xt70k649rt8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rt8w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2014-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, August 2014 text LinQ magazine, August 2014 2014 2014-08 2019 true xt70k649rt8w section xt70k649rt8w ;_\ ’ fté’yngécting the Bluegrass LGB T community '
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Qflzfifb‘éfi: «6..» August 2014, Vol. 36 No. 8
”UNGLEMUS‘LT A publication of the GLSO

 Cover photo provide by
Neon Jungle, Lexington, KY
Saturday, August 17, 2013
9 9 ' 9
That 5 What I m Talkm About
Helena muses about how the evolution of the word
“family” over the years can be seen through television.
Imperlal Court of Kentucky News I
The Imperial Court hosts three events in August, }
including one to help children in need to be prepared ‘
to go back to school. '
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Editor-in—Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
' Christopher Bauer to educate, enhance and empower the community about
Copy Editor GLBTQQIA issues.
Ann Malcolm
Photographer GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Brian Hawkins Paul Brown, President
Calendar Coordinator Ginger Moore-Minder, Vice President
Chad Hundley Paul Holland, Secretary
Circulation Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
‘ GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams Roberto Abreu, At Large
Advertising Coordinator Christoher Bauer, At Large
Daryl Lyons Donovan Jefferson, At Large
! LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and
i Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The GLSO Staff
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions Chad Hun dley, Office Manager
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual.
_ . GLSO Pride Center
All LinQ submissmns and advertisements can be made to
. _ . 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
the edltor (ed1tor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center
. . . 859-253-3233, www.g1so.org
(859-253-3233). All submiss1ons may be edited for length.
Office hours are:
. . Tuesday-Friday 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO . '
. Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (Beginning Saturday, August 16)
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO

Meet the New Editor of GLSO ’s LinQ
Dear LinQ readers, role with smashing success! The GLSO
board, of which Christopher recently
sincerely hope you enjoy this became a member, feels confident
Iedition of LinQ and all those to handing LinQ over to his stewardship
come. This edition marks a change due to his dedication and the fact that.
in editorship from Marc Blevins, who prior to becoming an attorney, he spent
is taking a new job and can’t devote ten years as a graphic designer.
as much time to editing a magazine As the job of editing the magazine
(we wish him well), to Christopher represents a gigantic task, Christopher
Bauer. Christopher moved here from has partnered up with Ann Malcolm.
Miami, Florida around a year ago with She will do copy editing on all pieces auspices of GLSO. We thank both of
his partner and fellow GLSO board submitted to LinQ, while Christopher them immensely for their hard work
member Roberto Abreu. Christopher does the display and design. Ann is a and service in making Lexington and
is a corporate attorney, and Roberto long time resident of Lexington and has the planet Earth a better place for LGBT
is earning his PhD in Counseling been a huge advocate for LGBT issues. people and their allies.
Psychology at the University of In fact, Ann served as the second chair Together, Christopher and Ann will
Kentucky. The handsome couple plan of the Lexington Pride Festival and grow and evolve LinQ. Personally, I
to marry in New York City in August goes down in Lexington Pride history believe they will move unstoppably,
and honeymoon in Europe. as a successful chair who helped grow and I am waiting anxiously to View the
Christopher has proven to be a solid the festival from its early seedlings magic they will create. Please join us in
trooper in his time in Lexington. He into the massive tree it is today. Ann congratulating and wishing Christopher
joined the Lexington Pride Festival is married to Theo Meacham, who and Ann well on this new endeavour.
committee and took on one of the most co-directs Company Q, a queer youth
difficult roles: co-chairing logistics theater group that excels as one of the Sincerely,
with Kat Wilkie. The duo executed the several programs offered under the Paul Brown, GLSO President 0
I n Sponsorship: Inside Back Cover, $750
Single Page Article, Single Page Ad,
Email edit0r@gls0.org or call 859-253-3233 11 Month “8 Page Advertisements-

That’s What I’m *
T lk ’Ab t
a l n O 11 It at“
‘ By Helena Handbasket
‘ y. That is a word that sparks single man could raise a son? We also had who share a commonality such as a common
FZnHJdfion each time someone hears Dwerent Strokes, where Mr. Drummond living space or even just their common life
it. But did you ever wonder why? Think and his daughter took in two inner city experiences on a regular basis. Sometimes
about it. .. It is a word that means something youths to love and raise. This changed the the commonality is only that there is blood
different to each and every person; partly face of family on TV. Then came the ’805, relation. But in today’s world, it can be your
because the meaning of the word for many and enter the families that we all wanted church family, or that chosen family — those
‘ people has metamorphosed into something to be part of, such as The ertables, or the that you have taken into your life and your
completely different than it used to be. ones on Dallas, or Dynasty, Knots Landing, heart that you can’t see your life without
So, what does family look like? There or Falcon Crest. They were examples of Ihavebeenblessed to have so much family.
was a time that to be considered a family, seemingly perfect families with lots of drama There are my relatives, who I love and cherish
there had to be a mommy, a daddy, a couple going on each week. And for me, Dynasty in spite of our diflerences; there is my church
of kids, and usually some sort of house pet introduced the first believable gay character family thatl get so much love from and know
Ofcourse,wecanlooktoTVtoseemany matlrememberedwhenStevencameomas Icangotoiflhaveaneed;andthereismy
models of different families: Leave It to gay. Every gay man I knew was watching chosen family of those fiiends that are close
Beaver (the title still makes me giggle like a that night; It was like Christmas. The only to me—thatI carry in my heart. In each case,
school girl), The Waltons, Little House on the gay character I remember before him was these folks are all my family and I cherish
Prairie, The Braoj/ Bunch. They were the Jody, played by Billy Crystal on Soap, where them in my life.
perfect families, where any challenge could he played a cross-dressing homosexual. How Recently, I have had the joy of reconnecting
work out fine by the end of the 30 minutes or scandalous! with one of my nephews. He has opened his
1 hour episode. But have you noticed that, Fast forward to present day, and the shows heart and his life up to me and started to share
as the world has changed, so have many of that we thought we would never see. We see his own life experiences this far in his journey.
the TV shows’ views of what a family looks families like the Dunphees and the Pn'tchitts He has introduced me to his life partner and
like? Shows such as Good limes took us to on Modern Family, where the relationship now he has also entered into my heart and
the world of JJ. Evans and the struggles that between Cal and Mitchell is just as valid and has become family. And, although they are
he and his family faced. Then there was the accepted as everyone else in the family. In on their way to Califomia to begin their new
Davis family where a widower (with the help shows like TheNew Normal, we see two men adventures together, I know that I will be in
of Mr. French) took care of Sissy, Jamie, and in a loving commitment with each other take their hearts and they will be in mine. Once
Buffy. (I wanted to believe that Mr. Davis inasingle mother and her daughter. Don’tyou again my family has grown and the blessings
and Mr. French were silently lovers.) And agree that this too would qualify as a family? continue. I am so thankfiil.
what about The Courtship of Eddies Father, (I hated when they cancelled that one.) Send comments or suggestions to
where Bill Bixby taught us that a divorced The way I define family is any persons HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.como

Im erial Court of
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By Christina Puse

reetings everyone! We hope J.D.Vaughn, and His Imperial Majesty, ‘1,“ :«wv‘ “Back to

Gthat you have had a great Emperor 32, Patrick Thompson, have a F; ' '3" _ . School” show
summer so far. The ICK has been out great event scheduled for Wednesday, : I I. to raise funds
and about within the community doing August 13, at Pulse Nightlife. There will I g 1 "if; for children
our best to meet everyone and continue be a $5 donation at the door starting at 13%" ' ‘ '3‘; of AVOL who
to build friendships, 01d and new. At the 8 p.m. and the show starts at 8:30 p.m. J g i. do not have
beginning of July, the ICK teamed up Please join them and the rest of the ICK I l 3 f 5’ 7 'z the supplies to
with Lexington Fairness to march in the for a great night of entertainment and get them through the school year. Prior
Fourth of July parade. Not only was it memories to last! to this event, there will be AVOL Kids
one of the best turnouts that’s been seen Sunday, August 17, the ICK will be “Back to School” supply flyers available
in a while, but Lexington’s community hosting its annual Investitures event at for $1 each for those of you who would
seemed to enjoy the LGBT section of Bogart’s Lounge. Every year the ICK like to help us start this fundraiser early.
the parade! Afterwards, the ICK held an bestows titles to its members and friends Look for these flyers, available at one
event at Crossings Lexington entitled, alike, to recognize those who do so of your favorite bar establishments.
“Celebrating our Gay Independence!” much for our community. This formal Last year’s Back to School event was
This was the first year that the ICK has event is a night not to miss! Come on spectacular, and this year, the ICK hopes
ever held an event on Independence Day, out and enjoy a night with ICK Royalty, to make it even better! All the festivities
and what a great turnout we had! Thank friends, and family. There will be a $5 and fun begin at 9 p.m. We hope that
you to everyone who attended and donation at the door at 7 pm, and the you will join us and help bring joy to
assisted in raising much-needed funds event begins at 8 p.m. so many children in need for this new
for our charities. With that being said, As the summer is coming to a close, school year to come.
Reign 33 is continuing our endeavors children everywhere are preparing We hope to see you all out and about
for the community with a few upcoming themselves for the return to school. Some and look forward to spending these
events for the month of August. If you families with children may have already fabulous times with our community!
haven’t already, go ahead and get your started their school shopping, but for For more information about the ICK’S
calendars ready to jot these dates down. those families that don’t have the means events, please visit our website at W.
You won’t want to miss out on these to, the ICK and the community steps in imperialcourtkentuckyorg or Visit us
great events! to provide some assistance. On Friday, on Facebook under Imperial Court of
Our Dowager Monarchs, Her August 22, at Crossings Lexington, Kentucky.

Imperial Majesty, Empress 22 and 32, the ICK will be hosting a AVOL Kids 0

7'7 . "3 " I . 1" f‘ p " I ' * . - ' ' ,
By Tuesday Meadows
An Introduction lifelong resident of Kentucky, aparent, a Most evenings I watch television and
his is my first regular feature graduate of the University of Kentucky, read at the same time (yes, I may have
Toolumn here in LinQ. The focus a trans-feminist, a Christian, and I am a bit of ADD). My favorite movie of all
of TKA (TransKyAdvocate) will be married to a wonderful woman. time is a Western, Silverado, but I also
on the transgender community here I believe in equality for everyone, like many of the newer movies as long
in Lexington and Central Kentucky. women having reproductive (and other) as they tell a great story. I even liked
Each column will focus on a different control of their own bodies, standing up Frozen; I see parallels between my
subject to be shared with the larger for what you believe in, forgiveness, and struggles with my journey and Anna’s
LGBT community, such as the personal inclusiveness. I believe that how each of search for her sister after she ran away
stories, celebrations, and struggles of us personally identify is more important because of all the trouble that she had
our transgender neighbors. Like any than what happens in our bedrooms or caused. If you go back and watch it,
community, the transgender community what happens to be in our pants. I love you might look at it differently. I know,
in Lexington is a very diverse group. politics, but unlike politicians, I find Iknow: “Let it Go,” Tuesday!

While we celebrate that diversity, it can myself continually evolving on the My name came from a book used
make it difficult forpeople to understand political scale. I believe that everyone for naming babies, and sometimes
us or even understand each other. Ihope has a right to their own opinions, as my transition feels like I was just
that, by sharing these stories, bridges long as they are not harmng others. born. Before you ask, I was born on a
between all of us can be built and However, I also believe that there are Thursday, but I liked the name Tuesday.
crossed. With more understanding, we many dangerous opinions that can be Naming or renaming ourselves is a big
can all have a better, louder, and more used to harm or even kill members of part of our transition. Some choose to
effective voice, both here in Lexington , the trans and LGB communities, and take our birth name and use a masculine
and in the rest of Kentucky. therefore I have little tolerance for hate or feminine version of it. Others take a
Since this column will be about speech and slurs, even when they have name that our parents say they would
personal stories, let me first share my been “reclaimed.” have named us had we been assigned a
own. I go by the name Tuesday. I am My interests include cooking, baking, different gender at birth. Some find our
a male-to-female (MTF) transgender shopping, reading, running, fishing, and names elsewhere. Tuesday is my third
person. (As an aside, please don’t say watching football, basketball, and horse attempt to name myself and the one that
“transgendered person,” it makes it racing. I do not believe that any activities feel the most right. The first I used for
sound like I had an accident.) I am a are inherently masculine or feminine. Continued on Page 15 “Tuesday”

 l > T
l I; o o o '
, 2014 Pride Festival Raises The Bar.
I 8 By Chad Hundley Dario before he appeared at Zuckerman, the band Kung equality, retail, college, and
i he Seventh Annual the festival, but he has quite Fu Grip, March Madness non—profit organizations as
i, TLexington Pride the resume, performing with MarchingBand, the Lexington well. We can safely say that
Festival was held Saturday, acts such as Destiny’s Child, Ballet, SisterSound, it was an absolutely fantastic
June 28, 2014, at the Robert F. Ariana Grande, Beyonce, and Louisville Gay Men’s Chorus, day for everyone involved!
Stephens Courthouse Plaza in ermf v o ~ -' The Pride Festivalcommittee
downtown Lexington. It was ”I f! g] , i ‘ i wishes to thank everyone who
by far the biggest celebration , .. , ~.y » attended, helped to spread
of its kind here in Central ' a? 2:: F; A? ‘/ if the word, and volunteered,
Kentucky to date. Many have V (”1; f: 4; ‘E ‘3‘ and those who continue to
said that our festival was the ‘ W‘ , I ' I . " support us. A very special
bestin its offerings ofvendors, x? I >' _I thank you goes out to our
entertainment, and fun for f” fig; “' - Rainbow Sponsors: Crossings
all ages, from five to ninety— ' it, '_ Lexington, SoundBar, and
five. This year’s festival drew . i’ .. West Sixth Brewery, and to
national and international Katy Perry, to name a few. DJs Ea, Brady, and Crowe, the Gay and Lesbian Services
attention through Twitter, Taking Dario and his crew and the fabulous entertainers Continued on next page
Facebook, Instagram, and back to the airport on Sunday during our drag shows! We ,
even sources such as MTV’ evening was a sad “see you also had Erin Davies and ‘
With the help ofour headliner, later” for those of us on the the famous Fagbug make an 7 ,4?
international recording committee who got to spend appearance on Saturday, and c" 5.; _ ,‘
artist Dario. We were even time with them, as we learned The Kentucky Theater was M x a r. E
trending on Yahoo three times what amazing individuals proud to present the third f; .\ k 3‘: 5 ‘ 7
throughout the day. Some in superstars can be. official public screening of IX 1' ‘ '1 \l‘
the area were unfamiliar With Lexington Pride Festival her sequel, “Fagbug Nation,” p“ “\ .5 . \ _ a
continues to on Sunday. Win... - \ .
N5 :3 excel, putting Over 80 vendors and i‘\‘ ‘ E
4 lg, ’, _‘6 our stamp non-profit organizations 6 . -. i;
. - on Central participated in this year’s ”a 1 t
“l“ L 3', 12-,“ '- I Kentucky as event as well. Among them U ”:8 veg?
Iv .1 ,3 '1' MS! 57: “The Best were numerous corporate {jigglinifiqf‘ 2‘
G . :‘ca/A‘, Y :4; Party in sponsors such as Macy’s, : {Egg i
’A' ‘ippflfll m g Town” with Whole Foods Market, UPS, Top: Mya St. Je& M.
| 3 I? m f y the talents Subaru, and Cash America. 3:33;le $21133: filinguilfl
H ‘ :LL . l‘ 9‘) W of Josh There were many religious, 3:21;: 2113:: ogregisuiddlie :23: I

 Continued from previous .. v
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page , ,, ‘ ‘ _. > "c' > .: H,/ .

' ' v. . ' . ,, , “War.“ v - i I ‘
Organlzatlon (GLSO) for \l _ 3' : . a . . i I
hosting the festival! :35» " 17%. M _4, , * l1 '5 ‘ / * ’ c‘

537‘ .,; . My: ‘ L. Hr-ttl‘fifi , .. ‘ -
. v ~*'t‘-.* ‘« t ’ ‘ : 'e‘. w . 4h '1‘ ,_M.,
To be part of the 3 * r_:~‘.,,fi*-W ‘ *0: j": ’ ' f p / .
3/ ‘- . 7,. '- "— aw,” " 2 \S
commlttee planmng - . :2“ , ' ' g ‘ M g“ 53; :3:
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’ ’ Astra. ;'__ . , ‘5 _ ‘ , s. ‘2" ' 4‘; 1‘ L 5
next year s festlval, $3; 13* . 3 ,. .3, _ G L S O . 3.th ,, [A .75.; L5: , ..;
. 'a» " ’ F] r. -.. *2" * ” .: .4 / ttm~53§\
please attend the election # ,- ,“i—"-%:i - ":1- ,, v7 -_ --=-=—-:,
. . . ' i i I a _ *r ‘ ' " 2
meetlng for new posmons : 090/1114 - ' ,- \
L I: X l N C T O N : \ ~
- 5 EN 10R P ' . i ' m ‘
at the GLSO Prlde Center ,3 «a t C' ROU / fl. agree,
2 c I 4 \\ g“ -A g .g _r-,:‘
at 389 Waller Ave, Suite \sww 1;! I - ‘v': “Let... M... ® «Mir M ,
#100, Lexington, KY, 7 W \,
.» , ‘ ‘63,. 4 . | \
on Thursday, August I “My" ‘ ‘-. i o . . ,. , \\\
28, 2014, at 6:30pm, or 7 ' n ' .
. , . I H,‘¢* ‘ -2 3-32 I _ >
contact chad@glso.org . ,\ ‘ ,, x, _ V ; i l , 5 «9? '4‘ egg l
. . J}: H \1: K ,/ . . ‘ ‘ . \\:\_ '_ . - _Ea‘~ _
for more 1nf0nnatlon. / , «:3; fl 5 if! ti ‘ \ _ j , ‘ .~‘
, . — * 1‘ I ‘ ‘ t‘m M _ ‘, ;.'*-V .—_.. \,«_‘ ‘filt‘.
Lets keep the Pride fl: , , ‘ ‘\, .»\j. , ' ,, ~ ‘ >90
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' £1? 7 i“: i 5‘: , i ‘ From Top, Left To Right: Ginger Moore-Minder with
‘7 ,i '9 1" ‘ members ofthe GLSO Seniors Group; Erin Davies and one of
_, [i V ‘e - _ her volunteers at the Fagbug Booth; Lexington Pride Festival
' _ 7 l ‘[ Committee being introduced on stage (Chad Hundley, Jacob
% f; Boyd, Kat Wilkie, Christopher Bauer, JP Johnson, Donovon
E .4 “U JefTerson, Robeno Abreu, And Sarah Brown); Kung Fu Grip
555% ~. ‘ jams; Friends strike a pose: Taking time out for a picture
at the Kentucky Bourbon Bears booth; Volunteers helping
’ out at the childrens’ activities area; Members ofthe March
I Madness Marching Band cheesing in all of their regalia.

 Lexington Pride ch’rivol QED} G I S O
Thank you to all of our sponsors!
Rainbow Sponsors . ' I
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alzherme'r’s assoc1at10n‘ i 5 .Eifi °c .,
THE BRAINS BEfiSAVINGYOURsr % Q 1 _, 75%, Efii'm‘jfill- UK I task force
éfi’HEQgggfiV/s O I 6 S S
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Silver Sponsors
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 Around The lerary: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
‘ ‘__ = by Stephen Chbosky
._ " he is trying to move on from the trauma of a truck, to then emerge on bridges
at?” - 3
.l I ,7 of his past. Despite being a wallflower, over the Allegheny River. Charlie is
Charlie meets Patrick and Sam, step— ultimately able recognize the demons
at k brother and step—sister, and begins to of his past and realize that they do not
, - involve himself more in the moments control him. He is able to step off the
of his life. Over the course of the school sidelines and live an infinite life. This
l By Amy Retucci year, Charlie lS asked to his first Sadie novel is a wonderful example of how
’ J‘ Meet Charlie. He’s an Hawkins Dance, the trio performs with crazy and beautiful coming—of—age is,
l introverted and intelligent others during a showing of the Rocky Chbosky also strived to show the value
teen growingup inPittsburgh, PA, inthe Horror Picture Show, and Patrick’s in all people, independent of age or
early ’90s The book unfolds via letters relationship with a closeted member of sexual identity. This book can be found
1 from Charlie to an anonymous person. the football team is made very public. in the YA Fiction section. Come check
Charlie talks about the tumultuous start They become infinite by driving through it out!
to his high school experience and how the tunnels of Pittsburgh in the back V
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.1 Hz,
Superfoods: Super Healthytj .. .l
By Ranada West-Riley i
e are an aging nation. Yeah, I ARTICHOKES — As long as they’re especially breast cancer.
Wwas 20 once and thought I’d not in a cheesy dip, these tasty little KEFIR — This is like a drinkable
never be 40-something or older, but here things are great for fighting cancer, heart yogurt with antioxidant properties. The
I am. I wish I had known then what I disease, and high blood pressure, due to benefits include improved digestive
know now. Superfoods are the way to the large amounts of antioxidants they health and a stronger immune system.
go, instead of continually bombarding contain. QUINOA — This grain seems to be
ourselves with processed and fast foods. BEANS AND LENTILS — These all the rage right now. It’s naturally “7
I’ve begun a journey with this myself, are filled with antioxidants and a ton of gluten free and high in fiber, aiding in
as I write this article; I’m learning the protein and are high in fiber, aiding in digestion. “
benefits of cooking with these foods digestion and muscle health. SWEET POTATOES — This is the
or using them in smoothies and green GARLIC — This tasty morsel aids in way to satisfy your sweet tooth! They’re
drinks, and truly, these foods are only lowering cholesterol, helps lower blood a healthy carb that helps with energy,
advantageous for us. Justasmall change pressure, and even kills unhealthy and are rumored to help elevate your
in diet is all that is needed for healthier bacteria in the body. mood and keep your bones healthy and
bone and muscle density, as well as for HOT PEPPERS —Add a few of these strong.
brainpower, weight loss, and a host of to your salad and see what happens! WILD CAUGHT SALMON —
other benefits. Following are just a few Better digestion, immune system boost, Omega-3 is the essential benefit of wild
Superfoods and their properties. and better circulation and digestion are caught salmon (farm raised is fatty
ALMONDS — Almonds protect just a few things these fiery friends can and I simply won’t eat it). Vitamins
against Type II Diabetes, make your offer. B3 and B12, which aid in metabolism
heart happy with potassium, increase KALE —— Kale is super for vision and energy, are also benefits of this
brainpower, aid in weight loss, and are health as well as a plethora of other wonderful protein.
rich in Vitamin E. things. It may even help combat cancer, "’
6 oz Wild Caught Sahnon Juice of 1 Orange 2 tbs Sesame Oil I
3 tbs Rice Wine Vinegar 1 Small Red or Green Chili Pepper, Thinly Sliced
2 tbs Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce 2 tbs Olive Oil 1 tbs Grated Ginger
- Combine all marinade ingredients. Add salmon and turn to coat. Cover and marinate in refiigerator 30 min. Remove
salmon from marinade, reserve marinade. Sprinkle salmon with salt and pepper. g ‘ § 7 ,
— Heat oil in a skillet. Add salmon skin side down and cook 4 min. Turn salmon and cook 4 ET,“ ‘ #4:: ’ ,_,‘ .
min. or until just opaque in center. Transfer salmon to a platter. Cover loosely with foil and ,, , .,. . 1
keep warm. Discard any drippings from skillet, add marinade, and cook until thickened and "I "3’" fig"; , .
syrupy. Drizzle glaze over salmon and Sprinkle with cilantro. .mm It .i' V I
- Serve with Brown Rice and Vegetable Medley of steamed carrots, broccoli, and red onion. 0

 ’ SisterSound Begins 19th Season with Picnic/Rehearsal Startup
SisterSound, the Lexington Women’s Chorus, is ready to start its
19th season! We will be kicking things off with a Prospective and
Returning Members Picnic on Sunday, August 24, at 6 pm. The
picnic will be held at Episcopal Church of the Resurrection Pavilion,
3220 Lexington Road, Nicholasville (on the left side of outbound
Nicholasville Road between Brannon Crossing and Kohl’s Shopping
vr Center). If you are female, at least 18 years old, and have thought
about singing with SisterSound, come to the picnic and meet other
.. SisterSound members. We are a non-audition chorus, and if you can
match pitch with those around you, we want you singing with us.
If you can’tjoin us for the picnic, rehearsals for the 2014-2015 season begin on
Sunday, September 7, from 6:00 pm. to 8:00 pm. at:
Centenary United Methodist Church Choir Room, 2800 Tates Creek Road.
Need more information?
Give Patti a call at (859) 806-0243
PFLAG Central Kentucky Meetlng
PFLAG Central Kentucky meetings are held 6:30pm and societal level.)
to 8:30 pm. on the second Tuesday of the month at We welcome LGBTQ individuals, their family members,
St. Michael’s Episcopal Church (2025 Bellefonte Drive friends and allies. PFLAG meetings are a safe, confidential
in Lexington). Typically, we have a program the first half, setting where all are accepted and respected. O
0 followed by our support group. We welcome members of the
LGBTQ community, their families, friends, and allies.
9' On September 9, a representative from the Fayette County
Schools will address LGBTQ issues and services within the
public school system.
On October 14, a couple will share their personal journey
in loving, respecting, and supporting their gay son.
On November 11, our speaker is Derek Penwell, minister,
professor, writer, activist, and head of Kentucky Faith
Leaders for Fairness. (PFLAG is not is not a religious or
church-affiliated organization; however, we recognize that
faith and faith leaders have a significant impact at a personal Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

I Concerns
By Bobbie Thompson
-aka Alana’s Spouse-
une. School’s out and thoughts go to look “man enough” to not draw unwanted little makeup. Then I began having different
J family vacation, which is exactly the remarks or even harmful attention. concerns. Only this time I wondered if
thoughtwehad. My soninvitedustovacation But I decided I had to let go of my she would look “woman enough” to not
with him, his girlfriend, and their kids. We concerns, just be ourselves, and go with the draw unwanted remarks. Unfortunately,
took him up on his offer and decided to meet intention of traveling safely and enjoying transwomen can receive such hurtful remarks ,,
them at acondo in Marco Island, Florida. a fun vacation with family. I couldn’t let when their appearance doesn’t seem to be
Traveling can make any person unfounded fears stop us. We had absolutely what others expect. w
apprehensive, but I found that traveling no problems along the way, met with the Again, I decided I had to let go of my
with Alana, my transgender spouse (see rest of the family, and hadawonderful time concerns, just be ourselves, and go with
www.myhusbandlooksbetter.com), caused together. the intention of enjoying the pridefest. And
me to have concerns over our safety... The following weekend, after we returned again, we had a wonderful time.
especially Alana’s safety. After all, we were home from vacation, was pridefest weekend As I look back these experiences and the
going through Tennessee, Georgia, and to in Lexington. We got up that morning concernslhad,1realize1was worried about
deep southern Florida. I don’t think folks anxious to head to Lexington, but could what someone else might think. But then it
in the South have much of a reputation for tell it was going to rain. Alana, of course, dawned on me: Does it really matter what
being transgender—f