xt70p26pzq1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26pzq1x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1977-01-mar8-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-01-mar8-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-01-mar8-ec. 1977 1977-01-mar8-ec. 2011 true xt70p26pzq1x section xt70p26pzq1x 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee. Board of Trustees,
Tuesday, March 8, 1977.

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, March 8, 1977,
in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
Lexington campus with the following members answering the call of the roll:
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Albert G.
Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, and Mr. George W. Griffin. Professor Paul
Sears, Ex Officio Secretary, was present as were Board members, L D.
Gorman, and Michael McLaughlin. Dr. David A. Hull, recently appointed
member of the Board of Trustees, attended the meeting as a guest. The
administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zun-iwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomw~orth,
Raymond R. Hornback, Jack C. Blanton, John Smith and Donald B. Clapp:
Dr. Robert M. Drake, Special Assistant to the President; and Mr. John Darsie,
Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various news media were in attendance.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Mr. Sturgill called the meeting to order at 2:00 p. m. Followving the
invocation given by Mr. Black, the Secretary called the roll and reported all
members of the Executive Committee present. The Chairman declared the
meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 2:03 p.m.

      B. Minutes Approved

      On motion duly made, seconded and carried the reading of the Minutes
of the December 14, 1976 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with
and the Minutes were approved as published.

      C. President's Report

      President Singletary spoke briefly about some of the items in his monthly
report to the Trustees and recommended that the report be received and filed.
Without objection it was so ordered by the Chairman.

      D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

      Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Clay
and passed, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole


                                 -2-                                    5

and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2
at the end of the Minutes. )

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       President Singletary recommended that PR 3 be approved as a whole.
On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent,
PR 3 was approved and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

       Following the approval by the Board of the four Research Professors
for 1977-78 (Item I), President Singletary commented on the newly established
research professorships and introduced three of the recipients of the 1977-78
awards; Professor Guy Davenport, Department of English; Professor William
D. Ehmann, Department of Chemistry; and Professor William R. Markesbery,
Department of Neurology. The fourth recipient, Professor Roger Wets,
Department of Mathematics, was unable to be present.

      F. Budget Revisions for 1976-77 PR 4)

      Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Cooper
and passed, the Budget Revisions for 1976-77 as recommended in PR 4 were
authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

      G. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

      Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported the committee
had met on the morning of March 8 and considered the various matters on the
agenda. He moved that the Interim Financial Report for the period ending
January 31, 1977 be accepted and made a matter of record. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of
the Minutes.)

      H. Authorization to Request Renovation Cost from Maintenance Reserve
          Account (FCR 2)

      Mr. Clay noted that there were sufficient funds in the maintenance reserve
account to cover the $3, 000 cost involved in replacing the boiler at Sigma Chi
Fraternity House, and moved approval of the recommendation in FCR 2. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)



       I. Authorization to Request Renovation Cost from Maintenance Reserve
          Account (FCR 3)

       Mr. Clay said that the Recommendation in FCR 3 for $3, 000 for
renovation costs at the Sigma Nu House was of the same type as that approved
in FCR 2 for the Sigma Chi House,and moved approval. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Black and passed without dissent. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J. External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1976-77 (FCR 4)

       Noting that the firm of Coopers and Lybrand, Certified Public Accountants,
has done a satisfactory job in auditing the accounts of the University of Kentucky
and its affiliated corporations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, Mr.
Clay moved that the same firm be engaged to perform the examination of accounts
for 1976-77 fiscal year under the conditions set forth in the recommendation in
FCR 4. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent.
(See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Room and Board Rates for 1977-78 (FCR 5)

       At the request of Mr. Clay, Vice President Blanton discussed the proposed
adjustments in room and board rates, noting that the rates had not been increased
since 1975. Mr. Blanton said that the upward adjustments resulted primarily
from increased labor, food and utility costs and the present rates are not
sufficient to meet these high operating expenditures.

       Mr. Clay read the recommendations under each part of FCR 5 and moved
their adoption. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent.
(See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Resolution Renaker Estate (FCR 6)

       Mr. Clay made the following motions: 1) that the Board formally accept
the monies, securities, real property and other items accruing to the University
by virtue of the will of Violette B. Renaker, deceased, and express its appreciation
therefor; and 2) that the Board authorize the Vice President for Business Affairs
and Treasurer to dispose of the real properties coming to the University fronm
this estate and located in California and Texas together with the surface rights
(not including mineral or oil or gas rights) to the real property located in
Oklahoma. Mr. Griffin seconded Mr. Clay's motion and it passed without
dissent. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)



       M. Correction in the Minutes of March 12, 1976

       Mr. Clay said that on March 12, 1976, FCR 5, Collateralization of
Bank Accounts, was approved by the Finance Committee. This action required
the University of Kentucky bank accounts to be collateralized by securities
having a market value equal to 100% of the average daily ledger balance of the
account in the preceding fiscal year. Through error, FCR 5 stated the
requirement to be 110% of the average daily balance.

       The Finance Committee intended the requirement to be 100% and
agreements were subsequently negotiated with Lexington banks on this basis.
The Board of Trustees should be aware of this error and approve its correction.
Mr. Clay moved that this be done. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and
passed without dissent.

       N. Investment Committee Report (ICR 1)

       Mr. Griffin moved that the quarterly report on changes made in
investments for the period ending December 31, 1976 be accepted. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Clay and passed. (See ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       0. Meeting Adjourned

       After first determining that there was no further business to come before
the meeting, on motion duly mrade seconded and carried, Mr. Sturgill declared
the meeting adjourned at 2:40 p. m.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   Paul G. Sears, Secretary
                                   Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3, and 4, FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and ICR 1 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting. )


                                                     Office of the President
                                                     March 8, 1977

                                                     PR 2

 Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


 i.    Patent Assignment

        Recommendation: that authorization be given to the proper officials
        of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees to execute an
        assignment on behalf of the Board of Trustees to the University of Kentucky
        Research Foundation of the following application for Letters of Patent
        of the United States and the invention represented thereby: George A.
        Digenis, Manvendra B. Shambhu and Michael C. Theodorakis, Serial
        Number 696, 802 filed June 16, 1976.

        Background: George A. Digenis, Manvendra B. Shambhu and Michael
        C. Theodorakis have invented certain improvements in Radiodiagnostic
        Agent. They have assigned their rights to the invention to the University.
        In accord with usual practice it is recommended that the University
        assign the patent to the University of Kentucky Research Foundation.

II.    Consolidation of Two Academic Divisions at Henderson Community

        Recommendation: that the Division of Biological Sciences and Related
        Technologies and the Division of Physical Sciences and Related
        Technologies at Henderson Community College be combined into a new
        Division of Natural Sciences and Related Technologies.

        Background: The community colleges are organized on a division basis as
        basic educational units. The Division of Physical Sciences and Related
        Technologies at Henderson regularly has only four or five full-time
        faculty. The faculty and the Director feel that the programs in these
        divisions can be strengthened by combining the two divisions.

III.    Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

        Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
        and/or other changes which require Board action; and '2) that the
        report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
        by the administration be accepted.




       Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
       staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
       with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University.
       These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
       vice president through the President and have his concurrence.

       Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appoint-
       ments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other
       administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board.
       This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval.

                           BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Angermeyer, Kathryn, Assistant Professor*, Department of Physical Therapy,
       College of Allied Health Professions, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
Bender, Paul A., Associate Professor-, Department of Pediatric Dentistry.
       College of Dentistry, 11/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Carter, Joseph C. , Visiting Associate Professor (part-time), Department of
       Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, 10/1 /76 through 6/30/77.
Gill, John W., Instructor, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine,
       1/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Griffin, Jane, Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health Education and
      Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Kulldorf, Gunnar Karl, Visiting Professor, Department of Statistics, College
      of Arts and Sciences, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Lee, Tai-Shion, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
       College of Medicine, 2/1/77 through 1/31/78.
Murrell, David E., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 1/10/77 through
Nietzel, Deedra Benthall, Associate Professor (part-time), College of Law,
       1/10/77 through 5/7/77.
Ragland, Barbara F., Instructor, Department of Physical Therapy, College of
      Allied Health Professions, 12/17/76 through 6/30/77.
Sady, Helen, Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health Education and
      Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 12/l/76 through
Schensul, Stephen L., Visiting Associate Professor (part-time), Department
      of Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
Singleton, Carolynn, Assistant Professor* , College of Nursing, 2/1/77
       through 6/30/77.
Skaff, Karen 0., Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health Education
      and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 2/l/77 through 6/30/77.

'Special Title Series


- 3-

Tonkin, Allen D., Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology,
       College of Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Tonkin, Ina D. , Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College
      of Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Wilson, John F., Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Science,
       College of Medicine, 2/1/77 through 6/30/79.

Non-Academric Appointments

Bowman, Donald A., Program Manager, Wenner-Gren Research Laboratory,
      College of Engineering, retroactive 1/24/77.
Dandekar, Kishor A., Research Associate, College of Pharmacy, retroactive
Hill, Donald, Programmer-Systems Analyst, Physician Accounts Office,
       College of Medicine, retroactive 12/1/76.
Van Ormer, Donald E., Extension Specialist, Department of Forestry, College
      of Agriculture, retroactive 12/1/76.
Walker, Frank H. G Geologist, Kentucky Geological Survey, Graduate School,
      effective 5/1/77.

'mnistrativeAp Appintents

Carpenter, C. Bruce, Associate Director, Communication Systems, Library,
      Medical Center, retroactive 1/1/77.
Fields, Joyce, Assistant Director for Administration, McDowell Cancer
      Network, College of Medicine, retroactive 11/22/76.
Mobley, Terry Bailey, Director of Development, Development Office, University
      Relations, retroactive 2/1/77.

Joint Appointment

Brown, Frank M., Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Electrical
      Engineering, College of Engineering, also named Associate Professor
      (with tenure), Department of Computer Science, College of Arts and
      Sciences, retroactive 1/1/77.

Appointments with Waiver of Nepotism

Varellas, Sandra M , Adjunct Instructor (part-time), College of Law,
      named Instructor (part-time), Department of Business Administration,
      College of Business and Economics, 1/1/77 through 5/31/77, wife of
      James J. Varellas, Instructor (part-time), Department of Business
      Administration, College of Business and Economics.



R eappo intme nts

Crawford, Ben W., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department
       of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, 7/1/76 through 6/30/79.
Das, Nirmal K., Associate Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology
       and Immunology, College of Medicine, 7/1/76 through 12/31/76.
Milner, Samuel, Professor (part-time), College of Law, 1/10/77 through
Moore, Escum L., Jr., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 1/10/77
       through 5/7/77.
Savage, Joe C., Professor (part-time), College of Law, 1/10/77 through


Lutes, Marvin R., from Clinical Professor (voluntary), to Professor (part-tine),
      Department of Endodontics, College of Dentistry, 2/1/77 through 6/30/77.
Mays, E. Truman, from Professor (with tenure), to Clinical Professor (voluntary).
       (without tenure), Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, 1/1/77
       through 6/30(/79.
Roeckel, Irene E., from Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary), to Associate
       Clinical Professor (part-tin e), Department of Pathology, College of
       Medicine, 1/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Selke, Albert C. , Jr., from Associate Professor (with tenure), to Associate
      Professor*- (with tenure), Department of Diagnostic Radiology Pediatrics,
      College of Medicine, effective 1/1/77.


Alley, Anne Lee, County Extension Secretary, Cooperative Extension,
      College of Agriculture, after 26 consecutive years of service,
      effective 11/29/76.
Archdeacon, James W., Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
      College of Medicine, after 31 consecutive years of service, effective
Bradshaw, Marion A., Assistant Superintendent, Physical Plant Division,
      after 31.5 consecutive years of service, effective 3/1/77.
Carter, Grace, Cook, Baker, Auxiliary Services, after 40. 5 consecutive
      years of service, effective 2/21/77.
Dimm, Ruby, Team Leader, Nursing Services, after 15 consecutive years
      of service, effective 3/5/77.
McCaw, Ruby S., Administrative Assistant, Auxiliary Services, after 17
      consecutive years of service, effective 7/1/77.
McDaniel, John S., Stores Workman, Auxiliary Services, after 28 consecutive
      years of service, effective 3/30/77.

'Special Title Series



McGuire, William R., Superintendent, Physical Plant Division, after 16. 5
       consecutive years of service. effective 6/1/77.
Medley, James C., Motor Pool Dispatcher, Business Services, after 15 consecu-
       tive years of service, effective 5/28/77.
Poindexter, Lillian B., Manager, Linen Room, Environmental Services, after
       15 consecutive years of service, effective 4/5/77.
Smith, Mary N., Account Clerk, Auxiliary Services, after 25. 5 consecutive
       years of service, effective 7/1/77.
Stewart, Ida S., Clerical Assistant, Outpatient Clinic, after 15 consecutive
       years of service, effective 4/16/77.
Varrone, Olga A., Administrative Assistant, Alumni Affairs, after 22
       consecutive years of service, effective 7/1/77.
Williams, Byron D., Maintenance Worker, 4-H, Agriculture, after 15
       consecutive years of service, effective 3/5/77.

Post-Retirement Appointment

Drucker, Phillip, Professor (with tenure), Department of Anthropology,
       College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78

                      ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

New Appointments

College of Agriculture
Olson, Kenneth E., Assistant Extention Professor', Department of Animal
      Sciences, 1/24/77 through 6/30/77.
Taraba, Joseph L , Assistant Extension Professor-, Department of Agricultural
      Engineering, 12/8/76 through 6/30/77.

College of Allied Health Professions
Aeschlernan, Ellen, Instructor (part-time), Department of Medical Technology,
       1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
Chandler, Pauline, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Collins, Michael L., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Dean, Roberta, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
France, Wilma, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
Frazier, Chalmer H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research,. 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

*Special Title Series



  Hobbs, Rebecca Trigg, Instructor:, Department of Dental Hygiene, 2/11/77
         through 6/30/77.
  Huskisson, Marlene, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
         Health Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
  Kauble, Eva Joy Milam, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied
         Health Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
  Lippert, Marilyn, Instructor (part-time), Department of Medical Technology,
         1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
  May, Mary, instructor (part-time), Department of Allied Health Education and
         Research, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
  Nusbacher, Brian, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
         Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
  Rice, Wayne D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical
         Therapy, 11/9/76 through 6/30/77.
  Risner, Denise, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
         Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
  St. John, Deborah, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
         Education and Research, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
  Vorbeck, Vivian, Clinical Instructor (voluntary). Department of Allied Health
         Education and Research, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
  York, Julia, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Allied Health
         Education and Research, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

  College of Architecture
  Godfrey, Michael, Instructor (part-time), 1/1/77 through 5/31/77.
  Polsinelli, Vincent, Instructor (part-time), 1/1/77 through 5/31/77.

  College of Arts and Sciences
  Burkhead, John D., Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of
         Sociology, 9/1/76 through 6/30/77.
  Hutchins, Gerald L., Visiting Lecturer (part-time), Department of Political
         Science, l/l/77 through 6/30/77.
  Likens, Thomas W., Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science,
         8/16/77 through 6/30/78.
  MacAdam, Keith B., Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
         8/16/77 through 6/30/78.
 Schensul, Jean J., Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
        Anthropology, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77, Request waiver of nepotism
        rule, husband being appointed Associate Visiting Professor, Department
        of Anthroplogy.

College of Business and Economics
Baldwin, William T., Instructor (part-time), Department of Economics,
        l/1/77 through 5/31/77.
Howard, James E., Instructor (part-time), Department of Business Administration.
        l/l/77 through 5/31/77.

*Special Title Series



Nachmias, Chava, Instructor (part-time), Department of Business Administration,
       1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
Nicholson, Arthur, Instructor (part-time), Department of Business Administration,
       1/l/77 through 5/31/77.

College of Dentistry
Lerner, Michael H., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Community
       Dentistry, 11/22/76 through 6/30/77.
Zeh, Steven, Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Restorative
       Dentistry, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

College of Home Economics
Brannon, Janice L., Instructor (part-time), Department of Textiles, Clothing
      and Merchandising, 1/1/77 through 5/31/77.

College of Education
Lipton, Leonard, Instructor (part-time) (temporary), Department of Psychology
      and Counseling, 1/12/77 through 5/15/77.

College of Engineering
Edwards, Richard G., Visiting Lecturer (part-time), Department of Engineering
      Mechanics, 1/3/77 through 4/30/77.
Mayes, Jesse G., Lecturer (part-time), Department of Engineering Mechanics,
       1/3/77 through 4/30/77.

College of Medicine
Damron, James R., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
      Diagnostic Radiology, 2/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Mossman, Robert G., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of
      Anesthesiology, 1/1/77 through 2/15/77.

College of Nursing
Evans, Rosalie, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
Wika, Judith, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

College of Pharmacy
Bosley, Jane C., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 3/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Burton, Billy P., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 1/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Coomes, Bernard L., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 3/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Tanner, David J., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 2/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Wallace, Bruce W., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), 2/1/77 through 6/30/78.

College of Social Professions
Arnett, Douglas O'Neil, Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of Social
       Work, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

U.K. Center at Fort Knox
Eaton, Newell Kent, Visiting Assistant Professor-, 9/1/76 through 5/31/77.

ISpecial Title Series



Community College System

Ashland Community College
Allen, William G., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       11/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Arrington, W. L., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Crider, Bob, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Evans, Paul W., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary).
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Franz, Lewis E. Jr., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Keeton, Janet, Instructor in the Community College System, 1/1/77 through
Lewis, H. B., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Lewis, Ronald, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary).
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Littleton, W. C., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Lovin, William, Instructor in the Community College Systerr (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Moore, Andrew, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary).
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Mullins, Elmer, Instructor in the Community College System voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Noe, Ednaearle, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Poindexter, J. B., Jr., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Potter, Willis C., Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Roy, E. Kendall, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Savage, Paul J., Instructor in the Comnmunity College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Stansbury, C. Michal, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary).
       11/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Templeton, Carolyn, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Thomas, Paul, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       8/1/76 through 6/30/77.

Elizabethtown Community College
Perkins, Marolyn, Instructor in the Community College System, 1/1/77
       through 6/30/77.



Shircliff, Rhonad A., Instructor in the Community College System,
       1/27/77 through 5/31/77.

Henderson Community College
Gough, Elva Ruth, Instructor in the Community College System, 1/1/77
       through 7/30/77.

Jefferson Community College
Albert, Ira B., Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 1/1/77
       through 6/30/77.
Dwyer, Patricia, Instructor in the Community College System, 1/1/77
       through 6/30/77.
Lugg, Bonelyn L., Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
       and Coordinator, Public Relations, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

Lexington Technical Institute
Lilly, John H., Instructor in the Community College System, 1/1/77 through
Zwagil, Larry, Instructor in the Community College Systerm (voluntary),
       9/1/76 through 5/31/77.

Madisonville Community College
Ashby, Barbara B., Instructor in the Community College System, 1/1/77
       through 6/30/77.
Gibson, Harold W., Instructor in the Community College System, 1/1/77
      through 6/30/77.

Somerset Community College
VanderWilt, Suellen, Instructor in the Community College System, 1/24/77
      through 5/31/77.
VanderWilt, Daryl J., Assistant Professor in the Community College System,
      and Associate Director, 12/20/76 through 6/30/77.

Southeast Community College
Blanton, Judy, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       9/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Brown, Pat, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       9/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Cox, Karen, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       9/1/76 through 5/31/77.
Ramsey, Pat, Instructor in the Community College System (voluntary),
       9/1/76 through 5/31/77.



Non-Academic Appointment

Blouin, Maureen, Pharmacist, College of Pharmacy, 1/3/77 through

Joint Appointments

Foster, Thomas S., Assistant Professor*, College of Pharmacy, also
       named Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, College
       of Medicine, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77.
Rabel, Robert J., Assistant Professor, Honors Program, Undergraduate Studies,
       also named Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Languages, Under-
       graduate Studies, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.

Administrative Appointments

Ambrose, Charles T., Professor, (with tenure), named Acting Chairman,
       Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, College of
       Medicine, 1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

Promotions (without tenure)

Kelly, Dorothy, from Instructor to Assistant Professor, Department of
      Special Education, College of Education, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
McKibben, Vivian, from Instructor, Applied Physical Education* to
      Assistant Professor, Applied Physical Education', Department of
      Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, College of Education,
      1/1/77 through 6/30/79.
Magretta, William R., from Instructor to Assistant Professor, Department
      of English, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/77 through 12/31/77.


Arts and Sciences
Deering, Claudia, Visiting Assistant Professor (temporary), Department of
      Germanic Languages and Literatures, 1/1/77 through 5/31/77.
Redmon, Delmar Ray, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of
      Philosophy, 1/1/77 through 5/31/77.
Sorokin, Larisa, Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of Slavic and
      Oriental Languages, 8/1/76 through 5/31/77, Request waiver of
      nepotism, wife of Boris Sorokin, Assistant Professor in Department
      of Slavic and Oriental Languages and Literatures.

'Special Title Series


- 1 1 -

Varela, Luis Quiros, Visiting Lecturer, Department of Political Science,
       1/1/77 through 6/30/77.
White, Ronald F., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of Philosophy,
       1/1/77 through 5/31/77.

College of Architecture
Von Roenn, Kenneth, Jr., Visiting Critic (part-time), 1/1/77 through 5/31/*7i.

College of Business and Economics
Diachun, Eunice, Instructor (part-time), Department of Business Administration,
       1/1/77 through 6/30/77.

College of Education
Berdine, William AL , Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education,
       7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Cramer, Alberta, Instructor (part-time), Department of Health, Physical
       Education and Recreation, 1/1/77 through 5/15/77.
-Culatta, Barbara, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education,
       7/1/77 through 6/30/79.
Fox, Anne C., Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction,
       7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Gast, David, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, 7/1/77
       through 6/30/79.
Johnson, Robert E., Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical
       Education, and Recreation, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Kershman, Susan M., Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education,
       7/1/77 through 6/30/79.
Labanowich, Stanley, Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical
       Education and Recreation, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Leach, Wesley B., Adjunct Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
       Health, Thysical Education, and Recreation, 1/1/77 through 5/15/77.
Loye, Anne C., Instructor, Department of Health, Physical Education, and
       Recreation, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78.
Middleton, Ernest, Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and
       Instruction, 7/1/77 through 6/30/79.