xt70k649q72g_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088.dao.xml McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 1.66 Cubic feet 3 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 map folder The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters (1798-1986, bulk 1854-1915; 1.66 cubic feet) comprise correspondence, newspapers and newspaper clippings, photographs, journals, military records, affidavits and pension claims, poems and songs, other manuscripts, and realia of Civil War soldiers and their friends and families. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters Affidavits Civil War in the North Correspondence. Envelopes (Stationery) Legal documents. Mayors--Kentucky--Louisville Military correspondence. Military history. Military life. Newspapers. Petitions. Prisoners of war--United States Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Reports. Slaveholders. Slavery--United States. Soldiers--Correspondence. Soldiers--United States. Songs--United States. Transcripts United States--Armed Forces--Military life United States--History--19th Century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Veterans--United States. War and society Washington (D.C.) Hudson Lawrence letter to Dr. Con Badger, New York, NY text Hudson Lawrence letter to Dr. Con Badger, New York, NY 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088/2009ms132_0088_158/2009ms132_0088_158_1/2009ms132_0088_158_1_4/09258/09258.pdf 1868 June 8 1868 1868 June 8 section false xt70k649q72g_4 xt70k649q72g V / Q `
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 ’Eoo`ir `4·· if i;· os E e past cn-
joyinq hiwself & having a very good time with one of his old ? lady
friends. do tells no that you are staying in the south & have 2 or 3
plantations to take care of which I an vcry glad to hear. He also
tolls no that you never received a letter I wrote you in answer to
wine from you. I wrote you ihuediately on receipt of your letter,
tollinq you I had arrived hone all right very much obliged to you
for your kindness. Eoorc tells we he thinks of returning to the
Louth to so in business there. Here i ah established as a broker
but very little business doing & not waking a fortune which I hope
you willHdo._Let W2 hear how Vt». you are getting along and all the news
Eros ybur Fart of the Country. Do you see any good openings for
business? Icdrthur I hear is working .··. three plantationsi Is he doing
well? ihat is the state of fishing in the State etc. ctc.? Is your
Brother still in the Jouth? I went in to see the leginent when it
arrived in Trenton. I suppose you nust miss then all very nuch. If
you should cone on to New York, you nust not fail to visit ne as I
shall be very glad to have a good long chat on old times. James
Grahai I understand has enlisted as a private in the loth Infantry.
had you hoard anything about it? sy wife has been in very poor health
over since her trip to Union City whore she took a cold that she has
never recovered froh.Col. {core asks to be host kindly renewebercd
to you. Do not fail to write we a good long letter. ·
Yours truly
Hudson Lawrence
Box 2692 N.Y.P.O.
’ I an jrvt. Brig. Genl. & an the only Col of Infantry mentioned in
Conl. Grant's report of the Jar. Hcuenber howto your brother.
iudson Lawrence, a New Jersian by birth, enlisted in Company F, 7th
w.Y. State filitia on April 29, Idol. He becane a lst Lt. in the
ldth U.; Infantry, lay la, Idol. He rose to Captain on October 25,
Idol. on Novoubor 9, IBS? he became Colonel of the Beth N.J.V.I.
froi which service he resianed on August 3, l865. He resigned from
service in the Regular Arny ll days later on August le, IB65. He
~.·. ras brnvetted iajor and Lt. Colonel {arch I3, l865 for gallant and
m~ritorious service during the war and Brig. Genl. of Vols. on Jarch
IY, IWGB for faithful and wcritorious service during the Jar.