xt70k649qg05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649qg05/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1946 journals kaes_circulars_004_438 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 438 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 438 1946 1946 2014 true xt70k649qg05 section xt70k649qg05 r   I .
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 U By w. A. Price JUL l I will I I
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,aS0_ . Page Page ` g
ivith   Flies .............................................. 3 Human Lice .................................. 5 _
 . Mosquitoes .................................... 3 Ants .............................................. 6 `
` Bedbugs ........................................ 3 Clothes Moths and Carpet Beetles .. 6
 _ Cockroaches .................................. 3 Stored Grain Pests ........................ 6 {
  Silverfish ...................................... 4 Garden Insects .............................. 7
Fleas ............................................ 4 Flower Insects .............................. 7 ‘
ouuds D¤9 Ticks ................................... . 4 Shade—Tree Pests .......................... 7 ·
MCE ` Shcep Ticks and Sheep Lice ..,....... 4 Fruit Insects .................................. 7
Ollll ,
im j C¤ll*le Lice ...........,.................,....., 5 Bees .............................................. 8 l
il of   l‘l¤9 Lice ...................................... 5 Cautions ...................................... 8
iholll ‘ Chicken Lice ............................   5
.p])l1· ,
3,500 '
Circular 438 -
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I College of Agriculture and Home Economics
Agricultural Extension Division 1
¤¤· 19*7   Thomas P. Cooper, Dean and Director
I Home I  
wmling. { i
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DDT is not universally effective against all insects but is an excel. [1: Ba
lent control for some of our common insect pests. It is generally found Qome
on the market now in four forms, as follows: imral
A dusting powder, containing 3 percent, 5 percent, or 10 Per. [mic;
cent DDT ready to apply dry and without dilution. T]
A wettable powder containing 50 percent DDT ready to be mixed u cap
with water and applied as a spray. sprayt
An emulsion containing 20 percent to 35 percent DDT ready to of [h'
dilute with water and apply as a spray. [gmk
An gil, such as rehned kerosene, ordinary kerosene, or light min
eral oil, containing 5 percent DDT ready to apply to surfaces
upon which insects rest or travel. This form is to be used on in- D
animate objects and never on plants or animals. Pm;
. \iVhen used according to recommendations, these four formulations di {tt,
may be expected to give good results in the control of certain insects iii);
affecting plants, man, and animals.  m
‘ by tl
‘ At the barn practice cleanliness and sanitation to control flies. [
Then spray surfaces where flies rest or crawl either inside or outside 5_ C]
the barn with a 50 percent DDT wettable powder at the rate of l% bgds
pounds to 3 gallons of water, or on a larger scale 21 pounds to 50 gal- mm
ions of Water. sion
In and around the house an oil (refined kerosene) solution con- full-
taining 5 percent DDT or an emulsion diluted according to mann- of tl
facturer's directions can be used to spray walls, ceilings, light cords. tres
porches and other places where flies are found. Spray until the sur- it is
face is wet but not until droplets begin to run. One or two applica is ei
tions on the inside of the building will be enough for the entire tior
summer, while the outside of the building should be sprayed every dus
three or four weeks during the Hy season. Screens should be painted
with the oil solution.
For Hies on livestock use a spray of the 50-percent wettable DDT
powder in water. For hornflies use M2 pound of the 50-percent wel- cen
[able powder in 3 gallons of water, or on a larger scale 8 pOtl¤€l5 lll Cfe‘

 · 1
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50 gallons of water. To kill stable flies, biting gnats, and some of the 1 l
horse iiies use 1% pounds of the powder to 3 gallons of water. Spray {
the back, belly, sides and legs using about one quart of the liquid 1 ’ l
(cel on each animal. The first treatment should be made when flies be- —¢
uml come troublesome and subsequent treatments at 3-week or 4-week in- -
tervals. Often two or three treatments properly timed will give pro- ` i
Pet- tection for the season. “ -t -,
The spray may be applied with a compressed air sprayer having . .
ixetl a capacity of about 3 gallons, a bucket pump sprayer, a knapsack .
sprayer, a wheelbarrow sprayer, or an orchard sprayer. Regardless l
W to of the type of sprayer used, it is important to keep the liquid in the `T
tank agitated while spraying. Don’t use oil solutions on livestock.
  Mosourrons l
H in_ DDT oil solutions, emulsions, or suspensions applied to breeding I l
places will give good control when used in l—percent concentrations,
lions at the rate of 5 quarts per acre. A 3-percent dust or a l—percent . `
sms wettable powder spray may be applied to shubbery and rank weed
or other growth about the yard and garden to reduce the annoyance _
of mosquitoes, in the yard. In the house, mosquitoes can be controlled
by the same sprays as those recommended for flies.
  DDT is the answer to the bedbug problem. When applied as a l
_ 1% 5-percent oil solution or emulsion or as a 10-percent dust to mattresses, · t
l ga, beds, and chicken houses, these places should remain free of infesta- T
tion for a period of 6 months or longer. When the solution or emul-
sion is used, about 3 liquid ounces of the spray is needed for each V
€"“‘ lull-sized bed] This is enough material for a thorough treatment l
lam" of the mattress, pillows, springs, and all parts of the bed frame. After f
°“l‘· treatment the bed should be allowed to dry for a few hours before
illli li is made again. One and a half ounces of lO-percent DDT dl1St _
)lllll“ l$ enough for treating a full-sized bed. It is applied to the same loca-
lllllli lions as recommended for the spray. In infested rooms, spray or
  dust behind baseboard and other places where bedbugs hide.
tn e ·
DDT Treat hiding places and areas where roaches travel with the 5-per-
Wil Wm DDT oil solution or emulsion, or dust liberally all cracks and p
[ls lll “Y€Vl€€S with DDT 10-percent powder. Roaches travel and hide OH

 i 4
the under sides of such objects as refrigerators, table tops, and shelves. mater
These places and similar ones should be sprayed along with the 50-pet
dust treatment. Chlordane is more effective than DDT against roaches. is unt
Since most infestations of silverftsh start in the attic or storage the s
rooms, such places should be dusted liberally with a 10-percent D1)'l` the t
dust. Other places about the house where the pests are found should
be dusted, or sprayed with the 5-percent DDT oil solution or the
emulsion. 'l
FLEAS last i
For lleas in the house apply 10-percent DDT powder to the sleeping ef lll
places of dogs and cats and in holes and runways used by rats. The P0W‘
dust may be used beneath rugs, on floors, and on the ground near dem
the sleeping quarters of the dog, cat, or other host animal. One will
pound of the dust will treat 1,000 square feet of ground or lloor space. I;
Alter treating the premises, give the dog an application of the dust. DD-
' Use l or 2 tablespoonfuls on an average sized dog. Brush the dust "€S“·
gently into the hair with the hands. Don’t use DDT on cats. WCC]
Control measures should be centered around the ticks on the dog
and places where ticks usually hide. Dusting the dog with 10—percent I
· DDT powder at the rate of 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls per animal, at 10-day he l
intervals, during the summer, will keep it free of ticks. The same kind so [
of dust can bc used in treating the cracks and crevices about base
boards and the lloor coverings, at the rate of 1 ounce to 1,000 sqtiztre
feet of area. 1
Ticks are active in spring and early summer. At that time Hit CCW
application of l0—percent DDT dust, at the rate of 10 to 15 pouiidS the
per acre should be made to grass, weeds, or shrubs in back yHl`. Am
vacant lots and recreation grounds. One dusting early in the seasvti HUC
is usually enough, but a second dusting may be made if ticks are lHl€\` *P€l
discovered in the area. Phi
In areas where ticks are abundant, nightly inspections of adults.
children and dogs should be made and ticks removed with tweezers.
when found. This practice is in addition to the use of DDT dusts.
Sheep infested with lice or ticks should be treated with DDT ntl
either as a spray or as a dip. In either case the strength of the Finished zu

 I   ,I:
IVCS. material should be 0.2 p€l`CCllt DDT, made by adding l pound of   `
the 5(tpereent DDT wettable powder to 25 gallons of water. If spraying
ches. is undertaken the job should be thorough. A power sprayer, develop- I ¤ I
ing about 400 pounds pressure should be used and the spray nozzle .;
should be held close to the wool and moved from side to side during .
Mgt the spraying operation. A single application is usually enough for · I y
)D'l` the control of these pests. · 4 .y
· the CATTLE LICE i ‘
To avoid extensive winter treatments, treat all cattle during the I
last warm days in fall. Thoroughly wet down, to the hide, all parts  
ming of the animals with a spray containing l pound of 50-percent DDT
Thc powder in 25 gallons of water. A single treatment will usually
may destroy the lice. In some _cases, however, a second treatment may be I
Om. needed 2 weeks later. , V
Paw For winter treatments use a dust containing 5 or IO percent of
dlm DDT. Mlorking the dust into the coat of the animal gives the best _
(hm results. Since DDT will not destroy the nits, a second application 2 ‘
weeks later is recommended. About 2 ounces is enough for a single
treatment of amature horse or cow. · -
2 dog · HO’G LICE
rcent Use the same treatment recommended for cattle lice. Sows should
(yduy he treated before farrowing and boars before the breeding season A
kind so that lice are not transmitted to pigs or to sows. I
base ‘ I
Chickens can be [reed of lice with a single treatment with 3-per-
te an Céllt DDT dust. The material can be applied by the pinch method to _
iunds the area about the vent; under the wings, and on the back and neck. ’
yards, Another treatment 2 or 3 months later may be necessary. The sodium .`
eason Iiuoride and nicotine sulfate treatments are very effective against all
later species of lice on poultry. The drop method of applying nicotine sul- y
phate is superior to the roost treatment.
eezers, HUMAN LICE
M Body, head, and crab lice can be treated effectively with a 10-percent I
DDT dust. Apply the dust to the clothing for control of body lice, to the ·
hair of the head for control of head lice, and to the pubic region and
DDT "III¢l` hairy parts of the body for control of crab lice. Two tl`€atm€I1lS
lished at 10-day intervals are recommended.

 1 6 _
For ants in buildings apply an oil spray containing 5 percent A
DDT. Spray behind and beneath baseboards, behind window sills or su
and frames, about sinks in the kitchen, to both sides of pantry shelves and l
and to any cracks and crevices leading to the outside of the building i¤$€€
Anthills in the yard can be treated with fair success by dusting Pefm
them liberally with 10-percent DDT powder. A much better remedy, msec
however, will be found in the use of a concentrated pyrethrum (2 per. gg?
cent pyrethrjns) and soap mixture, such as Red Arrow, Evergreen and Shou
Multicide. This material is used at the rate of 2 ounces to 10 gallons leafy
of water or on a smaller scale 1 tablespoonful to a gallon of water.
Ten gallons will treat anthills 4 to 6 feet in diameter; l gallon will
treat a hill 10 to 12 inches in diameter. After the concentrate is A
added to the water and stirred, it is poured rapidly over the anthill. (I P,
are r
Apply a spray solution (oil or emulsion), containing 5 percent l roll?
DDT, to the walls and floors of clothes closets, to baseboards, to floors lm
beneath rugs or carpets, and to any cracks or crevices where lim
may collect. Make two thorough applications each year, one in june ,
or july directed against the adults of these pests. mu
_ Unless washed or dry-cleaned afterward, woolen fabrics such as [gbl,
clothing, blankets and rugs, thoroughly sprayed with a 2-percent solu- . posi
tion of DDT in refined kerosene, will be protected from attacks of pert
clothes moths and carpet beetles for a period of several months. tor
DDT sprays are not recommended for rayons. czinl
` fly l
Seeds held in storage for planting purposes can be protected from hm
attacks of stored grain insects by treating them with a 3-percent DDT
dust containing pyrophyllite or magnesium oxide dust as the carri€T·
It should be used at the rate of % ounce per bushel. In magnesium
oxide 3-percent DDT is doubly effective on account of the repellent ac- orit
tion of the oxide. Bags sprayed or dipped in DDT solution will give and
protection to grain contained therein against stored grain insects for a A the
considerable period of time. "bl
Bins and cribs for the storage of grain should be sprayed on th€ mh
inside with 5-percent DDT in oil, just before the new crop is harv€Si€d· Cha

   l _
’ t
_ . . , GARDEN INSECTS . l
cent A 3- or 5—percent DDT dust with a carrier of pyrophyllite, talc, , ,
sills or suitable clay is recommended for use on potatoes, cabbage, onions, I
elves and tomatoes (not on small tomato plants) for the control of most
jing insects affecting these plants, and on corn for the control of the Euro- , »
ning pean corn borer. (See lfentucky Circular 435, "How to Control Garden . , jj
my ln5ects," for more detailed instructions.) On account of injury to the l
_' plants, DDT is not recommended for use on melons, cucumbers, T
PEL beans, and acorn squash. DDT like HI‘S€1l21[€ of lead is poisonous and ‘
and should not be used on broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, greens, or other _ T
Hom leafy vegetables commonly used as food. i
te is DDT dusts (3 or 5 percent) or the wettable powder sprays
thill. (1 pound 50—percent DDT wettable powder in 50 gallons of water) I_ ‘
are effective against many flower pests. The list, not yet completed, l
includes the following: Gladiolus thrips, rose midge, rose chafer, leaf
mm V rollers, rose slugs, tarnished and other plant bugs, blister beetles,
kms leaf hoppers and japanese beetles. _ j
lung The common defoliating insects attacking shade trees can be con-
trolled by spraying with DDT. Use l pound of 50-percent DDT wet-
Zh as table powder to 50 gallons of water. This spray will leave a white de- ·
sch" · posit. lf this is objectionable, a dilute oil emulsion containing 0.l _ { j
ks of percent DDT can be used. Wet the foliage until spray droplets begin
mhs- to run. These sprays when properly applied will be effective against
czrnkerworms, elm leaf beetles, May beetles, tent caterpillars, saw-
` fly larvae, and webworms. ‘ ,
A 5-percent DDT emulsion applied to the trunk and larger limbs i
from Tl locust trees shows promise of giving protection against the locust I
DDT rorer. V
esium DDT will kill many important orchard pests such as codling moth,
nt ac- oriental fruit moth, and leaf hoppers. It also kills benehcial parasites .
. give and predators, particularly those affecting the European red mite and
fora A the oriental fruit moth. For this and other reasons, fruit growers `
able ro produce a reasonably clean crop of apples or peaches with
n the other standard spray materials would be unwise, at this time, to
ested. change to the use of DDT. Growers unable to control codling moth

 with lead arsenate will find a DDT-lead—arsenate-fixed nicotine spray  
schedule outlined in Kentucky Extension Circular 428.
1/Vhere oriental fruit moth is a serious problem on peaches, use
2 pounds of 50—percent wettable DDT powder and 6 pounds of wet-
table sulfur per 100 gallons of water. Apply 1 month before harvest
and again 2 weeks later.
For grape leafhopper and other grape pests on foliage use 2 pounds
of wettable DDT powder in 100 gallons of water.
Unwanted colonies of bees that have become established in the _ fg I
walls of the house or in similar places can be destroyed by blowing 76 /
about 2 ounces of the l0 percent DDT dust into the entrance to the h Q A
nest. Make the application at night when the bees are not flying.
Use a small dust gun wit.h a short piece of hose on the end of the dust
spout. Insert the hose into the opening to the nest just far enough (3
2 or 4 inches) to reach through the outer wall and pump the dust into
the open space. After the bees are killed the opening should be closed
with calking or similar material.
DDT is not an acute or caustic poison but it should be handled
. with care, like any other poison. tVhen large amounts of spraying
or dusting are to be done, use gloves, goggles and a respirator to avoid
excessive inhalation of material. Since oil solutions of DDT can be
absorbed through the skin, avoid long exposure of the skin to oil `
solutions and emulsions. Wash the material from the skin with
warm soapy water. Never use oil solutions on livestock. Do not NSC
DDT on Cats. Do not use inllammable oil solutions near hre.
\Vhen taken internally DDT is poisonous. Care should be exet-
cised when applying this material. \Vhen making applications in the i
barn, cover feed troughs and water fountains with papers or empty
feed bags. If such places are not covered they should be washed before
they are again used by the animals. Do not put DDT on any plant
material to be used within a few weeks as food by lllilll or animal. A
Never put DDT on dry or stored food.
Lexington, Kentucky June, 1947
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: College oi Agrlcultufé
and Home Economics, University of Kentucky, and the United states Department ¤! AUP
culture, cooperating. Thomas P. Cooper, Director. Issued ln furtherance or the Acts Of
‘ May 8 and June 30, 1914. NM/6-47 ·