xt70p26pzp92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70p26pzp92/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960-04-may25. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-04-may25. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-04-may25. 1960 1960-04-may25. 2011 true xt70p26pzp92 section xt70p26pzp92 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University'
of Kentucky, May 25, i960.

        The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the
President' s Office on the campus of the University at 10:15 a. m. , EST,
Wednesday, May 25, 1960, with the following members present: Governor
Bert T. Combs, Chairman; R. P. Hobson, R. W. Bushart, H. B. Mur-
ray, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Harper Gatton, Dr. Paul B. Hall, Clifford
E. Smith, Floyd H. Wright, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, J. Stephen Watkins,
Robert Hillenrneyer, Aubrey J. Brown and Thomas D. Clark. Absent:
William F. Foster, Emerson Beauchamp and Wendell P. Butler. Also
present were President Frank G.Dickey, George R. Kavanaugh, Acting
Secretary of the Board; and Oliver Clay Maupin, Director of Accounting
and Budgetary Control.

        A. Temporary Chairman and Acting Secretary.

        President Dickey explained that Governor Combs, Chairman of
the Board, and Mr. Hobson, Vice Chairman, were expected but had not
arrived, and suggested that Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci serve as Acting Chair-
man pro tem.  Dr. Angelucci assumed the chair.

        In the absence of Mr. Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board,
Mr. George R. Kavanaugh was asked to serve as Acting Secretary.

        B. Devotional and Prayer.

        Doctor Angelucci called the meeting to order. He then introduced
the Rev. E. Ray Jones, pastor of the Gardenside Christian Church, Lexington,
present by invitation, who presented a brief, inspiring devotional, concluding
with prayer.

        C. Oath of Office Taken by New Members.

        Dr. Angelucci introduced the four new members of the Board, R. W.
Bushart, H. B. Murray, Aubrey J. Brown and Thomas D. Clark. After
cordial expressions of welcome by the Acting Chairman and President Dickey,
the new members took the oath of office, administered by Mrs. Esther D.
McChesney, Notary Public.

        (Governor Combs, Chairman, arrived at 10:30 a. m. He expressed
his regrets in being delayed by business at the Capitol. Dr. Angelucci,
after explaining the status of the Agenda to that time, relinquished the chair
to Governor Combs, who presided thereafter. )

(Mr. Hobson, Vice Chairman, arrived about ten minutes later. )



        D. Approval of Minutes.

        Upon motion by Mr. Watkins, seconded by Mr. Gatton, and carried,
the minutes of the Board of Trustees of April 5, 1960, were approved, sub-
ject to this correction by Mr. J. S. Watkins, as follows:

           The action reported in Section X, page 44, relative to
        the Budget being submitted ten days in advance of the Board
        meeting, was likewise to apply to all Financial Reports.

        E. Financial Report.

        The Financial Report for the fiscal period July 1, 1959 through
April 30, 1960, copies of which had previously been sent to the members,
was presented by Mr. Clay Maupin, Director of Accounting and Budgetary
Control, who offered to make any explanations requested by members of
the Board.

        Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Watkins, the Financial
Report was ordered accepted and incorporated in the minutes of this meet-


              UNIVERSITY               OF KENTUCKY

                                                            May 7, 1960

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

       I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the University of
Kentucky for the ten months period ended April 30, 1960. This report contains
a balance sheet and related financial statements which present a complete
financial picture of the period for all funds of the University.

      The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the period reflect
income realized for educational and general purposes in the amount of
$ 14, 062, 114. 89 or 98. 2% of the budget estimate of $ 14,324, 221. 10. The
expenditures, including encumbrances outstanding, amount to $ 11, 586, 601. 96.
This represents 81. 1% of the total Current General Fund Appropriations of
$ 14, 294, 177. 96.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      Frank D. Peterson
                                      Vice President
                                      Business Administration



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   April 30, 1960


I.   Current Funds:
     A. General-
          Cash in Bank
          Available Balance, State Appropriation
          Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
          Deferred Charges
          Unrealized Incx me

$ 698,288.73
1, 281, 042. 76
1,573, 573.35
   257, 205.00
   52, 666. 20

Total General


B. Restricted-
     Cash in Bank
     Petty Cash Advances
     Accounts Receivable

$  460,980.57
    16, 508. 50

Total Restricted


$ 6, 711, 186. 66

Total Current Funds

II.   Loan Funds:
           Cash in Bank
           Notes Receivable

$    .1,848,25
   208, 059. 41
   48,500. 00

Total Loan Funds

III.  Endowment Funds:
           Cash in Bank

$  261,407.66

$    6,653. 32
   229, 955. 49

Total Endowment Funds                                          $  236,608.81



University of Kentucky
    Balance Sheet
    April 30, 1960


I. Current Funds:
   A. General-
         Reserve for Departmental Requisitions
         Reserve for Inventories
         Reserve for Auxiliary Enterprises
         Other Liabilities
         Appropriation Balances
         Unappropriated Surplus:
         Division of Colleges
         Medical Center
         Agricultural Experiment Station

               $  820,906.04
                  257, 205.00
                  56, 893.40
                  52,666. 20
                2, 808,669. 06

$ ( 67, 069.58 )
   216,939.72 _

Total General

$ 4 155,429. 93

    B. Restricted-
          Outstanding Check Liability
          Restricted Fund Balances

              Total Restricted

              Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
          Principal Balances
          Expendable Balances

Total Loan Funds

III. Endowment Funds:
          Principal Balances
          Expendable Balances

$   12, 795. 23

2, 555, "56. 73

$ 6, 711l 186. 66

$  231,525.92
    29, 881. 74

$  261, 407.66

$  228,767 26
     7,841. 55

Total Endowment Funds                                          $   236, 608. 81

( Deficit )



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  April 30, 1960


IV.  Plant Funds:
     A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
          Available Balance, State Approps.        $ 1
          Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer

                 Total Unexpended Plant Funds

     B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds:
          Cash in Bank                            $
          Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
          Cash on Deposit, Trustee
          Unrealized Income

                 Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds

     C. Invested in Plant:
          Buildings                                3
          Equipment                                I
          Construction in Progress                 2

2,806, 880.49
1, 552, 834. 92

           $ 14, 359, 715.42

  289, 713.78
  26, 265.45


3, 213,
9, 490,
1, 135,
1, 833,

336. 23
962. 00
905. 36
167. 61

Total Invested in Plant

Total Plant Funds

V.   Agency Funds:
          Cash in Bank

75, 673, 371. 20

             $90, 695, 13 1. 9

$ ( 35,885.46)
    180, 967. 19

Total Agency Funds

$   145, 081. 73

( negative figure )



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   April 30, 1960


IV.  Plant Funds:
     A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
            Reserve for Plant Req's
            Plant Appropriation Balance

              Total Unexpended Plant Funds

     B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds:
            Fund Balances

              Total Retirement of Indebtedness

     C. Invested in Plant-
            Bonds Payable
            Due to Other Governmental Units
            Net Investment in Plant

              Total Invested in Plant

$ 11964, 836. 38
  2,394,879. 04


$   662,045.30

662. 045. 30

$ 12,761,500.00
    355, 115. 73
 62, 556, 755.47

75,673,371. 20

Total Plant Funds

V.   Agency Funds:
            Agency Funds Balances

$ 90,695, 131.92

$   145,081. 73

Total Agency Funds

$   145,081.:73


          University of Kentucky
      Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Wthich Began
     July 1, 1959 and ended April 30, 1960

                  GENERAL FUND

I. Educational and General:
  A. Student Fees-
      Incidental Fees and Tuition
      Training School Fees
      Adult and Extension Education Fees

      Total Student Fees

  B. State Appropriations-
      Division of Colleges
      Medical Center
      Geological Projects
      Agricultural Experiment Station
      Agricultural Extension Service

      Total State Appropriations

  C. Federal Grants-
      Division of Colleges
      Agricultural Experiment Station
      Agricultural Extension Service

      Total Federal Grants

  D. Endowmnent income

  E. Sales and Services of Educational Depts.
      Division of Colleges
      Agricultural Experiment Station

Total Sales and Services of Educational Depts

F. Returned Checks

    Total Educational and General


$ 1, 328, 000. 00
     36, 000.00
     136, 000. 00


$ 1,210,568.40




117, 431. 60
2, 625. 00
34, 344. 45

$ 1,500,000.00 $ 1,345,598. 95 $    154,401. 15

$ 6, 141, 390.00 $ 6,141, 390.00 $
    978,500.00      978,500.00
    187, 300. 00    187, 300.00
    862.500.00      862,500.00
    972, 000. 00    97 2,000. 00

$ 9,141,690.00 $ 9,141,690.00 $

$   146,009.60 $     128,876.31 $     17, 133. 29
    866,79L.00      866,791.00
  1,955,81 100    1,955.811.00

$ 2,968,611.60 $ 2,951,4'77,.3  $    17,133.29

$    43,919.50 $       t,437.50 $     34,482.00

$    20,000.00


29, 841.152
.585 594. 35


( 9.841.52)
64, 405. (i5

$   670. 000.00 $   615, 435. 87 $   54,564. 13

$               $    , 1,525.74) $     1, 525 74

$ 14, 324, 221. 10 $ 14, 062, 114. 89 $  262_ i {06. 2l

EI. Service Enterprises:
        Post Office

HI. Auxiliary Enterprises:
   Men's Residence Halls
   Women's Residence Halls

       Total Auxiliary Enterprises

$     4, 000. 00 $   _ 9,19. 80

$   224, 751.00 $  209, 614.47
    442,674.00     421, 343. 05

$   667,425.00 $em 630,9557.52

$     5u,99-80

$    15 1i36,5 93
     21, 330. 95

$    36,467.48

Total General Ftud Income

$14,995,646. 10 $14,702,992.21 $  292, 653. 89

n negative figure )


        University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period VWich Began
July 1, 1959 and ended April 30, 1960

I.    Educational and General:
      A. General

Appropriation  Expenditures  Outstanding

$  261,018.50 $  183, 655. 98 $


7, 335.92 $  70, 026.60

B. General Expenses-
   Student Services
   Staff Welfare
   General Institutional Services

   Total General Expenses   $

C. Instruction and Departmental

120, 000. 00

282,517. 65



G2, 373. 26
11, 011.35
32., 263. 26

634, 812. 85 $  503, 126. 16 $  26, 038. 82 $  105,647. 87

    College of:
    Agr. and Home Ec.
    Arts and Sciences
    Graduate School
    Univ. Honors Program
    Univ. Extended Programs

    Total Instruction and Dept.

D. Activities Relating to
    Educational Depts.

E. Organized Research-
    University Research
    Agricultural Experiment

    Total Organized Research

F. Extension and Public
    Services -
    Univ. Ext. and Public Ser.
    Agr. Extension Ser.

    Total Extension and Public

$  421,683. 38
2,263, 265. 76
   275, 518.37
   578, 019. 75
   132, 994.66
   23, 803.38
     6, 000.00

  222,954. 51
  106,401. 28
  34, 079. 93
  82, 103. 00
  18, &61. 33
    2, 597. 64
  363, 351. 14


19, 995. 20
1, 635.85
5 396. 30
47. 256.91
1 ,593. 57
   150. 00
i4,901. 40


76,481. 03
395,050. .53
50, 928. 01
94, 0623. 40
92,968. 56
24, 905. 40
  ,653. 74
  25, 245. 09
  4, 795. 45
  3. 252. 36
137. 101. 36

$5,328,494.84 $4,200, 437.67 $  1iO, 378.26 $1,_20,673.91

$   55, 168.00 $  41,895. 78 $   2,643.91 $   1 0.628,31

   197,016.09    146,172. 18    19, 073. 12   319770. 79

 2,363,496.00  1,761,451,13    160,136,19  -441,908.68

$ 2,560,512.09 $ 1,907,623.31 $  179,209.31 $  473,679.47

$  434,098.86 $  208,033.94 $  128,270. 10 $  97, 794. 82
2,927,811.00  2,355,670.47     20.687.61    551,452. 92

$3,361,909.86 $2,563,704. 41 $  148,957.71 $  649,247.74



          University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
   July 1, 1959 and ended April 30, 1960





G. Libraries

$ 520,810.37 $ 442,353.26 $

9,268.66 $  69,188.45

        H. Operation and Maintenance of
             Physical Plant

             Total Educational and
             General                $1

II. Service Enterprises:
     Post Office                   $

m11. Auxiliary Enterprises:
     Men's Residence Halls
     Women's Residence Halls

            Total Auxiliary Enterprises $

IV. Student Aid                     $

V.  Working Capital

VI. Clearing Accounts

VII. Debt Service-Bonds Retired
     Debt Service-Reserve

           Total Departmental
             Appropriations          $

1,571,451.45  1,056,553.76  206,419.04   308,478.65

4,294,177.96 $10,899,350. 33 $  687, 251.63 $ 2, 707,576.00

   27,300.98$    21,681.74 $        52.89 $     5,566.35

   203,800.00    184,098.69       4,212.98      15,488.33
 414,953.00   326,603.11    12,014.10    76,335.79

 618,753.00 $ 510,701.80 $  16,227.08 $  91,824.12

   4,000.00 $    3,600.00                        400.00

   75, 000. 00  46,480.40 )  97,647.06    23,833. 34

   2,000.67    20,823. 57    1, 707.85   (20, 530. 75

   52,000.00    52,000.00
   6,252.50      6,252.50

15,079,485.1 1 $ 11,467,929.54 $  802,886.51 $2,808,669.06

( negative figure )


        University of Kentucky
 Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and ended April 30, 1960

Appropriations Expenditures

Unexpended Plant Funds-
Construction Exp. Station       $   14u, 949. 17
Univ. of Ky. Electrical Dist. System  35,091.72
Holmes Hall- Univ. Appro.             44,781.49
Medical School                       132, 673. 99
Medical School Library Acq. & Supplies 100,000.10
Medical Science Building              70, 027.45
Alpha Tau Omega Building               16, 027. 10
Men s New Dormitory                  328, 997.23
Northern Extension Center             39, 947. 18
Western Extension Center              78,568. 98
Medica1 Center Heating and Cooling
Plant Project                        15, 853. 96
Southeastern Ky. Extension Center    61, 062.54
Women's Dorm Arch Services            54,115.73
University of Kentucky Medical Center
Hosp. & Outpatient Clinic           178, 700. 46
University of Kentucky Expansion of
M. King Libraiy                      19, 245.00
Reynolds Property                     100,000.00
Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs-
University of Kentucly                6, 500. 00
Medical School Clearing             1,073,791.00
University of Kentucky Medical
Center Landscaping                    1,500.00
Purchase of Spindletop Farm           150, 000. 00
Additiovn of Student Union Building  19, 150. 00
U. of Ky. Life Museum ( Waveland)    10, 990. 00
University of Kentucky Steam and Return


34, 088. 72

Encumbrances Balance


95, 070. 26
1,575. 37
10, 226.55
8, 759. 37
   533. 40
 5, 121.48

 3,543. 21
 14,259. 37

37,995.34 $

36, 235.47

42, 040. 35
   700. 00
13, 263. 74

59, 500.46

15, 601. 97
5, 299. 90
38, 149.41

101, 593.43
  1, 003. 00
44, 781.49
4,929. 84
26,411. 73
  5, 1 005 55
306,974. 12
39,413. 78
13,947. 04

    251. 99
 52, 219 43
 1, 706. 95

41, 029. 60  137,670. 86

100,000. 00

19, 188.40

6,500. 00

150, 000. 00
1,999. 00
10, 990. (O

5G, 60 6 )


1,500. 00

15, p 1 1. 00

2, 0 34. 0 0

Line Renovation
Medical Science Building and Equip.
Alpha Gamma Rho Frat. House
Sigma Chi Frat. House
Medical School-Dental Wling
Dental Science Building Equipment
Phy, s7ical Science Building
Commerce Building

Total IUnexpended Plant Funds

  150, 000.00
  150, 000. 00
   33, 000.00
   2,000. 00

6, 264. 30
26, 338. 82
5,670. 00
5,670. 00
93, 606. 66
3, 750. 00

    8, 000. 00   89, 735 '70
  451, 265. 20   128, (6:7. 05
                 144, 330. 00
                 144,3)30. 00
2, 159, 595.09    45, 1 98 25
   28,706.71         543. 29
                  21, 200.00
                  2, 000. 00

$6,042, 244.17 $  669, 176.49 $ 2, 978 188.64 $ 2, 394, 879. 04

II.  Retirement of Indebtedness Funds-
     A. Debt Service Fund-
         1st P. W. A.. Issue
         2nd. P. W. A. IssivE
         Dormitoiy Rev. Bond Issue
         Auditorium Field House Issue
         Library Building Issue
         Stadium Addition Issue
         Dorm. Rev. Issue ( 456 Rose)

$   36,939.60
    24, 723. 25
    63, 158.78
    19, 758. 26

$      936. 25
    56, 756 25
    35, 080. 00
    19,687. 50
    4, 046. 90

$   36, 003'. 35
        96 41
    21,910. 75
    6,402. 53
    45, 518.3 1
        7)0. 76
     2, 242, 90




        University of Kentucky
 Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
   July 1, 1959 and ended April 30, 1960

Appropriations Expenditures

Journalism Building Bond Issue
Dormitory Rev. Issue ( 476 Rose
Student Dormitories ( U. of Ky. )
Student Dorm ( Kappa Sigma)
Student Dorm ( Lambda Chi )
Student Dorm ( Phi Sigma Kappa)
Student Dorm ( Pi Kappa Alpha )
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1952
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1954
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1955-
Cooperstown Apartments
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Six Sorority Dorms
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Student Dorms Reserve
Dormitory Revenue Bond of 1956-
336 Clifton Avenue
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of ].956-
Holmes Hall
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1957-
468 Rose Street
Dormitory Revenue Bonds-
342 Clifton Avenue
Housing Bond of 1958- Men's Dorm

    Total Debt Service

$   29,048.50 $
     5, 029. 93
     20, 154.57
     10, 921.46
     10, 311.62
     59,950. 50

   201, 958. 15

   52, 217. 00

18, 750. 00

8, 324. 00

47, 520. 00


8, 166.00

3, 235. 00

12, 732. 50
2, 895. 00
12, 884. 18
6,442. 08
6, 442. 08
6,442. 08
6,442. 08
59, 615. 00
31, 392. 50


20, 435. 00

3,135. 00

Encumbrances Balance

$             $    16, 316. 00
                    2, 134. 93
                    7, 270. 39
                    4, 479. 38
                    5,421 32
                    3, 869. 54
                    4,474. 87
                      335. 50
                      139. 61

157,541. 15

31,782. 00

18, 755=0 00

5, i891 00

47, 425. 00


95 00

180. (0

3d. 10

8, 130. 00

3, 235. 00

    25, 866.00   25, 866.00

$  895,427.84 $ 525,168.14 $                $  370,25t. tO

B. Sinking Fund Reserves with
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1955-
   Res. Holmes Hall             $
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1956-
     Res. Shawneetown
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1952- Res.
   Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1954-Res

   Total Sinking Fmnd Reserve    $

31,340.87 $

102, 632. 10


$   31 1.`340. SC

104, 466. vai
102. 632.10

;. 3, 346. 29                                 53, 346. 29

291,785.60 $              $             $   291, 783.6 (z,0

Total Retirement of Indebtedness
Funds                       $ 1,187,213.44 $

525, 168. 14 $

$  6621 r045. 30

Total Plant Fund Appropriations $ 7, 229, 457. 61

$1,194,344.63 $2,978, 188.64 $3, 056, 924 i34

( negative figure )


        University of Kentucky
Statement of Other Fund Transactions
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and ended April 30, 1960

Restricted Funds:

    Fund Balances

Loan Fund:


Endowment Funds:


Agency Funds:

             Combined Totals

July 1, 1959   Receipts

Disburse-      Balances -
ments         April 30, 1960

$2,672,181.74 $6,410,990.40 $6,540,210.64 $2,542,961.50

$  109, 002. 58 $ 122, 523. 34 $             $  231,525. 92
    39, 925. 60  ( 9, 755. 32) 1  288.54     29, 881. 74

$  148,928. 18 $  112,768.02 $     288.54 $  261,407.66

$  228, 242. 41 $     524. 85 $              $  228,767.26
     6,851.00       1,480.55         490.00       7,841.55

$  235,093.41 $    2, 005. 40 $    490.00 $  236, 608. 81

$  163,473.05 $ 1, 061, 528. 20 $ 1, 079,919.52 $  145,081. 73

$ 3, 219, 676. 38 $ 7, 587, 292.0 2 $ 7,620, 908. 70 $ 3, 186, 059. 70

( negative figure )

1. $ 12, 250. 34 transferred from Expendable to Principal Fund, which represents 1/9
   of the Federal Contribution for National Defense Student Loan Fund.




        F. University Purchases Approved.

        President Dickey presented a report of requisitions, emergency
requisitions, special orders, vouchers and other documents for the period
January 1 through March 31, 1960, as follows:

        S. D. Orders ......................,Inclusive 105-234
        State Requisitions  ................   Inclusive 751-1245
        Emergencies, State .Inclusive 392-562
        Special Orders .............,.,.,.Inclusive 9166-9600
                                                   and 1-1114
        Job Order Vouchers .Inclusive 11983-12388
        Stores Vouchers .Inclusive 2955-3877
        Vouchers .Inclusive 10843-16753
        Order by Letters .Inclusive 603-857
        Athletic Orders                        Inclusive 102-134
        Emergency Purchase Orders ........     Inclusive B753-B1068
                                                   L887-L 1353
        Stores Material Requisitions  ........  Inclusive 7961-12001
        Food Storage Orders .Inclusive 2828-.3000
                                                   and 1-285
       Requests for Quotations ............. Inclusive 1802-2706

        Upon motion duly made by Dr.Angelucci, seconded by Mr. Gatton,
and carried, the members confirmed and approved the purchases and com-
mitments as recorded above.

        G. Agreement with Hercules Powder Company.

        President Dickey presented an Agreement with the Hercules Powder
Company for a grant of $500. 00 to the Department of Entomology and Botany
for the period January 1 to December 31, 1960, to aid in experimental work
in the effectiveness of taxaphene sprays and granules for control of corn
and sorghum insects.

        On motion of Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Watkins, and
carried, the Agreement was approved and ordered executed.

        H. Contract with U. S. Department of Agriculture Approved.

        President Dickey presented a proposed contract between the United
States Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station
of the University of Kentucky, whereby the former would furnish a grant
in the amount of $19,150, for a study of the cost and efficiency of loose-leaf
burley tobacco auctions in Kentucky.



        Upon motion by Mr. Smith, seconded bv Mr. Watkins, and carried,
the contract was approved and ordered executed.

       I. Approval of Candidates for Degrees Recommended.

       President Dickey submitted the following list of candidates for
degrees at the May Commencement, 1960, and recommended approval.

                       GRADUATE SCHOOL

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education

Frank Dawson Bean
Fred Anton Bunger
Burma Willis Caldwell
Paul Andrew Clark

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Jerry Eugene Berger
Harvey Berlin
Willard Bruce Brown
Rufus Adrian Cherry, Jr.
Joe Clark Christian
Edward McKenzie Coffman
Thomas Larry Dawson
Donald Ray Dowden
Joseph John Duetsch
William Edward Edmonston, Jr.

Clyde Lynn Orr
Roscoe Herman Playforth
Bernard Mason Smith

Erwina Edwards Godfrey
Eugene C. Holshouser
Yoshio Garrick Ishida
William Marshall Jenkins,Jr.
Hobart Wayne Jones
Robert Eugene Leary
Chester Lee Miracle
Robert Frank Munson
John A. 0' Donnell
George W. Pope


Clovis Boyd Ramsey
John Connell Robertson
Harry McCullough Smiley

Robert Bennett Tucker
Joe Warren Vaughn
Raymond Abell Wilkie, Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Specialist in Education

Bernard Thomas Fagan
Bently Jones Hilton

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts

James Paul Akin
Paul Albert Crawley
William Jerome Crouch
Lyman Russell Dale
Patricia Blackburn Deacon
Robert Allen DeBurger
Gordon Frederick De Jong
Glenn Urey Dorroh, Jr.
Thomas Doris Duncan
Arthur B. Fein
Cloyd Herbert Finch,Jr.
Edward Earl Gibbons
Martha Viola Gray
Edward Dale Greene
Henry John Hubert

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science

Hira Lall Baisya
Truman Rai Bryant
Richard Grant Cooper
Frederick Gerald Cox
Mary Ellen Curtin
Robert Smyth Da-vis
Wallace Douglas Dawson, Jr.
William Robert Elsaesser
Donald Tha Frazier
James Franklin Harrison Johnson
Francis Edward Johnston

James Hayden Igleheart, Jr.
Cann Mart.n lsaacs
Ursula Dersch Lawson
William Henry LivingsJr.
Thomas John McCrystal
Joan Lucille McGee
John Richard McWilliams
Ballard Jewell Moore
Cecil Eugene Neff, Jr.
Albert Doc Nutgrass,Jr.
Claude C. Sturgill
Melissa Annette Tatman
Jerry Earl Waters
Clifford van W'-nipple
John Wesley Sheiton

Jerry Porter King
Lowell Franklin King
Richard Compton Lamb
Thomas Edsel Newman
Logan Reid Patterson
Kermit Cecil Ramey
Earl Arthur Rubley
Harris William Terrell,Jr.
James Tlbomras Wallace
James Walter Wilson

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Agr~icu~jlture

John William Adams
James Russell Bingham
Leroy Houston Boyd
Gerald W. Brown

James Albert Burrus
Harold Wallace Childress
Carl Sigler Corbin
Frank Ramsey Cox, Jr.


Mildred Irene Atkins
Amanda Campbell



Hubert W. Davis
John Kenneth Evans
Wiley B. Faw
Claude Edwin Gentry
Carroll Edmond Graves
Ronnie Clark Graves
Randall Darrell Grooms
Samuel Jones, Jr.
Paul Glenden Justis
Dogan Kayiran
Jerome E. Lawson
Leo Aloysius Link
Logan Thompson Louderback

Richie Howard Lowe
William Edwin Moss
Walter Ray Prince
Billy Thomas Ridgway
Evan Ray Russell
Donald Shadoan
Jorge P. Silva
George Calvin Skelley, Jr.
Jones H. Smiley
William Roderick Summerhill, Jr.
Kuo-Fang Tung
William Cleland White LII
Henry Russell Wilson

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Home Economics

Beverly Simpson Claunch
Rohini Amritlal Doshi

Nell Shearer Zimmer

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science i-'n Civil Engineern

John A ]len Deacon
Robert Leon Florence
Freeland Harris, Jr.
John Owen Hibbs

Aubrey Donald May
Harold Gene Mays
Eugene Franklin Smith

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineerin

Doyle Ross Dingus                           Coy Jackson, Jr.
Raymrond Jewel Distler

Candf.dates for the Degee of Master of Science in Mechanical Ensl.ineerj

Will Kenneth Brown, Jr.
Tchn Bernard Dressman
Cho-Yen Ho

Herschkel Oscar Knight
Charles Michael Simpson

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Me lurbce ngnerin

Dc.nald Lee Harrod



Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education.

An~ita Claire Allen
J-,an Schlegel Anderson
Jeroline Ann Baker
Lou Will Barnett
Ann Kazee Best
Norris Gene Best
Glenna Alleene Bevins
Joe Daniel Bishop
Bertha Mae Bowman
Charles E. Bratcher
Paula Strother Bryan
Michael Wallace Buice
S-ylvia Fraim Burnette
Helen Buza
Doris Elouise Cave
Andrew Frederic Chaky
Betty Anne Chambers
James Franklin Chandler
Ida Hardman Christopher
Lucile Turney Clay
Robert Norris Cocanougher
Dale Smith Combs
Joseph William Constantine
Howard Lowe Corder
Barbara Purcell Corley
David Clark Cottrell
Mabel Ruth Criswell
Marjorie Ann Davis
Joseph Robert Donovan
George Henry Edmondson
Ruby Wilson Eskew
James Robert Etherton
Mary Kathryn Faw
Betty Bishop Featherston
Elizabeth Cleary Fickes
Finnell Lambert Fields
Stanley Fizer
Wilton Hope Fuller
T-helma Breckenridge Garner
Cynthia Hales Gladden
Joan Rosalee Goldsmith
John Byron Griffy
Betty Louise Gullady
Floyd Robert Hall
Patsy Paul;.ne Hamilton
Alice Gillespie Hammons
Henry Norman Hardin
Charles Robert Harris
Minor Ronald Haycraft
Anna Ruth Hicks
Charles Hayden Hooper

Buford Thomas Horton
Elizabeth Bull Howard
Albert Herman Hutchinson,Jr.
Albert Lincoln Isham
Doris Belle Jacobs
Sutoh Jaroensuk
Elizabeth Brewer Jayne
Agnes Burnette Johnson
Hazel Warner Johnson
Roger F. "'ones
Ercie Thomas Judd
Anna Roselyn Kammer
Edsel L. Karrick
Mary Aif.ce Leslie
Va`inda Elizabeth Lewis
Allen Wrighb. Lindsay
Mallie Moss Lobb
Martha -,ea.n Locklhart
Fernita Ann Lutes
Sara" McQueen
Marion Cornett Martin
Mary Anne Martin
Dorcas ELkins Metts
Janet Sue Mitchell
Wilma Justine Mobley
Julia Montgomery Monroe
Hazel Dawn Moseley
Joseph Juni.or Mullins
Orla Dey-t :on Murphy
Bob L. Mvers
Christine Foster Myers
Marjorie Ruddle Norfleet
Moses Carroll Orem
JTon Milton Owen
Roberta Ka.y Pile Owen
Irene Elizabeth Parker
Ali Akbar Paydarfar
Mary Kennon Potts
Alice Elenora Preston
Lydia Chenault Pride
Boyd Andra Purdom
Ada Ma-ry Pyle
Charles kierbert Reedy
Theodore Reed Renaker
Ruby Engleman Riffe
Robert Lever Robertson
Maxine Gilbert Schenks
Dean LeRoy Schryer
Gladys Shlep..P..erd
David Allen Shipp
Gordon Edwin Simpson


Nellie Sue Sisk
Bill', B. Smith
Charles Leland Smith
Nannie Letton Steele
Susan Jane Stiles
James Mansfield Stodghill
Charles Straub, Jr.
Mary Matt Strong
Sarah Hanson Swinford
Edward Dodd Taylor
Helen June Toomey
Dean Owens Turisipseed
Thomas Lee Updike, Jr.
George Ellis Valentine

Wanda Crain Vice
Paul Edwin Virgin
Roland Roy Vorhees
Dennis DeVon Wade
Elizabeth Wyatt Ward
Mary Elizabeth Weathers
Laura Mildred Weddle
Leo Franklin Weddle
June Bertel West
Nancy Williams West
Mary Elizabeth Williams
Shirley Rogers Withrow
Ethel Little Wolfford

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Education

Helen Ketner Bishop
Herbert Bruce, Jr.
George Wilmer Buchanan
William Nelson Cherry
Geneva Gill Cooper
Walter Earl Cooper
Bessie Langford Covington
Evelyn Greenwade Ensor
Leila Carlisle Hammons
Harold H. Hardison
Glynna Jean Hays
Floyd T. Hensley, Jr.
Hazel Irene Hill
Wilma Clupper Holland
Pauline Stone Jones

Albert Charles Lee
James Dowden Maddox