xt70k649q72g_78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088.dao.xml McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 1.66 Cubic feet 3 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 map folder The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters (1798-1986, bulk 1854-1915; 1.66 cubic feet) comprise correspondence, newspapers and newspaper clippings, photographs, journals, military records, affidavits and pension claims, poems and songs, other manuscripts, and realia of Civil War soldiers and their friends and families. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters Affidavits Civil War in the North Correspondence. Envelopes (Stationery) Legal documents. Mayors--Kentucky--Louisville Military correspondence. Military history. Military life. Newspapers. Petitions. Prisoners of war--United States Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Reports. Slaveholders. Slavery--United States. Soldiers--Correspondence. Soldiers--United States. Songs--United States. Transcripts United States--Armed Forces--Military life United States--History--19th Century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Veterans--United States. War and society Washington (D.C.) Inventory of the effects of Franklin Fury text Inventory of the effects of Franklin Fury 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088/2009ms132_0088_160/2009ms132_0088_160_4/2009ms132_0088_160_4_1/10953/10953.pdf 1863 May 23 1863 1863 May 23 section false xt70k649q72g_78 xt70k649q72g r » ·' I /·‘i·./ x ? I
I . l ·, ;,-/_.·/I
EIIIIIEIIIULQ of the elfeets of ____   v____   _____,______,_____4____,_,,A___ _ _.,.. lute
il _,_____   .......... UF Ci¤19Uil1‘1 ......   ...w   ,...   .`.,..   ,______,,,,_,___,__,,,__ V   C0mp:my ,___   __________ Of
the    _____ Regirxrexzt of _,__   Volunteers, who was en ·0lled as
ri _,_e     .,.e   ...... ut   ,.......e.............4..e.... in the SUNG OY ...,.   ............ 011
the   ______,____ day 0i` ____   _,_,__,_____4A____ 1862, uml mustered inte the servi · > ef tl lultcd
Flutes us, w   011 il10£Qr...'l=1}' UF   4 .,.....     .,....__.,     é
iii (Ji;1iu[»:i11)*Aj__,   ____   __R<*gi11’1011t Ol`       \T(>llllltG€l`S, to serve   ·
y(;;ii·s nr (lllI`lllg('lll11,5 Wall; ‘ lu; \\‘élH l)¤`J1`H lll __,_,,   ......4.,........................,......,_....A.. ii! H10 SUNG
¢>l` ____     ...........A..... Q l¤<* WM   ....... }'0=l1`S Ol. UQ0, I ....   ..,... {Clit   _,______ inches
high,   _____ <·I»iiiI»li-xi<»1i,·%éq=»=<>M <>l` . e,,ee ..     .......   ..,,.....   ..,.......»..............,....e....,..........»Y...e,.......e........,..,....
·   ;\1vr1<:1.r:s. Ne. ` An·:‘1(:L1;s. Ne. II An*riur.x·;s. N0, _
!Y.—»-~~~—V—~~—-s-~—`m kv *-IIa»_-·—V—· rm-— ».~ V ·~.—%Il»—»*-M---—~ --», »--—-  
  Ihits ..._..   ...........     P2Ll1`$t1`0\\'SU1`$ .... . .... . . ....   Knupsireks ........ .. ..,. _ ___,   I /
I Cups ....... , ...........   ..   PiLl1'i€> flaumel dmwers .....     I
I I#`nr;xge cups _......... .. ...... I   Prrirs cotton draw s ...........     I
I (`liuit cunts ...... .. .v./ .........   Fl:u11·;el slxirts ...... . ......... I  
5 I I .
I lYziil`¤»rm c¤mts...'. .............   'COtiiU1lSlll1'. .................. I    
  llllilluflll _I:u·l;e   ...,.......   ]‘1Lirs lu sis .... . ...........       I
I ‘1I ~
I l·`l;im1¤·l sz { worms _............ I I Pai .·sl10cs ...... .. ............ I   I I
Iileusr: ....................... I uirs socks ,... . ............... I   I 7 I-  
/,/ I I; >; I Spccie e . ...... $ I I
yi; l`ri>(:ks ,.., . ............. I Bhmkers .... ..,. .......... .... I   __ i r__
I Hitiguc evcrulls ...............   HzLvc1‘s:1clcs .... . .... . ......... II é I Notes .,....... 8 I _·—
-—_—r&*L“_A —_- I a ·_ ~~
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I cgrggi', ON IIOYOR tluythe above inventory compriscs all luhc cllects of I_________ _ _________________________ I
_i______ _ _____   _____     ____A__,,___ , clecezisccl, and that the effects are in the hands `
OF .____________________..__r_ "“ ......,......r...,......._     ___._...r,..........,...._..............,...r... ut ._We H . I e. . ,....iVW.i_Ve i   ___,e__i   __i_   e_,V_.,_,e,,,
__________________________________________________________________ _ _____________________________________ to be disposed of l>y/u Council of A_dmiuist,r;iti0n.I ·
(¤>w*··¤ ....i.   r.........i...,.____._ ` _
f ......   .............4..r...4....................... I
s·· — · [ // Q7 é ’ # r ‘
.e1,xUON.   __ _.___ _ ____ _A/ag 4,%/ 0 C'0mmm2dz.72g Nec Company.
  l>.vvr·:=   ..»,..   ’ I ,/·—
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 ARTICLES OF WAR- IN Vl;ZN'l`< iltt Ol·` '1`lll, lil L l;CT¤
AttT. 95. \Vhen any non-commissioned ofticvr 0t· soldier shall div, or be
killed iu the service of thc United States, the tltett contntanding ollicer ot`
the troop or company shall, i11 the presence <,t’ two other cottttttissiottetl __
oflicers, lake an aecount of what etl`et·ts he died possessed ot`, above his Ut _
artns nttd nmcoutrentents, und transtnit the tante to the ollice ot' the DG- ,
parttnent of \Var, which said cflbets ure to he accounted lin', and paid to
tho representatives ot' such deceased ltflll·t!Ulllllll¤:lt|IlL|l nllieer or soldier. _ / r ‘ ( / K
And itt (Lust! atty 0t` the ollit:¢·r»t, so authorixt tl to take care of the ell} cts ` QLMHL _   _____________ _ ______'4__4__ Y ____
ot` dceeased otlicers u.nd soldiers, should, l.tei'ore they have aecuunted to ` `````’ ' i `'`` ` `'''' " '`''``   ` ``'`'``A’‘’ "
their tepresetttatives l`nr the saute, have occasion to leave tlte regiment cr
post, by pretertnent nr otherwise, they shall, l»t·lin·e they he perntitted to `
quit tlte satin-, de iosit in the hands ot` the eonnnanditzgotiitretg or of the V · 1 [_ _ ,
assistant tnilitarylngent, all the t·£t'eets of such tleeeast-tl non-eonnnissiont»tl Lido   CU)/{]'€U’y .... . ......·
ofheers aud stiltliers, in order that the same may he secured lor, and paid
to, their respective representatives. %    
ARMY REGULACl`IONS—EDl'1`1ON OF lSl$l. ....   .... § . .....   { (yi -».v-».·~--· - -------··   ·-·-- 4- ···»·   ·· ---·· - - l
Par. 152. Inventories ofthe etTects of deceased non-e0tnmissioned ohieers   U!//il/(’{’1'-K', ZC/H: (/{Gd (lf   ,   ___,   l
and soldiers, required by tlte ll5tlt Article of \\’ar, will be l'o1warded to _ j
the Adjtttatnt General, by the coinutander of the company to whit-lt thi- `
deceased lielottgetl, und nt duplicate ot' the satne to the colonel ot' the regi· @7 M ·.
ntent. Final statements of lay, clotlzintr, &e., will bu sent with the _ ; , ./ _ · 2/ » · —"
inventories. \\'hcu a soltlierldies at at {inst or station absent front his (lll     . . [ .........   . ..... l bb  
emnpany, it will be tlte duty of his itnntediate connnander to t`urnish the
required inventory, and, at the smite titae, to forwartl to the eonnnanditzg
oilieer ol' the company to which the soldier belonged, at report ot' his death,
specifying the date, place, and cause; to what tittte he was last: paid, and
the ntoney or other eti`eets in his possession at tlte litne of his deeease;
whielt report will be noted on the next muster roll of the ctnnpany to
which tho muzi belonged. Each inventory will be endorsed, "1nventory
wil the eileets of _.... T, late of company (—) 3 regitnent ol'
-———, who died at +———, the; day 0t'——, l8li--." 1t`alep;al
representative teeeive thc elleets, it will be stated in the report. 1l` the
soldier leave no etl'cets, the tact will be reported. V
Par. lei). Should the eli`t·ets 0i` adeeeased non·c0tntnissZotted ofliccr or
' soldier not be adtnit;isterttl upon within a short pt··riod alter his deeease,
tltey sltall bt: disposed ot' by a Council of Adntittitttratlott, under the
authority t·t' tht- connttanding otlicer ot` the post, and the ptwzeeetls tlep0·
sited with the 1‘:tytnu,ster, to the credit oi' the Unittd States, until they
shall be claittted by the legal r<·presentativt·s ot' the deceased.
l’ar. 154, 111 all such east.-it of :»alt·s by the Uottzzell of Adnlinistratien, a
statement in detail, or account ot' the proceeds, duly certitied by the
Uotntetl and comntattdittg ollieer, aecontpanied by the 1’aytt1a>.tt·1·`s receipt
t`0r the proceeds, will be torwarded by the (5l)ll`llllilll(llllQ‘ otiieer to the
- Adjutant General. 'l'lte statetnent will be etttlorsetl, "l'Ieport. at` the
proceeds of the etfeets of —-- —, late ot` eontpany g—) Q
regiment of —i, who died at. —-, the — day ot`———, lSt,i—."
NON: l.—'I`he effects in all cases, when called for, should be turned over
. _I0 the legal tcpresentative, without l`urther authority l'ro1n the Adjutant
V ·Gcneral. \Vhtn the eitects are turned overto the relatives ol' the do·
eeascd before these inventories are sent to the Adjutant General, their
receipts therefor should be attached to the iuventorit s. 1n all nthercases,
one copy will be sent with a letter et` transmittal tirect to the Adjutant
General, und tt duplicate retained by the otlieer,
NOTE 2.—Partieu1ar care shun-ld be taken to talte receipts in duplicate
front the ].)il_)`111llSlk‘1` l`or any tuntls turned over to hint; one copy should
be sent direct to the Adjutant General and cue retained by tho ollicer.
1 x  3}
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