xt70k649rw09_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rw09/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rw09/data/2009ms132.0173.dao.xml Calbert, Love C., 1901-1986 0.13 Cubic Feet 8 folders archival material 2009ms132.0173 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Love C. Calbert papers African Americans -- Delaware African Americans -- Education. African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Louisville African Americans -- Employment -- Kentucky. Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) Letters. Love C. Calbert correspondence text Love C. Calbert correspondence 2019 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rw09/data/2009ms132.0173/Box_248/Folder_18/Multipage55.pdf 1929-1932 1932 1929-1932 section  xt70k649rw09_4 xt70k649rw09 27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rw09/data/2009ms132.0173/Box_248/Folder_18/248_18_0001.jpg 1860 2551 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rw09/data/2009ms132.0173/Box_248/Folder_18/248_18_0001_tb.jpg https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rw09/data/2009ms132.0173/Box_248/Folder_18/248_18_0001_ftb.jpg Lincoln Ridge
Jan. 15 - 1929
Dear Friend: Enclosed you will find a letter which I am using to start the campaign for the Student Loan Fund which I discussed in your church. I am counting on your loyal cooperation in this great project. If you need more letters call for them. Don't forget Mrs Payne & Mr. Jackson and your  missionary ladies.  Best wishes to your wife Yours truly  [Whitney?] Young

 Chicago Ill
[Carrier?] 215 
Louisville P.O. 
Dear sir  I am the man that spoke to you a few days ago in Lou. [Louisville] about a transfer between you and I - 

I am very desirous [of comming [sic] to Louisville because of family reasons. I am a carrier at the Lake View Station Chicago, I have a  four block district which is residential and business, we

 have short Sat. [Saturday] work days also. I believe you would be more pleased in Chicago and I am sure I would rather  be there so if you are really interested and wish to  [put?] this transfer thru, then write me at once, we will  start things moving at once. 
Now before you start let me hear from you and we will start from the political end of the matter so we

 can be assured of a successful ending. lets hear from you very soon.
Yours [illegible]
Geo [George] E Trunnell
Carrier 1339
Lake View Station
Chicago Ill
I am in the top grade but that doesn't make much difference

Sept.28. I930 [1930]
Dear brother:-
This is to say that we reached home on Sept. 3, spending the night of Sept 2, at Wheeling W. Va. We left there early on Tuesday morning came thru the II0 miles of mountains about 2I4 miles in addition and reached here at 9 oclock without hurrying. I hope to have a new car the next time I attempt it.
I was sorry that we could not stay longer but Edith had some visiting to do in Indiana so we had to divide our time. There is a slight probability that I may be selected principal of the Crisps Attucks High School in Indianapolis. However the salary may interfere with any agreement as I an now recing $750 more on the year than hey offered their last man. I do believe that I should enjoy being near lifelong friends. Yet I am not likely to move about over the country on mere sentiment. The business end must not be neglected.
Buddy and I are trying to plan to go to Los Angeles in I932. The Olympics are to be held there. We shall bring all the family as far as Indiana get Dr. Alexanders and his boy and drive to California. We have two years nearly to perfect plans and get a new car in the mean time. 
I was sorry that I did not get to see all of our relatives but perhaps we could have a reunion that year. 
Edith is here with me and sends love to you and C. She is a substitute teacher of Economics in school here. She also attends night school. All of our family are in school now.
your Brother
Geo. A. Johnson.

Hotel Andrew Johnson
Where Hospitality Greets You
Knoxville, Tenn.,
February 23, 1931
My Dear Calbert:
Your letter came just in time on Saturday. I don’t know how to thank you for your kindness and willingness to help me when I get in a hard place. I’m sure my college days will always be associated with the kindness of those who have done so much to help me get through and you are certainly a major one.
I always know that I

Hotel Andrew Johnson
Where Hospitality Greets You
Knoxville, Tenn.,
can depend on you. I only hate to ask you because you need your money yourself. However, I’ll soon be able to pay you; but in my mind it will be remembered as a gift because I remember it like that. Thanks a lot.
I wonder if you know of any place where I might get work next fall. I have mailed a few applications but don’t know anything definite yet.

Hotel Andrew Johnson
Where Hospitality Greets You
Knoxville, Tenn.,
“Bird” often asks about you
 and sister. Why don’t you write 
her sometimes? She’d be so glad 
to hear from you. She said once 
she’d like to go to Louisville to 
visit you all. “Ain’t that something”.
 (smiles) I wish you all knew 
her better. You’d like her if you 
did. She’s a great kid. After 
four years I suppose I would 
think so. Write her sometime. I think she wonders if you all like her. 
Has [Florence?] been sick?  I heard 
she had. I wish some of you 
would write with news. [graphic]
Hotel Andrew Johnson
Where Hospitality Greets You
Knoxville, Tenn.,
I’m as busy as a bee now.  
Term closes this week, and I 
have notebooks, term papers, manu-
scripts and everything imaginable
 to get up. Suppose I’ll be up late
 for a few nights.  
Excuse this bad writing. My 
pen is bad.
Love to sister and the bunch. 
Thanks agin,
Raymond Howard High School.
Wilmington Del.
Sept. 27, 1931
Dear Brother:-
Due to the ruh of things common to school opening 
I have delayed in so ordinary a manner as the common courtesy 
of expressing appreciation to you and Collelia for your wonder-
ful hospitality towards us while we spent the four days there.
This was the most pleasant trip I have made to that section 
yet. In addition to all the going about in Ky. I made two extra
 trips to Indianapolis, and spent four days in Chicago the following 
our return from Ky. I met more acquaintances in Chicago than I 
did in either Louisville, Indianapolis or Bloomington. I ran across 
them all the way from Fort Smith Ark. to Wilmington, Del.
We stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Fords out at La Grange Ill. about
 I8 miles out of Chicago. Fredrica lives in Chi. properly. She and 
Floyd are divorced. Minard Finney is just about a tramp there.  Lies 
in the parks and helps to encourage the Reds.  I dtopped [stopped] at Gary 
Indiana on my way back, visited the Roosevelt High School, the largest 
Colored high school in the world and found Tindolph Cook coaching 
athletics there. He had a wonderful track team and a wonderful football 
team. He seems to be highly respected. He is 6 ft. 2 in tall and 
weighted 230. He has a splendid 8 cylindered graham Paige sedan 
which he drove to Bloomington in 3hours (2I0 miles).  He was immensely 
glad to see me and made an additional trip to Bloomington. If you
 read the Chicago Defender or the Indpls Recorder you will keep track
of him. His salary is not so far from mine. Can you imagine him coming 
along this well.
I over stayed my time be one day  in that section and so
decided to do continuous driving home. I made the trip from Indianapolis 
here (660 miles in one day) I drove every step of the way by myself.
How is that for energy and endurance at the age of 42? I broke my 
glasses just before starting and my eyes gave me some troble [sic]. Otherwise
 I stood the trip all right.  Give my love to Walter and tell him that 
Aunt Edith will wtite him a letter or a card soon. Remember me kindly 
to the folks at home.
Your brother
George George George Feb. 28, 1932
Wilmington Public Schools, Wilmington, Delaware
S. M. STOUFFER, Superintendent
Howard High School
13th and Poplar Streets
GEORGE A. JOHNSON, Principal  Telephone 3-2124
Feb. 28, 1932
Dear Brother and Sister: - 
It has been a long time since I heard from 
any of  , this delay probably caused by my neglect. I generally use 
Saturdays anf Holidays for correspindence , but owing to many changes , 
that time is well used and I also feel that I owe it to the children 
to take them a few places occasionally. 
I had a tremendous sick spell during the holidays  , found that I 
was bordering the pneumonia. I am fully recover now and am about 
as string as usual.  
Our school is moving along nicely. We won the South Atlantic 
Conference basketball champinsip Friday. Over such high schools
 as Dunbar, Armstrong, and Cardoza, all large high schools of Wasington D. C. 
Douglas of Baltimore, Stanton of Annapolis  . Only the Annapolis
 school is smaller than ours . We have an enrollment of 857.
The children are growing immensely, Margaret weighs 147. She and 
Mary both go this school.  The two boys go to the same school. They are planning to be athletes.  I believe the high hurdles and javelin 
are their favorite specialties.We still hope to attend the Olympics. 
However much depends upon conditions.
I do not get much direct news from Vincennes or Simpsonville. 
I did hear that Roxie Miller is remarried.She married Floyd Joiner. 
Mrs.Miller, her grandmother is dead.Lizzie Wright, the supposed 
rival to Mrs.Herman Smith during our stay there.runs a hairdressing 
parlor here.I ran across her by accident.
I am taking time out to wright Monroe.
Your brother,
George. Whitney Young
Lincoln Ridge Ky.
5  PM
Mr. Love Calbert
818 S. Sixth St.
Louisville Ky.

 May 25, 1932
The Faculty and Nine a Pupils 
of the 
Madison Street Colored Junior High School 
invite you to their Commencement Exercises
[crossed out]  on Thursday evening, January the twenty-eighth
on Wednesday, May the twenty-fifth
nineteen hundred and thirty-two
at eight o’clock
in the School Gymnasium
Louisville, Kentucky
Irene E. Bishop Nov. 22,1936
34301/2 Grand 
Louisville, Ky.
My darling “Wife”:
letter and card 
rec’d and you
 could never realise [sic] 
the comfort they brought to me. 
Glad to 
know that you are 
OK. We are getting
 along fine. We
 went to church 
today & had a nice
 meeting. Sister 
Martha Keyes spoke. B.
Since I came home I have been cooking beans for tomorrow. Can you smell them? Smile. Don’t worry about us. We are eating the candy & nuts and everything else.  Ate supper over at Gertrude’s Friday and breakfast at William’s and Adell’s today.
[Henrie?] & Geneva were here tonight to see you after several unsuccessful calls on the phone this week. She brought

 [crossed out] B. C
the dishes and a large
 jar of real nice 
mustard pickle for 
you and she would 
write to you up there. 
I have made all t
he calls requested 
by you. Mrs Taylor 
called and asked 
about you. But the 
dress has not been 
called for yet. 
Every body has 
asked about you. All 
send best regards 
and trust your 
helpful efforts will prove to be of great 
benefit. [crossed out]  C.   D.
Keep us informed
 as to developments. 
I offer up a special 
prayer for Papa
 Jackson. I know 
you are doing your 
best to restore 
his health.  If you need 
anything call at 
once. If you run 
short of funds let 
me know or if you need me I shall come if possible.
You and Mama 
must stick on as 
brave soldiers and 
have faith in “Him” 
who can save. [crossed out] D. E. 
Don’t worry about anything here, I shall keep things in line. 
Be real sweet and rest when you can. Sweetheart becareful [sic] and watch that col. Dress carefully and besure [sic] to wear the sweater. 
If you need heavy underwear I shall send you what you want.
Jennie is as happy as a lark, but this is a dead place without you . Stay by Papa as long as

 you can. If you are there all next week, I shall try to run up on Sunday.
Ans when you can.  Devoted Husband

 3430 1/2 Grand
Louisville Ky.
[postmark] LOUISVILLE NOV 23 530 PM 1936 KY
[stamp in black ink] RED CROSS ROLL CALL JOIN
Mrs. Colela M. Calbert
Box #12 
Please do not cast this letter aside. It is no an advertisement! 
It is not a monthly or yearly appeal for funds to carry on a worthy 
piece of Christian work.
It is the voice of the perishing; the cry of the dying; the last 
bitter wail of a courageous group who have made the death struggle
 to ascend the ladder of Christian manhood and womanhood and stand 
at this very hour face to face with disaster, ruin, and all that the 
Devil holds out to those who have sought the way of Truth and
 Righteousness and found it not. In this effort we are certain that 
we have the backing of Him who said  ‘Inasmuch as ye have it unto me. “ 
We have at Lincoln Institute a small group of students who have been 
making a determined effort to work their way through school since the 
opening in the fall. They have been too busy to take any part in the
sports or even think of a  Christmas vacation. While others have 
played they have worked. Yes, while others have slept they have been
 toiling, often in at the cold and rain.If Booker T. Washington, Fredrick Doughlass, or Mrs. Bethune were attending school and in the 
grades, they would be in this class. These young people are facing 
the same bitter struggle they had to face, and if we can save them 
they may do as great and serviceable a piece of work as they. 
These young people are standing at the edge of a great precipice, not 
because they are seeking excitement or want to pull some publicity 
stunt. They are the honest victims of a poor economic system—the 
victims of circumstances one which they had no control.
Shall we help them to climb to a higher and safer landing, or stand 
and see them crumple and fall into the mighty abyss that awaits the 
poor and ignorant?  We might do as many other schools have had to do, 
drop them form the roll. This would be the easy and common course
 but it would not be the Christian and best course to take with such 
precious lives at stake.
We propose to establish 
a Student Loan Fund, from which these young
 folks can borrow the necessary amount needed after they have worked
 faithfully to meet their expenses.  The amount borrowed is to be 
paid back with interest after graduation.
Will you help us to answer this Macedonian Call?  Be the sum ever so 
small it will be greatly appreciated and the Lord will bless 
it to His glory. It will be a great blessing in the years to come to be 
able to point to some great national character and be able to say, “I helped to save that individual.”
If you cannot help please present the need to your Church, Missionary 
Society, or friend.
In His name and for their sake we ask it.
Yours truly,
ACT QUICKLY  Prof. Whitney Young Lincoln Institute
Lincoln Ridge, Ky.
Feb. 15, 1929
Dear Friend: Your letter received 
and I am very much pleased 
to learn that you are 
planning to do some active
 work in the very near 
future on the proposition 
which is very near to the 
heart of the race question 
in this country and all 
countries. You will never
 regret having had a share in this important matter and I trust that the members of your church will rally to you and make your sum the largest we have received thus far. Donations are coming in from various sources which indicates interest on the part of those who are interested in the developments of young people. You have my best wishes in your efforts.  
Very truly yours,
Whitney M. Young

 Stanton, Del.
May 19, 1929
Dear Brother:-
In reply to your letter 
of a few days ago, I should say that
 we were exceedingly glad to hear from 
you and sorry to hear of Mother’s 
accident and Aunt Sue’s death. I 
suppose that Aunt Sue was getting along
towards 80 years of age. 
I am sending Mother a small amount 
of money for spending change. 
Now as tot he “Frankfort Affair” I feel 
that you are about right. I have 
submitted my name as Mr. Saffell
 suggested, but if chosen I shall look 
a long time before changing. I have invested in a home, here and getting 
in shape to live. Besides the school 
is growing here and I like being 
close to New York, Philadelphia 
Baltimore and Washington. For my
 salary is not a poor one. We
 have the finest building for colored people in the U.S. A faculty of 26 
which will probably increase to 
31 this year. Our enrollment is 
805. — I hope to change only when 
I am sure that I am benefitting both 
the position to which I aspire and 
myself as well.
I am starting an immense garden. 
Have started peas, corn, beans and 
many other vegetables. The children 
have seven ducks, and one hen 
sitting.  I shall look around for a cow soon.
We are sorry that you cannot come. 
We could arrange to drive back as you did. 
However, we shall be glad to have your whenever 
you can come. [“Buddie”?] leaves June 21 for
 Bloomington, He is to try trip alone. 
We shall drive through about the
 first week in August and have him 
return with us.  We shall probably 
spend 4 or 5 days in Ky.
You might be interested in 
knowing that I have spoke before 3 classes at the University of Pennsylvania 
about 3 weeks ago. My subject was 
some “Superficial contacts of the Races.” 
I rated some laughter, by telling
 how the white people in Ky. refuse 
to drink second out of a spring 
with colored men (in tobacco fields) 
but all drink together from a 
little brown jug!  Professor 
Young, who was in charge of the Sociology Department had me over 
to dinner after that.
It has been 18 years since I started 
in Indiana University and I am 
as active now as I was then.  Our
faculty played an extra-inning 
baseball game agains the Seniors
 las week and I was catcher and
 star player for our side.
Love to Colelia.
Your brother,
George July 16th, 1930

July 16, 1930.
Dear Brother:-
We were greatly grieved to hear of Carrie’s illness
 and death. It is the first break in our long family chain. 
I could not find it possible to come without having to return 
as soon as the funeral was over and with the expense involved 
there was not enough that I could do to warrant such a trip. 
Our condition is this. I could not bring my family now as 
we would have to leave some one to take care of our belongings. On top of that,Edith and Margaret are taking treatments from 
an expert physician here and could not leave me. It would 
cost in the neighborhood of $75 to have made the trip by train an   d to have the trip by car on so shoet a notice would 
have been out of the question.
We hope to leave here on Aug.16 and get to Indiana on 
the 18th.from there we shall make our usual visit into Kentucky.
Did Carrie die of typhoid fever?  Was Bertie at home? 
I have not seen her since 1919 when I was on my way to Arkansas. 
We have an excellent garden.I have several chickens, nine young 
turkeys,a few ducks and nine police puppies. 
School went along fine this year.I sometimes regret that you 
miss connections on the Freehold N.J.job.
Your brother,