xt70k649rx94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rx94/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-02-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 18, 1974 1974 1974-02-18 2020 true xt70k649rx94 section xt70k649rx94 The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 113

Monday, February 18, 1974

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky. 40506



Energy crisis implications

Kernel Staff Writer

Confusion about the energy crisis and its
long-term implications were discussed
here Friday at an energy symposium.

The energy crisis has caused confusion
for the consumer, the oil industry and the
government, according to W.C. Voss, an
Ashland Oil vice president.

The confusion, which is compounded by
day-to-day changes in government
regulations. does not allow the country ”to
focus on long-term problems," Voss said.

MANY OF the oil companies “don’t
know what to do" about the energy
situation, he added. Just as the crisis did
not occur overnight, Voss said, it will not
be eliminated “by the wave of any magic

Warmer weather and Sunday gas station

closings are helping to reduce the demand
for fuel, Voss said, but the free world will

have to be discrete in its fuel use. “We
must think of petroleum in a worldwide
sense,“ he said.

Voss spoke of the foreign relations
problems encountered by the United
States. because this country consumes 30
per cent of the world‘s energy, but
represents only six per cent of the world’s

The US. can reduce its fuel importation
from the Mideast by developing Western
reserves. he said.

CHANGES IN energy use and allocation
need to be made, Voss said, but they
should not be “haphazard and across the

Dr. Kenneth Saulter of the Energy
Policy Project in Washington, called the
energy situation a “crisis of confusion.”
He said the Congress should try to clear up
the confusion through legislation.

He predicted some legislative action
before the elections in November. The

The sky is falling!

This banner — Dear S.ll. & (i.H.. These things were
collecting dust under my bed - along with assorted
under garmets appeared in front of Patterson Hall
Saturday (Kernel staff photo.)


government will “create legislation to
reduce consumption,“ he said. He also
cited the necessity of a change in govern-
mental attitude toward areas such as
environmental standards.

Resource and Energy Economics
Program at West Virginia University, said
the energy crisis is “almost no problem"
as a short~term aspect of the economy.

The Arab oil embargo may imply a
severe gasoline shortage this summer,
Newcomb said. The country needs to build
up its inventories.

Newcomb said there would be “little
problem" if the United States wanted to
become self-sufficient in fuel, but the
country would have to pay a higher price
for energy. As the prices of alternate
forms of energy rise, “people will have a
tendency to change their habits,“
Newcomb predicted.

W.(‘. V'OSS
Ashland ()il Vice President


News In Brief


0Flying spree ends
OOH embargo lift?

oFord won't run

OSpying operations

0 Tapes questioned

. Today's weather...

OWASHINGTON -- A flying spree in a
stolen Army helicopter ended in a storm of
shotgun fire and a rocky landing on the
south lawn of the White House in the early
morning hours Sunday.

Secret Service officers wounded and
arrested the sole occupant of the chopper,
who was identified as Pfc. Robert K.
Preston, 20, Ft. Meade, Md. He was being
held at Walter Reed Army Medical Center
for psychiatric evaluation. President and
Mrs. Nixon were not at the White House at

the time.
.WASIIINGTON — The foreign

ministers of Egypt and Saudi Arabia are
reported to have urged Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger to start shuttling
between Damascus and Jerusalem and
arrange for a disengagement of Israeli and
Syrian lorees. 'l‘he ministers met
separately isitli Kissinger

The message they brought is believed to
contain thi \iariuiig that the lilting ot' the
oil eiiitmi‘go is linked to tliu iiiseiigzigeiiii-iit
ol the liolan Heights, according to

rtiploiiiatic sources

OLI‘ZXINGTON -— Wendell Ford said
Sunday “pressure is beginning to mount"
encouraging him to become a Democratic
candidate for US. Senate, but “I‘m not
giving consideration to it at this time.“

The remarks, coming shortly after
Republican incumbent Marlow Cook
announced for re-election, constituted a
much milder turndown of the possibility
than Ford has expressed previously.

OSAIGUN — The United States has been
helping South Vietnam spy on the Paracel
and llainan islands. but from an ap-
parently safe distance. U.S. sources said

They said the United States has set up a
radar picket either by aircraft or by a
11,8. 7th Fleet destroyer in the South
(‘hina 100 miles northeast of the
disputed l’araeels

('liiiia occupied the l’aracels iii a two
l9 31). but South \'iet
pi‘i «,i-ii as a possible
offshore iill ex-


day mini iiar .laii
ua:u says the islands
.‘iltllllilltg off point tor

ploratioii are part ’)i its :ei'ritei‘}

OWASIHNGTON — The Washington
Post reported Sunday that two of the
originally subpoenaed Watergate recor—
dings "are suspected of being rerecorded
versions of conversations rather than the
original recording they have been
represented to be in court by President
Nixon‘s lawyers.“

In reply, White House Chief of staff
Alexander M. Haig said, “There is no
evidence that any of the tapes are
duplicates or rerecordings.

“We are going to take the Post story on
like no other story has been taken on
hefore...l've talked with the President
about this...We are going to take it to the
mat,” llaig said.


The current \\ arming trend \i ill continue
today as temperatures are expected to
reach a high of near iitl Ti‘litpt‘l‘ililll‘t‘S it ill
drop to the illlti .‘i‘i.\ tonight ‘\ =fti a chance of
showers late tonight. The outlook for

'l‘iicsda} is more rain







The Kentucky Kernel

Published by the Kernel Press Inc Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and published
continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since WIS The Kernel Press Inc. tounded
l97l First class postage paid at Lexungton, Ky Busmess ottices are located in the
Journal Building on the Unnversnty ot Kentucky Advertising. room 2m and News
Department, room llZ Advertising published herein IS intended to help the
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veritsinq Manager

Cook abandoned ship

After considerable debate, Sen. Marlow Cook has
announced he will seek reelection to the Senate this


Until official announcement was made Saturday,
political experts didn‘t know if Cook would run or
leave politics for private business. Apparently, any
business offer wasn’t good enough.

Now that Cook has decided to run, what will he offer


For one’ thing. he will give the state a grandstand
player. He has left the Senate floor, according to a
Washington political analyst, during several con-
troversial votes (ABM. Carswell, Lockheed), only to
return in time to cast votes which settled the issue.

Kentucky would also get a man who senses any
change in the political climate.

Sure of President Nixon‘s power at the time of the
Senate vote on Clement Haynsworth‘s Supreme Court
nomination, he voted for Haynsworth.

When Haynsworth was defeated, Cook, em-
barrassed, voted against the next Nixon nominee,

Harold Carswell.

Cook now faces a perilous election year when
association with the scandalous Nixon administration
could cost him dearly, and he has much to fear.

He was one of several Nixon surrogates in 1972,
when Nixon was at the height of his popular power.
Now that Nixon has seen his following fall to 26 per
cent in the latest polls, Cook is one of the first to

abandon ship.

It now seems Cook will campaign on a “clean up
politics" ticket, and won’t hesitate to point an ac-
cusing finger at the White House if it will get a few


It is, of course, too early to cast an endorsement,
since a Democrat has not yet surfaced. But it will be a
poor Democrat indeed who would seem second best to

Marlow Cook.

Nicholas Von Hoffman

The only way we're going to get rid of Nixon is...

.\‘l-I\\ YORK — In the basement
of .limmy‘s restaurant comedian
llavid Frye has been fracturing
audiences with lines like ”The
only way we're going to get rid of
Nixon is to have 'l‘eddy take him
for a drive.”

l’pstairs in the dining room
lllck Aurelio has been ap~
preciating this satiric demolition
of politics and politicians with a
divided mind. As half’owner of
the restaurant he's delighted; as
the former deputy mayor of New
York who has had to read about
himself being scrutinized by the
minions of reform it occurs to
him that antipolitical zeal can
get out of hand

Newspaper stories have ap-
peared concerning several
conversations Aurelio had with
people looking to be appointed to
judgeships in which the subject of
collecting money to pay for
handsome John Lindsay's
miscarried Presidential cam-
paign was briefly discussed. No
money changed hands. and by
classical standards of municipal

politicians. wherein the kickback
to the organization is the norm.
Aurelio‘s behavior was angelic.
but this is Watergate time. He

“MY SON came home and
asked me. Daddy. are you going
to jail‘." I lost a couple of good
clients in my public relations

listiiness and the principals of

another larger firm I was
negotiating with decided not to
goahead They said they couldn't
possibly do business with
somebody with my kind of
\ isibility.” The printed accounts
were accurate but damaging in a
moment when press and public
have gone off on a self-righteous

It the Nixon people say that the
rules of politics have been
switchedon them in the middle of
the game they have reason.
Nixon secretly recorded his
visitors' conversations with
miniaturized imported equip-
ment. but former Senator Ernest
(truening writes in his recently
published autobiography that

editorials represent the opinions of th





Letters to the Kernel

Unhappy with meal scheduling

I am writing about a problem
concerning the Student Center
cafeteria. I am a resident on
campus and I am not allowed to
use in v meal ticket at the Student
('enter between lla.m. and 12:30
pm in the afternoon. I am
tisually arothd the Student
t‘enter about that time and get
hungry. Sometimes I wait until
12:30 to eat instead of walking
back to the Complex to eat lunch.
I like the food at the Student
(‘enter and I think it is unfair to
the students to be restricted to
using their meal tickets at the
forementioned time.

I think any student with a meal
ticket should not be restricted
from using it at any cafeteria on
campus at anytime. The student
is already restricted enough
because he must eat two or three

llarold Ickes. President
Roosevelt‘s Secretary of the
Interior. used 1.800 pounds of
vacuum—tube era apparatus to do
the same thing in the 1930s.
While it is also true that Nixon
is the first President to install the
crudest features of big-city
gangster machine politics in the
White House it is still highly
doubtful that this country could
run at all without corruption. We
wouldn‘t be able to slap two
bricks on tops of each other if the
contractors of America followed
the rules to get their building
permits. The excessive rigidities
of one generation‘s reforms
creates the necessity for the 'next
generation's corruptions.

,\ l’.\lt’l‘ (W the reason for
these anomalies is our un-
willingness to pass any
legislation unless we‘re in the
throes of one of our periodic
moralistic furies. Unhappily we
never recognize the symptoms of
these ethical seizures until they
have begun to abate. Some of the
McCarthyites of the early 19505

times a day or lose the value of
those unused tickets. The meal
tickets cannot be used any other

I would like to see this problem
corrected in the future so more
students can enjoy eating at the
Student (‘enter cafeteria.

\\ ayne (‘row
junior-Kirw an I

Reader response

Both the Letters and (‘omment
columns are open as forums of
opinion lll' students. staff and
faculty, These pages will be open
for suggestions. rebuttals and
corrections Readers may also

believed they were acting
rationally. but they would no
more be able than many of us in
the news business now to
distinguish between a valid in-
vestigation like Watergate and a
promiscuous. but intoxicating
pursuit ofeveryonc fool enough to
go into politics.

Thanks to Bob Woodward and
(‘arl Bernstein. the two reporters
who broke the Watergate story.
investigative journalism has
become the news business‘
glamour fashion. l'nhappily
whilst almost all of us in the
media have the same desires to
expose wrongdoing. few of us
have the skill and talent. The
result is that every town and
every state must have its own
baby Watergate. Here they‘re
even nurturing an obscure
scandal about misplaced stiffs in
the morgue.

Everywhere press and public
seem close to being carried off by
a giddy pandemonium. Aurelio
knows about that. He himself was
at one time an investigative

e editors, not the university




w i~ h locomment on topics we fail
to mention

Letters to the Kernel may
concern any topic. as long as it is
llui libelous. Letters not ex-
ceeding 250 words have been
found to be more easily read than
those of longer length,

Viewpoint articles may be
commentaries on any subject
from inside or outside the
ITniversity. Submissions
however, will be limited by the
editors to one every three weeks.
except in special cases. (‘om—
mentaries may not exceed 750

(‘ontributors are expected to
submit triple—spaced copy in
cluding signature, campus ad-
dress. major and year

reporter. “I remember once
sneaking behind a wall to listen to
a secret meeting of union goons.“
he says. “It was probably the
most dangerous thing I ever did. I
know what it's like to be swept up
by a story and I know what it‘s
like to stretch one."

'l‘lll‘I l'NRUIJJNU of events
may some day tell us whether
Aurelio merits the suspicion
directed at him. but in any case it
is true that an excessive desire to
expose oneself or other people is
morally pathological. 'l'hat
passion makes it hard to
recognizecrimeforwhatit is , a
dangerous deviation from the
ordinary and distinguish it
from the normal, if illegal
methods we use to transact
everyday business.

If everybody is a crook, then
nobody is, and cynicism and
idealism both are robbed of all
useful meaning.

Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features




__ __,... ,_, M~um~ Lana: '







(Editor‘s note: This is the first of a
two part series studying American
presidential politics between 1963
and 1973.)


The distinct odor of burning cities and
napalm characterized a decade of fiery
confrontations between traditional beliefs
and a new consciousness. The past 10
years were not really t he mother of a novel
vision. but rather a time when the con-
viction to express one‘s credence, openly
and defiantly. became the creed of a
growing minority of Americans who would
wait no longer for change. It began with
optimism in 1963 and ended in the Year of

(‘yiiicism 1973.

American(‘amelot - Where were you in
1963‘? Those last days of the Kennedy
administration were a happy time of in-
tellectual enterprise and social elegance,
fashioned by Kennedy andhis aides. It was
the beginning of a rise to presidential
power and prestige. 1963 found a seed of
growing optimism in domestic affairs. The
developing embryo of civil rights
organizations produced 200,000 marchers
to clamor for equality in the streets of
Washington. [11‘ The year embodied a
spirit of freshness which typified the
sentiments of many who applauded the
passing from the stagnation of the
l‘lisenhower quasi military White House
staff system and constant reliance on
(‘ongressioiial imagination for legislation.

'l'lll’. REAL TRAGEDY of Kennedy's
death lll November of 1903 was its oc-
currence at a time when he was just about
to really perfect and begin effectively to
convert the potential powers of the
presidency into concrete action. In Dallas.
a love affair with excitement and charm
ended abruptly.

Your Health

opinion from inside and outside the university community

.u ‘- .

- rswsgwssv an


A Man for All Seasons — The Spring and
Fall of LBJ . The early days of the Johnson
administration were an attempt at con—
tinuance and stabilization of government.
Johnson skillfully handled Congressional
relations by use of his previous ex-
perience. much as Harry Truman had
done after Roosevelt‘s death in 1945.
The shock of John Kennedy's death
paused the nation for a review (however
brieft of priorities and policies. Many
discovered domestic areas had been
grossly neglected. It made Johnson‘s job
of selling the (ireat Society much easier.

'I‘IIE ELECTION of 1964 provided voters
in the United States with the best chance
for a choice between opposing ideologies in
many years. Sixty one per cent chose the
Johnson style and it seemed the 60's would
be “the Decade of Domestic Priority and
Prosperity ".

However, dawning on the horizon was
the trauma of Vietnam. By the end of 1965
the United States had 200,000 troops
fighting in the marshes of Vietnam. Un-

--‘.'§.t .

fortunately Lyndon Johnson equated his
1964 landlside with a blank check for an
important test of the containment policy

against (‘ommunist aggression in
Southeast Asia. Thus. the War on Poverty
was derailed into a devastating War of the
(‘ities and the increasingly bloody War of
the Rice Paddies.

Likewise. Lyndon Johnson was crippled.
His primary goal of developing domestic
programs had melted in the face of
growing cynicism and disillusionment
toward Johnson's Southeast Asian policy.
Johnson. staunch advocate of civil rights
causes. saw his dreams go up in the smoke
and ashes of Newark. Detroit and even
Washington, itself.

In four short years he had been broken
and left so politically impotent and
humiliated his own party‘s convention
suddenly adjourned into the streets of
(‘hicago. assuring that nothing less than a
miracle could prevent Richard Nixon from
being elected. Johnson declined to run for
another term with the echoes of “Hey, hey
LBJ. how many kids did you kill today"

Age of contraception, abortion,

The public is bombarded with in-
formation about sex today. and taboos on
the free and open discussion of sex are
decreasing. This is particularly true of
many younger adults who do not feel
bound by the sexual restrictions of
previous generations.

Not only is this the era of re—evaluation
of sex-related values but it is also the age
of contraception. legalized abortion,
earlier sterilization and great concern
about population control. Sexual in-
tercourse can no longer be looked upon as
primarily a reproductive act, but rather in
terms of its meaning within the
relationship of the two individuals in-

v olved.

THIS FIRST part of a two part series is
devoted to a discussion of this relationship
and the responsibilities of each party.
Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood has
published two pamphlets written by their
executive director. Mrs. Sherri Tepper,
that have had wide national distribution.
The Health Service thinks they are worth
sharing with UK students. The
copyrighted pamphlets from which the
following excerpts have been taken are
available from Planned Parenthood of
(‘olorado. lnc.. Denver, (‘olo.

The one written for men is entitled
She will always remember you.

While she‘s sitting in the doctor‘s office,
scared, waiting for the results of the test,
she‘ll remember you.

When he tells her that she is pregnant,
asks about her plans for prenatal care and
delivery, she'll remember you then.

WHILE SHE waits out the pregnancy in
some other city... or tries frantically to
find the money for an abortion...or faces
the disbelief and anger of her parents...0r
lives from day to day with the sick
heaviness of an unwanted, unplanned
pregnancy—she'll remember you.

She‘ll remember all the things you said,
all the things you talked about, but that
you didn‘t talk about contraception.

She‘ll remember your long con—
versations about love, honesty, the new
morality. personal freedom. She'll
remember that you. or she, talked about
marriage. but that you're not ready yet.
She may remember that you coaxed, or
argued. or threatened.

ANY HONEST. responsible relationship
that includes sex also includes con-
traception. and this means that both of you
go to a physician or clinic for medically
supervised assistance. If she's too eni-
barrassed, too shy. too insecure to get
contraceptive help. you have only one
honest choice. You wait or you get another
girl. If you‘re the one who's too em-
barrassed (you don‘t really know her well
enough to discuss it?) why don‘t you just
wait until you grow up.

But don't talk to her about love, honesty.
or personal freedom . Without a decision on
contraception. that kind of talk is a
coward‘s lie.

When she‘s signing the relinquishment
papers for her baby (your baby). or while
she‘s waiting for her abortion she‘ll
remember that lie.

IF YOU know that you‘ll always be
remembered, is that what you want to be
remembered for?

The pamphlet written for women is
entitled: STOP KlDl)lNG YOURSELF...

You're a nice girl. All through school,
you know that there were a lot of girls who
had sex. and you knew you weren‘t one of

Some of the girls talked about the pill. or
the diaphragm. but after all, some people
will talk about anything. You aren‘t the
kind of girl who would use anything.

RESIDES, BOYS don‘t respect girls like

Now you're on your own. It‘s great, boys
and girls being able to visit back and forth
without those phoney restrictions. And you
go to parties. and you meet HlM.

Now, you're pregnant. or afraid you are.
You didn‘t mean to. You didn‘t plan it.
You’re a nice girl.


There are only two honest kinds of girls;
(lirls w ith the courage of their convictions
to have responsible sex and girls with the
courage of their convictions to remain a
virgin. Being the first kind means that you
use contraception

BEING THE second kind means that
you are very careful about going to parties
where there is a lot of drinking or pot. It


ringing in ms ears and a neavy neari iiiied
with unanswered dreams. Lyndon
Johnson. a giant in American politics. was
chopped down by a handful of Americans.
epitomized by the students who cam-
paigned in the snows of New Hampshire
for (iene McCarthy. It was a sullen end to
what might have been a Great Society. In
Paris the peace talks had begun under
pleasant summer skies.

THE WHOLE (‘Ol'NTRY seemed to
rock as the fight to break out of the rot and
decay of war and the ghetto waged against
a middle class backlash for law and order.
This is how it stood as Richard Nixon and
tormer Governor of Maryland. Spiro
Agnew. promised to protect and defend the
Constitution of the l'nited States in
January. 1969.


Steie Miller is a junior political
science major and a Kernel staff

et al

also means that you don‘t get so involved
with him that “it just happens".

”you‘re the second kind ofgirl. don't get
pregnant and then explain "You didn‘t
mean to~——".

That is dishonest. That means money for
an abortion. if you can get one. Or. it
means at least one set of parents, yours.
unhappier than they ever needed to be. Or.
it means one human being brought into the
world unwanted.

Of course. if we‘re being honest. we'll
have to admit that maybe you didmean for
it to happen. Maybe you figured that would
be a good way to get him married to you.
He‘s more likely to end up hating you, now
or later

THERE ARE only two kinds of honest
girls. Those who don't atall. and those who
have responsible sex. That means con-
traception. good contraception. medically

And. if you're too embarrassed, too
scared, too ambivalent to decide what
kind you are-~You‘d better wait until you
grow up.


Y 0 U


The second part of this series will be
a discussion of contraception
methods and their effectiveness by
ltr Samuel Scott. Mrs. Retty Mott.
R N .and Mrs Pam Woodrum. RN
ot the Health Service staff.





4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday, February 18. 1914








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Two foreign policy experts
will lecture this week

'l‘vvo foreign policy experts will
deliver lectures this week on
presidential politics and
American foreign policy said Dr.
Vincent Davis.

ltavis is the director of the
Patterson School of Diplomacy
and international Commerce.

George. of Stanford University.
will appear from 1:30 . 4:30 pm.
Thursday in Room 206 of the
Student (‘enter [its topic will be
“.itisscssing Presidential
(‘haracteristics in Making US.
Foreign Policy: From Wilson to

(leorge is a distinguished
scholar and writer. His book
Woodrow “ilson and (‘olonel
House was one of the first modern
psychoanalytic studies of a major
political leader

Dr. William B. Bader of the
Ford Foundation will speak from
1:30 ' 4:30 pm. Friday in the
President‘s Room of the Student
Center. His presentation will be
"(‘ongressional » Presidential
Relations on Foreign Policy:

From the 1930‘s to the Present.“

BAUER lSalso a noted writer
and has served as a Foreign
Service Officer and as a staff
consultant for the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee

New home being built
for K-Mens' Association

Anew building for the K-Mens‘
Association will be constructed
along (‘ooper Drive. near the
stadium. sometime next year.

Alvin (‘umniins the president
of the K-Mens Association. listed
several probable uses for the new
building It could serve as a
meeting place for nieinoersot the
organization who come in from
out of town for a specific sporting

event. The KsMen's House would


in Hall donated 9

70 pints of blood ?

Can Holmes Hall
. + beat that?


can donate:

Holmes Hall Recreation Room
Tuesday, Feb. l9 3-10 pm

Sponsored by the Student Health Organization


replace the K-Mens Room in the
alumni house as the site of the
monthly meetings of the
association‘s board. he said.

'l‘lllfi Bl'll.l)ll\'(i might also be
used for luncheons and small
social affairs by the K-Mens
Association .

It could be used by visiting
high-school athletes and (K
coaches, (‘ummins said.



THE COLLEGE of Home Etonomics .5
sponsorinu a tacolty le