xt70k649rt9g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rt9g/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2003-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2003 text GLSO News, July 2003 2003 2003-07 2019 true xt70k649rt9g section xt70k649rt9g -, it- GAYand
Lexington. knit-lugs July 2003
A publication 0.6 the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Volume 18 Number 5
4th ““1” Parade 50mm) lezs
ORGANIZATIONS, ALLIES - PEOPLE LIKE YOU! ~ ActOut presents Sordid Lives by
By Laurie Davison “it, Del Shores Saturday July 5th at 8
The theme of this year's 4th of July pm and Sunday July 6th at 2 pm at the
Parade is "United We Still Stand" - and so Lexington Public Library Theater 140 E. ‘
our community has for years! The Main St. There is parking available in the
Bluegrass Chapter of the Kentucky lot behind the Library
Fairness Alliance invites you to show your Sordid Lives has been described as "a
support for Fairness for all Kentuckians by black comedy about white trash." It is
joining us in the year's 4th ofJuIy Parade! about a dysfunctional family in a small
Your group already has a contingent in Texas town gathering forthe funeral of their
the parade? Not a problem! A“ we need is mother who has died after tripping over the
your i090. business name, and a single wooden legs of her lover in a motel room
member 0t your group to march With us and hitting her head on the sink. The fam-
carrying a Sign stating that your group ily comes complete with one uptight sister,
Stands United For Fairness! In so doing one loose sister, a grandson to the dead
YOU can show the thousands WhO attend woman who is a gay actor in New York and
this annual event that YOU SUPPOFt equal his drag queen uncle who wants to be
treatment for gall. lesbian, bisexual, and Tammie Waynette. ...continued on page 2
transgendered members of our community. $500 DIG/TM CAMERA RAFFE
You also demonstrate to our City that
Fairness does not stand alone - that we are T/CKHSAT’DP/DE CENTER " W’EO P4652
made up of and backed by many other §_—-————E’E‘
good and open-minded people and organ- 3; Faces Of Falth 1n Alnenca
izations. Especially this year, we need to E gill”. 7 3(1sz We. 2 ’
let our City Council, Mayor Isaac, and m ' "‘ t‘ ’1 “ H i' ' WW”
Governor Paul Patton know that their sup- IWI
port of Fairness is not only backed a few lat, Sponsor of the ,
rogue queers, but by many productive -and (at Month
voting - Kentuckians! To have your organi- ;
zation represented call Laurie Davison at ‘
294-7521, or email me at ldavison@qx.net. lat Windy Knoll Farm
You can also just show up to march with us at g
on the 4th. Bring a sign and look for rain- El 3263 Cleveland Rd. N. i
bow balloons and flags on Midland Ave. iii 3
next to the Herald Leader where marchers 859 299'7410 ;
Wt” be gathering IWI 3

 SORDID LIVES COM. Also thrown in the mix are a
"~. 7' I.- GAY and couple of gay bashing brothers, an oversexed, alcoholic
_ LESBIAN psychiatrist, the best friend of the loose sister who is also
"Fig-$7 SERVICE (stay with me here) the wife of the man with the wooden
.. ORGANIZATION legs that killed her best friends mother and the lover, hus-
Lexington, Kemucxy band and owner of the two wooden legs known as G W.
Lets not forget the Sister to the dead woman, who picked
the wrong day to quit smoking and the vocal styling of a
TGLSO MEWS female ex-con. As you can imagine this cast of charac-
Volume 18 Issue 7 ters leads to a hilarious couple of days in a small Texas
, town. If you're from a small town, anywhere, you grew up
pUbh§hed monthly by. with these people, you know these people, they where
The Lexington Ga¥ L?5b’a" your family and maybe even you.
Serwce Organization The cast includes Heather Adkins, Shayne Brakefeld,
389 Waller Ave- Chris Garrett, Bill Glover, Andrew Hyde, Tiffany Kavanaugh,
Darryl Maines, Robin Roth, Marsha Sherman, Michael
Editors Simmons and Michelle Steele. It is directed buy Homer
Mary Crone Tracy. Admission is $10. It's a don't miss.
Clayton Dobson
Jackie Cobem Kodak Digital Camera & Dock
Tergonzcfiigtngfeirizent 3.1 megapixel resolution 2032 x 1524 pixels
Jerry Neff’ Vice president 4x optical zoom, 3.5x digital zoom, 14x total zoom
Mary Crone, Editor EasyShare System: .
John Ridener, Secretary place camera on dock - touch button -
T::;nasB::l?i:s pictures are sent to your computer
Tom Collins Tickets $3 - 2 for $5 at Pride Center
Bill Chandler
Clgytos 50:?“ FA€ES OF FAI'I'II Ill AMERICA:
ara a in l
On July 1, an extraordinary gathering will take place
GLSO Annual Dues & in downtown Lexington. Uniting people from many of the
Newsletter. world's religious traditions, including Jewish, Muslim,
Individual - $15 Christian, Buddhist and Hindu under the roof of the
Couple - $25 Kentucky Theater, The Interfaith Alliance of the
Bluegrass will sponsor an event that will celebrate our
# religious pluralism and affirm our belief that the many
Opinions expressed in the GLSO ways we have of being religious in our country are equal-
News are those of the authors and ly valid and sacred, in spoken word, image, and song.
fife”tezgcgsgaggz’dtregzisggssgssea: The main eventiwill take place at the Kentucky Theater
welcome and staff reserves the right at 7:30 PM. Additional plans include a food fair starting at
to edit submissions arid advefllse- 6:30 on Esplanade, a street dance immediately following
glifisginvze; :zvghlisgf’nrgnfi reJeCt the Faces of Faith gathering, and a photo display in the
Kentucky lobby. Admission is free.

 C ’ ‘
, ommumt .News v
1 New Pride Patrons The proceeds came from the clubs
' . fundraising activities, including a we .
g The WHO!” cessful bar night at The Serpent in 3
' Cincinatti, Ohio on May Bist. This
3 Leather [lb allowed the Lyons to become Pride l
' The Lexington Lyons Leather/Levi Center patrons. The club also has 3
5 Club, Inc. is pleased to 2,. donated a subscription to the E
3 $500 to the GLSO Pride Center. fiwgfi fi Leather Journal to the GLSO '
3 This makes the club the first .J taught E . ; . Pride Center. Pictured are, 1
Pride Patrons with GLSO. . éim a, from left to right: (Back
|, Thomas Smith, presi-mk, a ‘ $3“ :7. . '3"? row) Jack Downs; Paul
I. dent 0f the Lyme, ‘ 7 ya: ”I, ~ “a Johnson, secretary;
e| states, "This contribution If " lrj‘” (Front row) Elvin Harkins, l
‘r reflects our club's renewed 5.1": historian; John LaMar Cole, ;
commitment ’0 OUFCOmmUhitY-" - "E1”- ' treasurer; Brad Henderson, vice- .
The Lyons CIUb ‘5 a social C'Ub president; Arin Miskel; and Thomas
for those interested in the leather/ levi Smith, president. Full members not pic- .
lifestyle, and will be celebrating its five tured include Randy Paylor, JC Lewis and
year anniversary in August of this year. Trent Tompkins.
4—————————————————> -
775622 . ”Mime about Miss Big and Beautiful Pageant
3‘7 m 3 please talk to Marcus and/or Chelsea or Call
Mark Your Calendars..."Miss Kentucky 859-881—5466. Don't Miss Either!
Big & Beautiful" Pageant & Show will be . .
held on Wednesday, July 23rd in The New Gr°up Forms In Paris '
G'lded Cage Cabaret at The Bar Complek, Citizens for Unity and Fairness is a new I
224 £an Street, 859"255'1551' Th's social and advocacy group in central ,
5 event W'” begln Sharply at 9pm and there Kentucky to serve the needs of gay and les- 1
3 M” be ‘3 door adImlSSlon. 39W, no table bians in Bourbon, Clark, Harrison, ,
. reservatlons, ft's first come, f'rSt serve. Montgomery, Nicholas, and other surround- i
5 Your reigning Miss 3'9 8‘ Beautiful, the ing counties. If you would like more infor- 1
3 Phenomenal Vlctorla Parker will be pres- mation about meetings, please contact
r ent along With Your reigning Miss National Adam Tubbs at (859) 289—3427 after7 pm or
I At Large, Chelsea Pearl and MISS Natlonal email the group directly at
_ At Large 2001 Latoya Bacall. Also appear- CUFCKY@aol.com. l
ing will be The Gilded Cage Divas.
'I The winner of this pageant will then Parenting Group l
compete at the national pageant of "Miss , , _ i
t Big & Beautiful" which will be held here in 'f y°” {n'ght be '“teTeSt‘?d '” a GLBT l
l Lexington at The Bar Complex on August group to discuss. parenting lssues, please I
5 18th, 19th & 20th, 2003 For Information contact Erln at erln.stevenson@uky.edu. l
"' GLSO page3 iI

 . . anyone who transcends gender norms and
LCSbIaII fifly Plus Group who wishes to socialize with other like 1
On Sat. July 5, we will meet at Desha’s minded people or discuss issues they face.

Restaurant at 101 N. Broadway at 5:30 for Family members and supportive communi-
dinner. We will then go to the Public Library ty members are also encouraged to partic-
Theater to see the play “Sordid Lives. Call ipate. We are not a therapy group. For
Carron,amember of our group, before July information email or call: kellindel@hot-
3 at (859) 255-7065 for reservation. The mail.com
cost for the play is $10.
We have a meeting at the Pride Center Men Of A” Co|op5 Together.
July 13 at 2 pm to plan future activities.
Please come and invite your friends to join KY Men Of all Colors Together (MACT)
us. We have been invited to a cookout on is a local chapter of a national gay multira-
Sunday, July 20 Call Ginger at the Pride cial organization which fosters a supportive
, Centerfor more info, 253_3233_ environment where friendships and part-
nerships can be celebrated free of racial
SOIJIPOI‘CQ and cultural barriers.
We meet at the GLSO Pride Center,
59””0199 protested .at the Southern 389 Waller Avenue. We have been meet-
Baptist National convention In June. See ing on Sunday evenings but are changing
Jamie’s article on page 14; Soulforce our meeting to the third Saturday. July is
Lexrngton has biweekly meetings on the uncertain because their is a national con-
second and fourth Sundays Of each month vention. To confirm meeting date and time
at 7:30 at the home Of Jamie McDaniel. In for additional information, or transportation
Ju'y that W'” be 0“ the 13th, a'Td 27m to the meeting call 859-351-4453 (Jon) or
. Soulforce follows the prInCIples of non- email us at macetky@aol.com. Web site:
Violence practiced and taught by Gandhi www.mactky.com
and Martin Luther King, Jr. to confront reli—
gious organizations that practice “spiritual AVOL Benefit
violence” against GLBT people. For infor-
mation or directions, call Jamie at 859- AVOL will be hosting a benefit at Club
230-5625 and check out our web page at 141 on Thursday, July 17. Crystal Diamond
www.SoulforceLexington.org. will be hosting this benefit show for AVOL
client Services. Show time will be 9:30 and
Hill. Dress and lifillllfll‘ Nuance the door cover will be $5. Some of the
http://groupsyahoo.com/group/lexDGA areas most talented performers will be
sharing the stage for this worthy cause.
LexDGA is a group formed for and by Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the
transgender, drag king, drag queen, cross- party.
dress, butch, femme, effeminate men, mas-
culine women, transman, transwoman, GLSO News Deadline
transsexual, androgynous, androgyny, July 15
interséxefd' gender queer‘ and 99m?” We will be finishing the newsletter
questioning people. We meet the first early this month so get your articles
Saturday 0f éaCh month , in on time! Thanks Send to:
LexDGA Is a peer dlSCUSSlOl‘l group for Iexingtonglso@yahoo.com
GLSO Page 4 ...continued page 6 '

 : Sponsor of the Month S
W' d K 11 F E?
if y
_ E
i 859 299 7410 g
T) e,
a" E
3. fi Indoor Arena E} g
3;; Cross Country Course
J: Stadium Jumping Course
ne §
It: Outdoor Sand Dressage Arena
Acreage for Trail Riding
fl: 3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen
:he Lexington, Ky 40516 I ntructor - Trainer “1-;
be ii
_—_— 1
if I
95 Thank You, Jennifer and Joan
for providing the space for the Pride Picnic

 NUDE aemen News
$ 389 Waller Ave. 859-253-3233 Mon-Sat 10 - 3 fl
LESBIAN VIDEO NIGHT your shelf? Perhaps you are new in town
and are looking for a place to meet new
DO you know why lesbians like cowboy friends? Or maybe you just like playing
boots, Patsy Cline and kissing in the rain? games. Then come to the Pride Center
The answers are in what many consider a Friday, July 25 at 7:00 pm. for Gaymes
lesbian film classic, Desert Hearts. Join Night. Families and teens are welcome to
us at the Pride Center Friday, July 11th at attend. Bring a snack to share or your
8 pm. (notice the later time) for director favorite game if you want.
Donna Deitch's independent film that came
out in the mid-1980's. Desert Hearts stars M EN'S SCI BIAL BLU B
Helen Shaver as repressed English profes- _
sor Vivian Bell, who travels to 1959 Reno, , On Tuesday, JUIy 8 there W'" b? a plan-
Nevada for a quickie divorce. While there ninlg meeting for the Mens Socral Cl'f'b'
she meets the vivacious young artist and ““5 meeting WI“ be held at the Pride
casino worker, Cay Rivers played by Center from7t09pm. TheOmeeting Is get
Patricia Charbonneau. If you can't figure ideas for OUt'ng and other thing '“C'uFl'ng a
where this one's going, run do not walk to name for the group. S_° bring your ideas.
lesbian video night, because you are in For Information call lggie at 492-9904.
serious need of Lesbian 101. Seriously, ,
Desert Hearts is well acted with a well-writ- Andrew S Club
ten script, and it is underscored by a fabu- Andrew’s Club, a social support group
lous 1950's soundtrack. But best of all, it is for GLBT folks in their twenties, will meet
rated R for nudity and sex scenes! on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month
at the Pride Center at 7 pm. In July we
X 6 11d.- The Saga Continues will be marching with Fairness on the 4th,

Come watch Xena the Warrior Princess and meeting'at the Center on 12th and
and her companion Gabrielle, the Bard of 26th” To partICIpate 'n ““8 group we 85k
Potedia, as they travel the back roads of you to be at least 18 for legal reasons. If
Ancient Greece. We will be showing you are older than 29 you might fit In Just
episodes of the lesbian cult classic televi- tine.
sion series on Saturday, July 19, from 1 to There is a library article on page 19
4 pm at the Pride Center.

Bring a friend and some snacks to 3, ' eep e owe you mu,"
share. For more information call the Pride g,“ Get the love you want!”
Center at 253-3233 or email lady- -‘ '
janeky@yahoo.com. Battle onllll Jessica Bollinger LCSW 1

“AW“ NW” Certified Imago Relationship Therapist
. Do you like to play cards? Maybe you . couples, family, individual '.
like to talk about the latest moVIes you
have seen? Has your scrabble board or imagoconnection.com 859-552-6533
trivial pursuit game been getting dusty on
GLSO Page 6

 , CLTMonme.   0'
E 859w881u3849 ;
g ' $17.95/ MONTH
33, $13.95/1 YEAR AGREEMENT I

 Spldtmfl wawww
Unitarian Universalist Church iting winerys and orchards, and sprouting
seeds to symbolize the resurrection the of
The Unitarian Universalist Church wel- the corn king, and spend the warmest of
comes visitors any time. There will be serv- the evenings out side.
ices every Sunday during the summer at As summer passes, Wiccan remem-
10 am. There are many groups that meet bers its warmth and bounty in the food we
that are open to non—church members. A eat. Every meal is an act atonement with
small Buddhist Meditation Group meets nature, and we are reminded that nothing
every Wed. night at 7:30. The Woman’s in the universe is constant.
Spirituality Group will be meeting at the A good way to honor this day to plant
home of Mary Crone on July 11 to watch a seeds. If they sprout, grow the plant with
documentary about Spirituality. (mary 266- love and as a symbol of your connection
5904.) For more information check the web with the Gods.
at www.uuc|.org. Next month I will be writing about
Mabon. The Vlficca/Pagan group is no
JUbilee Fellowship longer having regular meetings but if you
The Jubilee Fellowship is a Christian are interested in learning more please call
group that gets together for Bible Study me at 492'9904' Blessed Be.
and Worship every Thursday night. They , ‘ ‘ , ,
are no longer meeting at the Pride Center. [NHLGRHY
Contact Beverly or Corina at 264-7006 Integrity, a group for GLBT
CWBM121893@aol.com for information or Episcopalians and friends, continues to
directions to the meeting. meet on the second sunday of each month
at St. Michael’s episcopal Church at 2025
MCCAN PATHWAYPAkTé Bellefonte St. in Lexington. For informa-
Lusmasabh tion contact Rectors David Boyd or Sandy
13“ '55“ Stone at 277-7511 or email
_ , Stmintegrity@yahoo.com.
Lughnasadh IS the first of three harvest
festivals followed by Mabon and '
Samhaim. It is named for the God Lugh of Dlana Pardee
the Silver Arm. Lugh (or Lug) has a very _fjg;,;.}:v.g--y
interesting and long story. It is also known .; ‘ Healing
as Aug. Eve, Feast of Bread, Harvest 5:;1:':“ L ’ Touch
Home And Lammas (Aug. 2) 1 g“; __
At. this time, Corn dollles made by ._. Balanced
weavmg wheat stalks are used to symbol- 3,, _ ,
ize the goddess of grain. Corn bread in the 1* 7 ' L1V1ng
shape of the god of grain are baked in
honor of his sacrifice. Celebrate this time Massaege Therapy
of the first harvest by baking corn bread, By Appt. (859) 269-6339
canning the what you have harvested, vis-
GLSO Page 8

 . Real Estate Service With
of . RESULTS Rem
‘ y, I Harden
n- t" ' -'~
:: D in .1123...
19 Scott Ackerman ED'CAT'ON
3: Mobile: 859—338—8483 ENTHUSIASM '
)n' V0ice Mail: 859-294-2055
Office: 859-269-7331 Serving Lexington
ut E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com 8*
10 All of Central Kentucky
:1 Call me with all your Real Estate Needs
'3 p Reiki p
ith .
25 Energy Work for:
18- . x .
:fl Stress Management
Physical, Mental, and Emotional Wellness
5 Working Exclusively with Women >
Tucky Anne Williams Call for Appointment 1
) Certified Reiki Healer 859-266-0144
— GLSO Page 9 .

 Q cation XXII An ln-Town Show at Club 141 on June ‘
6 featured many of Kentucky's best enter-
Tlge Impem'dl Caz”; ony Caps tainers. Guests were treated to perform- ,
I t’s Most Successful Reign ances. by representatives of Courts and
Baronies from across the US and Canada
Courtiers representing 15 organizations and the Nine Inch Males Revue at the OUt'
from across North America descended on of-Town Show on June 7'
Lexington June 6-9 as the Imperial Court of At a State Dinner, also on June 7'
Kentucky hosted its 22nd Coronation Ball. Empress 16 Of Kentucky and Minister Of
Lexington Mayor Teresa Isaac kicked off Protocol Chanda Lier issued a call for
the ceremony at the Radisson Plaza Hotel reform in the International Court's system
Ballroom with a proclamation declaring of perpetual council membership outlining
Sunday, June 8th Imperial Court of proposals fora more democratic structure.
Kentucky Day. Keynote Speaker Dowager Empress
During the ball retiring Empress 21 MirandaWrights ofConnecticutchallenged
Nicole Diamond and Regent Emperor 21 attendees to focus on the Court System's
Larry Stanley announced that Reign 21 had role as benefactor to communities in need.
raised more than $43,000 making it the At June 9th's Victory Brunch newly
most successful reign ever. Net proceeds crowned monarchs pledged to, "retain and
for the reign will be donated to Moveable increase membership within our organiza-
Feast Lexington, The Gay & Lesbian tion, enhance the public image of our
Services Organization, AIDS Volunteers of organization within our community, seek
Lexington and other organizations. new outlets for fundraising and corporate
Members elected new monarchs for sponsorship, work to improve communica—
Reign 22. Empress JD Vaughn and tions among members, strive to preserve
Emperor Larry Stanley will preside over the our history and traditions, and continue the
court for the coming year. Vaughn named successful history of fundraising we've had
Lady Marmalade Imperial Crown Princess in recent years." The new monarchs made
and Stanley named Jeff Henken to serve as their iiiSt public appearance at GLSOiS
Imperial Crown Prince. Pride Picnic and will be featured in
The Board of Directors bestowed its Lexington's 4th Of July Parade.
highest honor, The James F. Herndon Members also elected four new mem-
(Sweet Evening Breeze) Lifetime bers to the Imperial Court's Board of
Achievement Award, on Emperor 19 and Directors. Jeff Henken, Daryl Lyons,
two—term Board President Donnie (E.V.) Christopher Rhorer and Wayne Swope,
Royse. Members recognized Terry Mullins, join the new monarchs and returning board
Executive Director of Moveable Feast members Stephen Foster, Michael
Lexington, with the Henry Faulkner Thompson and Rims Wagner, for Reign
Community Service Award. 22. A transitional meeting was held at the
Popular entertainers Chelsea Pearl, Pride Center on Waller Avenue in
Ashley Kruz, Cammie Dietrich, Plum Lexington June 22 at 7 PM For more
Vicious, Corvette and many others information on the Imperial Court of
appeared in command performances at the Kentucky ViSit their website at
ball emceed by The Lovely Suzanne of http://www.impcourt.org/kentucky/.
Portland Oregon.
GLSO page 10

M m can «mm W 252-3014
3: A Charity Organization
Z; 2303 “we More“ Sponsors
for Scott Ackerman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (voice) 294-2055
:91 For all your real estate needs (mobile) 338-8483
re. TheBarCompIex ..........................255-1551
‘5: 224 East Main Street
n's Fairness: Bluegrass Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . 859-806-4114
301- Promoting equality for all people
nd 0
:a- Pride Patron
:1: Lexington Lyons Levi/Leather Club. . . . . . . . . . 272-0408 -
3;: GLSO News Sponsors 2002 ..
ihe SisterSound..................................243-0243
lad Diverse music for all women
[3: Richardson Vision Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278-4201
in 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
*m- Russ Dunn Real Estate
n? Unitarian Universalist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223-1448
pe' Seeking a Diverse Congregation
ard Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276-3244
ael 1513 Nicholasville Road
‘9“ WindyKnoIIFarm .............................299-7410
the Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
are Lexington Men’s Chorus .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255—1974
of Rehearsal every Sunday
at CLTMonIine.COM..............................881-3849
204 Rebel Road in Nicholasville
— GLSO page 11

 Can number m July 2003
Directory for Location.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
4 5
Faces of Faith in America 7 pm Discussion Group Noon July 4th Parade Pride Center Open 10 '3
6:30 Food Fair Pride Center March with Fairness
7:30 Ky Theater Midland Ave. 53:7: Sordid or
7 pm Sistahs in the Life 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8 pm LDGA meeting
PC (Call for place)
' 6 7 9 11 12
10 am uu Church Services 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 3 r ,. g r _l, Pride Center Open 10-3
1'9; g33n Sordid it 8 pm AA Step Study 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA :_ V ‘y >. 7pm Andrews Club—
$500 Digital Camera (Call for place) (Call for place) 730 'p‘m Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center
Raffle Drawing (Call for place) 1-4pm XENA - P 6
buy tickers ct
8:7. Era Pricele- Center
7 pm Dignity Call for place .
1 3 14 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9
10 am uu Church 730 pm Lexington Lyons 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussion Group 9:30 AVOL Benefit (Call for Place) Pride Center Open 10—3
2 pm 50+ Pride Center Pride Center Pride Center Club 141 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6 Pm Imperial Court PC 8 pm AA Step Study 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA (Call for place)
7 pm Dignity (Call for Place) (Call for place) (Call for place)
7:30 Souiforce
20 _ 21 22 23 . . 24 25 . y 26
10 am UU ChUTCh Servrce 7 pm GLSO Board 7 pm GSA (Call for place) 7 pm Discussmn Group ,, t : .. , -- Pride Center Open 10-3
Meeting, Pride Center Pride Center -1372, g 7pm Andrews Club-
8 pm AA Step Study 8 pm city/atnefsobrlarlta/gg ., 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pr'de center
(Call for place) p (Call for place)
27 i H . . . V .. . 1 3
10 am UU Church Service ggm GSA (Call for place) §pom Discussion Group. 31 i ACtQUt presents sordid LSVGS !
5 pm Imperial Court 130 8 pm AA Step Study Pride Center i 1
7:30 Soulforce (Call for place) i Saturday July 5 at 8 {
i Sunday July 6 at 2 pm i
‘ Tickets $10 pl.
GLSO Page12 GLSO Page 13

 Soulforce Protests Over seventy Soulforce volunteers
. . stood protest outside the convention in 6
Southern Ba tlsts Convention
1) Jamli)e McDaniel 110 degree heat to counter these untruths. .
y We passed out literature that compared

Southern Baptists meeting at their Southern Baptist anti-gay teachings and
annual convention in Phoenix made public statements with those of Kansas pastor
their plans to liberate homosexuals by Fred Phelps. We shared our deep con-
iomk’eang meg/1, intto rtietfirosexualsrTh: cerns with many SBC messengers. We

3 0 e0 i is o omosexuai .
niw prorgcramnis c2llezjy"The Way Out ,, ty proclaimed the truth that GLBT people are
. . ' part of the "creative-given" and that God 1

During the conference, Richard Land, loves us exactl as we are
president of the SBC's Ethics and Religious To keep Szulforce protestors at bay 1
Libe Commission said, "Homosexuals . ,

W . . this year, Southern Baptist leaders rented
can find freedom from this Sinful, destruc- out an entire ublic s ace in front of the
tive lifestyle. They can be redeemed. They , , , p p . Joi

. ,, Phoenix CIVIC Plaza, which plaza workers
, can be liberated. . 00
said was unheard of.

The seven thousand messengers to the The most owe rful event came the fo1
Southern Baptist Convention also over- night of June 1173“} In the middle of GLBT ka
whelmin a roved a resolution that , ‘
strongly gondZ$nns same sex marriage pride month, all the Soulforce volunteers wr

Russell Moore an assistant professor formed a line and used glow—sticks to cre-

. . ’ . ateared-oran e- ellow- reen—blue- ur le
of Christian theology at Southern Baptist banner of ligh? Yl'his vigil was 00:131th
Theological Seminary in Louisville said, with music and when the convention let
"We believe same-sex marria e hurts ,
homosexuals ,, 9 out, thousands of Southern Baptists were

President. Bush also addressed the funneled directly to where we were stand-
meeting by videotape He called the ing. The sight Of GLBT people and our 1"”);

. ' ,, . allies standing there in that moment 1;?

Southern Baptist messengers faithful ser— moved our olice liaison a black woman 11
vants" and asked God to bless them. "You d P t F: t ' 11
name a o ears .5.

and I share man common values. We ’ , ' , _ “é

. . . y . Ed. note: Lexmgton’s Jamie McDaniel
believe in fosteringaculture of life and that r n' dth' at'o a/ ote t G dJ bl

. . ,. oaize isn/nrs.oo o. .
marriage and family are sacred institutions, Wg r o d f J in, I 1

. . . . eaeruoouaie. .

said PreSIdent Bush, who is a Methodist. p y _.
k M‘n“"¢f“m‘é'£x 11m“ 1111mm 1
c1” .. . 11L“? ”’4“ t . ” ,1 11
«131 an” . ,;. in
1esuselcomed0utcastsg “‘ 1
y M 111,111’1 -- .
t. 917211 1 " . ~ "i? H" WW .
g1{agongfiteynfiaeiisfiFeammw1 ; , ., 1.
W ”111111, . : , .-
310F111; / for» .. ‘ ,
fi’fisfhfiriémrtlL‘wv . ‘ 'i
GLSO page 14

Gentle Abventvn'e Retreats E E
Pawiews Isianb S. Carolina E5°W°d 100/000 meals E
September 7-12 anb 14-19 E and Counting E

"’2 tender " ,, -T?:‘:;""f.,-f E - V E
approach " .3 ‘. 1;”) E ‘ .‘u‘ A.“ E
to dating i * _ m» E «ageiaeég E
31']ma E —: E
W ,, . E um... E
In a flmeset E E
13",“ , . El
apart" . E Dloolno Out 101 llte E
Join with other women in a lovely E Will be 0“. 2 E
ocean front home and enjoy great E E
food movement classes meditation E E
’ ’ ' E We always need E
kayaking, ocean swimming, iournal E ‘ E
writing, and day trips. E volunteers. Jf you can E
Meriah@gentle adventure.net E drive a car, 5°" can E
www.gent|eadventure.net E change a life. E
Meriah Kruse 895 276-4962 E E
Mary Crone 895 266-5904 E ”u 252'2867 E
, HEW]
”*0 : .- ‘r 1 t 1.. WM -
b - u; Eatlmaci éimget Midway. KT -
, V ‘ . g;_* . , magmas-21538 if
at, cafe & mffee ~
Fine Caffeae a Teas
Delicims Lunches Lusciaua Desserts '
j__j: , ‘, ‘ insitie 311E Path Dining ,
1 Twas. 1— fiat 115% - 51: Sun. Ha - 5p
‘ - ,5 New .01?va Pm. 53119-1”.- , __5p ap ,
i E 3 1'. I. ' ' far 551595.. appgfiterfi; imlmmg-Efi E. aziéiifiafi-Er'iéfi' ‘.
GLSO Page 15

 BI eg ass Fa' ness
FAIRNESS Promoting equality for all people regardless of
3 . their sexual orientation or gender identity
‘ No More, No Less in sixteen central Kentucky counties. ze
: ' Le
9 COME MARCH WITH US in Lexington's Fourth of July Parade! 3:
‘1 Meet on Midland Avenue by our float at noon on the Fourth. ed
If you'd like to help build the float, contact us at 859-806-4114 ac
i or email KyAndrew1@aol.com.
: HE
STOP BY and visit our information booth and concession stand his
on Vine Street during the Fourth of July festivities. dr:
: Thanks for your support! in
3 ye
. tel
p.0_ Box 22032 www.bluegrassfairness.org Dc
. Lexington, Kentucky 40522 www.kentuckyfairness.org 2‘:
i 859-806-4114 . , info@bluegrassfairness.org al
Bluegrass faimess his
(j£5(9 @(mqr-atulatu hi:
; Fairness always needs volunteers. an
‘; Here are the standing committees and the |mperia| court of Kentucky Le
1 people to contact if you want to get . . 't
l involved. Contact us at (859) 806-4114 or Empress XX! N'°°'e D'amond Z'C
\ info@bluegrassfairness.org. and "b‘
1 Steering Committee Jim Dickinson at Regent Emperor XXI Larry Stanley im
; 252—5801 or Cindy Downey at 539-2703. for raiSing more than $43,000 making wi‘
3 Outreach Committee Laurie Davison theirs the most successful reign ever Br
; Fundraising Committee Jim Dickinson Emperor XXII’ Larry Stanley iv
: 252-5801 and
Volunteer Committee Charlotte Wood Empress XX", J..D vaUth l:
_ 259_0854 for their election and a
1 ' ' ' ex
Communication Committee Media- Allan the beginning Of a new Re'gn er
; Barger, 254—4605, Phone Tree-Jennifer Donnie (E.V.) Royse ar
l .
. Crossen, 299'7410’ WebSIte — Matt Levy The James F. Herndon (Sweet Evening (3‘
3 859 7372535 Breeze) Lifetime Achievement Award ye
Legislative Committee, Jennifer Crossen ' ac
1 2997410 Emperor 19 and two—term Board PreSIdent so
1 ——__—_——_—__—_—_—————_— _
‘ GLSO Page 16

/ / . . . . .
Lcegh A78 W Pet Sitting/ Exercismg/ Transporting

by Jeff Jon es Certified in Pet First Aid by A.R.C.
Member Pet Sitters International

Leigh Angelique, long-time colorful citi- «129;». , Robyn Stockwell, Owner
zen of Lexington, passed away on June 12. {5" call 359 273.7202
Leigh's legal, boy—name was Garland _~§ toll free 1 377 332.3953
Hanley, but he was better known by his ‘5”: Licensed-Bonded-Insured
:gaghzergifna:’nLigg'gnijflaayflgsdpég www.petsit.com/members/rainbowwatchers
active, living drag queen. _ _ .

Born in Detroit, Michigan, Garland ground glass in drag competitors makeup
Hanley had an interesting life separate from to reporting to pack a swnchblade. Leigh
his fame and friends among Lexington's and three other young drag queens were
drag community. He heldaMasters degree arrested around 1969 for being in drag
in education and taught biology for 34 0th?” than Halloween; a_V'°Iat'°n Of a
years before retiring from the school sys- Lexmgton ordinance at the time. The group
tern. Mr. Hanley taught at Henry Clay fought the law with the help of attorney
Douglas, Louisville Male, and Russell. He Harry Miller, and the ordinance was voided.
also worked at times as a hairdresser, and For years Leigh and his friends WOUId cele-
has worked as a host at Denny's for sever- brate