xt70k649pj0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70k649pj0r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-02-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1930 1930 1930-02-21 2012 true xt70k649pj0r section xt70k649pj0r Best Copy Available





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Two Wildcat Basketeers





Lexington Staging and Spring
Tour Planned for



a mystery-farc- e
three acts by Bruce Balfour Evans,
has been selected by Strollers for
their spring show. Tryouts for
cast membership of this play will
begin at 3 p. m. Monday, February
24, In the auditorium on the third,
floor of the Education building, and
through Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, under the
supervision of Thomas L. Riley, director of Stroller dramatics.
Members of Strollers and Stroller ellglbles who arc qualified to participate In these tryouts have been
requested to report promptly at the
Education building on either Mon
day, Tuesday, or Wednesday afternoon.
This play concerns a mysterious
personage who sends his victims
red cards signed "Scarlet". They
warn the victims, of whom there
are four. When the murdered
bodies are found, each time it is
discovered that the hand holds
another of these red cards.
The cast includes nine men and
three women.
which tryouts will be held, include
Cyrus Marsh, a successful business
man: Dr. Sllnkard, a comedy doc
tor;' Spike, a tough gardener; Julius,
caretaker; Booth, an
the half-w- it
elderly business man; Lee, the male
lead, who is a smooth detective; Al
Kidd, a comedy detective who is
more clever than he appears; Terry
Marsh, juvenile: and Swede, a
sleepy newspaper reporter.
The female roles of the farce axe
Mrs. Marsh, motherly type, cultured woman; Delia, a stage dancer;
and Jeanne, ingenue lead.
The entire action of the play
takes place at the Long Island home
of Cyrus Marsh from dinner until
dawn of one night.
Flans are being formulated for
the annual spring tour of Strollers.
A number of .towns in both .Eastern
and Western Kentucky are under
consideration for a place on the
"Scarlet" will be presented in
Lexington during the first part of



Vinrinia Daueherty Elected
as First Woman Member of
Team; 17 Ready to Participate In Forensic Activities
Six new members have been
placed on the University debating
team as a result of the tryouts held
in room HI of McVey hall February 17. The subject which all candidates spoke on was, "Resolved that
the American People Believe in Education". The contestants were permitted to choose either side of the
question for argumentation but it
was required that the speeches be
purely extemporaneous.
Judges of the debate were Miss
Sarah Blanding, dean of women,
Professor Li L. Dantzler, Joe Lee
Davis and Dr. Paul Walp. The
contestants were also permitted to
rank the candidates by the order
of the merit system.
Newly-chose- n
debaters are Virginia Daugherty, Lexington, who is
the first woman to attain a place
on the debatng team in open competition with male students; William Ardery, Paris; Robert Stewart,
Denton; Kenneth L. Oreenquist,
Morris R. Browne,
Xenia, Ohio; and John M. Kane,
Schenectady, New York.
Members of the active debating
team who have been participating
in debates throughout the past year
are W. H. Dysard, Pat Rankin, Alfred A. Naff, Bruce Waters, Sidney
T. Schell, Clifford Amyx, Hugh R.
Jackson, William R. Pearce, James
S. Porter, H. C. Smith, Kermlt S.
Pack, and Richard M. Weaver, who
is not attending the University this
semester due to an eye injury.

Dean Alvin E. Evans
Announces List of
Spring Law Grads


Campus Belles
Lead the Soldiers
On Parade


Mary Armstrong, junior in the
of Arts and Sciences and
president of Delta Delta Delta
to the posorority, was
sition of regimental sponsor of the
University R. O. T. O. unit at the
annual election held this week
among the cadet officers.
Armstrong had previously been
to fill the vacancy cre
ated by the resignation of Ruth
Evelyn Ford, 'of Fulton, member
of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and
chosen sponsor; of the first bat
talion, with the honorary rank of
major. Miss Ford Is a Junior in
the College of Education.
sponsor for the second battalion is
Hazel Baucom, Lexington, a junior
in the College of Education and a
member of Alpha Gamma Delta.
Miss Baucom was also given the
rank of major. ,
Company sponsors, chosen by
cadets of the various regiments, who
were given the honorary rank of
captain are: Sorls Smith, Lexington, Alpha Xi Delta, sophomore in
the College of Arts and Sciences,
Company A; Kitty Drury, Lexington, Alpha XI Delta pledge and
freshman in the College of Arts and
Sciences, Company B; Mary King
Kappa Gamma pledge, freshman in
College of Arts and Sciences,
Company C; Mary Prince Fowler,
Lexington, Kappa Delta pledge,
Company E; Mollie Mack Offut,
Lexington, Alpha Delta Theta,
sophomore in the College of Education, Company F; and Mlna Pate,
Madlsonvllle, Kappa Kappa Gamma pledge and freshman In the
college of Arts and Sciences, Company G.
Miss Armstrong, who has served
as battalion sponsor and regimental
sponsor 1 past years, as well as
having been chosen a campus
beauty and attendant to the May
Queen, together 'with the other
sponsors will be presented at the
annual military ball which is to be
held In. the University gymasium
tonight. The first regimental





Stanley "Spoqks" Milward, star center, and Captain Paul McBrayer, of
the university basketball team, pictured above, have been powerful factors
Mil-waIn leading the Wildcats through a most successful season this year.
seriously injured his knee in the opening minute of the Georgia
game last week and is not expected to be able to play in the tournament
it Atlanta next week.. Both are seniors and will appear on the home
aoor Saturday for the last time as members of the University of Kentucky basketball team,

Annua Military Ball Will
Be in Gymnasium Tonight




Washington's Birthday
Be Celebrated By


Big Dance

Georgia Lion's Club Extends
Welcome and Request That
Cartersville Be Included in Affair Will Contain
of 'the Glamour of
Former Years

Approximately twenty students
of the College of Engineering here
to make the annual
southern inspection our of. Alabama,

'a'lieary welcome, for
may' look-f- or
already southern cities are preparthem. At a luncheon last
ing for
week of the Cartersville, Georgia,
Lions Club the members voted
unanimously the suggestion of Lion
Fred Chappell to extend an Invitation requesting the engineers to
visit their city and Bartow county
during the tour.
The club intends to interest them
In local mining operations by arranging visits to the various min.throughout
ing properties
county, and to enertain the party
at a luncheon.
Mr. Chappell, who extended the
invitation, is a graduate of he College of Engineering here. He said
that while he was a Junior he was
privileged to make one of these inspection tours and became forcibly
impressed with the value of this
nroceedure. He feels that the visit
of the engineers will be of value to
the Georgia county, because once
thev are out of school they will be
come connected with firms that are
consumers of products from us
mines. He said that the men who
become familiar with these products through their visit will naturally turn to Bartow county for
them when they become buyers.

Dean Wiest Writes
For Encyclopedia
Agricultural Fair is Topic
of Article by U. K.
Dean Wlest of the College of
Commerec, is a contributor to the
first volume of the Encyclopedia of
the Social Sciences, which has just
come off the press. The Encyclopedia Is edited by Professor E. R. A.
Sellgman of Columbia University
and Alvin Johnson of the New
School of Social Research in New
York City. This book Is a representative of ten different societies
in various fields of social work.
It is being published by the
Company and will consist
of 15 volumes.
Dean Wiest was asked to contribute an article dealing with the
history, economic and social aspects
of the agricultural fair. Some work
on' this subject had already been
done by the author in a booK en
titled Agricultural Organization in
the United States.
The printing of this book Is a
largo undertaking and many spec
ialists in the united states ana
Europe were asked to contribute

Dean Alvin E. Evans, of the College of Law, announced Tuesday
that the following law students are
expected to graduate in June or
August, as the case may bo, providing that they have satisfactorily
finished the necessary work and
residence requlrments:
Eldred E. Adams, A. Joe Asher,
Wm. H. Buckles, Wm. H. Cecil,
John P. Croslcy, James C. Finley,
Wm. B. Gess, Wm. R. Hodgcn.
Odear, Wendell Smith,
Ralph Steve:is, Malcolm Wallace,
All Kernel reporters are requested
and Willis Wright, will graduate in
meeting of the stall at
Juno; Clarenco E. Barnes. Stanley to attend a today. Those who do
Powell. Baylo Mohney, and Dan 12 o'clock will bo removed from
not attend
Qrlffith will graduate In August.
the staif.





list headed by,
rietntbySamp-- -

son ana Major uenerai uvmus c.
Nolan, Commander of the Fifth
Corps Area, the annual Military
Ball tonight bids fair to be one of
the most colorful and spectacular
events of the University social year.
Other guests who are expected, according to the committee In charge
of the dance, include cadet officers
from other units of the fifth corps
The dance will begin at nlnd
o'clock In the Men's gymnasium and
the Grand March will
promptly at 10:30 o'clock.
in full military dress,
newly elected regimental, battalion
and company sponsors, and guests
of honor will lead the march. Due
to the fact that several of the
principals will be forced to leave
early, ceremonies will commence
earlier than has formerly been the
custom, officials said.
after the grand
march the recently elected sponsros
Imposing cerewill be presented.
monies have been arranged and an
announcement received ytesterdayi.
from the publicity bureau stated
that the department will take flashlight pictures of Major Meredith
presenting commissions to the coeds. These pictures will be sent to
the leading newspapers of the
Scabbard and Blade, national
military fraternity, will conduct its
semi-annu- al
pledging services following the presentation
of the
sponsors, according to cadet Colonel
John Benson. The pledging of the
outstanding members of the R. O.
T. C. cadet officers is an annual
feature of the balL
The Military Ball has long been
one of the events looked forward to
by students of the University. Since
its Inauguration on the campus
several years ago it has held a position which military officials have
been pleased to call"the outstanding social event of the year". Its
annual association with the anniversary of Washington's birthday,
adds a glamor and an air which no
other social event has been able to
acquire. Plans this year have been
made with an Idea of making the
ball slmlllar to those held at major
military posts on the same occasion.
Ralph Piatt and his
band, the Kentucklans, will furnish
the music for the dance. Striking
decorations have been prepared and
elaborate programs have been selected. Since the ball Is to be given
the night before the Washington
and Lee game, members of the visiting team will probably be in attendance at the cinnco as guests.
The dance Is to be given on the
subscription plan and since tomorrow is a holiday, University offclals
havo granted permission for the
dance to last until 1 o'clock SaturSeveral
day morning-dances have been arranged.

J. 11C



Hie Dpuiiajo noo

held under the supervision of
Captain Grady of the military department. Cadet officers John Ben- -'
son, Robert O'Dear. Stanley Mil-waand Leonard Weakley assisted in the selection.


State Legislature May Give
The University Power To
Ooerate the John C. C.
Mayo College

Press reports during the past two

weeks have mentioned a bill that
has been introduced in both houses

authorizing the University to accept
the John C. C. Mayo College plant
at Palntsville as a gift from the
people of that city. Under the proposed bill the plant would be operated In the future as a junior college under the direction of the.
Herald says:
"Since the introduction of this bill
great Impetus has been given the
movement by some of the most
prominent political and educational
leaders of Kentucky, both Democrats and Republicans, and it is
confidently believed that the bill
will become a law and that the
junior college will be established at
Palntsville, thus carrying out the
wishes of eastern Kentucky's foremost citizen and founder of the
college, the late CoL John C. C.
Mayo, who spent a small fortune
and much time and thought in an
effort to establish a permanent seat
of learning at Palntsville where
mountain boys and girls too poor
to attend colleges or universities in
larger cities might obtain an edu
cation at home at a minimum cost."
Under the Junior college plan,
students from that part of the state
can obtain an education at a lower
cost than at any other seat of
learning in distant cities, a fact
which should add impetus to education in the mountain districts.
No final action has been taken on
the proposed bill, but supporters
feel confident of its success.
The Registrar of the University has officially announced
that all classes will be dismissed
tomorrow In celebration of the
anniversary of George Washington. Students are warned, however, that the customary "one
tenth" will be Imposed upon all
students who cut their last class
before or their first class after
the holiday.


Noted Lecturer
Political Science Forum Has
C. Douglas Booth for
Wfishington and Lee is One
Speaker Monday
of the Strongest Teams
in the South

Prominent Member of Delta
Delta Delta Will Head R.
O. T. C. Regiment

Director T. L. Riley Will Hold
In Education

And then go to Atlanta'
and turn on, Wildcats





Miss Mary Armstrong, of Lexing
ton, Junior In the College of Arts
and Sciences, has been elected
regimental sponsor of the R. O. T.
C. military unit.
Miss Armstrong
is a member of Delta Delta Delta
sorority and Is prominent In student activities.

Student "Pep" Organization
Adopts New Jewelry at
Meeting; Social Plans are
SuKy Circle, the student pep organization of the University, held
their weekly meeting In the Men's
gymnasium Tuesday afternoon at
5 o'clock.
Much important business was discussed and a new type
of pin was selected for the organization. Plans were made for entertaining the regional winners of the
state high school basketball tournament that is to be held here this
spring. Elaborate plans for May
Day were also the topic of discussion.
The new pin is to be a blue circle,
superimposed on which will be a
white circlet inclosing a gold wildcat. The eyes of the 'cat will be
formed by the. letters S and U, and
Its' teeth will be made of the let
ters K and Y. Boys who are members of the organization may have
the design on akey ,if theyprefer.
it; girls will have theirs only as a
pin. The new 'emblems are being
made up by the L. G. Balfour Co.
A committe composed of William
Young, chairman, Ted Cassldy, and
George Whitefleld was appointed
to work with Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, the Lexington Alumni
Club, and the Athletic Council on
plans for a dinner to be given In
honor of the regional winners in
the state high school basketball
tournament to be held here In the
spring. It was decided to include
the 32 piece university concert band
as guest at this function.
SuKy Is also busy with plans for
May Day. They will work with the
Men's Student Council in conducting the election of the May Queen,
and will also have charge of afternoon festivities and the crowning
of the queen.

Prof. A. Laude
To Give Lectures
Here Next Week
The physics department of the
University announces a series of
lectures by Professor A. Lande of
Germany, on Thursday and Friday,
February 27 and 28.
On Thursday at 4 and 7:30 p. m.
and on Friday at 4 p. m., Professor
Lande will speak to the staff and
students of the department
"Wave Mechanics." This Is a relatively new viewpoint in Physics,
increasing in importance, since it
attempts to reconcile apparent contradictory views of physical phe- nomea as postulated by the older
On Friday night, February 28, at
7:30 p. m., Professor Lande will
speak on "Determination and Prob
ability in Modern Physics," a subject of general Interest to the public.

Professor Lande is professor of
physics at the University of Tuebingen, Germany and has been at
Ohio State University for the fall
and winter quarters, where he has
lectured on modern Physics. He is
one of the
of the world in the field of the
study of fine structure of spectrum
lines, which has an Important bearing on atomic structure, and in the
newer field of Wave Mechanics.
All of the lectures will be in the
lecture room of the Physics Department, room 200, Civics and Physics
building, and every one interested
is invited to attend.

All students, faculty members and
any persons who are Interested in
international relations arc urged to
hear C. Douglas Booth, who will
speak informally at a meeting of
the Political Science Forum In Patterson Hall at 4 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Mr. Booth, an Englishman, is widely known as a publicist,
in England and America.
A dinner will bo given In honor
of Mr. Booth at the University
Commons Monday evening. Members of the afculty international relations club are Invited by the
Forum to attend and to hear Mr.
Booth deliver an address on "Anglo-AmericRelations and World
The Political Science Forum Is an
organization formed for the purpose of studying current problems
in politics. Those who have been
instrumental in its organization are
endevorlng to Interest students in
attending the meetings both for the
purpose of hearing and taking part
In the discussions. The attendance
at the last meeting Indicated an
increasing interest, and it Is hoped
by members of the Forum that with
the coming of Mr. Booth, who is
being sent here by the Carnegie Enpeace,
dowment for International
there will be a greater attendance
at the meeting Monday.
The club was organized in December, at which time Mr. N. V.
Williams was elected president, Mr.
Rawlings Ragland,
and Miss Henrietta Sherwood, secCole,
Professors Esther
Charles W. Shull and Paul W.
Walp, instructors in the department
of Political Science, are serving the
club in the capacity of faculty advisors during the present year. Recent programs sponsored! by the
disorganization were round-tabl- e
cussions on "The Federal Reserve
LegislaSystem," "The Kentucky
ture." and "International Trends of



"Never TehVa Lie Edition'.',
Promises to Be Worst One
In History; All Scandal to
Be Brought to Light
With fierce growls and lusting
mien, the Kampus Kat, scandalous
publication Issued weakly at odd
Intervals by the Sigma Delta Chi
boys, will appear on the campus
sometime today In honor or the
Military Ball and George Washing
ton's birthday.
Edwards Templin, editor of the
expose sneet, declared yesieraay
that the forthcoming edition of the
Kat is expected to be the worst one
In the history of the university, in
as much as all of the news contained In the paper this Issue will be
truth ungarnished with fiction. He
pointed proudly to the slogan of the
Kat for the forthcoming paper, saying that the "never tell a lie edition"
simply means that the truth is going to march proudly across print
ed pages.
There are a number of interest
ing and entertaining articles that
will hit the spot, he said. For instance, there will be the story of
the Sigma but that would be tell
ing the story. Then there Is the
picture of the regimental sponsor
which is expected to prove a strik
ing likeness.
One of the best stories of all, the
editor said, will be that of Barnes
and His Beef Trust Beauties. Mr.
Templin refused to disclose the contents of this story, but he Intimated
that all was not as It should have
been while Barnes was assisting in
the selection of the most beautiful
girl at. the University of Kentucky.
This article is expected to be on a
par with one concerning the annual
high school basketball tournament
here in March, at which several
fascinating innovations are expected to be Introduced.
Every student is expected to pur
chase one of the current issues of the
Kampus Kat, for there is sure to be
something about everyone In the
paper, and the editor has said, that
something is going to be cause for

Dantzler, Lafferty
To Address Clubs

"Kentucky's Contributions to Re- -'
cent Literature" is the subject of
an address that will be given by
Prof. L. L. Dantzler, head of the '
English department, at a meeting
of the Ellzabethtown Women's Club
today, according to an announce
ment by Mrs. Maude W. Lafferty,
head of the women's division of the
University extension department.
Mrs. Lafferty also is engaged to
speak today at a meeting of the
Woodford County Women's Club at
Versailles. Her topic of discussion
will be "Daniel Boone."
pictures will be used to illustrate
the different periods of American
Because of tho inability of the history as related to her talk.
debate team from Lincoln Memo- -,
rial University, of Harrogate, Tenn., I
to reach Lexington In time for the
Prof. N. R. Elliott, of the Univerdepartment,
proposed debate last night, tho meet sity extension
has been postponed indefinitely, ac-- 1 speak on "What Farm Folks Are
cording to Professor Sutherland,, Asking" at 12:45 o'clock today over
the local extension studio of WHAS.
coach of the University team.

Classic Struggle Will Be the
Last One for Kentucky

Until Tourney

By Vernon D. Rooks
The Kcntuck Wildcats will write
"finis" across the 1930 basketball
schudle In the Euclid avenue gymnasium Saturday night at 8 o'clock.
The Generals of Washington and
Lee, second In the Southern Conference and probably one of the
seeded teams in the Atlanta tournament, have accepted the Invitation of Coach Johnny Mauer to attend tho closing ceremonies-an- d
a gala occasion it should be. The
Generals have 10 Conference victories in line and the Big Blue is
anxious to make their nine victories
change to the same number.
and Lee can be
beaten I The Blue Devils of Duke
University proved as much Wednesday night when they smeared
the undefeated conference record
of the Virginians into oblivion.
Wasnlngton and Lee had previously bowed to West Virginia, 50 to 34,
in a
tilt. But when
you figure that the Generals have
a grand total of 14 wins to their
credit for the seasons work Just
laugh it off.
Should Kentucky lose, there will
be no alibi. George Yates, who has
been warming the bench during a
greater part of the season while
Milward played the pivot, will work
even harder, if this Is possible, than
the rest of the Wildcats. Yates
can Jump, he can shoot, and he's
got the goods.
Coach Mauer will start this
sophomore at center, flanked by
Pisgah Combs and either Louis
or Splcer at the forwards.
Captain Paul McBrayer and Lawrence McGlnnis are capable of dropping monkey wrenches and long
arms and bodies into the working
of the. General's offensive machine.
On Wednesday of next week, 10
Wildcat players, manager, coaches,
trainers, and scribes will board a
train for the southland where the
Big Blue is slated to .be one of the
seeded teams In the annual Southern Conference tournament at Atlanta the last of February and the
first of March.
Probable lineups for Saturday's
game will be:
W. and L.
McGlnnis, Lou F
McGlnnis, Law G
G.. Wood (Capt.)
Teams that have fallen in defeat
before the onslaught of the General
(Continued on Page Eight)

"The Sea" Subject of Inspiring Talk; Also Tells of the
Early Student Life at the
The weekly Engineering Assembly
was held on Wednesday morning at
10 o'clock in Memorial Hall.
speaker was Captain A. C. Norman,
who graduated from the University.
Thirty-si- x
years ago, almost immediately upon graduation, Captain
Norman entered what for years was
called the United States Revenue-CuttService but Is now known
as the United States Coast Guard.
In his address, Captain Norman
indulged In many reminiscences
concerning the early days of the
University of Kentucky. He Indulged In some recitals of occurrences In the early student days. He
paid tribute to the intellectual and
sturdy qualities of President James
K. Patterson who was responsible
for carrying the University of Kentucky through
its construction
"The Sea" was the formal sail- -.
Ject of Captain Norman's address:
and in a very interesting, instructive and entertaining way he outlined the purpose of the United
States Coast Guard. The sea has
always been a fascinating subject
for the romantlst and Captain Norman gave a delightful talk based on
personal experiences.

Frats Must Submit
Names of Initiates

At Once, Says Dean

In an announcement issued from
the office of the dean of men yesterday, fraternities were reminded
that the names of all pledges whom
theso groups wish to Initiate during
the coming initiation period must
be submitted at once. University
regulations require that all prospective Initiates conform to certain
standards in scholarship, and it is
necessary that the records of scuh
students, bo compiled before Dean
Melcher can issue an approval of
initiation. Fraternities desiring to
hold Induction services earlier than
usual may recelvo tho proper certificates upon application, Dean
Melchor's secretary said.



� Best Hnnw
-- vr;





Gradual c Study Is Necessary,
for Preparation for Positions Awaiting Modern College Graduate




Dean of the Graduate School
University of Pittsburgh
Phone Ashland 3648
ELLEN MINIIIAN, Society Editor
Industrial organizations and engineering educational institutions
have, undoubtedly, long felt that
Washington's Birthday
ma sorority entertained with the mutual benefits could come through
annual Founder's Day banquet Fri- n rooneratlvc educational effort. As
Tis splendid to live so grandly
' graduate
day night nt the Phoenix hotel.
schools developed
And long after you arc none
The large table was decorated In country over, it very soon became
you did are rememberThe things
the colors of the sorority, pink and apparent that graduate enrollments
blue, and the lighted key, the In engineering courses lagged far
And recounted under the sun;
shield of the sorority hung at one behind such enrollments In the libTo live so bravely and purely
end of the room.
That a nation stops on its way The program imitating a talking eral arts subjects. a Did this mean
class, were less
And once a year, with banner and 'picture, was carried out In a clever that engineers, as
interested in, or capable of gradudrum
manner. Miss Katherine Best act- ate work? These will ,and of course
Keeps the thought of your natal ed as toastmlstrcss or announcer.
should always be, a small group of
Miss Katherine K. Wilson was young engineers whose Interests in
Margaret Sangstcr.
presented with the scholarship cup, their
years have
for the third consecutive year. Miss steadily drifted toward the theoretiCALENDAR
Mary King Montgomery was nam- cal sides of engineering toward the
ed as the most model pledge and fundamental subjects of physics,
Friday, February 21
will be presented with, a Kappa
mathematics, chemistry, etc., out of
Annual Military Ball given by key at her initiation.
which will come the raw materials
the members of the Scabbard and
Memebcrs of the active chapter for future engineering researches.
Blade fraternity
at the Men's are Mlsess Betsy Bennett, Ethel
gymnasium from 9 to 1 o'clock.
These students should, no doubt,
Jcnk-inso- n,
Buckner, Lucy Davis, Faerie
Saturday, February 22
at academic institutions for
Imogcne Smith, E. Katherine remain graduate studies. There is,
Last basketball game of the
K. Wilson, their
season at 8 o'clock in the Men's Wilson, Ballard, Virginia McAllis- however, a much larger group of
gymnasium. University vs. Wash- Frances
Polly students who, upon graduation,
ington and Lee. Sigma BctaXi ter, Mary Huston
Nancy Duke Lewis, Fran- seek at once engineering employfraternity entertaining
with a Warren.
McCaw, An- ment. Their life work is to pursue
formal dance at the Lafayette ces McCandless,
Betsy Simpson, Kath- practical engineering and they seek
hotel from 9 to 12 o'clock. Alpha nette Newlln, Georgetta Walker.
at once the employment which will
erine Smith,
Delta Theta alumnae luncheon at
Serelda offer that to them. These young
the Phoenix hotel at 12:30 o'clock. Bishop, Josephine Blackman, Eliza- men may be somewhat interested in
School beth Board, Mary Cloud Bosworth, graduate work but the prospects of
Mallnda Bush, Jane Calcutt, Mar- possible added usefulness must be
Sunday, February 23
tha Chapman. Louise McDonald. balanced against the time and the
Vesper Services at 4 o'clock in Mlna Pate, Doris Striker, Mary money spent in an additional years'
Memorial Hall.
King Montgomery, Harret Drury,y, study. They probably realize that
Advanced Dates
Virginia Hunter, Jane Clay Ken-neafter a year's graduate study In alFebruary 26 Tea at Maxwell
Sally Johnston. Allle B. Mc- most any one of our Institutions,
Place for students and faculty.
Allister, Margaret McAllister.
they will be of very little more value
24 Tryouts
for the
to industry than they were upon
Stroller Spring production begin.
February 28 General convocaThis is no reflection upon our
tion. Basketball Southern conferThe class in International RelaUniversity, met Tues- graduate schools of engineering exence Tournament.
tions, of the
Engineers day evening at 7:30 In the lecture cept in so far as it Is a recognition
that few, if any, schools can surfrtnm of Mr.Vev Hall. Miss Mar
dance, Zeta Tau Alpha formal.
garet Horsefleld led in the discus- round their students with a plant on
and that of so big a scale and so modern as
Beautiful Formal Dance
sion on "France"
Xi chapter of Alpha XI Delta "Spain" was led by Mrs.presided that which industry offers them.
server. The meeting was
Yet no one will deny and least of
sorority of the University enterall the students themselves that
tained Saturday evening with a over by Mrs. E. A. Bureau.
some sort of graduate work is necformal dance in the ball room of
essary if these young men are to
the Phoenix hotel. The decoraNational President Entertained
tions of red and white hearts and
rho wantnnVv Chanter of Delta grow rapidly into the responsible
balloons hung from the ceiling, rvi4 frntornlt.v entertained Sunday positions awaiting them. This, then,
gave the desired Valentine effect. evening 'from 6 to 8 o'clock with a was essentially the background faThe lighte