xt70k649q72g_254 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088.dao.xml McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 1.66 Cubic feet 3 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 map folder The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters (1798-1986, bulk 1854-1915; 1.66 cubic feet) comprise correspondence, newspapers and newspaper clippings, photographs, journals, military records, affidavits and pension claims, poems and songs, other manuscripts, and realia of Civil War soldiers and their friends and families. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters Affidavits Civil War in the North Correspondence. Envelopes (Stationery) Legal documents. Mayors--Kentucky--Louisville Military correspondence. Military history. Military life. Newspapers. Petitions. Prisoners of war--United States Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Reports. Slaveholders. Slavery--United States. Soldiers--Correspondence. Soldiers--United States. Songs--United States. Transcripts United States--Armed Forces--Military life United States--History--19th Century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Veterans--United States. War and society Washington (D.C.) Newspaper Clipping,                                      E. H. Smith Letter to Mr. E. Spencer text Newspaper Clipping,                                      E. H. Smith Letter to Mr. E. Spencer 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088/2009ms132_0088_159/2009ms132_0088_159_17/2009ms132_0088_159_17_1/10168/10168.pdf 1862 September 28 1862 1862 September 28 section false xt70k649q72g_254 xt70k649q72g   iT     L?
.   {Y .Ili.:..:; ?'_, ·l1.·1 K"—: Yau WL L4.·iL· l'
  L·; itl i·`l·tr.t.,l:s.
I It.§~·, A ;.·.>—·-;t.TtI., IFR`?.
_ I It ·n· lx i..l·r. — .\__ Ct; I wl?} etalettwllt to
~ tpl-JY— 4- I.   ttl.; tl.~l1ti. Hi it tour et`-
; l·.:.t;_· 1;.* ret: tt j‘· Il ·l~~t.`t l av.- Il. tt·l la. I;
l,· 5.::; Ieitlrs tt.z.tt I ·[•t, n~ I n:.v·· t-··¥ r»··
;1.·.'.` li ztttlt :ttt>t‘·t;> to lll~· tt ai,} Irtteta tll.ll
_ gll.·l·rt~ nt.;:· EI hot:. ·. ·.t -·-,~ tr.· ·· .· f` · in
Ql";~l ha, ol .\tl;;~l—t lit tl. lt il Z. I-.ltll» tiltt I•;ll
.tnt:1:. t:t;l·. 'I ll·· I wi all e t-.li >e ia, il: jr
`leI`*: ·il·‘4·itlt·-Y at till (Q.; l, nl 4;,, rt"&|II·¤It ot
vollt e· nlitlg ny tht It etnttt. I wah tlwjr
\\··ttl·t s—
ling. The health of the rt·;;_inlt·nt set ms to
ibe slightly on the metal. We have got n
. I new tlt.»eto1·:tml plenty til` tnetlieines. This
—  proltably has something to do with the
lchunge. Antl still, tnrin that appear well
lcannot, stantl mueh Itat·t.l>llip yet, :tntI tltow
I tltat are sick rio not mcntl very IEt>t. I am
lstill at work at the hospital tnlairlg tare ot`
.   the eiek, I have about ten men to tare Ihr
fat a time, six Illlllfté on and aix nfl`. The `_
= hospital ia merely tents; with pole bnnlta I "
leovezetl with brush antl straw". IItlll.t(fL`
lpoor lbrsielt men; but mtzeh better than
Qthc gt·onn·.l. 'l`hot·e have hren only sewn
, tleatltrs since I have been there. Only tint
I ot` them was an oltl zteqttaitltttttee, Mari:
ipeztse. Ile tlietl about the filth, very sull-
stlenly, of conge`tite ehills, being eiek only
l three tlays. I know ot" no intp0r:t1tlttnort=-
I lII'l(‘IIlSIIIIl1i‘i quarter. E\`CI']`IlIiII§ :cetnt:= to Pr
lbe at tt stantlstill, though proltnhly L;t·ttin;;  
  I`l‘I1tlj' har worlc when cooler neatltt r ettnles.  
l The late ttews l`t·t·m the Potrlmmz ate of Qi
quiten startling nature. Ihetie that our >_
sith: will eeme ont right in titne, twhieh I  
‘ — Z-——»· • ~»~—r——— think it will it" the new troops are llutrittl  
I Leiter i`¤‘¤¤¤ IPI I"- Vmitll np in the shortest possible time. It selms  
  H"ll§l,ll"tl£lfJ1,§ulKIlO.,`IL};,_§l,§`,Qll§""·§ r=t¤I·et· tti»c·»·a-aging tt. tllltll ll. com tml,  
·)lt.. Ii. Svxxceu. ttltnost where they \\’(‘t't?tl}`1.‘2|I' ago, and all
I Dear l·l·t'w.d:—·—It is with I`eelengt= ofthe ‘ seemingly through tnit·tnattagt·tnt·nt atlll the
V deepest rcgret that I eotntnenec to w rite yon, l spirit of speculation. 'l`h:tt. sernts to ltnvo
I`ot· in so tloing it lttzeontets my tluty to break   l.tl0tlCtl out CVet‘_‘,‘ Spntl; oltitttrloti in iI` there
I to you the titlings ofthe tleath of your son, I ever was any in our lea ling Iltt‘tI,Il1&Il~.Il‘;I
l William Il. Stietteer. Ile tlietl ttttwo o'eloelt   tools antl slaves of the IIl'I\'tAIt·< oI`oo.· .'II'1I}}`.
:1. :::., ez: il.2 :;;i.;·:1Yr;,; gf the ffjil;   ~¢. II. ` lf`:h: t· nth i....ltl l..;l[` L.- nt.; :t wlltlztl be n
was put on l.»0at·tl the »tt·atner Sn:. nine, at , blank reeltortl in·l· ell. I tbel as tllotzglt I
llelenat, bonntl ter this ttl:tt;~—, bn tii··,l in   w;nlt to set- 0ne sitle or the other nltly, anll
l1ll[t0UIllIilUCi]IXIIIIIIICS tltcre:tt`ter. . as nttly   tl;;:L ptntzy stlltn. lt` we can`t whip the
` was breuhgt usa lar ae; }Itrtn;~l1‘:e, zt I were I Sttntll let tltem whit`. tt· anti have the thing
 btzrrietl. lenleal I. Exe evtet·;,ttl;it._; wo: th liéltting I`ur
Vlihile at Ilelena, he was nurseil the hm- ‘ i~: u>e·l ui, lg: the *:L`t}1Il`;,fI rtl} war.
. 3 pital for a long time. Ile worketl I lero too  The w»;:1lll·-t· ll:t>- Itl·=.·n wry hot anti -1r).
ltlltg antl tttolt1LE‘l; was [ou zltnllitiv ls. IIE A Since Iltt· lit"I tltere has not lilett
lnttrst·tlo1ln.·t·st wlten he ought to l2.;v·· htten rain et,·ttr;lt ttnlt the g;~»;:tt·l. It th=tn~
ltIll`—t:'liIiIl]:(1lli Ili¤ .li»<·a~·· was ht tllnritge. ~ tl•·t·— antl l·tt=l—:~ ltltt latin nlost l·v··t·t· tlav;
Ile was »it·k `»·tZ little t1ltttt·_tlt:tn tm l w· llis, . lltzt tittllll raitl tlII·(,l¤. Iivttlxlllit ry i.»i:t~ ery
l\\`i¤<‘I1lI•‘\ElI* tea`lt·~ltoltisl,t:4ttt<·t·o·t.t,ztnli xw a I · w l·,·.· lton>~·.
`III tt~I Itttt it·>t1tt¢ in   :I\· lt. Ile \t; .~ :| ·g_ttt»tl  ll ltt*j.` lzttte   t-[ li1ai~I;rzlltl~. ]`hi.~ is n.ul·I. Itlt er
i I p§;,l]t;~1tIl]:Z1‘Wiill yon in ytnrt l:E··ti.·tt.   For the l>·i_y~: Ibn In IY re ting haul to tlrnw
, I Ieel as titotzelt I llzttl ltt>€ :t ltrotht , in lll:<~ = t,;l·l·t~ ;,l;,li_t ;t mift-_
iii; itittt. Bla;. }`tl’iI`£1lll·I.'LIUlllslllll_·l¤**I‘·}[·   N··l~ttlt liJt!t·~ \\;t¤ t1t· I`:t·tt1 lI··l·-t2:t tn ;~t·»3
I·`tl·;)‘ nt t,t.¤tltl»·f·~.t't, IL}. .·ItIiI cth,. [,,}._·,.,S,,.,.r,,\.   i} “l_!t. Iii_m_;;;__
rlllt'; t`·»··e;;·lin; h·tt·.r vast wrt I=. to )IY'· l l-_. .,t It ,~ l·Tl»~,- In tnwtl I llil tlnt sel.
Illihtt $t···t evt, tttlll tteeivt-ll i·l>: t t· veal- l =,2,,, t,,.·, tr ,· ,t,,. t,.,. ’t In t.. · » 'tt
, . .. . .,_.l. . ]t.¤.t t., l.tn·. lc,
l`i`t»ItI Iltt‘ time ttl. his tttliwtttt ttl. Ii‘~ 'GSLF IH   _\, !,‘l»tt it ll·;‘~~ :t;t· · nit _; its ut il zt· the t.\‘—
i¤l‘· I'—‘-~~t¤i¢‘ilt _v··:,r. itlrt_i. l’~ at i —2¤_\". llt;;_.·. I`}. tl·Ylt ··. Rlww. I’.·t·¤? ;. ol li ull n
r"li‘* lil? TI [C `··—l >‘*i ll~‘I' Ttftllitl i ji`,   ::11 -t, :t— tti lot al out, l.l.t tlnl '.‘··t_\ htntlli
” “ l {tot, {`=l,»‘. I°,ti.e is :t ill lll-:t, >tt·lt awt;
‘   lint tltt the gait:. Kn.: ttf tf. ;`t,t lt·tt·n
i‘l»·.ty.< are in the i.o~, Stal. I hate t¤t·\l.t·
i AN lleitrll \\lILJilIUI` tilt: ttt<;t1t·At,` I >tttt `\t>I. lrntn
il ljlnlttttlieltl t·¥et‘ 1`•·:tt*ltt·tl It- lltt! >:·lH, of
wltetlter you ever got the ttllocmextt tllotley
all straight.
` Imnbt close. Write soon antl ge: in all
ofthe news ahaut what h:t< l.·_·ea ·Elltle in
lthe tliggens sinec the first nl` .Iu‘j. Flite
A [my rtmpeets to all ot` the I`;·it·t..l;e. Sltahe
the little girls well for me.
Ynurw, as ever, \\'tt.t.t.tst.

 1’-}I ·,i. `1'II‘1-`II 111 . 1I.
]__ »1_, j1,,,],[. 1] H'.; ·.11>1`1-.‘ ·
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. . . I ,, .. . . I
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l1f\1`IIi2`\|1 press uf \\`1:<1·011:2111, 111-1; I1l‘g'1D!I11Ig 101-, 1--.·I11I;11g *11 ·I·1» >~·, 111 =,1I.11;I1 1.1-gmc 1I.g  
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l”u~I•:-I lI1·: zirccfra 11111I-:1‘ II1c I}1;111-1r;1·:1[E1; I1;.:1- I LI/t 11-*‘j;I‘I?»1 _fI1J‘U1¢3 116-,‘;·‘0 H. F110-: \\`I111S12 o1`- I
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{{-111;; I1¢1·I 1·:11‘r11I·.·-I {Im g1,1·eci;11.111-I-;gL111111I;11.·, I----11--..1, CY EUIIIC <1II101‘ IVIIIIJII, II.»c1II1UI1I I11
WIIII1lll(‘III_;j'11I`Jt11Iq_-2I`11[L91‘,I11111‘;::1111II11- I111-1 $·1\1II1.
,` . I -. 1 . . .
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vxsnry to II11: 1I1·:12”1, \‘.`£'l'fJ 1:·:11'11.I`11-1*011 111 CUI. T11-: :1I1111‘1-:¤I1·.-ws III1I11I_}' 1,1·I11-1,11-11 111 AI`-  
I.0111*, 11I`1I11: ZIIILI1 1--·;;I1111‘·111. 51111-1: II11211 l'If.‘J11\IZ·2 II10 Y111‘iI1. I
\\v1L1, I. II'I1;1I111;(. II:-· 111*51 1·11:11111Is§11;11{‘1' I-I   # I, 0 7,l,I , `
. ` , _ _ 1711 .1l"f-'1Zii1I1-I 1-i»‘·':1i!S?.——— 'IQILJIFIIII
1II·111, II. A. l’r•111:1;·1s 111-11111 11:1: s11·3.~1-we-11* · I I- - -1 I -  
_ _ ” `_ _ ’ _1.,,,(g~1·;111;.‘ 111111I-1 111:11-.I·.x1·11 11111--11-·1·1·I 1I:;s
.11111 1111- 11111- 111:11 1111~a 111-1I·:113·I. \- 11:1111--1 11.11*-- , ‘ . . . .
_ I _ I ‘ _ ·* _ C_g1·,,$;I1-;I1;-I III (,‘11111:1···ss I§`(1I11 iI11—= 1115-
111; 1'U$igI\I}-I OI] {\1_Q111111(, UI I.1II>IlI1.‘H:$ C1IIIIIIiL· .`/ , · V- - -U · - 1
FIN _1 _ _I ,__ _} __ __ ._ I _, "`t11-rz,1-jx.1I,»,;1·-11;111'=_I=.-1111j:. \1-,11,111-111;11
1.1 · \\1l];, .1.Ib ,1111 )‘111I1I-1-1I.I1·'1. \\1II1 YIIII- ,. , . , · -1 · · ·
_I, _ _ 11 -L_1.1IMLI11,;-1;-1_1y,I1.-11;11;g1{-,1:1:-.I11¤ 1-Ir-1;
pI1:1111.11111··; :1ss1;-¤1;111g1· I1.- 1-11I`111·¢1- II;-· ·I1‘:1I1. ` ,. `° I , ' I , -
- ` . ’,-1..11 ·>I·. ·.·11=· ,1 ·-11;;1·1 1:111*.;-1--1li·111
Vu} I1:1*;u 1111 ·I,J11..t 1I1:1K {Iv.- 1I,‘:1I`i ·‘.L!11U UI- I II   Il III IV I 1~\I‘1I\ .11 J LI` I I-II
- 1- :1,1.-1-· II   I.L1€.I .1-·\‘O".`*" VII 1'·‘
£I1..-11-y1)st.;r1I:1y. 111..111 1- 1k11L.. I. I I I II L I I I
Mr. I"0rs, 1.1111 II1>I1‘1·u1 .\1i-1:-:11--,- 11; (1.::111-
k¤‘<‘, \\`T1s ilIII‘1IIII11‘-I II111I`; I`1~:1.:;11·~.·1-1111·1‘ '
Ill th:11 (`*)III1I\', 'I`I-1- $I.41·111`111:1< I-1 I11- I11<
x1ssIs11111I in -Ir:1I`11:·; III I`1·1·1. \1.er.I>'Ii1Z.I;I1`1I1. ~
'I`I111y x‘1111:1Iru1I 111 IIIIB 1_'1.~1;1-: II-111<1*, :111 I :,11- `
(111-011 11111111 1.I1-;11· I111s111Q>.< :1—1 Ii 11-111- 11s 1I11‘y ,
1:1111111. rI`Ill’)' 1v1:r1- 1-I11I1I.»1·-I :111-I >r 1111*1 I'I`I 21.1
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