xt70k649rz10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rz10/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-08-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 29, 1977 1977 1977-08-29 2020 true xt70k649rz10 section xt70k649rz10  

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Volume LXlX, Number 9
Augus 29,1977



Play it smart and pull a WP

For various reasons, we some
times start things we can’t always
finish. This holds true for scheduling

If your plans concerning coming to
UK have changed during the sum-
mer, you need to notify the Reg-
istrar’s Office, Room 100 Admini-
stration Annex, as soon as your
decision is final.

To withdraw from school after
classes are in session is all a matter
of obtaining the right signatures.
First a student must get the signa-
tures of the dean of his or her college
on a withdraw] card. Then the dean
of students, Joe Burch, must sign.
After that, the card should be
retumed to the Registrar’s Office.

According to Jerry Legere, assoc-
iate registrar for student records,
the Registrar‘s Office will notify
instructors when a student with-
draws from classes prior to the last
five weeks of school. Otherwise it is
the student’s responsibility.

Withdrawing during the first 10
days of classes results in no grade
whatsoever. There is no indication
m record that you ever attended,
legere said. After that, a student is
assigned a W (withdraw passing) or
E (failing), whichever was earned to

The last day to drop a class is
Friday, Nov. 8.

Tuition refunds operate on a “all,
half or nothing” policy, Legere said.

Refunds are not automatic, they
are figured from the date requested,
so notify the Registrar‘s Office
immediately if necessary.

There is no charge upon notifica-
tion prior to the beginning of classes,
Legere said. Notification between
the first day of classes (Aug. 31) and
mid-term (Oct. 21) results in half
your tuition refunded.

After Oct. 21, though,
it—the money belongs to UK.

Upon proof of withdraw], Legere
says he sends an authorization of
payment to the Billings and Collec-
tion Office. The refund is mailed to
the student in four to six weeks.

If your fee status changes after
withdrawing from several classes
(from full-time to part-time load)
then the Registrar’s Office can
assess new fees based on your new

To withdraw from only one class,
after centralized drop-add, you
should go to the dean of your college
and get a drop slip. It must be signed
by both the instructor of the class
and your adivsor. Then it returned to
your dean.


The Registrar’s Office also han-
dles name and address changes (if
you move or get married or di-

By listing these changes your
schedule and grades will be sure to
go to the right place.



an independent student newspaper



University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky









Editorial Editor

Sometime during your life here at

the University of Mediocrity you’ ve tuckian and a full-time student
probably asked yourself:

“What do I owe this joint? ”

At least $275 (a $35 increase over
last semester) .

That’s assuming you are a Ken-

carrying 12 or more credit hours.


Whether you have changed
majors or were warned about
a certain instructor recently,
the classes you pre-registered
for last spring may no longer
bewhat you want.

According to George Dex-
ter, assistant registrar for
registration, add-drop has un-
dergone a few changes to
simplify the process. Still,
there is bound to be some
confusion if you don’t follow
the outlined steps in order.

First, not that “add” comes
before “drop." This way you

' shouldn’t be caught a few
hours short after dropping a
class for one you later find is
already closed.

This reasoning apparently
destroys the myth that UK
wants to accentuate the posi-
tive, as if it existed.

Centralized add-drop is to-
morrow in the Coliseum for
those who have advance re-
gistered. Times are alphabet-
ically distributed every half
hourfrom 10s.m. tosmpm.
Check the schedule to avoid
being refined adeon if
you are an early bird. How-
ever, you are allowed to come
later than the scheduled time.

Be sure to do your home-
work before coming to the


Coliseum. St0p by your col-
lege dean or adviser’s office
and get an adddrOp form.

(Graduates should go to the
College of Graduate School.)

Bring a No. 2 pencil to fill
out the form. Dexter says the
form not only handles infor-
mation about classes added
or dropped, but it also notes
the changes taken from pass,
fail and audit.

The form also takes care of

an increase or decrease in
class load hours.
After completing the form,
get your adviser‘s signature
and go to the Coliseum at the
designated time (see inset).

When adding a class, go to
the department’s table. If you
are in the College of Arts In
Sciences, head for the left
concourse. Everything else is

Okay, there’s an opening in
a class you want to sign up
for. You’ll receive a class
ticket and you had better hold
on to it until you are sure that
your name is entered on the

The procedure is the same,
for dropping a class. Get your
ticket, then make certain

your name is topped from

Add-drop: It ca n’t get any worse

After you’ve received all
your tickets, step up to y0ur
dean's table (right con~
course) and give that person
everything —— add-drop slips
and tickets — to approve.

Dexter said it might be wise
to keep a capy of the records
in case the University fouls

If you miss tomorrow‘s
circus, then add-drop be-
comes a lot tougher (is that
possible?) because every-
thing is decentralized.

The same procedure is


Monday, Aug.29
1:00 A-CAR 3:00 MAS-PR1
1:30 CAS—FE 3:30 PRJ-STE
2:00 FF-HOL 4:00 STF-Z
2:30 ROM-MAR 4:1!) Miscellaneous


10:!» KI-MB lztll A-BL
10:30 M00 1:” BM-CIIE
11:00 PoRI 2:00 CHE-DI
11:1!) RJ-SM 2:1” DJ-F
122W SN-U 3:0) G-IIEN
12:” V-2 3:30 IIEO-KH

involved, it‘s just you won’t
be doing it in the Coliseum.
Instead, you have to go to
each office to collect tickets
and signatures.

The deadline for adding a
class is Sept. 7, while you
have until Nov. 8 to withdraw.

Arts & Sciences is the lone
exception. Add-drop will be
continued from 9 am. to 4
pm. Wednesday in Buell

Add-drop, Drop-add, it still
amounts to the same thing.




And if you advance registered for
the fall term guess when your bill
for tuition and fees' 15 due.

This Friday.

That's the word from Tony Day,
Billings and Collections manager.
He gave us some other dates which
he said were important.

Sept. 13—Students who registered
late must pay their fees by this
deadline. Any student who does not
pay before these dates will be
charged a $5 late fee, Day said.

Sept. 29—Final deadline for pay-
ment. Miss this date and you are out
of time, luck and school. Buenos
dias. Maybe Eastern Kentucky Uni-
versity can use you.

After this deadline, you still have a
30-day grace period to get the funds
together before you are thrown out
of school.

Day said it’s an almost unheard of

“i don’ t know of any other school
that allows its students to pay their
tuition AFTER they enroll,“ he said.
“The other universities want to
know why we do this, but we know
some people need time to pay

“Do you know how many days the
University of Louisville gives its
students? None. They won't take you
unless you have the money before
you sign up for classes."

If you think getting up $275 is
rough, then what about the outof-
state student? This unfortunate
person has to pay $750 for under-
graduate study and saoo if he is a
graduate student

“We really don't know what the
percentage of graduate students
who fail to pay their fees is, but
we‘re looking into it," Day said.

A note for you part-timers. Your
fee is on per semester hour.



Pay up or find another mediocrity

been modified this year. You re-
member the chaotic two days that
you had last semester to get your
tuition and financial aid taken care

Well, now you have FIVE days,
today through Friday.

The hours of collections are 9 am.
to 11:45am. and 1 pm. to 3:30 pm.
each day in the Student Center

Presumably, the new format will
help shorten those ungodly long
lines. To be on the safe side,
however, bring some patience.

Students receiving support
through the Office of Financial Aid
will take their checks, pay their
registration fees and pay the Student
Health fee in accordance with the

above schedule.

The health fee is the same price as
last year—$12.

If you're thinking about bouncing
your check and hoping to sneak
through the semester, forget it. if
you haven t made good on your
check by Sept 29, you’re cancelled.

Good try, though.

So you lost your 10 card at Vero

Beach (maybe Mill Street) over the
summer and you don’ t know how to

Take yourself and :5 over to
Photographic Services in Kastle
Hall. Someone over there will valid-
ate your 1D and activity cards. Don' t
gotoBillings and Collections, they’ll
lainh you out of the place.

If your status as a student drops
and you have already paid the m5,
better drop by the Registrar’ s
Office, Room m, Administration
Annex, before Oct. 21.

To beeligible for a partial refund,
you have to present evidence that
you. are a student—withdrawal
cart, top slips and [D and activity


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