xt70k649rt2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649rt2c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1893-10 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 2, October 1893 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 2, October 1893 1893 1893-10 2015 true xt70k649rt2c section xt70k649rt2c ' l- 4 , a l
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.-. E: .= ”Petal—s; f“ .._. Mimi misfit. “a » w\ Eat-e ‘52:: gag/8‘ "
I‘ ,, M. V. ~ - wsnmauz‘
(a. 33/, xii-9,1 J .
Vol. 4. Lexington,Ky., October, I893. No. 2_ ’
THE MA|N THING. ’hardly say so, even it" by any niis— '
chance you do so. Are we not S l k I DE N a S i 9
We are all after the “main thing" agreed that the main thing you are 7 , ‘ A . .
’ . . . ,. ‘ ’ ’ T 4 T t
in W And we can get a a “,0 hm. M. my ,, ,, ”mngmnn, to mke ‘Who Stud) Leonomy Should HOL tail to .
really want it. “"0 ean get every- manhood for yourself; if a 5'01th trade at the
thing,r we want— not everything, “'01“:an t“ make whhhlthOd 101' ,
mind you, but anything, if we want yourself? Then shall you not use RA‘ ;E¢< ET STO R E-
jt had enough. But what- jg the every attainable serapol' knowledge, , p . ' w T . » V . ,' p , .
“m,“ thing?” IS it the WW withlmw toughem mm. 01- WW, me I‘ he laigest l\ otion House in Lexington.
‘ everyone? l’lardly so, for thelt’l')’ atyunlyl‘sl , x i - w . w 1
“my be said, rightful,“ em in I “my stud), than to ,,,,,,.k10,_,h,,n no“ 1 (ad), notions, Ladies and Gents
these hustling days money ,comes ymmqt stmo ti) My“ thin I: .14 uriiisliing’s, Hats, Boots and Shoes, ,
nearest to heing’ the universal main There 15 5" “1h“ 1 h" 7’0 1'0‘“ > hm . ’\ v a N I 1, . v 1 ,
' thing. But it is a £001] 19350“ to thought, and said with elearnessand Bla’hko‘th’? btdtfifllOl} lhtc"
learn early and well that there are hh‘CF—hlhl'h “”1”." thhh CV” h‘ l‘hh‘ Try US fOl' fall llll(l(‘1‘\VQ21l'. I
thousands of things better than “'Ol'ld heh’l‘h—‘5h‘lh you hht‘ “”1"“ - ,
money—health, intellect, el‘iaraeter, Y‘hh' hth‘hht to ”ma hh‘l thlhk hhd , J . .. P U R( 2 E L L,
honesty, respeet of oiie’s fellow men, 5113’ ft? 111, 13, IS: West Main Sireet.
. the outside of the prison, all these \Vhen Shh Phll' hall Shilh .th hht __M___,____.W , _ V. _ ,,_V,_,g—*,4Ae__ ,_, _.___,,,. ,,A__._,, ,,____
are infinitely better than money. l‘Chh‘thY that what 5'0“ ”"0 ”uh." T . - \ 7 Act-4m,
But what is your main thing—A after is eharaeter, manhood (for. l 1 111 e p 1 8 Ge 5 a (t '1’
you who have reeently come. away verily believe a man may even kick» . .llllillllllfy
from home to this college ‘3 Even apig—skin t0 the hhh‘h' Of God), ilhd Representing the make or A“
with the generosity of the State you khfih it‘ that my? 111 Shh”, is hhl A'll American Manufacturers. ,K , .4
are at some expense. What inter- the mam thing to use every, lever to~ At $53.00, $400, $5 00‘ $5.50, $6 50, 3900‘ $10. $5 $K3-50~ l.
est do you want on your invest- hit yourself t" higher standards (h s « ~z~ , . ‘5‘\\1§'\§i7t ‘
r _ _ ‘ . . . . . . :20. $22, $25, i do. and 111)“ m d. 11.‘ “hi” .‘
‘ ment, how big div1dends are. you (1011154:hithlhhlhi‘lam hl‘t‘lhg‘lh‘l ap- » \ ggo\5’:l\§\é- .
alter? The returns depend almost preeiating and thhPJ ”ht lh“ ““1 _—O__ )fi'fflahl‘
wholly on yourself. You can easily thlhg” "l hh“? FRED J- HEINTZ. ‘gglhl’xhl 1" vi .
Moon“, ,, fimmm dgamm fiend, and R. h. Roam. )iANi'i-‘AC'i‘iiRixe jli\\’I€Ll§R. éfiiyfii/j
.. .‘ 7‘ ' J . ' ( ' .. c ct H c . c z . «(Mew '3'”
giiiduate in the hospital. 3 OH (.1111 —-——-——— 0 us on! ouhc inquire W: "
hl’Ch‘l your (“‘51”th “ 1th th“ ”'3’“: Bradshaw has contested \Val'd‘S‘ ni‘gfifiIail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention ‘hfit’h
ete., h'h‘l hlll hhlhhl’ hhghlhhly 1"th promotion mentioned in our last #5.-.-_‘-;,__A______.,_H_A.,i_,,,#,fl,_“M..iu,,__i_.—__-__
peaeelully 11h the hh‘fh the he“ ‘1“):- issue. The matter will he considered .
. 1"“ ran {11"0 fhh h'lhg h.) “h hlhlh' l in a few days. \Ve (loynot mean to he \I I . ( . I Illey ( O.
t1on to he the leading wnnlJamiiier oppose Mr. “'31.,be are forced to
In your literary S()(Jl(3t_y:, leld SOC 11.0“" :lt'ilillOWlGdge the \yzlli(1it"‘7()ft110 110W —)[A\N[l L‘;\ (,l’l‘IYlill] 1{S ()llh 3
much you can talk Without saymg,r aspirant’s claim. ' l
anything, instead of putting:r the .
' same effort on real work that willl l 1 \ 1, 1 1 .11, 1 . MILITARY! COLLEGE AND BAND UNIFORMS' '
. . - . - . . Ci . I u 10( ms pait 11s Sll)SCl‘1p- ,
deepen the (,oiiiolutions m yoiii . . , , F! B” S d H I i ,
gray matter. You ean, liy praetiee, tllflllhtillls year like a little man, and 398, onners’ wor S, a me 3. y
aetluire a remarkable skill in he 1t resolved, that we, by these i
. “mutingyourturn” in class, and 1‘?“““”““i“"’“1‘1{“ah“h“"‘i‘,‘1t",f‘” Overcoats for Officers and Privates. .
in concealing your ignorance from coiiceined that “0 iepent O _ 1‘“ mg l
the profi‘ssm‘; but you will have to said anything hard ahout him last THE M. C LILLEY CO. '
, work at it hard enough to master 5‘” “hill whims: ‘1]??? ”ti; . f1: :0 Dong St. and E. Avenue, _ _ ~ Columbus, 0.
four lessons the size of the one as- “h",hhflb 011.3; as IL “"1)5 ”'5 ~11" ,
siirned seriptior. paid up. ‘ \ ,
\ on can let the days go by with “fife,“ \
mm— 1. VI CTO R BOGA E RT .
from the “gone demerits,” and by 1101CS I dug “thg the walk hIShl iii? ’
, . . , , , r 1 . - . , - . wt“. m v.—..--;vw 3
cramming ior “mums.” ean squeeze week. l‘lie lindei Will he libeially Aéfi? a)... 9,4 4,1” l. ,
. . . ‘i’r‘g - l" «‘96 r'1‘l‘"§;‘2§‘91l‘57 1
through, even into the kingdom of rewarded it he Wlll return them to ,jégfiéi}; hifigél MANUFACTURINGJE ELER»
the elect. You may even drive a me on the State, College campus. \\\ @- iii )/ I7 E. Short Street,
' toe baek to the os ealeis, or ram a CAPT- AJAX ML'IUMY. \ a, ’4. ' ,95/ LexingtOn — — — - Ky.
. , ' \ttgi:».u' .e .5 (yr )
linger up to the end 01 the huiner— -———-—-———-——- "*"‘=*'-—"' 7“
us iii-trying to. he a star athlete, Chicago has 800 private schools, DIAMONDS. WATCHES. AND JEWELRY, .
but is it the mam thing? Are any 850 seminaries, and iour universi- RELIABLE GOODS, _
. ol'thesemain things? You \i'oiilil,ties. l FAIR DEALING AND BOTTOM PRECES.

 _'———-————_:_———_——Wfi_wfi ‘77.‘m‘~_~_ a“
__—‘_——~*._v"—_—hvw—— 'W—
FIRST INTER—COLLEGIATE saying “unnecessary imighness" was W
GAM E. indulged in to a considerable extent #32355», R O
by them. There is a vast deal of {ii—:5 ’
,, , . ' "x n :1. x ‘0011 lookin r at a Lééf‘ ”0- 6 E. Mal“
(xicoiioi-z'ro\\'.\' vs. STATE COLLEoJ-j. different; be?“ t l' g, ,fifiilv-‘Zng .
_ game an unt ers an< mg one. ”mfg‘vc ' ,, . 1
, _ , , .Wh... 1,1... 7... .0. We... Large hi st Class Stock of Shoes
“10 [113151111110 ”f the llltcr‘CUHC' l't 1 I a“, ’ “iififlffiigfifi‘g'ffi” Ten per cent reduction to any student who
glam gel-his of foot [“11 of the K, I. 3' v0 )0 “15‘" . . "2:; ' \:::;,'~r mentions this advertisement.
, Names an il positions of players: "*7 ~.-«........er
A. A. was plavcd on our grounds \ ' ,
. 00;me 14'] l Fisher...........1 e...........GEll‘dIl€(11' _ _
) ' ' . . )s \
\(Lll‘l , “refltclmw w eat 10} on iiiacker..........1 t. ............C,arrc L t Pl b y ( >
1‘:qu ‘bil'WClitcd 111;,“ attendance Siiyder...........1g ...........‘.Steeiy eXI n g on ”I l I I ng 0' I I pa ny
1‘ l} L ‘1 ‘ DI“ ‘ " ‘ t h‘IontgonicU'. . . . . .c. . . . . . . . . . .\\»’.(I)olds,
at t iis 'ii‘st game. nit t iose, presen P1unnner.........rg............. o y,
. .‘ C " ‘ ..........L'l*:‘
eiiJoycd a line alternoon and a good 3,1111%“ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ; Le" bt‘olLll HIGH GRADE PLUMBING.
(i?) gaiile of foot ball. Laiinis. . . . . . . . . . r ii 1). . . . . . . . . .I. Iii'yanl HOT \VATER AND STEAM HEATING.
L - )ar . ..1nl).........{erinonl
It is to be regretted that the I. )m‘“ “ . l - . .
bteveiis..........ql).............Qare)v W d M H _._ M h
(letn‘getown eleven can not play bet- Rix .............fb..............&~cottt In I S, ' as a C I nes’
“‘1' ball, as it detracts from “10 ill- l’i'of. (,lrearv of Central Universi— +“‘fil‘ SEWER AND DRAIN TILE 4:04
- - - “ . . a" “3+
torest in the championship games. ty, acted as umpire, and AIF. ]4 1'0\\' l m . a, k
Game was called at 3 o‘clock, as Kentucky University. as referee, '9 E- Short Street, Lexmgton Kentuc y.
rx-l‘. -' i- ' \v'w- .7. t '-§-. ',‘._'. . ,
aleltlbUb “1th t1“ bill 111' PU- Mb both giving (.lltllt satislaetion. Established 1 851 .
sion of Georgetown. lhc V wedge _
went to pieces on live yards line and UNIVERSITYOF Ticxxnssiaic \‘sl*"l‘.\'l‘l£ E I M E R & A M e N D ’
in all the attempts of the George- COLLEGE Chemicals and R .
town team, when starting from the The first game away from home “ ,
middle (if the flow, it “UNI“ (“WSSCd was played at Knoxville the 21st. ChGIHlCfll Apparatus. «
the live yard 11110. NEVCI' getting Our team left here at 11 a. in. over .
. " . ' , , »—- l" ' r.
. nearer the goal line than the t1111‘t_\‘— the Q. &_ t‘. and arrived at knox- 209.), 207, 209, 211, Thll'd A‘ 0., ,.
and line. iille at 8 l. in. where thev were met ‘ . .
‘l . . . _ . l ,1 _ ,, " . , Elf-:5. Cor. 18th Street, ~
In tour minutes alter opening the by the I . ot 1. students, given a 3 on?" _ , v
ball State (‘OlngC St‘Ol‘Cd but failed hearty! \VL‘lCUlllU and CSCOl'tCtl 1:0 [110}! 2?: —*v%/' NEW YORK-
at. goal-kick owing to strong wind. Y. M. C. A. building where a pleas- egg—a .,. ,t
x V - i - . . . . J}. ——— 4— 4. —— ,

_ ’l we minutes later they scored again ant reception awaited thcm. ’llic .32, _ ' ) I l' 1
failing at goal-kick. In fact, one State (,‘ollege boys Were treated very 0%,, Finest Bohemian and German Glassware, Ito) al 30.1 in ant
gentleman declared all he had to do kindly while on the University 24%;“ Messen Porclain. Purest Hammered Platinum, Balances
was to add six points to the State grounds. -» mfg-:9 and Weights, Zciss Microscopes, and Bactei'i()l(')gical Appa— '

‘ COHOSC 500"“ every two minutes. The IlCXt 111011111197 “TL“ Sl’t‘m i” 1- :_ ratus, (,‘heniieally I’ure Acids and Assay Goods. ,
ltuns of sixty, fifty, forty and practice, each team ei'ideavoring ti. , -—_——-*————,______
' thirtv vards bv State College men strike, awe into the hearts of its an— A n ,7
.. ., ‘ .. v. , . . ’ nKWhlaaié-U 5:, :2, . (<3 9. in”.
were too frequent to note. tagonists for the alternoon. the \‘Qfi wish" C . C P EA R 80 N & CO . t, .02 34?“
(apt. Garred kept his men hiist- game was played on the ball park [)0 a OU rt 8tati0 er- 362.
ling and their quick playing, strong grounds, being witnessed by about \ y I) y“
u'narding and hard tackling deserve five hundred )eo )le. ir- . a .0, ' ‘
’é . k .. ,.- _. .. 1. I . SUPaRlQR PRENTINGL?
special mention. Mr. lhonipson lhe btate ( ollege team, With the 5 AVI N G
may well he proud of the tirst show- beautiful college flag, was first on 'i'éA N D E N G R , \
111g made of the boys. field. University of Tennessee won SChOOl Supplies a Spec1a1ty
n . ' ' <. . .3 .i . . ) . . , g , , , . .
lllt. playing of (,uMILd, Liyon, the toss but soon lo. t the ball and 48 E. Main Street, _ _ _ Lex1ngton, Ky_
.l’tedinon. Carer. Jollv and Stoll was State College scored three minutes ’
. e n . m“—
excellent. after the game started. R“ ”A
. But thirty minute halves were Slow playing of the L, of 1. lost J' V 1‘“ n ,
played at the request of George~ them the game. The rush line was Ti“I E
town’s captain. strong except on the ends. One BRITTEN STOVE COMPANY
'l‘ouch-downs were made by Red- trick of theirs was to attempt to (sALES AGENTS.)
“1011» Bryan, 500“: JOlly and Bos— hatter down our rush line, but this LEXINGTON STOVES AND RANGES.
V) ‘l, ., 3,” 3,7 .l ‘ v .7 ‘ A‘ .m ”y ' '
“(.lll. Scott and Liyan kicked thi did not1 wmk. Capt. (railed was Grates, Stove Repairs, meare’ Etc.
n'oa s. hatteret into ten consecutive times .
D It 1 ,. ,t q t 1 . 1, , b t U f T 1, 1 t (r. -. tl \ -t) Any Kind of Stowe on Range Thoroughly Repaired. .
c oes llt .eeni .0 a, mean ii o . iai 0 but up 1L .1 —l ”3 EAST MAIN STREET,
rr.".,y .. V\...Jv.‘ ,, ., ..e ' - v ‘
positiuly “hat the stoic pas but at tempt to hack him down. - LEXINGTON, _ _ KENTUCKY.
any rate it was between eighty and Thev played a hard, strong game,
. . n M
, eighty-six. but were unable to score although
State College called to its aid two coming dangerously close to our, _
.. ‘ . . V -
‘ substitutes, ltaulkner and Boswell, goal line tvwiee. Thus our boys had i .
in )la' it"lxl‘ \\'1(lll' 1's: '} .' ‘r'iiétii (“insiig 'n" i“ r - -
. 1 ‘LC( 3 i, l i 11 t ii niklt expc iei (L i ltft \( \H k, whith, \N holesale and Retail Dealer 1,,
and (rardner, who had a had cut must be learned to make a strongl
m-orthe eye from a collisimi. team. ! H a rdwa re, I r0 n, Stee I, EtC.
Georgetown also had to be helped State College boys scored again . Has always in stoek, Table Blocks Of the latest and most im—
out by some substitutes. and again, the score at the end of proved patterns; Rope, Sash, Cord and \Veights,‘ Leather and 1Rubber
, “After the ball was over” George- the game being fifty-six to nothing Belting“; R13”? ASbISSWf; lqwlllai‘g?) Cotton, 111013111). 31‘1‘671 Gal‘lxtgfik S
, - - . ‘ i . ' 3 ' ' ..- ' ‘111‘ ian { s Sea es .aee .ca ier . ove ire
town’s team re iaircd itself at the in favor of the State collrcre =. . Mac 11ml.) M ‘mg’ l . ’ . ’ . ’
(.1. _, 1 H tI‘l Tl ,. , . 1 0”,. team Fence Wire and Staples, Wheelbarrows, rtep Ladders, Beilcr Iron
aunt on. 0 (7'. ' , _ m ““me ,P a) a a me game and Rivets, Bolts, Lawn Mowers, etc., all at fair prices.
home of the eity papers made 1111— from start to finish, or as the Press 535) “iv lb“ {\Hi§r SWl‘lt'llilEi'H'
kind remarks about our players. says “fast. fierce and furious.” ‘ I Telephoniij’fis.‘ ‘ o ' " J’ ’ ' 1‘ ‘ “ V

 mm “mm “mm ‘ “121.: m’ ' mum ‘
The features of the Te'ai’ne were the l to the old ones. There were prerent .
splendid playing" of .ljams, Wagnerltitty—nine, of whom nineteen were \V. H. \VAltlthN. J_ A, \VARREN.
and Lubaek, of U. of T. and Red l ladies, and the remaining forty were
man, Bryan, Swango and Carey, ofl members. ‘ N 7 i
the State College. ‘ Indeed, the purpose for which the arren Bros. GIAOcerS
'l‘oiichdowns were made by Bryan, l reception was given is to introduce 3
ltedman, Scott and .lolly. Lyle, i the new members into the society of I.
again hurt his ankle and was substi- the eollege and to liavethein feel that CORNER HIGH AND LIMESTONE.
tntcd by Faulkner, who put up a? tl'iey had, by no n’ieans, done. a miss
good game. . lin becoming students of the State staple 311(1Fa110y Groceries Pl'OdllCG and
The Knoxviille young ladies came I College and members ot the Patter- ’
out openly in favor of the State Col- son Literary Society, were fully and DI'GSSGd GRIDS and POllltl'y.
lege team before the game was over. T satisfactorily carried out. ,
l’rot'. Miller, of State (l(>ll(‘f_’:t‘,,tl(‘.l}t3(l From half—past seven to oneo’eloek ”is Q. . T .T ) “T T T T , T _T . . T .T V T T T T T
as refcree,‘and l’rof. \Voods, of Uni- the Patterson hall did glow with l “l" ABD H lClLb‘ A ltlhlt LIFE OF CIGARS A1”) flOIMM (’0' ‘
versity ot'Vii-ginia, as umpire. pleasing, smiling, exultant faces; __.______..______.____._.___—_— .
The State College men left Knox— everybody glad they were alive, and .
ville at 8 o’clock p. in. for home, but i above all things, glad they were at ‘N . ht & NI .
. not until they had gladdened the l the reception. rlg > 63761 S)
hearts of the anxious at home byl The programme consisted of the T
telegraphing their vietory. T‘WVeleome Address,” by Mr. J. \V. DFU FPS IV
The team lined npas follows: Meli‘arlin; ,l)e<:laniation, by Mr. T.‘ 1‘ J J M' ‘ ' '
' KT,“ _ .. _T_‘T’T°?}‘,‘T"“‘ ‘1' 3312‘ ”9}“1 . . ,. T T _ . _ , . Fresh Meat, Bacon, Lard and sausage. 3
T _ , as 1\ good social time was had. attei ;
\ liitlilllml li ' l H HHROliil‘SS-g whieh Mr. W. M. Cox invited [all to 14 ‘V “1' .t t . , )t .
F521!” Iii-:1: (Talk: T repair to another room, where nine l . b 101 S ILL l. I
1,3illei............r t... ... “unlike?“ 1 tables were elegantly and tastefully l
I _ {803(151 (5 903;; l arranged and upon wlneh the‘re—I L EXi N GTO N KY T
.1 :i:._\-. . . . . T T T . .l g, T T . T T T T T T _ .\\’agner treshments ot the evening lay. Alter J '
Cari-ed ....1 t. ......Lubaeli T refreshments were served, U. A. —_—————————-———-—-—————'—— ,
, \V’oodardn . . . . . . .l e. . . . . . .. ... . lleiiarO Gal‘l'C(l; as toastniaster, introduced -0 \R] F i Q" C
er. E. J. Holnly, who responded to ° ° Du S 1 Ge (" O"
P' L' SOC] ETY' T the toast, “ The Ladies,” which was . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in -
— ' >leasan o hear. Then came l’r f. ' . 1 , ‘1 . -' r" / .' i .
_ Sinee the last issue of Tin-2 (Bun-Yr l l]. p_ Ntt‘lshm, “.110 responded to the lja‘lnt89 Glass? B1 “51195, 4&1 tlStb BI‘dtUl litlb
the Patterson l’lt‘q'fl‘ry ‘qmm’tzly llil‘sltoilst, “The New MeltilJCI‘S.” Prof. of all kinds: House Painters. and Decorators etc. A full line of Our .4, M1
'lx’mi‘l‘ll (Witt: ” number "f “CW l Nelson responded iiiamost excellent 0w“ Ergigtogllli:lTllejllll‘IlggsepqlElflLgT‘:111:1:(Sikkim may I
members, all ol whom seem to take [ manner; The rssponse on the part 1
11.31““ ‘lk‘tll Ol'. illtUl't‘SE 111 S‘JClClg‘flof the new membeis was made by ZI W' Short Street 1
work and, as :Ti consequence, mueh isi Messrs. M. E. 11011,:th and G. p. fl,w_,,.,_____,,ie_______ T
to be expectet from these members— iglcgsilm‘ “1“, ex )rcssed in a. )lcas- ' i
Tl)“ ““W “WH'l’N'e‘ “Will’t‘l‘ 91.3th013 l ine‘ way,’ the gratlitude (if themslclvcsT I O 11 1/1 1.1 Ute h 1 S O 1/1) l
and the old members number t‘WUH‘iand their [0110,”- . l
iii-six , l Then, retiring into the literaryl “DEALER IN— . T
. Neyer was, the Patterson in hettOl‘l hall, a number of impromptu speech— . 3
T. .7 0. .. .. , 0. , . , A . T T .
, 221,235.13:.5112th?333211331?lilti‘il‘llf,:,‘.‘.‘:i;‘,‘j;;;;f"" “V 1 ‘ Staple and Fancy Grocemes and c ountry
animal dcelamatory contest hetero} Aftersome trim“: of pleasant eon— Pl'OdHCC‘ i
t‘hristmas l“’ll‘l‘hl"‘ At Ll“) “‘“m‘l versation and social comments, the i l l. i
t meeting it “"15 decided t” ““1““ meeting; was adjourned with Mr. 1‘. ' l
““3” l.” ”'0“ “19 men from ”1" J. Merrill, president, and Mr. F. Goods Proinptly lilelivered and Satisfaction (luaranteml. (‘orner Main l
T other societies of the college in the Ktl'l‘lt‘li, seerttaiy. l\l.B. J. and Mill Streets. Telephone, No. .1. l
local contest which will beheld later _______ ;
on, to know who will represent the A Frenchman of some literary l
‘ State (‘ollcg'e in the liI’tcr-(follegiate distinction, after stinlyingr English . _ i
- ()ratorical contest. Mr. M. ii. Jones for a few months, wrote to an Ameri— Ed U Gate f0 r B U SI n 688
and Mr. l6. ,1. llohdy \V(‘]'I‘ elected. can friend; “ In small time I can -—x\T——— i
The lirst monthly open session by T learn so many English as l think l
the society this year will be held in i will eome. at the America and go on ; LS@Xll-l Qto 1—1 BUSll—l @55 (Z Ollgg @_
its hall Friday evening, Nov. 3. the seallbld to lecture." f (I.\‘C()Rl‘()R;\’l‘I£I).)
lint while \vearegivingsomcthing ______.___._._.__.- — (Connected with State A. & M. College.) ':
of the work of the Society we shouldl Jones was dead and a bulletin ens-T MAIN STREET; NEAR P. o. ‘
not and will not fail to make special “lilting that (icore‘c H- Jones, EMF LICXINLYI‘UN, KY.
mention of one feature of the work 1 had ‘l"l““'l"‘l ll‘l" life 1“” HMVC“ ”l/ 1
ol' the “”5101“. this year, which is, ill—T 113 m., was posted by a l'rlend on the .\i:1l.orized (‘apital Stock, $75,000.00. . .
deed, :1, WT“. feature in the working ollice door. ' . You sllionld‘attTend ihis (T‘ollcee‘l'or a thor’ougl’i ‘and 'pim-t‘ical 'co‘urs‘c
ol' the literarv societies of the seat A MW”: ““543 full ”f mischief, ll,'., Whirl—h li‘li‘lll l FlllHLl llAkD,’ ~ 1) l ljll-l lll lT.l‘\l" . ‘l li‘l‘lir
" ' x . '. (m.\l’ll\ . l)\'lllil iii hip. ( onimeicial law, ( ommcieial Arithmetic, Spell—
. (011,?“ placed the lollowme notite on a tele-lilw and ( ori‘csmHuh-lice. ,
' ()n the nightol’th-t. ill the l’atter- .‘s’Ttll’ll 511““ ”ml” ll)“ film“: T m H 1
son gave a reception to its new mein Al'lt’=}"“r“7 13130 It 3“- ! THE PRACTICAL SCHDDL UP THE sou-m. '
burs, \\’]1i(‘]] 1,11,,“ng Tim“, 2111 (ill.l”.‘," .loiics not yet arrived; UXUitclln‘ntl All Diplomas signed by the Governor of the Commonwealth.
able all’air to the new boysas well as intense. Sl- “To“ C- C CALHOUN: PrinCipal'

 _h%_-m_»_____._______h__*___m_ _._——
5 .. A: n-
1 i 12 w. SHORT sT. .
f -.' i 4 51'. ’;'.-._ri 9;", ‘43:” I ‘
3" ‘v’i‘if ‘5 . ,;~’L»'.\ 1"“; Hr} ’i=-’:~.‘
n @ lg , . g . .- R egu ar eals only 25 cents.
. I 1. .3 .y ; , : 3,; g;
a if: 12"" 711": “3* 1‘1"." ':":1Il‘" it": 35 “9" '35: Liz Meals to order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and S ringr Chickens a Specialty. Seating
P .
' capacity ofliall 150.
1 Gus LUIGART, Prop.
—_._.__——————_______——___—______________ .
7‘ l \ - . -.
1 ' 1 7‘ ’ .1 ’3' " .1 ':"S)-
“It Std“ (0“ch (dth’ titiyesiioin the soul ll lltelll) .( ,
eieties so that the local contest Wlll . H AVE
Publislie lMontlllV durin r the Colle i 1101; present Speedws hu'qtfly written
. ~( ' f ‘ ‘T- . .
”Le Yearonly, if, the “fiercest of Wei-y or compiled, but rather the labored A D l . E :5 I E f ;
11);°1)“"t“11f“t 0ftl1e_5t”lt89011ef=]’f‘ and carefully prepared ell'orts of em; 0 N TH E .
:‘jiii (ommumc‘mom to 101413 best talent. This is a matter of mo—
“ TERMS. mentous importance to the interest B R R I N
5 One Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75c 01' the student body at large, and es-
§IX_M°1.MH“"""""""""""'50CIl’Ct'iillly *0 t0 ”10 Obportunities ot' \Vhen you are hunting llareains in Clothii‘ig', Shoes, Hats etc
lliieeMonths......................30Ci . v ., ., s '
Single LOPY 100 the l't‘l’l'CSC‘NHtlVe “'51” ““155 111““ \Vesell l'oi' cash only, but cheap.
WW“—_—_—‘ men who were chosen, perhaps, a ,___.__=m,_,_VWW=W
' EDITORIAL STAFF year ago. Twoyears ot' \'alu;:iblee.\- _ . , , P . LIBS
14:1)‘V7. BRAND, ’l’iHTORS pt‘l'lellt‘t! llthe been lUSl, St) ll'int we STUDENTS 8U P ' .
I’AITL MYRRILL, l 4 ' shall have to labor the harder it we flBL T8 0;: EVER?” DESEEEPTEGN ‘
. H. M. GUNN, Alumnus Editor. [ wish to be abreast of the times next T E 1 .
M- R JONES. May. Literary work in college is as FENE SlflliiflfilERY SGQQETY EHQGRIQMS
* 1‘ i 3. it * vi v . " ‘ V. ' 7. ‘ it 1' h '
Lorrtfilmndj‘l} l\:y“‘“°“ 50”“9' l important a part ot a students train- I . ’ ,
. . '001), . 7‘ | 7.). . . v .1 .1, '
Correspondent Union Society. 5 mg {is “H tlutith 0‘ in?“ 0110 Liibb’ PRINTING AND BINDING"
* ’1‘. R. inmx, land the benefit accruing: therelroin
. Correspondent Y. M. C. A. i will be of. constant use in after lite. Call and See for Yourself. .
5 H- H- HILL, [Many colle'vcs, fully re-iliyinn‘ the . . .
i ‘ ~ to}I”pmldujtl‘nggit,Dclmtmwt‘ iimportaiiee of literary training, re— Tlallsylvanl‘d P1 lutlng COIMpall) 9 .
.l Correspondent Normal Department. ‘lUll'C all students l0 become ilCthe . V ‘ x , . .‘ 0‘ 7 V \ . _. . r
‘3 . _ iiieiiil_>ei'sota society. , The ability to 10 E- ELM“ Stittt, ' LOMHDton, ktntlld‘)’
l \l't tl 1 1 t f] t 1 l express oneself concisely, intelligent- _—%W 1* fi“
‘ ' 1 or -10 s tit on so as- year an, . . . ‘ . ,. »
t , ly and torcibly, can be acquired only , .
a requested and obtained illulii tpt by practice and careful training. STUDENTS GO TO THE NEW SHOE STORE
l7 7 “PP-”It‘ll “WI .11“) {'(m’mnf or t' 10111. (L- For beginning: this no better plaee
' cision, pron ntnzg' us rom sciu ing a (“m be found “H” .1“ w ‘l‘l . r B n i
~ i. A i . . t‘(:x \ meet—
l ., ”11>- ',Vx l ‘\-_-‘ ar.‘ 1 . . . . r —{
i ’ . liq)“ Mgnt‘Ltlw t“ Ll”, hm} (Mllfhmn mg of one of our societies, bet'ore ourl Or argalnS. .
l ()ratorilil-al Icontiistgil ttlie htaic, 51“” :ieqiiaiiitanees and classmates. (,ll'Lt-‘ '
= "enera V t )0ng it ia‘aerea Vie ory ‘. . , , . ‘ .
l had been woni’inee we would ‘Lfr‘tll'i toiical “thLfi’ MIMIC enteitain— NEWSTYDES, NEW GOODS, NEH-1 PRICES,
‘ ' h " ‘ ‘0‘ inents etc. can benetitbuttew eoni- . .‘ ., a . - . . . - _ .
l be Ittl‘lllltlt‘tl to enter the lists and .’ . ’ A‘\l. the i\ew Shoe More ()2) luast Alain. Discount oil to Mudtntb
' l " l f' .1 , lparatirely speaking, and serve best
‘ Vie wit 1 our coinpeers or ionors inI . 7 .. -
, to keep the internal lite and growth . «’
2.": "I:t :.(..a iiil ... . .". .. _
, m m”) mil “m 11‘ [,tn 11,1“ 1m” lts more iiiiurious and to inspire seeiety 8 PE: N C E R 63" HAS H
as well as in athletics, loot ball and patriotism ‘ ._.__._._____._________________.______—_—
baseball. While We by no means ( L I . .
l oppose or discourage athletics or . . W. J . E i O U E E ii} a W 6%; -. r0.
, . .. Mosquitos are said to carry no
‘ held sports, it however seems quite l l ttl 1 l 1 .1 l'll ' .
. (“\‘ldellt that any (.‘ollege by aeeept- ("l0 I‘m] 1‘ it) “m ‘ “l"m l 1‘ 11 ’1 1‘ \\ liolesalc and retail dealers 111
. 1'36‘ 'a. .
me only those challenges that conic ( (H H’ x Y r - ‘ , ‘ ) ‘ ‘n. w \l, 1), ll 1 C Ftl
from presidents ol' athletic associa‘ blOlCS, [llllle C, l lllllph, ill (ill/D, l tlllt lb, (ll l Will y 4 ,.
tions, l’llglllfil" and the like. will A commission is soon to visit the
soon gain for itsell‘ the uncnviable l ”llVC‘l Mill” ””1“ lungland l" “1' Galvanized Iron and Slate Work a SpeCIalty.
. reputation of developingmore ln'awn spect "lll"1“ll." ”1" l’lll’ll“ "Cll""l"‘ “l ' ‘ r ‘ Q . x
‘ than ‘orain. And justly so, for the 0”" lt‘iltlllls‘ t‘itlt‘e- ”lob Work done on short notice at the (111‘le “ cstei‘ii . tine
‘ public has no better means of judg— —— l 1 'l" S‘t
in}: ol'onr internal life than by our ltnssell Sage of New York has zip-i 2”” ' m ’ UM‘
I outward appearance, besides if the proved plans for a dormitory wliiehl 2r; \Vest )lziin Street.
. lil'e of athletirs de ieiidson the im )0- he will erect for the Troy Fen'ialet
l l l
.v tus given by and the benefit derived Seminary at a cost ol' $100,000. . l
l'roni a. few "league games” ol' ball . “—~— ‘ ’ ‘
and a. lield day or two duringr the “That poor fellow “”1“ “mid." O O o o e S
year. why should not literary Work driven to his were." ““7““, why
; be similarlyinllneneed by our meet-,1 ”0t? YOU “Wild not eon'ipell a
‘ ingoilier "“lll'lfl'fi. “centre i'iislies,“ltlt‘tl‘l man to walk there would, W Sl
. . ’ . . .--, . wort Street.
ln'st basemen and held-day heroes on 13”“? l 8 and lo
the rostrum as well as the campus. ' ~ I , _ _ ‘ _
n . . l . , 1 . - , w . . , T . , ,
Since we have now required this lWo hundred titty dollars a year% F01 I 01 0.1g“ and Domehtlc B l‘llltb, A Hts, «$0
privilege that for the last two years l" 5:150 t" l’“ ll)“ largest Ftllill'y “Vert ' ‘
has becirdi-nied us. we should lose 1"“"'l".“‘l l'." Mary L-Ylmfl the foun- I-Icmlquarters f0'(‘)ysters,li‘isli, C21111.‘,CLC. Students trade Cspz'cizilly solicited
no lime in selecting; good represen— , ‘lt‘l' ”5 Ml- l'l”l.""k“ Sennnary. ' l I \11 "00: . ~ .\~‘:\*‘Z“\¥5E§§__ 5
z. a . - ‘ 5 . w . . l'e it more eloselv 1n toueh With the . ‘. ‘ L:- ~. ~~,“ffm‘~‘:s\ \fipx 5

‘tl‘l‘ll‘h' If“? H”f_l“’“‘1 .“111 1’“ " l’ .. ., _ lie plodded there {or hall an hour '4 «\Sls}\\;’fil}i§ V1,” .
the “Hm. (41“.va 11- mph interler— LilllVCI'Hlty lile than others lime And then 1101mm“ his hill. . E3 ‘ :f\:***§g\:§\<§£:33\' 1
once is rare, and onlv used when i been able. to do. 1n no ease should ‘ OB \\\\‘§1&§\\ "
really necessary. <1 “Hr“ll-i’sl ”1 Ll“ l‘mlll‘.‘ “h“ 1” “”L' Chicago has 800 private sehools,l A \5\/ l

ll. Tut: s'ruuiCNI‘ “Wm” own: an alumnus ol the LiniVersity, he a 350 Stglllinnyicg and four umwlep; (’0 5,. 5
. t, A A ' g . . U i I '
A'riiiac'ries snoutn 1m REAL AND mt