xt70k649q74n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q74n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1977-06-23 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 23, 1977, no. 183 text The Green Bean, June 23, 1977, no. 183 1977 1977-06-23 2014 true xt70k649q74n section xt70k649q74n I HE GREEN BEAN  E   
30 June — General ACTS meeting (continuation) 2 p.m. Gallery _
4 July — University Holiday i
; Current Exhibit: Foyer, King Library North—The Kikkuli Text:
; a new publication from the King Library Press. Gallery, Depart-
I ment of Special Collections—"The literate Traveller: Books of
Travel by l9th Centurey American Writers (through July)  
é Contributors_to this number: David Farrell (Editor), Faith
Q Harders, Mary Ransbottom, Kay Saillard, Jeanne Stevens, Bob
2 Turner.

Current Gallery exhibit: "The Literate Traveller: Books of
travel by l9th century American writers"
is a collection of travel books by a dozen notable 19th century
Americans. In general, the authors are of more interest than
the books themselves because among the writers are some of the
great names in American literature. It is unfortunate that
few of the titles are widely known because travel--as symbol
and as subject——is a dominant theme in the literature of the
ear, and travel--as diversion or escape——was an important
part of the lives of these writers.
Like other travellers, this group went abroad for reasons of
health, employment, recreation or because life at home was
intolerable. Unlike other travellers, however, this group
, created-—in some cases while abroad-—the first native American
literature. And while there is no reason to believe that
literary types have special reasons for travelling, the present
exhibition demonstrates that writers have special ways of
reporting what they saw.
LSO Minutes:
A general meeting of the LSO was held Thursday, June 16, 9:00AM
` in the Solarium. At this meeting two retiring staff members
Evelyn Elder and Mildred Stanley, and also Betty Sutton who is
leaving the library system were recognized for their many years
of service. Paul Willis presented Evelyn and Mildred with
University service pins and Trudi Bellardo expressed the staff's
appreciation by presenting each of the three staff members with
a gift. Betty Sutton was unable to attend the meeting.
Ms. Barbara Williams, the State Librarian, was the guest speaker.
She spoke of some of the functions of the Kentucky Department
of Libraries and of several special projects in which the Depart~
ment is involved.
LSO Announcement:
The Library Staff Organizatization would like to announce that
Jean Karsten has accepted the chairmanship of the LSO Social
. Committee. She replaces Ed O'Hara who is unable to continue
‘ in the position due to prior committments. We greatly appreciate
Jean's willingness to step in on such a short notice. Thanks
— again Jean.
Karen Boucias has two spatulas which were left at the picnic
last Friday night. Please see her if they belong to you.

F£$2£ .9.B§-L .AY§..E EQQX. ’
Cataloger in King. If interested, please see Faith Harders.
LT II, Medical Center Library, Media Dept. For information, 1
call Kay Saillard at 3-5131.
Rare Book Bibliographer (Librarian III), Syracuse University
Libraries, Syracuse, New York. Application deadline—June 30, 1977.
Available-August 1, l977.Sa1ary—$ll,828+ depending on qualifications.
.Librarian, University of Wisconsin—Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Available-August 1, 1977. Sa1ary—$12,000—$l3,000.
Affiliate or Assistant Librarian, Assistant Cataloger, Technical
Service Center—Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, Indiana.
Application deadline-July 15, l977.Available—September 1, 1977.
Assistant Librarian in the Science Library, Librarian I. University
of Missouri-Columbia. Application dead1ine—September l, 1977.
Available—August l, 1977. Salary—$8,500. _
Head Librarian. Ohio State University, Wooster, Ohio. Availablew
Immediately. Salary-$13,560 to $16,560 depending on qualifications.
Acquisitions Librarian, Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, N.Y.
Application deadline-July 30, 1977. Salary-from $15,000.
Assistant or Senior Assistant Librarian, Documents Librarian.
Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, New York. Application
deadline-July 15, 1977. Available—September 1, 1977. Salary-
from $11,000.
N0 I E,. F¤0I`f} AQ I S
There will be a continuation of the general ACTS meeting on
Thursday, June 30, at 2:00 p.m. in the Gallery of MIK North.
The Union Committee will give their report.
