xt70k649q72g_492 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088.dao.xml McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 1.66 Cubic feet 3 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 map folder The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters (1798-1986, bulk 1854-1915; 1.66 cubic feet) comprise correspondence, newspapers and newspaper clippings, photographs, journals, military records, affidavits and pension claims, poems and songs, other manuscripts, and realia of Civil War soldiers and their friends and families. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters Affidavits Civil War in the North Correspondence. Envelopes (Stationery) Legal documents. Mayors--Kentucky--Louisville Military correspondence. Military history. Military life. Newspapers. Petitions. Prisoners of war--United States Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Reports. Slaveholders. Slavery--United States. Soldiers--Correspondence. Soldiers--United States. Songs--United States. Transcripts United States--Armed Forces--Military life United States--History--19th Century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Veterans--United States. War and society Washington (D.C.) Cincinnati Daily Commercial text Cincinnati Daily Commercial 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088/2009ms132_0088_161/2009ms132_0088_161_1/2009ms132_0088_161_1_1/2009ms132.0088_161_1_01/2009ms132.0088_161_1_01.pdf 1862 May 10 1862 1862 May 10 section false xt70k649q72g_492 xt70k649q72g " 11   ` 1¥   ‘*i‘ 1·’·i1¥’11=Wl 'i1A ,;1AF`+i¥vE.1=A·1 1   `   A A `_   1a21;1j= ;?E'§¥%?`1§i§i*‘·=‘·11 ‘·L‘’‘‘‘ *1 YA  ""  A AA A 1 A   .. .` A A A   `A¢11*=*=1¤s   `·=`. "     1 " ·1·       A A A .V_, [E ··»· 1A ` :1   AA A1 11 1 A 1 1 AA ___,___,    AAAA::i  A=¤j%A§.A` A A A A  —AA1g¤A—A  
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;é·__ 1 y, ' A A A·" _ eeeily achieved as it would have been if 111. 1,.,, 1,,,, , mn ,,,A,,,,,°,, mud Q, _‘;_u‘:fn;:{: ’*B *¢•!• °f h¤¤¤ ¤¤¤e¢!. eeeh new lou- dirootlon, Le., new wmmqq Ag".; 5, 1,. mz. sm. ‘—————-—-— _ _ more expedition for several days woo A _·j $-1Nn- latest news by 1'degnpn n•• {gi" 1 A
pr; il V ,1 ' PY¤¤ Md ¤0¢ be¢¤ \hw¤r¤cd b the Secretary for the wut. wn¤:n•·n-.g1•ele¤.¤» mm'. 0.; .1. *i°‘ W"! '“°"° ********1* Wn *·h• °¤• "”'·°d· TM "h°’° P’•°°•“¤ !¤’•l'¤‘¤' g:¤r’lm'm::l·l2’»:g::°  nw. slug.? Th.8 TEIHIBSSBG Ex 8d1lS10Il ¢-?--—   gurl ps" 11 1 V
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l.-‘· _ ' tl · | lt had bqn Arranged thnx lqbqycll mquld dashing nn the etnge, no melqm-.m.q¤ gpmbqg nn, ih, dm", yuh md monk. in ln h_ ef 00¤l?•L" Gen wluillll ll A1 llomnnlno. For rand, bridge, end building purposel, [Gw|1•I|1¤|•I¤t (-llnnhnil 0¤n.¤•rehl.| · " ` " -       2**1 ` ````
,i"‘- . _ f¤!l¤v hun with his whole carp; d1qm,,_ Meh •·<>r·1• ven would ¤¤¢ cnt melted n¤ml·,¤1..l.. mm em W. mln ei lu as K With hunltdnllke the nlqeie bis-good the ndnationleln nboutthenme proportion. — . tg   Y" 6 — A ' Y ` 11
g A A l McDowell: wlugq my {oh", 5,,,, 1,md,da‘ hl ieibedlebvllulmrnic afs dletreeud orenuxra, hi h 'l _ Y ° F°mt°’u °f ICI wut, joolhr fry, {aye!-· pod For coun poor pnrpqgeer 2.5 of gulll, A D•ln0II¤¢l'lU0lI Agllhlf P|ll'd!—Al ` · A` 1 I A é` V
{ii: l e ` I A yum', and gpwigu ]°m°~ Urmmdn ”°° R°"°°*°2"°°"1 “”'{ '° M" G1`? :,;dl,,?:;,:§x;:=L‘::b:°H° °gh"°°;'m' ‘h'°; ' neu · .0 dla,. hh :;:u":°°P“b[°i\ N"'1 S" ;“:_°k ¤;d1I¤¤d maid   to For townehnp purpone, including relief or Expedition under Gen. Lew. Wallau   ` A %k°‘7""""‘°"°' °' ““ °’“° “'““ °°"“”'°'*‘·|   1i  
qluk Q *1 ` FW? F MN GCWN f acountry and hug ‘ " "'· {P * °‘“'° P0 *'| VU $K?¤| OID ¤¤l' igh 0E- NI ¥ •l’I¤ IOHTOUDI IH II _0 bntfle Ile poor Kmill on p1·¤ps|:yqf\ow¤5hipg1|a¢ —Wh\¢ WI! Shell Ill! DOIIO 0I 010         U sc gg cnt Nash [1] I I ll?} 11  
.1. A ,,,,,,1, n,MLv-the "behm MMG t . _ neeeeonue nseaaymr simon. w.u..m.i,u., me tam Sm mud vn I uu _ b md gw. w nd". hm nd ud; bn; dA 1 $100 OOOA d or 1 R“‘_D“u,-anon I nn Bon A 1 Wn AP, m ‘ ' ° .“‘P“" 'C AA 1 V
4;   *A gh The amd cxocuuonj this P N" wl¤¤}.•.i",.¤l1 gh. .m1,m¤;,_ gh, ,,,,,0,,. NN h·_ P ¤|!PPO? 0, IC . •!¢6• U1! A A Il M I lll U 0¤ ° I   . .·». ..()°|g°¤ nlygyg, A _ AAA
· part of A ’A s l u 1 . *·¤¤¤· At n dl $100 000. B ld .   1   V ,`_`.
:319;*   A _ A A rpm;.-qqru. *P• Ph! W¤¤ld give compelled the xbuln ;;::;::,;r;:x:;:;h;:;_;:T::,§°`:`:::l:A_T':;‘;';: :':¤¥;:;:ci:;?=¤:¤l:?:::“b°1:I:;&?: ha _ a san er nn anna; 5%}:-°»§'¤g::§%ln?:E= ....... ’ .... ............ .....,,. ,,,, 1 mm I glu, Sum"' F". mn. non THE WA. gn THE In EN l nsu LA. {Ai llepnvxnnn, April 'I, 1862. 1A V-
ifi 'I 4 1     Weld; th, ]lVl!;I‘ll.\d`:)l1l'l.1lI!| yllllnj of; m{|||;~_   wa, Gr v‘x·‘i°¤’ nik", ·-d ·b!°§`” {0           lo} CK? nf ¤'é‘·i§zI:'   mull Plrrsnnnq LAIDIKG   ml Y6]- } " nD¤_rC°E:).·‘A little awning?. · danger-   V
‘ V · men nrme ¤ e b ld . l' It I I 1 ..........V........... ....... .... .. ........ " "` =`;A-
{ala;. ’i V ,HAI|ll. IIDNIYS. GRAYIII. ANI yulgmng mg. “d,,,,,¤dj, I In -.8,mmn 0, ,,,, H,. ,1,,,,.;,:, {Liz,   °"'°"’ wfennx, lo be endured this ride of h—l.. M g1,1,1:1,:£.’1•“°:,Z:;,w” d,?:;¤:: !><>A •P?°¤:·r'lw:w:¤h•¤i¤·¤¤ VVVVVV - VVVVVVVVVVVVV»VVV :36 " Th', "°°u’ m 'h° °°‘°'l M uu THE BATTLE DF W|LIJA. · gain ug£,gku:d,p"um,·1;r ,1; $111,- aaai   T
rank A ggymlqm swlnbmqs — hn Been it taint McD;»w•5 in a pegluen "Wh·r•vq¤-• p•p•.e•...1...ell-Q., Ieheuld like to “ge 1;,*1 jug", p,,{,,1 lh, 1. [qi u,,_,bm ihqald umlgmh Lug yu.-A ell wlllggu gud 1,141,,, except amount of good eccompllehed end the A A;_ Y"; ¢ _ FMQU ¤¤B ¤_ evjll - AAAAAA .··V V ``__
T ~ ‘1 Wh°f¤ HB ll ¤¤l\ QI lmtomplilhlng nnyihing Tb I d A'd ""‘°“ ““"*"i”| "°'”· '_ regard gi vg gh. ycnh oy my -m“,_ H, gdwig.g}• en Min! num tu. _ — du. ".”_ Olncinnnti, were. allowed eu luv, e gg gf emount gf guigrigg md pyivgtiqg und"- "°"* -3 _; _ ¤ Gd |`yIl¤§ AWHIUD HIC! ll Ohplbl Hull. l¤   1. ,.,., A
  ' I ' ·   nor   ll, nid ‘°°‘h'r Goulralll _u •h¤ hP("ni°'* Uflhl Dlllyhll lid!] 1l\\.I'§f•d uf. ha .0t been .n·.•lh* void of dvcui   in   Itirru he   1 Sh•“l_ 5   [ld Clllolllnlli 6%   gun,   (Ee Iofdiar ig |h° pl-glen} w.g·' {gym       H·n°°°k’· B `1 this   .bd   il   mmm: {E; 1
{nn". E · midline um-.; 45.,.,,. gf p;,,,”,,_ If_qieeeter e eu] name er 11,1. 4,111,,,,;, ;';j`ZA_&;_':::::;':f::l:‘ Y°°:l• ":¤•;*•¤’*¤*¤ wei- gu, wigu; my umd Fup,.] or ur 4.1;;*1 yy, g°1,,¤,£',,P““‘ ,“m“¤d The following will allow very nearly the th, numb., d pu, hm,. in ,,hich In __,___ A ;·2- e greet nrenm wiih n strong enrrent. At   `
—— JM nemevnensonnnnrslnu imieey qu". femng et I•0l•llnn'| lone, the wu.; .111 · ° ' °“ “‘ ""i?"'”¤'°‘ el 5 .¤b1;1,,, q, ti I _ .¤d ul. (5..,.1 gm, ..1.- , { Z egzregnn reductions under the several ·‘ - ` •1· ,151 A,·A
{ $1 A —'u‘“m w·i;‘! 0; CAUUIBOUB d•,°"_ hold th. Secronry O? Wn tupousilm for NI ';¤Umr¢¤L gb: Wlllgltl the but qnn.m; nf • "g‘ to live · rung!. vflglbobi"9 *9%%; mel'. and 'oeili “..‘ na".- ‘°'ed• xg.? h··dI_ hu bq; egggggd, ug ih; numbag of pevgrg A         PYQWIN lh! Pouuu of QDDWUUI; P¥G:9¤‘ I AA AA
p V 1 ·-‘ -‘ ln uyluyusul INLABGIIIINZ we run" Bm dthougsvicbry 'mb - wir ¤ec_r••• u enzer, nr evan; talhe muelmn In th f ¤§ h ¤ Ia: 0 “ue‘·° " ·h I ul • A, q-U I ¤ ‘ Tu“mAm_ T“”h.”_ BMM·,¤_ hmdw bln! conn". ghrmgh which b, in - mcet curious study, nd, eomyee , w 0 bu A   `AAA`A_AA
  ‘ ( *•"°"°‘·""'*'|!*¤•¤***¤**¤¤•**•¤- eheeed more den-ly nm, if M,-_ Btsnlos TI; {  ;L¤,::xT?;:;d•::;:::; my"];  £,,.;,“,; bu: :1: ¤i:°f‘Q:°: on ,15,;]   qaulkalazdi Qi; wz: §§{‘{f:}’}$,{,',,{fffj',{f{Q';§‘§,?,,°}  gf   penned; ndln civil life the renark le ton ¤°* Hm mu ¤‘{' °P?°""§*l*! "1 °°d¤'l¤¥ iA:1A AA _
11 1 · gA ,y V kept l‘.l¢l·l ylglnbq 1:0;.1;..,1.51.%, nor-]. W, A 1..;,,1, ,.,,Ah,,,,0,_,,, b,,u,,,_ M, ,.,0,m ”,___ ,1,,,,;.,1 um GR-; Bqmbm unmuu m to I,. lf L, mum d,“‘_“·_um0“uy__ Wnr nm. Levy,. eu,mm •11,¤24ve ,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ mqumyy .,.4, gh.; md, . ,A,‘;m,,,;,, INN'! Defeeied wml UNIT SIIIIQMOI'. deep.’ an exceedingly pumlng one. Iam _*A 1 AA;;A
No A {A   ` <>¤¤¤¤¥ ¤l0¤b¢ Yhnf if will be ec fsved We W¤•¤h¤r Mr •¤s•s•¤•¤• will •¤m1¤¤• am.; gn. epoch ever io be ;•;•¤5•;•4 gm, quuu, "Shanl-duhi" he epln bl ‘ Qu; wigh 1.. °°"°" °°*°°"’·_ L’ LEE £§ gym]; , Compu, 1,., 40,,, M ,,,,-1,,, b,_ —- not much of e polhical student or observer. li  
;_&_ A ;_A e j__ Ile certain that Genernl lemellgg will up *••k er terhlneh to-nine wut depend, w•pm¤¤e, fgg gd gggqyg _ A crensing enipniql '1'].:S:L•1. 1-.,,,,.4,4 '4,0§|,37! as 3x,e1e,mw 3444,144; cmu hl nu-. mu' iu no I in aoi · | jege iq ned Gopgrqjongl Npqmn, qu] $*`1*`1A I1 ‘ 1
T‘* A   ' A . °0¢¤Pl|¤h IU ihlf ii within the pow•r of hu- "'Y '“‘°h “P°'{ ¤'*• |'°••*¢* •¥ e ¤1•¤•drr•e¤v•r1. nnnvu ,.0- Im, D . ' the commend, bn gill me hw oy (hg 1-15,, no ( tl ****1* ’  ·—; P P M. (mr luvilnn CUINENCEU on Mmm"- our ucohmbul L°nu,u_" ln“", hw QA   A A
hdllld ( A': A. A A mu an-nt um an {om “ hi. alma'-]. -;;,1, ,,,,,1,,,,;,, ,,,,,,,.m“,_1. ,h•..I,m Gm 0. _ lsu . Brando"], Elms b li. N'.- I- una mr:.} 5y¤e•eAIn.:’¤: ::‘¢:e1.m.e’ggg omit}? lm of than who {nel •.h• r•b•l tin at Den- __ ! _ »A_A_A_ _A ,,_V A
A -A-_A   Lymmn, Pmmnbhh Hmmm Aa Am•x·l••.11a¤e•• nm; s•.em,e.··1·.. [gy};-pf IN lah I Uehevtli when who nwlhi-•¤“hq°mm nxéuilmt Gob Bghqjnl -· Ajj ,6,;,,-,,, ,-,5,,, ,, ,,1,,,,0, eleon or Shilon. People are Ilow ee believe ‘ , veil ud *d¤“'*blY "*m*¤‘h * K*'•“ *"' A  A5
rg; 4_AA.' 1 · *       While Werenrd thhlight from Yorktown   L?"°';'f*:'M"':r*P :;,;‘°!d?y¤'=$·A'l° " .*;;*1 *§' eral Wyakbam Hqfmq .¤ 1 eg. 11.,;, m I ~· Qgg     {gégfeev ihnt in wu- eepeclgllyl pug rggglu ln Tl. nnt um"' ·°'°"‘ [dnl- bm,1h0¤gh when Igethnld of; Donna. 1\ A _ `A
z · AA 1 1 A , ·· ·=¤¤~¤¤¤ »~·>r¤r·¤· ·¤¤¤11y¤r¤··» we- »...A...A.A...,.. . A.A.A...;,AA. ".:.,.A,§1...‘Z;‘; ... A.£*!€...».§’... i...,.,A ATI., .2* e *=•**··=*A*¤¤¤·¤·A*¤ · ·  • ¤·¤¤··¤¤-   —+ -—i ··¤·¤·*···•b*·*¤·Pr·*·¤**r *****-1 ·=·1¤¤•· '__‘ °*" ""‘ """ ‘“" *° '"“‘1 "’ °"°"‘ 1 1 `
§_ A fi Q ,» A · _ ` A gmlifi V5 ¤¤¤¤0i b¤¥ regret the! the War wme•¤¤!.,yy_ 3....,.; ' hg",) V, luchd an mm °“¤:“`:1;_ {Ut? Ml Ildegfllllif {.1 rooted an!. 'iflgzw   *1*1.. dugggcgjng gf . r.ug•.j 1,,14., hu IOKITORQ MEIIIIMAQ FAQEWFAQL vmlone have, es you will hence imeglue, \ AA.   V V
A V _ _A    A. ggqluulnn _ _°P•*·¤¤¤¤¢ P¤’•¤¤\¢•§ him from cenxm out l¤¢·l•y’• llnetreln nn me . ..00.,.;.1-,,,; .1,.;, lggyin ,u my ,m,M,!_ ne ,m_1 AS'°“·**"¢¤' V ‘ 1 V  A ••* I - {gu}, {ged gzgoee •u,2¤e•• ... ...... .-.. 5..., 1. may N"` mu, Q°|y[¤·.“] u ___ been nnpericinl, hi they ere not nn1n••• ·-31AAg.;_
E ._ `- T_  _} ` , _ _ Q: '· ·· ‘ MAA! *·1···1*¤¢¤·¤ Yi"` 'k““h '“"° In ' ”' " °“‘"*‘ * ”"'°"1 UPU . aj, A,-  AA  A · A __  V ,4   Aj ¤•?3°:¥:¤ 1 1é‘<·;•::¢‘   }.z:·;'¤::;§   ‘§·}’g‘°§§ the ·'•e•1.n•.·a•· wan en.- an. un ..1 . -“,m`“`“ F .“k.· b.- I L suing. enough lny It Uhnt ehoultnec.- 3l?¥!é11·AA AL
I J z W   ro., °fY°'kto’3' _' hom",. lh.-   IIQK V0 |.·h|g]·¢§gy·   . [ `•¤ ' ·° W    '  - _, A I _ ` ' I  rl-gA·"' 11 "‘*J_ ` U "   T¤(|l|,..........l'K9!‘l.gI!Q4-·§7)A§)-Q7ang!]ji ;?;;;·;C¤‘d·¤;       I`. U Jn Z. °_ -   ( AA   A
E A Ee A, AAA., ·. ~ ·A, A k,,,,_ Tm- W, d hl,. nnbhd MT hc? 1:% .;_1;¤:;m•agv.»4..•_.A.,.;.1..l,¤,,.A ng-uw? kin gz  mv m c an V  A;  xjyg- 1;.,,* gm To brlng ul. ..,...4,. er ul. sm., .¤a7{ vreme D§.¤;dl|'i]|¥] newepepcr ree eu._¤¤• IEIMAOF TERBUII Il THE SOUTH W£$T_ being eve yank.-.aL.,go¤1.u,-,,,1g1], —· {     V
“_,_"`_ 1 __ AA _ turethewh•l•r•bel.r¤y; Bm up mo,. • '”'_ *' · ‘m_M;'::'°;¤":*:‘I:.j:*•¤:Q•¤d·•n h an rg". id"` Ilaiinlk MA h, un I! __ V on   ‘~ _A` ly  •r;en5;111, {ge severe! counties ud wwnnhlpl, within *:1* • : •_ ••°:;“¤f•";¤% •{1¤l•¤•¤¤!• A _; fgrmeduf old Whig uq Dgmgcynuy .,°,. · _·lA·A1gZ1;1;11j1¥AAA{
Am.}! AA  _ _ k,Indyhdlso11ef.¥0n0rAbn|e, timnded wrgndep me Regpelqencck were ,,§¥f,"§,,,,_,,,,,, ,,_,,,. ,A,,_,,_,;1;;,g’_•°gg_j_* 11.. 1,,., mk, 1,, mg], ,,;,,A,,A,;,,°f‘1,,j :2%  V ,    A   AA  he we ly tb;A;’·°‘;f{:°§;’;: ¤::j;*';:;u:;:'*°£:_{_t*;<:: _;¤§}P§§_’uA‘; {gsm: 0{’,h:Ad;m:f Fig.}; .-,,1,,.,.]-,,,,, ,t J,,k,,,”,,_ Mh riel, enum reeelvlng ihemselvn im. ... A    
3 ’°“"{   » '   l l U A wu lLb;:?wl:x::::e·l1l; auggkgkzgygg S:{"";°°°' "‘°°‘ °‘ °’°""° ‘”""“"- ****1 *°"'°°3 "¥"Iu° *°““°AP"°k" “ **:**17 th¥oom ‘ A     A L o L15 welt: end ibcldenlnl exp:¤•••,•• follow: mivb by We! of i¤¤1¤d¤c¢i•n." N ..._ ' ”° i9’*l U“i°” nd 'Ndmhd $U•!h ii   ` H
e{,_""‘_   AA  ’ ··v-·· ·-·· ··· ····i•···· ·¤·»·····= g1¤Ad¢¤:M·;¤·¤· · ··;;¤w ·;¤·¤····¤. ; AA·l·‘ZA‘J?·£ A1·°’1Af£&‘·T3f?Z2`.1'§‘Z§fAfff°a.A.2i.*T. Z?'¤€€°A·•Al ¤·A ·»$Z.€A;‘.'.?a"TlAipAl`.}‘B°A5i2 {{**5  1* ,, A ·i··· 3* 111*1;;; .,E§£€;1.‘5}5A“.*‘.;‘,}”°°" ‘“" °"’°"‘°' ‘“"'° AA£3AZ`§'2£’§!.‘$L‘{W5'fAZAZ°AY`T.‘?.?A‘l°£‘·}YAASRT "• v··=¢··¤ · ·¤··¤·¤···rs °AA»A . »°$A»SA::E°’»l‘$”l:e°ZE a:h°»""   1‘1
` .~ _ yor er e ; [ n_ F1 11 gd _ , · ' e _ · AA A ¢ un » il ell. _ A 4 V I C A l' . e emo- A §A1_11—A;;&_·1> A1A
IIIQ J 11 °°.'°'“°" *""_°"°" . bed esplendid laifslynge for wcézwz ‘ :gllT::¤‘$.q;zE; "1?°::°:;:.¤:.“°- nd su .“° Qipdld wh. °-°'“°!°°k·“$’k' V1!-IIRC! enhaq ¤;:n:l3 1 Zi Th HTM'! ef We c0I\m\||i¤¤0\’ nf "'°“°¤ in *h* ¤'—‘!Kbb°¥h°°¤ °f P“d!·• N"' Y°“· IU °· · "nl “’·'W WW oracle Hua the latter. Bn gg 1,..1.1- M @1 1 A;
A ellencn. Wekefnlnes P ¤I I m• uryeood hke beg; ig- nga; yhy 1. nk . . h b H . . A
4 I A lc B ' ¢ li h {   A I glhbcmbb mu N '° ll! `"nun _ Btetieuekand tnkin hem hl; 1. tl wwn ufsbcnt 800 inhabitants twang twe grwvvt ere omni? { at th. · on wmydou mm wm -¤
A an-v••. Peinlnthe neon: . nt pu ea ewu e mmn hi; work une. _ V ~ · » nn` ’ ’ ny 8 U °°¤ ¤· . A _ ' ’ V   Hr ` Uni ‘ ‘  
"QQ" ' . { °"°'“"’*°°"°• "“'*’*¤¥ °“**° ’°*Y¤ about one-third ol his furee wu nken A11;-.;;.1 | The ¤<1r¤1>11¤•¤•·•ry bee•¤• of Mr. 1. v. 1,1.,1... Ap u A] I A Thad, it 'ml id. d . { gentju nlm, we allownpee u 1;;,..;;, mlee dment tron our conf, deriving a rnuugwunu, A —• n. Heclellpm, __ h nv W. hn. AN J k W,     V A
IM . A A 11 °"""‘• '{{‘ff,§2,',;L§$,},\1,[;"· nlm. He me um; go seq; himsglfjc hi, use- »u·»m•••e¤1¤..• m.·.o.... 1;.,..,, mf JA k‘°‘f“ Q!. *1 IA ’°* * **"•· lh lm mmf °'um““ V “d‘°m“"¥1·’{· Audnon for infer-neuen. quell degree cl lmpcrtenpe rom iu low on ihe 6Lh1¤—¤, had e _ ·ulv•Au¤mry. A Ira wm _‘h· i“mr{“°°:_ · _· A1
    Elgsnll   .1t°§°dl(§rc¤mE‘.l§:·¤'   go in,° me   l   il nah G·*‘v. ¤°m,a."   low               3; 4. `     elqgggglnsnted   YQI,   gud Jqfac    
nuns- - tydinsthhg, ` ‘“PP‘ "‘*°· “* * i h "m¤*b*‘¤'¤ l ,,,.,1, °m°° `°°°m°“°— *°"°"l' \•*h¤Peb•n he belmce oltheexpsdlnien Tb¤.$•¤¤ Wi WU'! ilk l!i¤z i¤ hi! · D ° F . L ann ' V ‘ • ` `  “ I foo ht H l ‘ *’ W G°'1O°“ph°lL B‘m°` ·V‘°° *°·*' 1
:. sm- A» A A hemend an enerpytbntno us¤c0ur.ge¤.e.; ’° "°‘°"'°" "·”°·11’· °'**•°¤··•¤·····»= ,,1 0,, ,1- ,. 1, 1,,, ,,,,a·m V c...e..·•.u.i,,.q. A- ,, gn wm ., *"‘ S°*‘°P‘C•'P¤‘¤'°¤•*·AA V "°""“"?‘€“"°· “"“ “°1'“‘°" A »A A {A :"‘. K “°*‘ " “"'“·' "" "‘°‘*‘ new lellowin 1him end eu ' ink me    
n|em¢` A 2 V no- '¥·“v'•dw in O., 'lhl ‘.h Ol.   h.B.u¤e¤‘ cohld impair- H. bu bx. i llid hl W0¤ OIHOH ucl lean ||   gentlemen (ygl ‘ ‘   ;r rf"'! yp b-‘ • in n   P V d   {lh, Dllpgpjgpg {hh   of Sh. H10 (lpldnlfly Bllfkd, Whll. {OMG}    he. et JCC},. WING!} Yeh. YIHI (mild I I { h- gu W, _‘. , 1- V1
5%.;.5 l Neldeehverleblv r•¤¤*•·A•<><>¤ f¤1¤¤v• ¤0¤l>¤U•d le dv yuh 0¤e hend wher he beg! 1   TSEIQ. A:l°:,,.2:;:,,m:;.{;,:`°l°,m“,, nz:} ::%:1:::he On: R::r::l:»:tl::1:;reg.%$.':{: ‘;‘%°{?Q¤£YK¤¤•¤* M ;V¤¤¤!'¤§ zgeixmhe :;:?u£z-{°°';hz¤g°E:g:£¥§:z `;i&·f°gm;§   1 t::£;;¤:lrg:?§;;l¤;:P •n .  i ¤%l`·;:;dYl>¤zh¢ Well lniil UH! Mi the •0'd :::" ly J"' nz Sal "°.°°i:•°d'”$' :;::1: A 1; x V
$2*5 1 U ¤¤°¤¤"·YAT¤¤TY·¤P¤L¤P¤• FMA Kevllzlld amigo oxnlrzll tiyéegs *'.l;:aAll`:.i°{°;1;t 1 fQ§§Y'§,\:,:‘,Z,’§°}°““1 "*‘f; ff ""'°"‘"‘ §`;{hf c‘:A,°”;—Q°°’°°‘°Y‘l’;,°‘§'•}”· ‘°° ‘°* 5:,`l£::;?g,,°:,':;°,:L°' Q2; ml; °’1;;' H°“•°· U U a A "°'° P’°F“°’* ‘°"¤“°°’**°"•"Y "1"°“" “°*' my ‘°°* "’ ‘“°“ "°""· ‘°1i "in I ·rl1l?¤U :3.13: wmial: &[°hA:.`::l: W3'. 'Q H   `v-`i=· 1
I | ' it nr u n _ _ r . · v .A I. · · _ A * — A ‘
wl., A _ __,A___·A,,_,_,_,_,___,,__, __, __,,A_ ,,_A_ ___ ¢Y|!¤!tI¤¤¢i. end ri. rum. mln or n. A...AA.A.A.AA....l..A.AA.A'f¢1‘L,1A..2,..A?;i.'.:%.2.2;§";,_ ..A.,.i{r.,,..lA‘fA$.§‘2,$...2?A,,_ .§A°.{°Z2l"€ ieffrellvlih an PE »€¤J&3»i.Z ,'{§¥¥· %;";§"’¢ “° *1** °' “1• “°“‘ °'1 . 1 ·"’°"°{"‘°§L‘2°* ARA nc . Z;.lA?SFiA`§.J$"‘5¤‘Z‘G°’."'£““‘}‘S 1 ¤?···1¤1·1·--1--11-····¤>·····¥¢$—·1A ·•¤¤¤={ —-
gig"; A fp [ 11 ,.1;,,, ,1,,, ,,,,,. k,`,,,,¤, ,,,uG,,‘ ,, “— rebels from Yorktown is a campleu vindicn· 1 The me-umennle•·.vgm.i..v¤;..i.., ..1;,... ,,, 1., 1,,,1 V ..0,;,,; themmn, umu., up t. ji Generelk np.} eye 11; 1-.7,5; uu, ':m:°“°{ ?·“ 6 l h e min. AAA A A ga   {mm in Emu Th B". 1 2 M °°l°t Middle Tennessee, and biuerer poiimlzzsl foen AAA    
qua. A " _·&•¢u u......,·· ¥i<>¤ ¤f¤¤01¤11•¤ en General. t lm ¤¤ New ¤·¤z• ¤¤·¤1• el emnelnseeeee and pe. exploding pei.; gf iq gmc,. bw lm n hon t.b•r•?v¤vl" rene; nnighle N.. un if C;::;°   '° ”¢ ‘ ' °°'”?’*°" no A °‘° An an J? ::1: mm bagtomcc}, 1:1 W °' '"°" ° never existed in any Suite. The entire eup- AA   AA
:4:-g * mgm AND on The nb•v• an ordinary epeclmenn el 1.h• A ;':::;’:;;:"";T’;‘f "";u‘·’”¥‘·°'*·** •¤¤‘**¤* **14 incl would the Greet Republic budge la the ::"°¥°‘ “'°¥B¤‘C§'¥¤¢N? l D- Y°¤’ hed mi, Ieieriglly p.|r:;:1§‘ um wgpmn,. prin. Seven re inentl cf infentr from   *-1 ao"` 'bmh Gm` whnwu hu ¥°°°i"" hn QE "Mw
im   _ Q sUMr’Im‘• eomnimte ol newapepegm gpg giygg gym- go   wiumnnh fur m:£;‘:;lu:"’}l?:';:r$;r::;::     _d1rectl•>. Her rnddee bed b•e_¤ pe } m:"b.*g:¤V•·`l:•a9€II1 l .llI\l Colonel you of county Audmmh (}“_ W.11w,’; ¤¥yig°¤..1¤.1uA11¤zg_{', T8;]. The G1-end Charge by llnngecvy B1-1. .£: f’°';"b'h:vh;§¥éP’:a'{j 'h*1°P_{' °PP9* E1 iAA_AA A;
,,41.,., A 1; I7:1••I•¤•¤| •n•¤•u• anna: n¤irtn|,I•I infhheve mehgnency, cn the lnte military e¤mm»¤•• with ine drame .rc.mm., ..1.1. .,.,, ,Ay,»_,, ‘Y "J‘?"“ i" *¥’l"f°"**€h=¤P”'*°\*» °°B" -°‘ · =‘·-ih Sth. llaterielly reducing the •0mp•nn~ •¤d 2001 0¤i0—\W0 Ueeieriee ef eriilhry, S¤°¤· ' M ·;° °° m ° °m°"P"°A?`"" 1
·`Y‘uU` DN QM m r•°0rd' ef "¢ lI5I|l| AFI- d§YQ1°pmg¤\| in   i¤i·_ Ther. lead b. bill Cflétl IVE? Qlvel ll, liu D¢1·;§b.q nppoaljn _ ll \° M .y"°·t I-elrllv Ind ‘h·   J‘ck°   '• d°‘b"* ta ounlgh of `l(•ll of C0\l|\’ 01Q|’kQ I¤I'l& th. 4.-1] nd   Illillil, und BU]   N|' YQRK U., 9 {rh. H°[·]d'. corr", nc np"-,.   M'. been ·c°0¤$'l‘P°d‘ l A
»\:v•;••n n-...u.e• -•l•n•ho1y emu. by oe.....,e•., .0 de.! · fu mg h h umm., lm,. aud. x;.g.i,Am ., ¤;c,,,,A,_ {A., WP fend lie hed zei ¤¤‘• then she ber- 6**- A, IY N3 b“R\ *” ’*¤°•· en., Lum-1.11, .,4],,,5ué th, ,¤mp,u,, Cavalry, were ordered mbe in rendinens ny pundint gm`; ill. fljuowi. 1-. me M. Th "°"' l' "S‘b!° ""' h"°· °€"‘““' ?l·1A¥11' $1
LAL: A A _ rear-•n•wl¤••.e••n••..¤¤ uml. ....;.1.., 1 °'°Y W ' °'   *° l • **1** * ** A 1;.., n.4.u1r..m,.,,_.1,_¤,,,,,w,,,,,,, mu gnved fer, when eu undermbk ee em-y 1 eirrwnncg,1 um, 1,; county g,,m,,iP,iU,_,,, mm. wm. um. (1.,.1 wqhll nvguu, *1-11, coung ar the m, m·;,.¤, ning P { H h'*T° *"‘”” V]”°'· "t·*°l‘ P"' ¥"°"d UFKMAV *
.;. ,. yl S•<>¥ei¤·!.Y SUNG! ind (¤enera1lI¤Cnu.u 1 n..v.1,1n· 1.i¤;h...¤,.m,.,;_ Ae,_ nnchaload. Fine!] however gh. nubb m yy, y - . A A ‘ _ " · · 1 _ A A K ‘ ‘ _ " ° '*“' nmfecimy, end e npmt hu b••n winced A A A==1·-
rg _ nl nu I A _ . ae. xr. n. a. JA A . ¤ • denier nltlp, Yetel§ enptered (ru. 10.h. linmglly redeem; the ¤0¤l,,..,. pu arunonn nn the cunp in which I charmed wok s Br glide on che rebels. A A A- . AA
ggsgiw r   WVU 0 lm"' U'"°`nY·' WT! ere no longer friends. Each wes helped toél ?¢1*•¤1¤ *·¤¤¤F—a ¤¤ me frvm Herthe. ua me ee.-· ¤!i ¤•¤!'¢¤[ **5 i¢¤’l•d Publ. but iy ibil the rebe by eh•N•w Lenin, wen: tn pieces den of Gurney Proeecunlmg Attorney., io ae! the time the order wu rrceiv¤d,— "Scercely e huxxdred yards were between 'hmh " uw ·1*·•1r m di! °°`A M ""“"" li" `A
LL,. ,,, , AA Y °¤¤¤¤¤ WMK-¤1¤¤A the nm. ,1... whiqh he 0.,.,.,;,. 1,, g, A ::;¤;y_{§;:;j:¤·_*:*¤ U1: ¤•r¤• ·{ ~¤• ‘1M·r- _ *g¤°:d*¤%v*¤¤dk\54 •hi'*·ed ¤¤_d vn deed A in whe tehibk galndseniayun, She na llth. Ustnlnlly maui.; ul. ¤¤¤pe.... the deetiveeien vu of eenree ne*•¢¤¢e·1,— •h• rebels ew! the g»=¤e when our mrmisn   £T;":’;,,mf:,}’},"§‘,: §2Q"*,"h§{’h "“f"f ’
m¤:{‘*• ·.*-R, mid-•udN wmwuam na Ib gfkgyy but nag., yu wimnl “ Penn. bn ’ ‘” ' ”'|' “ •'“'•°**'• 1 { t   l'•P° 2 Wm! ¤¤¤k!¤•t •·§¤¤i ¤ E troops and stores nn bonding Ship Ielud, tion of Cqemy T.;A;“q¤1·._ were on qnch an extenslve eenla that I me blqme gilgng 1*1;. 1;;,,5 0; the gm wi,. _ u Eu. of th. Yat nd“.‘*‘:l ’°!:'°;“ A ` 11
Ann, § i-,,,, Ah, ,,,,,._A,mc_ HLHBOLDAB IL mu. Mdl°__McC“u_" wu l quhg .i_ l .neM__hm" cnn no hr Nm Jl wm | 1*3 ¤ •¤‘:•¤ ¤¤r•A By lunget Slup Is\·AA The men wen and yawn md J.•g· I 12.1;. Rednoim the ..1.1-1.;.,1 gy. Jgdggq thought the lang expecxed nevenaent wnein end me 43.1 New York {mmm up 1. j ”, ht · up a' Q   H"' °° "€ A
A    1*::*1 |¤v¤·1•M.v Mee. Anne! wm sa- le., nun nd S.u".°, l dononnmuw mdb Q e1¤e.ii.ei..·...,...A..1., 1;.1;,.1,,.,, ,,,.,,,,,'_°;:Q 1  ty.,   ${·“‘;;g":*:§   :::b"¤*¤   •¥ Qxh wi k¤ep· gf Giu=i¤(l::rLm-Igamilton County, end me `     lbglt zibe ixda mi clogiebordfr no the rignz of tlie barley, 2; ;p:.;l?§"m:’ csgmen Q; ‘;”‘:r;;“;’: AAA`) A A   AA
-•¤•h• A viduel-—•1d so they disagreed. The plnne 1 gh °,°;°°‘°' u" bm *m“‘°°'° '°“"“ “°”"’°"·I·* Mun! pretend tony how muy deyqbnrh ' 1 l gu. ln' . r1 I ` ‘g?1iz,d:r· gh J; [ be end with cel. 1•:yl0:f:;;lme:{_' P"- 1 .1 WF ny.? 0 mm· of Auth cl-° Sm"! "°· “’ ‘h° P‘°*"‘ “° K"!d"‘H¥ Bi" il
    A _ of General l(0Cnu.n hrehe ennpaign la ‘al:;l•.::;a,·:::1-.bl:;:::.°‘::'   '°{-' Q "$°"" d’°?‘d. “°h°*` NP: LNPAKEV fern  ` ' 1 feyette, In- ef lh ¤•¤* L?;gl•**:Y:"i¤TU?• ::3:fl;  ° '°“"°d “ “'° °’°l°°* L'-- '°“‘°° *§‘?;;h°:§°"$’l {::*1:- {gran ;*°g;?¤:g;: ;?•¥n‘h;l1rlPart; Illgfgnallhoxtr •¤_f.lpB:l?-   1
,l:,-,1-F .... yirginh R. hug an- ku'! b, num, mm ,{ ,,1, .A,·m,d nm-. ih, my I. ni ln. _f_ attr`. :3:;.ve {nth emni no rgngin ,11.,,, hg, m N AA · ABM; num,. or ge. 111,.;-.1 .,,.1 num ..,1,,,, of wi, A wich Athe inlentry and armlIl•ry in the nzl- me nm- lng rage of muekeje um. W lm- mph tb·t·‘;°;tAA1,_M;: of   U th:     AA·111i1
,,*)— Jl _ md 1;,,,,,11,, ,,,,,;,,,,,1 by .11.],*,,.0,1. of  :ri:_:l:;¤:•¤¤»•. nam of W. can bu. “:" V:. !:::::;"¤ nz l §•x.•a,é:6n neges): wal!. A ly};. ng",   wen ilneeraly eerry thne the   :;3¢;'?;1;r¤¤dJ:y_}hr%¤gh zogdeénwemps other level, and me order no eherie with QM!). kbm · ink of mm_¤m. bein 1 jj A  
{ILA, ;. [gnu, [emacs, Female., i“°mK*“°' 'ud °*¤d°*‘ u“* UN! ¤¢¢¤1 W Ti- ¤¤¤¤•¤¤»\¤¢•¢ enema •f Pnewopen Iona, °Y ****1* ¢‘¤ We NYA me We veelel only p.:7;;.ybh!P,[  1  I     “"'.]r°- dsgitzlthg; .;::.0 .i¤ me wl, M thou N- aaron swnlleinv cree¢aLl;?gnghrlm€1°;'zd :·h`.’iT§:I¤-llvigllvzlslbnnli Al"? Ywé *11. Em, uw MU "q“i'h° '°"u"“"m'° 'm°h 'ig   n"?
il kr'?. —a"‘” havdbeen edmirable. He wu anion; the udev he ¤m¤»ge••.• er xr. Hnullqnheel, 1,,, Irewe eirr»e•¤. We nigh; ll". (A;. gy"` hibnlxztn     °°é*|’;" “' htm-Eh.-“ ff   "Ti , h_ ' ,,,k, oy uu., uri", •f depth ud web agro" ud b. MY “ ° °£· ° almn e•rv•\o heal up wound¤—si¤•ia whicnaor- A,AAAAAAAA~A.AAA:l
Ri `A I 1 ` A. 1 enemy lhcnll remain in force at lanaaeae,   '{;•§“*;*'°·-1"'··!•*··<=·••·¤•=-·• ¤*‘·*1· “"’» b'*"'°" *1****-l' di`! f°¤¥¥9*¤¤ Y••¥* {eee A hi ozgd ( 1- * {gy!  m•nu, •• ill be eeen by ¢1.?:°;:l'?::1.. new The weather, when we lefs came, meezrhaz. Il); Ewybggxe. gexlgueduyg ""'fnd l!°*°’ vg °l?°‘"i' ‘°’ "°€1"¢°°· AA  11; 211 
il- _   ’ _’§Ol YHHI. IINGLI, lLllI`lD,0l (1)]- nd append gll goyqnynq °`1°¤]·g·4_ go to:.;:"lr:Qi§°`;:r·‘:::;:";°;'::::'::';   Bu]; ‘=‘:°   ‘°P*:;d fm? nu *€0¤d6¤$| 0 fi;  .?;‘hg H-‘ from [sn, rednrvlenriq gb; lng gqhmg gf {bg .\,•" III very line, though vory worm; the ng; history hg. done beggar wan {hg. dgd_ ::1::°“;¤e·: cc mlzfalfld S°°..um"1 s, _A AA Ag A. `»
me "} A A ¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤u¤1 me me- ew.; nu. me ,.1.; u. 1,... ,ni. . .A.-.... ....A le .i,,.,..e;. .., ,.‘i§§.fA, ' " “ A' '* " “*"·“ °"'· A wwg New ¤ ¤• en lik which vn *******1* •*•*•¤•¤•· um i·•r*•1·¤¤·• M- <=-= ’°"¥°¤ *’*' ”¥' **°"'* 'P°' 1** ****1 "°¤*· "F—* ••»·¤·A *¤i¤¤ •··• ¤¤¤~¤¤r ··¢‘¤¤·- ri. s.c·..a0.{.»E be in ¤A°Zi.i• mi al. 1
1¤••¤•| . m ,,,,,1,,,, dined, un ,, ,,' |¤-mn! YU! ¤¤ fl! elln urvlue. ind gxher lg ·' liu mu. . Adown the expeaeee ei the new gbggt $2 . eel vrgcr, mede i\ nncenfortable toride and mi at ibn; earn;. or nmilg gh. .l1y“,. 1 K 1; {A1 AA
.1.;;.;.; pe••d not I0 IIQI to uh Hanan; In gqgd P _ Y! v i\•¤ the hadn. A . A. A K I v *1 . .A • Y onuae of Southern Independenae ln d•nl¤!¢l hqlnmf "'““°b• *¤d "° l”*d P‘°°”*`d*d **1 ****6** ¤Y*“f * |P'*|‘h¤]! NNW b'¥"°?". {Lg chin ibn il wa; n juni enum end n “1*· 11
Wu _ Ir. ·|:¤;:;·¤¤e&\:: b1 n¤y:{;::’n:=e;lL;:l!n   9 · _¤¤ 0 |}¤·f•l\ of the   emy hum wh", nmnod In {mma",] mm. dm'. yyggqhqg gggygg · nn; oy Mmm; "•"Bm,. Ppnfqheq {ey gy; (¥" m eh. Union of (ha Bute during die year, hr wg; Purim- but I fe! 'milelwhen the efcct become vial- and with n clnud ol ekirmiehe;1 ggregcigh ri {kun °nB__bu‘ W. lam mn Aura lad 1     A1;
  ;,..A,A A .-nn-In ( cu;0m';°; l"°`;m0“_   f¥'•¤1v¤*ll¤l•· _He$¤•   Wl! llwllhng, ot Bhenpeanu ua-l••,r•a¤e.44. en". um., 1, then nz nn; ot.her.|.i;a. 1. hn. bgd g' men of Tend. 1A rg L!. ng . nm.! IH. There embrace, lr»¢,t.h• direezlmd eq Uk ll ile lu! reiurnlrg etngglern h·•1n screen tleir front, whogenpeweg ve.-y;.;pqc .'5)Au Mud {hun the H mzkha wm A 1_ A— 111     ``‘`
A-.,,—_ ‘ A 1 hh-W- mu •' an mum x_°-1,.* “ anon; eeher shiny, •• give {ny ge me 1.. eemhtr ureueet m•n|1n|B¤lw•r'.n·•vel., retroq ef herd` breed, ab•¤| n eng yr I Umqn helusyu existing ng er Texae, ilpcecd by the Genernl Government, nnd *b• ¤¤f•¤*·¥¥ f¤8l¤•¤¥·l vim lugly Iregged ·iv•—, endil, mer that, the rebel; nd we gn. 11.}.%., Mn ugh. sl{,",’ 'ml lh: boa. _   11 ‘—~~ 1
{••f··¤· · 1 1 ¥.»..,e¢..m•,,... l·.,,.u..,.,m.........;. ., p•n.»¤• ••...•1. or 1......., fu 1.. keyed, “• ¤•¤•* ·* S¤*·1¤¤¤‘· 'f·¤•¤· --*11 •••···••· •¤· •¥>¤¤¤¤•¤1• wk er ulrhene and nm qua 1 r•r‘¤¤¤‘••§,v neon Au ‘ mae er Pa- W¤¤·¤ il ¤\~• v==i·i iii- xw by efeeiiinn mk ¤?·•¥**• Md *|¤•¤¤·l*•¤ ¤¤ •¤¤¤¢- nrvew mm elm of beyoneu nhetceme mc, tb, gn g,,,,, ,{,,,, ,,mch ,,, 1
{$3:.: A . yn, ..;,,.,,,,1,;,, h. .,u,,,,q,,_ my- ““ an nmnmm lf wuahuwr 5 our °“*•¤·*¤ |••¤’¤e¤ e¤¤ ¢¤• ¤¤i·•r¤•iAi ¤•l•4•¤ _h•ii a pint of villeiaou rink ¤.1l•4 eqn., I chel and orton, whe; ua .¤ nmy the State': expenditure lun yur in equip- were a\Y¢¢‘u0|- vownd them like the npirle. of a.5lmc:im,_1g {he 'ind §°“‘ jionbo {,0 A· hke ·hAn{ 12
.. be ·A ` _•n••s.•u•.•n ee. A Y “‘"· “*“ ‘•"' " ""°•• °°~*‘"*°“*• ¤•·1*¤· *¤• empen