xt70k649rz4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rz4r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1979 1979 1979-11-30 2020 true xt70k649rz4r section xt70k649rz4r I I I I
MEXICO TGfUSGS t0 re-issue S a S Vlsa
MEXICO CITY (AP) The treatment told him Wednesday he was York and went to the hospital where that the shah wasadmitted for medical threat to international peace and former Shit“ "
government said last night it will not free to travel. and there had been the shah is staying. treatment and will be leaving when he security.“ ”thflh Wind It] \fctiico June It)
let the shah of Iran back intothe COlln- reports he would return soon to his 'Ioday's New )Ur/s Dar/i News and his doctors decide it is safefor him He said one element m the ”NW.“ 0” d “>11 good 101 m moniliss but l‘or— .
try because the “situation has changed rented mansion at (‘uernavaca. 50 quoted sources who said the shah has to travel. the holding of some 50 Americans at “'5’” Mml‘“) \Pi‘ks‘smcn had said earv
radically“ in the ll.S.-lranian crisis miles south of here. arranged “a couple ofoptions for him- But another US, 0”“ch “h” did the US. Fnrhassy in lehran. and "Cl ”W “‘d “d5 80ml Only for one
and harboringthe deposed ruleris not Castaneda said Mexico's ambassa- self.“ lhe newspaper said the shah notwanttobeidentified saiditwasnot "anothercentralelemcnt mlhcm‘hh entry and L‘\|l.- lhc \lsil was dated
in Mexico‘s interest. . dor to Washington. Hugo 8' Margain. might “Ck ua‘ least temporary ”‘ch certain that the administration would the person itself of the former shah of June b and ”PM” “W q
“Thegovernment of Mexico wrllnot had informed the shah‘s family and in the Caribbean.“ decide that Egypt. which has invited Iran. , .
be ina posnion to‘r‘enew the vrsaofthe representatives 0' the deciston. . US. Stare Department spokesman the shah. ought to be given the addi- “Faced with this new situation. the "M: ””mmumm “m available onthc
‘ shah on Dec, 9. Foreign Minister Neither the shah nor his chrefspo- Walter Ramsay said.“‘l herewillbe no tional problems which might arise government of Mexico has had m shalis rjliir'jkf‘nd hjs family left
Jorge (astaneda said inastatementto kesman. Robert Armao, was available reaction from the Carter administr‘d- from harboring him, ponder all the essential factors 0! m lldll in l iirary and spent ptrriidsof
reporters. so it makes ”no sense tot for comment. Armao‘s private phone tion until we know what actually has ‘ ‘ . duty In rotect before amlhm' ‘l . time in l gypi. Moroccoandihe Baha—
him to return to Mexico.“ Castaneda had been disconnected. There also was .. d .t ' ‘ (astaneda 5 statement said? "in the th'. . . [P v . f h‘ ‘ - E L 5“ mas before taking the house in (. uer-
refused to answer reporters‘questions. no immediate comment from the occurre ‘ current moment the situation has ‘ “1“ ”mm“ 0 l L “’“mr-V nayaca. President «\itw‘ill‘ Sadat of
- Doctors at the New York hospital White Home. Officials said they did not think the changed radically. l’he world is facing “It has reachedthe concliisionthat it l'gypt. a longtime friend of the
where exiled Shah Mohammad R613 His wife. the former empress Farah Mexican decision would change the a real crisis. described by UN. Secre- would be contrary tothose intereststo deposed ruler. ilitw said repeatedly he
Pahlavi has been undergoing cancer [)iba Pahlaii. left her residenccin New Carter administration‘s basic position tary (ieneral Mr. Kurt Waldheimasa renew the tourist visa granted to the was welcome to return to l'gypt.
. . . .
; a .
' . y. r. "§Tt-1"°~» .g‘ 1 '
Vol. LXXII. No. 74 l'niursity of Kentucky "its? ‘5: *f y y .
~ Friday. November 30. l979 _ luminous Kentuck.i 5 h ,-,;-- 1. . ~ '~
an independent student newspaper , ‘ _ 33‘ __
. . ‘ s V\\
Beginning JUIY 1 .... s? '
. s ‘
Researchers must document use of federal funds - , -
' V R2}
‘ By VICKI p00”: tucky Research Foundation. , l'K piling the data. he said. “l think it‘s ble for shared use. ‘ iii-€213.11..- c ' Ax: t§§$§
gun-Mm received approximately$l7.l7million possible some people may be frus- "For example.if( hem-Physic owns s -. x " , :‘N:
- in federal research funds last year. trated by the paperwork." he said, a piece of equipment and a faculty as“ ' -f’* "\
UK staff and faculu- members con» Complying with the accounting Circular A—Zl. which went into member from Biology doing research §Efig ’_.-:.“;; k , ~ \ \
ducting research through federal rules will involve extra work and‘some effect Oct. 1. states that universities wants to use if. we must document the WES W: X®W
grants may besw'amped by paperwork arbitrary guesswork to estimate miistdoctrment two types of Costs shared rise. McDonald said. ‘ >33?  He 53“! ”‘3‘ campaign We“ secretary Don Mills. former union‘s new president. Sam ( hurch. the Mass climascd along day of lliueiitlgiiiiil Pttpttidlpitt' ,
THE GREAT ALASKAN SHOOT-Ol'Tbcgrnstonight at editor ofthe [firing/rm Hera/dam] [ear/er. and Roy Stevens. Church. who replaced an‘ill Arnold Miller on \‘m. l6. said macy in liirkcv which is 99 percent \Ltslcm .
8 pm. See story on page 4. Ticket distribution for the first former finance secretary underCrov, .lulran(arroll. willbe hie he called the meeting to brief union leaders on pians for the
three home basketball games starts Sunday 5“ story on chief administrative assistants ‘ . upcoming l MW conyention wthh opens Dec It) in Dcnvcr ‘ . ~ _ . y y ‘ y , _ v .
page 6. ' Brown also said that Ralph Ed (waves. a former legislator. IRAN") BANKS AM. It RMM. (H i R fll‘illlt m. I . . _ t
and Brll Wester.a long-time Chlefaldeloformcrfiov Wendell wor'd records to a government intestigairrig team seeking i‘\i(i€ti\c
Iocal Ford. will handle legistlative matters for him. to support Ayatollah Ruhollnh Khomeini's accusation that ‘ .
THE MOSI'EM MILITANTS HOLDING the l: 5 the shah and his family diverted billions of titliiilfl ill Dlli’tilL ’
A SPECIAL FEDERAL GRAND .IL'RY in Lexington nation Embassy In lchran declaredIt'estcrdayjhat a trial 0' Amw- funds in their own use _
apparently focused again yesterday on payments made to A REPORT DRAFTEDIN WASHINGTON bvadecisive can hostages would beoo‘me inevitable rfthe dcposcdshfll' " the inyesngatron is being carried out to iililc‘lrlis of tr.rrr‘s
' Gov. Julian C?"°”'S children by an Illinois firm headed by majority of the Senate Armed Services Committee concludes “(km to leave the bnited States for Mcxyco. .. _ (“‘"a' “M“ “"d" m“ i““"‘"""”‘ l" ”l“ hil'll‘.‘ “C“ 21‘“ t"‘
‘ chmston busmcssman WB- Terry- that the “it it treatv is unfair.unverifiahle and “not inthe Spnkesma" ““133 "'81 mm mm W" W" d1“. "“l- ““ “W “*3“ ' ‘
. The‘jury. empaneled six months ago to linvestigat: alleged national security interests of the United States.“ myriad? the estimated 50 hostages also might i ()nchdozumir \hh‘hn I“, ”h. .iihhhuh‘i ['yhiililny‘tLhiHy .
wrong 0m in state overnment Circ es. ast mont uesti- ' ' ' . ' ‘ ' j ‘ was a an wri en. our- inc note on ei ie roya c er car '
. oned Terrygand the ggvernor‘s older son and daughter Ken- an:53:13::Leriaf‘eijfizlsr'egz::dtii:2::;;:::ricyfi:g:,:ci¢lii:i R Dochor; my?“ York Hospital, where Shah. hiohamma: "jS‘rUCHPS “hr“"h Mel“ Bank I“ ”-“l‘m 5' ‘ ”“Hm” l“
neth and Iva Patrice Carroll. ratify the strategic arms limitation ”am. with the Soviet ’ela 3. lavr I as undergone lfeament for 3" “For: f‘" (redit (ommercral dc France in Paris last \f:\thCf '
The appearance yesterday of at least two additional wrt- Union until major changes are made, ' :ancer. "rd“? dghzex'ti‘mofiafh hers “Kyla“? - 5P“: the document was signed. "Fatima Pahiayi the name of .t
. nesses connected With lhe “ferry operation indicated that the AlthOUgh the committee's conclusion has no official stand- dcsman ”(ift fosda ’52" e mrg I return to Is I cum re“ “m" M ”W ”Cl‘m“d ‘hi‘h ”l" "And““w-F “"4 ““"K'W'k‘ .
- , jury W“ In!" focusmg on "‘3‘ phase 0f "5 investigation. ingin the Senate ratification process. it is boundtohavea psy- ence NI m a” V' "“1 m" h "'“‘"““"""""“ ‘ i ‘ ' " ' i ' y . - 3
1‘ mta chological impact on the embattled treat) WITH AN EMBRACE AND“a kiss ofunify." Pope John th .. .
- 1 Paul II and Patriarch Demetrius I opened talks yesterday in wee er ‘ .
.i STATE AUDITOR GEORGE ATKINS Will be secretary LAIOR SECRETARY RAY MARSHALL pledged yes- Istanbul. Turkey aimed at reuniting the Roman Catholic and _
g of finance in the new admtmltratton. Gov. Elect John Y. terday to work with the new leadership of the United Mine Eastern Orthodox Churches after nine centuries of discord. ('ONTIM'ED CLOI'DY AND (0”) With A shim“ 0!
. BVOW“ Jf- ““1 yesterday. Workers union to improve conditions for coal miners and “I dare to hope that this day of unity is near. Personally I ”um“ today ”"0118" mmmm’m“ ”Itlh‘tt‘dm imd “‘mmt‘r‘ _
2 I 3'0““ “’0 announced ' number Oflppomtments. includ- strengthen the union‘s position at the bargaining table would wish it to be very near." the pope said in the Roman to“ in the low to mid 10s | my tonight in lht‘ 'nid .‘iis _
i _____‘______,_____ _ ._ 7__~__.«_7_-w*- 7______ 7 so . -
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Debbie McDaniel Mark Green t?
l I'llllU’ in ('hie/ Mimic/e I'll/In, 1., FM Thomas (‘larl John Clay (ilry Linden i 9
Pg.“ Mann lintenmmnenl Editor Spam Edi/m Dim-lo: o/ Photograph- I:
(In Willis Lisa Douaurd Richard McDonald of
Managing Iiliior [diurnal Editor Cindy McGee ('ylllhil DeMarcus Brian Rlclerd David Maynard
Kirby Stephens Air/slum Aimiunl Spur/t [fill/w Photo Manager ‘7'
O 0 l t 5 Steve Massey Tam Vim“! . (ii/it [It/mm knlerluininni/ fill/or 2.2.:
e l orla S commen (um/'m li/Iliir .S/re'tlu/ hmmm hm“, ff‘
. ‘
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u 6” Sllee sea Latte/S to th Edt
‘ e I OI
. l'niversity: (I .miirersiius. the whole. .i \tlt'lL‘iyl. at; support tor such a bill. as has (low-elect John Y. i’
educational institution ol the highest letel, typically llrown .ll'. (1 . ,.d _ h'ld “u ht tf th . d dt h l I"
. so own an comatue c l ren " B 0“ or Ella vance CC no -
haunt lll‘ ir m ire under iraduate 'ilic..s .intl eta l— I . . . ' . . _ .I
, . .pd L l”. i m. l \ hi ‘1‘ u ‘ ‘ k -\iid with the support of a bill by the state legtsla- Few salutlons surclytheywonthaveanytrouble PUI- 03% ”“5 approach was acceptable. -‘-'
llJIL J“ [W um ‘1 ’L H ’ ture. the governor would have to think twice about “'5 demoralizing ‘0 ”ad lht‘ Kernel ting away 0'10 Old Shflh- IOd‘W- however. we face formidable -.
l'he pnnmry constituency of this w. .’( it of higher not allowing a student representative on the council. day after day and not discover a solu- Solution No. 5: Sports foreign competition that hasIsophisti- ‘.
learning ts not administrators or faculty members tion to the Iranian crisis. I offer a few. Have a chess match between Bobby cated multt-ltngual marketing pro-
. but students And these students mm“. a \UICL‘ m One major stumbling block. however. is CHEexec- Solution No. I: Spy Exchange Fischer and their best chessman. lt grams dlrecled to all major markets. It
_ ‘ li it making decisions that “feel the it little “Ill“ chairman Harry Snyder. Snyder opposed having Round up all Iranians in the US. would prove more interestingthan the ll“? US- ““15! meet lhls challenge by
po L' ‘ ‘ L t i a student member on the council last year and isasure and MM [hem hOSlagc- Begin a ("16- one going on now. adapting its exrsting English materials ’.
l” 1! meeting yesterday and luesday. members Ol bet to follow suit this year ' for—one “spy exchange" with Iran. Or for use in market areas where other "
I'K‘s Student (ioternment listed the passage of a bill ' We‘ll get our 49 hostages back and .Agree to pick upa few Iranian base- languages are spoken. By dorng 50‘ W
b\ the state lcglsbunc favoring a student tt-prownttt- Snyder‘s majorobjection isthat havmga student on we'll still have 60.0001ranianstoboot, ball players in the free agent draft_ expand our potential sales and market ‘
’ tile on the state Council on Higher [doorman as their the council would create an unnecessary “special ”1056 we can DUI I“ the (ohsefum With Even an old man like Khomeini could govzrage beyond EnglISh'SPwkmg
. . . . .. the lions humans a lajungle ootball. probably et a five- ear million dollar 0r "3- '
‘ “ * ' _- ‘l t l‘le‘L‘ltl' interest rou on the board. ~ . g y . , .
main Ol’lul"L ll“ lobbying ‘llml‘ “ll“ I“ ~ g p . . If Iran doesnt want to exchange contract. We‘d even throw in Marv Translation. when properly done. .5
' ture consenes “CH $anle Snyder has a potnt here. Since th voting members because it hates its students. then I 'l'horneberry‘. provides the most expedient way [0 -
CHE sets the operating policies forall st.ite sclltitils on CHE aren‘t educators. (the presidents can't vote) would suggest shooting the students Solution No. 6: A Quick Solution communicate elleCllVelY In ”105!
in higher education, ()f the 2| members. l4 are thev can maintain their obiectivitv when considering on nailstnalleleilsmu NBC ShOUld get What has happened to our sense of FaI§CS- “Wing PTOdUCl and company
'.. , .. . ‘ '. ' - v‘ ‘ ~ "t.. .i .' ‘. inir ati ' ' ' T
appointed by the governor and 7 are pi'gsldczlls ot policies which affect higher education. theIrights to air the shootingsinorder Justice. anyway. Doesnt the Shah ‘ m 9" may be‘translated into a .
. 1 ~ to improve its ratings (besides AB( have a right to a speedy trial‘.’ Hand numberofthe world slanguages,WIth- _‘
[hell “WWW“ Wlligfl However. a major inconsistency concerns the fact has Mork and CBS has “Dallas“l him over. out the cost ofcreatinganentirely new
Although there is no rule saying the gmernor can that university presidents are allowed to discuss and . “WPl '0‘ ammo and 9l€a"‘llp WSW Solution No. 7: Logic campalgn- .
not appoint a student to the council. no gov ernorc\ er present their views before the council votes on poli- the mym WOFld be relativelleijnepreg- Ol course. If m)’ IOE'CHl ”limo“ ”Th? Tagger)” c1163] To compete
. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. sive. es. 0 course we wou roa - . . , . . .. ,. . . .. . . . . . .
has. W itness last war s lobbung effort bvthc Student cies. It the preSldenIS don t represent specraltnterest _ . . ~. . dont work. i“ Cd" MM.“ dPPCdl l0 e ‘l‘mcl '“ t e g 0 " md'k“ “e
. \ ' .. ‘ t K‘ ‘k ' , , . t' , . h ‘h' ld' . d -) 935‘ "3 “we'll-9‘ A5 for our 49 the tllogtc of those madmen. Explain ”“131 adapt OUTSClVCS lo the market-
(HMLIIIIIIIQII: - ssoetation oI entuc y. repriese’n mg groups. t en w y wou a stu ent. comrades. one good movie should to the Iranians that wewill grant their place instead ofexpectingthe market- .
the “at“ “ 1-0.000 ‘lumnh m unmrmm' “ m l was It‘s time for Snyder and the state legislature to ‘00”‘9 ‘2‘” C‘Imc'cnce‘ request to let them die as martyrs. but Illacc ‘0 adapt ‘0 “5- i
unsuccessllll. realiie that the “special interest" group is not a group. Bglriiiilisphllfanl Nclitzpfimm. the 0” explain to them that the killing of our K‘ (‘h I th
_—" But this \ear.thereis hope. Alreadwone memberol but a part of the whole. deserving representation. -- . . .. . hosldg” “'1' ‘fic‘mell C‘Clu‘j‘ Ih‘m ml "CS or ‘_
. . - . _ . ‘ I fields. Send our unemployed people from martyrdom. Bustness graduate student .
the state house. REP. Jody Richards. chairman of the After all. the student doesnt need to vote. but Just m” the“. to run the oilfields and “C - Language Translation Services. Inc.. .'
House Education Committee last year. has \otced his represent students‘ views. simultaneously solve two problems David Thomas marketing analyst
. (not to mention curbing world popula- \ Law. second year qI’
tionl. You ask “What about our 49 e e a ic _
._ comrades?“ Ftirgetthem. Attimes.the L tt ’8 p I y ‘ .
. . state must be acold creature.(Charlcs lmpaCt Of language letters opinions and commen~
my MOM ”so.i333???‘vmus'fm'rfti de (iaulle). Besides. the hostages Applause to John Scarborough for taries must be “I‘ ed and tri | 'I I.
would be dying fora better cause than stressing the importance of languages . . . p , p e '
. I. . . . I . . . . . spaced. and must include the ‘
C l we ve had in thirty years. both politically and from a socro~ writer‘s si nat r 'dd , d .3
/’ \ I Solution No. 3: Legal cultural point of view. To add to his ‘ ‘ g “It” d ress d”
/ \ \ I All . . .I , . . _ . . . . phone number. L‘Kstudents should ,.
-~ . ow the Iranians to conduct their column. I would like to comment on . . . .s
/ ‘ 4.? ~,l % ;©\ // “spy" trials on the condition that we the economic impact of languages in include the” year and mayor and ‘ '
aunt a .1- ’— ~-.\.\ \Xus fl ' - . i '1 ‘ . - . v
/ Mfg}; t) .“ {$5 3—59“ ‘\\ can send our best lawyer to defend our the world market. 51:3”??? emplgldees ShOUld lISI ‘4.
/ ‘_!fl".E-;:;':“:.. _ :C‘ll‘.“ " Ls} Ari r \ t \ boys. Even if he hasn‘t got a prayer of Traditionally. US. exporters have Th5“ 2' ton Ian I Iepartrcilient. Lt‘
, 92?”,"3; ‘:"-..‘ii‘" at, - {\Q \s\'\\ \ winningthe CBSC~ at lea“ he cantie UP assumed that Prospective buyers react in}; [may CO: {ense or .‘t'
.' '.-;,-‘ . - ,’.:fw‘.’i"~‘ ._*-. . I- .. \ t‘ 1 . . . . . . . .
9%.;- I_'.~"‘>"=‘?“ “ ' ; .\. (4s X5; )\ .\ the OPPOSIUOH In legal red tape until would seek out our products and tech- wil't IconIriI ubtorys. and rgquent . .
,.;-"-'_'.r'£lii. ;" ’< , __\ I15: y;\ “I 7 ll “I the Shah dies or untilhisvisarunsout. nology. We have hindered sales riers hmd)‘ he lm'le ' dttors .g'
, l I".:"i. ‘ x]. ,: f . _ \XK‘} H/l Solution N0. 4: Medical volume by marketingin English.disre- reselyye t e Irtg [Ito edit forIcorrect II~I
__.-“ . ‘ ‘I‘l 3 ~’ / (l Ever heard ()f'euthanasia'lWhynot'.’ garding the language of our target spe mg; grammar andelarit).and
. n‘ v ,v \ a, ,y. . . . . . . r - 1 .
. 9‘73 , t ” ' .I/ ll ““6 got practitioners who can market. When US. products were may d8 ete “helm"? statements.
a V l .- . \ I.
v. I J sI.
l . . .i » Ali-qr" . a I .
. , y) ' ,, a» .- ..-.~..-':- 1 Puppet regime in Israel?
~- ' "a‘x‘ ' . - 5 4 1.11;. i
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Qiiflj "" (Ili' By STEVE (.OLDSTHN he blatned the US. and Israeli forces they use the word "represstve. Those . t
- G . s h Q T 3 ~\,M&:§ e; m» forthe takeoverat Mecca. “...itis not Palestinians who are Israeli citizens '
' ' "" ‘ ‘ . ' “Real Sickness" was an appropriate far-fetched to assume that this act has (and there are some 429000 of them _. .
title for the letter which appeared in been carried out bycriminalAmerican according to a [977 census). have a '
the Kernel on Monday. Nov. 26. by imperialism . . . and international higher standard of living than Arabs
C I b I b ' Chris Westover and Larry Simpson. Zionism.“ We Americans realize from any other country. save Saudi f
. areenlng am u ances’ ygone Joys ’I heir blatant anti-semttism and out- (hopefully) lgw absurd this is. In fact Arabia and Kuwait. Those living in 3 .
right lies cannot go unnoticed. the Saudis sta ed that the takeover was Gaza and the West Bank are. perhaps. ‘ . ‘
I To hear the Ayatollah or other Arab done by religious fanatics of the Shiite not being treated as well asthey ought. ‘ ' ;
Of coca-‘ Ola are to Ics ex lored leaders throughout the world talk sect oflslam.whichis Khomeini’s own but why hasthis only becomea prob- ‘
about “international Zionism“(a well- sect. But our embassy in Pakistan was lem since Israel took overthe adminis- ' " '
. . . , , . worn r ' ' — ~ ne . nd two Ameri— tr "on of these areas in I967? Surel ' ' U
’ 3) RALPH h. JOHNSON he basic. Everyone knew In those days mm ph ase inthe Arab world). both stormed and bur d a . am y . t
. . the road [0 an instant fortune was to ers me. but I acceptthe fact that world cans died because people believed when Egypt and Jordan controlled - 4 !
l\C seen time studies done on the marry the dau hter ofthe local Coca anti-semitism will always exist. but at these lies. these areas between l948-l967. the j, , l
length ot time it takes to dll\t.‘ trom When old [)OC Candler concocted Cola. distributger for they too rew least those lies are being stated 7000 same problems existed then as now. 5 .
one point I” “mm” m m mllc‘ ll” ”“3 “N (”93‘0“ In his pharmacy at wondrously wealthy from cokes g miles away. But when I read it in the ' ' When lsreal became a state in I948. I’«
hm” WNW ll” ln‘lam‘C-flll milk“ PCF Hve Points in Atlanta. he launched :1 Speaking of adding second flavors Kentucky Kernel. when I realize that OPINION there wasadualrefugee problem. Jews i i 1
hour -\nd. mcr shorter distances a multi-billion dollar worldwide to‘cokes I recall when l was uite there are people on this campus who in Arab countries were forced to leave 5
C"ul‘lc‘ll m'l°*”rl“” lht‘dlllt‘rcncc business that has enslaved us all. , 'L‘d l‘ .- . . I IN' . q , I spread these falsehoods. I cringe. ——‘— their homes. as well as the more well i: .
I. WIS/”m“ small 0. . I“ . I . . . I youngan ivinginasmal . ewJersey .I .- . . . .. I ,. . f _ It; .
- . rigina y it was sold at soda town we were visited b' our cousin Itts obvious by theeontext ofits use To address other statements In known and larger movemento Pales «I I
In this regard. I am conunced that tountains where the drink was M' , f M l - G) 0 h in the letter. “the forces of interna- this letter: tinians. Israel immediately took'inthc i.- I
the da\ will come when ambulance. - . 1 ‘d 1 1 ' . ._ “l rom outrie, 9* n t at ‘ lZ' ' " h l" ' r . “B h' . ' h . _ ' . ' ' .f x
. concocte ot a (t) lop ol the ultra . I. . . ttona ionism. t at ionism is seen yt eiraetions.t ey hope to obs Jewrsh refugees (hence no lingering ,.
lire trucks. and poiice cars will be .. . . . -. , . occasion we went toalocal '96 cream ' ~ h f ' . - . s'
. secret s\rup. crushed ice and soda parlor asthevwerecalled and cousin as a world evrl. equal to Senator curet e actthatloraquarterofacen— problem). Why didntthe Arabs open : g \
lC‘lUWd ‘0 ”1““ “”h'n ‘PCL’d llmm _—.—.'—_“——- Mav ordered'a “lime do é“ Well the McCarthy‘s view ofcommunism back tury . . . the Shah has run one of the their doors to the Palestinians? They ,' f
In the name ”1. the law. emergency pOSItIVE combination of her verp unfamiliar in the 19505. most repressive regimesin modern his— had I9 years to do so. .
. vehicles dine wildly and recklessly to , th . d b y k . Zionism is nothing more than the tory." True. the Shah‘s regime was “Whether through direct military ,
and from accidents and tires. riskin ' sou ern accent an t atun nc vn-to— J . ‘ .. ' 1 b l l d ' h b h Kh ‘- f h h h ' ' f \r
E ne atlv , , l‘ I l k l l _ ewish yearningto establish and settle ruta . a mitt at, ut as omei orce t roug t e intervention 0
I life and limb to save a few seconds 9 e any-o “5 name or a CO C et us ' h ' ' ' ‘ i b 'l b l" O ' ' I l d S h l
b 'ld d M h' d . a omeland in Palestine. Talk of ms regime een any ess ruta . ne puppet regimes as in srae an out ,
'“‘-"‘"' Isn't it [he hclghl til somethln 0r “—— CW] CFC ' Ely d [0 pomt t0 the ' n - w- h ' 11 ' d d t
. 8 wt In {I l td V d l' . . I. . returningtothe land onion is men- tyrant has been exc anged for Africa... Icannotqurte un erstan .
other torambulances transporting the a er, I . ear res aIsan as ateas (oca-Cola sign beforewegotherdrtft. . d . . . . h A I ‘d l Id l'k h' “P ,, . ,
. , . . ”e e the handmade N _ d l . f ttone numerous times in the Bible, anot er. s an asr e. wou i e to t IS statement. uppet regime IS a _ .
sick or inlured to careen wildly my years m C0 g. ‘ ““3 ays am 50"" aggravated ' ' ' ' ' ' _.
‘ ~ . ' soda fountain version was preferred at Coca-Cola for deliberatelv tr in to mostly In the Prophets. The modern compliment Elizabeth McCord on her phrase well used by Khomeini, but It ‘
through trattic. sirens wailing or The canned drink had. not been pricethe smallcrcoke