with
Chaperoncs were Dr. and Mrs. W. H.
Lipscomb, Mrs. J. B. Miner, Miss
Lillie Kohl and Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Among those present were: Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carson
L. Horlacker,
Mrs. Jack DeLong,
invite you to be present at
Misses Edith Roland, Audine Thompthe marriage of their daughter
son, Lois Heath, Marie Colliver,
Anna Rose
Elizabeth Miller, Ruby Eflis, Frances
Virginia Newman, Anne
Mr. Glenn Bennett Tinsley
Gormley, Anna Dodd, Mary Graham
on Thursday, December the
Williams and Myrtle Stevens; Messrs.
Edward Bradley, Bailey Baxter, WilNineteen Hundred Twenty-thre- e
liam Gormley, James Dodd, James
at high noon
Bryant, Sturgie Maurie, Raymond
Methodist Church
Lick-er- t,
Trumble, Otho Ard, Raymond
Hartford, Kentucky.
Bryce Petrie, Joe Brown Williams,
Mr. Tinsley was a member of Phi
Hermon Taylor, Virgil Johnson, Jack Kappa Tau fraternity
and was gradDeLong, Ora Carter, A. L. Atchison
uated with the class of '22.
and Professor L. Horlacker.

Mrs. Lillian Fratman
announces the marriage of her
Alleen Everman
Mr. Curtis Watt Deering
on Wednesday, December twenty-sixt- h
Nineteen Hundred Twenty-thre- e
at Louisville, Kentucky.
Mrs. Deering was a graduate of the
University in '22 and was a member
of Kappa 'Delta fraternity.

Is of National Prominence;




izer of Society of Theosophy
Alwyn J. Baker, M. A., National
lecturer and organizer of the Theoso-phicSociety will give a series of
lectures at the Lexington College of
Music, 441 West Second. The first
lecture will be on Monday, January
14, at 8 p. m.
The subject will be
"Reincarnation The Key." The fol
lowing lectures will be "Invisible
Forms and Forces" and "The Great
Creative Plan." The lectures are illustrated.
The subjects
discussed will be:
Evolution in the Light of Religion;
the Mechanism of Man's
the Life After Death, and
Theosophy harmonizes religion and



PHONE 1594

science and gives scientific basis for
The meetings are open to the public and will be followed by a general

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