xt70p26pzq2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26pzq2h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1912-05-apr12. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-05-apr12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-05-apr12. 1912 1912-05-apr12. 2011 true xt70p26pzq2h section xt70p26pzq2h 


     The Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentucky met at the Phoenix

 Hotel, Friday, April 12, 1912, at twelve o'clock.

     Present: Governor James B. McCreary, lMIessrs. Barksdale Hamlett,

              Cassius HI. Clay, Hynwel Davies, Richard C. Stoll, Louis L.

              Walker, T. L. Edelen, C. B. Nichols, Jas. W. Turner, Robert

              W. Brown, Tibbis Carpenter, William 1. Cox, Denny P. Smith,

              Claude B. Terrell, and President H. S. Barker.

    Absent: Messrs. Richard N. WAtathen, James Breathitt and James K.


              Governor MLcCreary in the chair.

     The Chairman announced that as this was a called meeting, only such business as was

set out in the call could be considered.  The Secretary was thereupon requested to

-read the call, which is as follows:

To W. T. Lafferty,

      Secretary of the Board of Trustees,

          State University.


     You will please call a meeting of the Board of Trustees of State University,

Lexington, Kentucky, to meet at the Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, Kentucky, at twelve

o'clock hi., Friday, April 12, 1912, the meeting to be called:

     1. For the purpose of considering and acting upon the recommendation of the

Committee appointed by the Legislature to investigate the affairs of the University,

and to consider, act upon, reaffirm or repeal the order of the Board of Trustees

made December 14, 1909, prescribing the conditions of the resignation and retirement

of James K. Patterson as President of the University.

April 12, 1912



     2. To consider the finances of the University and to consider the report of

the expert accountant which will then be made to the Board.

     3. To consider and act upon recommendations of the Executive Committee and


     4. For the purpose of re-organizing the University, including all departments,

courses of study, fees, charges, tuition, transportation of students, appointments and

all other matters incident thereto, and for the further purpose of considering whether

or. no the Model School shall be discontinued as a department of the University.

                                            (Signed)  H. S. Barker
                                                       C. B. Nichols
                                                       R. C. Stoll
                                                         by W. T. Lafferty.

     Mlotion made by Tr. Brown that the meeting proceed at once to business, in

accordance with the call as issued by the Secretary and just read.  Seconded and

carried unanimously.

     Governor MeCreary then read the first paragraph of the call, which is as


    Ill. For the purpose of considering, and acting upon the recommendation of the

Committee appointed by the Legislature to investigate the affairs of the University,

and to consider, act upon, reaffirm or repeal the order of the Board of Trustees made

December 14, 1909, prescribing the conditions of the resignation and retirement of

Tames K. Patterson as President of the UTniversity.I?

     President Barker offered a resolution that the contract made on December 14,

1909 by the Board of Trustees with Ex-President Patterson be set aside and held for


     Br. Davies seconded this resolution, with the statement that an effort was being

made to harmonize and adjust the discordant elements in the University, and expressed

the belief that a compromise could be brought about, if action on this matter could

be deferred a few hours.

.1.  kDril 12, 1912



     Mlotion made by Mr. Nichols that a committee consisting of Messrs. Davies, Clay

and Terrell be appointed to take up this matter, and see what can be done and reDort

to the Board immediately after lunch, to vhich committee President Barker's resolution

should be referred.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

     The second section of the call was then read, which is as follows:

     "2. To consider the finances of the University and to consider the report of the

expert accountant which will then be made to the Board."

     The Business Agent was called upon for the report of the expert accountant, but he

stated that he had only a tentative report to make, as the expert had not yet finished

his work.   This preliminary statement ams then read, and President Barker presented

the following resolution:

     "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of State University that a special

committee composed of 1.1essrs. Terrell, Davies, Brown, Hamlett and Edelen is hereby ap-

pointed to examine into all the affairs of the University and report at the June meeting

of this Board what, if any, changes in the government and organization of the institu-

tion are necessary to promote its best interests for the future."

     On motion President Barker's resolution was adopted unanimously.

     The third section of the call was read by the Chairman, which is as follows:

     "3. To consider and act upon recommendations of the Executive Committee and


     In this connection President Barker reported that the Council of Deans recom-

mended in a lengthy report the establishment of a Graduate School and the election of

a Dean of this School, which would entail no additional expense, but was a necessary

department of a University.

April 12, 1912



      Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried that this matter be referred to the

 Executive Committee with power to act.

      Motion made by Judge bdalker that the Special Committee appointed under Presi-

 dent Barker's resolution be specifically directed to prepare the budget for the en-

 suing year and keep it within the appropriation now allowed by law for the benefit

 of the University, which motion was seconded by President Barker and unanimously


      The fourth section of the call was then read by'the Chairman, as follows:

      "4. For the purpose of re-organizing the University, including all departments,  

 courses of study, fees, charges, tuition, transportation of students, appointments

 and all. other matters incident thereto, and for the further purpose of considering

 Whether or no the Model School shall be discontinued as a department of the Univer-


     The following suggestions in regard to the re-organization were then read

by JFudge Lafferty:

     1. All students who are residents of the State of Kentucky shall be admitted

into the State University of Kentucky free of tuition.

     2. Students who hold county appointments and who occupy rooms in the Uhiver-

sity dormitories shall each pay a fee of .1O., to cover use of furniture, service

of matron, service of Janitor, medical inspection and benefits of university hospital.

     3. Students who hold county appointments and who do not occupy rooms in the

University dormitories shall not be required to pay any University fees.

     4. All students who do not hold county appointments shall pay an incidental

fee of $10. each and the funds derived from such incidental fees shall be used to

pay the transportation expenses of the students who do not hold county appointments.



      5. No student will be entitled to expenses of transportation for more than

 one round trip to and from the University each year and then only upon the con-

 dition that he remains for the full period of the school year.

      6. Non-resident students shall each pay a tuition fee of $10., each year he

 attends.   Students entering after the Christmas holidays of any school year will

 pay one-half of the fees here stipulated.

      7. Hereafter rooms will not be furnished to male students holding county

 appointments, except in the two dormitories upon the campus and such other places

 as may be provided in houses owned by the University.   Furniture owned by the Uni-

 versity, such as beds, tables, wash-stands and chairs, not used in any of the rooms

 above referred to may be turned over for the use of students who are appointees,

 under such regulations as may be adopted by the Executive Committee.

     At this point a recess was taken for lunch.

     At 2.20 the Board re-convened.

     Motion was made by Judge Walker that the matters contained in the above recom-

mendations be referred to the Special Committee with power to act. M-lotion seconded

and carried unanimously.

     In regard to discontinuing the academy, the following recommendation was

presented by Judge Lafferty:

     No Oreparatory instruction will hereafter be provided for, except for the purpose

of enabling students who are classified in the University courses, or in the short

courses, to remove conditions. 'Phis will not, however, apply to students now in the

University doing preparatory work.

     Motion was made that this recommendation be referred to the Special Colmaittee with

power to act. Seconded and unanimously carried.

April 12, 1912



     Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously that the President of the Uni-

versity be added to this Special Committee.

     The Chairman stated that only the first paragraph of the call remained to be

acted upon.

     The committee appointed to confer with the President Emeritus James K. Patterson

at this time returned and M0r. Clay, as Chairman, reported that the committee had con-

sidered the matter and had held consultations both with Judge Barker and with ex-

President Patterson, and that they had both agreed to this: That President Patterson

is to have his pension and to retain his residence on the grounds at A2O. per month,

but on the other hand, President Patterson is to give up all his official connection

with the University, he is to resign his trusteeship by the first of June, he is to

resign his position on the faculty, he is to resign his position on the library com-

mittee and his office in the library and all connection with the library; that he is

to pledge himself not to publicly criticise the present administration, that he is to

be absolutely neutral, and indeed to assist them.

     Mr. Stoll made a motion that the report be accepted and the proposition con-

tained therein be agreed to by the Board, which was duly seconded, and on roll-call

the vote stood:

    Yeas: Governor Cox, M-Tessrs. Terrell, Davies, Clay, Edelen, Stoll,

           IHamlett, Turner, WlSalker, Carpenter, Nichols and Governor McCreary.  12

    Noes: None.

    Governor McCreary stated that the four propositions included in the call for

this meeting had each one been considered and disposed of.

    Motion was thereupon made and carried to adjourn.

                                               Jemes B. McCreary


April 12, 1912


Missing report(s)