xt70k649q40n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649q40n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1946 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Quarter, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1946 text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Summer Quarter, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1946 1946 1946 2013 true xt70k649q40n section xt70k649q40n   ji} , _jv_1ff%M,-·?q_;-;_»',il'q.i~‘ 11;,j=¤¤., +.,..11 2 ·* 1 _ j   ·- ' '.' ’ " ` ` I ` ’ I r   V ,;1
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‘ 1946
1 A First Term june 17 to july 20
1 Second Term: jab 22 to Azigust 24
1 Published monthly, January to September inclusive, by the Univer-
1 sity of Kentucky, Lexington. Entered as Second·C1ass Matter at the Post
1 Oiilce, Lexington, Ky., under the Act of July 16, 1894.
l Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
1 Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized June 30, 1920.
1 Vol. 38 APRIL No. 4

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 3.; Ex Officio Members .
  Simeon S. Willis, Governor
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 , 3 ‘ John Fred Williams, Supermtendent of Public instruction
  Elliott Robertson, Commissioner of Agriculture
  ` -.
  ``·· · A From the State Board of Agriculture
  . . - Robert Tway, Louisville, 1948
  ; v_ Harry W. Walter, Shelbyville, 1946
  H. S. Cleveland, Franklinton, 1944
  r I . "
  Members at Large
 ’ 4 Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Ashland, 1950 ·
    o‘»· .,,, John C. Everett, Maysville, 1950
  ` Richard C. Stoll, Lexington, 1948
  R. P. Hobson Louisville, 1948
1,, _._ 3
  »_4i John S. Cooper, Somerset, 1946
 `;` Har er Gatton, Madisonville, 1946
  . P
Lies! .r.i’‘
  `; Alumni Members
  Grover Creech, Louisville, 1950
..Q%_i.:‘_.__ * »
  H. D. Palmore, Frankfort, 1948
 ;* T. H. Cutler, Frankfort, 1952
  ,»'' ` Officers of the Board
  _..— ·   Simeon S. Willis, Chairman
  A Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman
  C Frank D. Peterson, Secretary and Treasurer
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  » Executive Committee
  ‘ Richard C. Stoll, Chairman 2
  H. S. Cleveland 2*
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”   1"II'ST Term: _]u11c 17 t0 July 2O
  Second Term: july 22 to August 24 4
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Calendar ....A,..r.,........................,..rrr,rr.`...rYVV,,,r........Y..V,V........r.rrr..,rV............. 3
Administrative Officers ..,Y......,...,.,rr,i.r.......rrr,r..........,.,,r..Arr.. . ...........,..V 4
Part I. General Information .,r.........r,rrr,i,,....,.....r.............,..,r..rVV.rV...... 5  
The Summer Quarter for 1946 .,r,...........,r.r.,.,..........r,rr,r,.......,...... 7 I
Accredited Relations ...........r.Y...........Y,.rr..............V.,..rr.,r..............., 8
The Environment of the University ,,rr.............r..,.,.................,,.r,r 8 `
Placement Service ii......,,,...,...........................,Y,....................,,iiii...,i 9  
The University School and Student Teaching .....,.,.,,.,.r,,.,,,..,.. 10 `
Length of Quarter ,Yr.i...,........r.............,i.,.rii............,i.iii,,,...,............ 11 \
Admission .,......................,v,,ii..........,ri..................ii,iiiiii.,,................. 11 i
ll Numbering of Courses ,r._..,.......ri t irii,.............,...iii..................,i.,..... 14  
Student Load ...........,rrr........V.iiV.i...,........ii,ii,ii,iii..i..........,,,,,,,,,,ir..,i. 14 W
Fees .....,rr,V..,.,......,,..v.ri........,i,ii..i...........ir,iii..................,.,,,,,rrri..i.,...... 14 I
Refunds .............Y............,,,rri.A............iiv.,V.................i.Yii.ii,..,......i........ 14
Late Registration .....rii.i.,........i.ir....................i,iiiii......................... 15
Marking System ................,,,r,,t__..........,r,,,,,,.,,,i.i,..,...... , ,t,,t,t,,,.,.,,_i 15
Room and Board ..........,,...,........,,i,,i,r,,,,. , ,,.ill...,..,..,,   ,,_,...__....... 15 `
University Health Service ..i,.rr,,,, , ...t... , ,,,, , .r,,t,.,,.... . ............,.,_ 16 ‘
Requirements for Graduation .....i..,rr,,,,,, , ,..lt....,.,.,.,,,,,, , .tt.,tr,ti. 16
College of Arts and Sciences .,,,.,rrir,t...............,,,,, , , ._............. 17
College of Agriculture and Home Economics.;1   .......,...,,,,.. 21
College of Engineering .............,...rril_.ii._......,........,.,Y,t,,,,,.,ittt_t.,._.._ 22 l
College of Law ..................Y.,r..,....................r.,,,,,,.rirttt,,,...............,... 23 ,?
College of Education .r_l_i..,..........r,rr,,t.t...,.,,t................., . ,t,,,,_,,,t.t,,4 23
College of Commerce ....,rrrlrr,,t............................_.,._,.i,_,t_.,_,.,_.,_,____ 25
Graduate School .........i,_..................,,,,.,tt,Y,,_.tl_l_..,,......,..._.. V ____________ 2 5 i
Part II. Schedule of Classes ,,....................r,Y,...........................i........ 29 i
Part III. The Summer Quarter Faculty .....Y...,,,...l,l.,t....................... 87

June 17 Monday—-Registration for First Term. _
` June 18 Tuesday—Class work begins. »
, June 24 Monday—Last date on which one may enter an
organized class.
  June 28 Friday—Last date on which one may drop a
` course without a grade. _
i June 28 Friday—Period for filing applications for degrees.
l July 4 Thursday——Independence Day Holiday.
` July 20 Saturday, 6 p. m.—First Term ends.
1 July 22 Monday—Registration for Second Term.
  July 23 Tuesday—Class work begins.
V July 25 Thursday—Last date on which one may enter an
organized class.
July 25 Thursday—Last date for filing applications for
\ degrees.
August 1 Thursday—Last date on which one may drop a
course without a grade.
August 23 Friday—Summer Commencement.
i August 24 Saturday, 6 p. m.——-Quarter ends.
. S
· I

 . i
HERMAN LEE DONOVAN, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., President  
LE0 M. CHAMBERLAIN, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the University and  
THEODORE ToLMAN JoNEs, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of Men  
FRANK D. PETERSON,'A.B., University Comptroller  
Loms CLII‘TON, M.A., Director of University Extension
PAUL PRENTICE Born, M.A,, Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the College oi Arts '~
and Sciences 3
THOMAS PoE COOPER, B.S., D.Sc., LL.D., Dean of the College ot l_
Agriculture and Home Economics and Director of the Experiment 1
~ Station l
JAMES HIRAM GRAHAM, C.E., Dean of the College of Engineering
  ALVIN E. EVANS, MLA., Ph.D., J.D., Dean of the College of Law  
WILLIAM SEPTIMUS TAYLOR, M.S., Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the College
of Education *
EDWARD WIEsT, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Commerce
‘ Graduate School

  Part I T
l .
5 *·
! , Q


‘ Conditions at the University of Kentucky once again approxi- A
mate those of pre-war days. The last program for the training of  
p military personnel was concluded in January, 1946, and all facilities  
s` of the institution are again available to civilian students. The j
gl enrollment has shown a rapid increase since the close of the war, g
Q with the number of registrations in the spring quarter exceeding  
E the highest pre-war figure. There are ample reasons for predict- .
ing that the summer school enrollment for 1946 will be in excess ‘
of any previous year. Among the important factors supporting
this view, is the inclination of the veteran student to remain in  
school throughout the four quarters. It appears quite probable ‘
that the Summer Quarter enrollment will include a minimtun of  
_ 2,000 veterans beginning or continuing their education under the . Q
[ benefits provided by Public laws 16 and 346.  
While the University is making every effort to care for all  
I students who can qualify for admission, it must be emphasized  
that the housing problem is extremely difficult of solution. All  
prospective students are urged, therefore, to secure official ap- i
proval of their admission at the earliest date possible, and at the  
same time to make necessary arrangements about living quarters.  
The course offering during the 1946 Summer Quarter will be  
almost as extensive and varied as during the regular school year.  
, As indicated in a later section of this bulletin, courses will be of- g
l fered for graduates and undergraduates in the College of Arts and  
Sciences, the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, the _  
College of Engineering, the College of Law, the College of Educa-  
tion, and the College of Commerce. `  
In particular, the needs of the following groups have been kept *
in mind in planning the Summer Quarter program for 1946. i
1. The high school boy or girl who graduates this spring and i
wishes to begin college work without delay. lf Selective ‘
Service is continued, the boy who graduates before reach- f
. ing his eighteenth birthday will find it especially ad- Al
I vantageous to start his college work during the summer. f
‘ 2. The veteran who is eligible for educational benefits under .  
9 Public Law 16 or 346. It will be desirable for the veteran  
recently discharged to begin his college studies at the i
earliest date possible. Those already enrolled will End it il
I desirable to continue in school through the summer, in or- t;
. Q der that graduation may be achieved with the least loss L
of time.  
R - i

° 3. Teachers, principals, supervisors, and superintendents who
= wish to further their preparation for educational work. The
in-service training of teachers has lagged greatly during
the war, and it is expected that hundreds of teachers and
other school officials will now wish to continue their sum-
. mer studies.
» 4. All students, women and men, who are in college and wish $
to accelerate their programs of study.
° 5. Other persons who need certain courses to advance in their
. specific vocations, and to meet the requirements of the post- l
» war economy. ,|
Over and above its program of liberal education, the Univer- l
sity Summer Quarter provides numerous opportunities for persons
to prepare for specific occupations. The extent of the opportunities
, is indicated by the following vocational areas in which summer
· courses will be offered: Industrial Chemistry, Journalism, Medical
Technology, Pre—Medicine, Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Nursing, Music,
Library Science, Public Service, Art, Bacteriology, Geography,
Geology, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Agriculture in its
various phases, Pre-Forestry, Pre-Veterinary, Home Economics, .
Architectural Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engi- $
neering, Communications Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ,
Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engi-
neering, Sanitary Engineering, Law, Elementary Teaching, High
School Teaching, Educational Supervision and Administration,
General Business, Commerce-Law, Industrial Administration, and
Secretarial Work.
, The University of Kentucky is on the approved list of the Asso-
§ ciation of American Universities, and is a member of the Southern
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Kentucky
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. It is accredited in
. its respective colleges or departments by the Association of Amer-
  ican Law Schools, the American Association of Collegiate Schools
* of Business, the American Association of Schools and Departments
` of Journalism, the American Library Association, the National
, Association of Schools of Music, and the Engineer’s Council for Pro- *
 X ` fessional Development.
Q The University of Kentucky is located in Lexington in the cen-
i’ ter of the Bluegrass, a delightful country of scenic beauty and of
Z` great historical interest. V
Q Many of the famous horse farms, some individual establish- I 
  ments containing more than a thousand acres, are open to visitors

throughout the year. These farms, with their broad pastures, f
sparkling streams, woodlands, and paved roads provide Fayette S
County with a system of parks which is unique. Idle Hour, cradle  
of four Derby winners; Elmendorf; Walnut Hall; Calumet, home of  
Whirlaway; Castleton; Hamburg Place; Dixiana; Coldstream; and 1
Faraway, home of Man o’ War, are among the beautiful horse farms i
. in Fayette County open to visitors.
I Points of particular interest in Lexington, other than the near- ,
by farms, are Ashland, the home of Henry Clay; General John Hunt j
Morgan’s home; the home of Mary Todd, wife of Lincoln; the vast A
l tobacco warehouses; the Keeneland Race Track; the track of the l
Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeder’s Association; the United States 2
` Veterans’ Hospital; and the U. S. Public Health Service Hospital.  
` Within a relatively short distance from Lexington are Frank- »
fort, the Capital City, with its many historical features; Herrington ~
Lake; Shakertown; Fort Harrod and its adjacent Pioneer Cemetery;
the Old Kentucky Home; the Palisades of the Kentucky River; and I
many other points of historical and scenic interest. j;
The Union Building is the center of student activity on the  
campus. Various rooms are available for the enjoyment of stu- Z
dents during leisure hours. One may meet friends or read leading  
magazines and newspapers in the Great Hall; engage in pool, bil-  
liards, or pingpong in the Game Room; play cards, checkers, or °
chess in the Social Room; and hear the works of great composers  
in the Music Room. i
For the convenience of students, the building maintains an in- j
formation desk, telegraph and telephone service, a modern barber .  
shop, a newly decorated cafeteria serving foods of quality, an at-  
tractive soda grill, conference rooms and comfortable lounges.  
The Student Union Board is eager for all University students  
to take advantage of the services and facilities of the building. Z
There is a constantly growing demand for the services of the ¤
. graduates of the University of Kentucky. Placement services are
maintained by several colleges on the campus and every attempt is t
made to procure for the students and for the graduates of the Uni-
versity the type of employment which will enable each one to ,
achieve the best results. ` S
In the College of Commerce is the Senior—Commerce Employ- i 4
ment Association which is self-supporting and is headed by a per- `
manent secretary. The Association has been very successful in V.
placing graduates with nationally operating industrial concerns, ,

t credit investigating and reporting companies, wholesale houses,
i banks, insurance companies, chain store companies, govern-
- mental agencies both federal and state, and in teaching positions.
I These positions included secretarial work, accounting, advertising,
I selling, personnel, and statistical work.
E The Teacher Placement Bureau of the College of Education is
` designed particularly to assist in the placement of superintendents,
principals, and teachers. `Each student in attendance at the Uni-
versity who desires a teaching position should register with the ,
Placement Bureau, Room 115, Education Building. Superintendents
and college administrators who desire capable teachers should ‘
write directly to the bureau for recommendations and credentials.
The College of Engineering has an enviable reputation for i
training its men well for successful careers in the engineering and ‘
< industrial world. The demand for their services has been such that,
. with a few exceptions, all members of each class have been em-
ployed soon after graduation. The placement of engineering grad-
uates is directed by the Dean of the College with the assistance of
the heads of departments.
The summer months are vacation and recreation time. Pro-
· vision is made for Summer Quarter students to participate in num-
` erous recreational activities and to learn the fundamental skills and
. techniques involved. The Physical Education Department is offer-
“ ing recreational courses for men and women students in archery,
badminton, tennis, social dancing, volley ball, bowling, and intra-
Q mural sports. This is an opportunity for every summer quarter
' student to receive expert instruction in any or all of the above men-
i tioned activities. If you are a novice it is your chance to learn; if
,· an expert performer, it is your chance to participate under whole-
  some and enjoyable circumstances.
L The primary purpose of the recreational courses is to Provide
. pleasant and profitable leisure time activity for all students and to
,, improve their performance ability. Teachers and supervisors of
2 physical education will find the courses valuable in organizing
¤._ teaching material and methods. Recreational leaders and directors ,
  will get new ideas on promoting leisure time activities. All Sum- `
 · mer Quarter students will find the activities healthful and enjoyable.
  The University School will be in session during the first half of
{ the summer quarter only. The term will begin Monday, June 10,
  and will run to Saturday, July 20 for the Elementary School, and to ,
  Thursday, July 25, for the High School. The University School will V
  be open from 8:00 to 12:00, six days a week.
 il `

Students desiring to register for student teaching in the Uni-  
versity School should make application, on or before June 5, to f»
Lyman Ginger, Director of the University School. Stu- .  
dents are urged to file their applications for this course as early as I
possible, as time should be allowed the Dean’s office to check the  
prerequisites before registration. ,
Summer school students with children have an opportunity to z
place them in the University School. Both the Elementary School é
1 and the High School maintain modern programs of education that ?
I should be of interest to parents attending the University of Ken-
tucky summer quarter. Persons desiring to avail themselves of the g
opportunities of the University School should write the Director re-  
. questing reservations for their children. _
The University School will provide instruction in all subjects 1
regularly offered in the schools of Kentucky. High school pupils i
may earn one unit of credit toward their graduation requirements.  
This unit of work may be done in one subject or in two different Zi
subjects. , 5 
Pupils from any school in the state will be permitted to enroll  
in the University School for the summer term. The tuition charge  
for high school pupils will be $10 for one-half unit or $15 for one  
full unit in the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. The  
tuition charge for seventh and eighth grade pupils will be $7.50. No fi
tuition is charged in the Elementary School for the summer quarter.  
The Summer Quarter of the University of Kentucky for 1946 '
will be ten weeks in length, six days a week, and will be divided 5
into two terms, the first to begin June 17 and to close July 20, the  
second to begin July 22 and to close August 24.  
Classes during the Summer Quarter will begin at 7:00 a. m. The §
first hour will be from 7:00 to 8:15, the second hour from 8:25 to  
9:40, the third hour from 9:50 to 11:05, and the fourth hour from ,
11:15 to 12:30. However, many courses will meet for one-hour  
Students will be admitted to the University as their previous ji
training warrants. They will be admitted_to the freshman class, to Q
advanced standing, as special students, as graduate students, or as fi
_ Applicants for admission should write the Registrar’s Office for  
  forms on which to submit their applications, stating at the time i`
whether thev wish forms for admission to the freshman class, to ad- P
- vanced standing, or to the Graduate School. Applications and tran- Q

. ` scripts of credit should be filed in advance. Students entering with
. advanced standing and those entering the Graduate School should
l present transcripts from each institution they have attended.
, To the Freshman Class. Applicants who are graduates of ac-
credited high schools will be admitted to the University on certifi-
, cate, provided they have at least fifteen units`of acceptable high
school work. A unit represents the study of any subject for a school ,
V year of at least thirty-two weeks, with five recitation periods a
. week, each of at least forty-five minutes in length, or the equiv-
alent thereof. Double periods are required in shop, drawing, type-
writing, and all other courses requiring no out-of-class preparation. ‘
One unit is the minimum credit accepted in any foreign language, i
and one-half unit the minimum in any other subject. `
While the University does not prescribe a pattern of work for
` admission, it is strongly recommended that at least ten of the units
‘ presented be chosen from the English studies, the social studies,
mathematics, the foreign languages, and the laboratory sciences, and
· that within these ten units the student offer at least three units in
English, one and one-half in algebra, and one in plane geometry.
Should a student lack these courses as prerequisites for any of his
college work, he will be required to take them in college without
credit, thus delaying his graduation.
Applicants who have graduated from unaccredited high schools
and those not graduated from high school may be admitted as fresh-
. men if, in addition to presenting the fifteen acceptable units, they
successfully pass the University classification examinations.
Admission to the University does not necessarily qualify a stu-
_ dent for admission to a particular college. In every case the student
 ’ must meet the admission requirements of the college in which he
is to enroll.
  To Advanced Standing. A student who applies for admission
 ` with advanced standing is expected to present evidence that he is
, in good standing in every respect in the institution last attended,
~. and in general is required to have maintained a standing of 1.0 in
° all previous college work. The University does not disregard at any
ij time or under any conditions college or university records in order
 ,» to admit applicants solely on the basis of their high school records. A
 ji As a. Special Student. A graduate of another university or col- _
  lege may enter the University as a special student. Other persons
{ may be admitted as special students provided they are fully pre-
  pared to do the work desired and provided they are at least twenty-
  one years of age. i
Qi As an Auditor. By payment of the required fees any person i
  may be admitted to a class or classes as an auditor. A student reg-
  ularly enrolled in any college must apply to the Dean of the college
ji '

 . S
in which he is registered in order to be an auditor. Other persons  
should apply to the Registrar’s Office for admission. No credit can  
be given for a class audited, nor is the student permitted an exam-  
ination for credit.  
College of Arts and Sciences. Admission to this college is gov-  
erned by the general admission requirements of the University 5;
outlined above.  
_ College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Admission to this {Q
College is governed by the general admission requirements of the  
University outlined above.  
College of Engineering. Admission to the freshman class of the  
I College of Engineering is limited to students rated in the upper  
three-quarters on the University placement tests. U
In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission l
to the University, the high school credits presented by the applicant Y
shall include one unit in Plane Geometry, one-half unit in Solid 2
Geometry, and one and one—half units in Algebra. If the student 1;
lacks only the half unit in Solid Geometry, he may be admitted, Tg
but this subject will be added to the requirements of the fresh-  
man year. E, 
College of Law. An applicant for admission to the College of  
Law must offer 90 quarter hours (exclusive of physical education  
and military science) completed in residence in colleges other than fi
Law, nine of which must be in English. A standing of 1.0 is the  
minimum qualitative requirement, but in other than exceptional  
cases an applicant will not be accepted unless he has maintained a  
standing of 1.3 on all previous work. While there is no prescribed  
pre-law curriculum, the applicant’s record is evaluated in terms of ·
its relationship to the study of law, and in terms of the require- i_
ments of the Association of American Law Schools. ` —  
College of Education. Admission to the freshman class of the  
College of Education is limited to students rated in the upper three- gs
fourths on the University placement tests. In order to transfer to ‘ 5
the College of Education from another institution or from another 1.
college of the University, a student must have a standing of 1.0 or  
higher. The freshman applicant must meet the general admission  
r requirements of the University.
_ College of Commerce. Admission to the freshman class of the  
College of Commerce is limited to students rated in the upper three- ji
fourths on the University placement tests. The freshman applicant _K
must meet the general admission requirements of the University. if
, The Graduate School. A graduate of a fully accredited institu-  
A tion of higher learning may be admitted to the Graduate School '
upon evidence of graduation and an official transcript of under- ff
. lt 

i` graduate courses. However, such admission does not obligate the
_1 University to accept all credit granted by the undergraduate school.
_ When full credit is not granted, the student will be required to do
E more than the normal amount of work to complete a graduate de-
;. gree. Applications from graduates of institutions not fully accred-
i . ited will be individually evaluated. However, a student from such
 · a school is encouraged to secure a bache1or’s degree from a fully
i . accredited institution before applying. .
3 Courses numbered 1 to 99, inclusive, may be taken for credit
Y only by undergraduate students. Courses numbered 100 to 199, !
inclusive, may be taken for credit by juniors, seniors, and graduate ,
students, provided that a course so numbered may carry graduate
j credit only with the approval of the student’s graduate committee.
Courses numbered 200 or above are open only to graduate students.
A The normal load for the summer quarter is from 16 to 18
. quarter hours, and for one term of the quarter, eight or nine hours.
For 1946 the fee for all resident students, except those en-
rolled in the Law School, will be $37.50 for the full summer quar-
ter, and $24.25 for either term. For non-resident students the cor-
` responding fees will be $57.50 and $29.25. For resident students
enrolled in the College of Law, the fee for the full summer quarter
_ will be $40.50 and for either term $26.25. The corresponding fees
A for non-resident students will be $60.50 and $31.25.
Part-time students will pay according to the number of quarter
g, hours carried, except that the full-time fee will be paid in all cases
 Q when the student load for one term equals or exceeds six quarter
 j' hours.
2. Students attending for the full quarter must register at the
 Z beginning of each term, paying the term fee for the first term
_‘ and the balance of the full-quarter fee for the second term.
  During the first week after the opening of either term of the
  Summer Quarter, students withdrawing from the University may
 E receive a refund on the amount paid in fees, not to exceed 70 per
  cent of all fees paid. During the second week a refund of 50 per
  cent may be secured, and during the third week a refund of 30 per ,
gif; cent. In no case shall the amount refunded exceed 70 per cent and
  . in no case will refunds be made after the first three weeks.
Qi, .

No student will be allowed to register for credit for the first  
term after June 24, or for the second term after July 25. { 
. I
Results of work will be recorded in the Registrar’s office as  
‘ A—Exceptional1y high quality, valued at 3 points for each ii
_ quarter hour.  
B—Good, valued at 2 points for each quarter hour.  
! C—Fair, valued at 1 point for each quarter hour.  
I D—Unsatisfactory, indicates a deficiency and gives no points,  
  but gives credit for graduation if with such credit the  
student’s standing is 1 or more.  
E—Failure, valued at no points and no credit.  
X—Absent from examination.  
WP—Withdrew passing.  
WF—Withdrew failing. gi
The standing of a student is defined as the ratio of his total  
number of points to his total number of credits. When a quarter’s  
work is to be considered a standing is understood to be the ratio of ·  
the number of points gained to the number of credits scheduled. W `  
. L 
Application for a room in the women’s residence halls should  
be made to the Dean of Women, and for a room in the men’s resi-  
dence halls to the Dean of Men. Each application should be  
accompanied by a reservation fee of ten dollars. If a check is  
sent in payment of this fee it should be made payable to the  
University of Kentucky. Refunds of this fee will be made only  
in case notification of cancellation is given the Dean of Women  
or the Dean of Men at least ten days before the term opens for  
which the reservation is made. Upon occupancy of the room by  
a student, this fee will be held as a breakage deposit to be returned _  
at the close of the quarter.  
. Women’s Residence Units. ‘Unless permission to live in town ll 
has been granted by the Office of the Dean of Women, all women  
students, except those living with relatives, must live in Residence  
Halls. During the Summer Quarter, the charge for any room is  
$18.00 for a single term, or $36.00 for thecomplete Summer Quar- Eg
i ter. Bed linens are furnished, but students should bring blankets,  
· towels, and dresser scarfs. Meals are not served in the halls during ji
the Summer Quarter. An application blank for reserving a room in .  
the Residence Halls may be secured from the Office of the Dea