xt70k649pj1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649pj1b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1931-04-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1931 1931 1931-04-24 2012 true xt70k649pj1b section xt70k649pj1b 1





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FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1931



Final Plans Are Released
For Intramural Carnival



Entries jwill close May 6th.

Seniors Will Take Trip to Pinal plans for the Intramural There Each be an entry fee of $1.60.
organization can enter
Carnival to be held on Stoll field,
Eastern Cities in
May 16, only one man In each event. No
University of Kentucky,
have been made and were released man can take part in more than



Students to Journey Through North; 14
Win Go South

Forty-Nin- e

The 12th annual southern Inspection trip for Juniors In the College
of Engineering will start Sunday,
and the 36th annual northern Inspection trip for Juniors will begin
Monday. Since 1896 It has been the
custom In the College of Engineering of the university for Juniors
to make an Inspection trip of points
of practical engineering Interest
each year. Until 1920 this trip was
wholly confined to the north. In
1930, however, the present custom
of having both northern and southern trips for the Junior engineers
was established.
anPlans for the thirty-secon- d
nual senior inspection trip of the
College of Engineering have been
completed, and the 67 members of
the senior class will leave here May
19 for a tour of ten days, returning
May 23. Detroit, Mich., Buffalo,
N. Y., Niagara Palls, and New York
City will be visited on this trip.
Dean F. Paul Anderson, and Prof.
W. E. Freeman, accompanied by
three other members of the faculty
of the college will conduct the trip.
The southern trip, under the direction of Professors C. S. Crouse,
p. c. Emrath, and L. C. Robinson,
will 6tart Sunday morning with 14
Juniors at 9:40 when the train pulls
out of "the Southern station for
Chattanooga and the excursion will
continue until Sunday morning,
May 3. Places of interest such as
iron, coal, and copper mines, acid
plants, nitrate plants, Stone mounthe
tain will be visited by to theparty
folwhile on their Itinerary
Chattanooga, Tenlowing places:
nessee; Muscle Shoals District, Alabama; Birmingham, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia; Copperhill, Tennessee; and Ducktown, Tennessee.
The northern trip will be conducted by Profs. R. D. Hawkins, E.
A Bureau, B. Barnett, and G. O.
Thurman. A special bus has been
chartered for the occasion and
leaves Monday morning with 49
Juniors at 7:10 and will return
to Lexington Saturday night, May 2.
This party will visit points of interest In and around Cincinnati, and
Dayton, Ohio.
(Continued on Page Four)

to The Kernel, yesterday by C. W.
Hackensmlth, director of Intramural athletics at the university.
The fete, which Is being sponsored
by the Women's Physical Education
department, cooperating with the
Intramural department will consist
of relay races, dashes, pole vaulting,
and. hurdling. Both men and women
of the university will take part in
the various events of the contest,
women having the privilege of soliciting young men to participate for
their group.
Notices have been sent to all the
women's social organizations
the campus, and to the halls, asking
them to make their plans for the
various entries right away. Entries
will close at 6 o'clock the afternoon
of May 6.
Handsome trophies are being offered for winners of the various
events, first, second, and third
places, as well as a loving cup to
the group having the largest num
ber participating entries, and another to the group having the largest total number of points.
This Grand Total cup will become
the permanent possession of a
group when won for the third suc
cessive time. The trophies have
been ordered and will be placed on
display in the window of the Lexington Drug Company when they
Rules for the event:

Caroline Pike, Pianist, and
Mrs. Lewis Bradley, Organist Will Present Sunday


The weekly Vesper program at 4
o'clock Sunday afternoon in Memorial hall will be presented by Miss
Caroline Pike, pianist, and Mrs.
Lewis Bradley, organist, both of
Miss Pike, who is a member of
the piano faculty of Georgetown
College, has appeared several times
on Vesper programs as soloist and
She received her
musical education in Germany, and
has been recently an artist pupil of
the famous
Ernest Hutcheson,
American pianist.
Mrs. Bradley is the organist at
the First Presbyterian church in
Georgetown, and also has appeared
on Vesper programs. She is well
known in Lexington for her excellent work on the console.
If the program of last year is
followed, there will be five more
Vesper services during the present
Improvement Over Last Year semester, closing with the programs
In May.
Is Noted by Visiting OffiThe programs were first held in
cers; Corps Deficient in September, 1929, after the Memorial
hall was completed. During that
Practical Work
time they have been in charge of
who has
D. Mclntyre,
The annual Inspection of the uni- broughtR. many notable entertainers
versity Reserve Officers Training to the university.
Tuesday with the
Corps unit closed
inspecting officers, Lieutenant-Colon- el
E. N; Bowman and Major C.
A Bagby, making theirclasses. round
of the various military
A. general Improvement over last
year was noted by the Inspecting
officers, but whether It was enough
to receive the rating of "Excellent
was not announced. The theoretiThe MlsslsslDDl Valley Historical
cal was considerably better than Association will gather for Its twen
defithe practical work. A marked miliannual convention at me
ciency in rendering the usual
30, May 1 and 2.
tary courtesies and In the handling university April been made for the
Evprv nlan has
of the troops by the leaders was comfort and entertainment of the
noticed, particularly In their ability delegates, according to Dr. Charles
to explain and demonstrate.
M. Knapp, university nistory proIn a memorandum to members of fessor and chairman of the comunit, Major Owen R. Meredith mittee on arrangements.
The La
stated that he considered the regi- fayette hotel has been designated
mental parade the best he had seen as headquarters for tne aeiegaies
at the university, and that the and visitors.
steadiness In ranks and the alignThe Kentucky Historical society,
ment In formation were remarkably tiio Kpntiinkv Academv of Social
good. The general tone and esprit Sciences, and the teachers' section
de corps elicited favorable comment of the association will meet at tne
from the Instructors.
same time. The principal address
The program of the Inspection: of the opening day will be delivered
bv Dr. Louis Kellogg, who will also
9:30 call on President McVey.
b3l military law, adminon Thursday nignt tne cteiegates
istration, military history and policy. will be given a complimentary dinscouting and pa- ner bv the university. Pres. and
11:00 6b21-2- 2
trolling, musketry, cambat prin- Mrs. Frank L. McVey will entertain
ciples, automatic rifle.
with a reception at Maxweii riace
residential address
2 p. m. All classes, drill and after thp.
Thursday night. The entertainment
3 p. m. 7b41, drill, machine gun, nrocTftm
also ilncludes a trip to
37 mm.
old Fort Harrod and Shakertown.
Combat principles, field
The committee on arrangements
engineering, Tactical prblems.
is composed of Doctor Knapp, chair4:00 p. m. Regimental parade.
man; Dr. Frank L. McVey. Mrs.
April 21
McVey; Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
military president of the Badford club;
10:00 a. m.
hygiene and first aid, the rlflle and William H. Townsend, Lincoln Aurlille marksmanship, scouting and thority and historian; Otto A. Roto-her- t.
secretary of thn Filson club:
map reading R. C. Ballard Thurston, president
11:00 a. m. 7b21-0- 1,
and sketching, cambat principles oi tne rnson ciud; uov. riem u.
president of the
machine gun and 37 mm,
In addition to the practical and Kentucicy Historical society; n. v.
theoretical work, the methods and MoOhpsnnv. pxpontlvn
efficiency of instruction were in- of the Kentucky Historical Society;
spection as were the discipline, class Mrs. j. r. cannon, secretary ana
room conduct, and attitude of the treasurer oi tne Kentucky Historstudents out of ranks, on and off ical Society, and Mayor James J.
O'Brien of Lexington.
the campus, while In uniform.


Historic Group

ill Assemble



Brethren! Sistern!
Maude L. Cosho member of
the Idaho State Legislature, Is
an Alpha XI Delta from University of Oregon.
novelist, is
Rex Beach-note- d
a member of Kappa Alpha.
Havey T. ' Woodruff
known author1, is a member of
Phi Delta Th&a.
Grace Divine mezzo-sopraof the Meropolitan Opera, is a
member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Winifred Parker
movie actress, is a member of
Delta Delta Delta.
John C. Futrall president of
the University of Arkansas, is a
Kappa Slg.
James D. Mooney
of General Motors Corporation, is a member of Sigma Chi.
Harry Carey star of "Trader
Horn," is a member of Delta Tau
William Blsfcell former Postmaster General, Is a member of
Alpha Sigma Phi.
Charles Evans Hughes Chief
Justice, United States Supreme
Court is a member of Delta

lone event.
3. Letter men In track are barred
iiuiii wuininuiuun, as wen as mosc
men attached to the freshman or
varsity track squad after April 25.
The list" will be posted April 27, on
the bulletin board at the west entrance of the Men's gym.
4. Contestants
must wear arm
bands with insignia of group represented.
Forfeiting will deduct two points
from grand total.
6. Points will be awarded in the
following manner:
5 Points
1st place
3 Points
2nd place
1 (Point
3rd place
7. The awards will be as follows:
Grand Total ... A large loving cup
Small loving cups
First Place
Largest number of participating
Loving cup
8. The services of the men must
be solicited by the group as a whole,
or by an individual of the group.
The program for the afternoon
will begin at 1 o'clock and will last
the afternoon.
first event will be the preliminaries
in the dashes, both 50 and 100
yards. This will be followed by the
preliminaries In the
the low; hurdles and tjhe needle
race, the series lasting until 3:15 Dr. W. A.


May Queen


Ohioan Strikes Out Big Blue




Adair, Wchle, Young, Fouts,
Drury Are Chosen

Seventh With

Two Men On

Maids of Honor



Ferrell Pitches Nice Game
for Blue; Weber Replaced

Cups to Be Awarded Floats in
Parade; Concert Band
Will Play

by Stevenson

The Miami University of Oxford,
Following a week of campus
Ohio baseball team defeated the
politics, high-pressusalesUniversity of Kentucky Wildcats
manship, bill posting and balby the tune of 6, In a game played
yesterday at Oxford. A fairly large
lyhoo, Miss Alice Bruner,
crowd was In attendance to witness
Louisville, Delta Delta Delta,
a game which was on ice for both
yesterday was elected Queen
teams throughout seven innings of
ommcoM studio
of the May for the annual explay.
ercises which will be held FriBoth teams kept on about even
start of the seventh
terms until the
day afternoon, May 1. Miss
when the Ohians forged to the front
Numia Lee Fouts was chosen
with a one run lead. The Wildcats
Maid of Honor, and Misses
lost a beautiful chance to win the
game, in the seventh when with a
Ruth Wehle, Virginia Young,
man on second and third and two
Katherine Drury, and Mary
down, the next 'Cat up struck out
SANCTIONED Adair were selected as attend
to Stephenson, a substitute Miami
Men students of the anivcrsity
Cartwrieht. of Miami, Is credited
cast 728 votes in the election,
with the most spectacular play of Papers to Revive Organizawhich was conducted by SuKy
the day when he caught a long
tion Are Filed in Fayette Circle, student pep organization
Fortune Pronounces drive to right field.
Clerk's Office by Lawrence of the university. BaUot boxes
Ferrell pitched a nice game lor
Invocation;! President Mco'clock.
were placed In the Administration
L. Johnson
Kentucky with Augustus receiving.
Vey Introduces Speaker
At 3:30 o'clock the finals in the
building and in Dicker hall with
Weber, of Miami pitched a beautievent will
dashes and the 220-yathree members of the organization
Recent attempts made in Lexing
Sutton, superintendent ful came until the seventh when he ton to revive Delta Kappa as a acting as election officers at each
4:10 o'clock a wheeltake place. At
Mr. W. A.
was replaced by Stephbarrow race, for one boy and one of schools at Atlanta, Georgia, presi- slumped andgets credit for the win, social fraternity have been without polling place.
girl. Is scheduled.
This will be dent of the National Educational enson who
Miss Bruner will be crowned
retiring the last the sanction of the
followed by a relay race by a team Association, was the speaker at the as he succeeded in
Council of America, according to Queen of the May at the corona
of four men. Following the relay April convocation, at 9 o'clock, Kentucky batter in the seventh.
Dean C. R. Melcher. One of the tion exercises which will be held on
The Blor Blue will meet its next reorcanlzers already holds member the campus following the annual
race, a shuttle race with eight girls Wednesday morning in Memorial
to a team will provide an amusing hall. His subject was "The Three foe when it travels to Nashville, ship In a recognized fraternity and, parade of the floats prepared by
Monday, where it will be the guest therefore, Is Ineligible for memDer the various organizations on the
variation of the program. Finals 'Fundamentals of Education."
reprecampus. She is
in the hurdling will bring the meet
shlD in another.
The inocatlon was pronounced of the Vanderbilt Commodores.
to a close. Added attractions are by Dr. A. W. Fortune of the Central
Paul McBrayer, Wildcat hurling
Delta Kappa was founded at Yale sentative for her sorority, a sophor
out of uniform as a freshman society In 1845. Chap more In the College of Agriculture,
being planned to make the event Christian church. The speaker was ace who has been
as interesting as possible.
introduced by President Frank L. for the past week due to a twisted ters founded In the South became an honorary sophomore member of
Sigma Phi, professional
ankle, in all probability wil lbe out extinct due to conditions following Theta
when the 'Cats the Civil War. By 1890 there were journalistic sorority, a member of
Mr. Sutton declared that the first of the Une-u- p
'fundamental was to preserve and Journey South. McBrayer, who no active chapters left in this Fifteen, women's' sophomore honorary, a Stroller eligible, and one of
strengthen the physical inheritance pitched the season's opener for the country.
May Be
Papers were recently filed in the the eight beauties selected by Earl
of the human race. "Jesus was the Kentuckians, showed up fine on the
the combined errors of Fayette county clerk's office for in
Unless Admiral Byrd Appears only is not who had the concept that mound but and the lack of support corporation of the fraternity as a Carroll for, the beauty section of the
1931 Kentucklan.
it the infield
Just present, but
Here Next Week, His Lec- - 'is a process of billions of that
Special ballots were used for the
years," at other positions cost him the social organization. Tney were signMcMurray will ed by Laurence L. Johnson,
polling yesterday. The ballots were
ture Will Be in Fall
he said. Mr. Sutton added that game. Ferrell or
Harold Fllntoff, Richmond, folded, signed by (the voter ana
every generation must make its probably get the pitching assignStudent
Unless Rear Admiral Richard E. own by standard, that we cannot go ment in the Vandy game with Cap- Virginia, and Claude J. Young, Au placed In locked boxes.
burn, Alabama
tickets were clasped to tne oauots
Byrd can fill his lecture engage- by the standard of past generations. tain Dldlake Barnes receiving.
According to a report received by and counting was done by a comwas
Steady Improvement of the 'Cats
His second fundamental
ment In Lexington within the next
mittee composed of Vernon Chandis evidenced by better fielding and Dean Melcher from the
scholarship. He said in part:
two weeks, his appearance here
Council this is not the first ler, president of SuKy, Rex Allison,
"Think straight and think;' an ability to bat and the Kentuckes president of the Men's Student
probably will be postponed until through. We cannot think straight ians will go Into the Vandy fray attempt made by Johnson to
next fall, according to Miss Mary with all the prejudices in this with the odds a little in their favor. tablish a national fraternal organ Council. Ted cassiuy, representative
Every child can master
The Miami game, which was the ization. He is also credited with from the office of the Dean of Men,
E. Clarke, president of the Lexing- world.
Kentucky, attempting to establish a fraternity William Ardery, representative of
fourth, of the season
if it is
ton Teachers' club, the organization something, we should only whistling, was originally the firstfor the Wild- antagonistic to the national organ the Kentucky Kernel.
think straight
sponsoring his appear- through to the bottom of our sub- cat card but, due to bad weather ization of Greek letter societies.
which was
The annual May Day parade wm
conditions, was postponed.
ance here.
In addition to holding member- - begin at 1:30 o'clock Friday afterjects."
Kentucky opened the season witn shiD In another organization John noon, In front of the Administration
The appearance of several noted
Character was the third fundalecturers under the auspices of the mental, Mr. Sutton said. "It is n two eame series with the Univer- - son was never a member of Delta building, will be routed through tne
university and the brief period be- formed by work, play, contact and slty of Wisconsin Badgers. Wlscon- - j Kappa and hence can not take part downtown streets, and will return
fore the closing of the city schools decisions. Character comes by doing , sin, which had played several games in any revival of that society, the to the campus for the coronation
meeting the Wildcats, retxirt stated. The national body ceremonies. The Queen and her
were the reasons given by Miss the things you have to do every hPfm-Clarke for the contemplated cancel- uuy in me ucai wuj juu miuvv uuw. brought an excellent team to the , further stated that Delta Kappa
(Continued on Page Four)
ling of the engagement. Two lec- Character comes through contact Blue Grass and defeated the Blue will not be eligible for membership
tures were originally scheduled for with spiritual power as well as hu- in both tilts. The 'Cats pitching In Its organization.
the afternoon and night of Tues- man contact."
In addition to the lncorporaters.
was up to par but lack of support
day, April 21, at the Henry Clay
and many errors in the Infield ac- Dr. J. B. Klnnard. Lancaster, and
high school auditorium, but were
Charles Rhodes, Shreveport, LouisiGOODMAN ILL
counted for their defeat.
cancelled by Admiral Byrd because
Daniel Goodman, managing
The University of Michigan ana, will be members of the board
of the death of Igloo, the favorite
journeyed from Ann Arbor to furn- of directors, the corporation papers
of The Kernel, has been
dog who accompanied him to the
to his home on the
ish the next opositlon for the Wild- stated.
Y. W. C. A. Officers for Com
South Pole.
cats, who slammed every offering
Pike with the flu since
Miss Clarke has received no direct
ing Year Are Announced;
of three Wolverine hurlers to win
communication from either Admiral
10-This game proved to be the
Dr. Frank L. McVey Speaks
Byrd or the James B. Pond bureau,
turning point In the Kentucky
to Banqueteers
under whose auspices he is making
schedule for, two days after they
his tour, regarding the possibility
had defeated Michigan, the 'Cats
Miss Alice
Lane. Delta Delta
of his yet being able to appear here.
at Cincinnati and
Delta sorority, Lexington, and Miss
It is assumed that he will resume
The advertising staff of The met St. Xavier
with little effort disposed of the
tour very soon, but Miss Clarke
Ewing, Aipna uam-m- a
Elizabeth Ann
Kernel will meet in the Kernel
feels that the long delay and other
Delta sorority, of Louslville,
business office at 2 o'clock FriBatteries:
The water color exhibit, which
attractions which will be here at day afternoon. Anyone interestAugustus. opened at the Art Center last week, were awarded the
Kentucky Ferrell and
that time Justifies the canceling ed In working on this staff is
and junior awards at the
Miami: Weber and Barrett.
This freshmanco-e- d
engagement, provided the requested to attend this meeting.
will continue until May 3.
of , the
banquet given Tuesannual
display Is sponsored by the Amer day night at the Phoenix hotel by
lectures cannot be given within the
Miami Stephenson for Weber.
next few days.
lean Federation of Arts, and repre the Women's Administrative Counsents the best of the strong con' cil of the university.
servatlve croup of water color
Phi Upsllon Omicron, women's
painters In America.
honorary domestic science sorority,
Thirty-fou- r
works are presented, held annual pledging exercises at
and in selecting them the commit- the banquet. Eight women students
tee chose all types of studies, so In the Domestic Science department
that there Is a personal appeal In were named as pledges to the orsome of them for every individual. ganization.
Artists from all parts of the counThe Women's Student Governtry were drawn upon, too, so that ment Association prize of $100 for
cises 6f Phi Mu Alpha were held. ord of the performances of the orBy DEREK SM1TIIFIELD
the atmosphere of every locale the most outstanding Junior woman
Opening the amiual spring series Officers of the organization plan ganization during (the past year, would be represented. Prof. Edward
campus was awarded to Miss
of twilight concerts the university to hold the annualMay 14. initiation a list of the musical ensembles Rannells, head of the Art depart on the
Ewlng and the Alpha Gamma Delta
maintained by the university and
concert band last night presented a Monday evening,
ment will lecture on the paintings cup for the most outstanding iresn- Following intermission the group the band personnel are Included In
program of eight selections at the
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock for man woman was awaraea to
open air ampitheater.
The musi- played Tieney and McCarthy's, the program.
the benefit of those who are Inter- Lang.
"Gems from 'Rio Rita,'" "Deep
The program for April 30:
cians played under the baton of
ested and who would like to learn
The new Y. w. u. A. omcers lor
March, Clnclnnatus, Cook
Elmer G. Sulzer for the program, River," were played. The
more about the work on display,
with Sousa's famSelections from the Opera, "Cav- - The public is cordially invited to next year were announced
which was sponsored by Phi Mu was concluded Capltan."
Eleanor Swearlngen at the banquet:
allerla Rustlcana," Mascagnl
Alpha, professional musical fra- ous march, "El
attend this lecture.
Miss Eleanor Smith, Lexington.
number for the
As a feature
Novelty, Indian Medicine Dance,
Every week-da- y
the exhibit is president; Miss Eleanor Dawson,
evening Messrs. Halnsey, Bagshaw
open to the public from 8 to 5 o'
The next program in the series trio, "Flirtations," by Clarke, which Bellstedt Old
Time Favorites, Ba- - clock, and all who are Interested Louisville, vice - president;
ampithewill be presented at the
Martha Carlton, Louisville, secre
particularly well executed.
in art are urged to avail themselves tary; and Miss Mary Thremeid,
ater Thursday evening, Ajpril 30. was
Popular selections were chosen as
(Continued on Page Four)
The last concert will be given May encores by the director, and proMargaretfleld, Ky.; treasurer.
Gems from "Katlnka," Frlml
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president oi
bably were more appreciated by
Kol Nldre, Traditional
Last evening the band opened the the audience than the program
the university, spoke at the banquet
Waltzes, Glories of Egypt, King
concert, with King's march; "The Itself.
on "The Relationship of Women to
March, Stars and Stripes Forever,
Three Musketeers," which was renthe University." Misses Ruth wehle,
The last concert of the season
ability. will be largely a request program Sousa.
dered with characteristic
Final castings for all unfilled Nell Montgomery, Eleanor smith,
In the opening strain of von
Directors of the music departand Director Sulzer urges that those
Stroller Revue, to and Mary Virginia Halley gave
overture, "Stradella," the fol- who desire particular numbers on ment have urged that students at spots In the May 11, will be held
toasts to the freshmen, sophomore,
be presented
lowing number, one could find much this date communicate with him. the university attend thetwlllght
Junior and senior classes of the
at 7 o'clock tonight in the Music university.
to criticize but the number never- All selections proposed before May opportunity for the undergraduate
applies to
building. Tills call
theless was received well by the 21 gladly will be considered for the series, which presents an unusual
Miss Geotgetta Walker, president
medley, program and included It possible, I to hear good music which, at the specialty people In all lines and
council, ucted
Includes singers, dancers, and of thefor the occasion.as Guests of
of the War, 1861-63- ."
same time, ho can understand and Instrumental specialty people.
Mr. Sulzer said.
and Peter's novelty, "The Jolly
honor: President and Mrs. McVey,
programs for the entire appreciate. It Is the hope of DiAttractive
Coppersmith," were thoroughly en- series of concerts were distributed rector Sulzer that the audiences for
Dean Sarah Blandlng, Dean Sara
Production Manager, ,
Holmes, Miss Margaret Lewis, and
to the audience last evening. A the programs this year will be even
Miss Laura Gill Hoffman.
picture of the massed band, a rec- - larger than those of last year.
At Intermission the pledging exer

Superintendent of
School Speaker at
April Convocation




Byrd's Engagement


Exhibit of Water

Color Works Will
Close on May 3

First Twilight Program of Annual Series
Is Presented by University Concert Band

� J"1


The Kentucky Kernel




National College Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce



P. A.


of the Student! of the Unlrerslty
or Kentucky, beiincton

Subscription M



m eecond


t Lexlnfton, Xj





Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Dramatic Editor








flwood ICruger
Morton Walker

Elaine Bonnrll

Louise Thompson

Virginia Nevlns
William Sliafer

Adrian Daugherty
News Editor


EmUy Hardin

Eleanor Smith
Polly Reese


Sports Editor


Assistant Sports Editor
Al Jones
J. D. Adams
Claire Innls
BUI Luther
Lawrence Crump
O. L. Crutcher
Totsy Rose
Marvin Wachs
Cecile Davis
Harry Varlte
Mary Virginia Halley
Turner Howard
Gilbert Kingsbury
Cameron Coffman
Mary Alice 8alyers
Robert Baxter
O. B. Coffman
Lillian Qooch
Mary Elizabeth Price
Ann Coleman

Prince Fowler

Mary Oalloway



Oay Loughridge
Edythe Reynolds

Fannie Curie Woodhead
Oertrude Evans

W. W. Sacra


Busnesa Managar
Frank Worthlngton

Win. Ocary


Advertising Manager
Jimmy Randol
Circulation Managi




students are partialexpenses through school by
working in the University Commons. The work
that they do Is hard, thankless, and practically
profitless. They are receiving ten cents less
per hour than any other campus job pays.
They are exhausting more physical labor,
working at harder hours than any other group
of university employed students.
It is distressing to relate the fact that these
boys and girls do not receive their meals for
their work. Their salary is only twenty-fiv- e
cents an hour. Oftentimes they are detained
overtime waiting for the colored help, who, it
has been stated, are consistently tardy to finish
their share of the work.
Furthermore, the
feeling has been generally expressed that favoritism is shown to the colored help." This Is
exhibited not only by the facts that the Negroes
receive higher wages and also receive their
meals, but that in decisions rendered decided
partiality is shown.
The Kernel does not wish to be unduly critical of university organizations, but we do feel
that this matter Is calling for the attention of
the authorities. It is only Just that these boys
and girls receive the same wages as other university employed students.
It Is more than
necessary that they receive the courtesy and
the respect of their employers; the discrimina
tion which has been shown to the Negro help
is not fair.
A student working his way through school is
to be highly admired, cooperated with and respected. Merely because they have the stamina
to earn their expenses is no excuse for prejudice in wage or respect. There should be no
discrimination made between the student who
works in the office and the one who works in
the cafeteria. They are both working positions,
they both take time and energy, they should
receive equal wages and respect.

ly paying their

them through the exhibit and explain and
terpret the pictures for them. In this way,
these exhibits are of decided educational and
cultural value.
We feel that your criticism as to the qualities
of the works shown Is most unjust. There has
been no "trash" exhibited by the university.
The taste of those attending them has not been
ruined, unless by chance it Is the taste of those
Individuals who arc unfortunate enough not to
have good taste and resent having their offensively poor taste bettered.
Regarding the pictures exhibited, it is most
unreasonable to-- state that they are to blame
for the lack of interest shown. It is true, no
doubt that there are better exhibits on the
market, but Lexington is neither a metropolis
nor does It have a museum of fine art to sponsor
the showing of the most expensive works on
the market. Furthermore, if it did there would
always be some dlssentors who would criticise,
some who would lack appreciation, who would
clamor for more understandable works.
The people who visit the shows brought here
for their benefit arc not educated to a point
where they could appreciate any better works
of art if they cannot appreciate those which
they have already seen. This clamoring for
more expensive, more famous works is merely,
in our viewpoint, the eternal materialistic American plea for show of riches. Some people cannot seem to appreciate anything unless it has a
huge price tag tacked upon it ro linked with
world fame and then the only interest that
they can render is lengthy discussions upon how
that could be so famous or worth so much.
The following is a letter received by the
Again glamorous articles bulge the pages of
The Kernel... the latest, that flamboyant
epistle eulogizing the wondrous water color exhibition now being shown at the University of
Kentucky Art center.
As exhibitions come and go they Increase in
quantity and not in quality, or at least that is
the tendency, of rioting color there is abu