xt70k649pj3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649pj3h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1945 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 16, 1945 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 16, 1945 1945 1945 2012 true xt70k649pj3h section xt70k649pj3h ` %6      ?  
f  / SH ranfz 5 wu mm /  
  jjmw 13, 1945  
/ *1  Olumé XVI · AUGUST, 1945 [ Num cr 3 g'|· 21  

 i I x W F g if  
l 265 6 07 6 . (
· REPORT ON UNl\'El{Sl'l‘Y OF KEN'l`l?(}KY MEN   A O]
V , { v
IN SEl{\ 1Clu
July 28, 1045 ‘ i
,' Former Men Students in Service .._......._..........t._...._... 6.606 Frg
— Former Woiiieii Students in Service _.,.t..._A._..,...._.... 340
——» T. Mc
'l`otal Students ......._....._...._....,.._....u......t................ 6.055  
Staff Members in Service .................r................r.....r... 201 j Fu]
7,156 \
i Duplicates (Staff meinbers-students) .................... 103   ml “`l
,_,.   ships
, Tying  » Ht the
(.`AS['AL'l`1ES—236 22 since report made May 28. 1045.   ef ll'?
L }[;wl;gy_ Ilenry Elmo Allensville Wounds in action, France, 10-5-44   "“l’ H
Allen. John Lewis. Jr. Frankfort Killed in action. Europe   S("‘ll·
Neal, Barney Garland Milton Killed in action, Japan   l·`ra
Hood. \Villiam Clarence Ashland Killed in action, ltaly. 2-2-44   mil) ‘
Beeler. Robert Jetterson Lebanon Junction Killed in action. Pacilic .1} _A
Ilaugliaboo, William S. · Maysville Killed in action. ltaly. 4-20-45 lhliliil
- '] ·(
McCammon. \Valter Ovid Lebanon lleart attack, Sicily, 11-14-43 . jmmm
Malone. John Edwin Lexington Wounds in action, Leyte. 5-20-45 _ and Th
_ Kirkpatrick. Seba NN. Louisville Killed in action, 10-1-43 P Cd bv;
` Smith, Edward H., Jr. Lexington Killed in action. Okinawa. 5-25-45  . tlmollli
Berry, David Render Owensboro Killed in action, Pacific . ll Will
`Willioit. Darnaby llenton Versailles Plane crash. England, 5-20-45 Y ill<‘ iu
· )let`ann. 'l`llUlll2lS Pieri Georgxetown . _l;.Hl({
l Draper. (‘arl Guy Williamstown Killed in action. Okinawa  . gpm;
,. . . . , _. it .» in .
_ liruce. Alexander T. Ashland, St. Paul Killed in action, Okinawa, 2)-:)-45   mu g
Ilopexvell, \\’illiam \lValton l’rovidenee Killed in action, Okinawa, 5-20-45  j (_‘lmi.](;.
l Lawson, Ernest Harold Lexington Killed in action. Germany. 6-1.8-44 Wilson
‘ Reynolds. Gilbert  ‘ Tom [`
· ,\urelius. Jr. Greenville Killed in action, Pacitic. 2-1.8-45 for-tl_ (
l Griliith. Mark llannah. -l r. \\'artield Killed in action, France. 11-28-44 ld  of (`llt
(`awood. Donald ll. (Yawood Killed in action. S. Pacific. ($-26-45 5’  l€"“l"l1
Sauer. Robert S`. Louisville Killed in action, Pacilie. T-10-42  i Il"’lill<‘
L \'an Arsdall. George .\. llarrodsburg Stink. war prisoner. China Sea, 12-15-44   (lu`°°i0l
 F .\ltl1
(‘i\l"l`l'l{El)‘**‘ S5 0 since last report (40 have been released. 2 died)   so,-M li
34 still. listed as captured.   rln. M
llarris. (`littord M. Lexington Germany. Released   » lllnnl H
Stidham. Jack llaker Lexington Germany. Released   ll<·\'o(~
(‘assidy. Ernest Maxwell Lexington Germany. lleleased   twist j,
(Continued on page 42)  - bpm U4
J t 
.C il 
L. Z ` i
  ·`   1.}

— l
T/26 Kentucky T4/ummm   l
li il QUilETEllLY MA·¤"’¤?5?S§ie>2:£ii—i"*"i’-Z’§E¤:2=:;;;;;.;;;.i,__ l
Fund Planned —··- 1 -.»a. é    
- .   »   :;;..;,  
ll pi»i·ii~iiii·l ii r·1[ l. l-lil- illl€*l‘<‘St   E-El   j ·,a·~.   ;l¤   ‘-e»"  
e ·>~ —~l-l=·l- l-lll lr ·-·--·¤· ~¤ll<-l~·- QF l»ee   lr-e    
s ~l=il>~ wl ¤ll¤¤¤·¤· will ~tll·l<*·¤l~   lil; 
  ill lllv lvlllV€l'*llY— will l>¤ tlle l’<>l·»ll   `”l” *‘¥Zl E
D ·-l ile l*`¤‘¤ll¤<»l¤ll~ all- lieiig \l‘<>l‘l<<-ll ·.·Ea»’-¤   ` -
* lllll rlllll will l>-· -·~·-<»l l¤·¤ el ii <··· >·  
D wl.   ‘_l.-· ·- ,·~‘ . i
l·‘l·l¤»ll< ll ·l<»»¤»»· of l»<*¤l·l2‘l<~ll· -? ’;.-'.»·;   Y   -
ll‘ll<> iiiiliiileil aio $llL{`§l'(JSl`ll)ll of     — * '
D lllll M~¤<>··l~l- lm   ¤=¤¤<~¤l¤ll has been ll tlle llll'°Sllll"lll t<> ziéill  ill‘ I` ° - _ l
lll·¤·l<=<* tlle ~¤l¤<>ll¤»·~l¤ll>~ ¤·¤¤ll -l<>ll¤~<·ll· lllr   i_.` ll i·=»i_·__ ;,§¥}if; ° `’`°i P1 .ii_   .l:,. .jYF-}¤?°i:§Z§¥=.·   A: `    ·=i· » l
l`l¤¤l·l<·~ Mlllllllllll'.  `   l
Trim llll(lGl`\\'()()(l. Miss (`llloe (lll- U MRS MCVEY l
- fowl, executive secretary Blll’(‘&lll I
Y  of Club l`l¤¤l·l¤·lll>* S*“l"‘l<‘l’· EX" l`ll(‘ l'(I1llllllll'l‘L’ was to raise lll(’ \'l‘l'Sll}' nf l{OlIllICl{_\', ‘
  tmlslllll l)(*})2ll'l'll’1(¤1]’[_ ll11l\’(>1‘sll)' 9f fund wllicll will l)(> tl];·n(¤(l 0\’Q|‘ to A Sl‘l'l<*S Ol? lll<’€llll§l`N lll llllc
  I(mlllwl{Y‘ will Ml HN l‘*lllllllll¥`ll the l{Qlllll('l{}' R·9S(’il1'L‘ll l"(>llll(lil- _l"l'i1llL‘(‘S ·l(‘\\'(*ll ,Al(’lll()l'l2ll >l"llll(l
_ dil`Q“ll’l`· tim; ln be 2l(lll1llllSl`(‘l'(’(l at tlle (‘f>lIllllll`l(’l’ have l)(‘(‘ll ll<·ll`l()ll nftlll-Fllllllllatloll. 'l`Ile l(‘lll{'lll)' (llS(‘llSSl(lllS as llo l'll(‘ n
TQ? Soml lll ll :!l‘<>ll]> lll(l(’])(’ll(l(>|1l(>l' ]{l—ii1ul·l;y l{(‘S(‘2ll'('lI l"(>llll(l2ll'll2llllI|lg' `lll(‘  
  HN] A\lll]ll|]l j\gN()(•i:|1i()]l_ {hp j\l-   [*()]l]l)')S(‘(l` ill lll(‘ ]ll'(‘S(‘lll`, (ll. §!(`ll(`l'Ell (}ll_l(‘(lllV(’S lI2l\'(‘ ll(‘(‘l] (‘()ll- ll
yllllllll &lll(l (}lll(‘l' lAl'l(‘ll(l§ 0l’ Mrs. lll(‘llll}(‘l'N lll. tllv l·2lt'llll}' lil' 1ll¢· silll-l·<=(>l·llmlly to lv]]l\`(’]‘Sll)' allll was l'(>l'llll‘(l lll Ul'- ll2l\'l* ll<‘l’ll ltHll<‘SG of ()lll(‘l' fllll(lS l'L*l2lllll{;' to tlle lllll- (Contmued on page 5)
li    3 ll 21 ,
j.  \
I r

 The Kentucky Alumnus part of her elevey )·GlllllllSCl1lgS on seen moisteiiedvby tears when she   pers
all occasions, sl1e did not accept was moved by a tribute o1· hy wm
I Official Organ of the A1umniASS0cia_ llCl' O])l)O1`·tlll1lll(‘S as playithings l`;l`l(lQ tor soinethinlx worthwlnle_ `_ {mh)
l   llggegtélligréigyegitehzr ggegligllgksgfpblgé l)lll' (}\’G1l from l1e1· early lJ,`11'lll()0ll l €l'll2ll)S it yvasla ·l1ll·lIlEl1lG reaction   HS H
\ University, at Lexington. Subscription slle fllollifllt out Slillatlolls S€1‘1- to zll10il1C1' s zifillctloll. She Was ’i ·
l to non-members, $1. Membership (Type ` , _ _ 4. fllll
g2m11l0nl;eA;i3gleqllgn includes subscrip- ously and. counted 'llC1l t1111e 111 every se11sc a wo111a11 of worth,   (·h1_i:
. ‘ wasted if It did 110t justify her loyal illltl capable.   (Um
P‘g;ltg·f$;;;€ailtS?gQi(;lg€Li_1SS};£?_·tt€§[g;Y lélée €XlSt(;‘ll(i€. Oil Tilt? (_l2l1lll)llS, Il`l°Hl](fCS \\'{ls   rlwhcr
1929, unaei-me act or Ma}c11`z,`1s7s. ’ lt is easy to recall how, after 0110 et lllc <>1’l§!lll¤l m€1¤l><‘1‘S ot   peel;]
_   gradiiating froni \'ass;11·, she re- lll? Sl'l'll)lll€l'$l il {!l'0llll (lf W1'll'01‘s V me
.   turned to Kentucky tllltl i111111ed- (ll flllllml illllv "l*l““i the ("’*lll"‘ r (mr,).
Helen King .._l>..,....i._,........ Associate Editor ately beea1ne Elll enthusiastic 1><>l*l‘*¤¤1 lllllb WHS l‘<‘1' WHY of  
OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI lerrdee l>1.lmm.il). her. llrrereels planning a l)1'<)2l.(lQll·lllg.§ pleasiire   ]_ll=·
Associyriox were i11 education. She was an lll? Slmlellltl et l0l`01t!ll UOllllll`ll1S NS _ H )’
· · EXECl*TI\'E‘ C0MMi'l"l`F·l‘? work at the Uuiverslrl. of Kew the st11de11t advanced; sl1e was   llml _l
      tucky Ellltl later lat Columbia in 0`lw vii ·lll€ ll0ll1' llOlllll1 llllll ll
  only hel- Subjgct but glle lllldey- Oill€l` lik? §I1'()lll)S tl1(l ll()l Zll]lll'L*· Sll(%
      A emerl the young glrls uml boygy ciate. Sl1e enjoyed perliaps as travel
· umm. of whom elle rerlllzerl had ]llllCll as a11y pastnne tl1e.tl1eat1·c theinl
lnmuees Jewell Mevey died He not had the bountiful epper»rrm_ tllltl lent every aid sl1e could to · \\‘oul1l
llt’l' l1on1e on Shady Lane, Lexing- ities she had known. Then she lll€ C0llllllllllll}' l)l*lY llllllsee llll· Wllll-*11
. ton, KY- as the shadows of night became Dean of XVOIHQII of the (l€’l' “'ll*ll<"'Ql' llilllw lll€}' “"*l'l“`ll l*_°=1rts
l fell on June 13. Tl1e funeral University. That was 11ot an easy illlil lll€ flue all vt Ulllslv WHS l" lll'*‘ l’<* °ll‘ llllll 01
P1'(’Sb}'i€l'lilll (`hurch June 15 Ellltl, didn`t seek the easy way. She j<>>‘e1`S et illlwlwl 01'tI*llllZllll"ll* . l`*’lll*ll>
A gfgl-Y `[llllV(>l’Sili}' Of llgl- llallyg S’[;l[g_ 2lll(l €lljO}'(‘(l, IllllSl(j lll   1ll()Si'llll· r ll(‘1` l‘(*
l Mrs. Mc\'ey was ill approx- She could, would and did become lltllltlllt ‘l’o1·mS_  r with o
l iniately ()l19 yea1· a11d with her the director of Young \V()1H(’ll, l’erhaps in a final analysis ol ***l*‘ ¤ l'-llll1‘(‘ll
I deed a life of service. Zllltl old, rich and poor, literate or doing: a benefit was de1·ireTHEi
 . [     I er e i

 1 she nersonages of higzli distinction ae- their beauty and fragrance alone  
I- by ’ opined her hospitality with g·rati— were worthy of the close assoeia- A Request  
1*11110. rude, and just as kindly and witl1 tio11. Tl1ey were of all colo1·s and 1
. . .... . . " . `·   - ‘ ·v 1
etiou as mueh care 2l11(l consideration kinds; from friends ni many 111( U1111°1T111 (11 K€11111°1`1 i i
was did she prepare, Elllllllélll}', :1 parts of the Country, from the A111111111_ATSOF111111111 1S 1111X1911S  
orth, I (‘ln·istmas treo for the small chil- higzh and the humble places but 111 1111111111 1111111.1111i111111 111i%11111g  
1 dren of the faculty and staff. they bore with them a tribute 111 thi l1°1'11i111 111 Mm himk 5
was There were 110 restrictioiis, es- seldom if eve1· equalled in Lex- 11' (111111110% J1111 911) M01 1l1’ 1
. , .. . . . · ` *· · · i i $91 ' 1
rs of ‘ peeially it the incident advanced nigton, It was as a. last heart beat 11111C11 11 df 11‘11111€(1 111_1 L2 _111 4
riters the pleasure, worth or <‘0llS(`*- of love for a Kentucky women 11111111 *11*1161* 1111111‘111_ 31111s1’ I
I>Sl1lU· queuees of the University. who never for a moment forgot the 1`ip111(111°1?111 °;n;s111°I;I;1_Q` F
. » · ‘ ‘ * T IO · ...· A1- ~
, ii _ , __ ,_ , , _ _ peaiu 111
1 0 » Happilv, and she would 1lOt 111'11 11111 11 ‘1s ‘1’ 11@11111°k1‘111‘ H --· - - 5
nnnn . · - _ ll1(1xlAh.
‘i_ have it otherwise, we can recall #  An`. fornioi. aiudoni who
·1e.· . · · .. ·· e ‘
111 1 her wood `l'(·‘llO\\'SlIl) in the lvid - _ ,,,. , , .
l_nn\,_ ¤— Frances Jewell might haxe kiioyxledgc as to
I. '   F?l(*ll1iY Club? H10 Cilmllus Club M V M - 1 the present location of the pol'-
· ·e - - v . C c emorla ‘ ’ A
`1111 1 and the Uiiiversitv W 01112111 ”s y   - ]   1 · il 1
, . · tiait. 01 the 1()t()"1rl)1€1 u no
111i11111 ("l1l her oft iepeztel opinion Fund Planned A D il 1
nin ns n it il A better th cnn th nun.; (Continued from page 3) made the. pliotogiaphu 16‘])lt)
» was Q 111 114 9 1 G 11 ident of the Kentucky Research 1-1“Ct1"“ 101*.1116 >*€~·b¤¤k» 18
‘ f the food and the less t11e dues; F I _ C _ D U _ ionnosiod to Wriio to the
{ her philosophy that we will work °111‘°‘111°11 °11111111t°°’ 1 111111 Aiinnni Assooiotion ofirioo in
( l‘ll· . ‘ _. ; .. ‘ Y · Vi
Cl _ _ ont nn). in.o]iioni ovoi. o oin) of Sthciago, W. S, Vl ebb, D1. l. 1). inn Stnnenn Union bnndinnn n
1‘lS- . .. » - ` ' 1
lt1i_ tea and her unqualified support l.`1H1‘l< tlllil 110811 Silltlh B- U(*llU€$· Toni Fennel} was art editor 1
1 't)1` _ . , .. Y _
nn ot the democratic way ot hte and Dr, Me\ ey was consulted before of the 1923 KENTUCKIAN. ¤
11. 1 I ( ‘ ' . . . . J
n thin ‘111 111 11* C011C'€111S· the plan was announced and it met and as Bil'. F€1111€11 S ])I'€‘S€11t n
onine- $116 who lltltl PN,l0)'i‘l' _ 1
nn in i iinnpnniny Wnn n knynntn in Alumnus nill give publicity to tie in ncnnnt nn 0n(n_ Oi the Will, Dc_ _i
nip the 1 11(`l' llléllieup, Sho weloonied lllillls and ?ll<1 111 w11i1l(111(11` WHY partment to teagli Aineriean G, I,1s ‘
io ['ai- i§'¤¢‘Sts with a smile and an out- possible. at a university study center which  
ii- that Sll`°l€l1G<1 hand and drew them in the Army 11as established lll  
ianuiil- 10 the Wa1‘111t11 of a home bi-ight H Shrivenham, lingrland. ])r. Ross ;
si aiul 1**111 lights, delieious ret;-es];- Gets Nammal O we uill leave the ·l1lll\ €lS1l} this i
s avail 11“`lli$ tllld liragrant with flowers, l’i·of_ ]<‘ord_ve Ely, head of the lll(>lll`ll for his 2lSS1{Il1111€‘1li.  
its and One eould not think of Mrs. Me- dairy division, llniversity of l(en· l)r. Ross has l)(*t‘ll a member ot _ ,
lla? 11`1 “'llll<>ut ilowers and so it tneky (‘olle;;e of ;\}1`]'lCllltlll'(’, has the lliuxeisity statt suite 1.1..6,   .
itllllfi ,11’*1“ ill the end, Sprays rested been pleoted vice-president of and holds the AB. d0{1‘1‘ee i!‘0lll W _
A · U I , . . l` is _` *1 _ _ { _ ) .
hour il 91111 1119 \\’l11dow ledges oi; the the Anierlean l)a1ry Sewnee Asso- (1‘ ot ·l11l\' 19-li) th -1
l   _ would be a balance ot tl~l,()3o,2!l_
\   lt was nioved bv Miss lMcl1a11gl1li11
¤:Z:§:§:§:§:§:¢:¢. 5:¤:§¤;¤;¤;¤;i;Z;:;:;:;:;:;:;:§:i:§:§:¢:;:§:§$§·‘< .-5:2:;:;:;;-%;:;:;:;:·:;5;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; ' ` ,
l   . . seconded by Mr. Robinson, tl1at tho ·
-   ASSOCIRUOII 1-o 1111-1 of tl1e 11·oas111-or be acce>t1¤1l_  
:·;·:·:·:-;-:-.  ·-;Z$$:.;1;1·‘- 7-:-:-:-:·:·:·:·:-;·;-;·;·;   Y-.;:~  1-:-:-:-:-; .
:T:i:i:¤:¤:¤:¢·¤·· ‘:Y;" ·:i:i1€';¥:i1` :¥:i:i;k" ‘-ei-$`1:§¤i:i:;:;_  :§.f·§:§ :;::;:;:5:1;;; · `
*;5;E;E;€;i;Z;E§=;- .;i;E;E5Z;`   Moved and seconded the 1l1(>tl()]1
   s52€zia€;Sz€;i;€;i;i;Z · - ‘ · ' . . ,. ‘
    The ‘llm“‘ll m°°l1“l* Ot the C2l1'1'lP(l, Miss lung was tha11k1·11  
=E=°;E3E;E;£;E;E;E;E;$5E;1.· _ ;:§E?*?;=:;: 1E;E§EQ?E‘GFEQiiiiéirs-;=:=§E?E?§t§  *1-  = l · · ` · l l ·- · · l
.   Alullml AS“°C1‘m°“ Of the U““'€l tor l1e1· 1>x1·e1le11t wo1·k 11111-1ns the
'   WY of l\€llUl°l¥=ia§a§a§ btndent Union building, with tl1e . _ , 1 , . 1
ziiiiiE15ééiiiiiééiéiié§&§2§2§5§2§2§2§2§2" 2§2§2§2§2’¢§=%=%¤€@5=%=*2:2?$?2¥z5z525¤%= 1 ~·` " "’=° , · - lll? (Well to Ml`- ll- (1* l“llllll*l’ll· ll
2§2§2§s§2§a§a§;@2;;;;§;§;§;§2§;i;&;&;€;%;5 ==2;&;2;2;2;;;1.§.·a;;§;;2€¢i -1 1 lresident, Grover Creech, pl.'€Sl(l- . .
igigigigigigigigé;i;i;$;i;€:¢¤=‘¤‘ ‘`’'  §;§5;;. :3;;;;E;i;E;£;E;E;i;E;E;¥1‘  _ _ tlle 11e\\'l}’ eleetetl pfeslllellt, sanl
12izi2%=*¥·* ·‘·‘·‘·‘ ‘  ;5;2;2¥¤ · · ·‘¤2§2§2i2?s§$52S2i25z€2€2525z5;51  ing. . A
  ,111 1 as  sc *22§&;2§2i2i2%2§2i2;2i2§i1  :.1. ·_-’-1 _ tl1at it was a pleasure illltl -1 ···1·1··11 {
1·-·   -1.-,,   · 12s%1%1*¥   — A molwu was l“*“l€ l’>' M"· Pal' 1,ppo111111111 to suve 1s the 1:119  
    1 ¤" e1;i2C1.·¢: . ;:11=:§£=&;2;i2;2i;§2;.€2€2.¤Q. _ . . · _’ .1 > ‘ z .1 . ·>.· .  
1 _ .·1__ ‘ll;ll‘;. .l ;El.lEl' E.- :;§§£j‘.§§§§;€§:§icjlflilEjE§€jEjij;;Eg" 11l()1'€*, seconded by Dr. Elliott, tl1at , . . .  
1   1_·, * 55;; ,;: -:1};»gi;¤1&;2Z&§2§_§-§;§;§;§;§;§;’* 1;;- . _ _‘ (lent ot the Alnlnnl 1\SS()l‘l2lTl1)l1 i
` V fr , -_,` _¤ _;;£;E;§;i;., "£` ji}?:QE;QZ;g;1;€§Q-Q§=·3j§Qgl;;;Q;E,f;*;-;31 __.,   the 11111111tQS ot the lilSt 1l1€€t1l1gI be . XZ
     .;2=i1i2§2§2§a;;;..· .=‘¤§=‘;5;g;;;g; -_:_ 1;2·2;:2;;2=2;;;z;:;=;;:;§;i;,’#@1 , . . . 1 a11d l1e thanked tl1e nienibers ot  
1 `   -1 [ _2§;§;§:;‘z?;§;€;§;§e;__§ 31E:1;Z1:;.;¤§2;;i¢§¤€‘iii;2§;’;§;§;Q;§;§;§i§;§;i1 ‘ .— dispensed with since QUDIGS l1ad , . , ._ . , F
, .» ; ,-·2;2;2;ag1= —··‘ 1j·1aé.3y1-.j1j5-{,2jg31=¢;2*;2;2;=;2;;2,2;;_=;;;;Q;   , the luxecntive [·0l1ll111lt€€ tor then .
»   .1 ; *` 111;;;-,—;2=;.;1;1»¤;.=;._;11§=;;§;j=§i¢3;§=&·*   bee11 mailed to the inenibers a11d . .
2 --1—  1:;:--· -—=12;5¤ V.·’1 :::1¤= ..o1 .;¤;1@r·.12 ·o·‘ ::1; ’.‘· r _ loyal sn 1 wort. He said that he was
»     1   ·-·· ¤¤‘ 1* that thev be app1·oved as ])\ll)llSl1GLl. . .. .
‘ , turning the ottice over to one ot
Q H. C. ROBINSON Moved 2l]l(l seconded the 1not1o11 .
_ 1 the most loyal ineinbers ot the .
(£‘l1'1‘1€(. . . . .
P °d t ( _ ) , 1\lLll11l11 Association 2ll1(1 that l11¤ .
ew Yes] en At the request ot tl1e I 1'(?S\(l€11t , , . 1
, k11ew Mr. lxobmson wo11ld he It ,
. tl1e secretary s report. was pre- . 1·
IS     _ very, very capable president.
sented by Marguerite Mclmugh- _ ,_  .
- , · —. t , V Mr. Robinson accepted the ol°111·1·
H Cl t R l_ f hn, Executive becretar). It was T 1_ I 1 1 lb 1 t l , · _
erm·1n 1 ·1 1 on 0 nnson 0 · 0 11 s 1 19 IHC een e ec et 111 ‘
I _ tt ll 1 t { th moved by Mr. Robinson, seconded     t 1 t _1 1 _ltl L°l°l
exnw on, ·1 era; l1‘1 e 0 e . ··1< 1·1 IQ oo (101181 eret 1 1 -   __
1 _ `° _ 1 _( ° ° by Mr. Palniore, that the report ot Ml ( ( A leledi)
Universitv 111 1906, was elected 1 - _ very great lllO11()l.‘ to be chosen . U.
_ -1 _ _ the secretary be accepted and that   _ _ _ 1 n1ve1·1
president of the Aluinni Associ- _ Y _ 1,   president ot the Association 11111l .
_ _ _ thanks be extended to Miss , MM M
. at1011 at the June meeting ot tl1e . ,, . , · _ that l1e was glad to have as lns · _
_ _ 1 Margie tor l1er fine work during _ . _ _ O, _ t . Stoll H,
1 Association. Ballots were sent to _ ,_ , vice-president, Bernie blnvely, (lll A
_ _ the past year. Moyed and sec- _ _ 4 _ _` _ 1  of I _
approximately 17000 former stu- - - behalt ot the Execunve t0lll1llll·   Jer
, ll , . . onded the motion car-r11»1l. _ _ . _ V
dents ot the [..llllV€l'Slt§' whose Tl _ -, . . _ _ 1§€C,l\Il'.I\()b1l1S()11 expressed l11~  1 leavey
A H fl _ tl 1e cumulative financial 1€1)O1t 1 t _ ti f the bil, iu,]  _ tl
·11 tresser are 011 1 e in 110 . l"1'C‘11 ‘1))1‘Q(:1‘l 011 or ,,  . 1 ·
l ' _ `   H troin August 1, 1944, to May 31, f, J (lt, ° , 9 ‘lll‘
l Alninni Ottice. lhe return bal- 1 - _ (xrover l1ad done so well 1·111· M
, , _ 1940, was then {Il\'€1l by the act- _ _ _ I . _
lots we1·e counted on Mav 23 and -, - phasizing loyalty, 1ntel‘<‘St *lll' 1:  becret;11
· 111g treasurer, Helen King. A 1·e- _ _ _ 1 ·_ · _ ., _  1
t the results announced at the 2111- . . . taithtulness ot tl1e <>t1tg11111g‘0Tlll'9l·  :1 Was 1110
_ port ot tentative €X])€ll(lltl1I`€S _ ,_ j V  b
1111al meeting. . . . He then placed betorc the slllllll  . 9 close,
1 _ 1 __ tor the 111o11tl1 ot June was also _ _ _._,  1.
Ml'. ROl)l1lSUll has been a lite ,. _ . three platforms tor work dlllllls , 111 bg
. _ _ _ _ presented. lhe balance 111 thc _ C ,_  U
1 Ill(’llll)€l' ot the association tor . , - tl1e connng year; 1-—·tllt1ttllC {lll  _ l oved 1
_ _ treasury as ot May 31, 1940, was _ , 1 _. - 1,, 5 H _ .
_ many years 2lll(l an active mein-   1111ttee build up the ASs0Ui%lYll‘ll_ _(s P, to the Athletic D<‘D?ll`llll“lll l   Ml`- C.
»lUllllSl)ll lll 1942 2lll(l has contin- ligpygs (\'iygiujH R,0bjuS1m) was stimulated and active.  I ll‘lll11<:e_
. .. . · . , . . . . - . . 11.  .13111 1 ._
ned to ¤<’¤\€- ML R<>l>1n¤011 WAS graduated in 19.37 tllltl Mrs. John A ]ll()tl()11 was ll1ll(lC lll ll 5  l_ll1~
il Ul€‘Il1b&‘I‘ ot lll? 1l1'lU ot L€'\\'1S, Vlekers, (H(3l(>11 11015 R1)l)111s1>11\ Ellmtt n0m111;1t111o·hl1sS M1l·—*ll  - \lllilll(l
· . . y C    lhe E
Robinson Zllld Gant Engnieers, was g1·a1l11a.ted 111 193-L_ ]j11 for 21111)*111131- year as Exllllll   M"
~ » ` .

i 1
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