xt70gb1xgt96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgt96/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 2005 2005 2005-10-18 2020 true xt70gb1xgt96 section xt70gb1xgt96 t


One UK student, one Lexington resident and their efforts
to change an African nation riddled with HIV and AIDS


Iuesday, October 18, 2005 Celebrating 34 years of independence

“Do I hear
$10" for a

date this

Date auction tomorrow helps
raise money for dance marathon

By Allyson Burtner
m: xmucxv mm

If you‘re looking for a date for this week-
end. you’ll want to head to Memorial Hall to-
morrow night.

Sixteen dates will sell to the highest bid-
der tomorrow night at the DanceBlue date
auction. Accounting lecturer Art Goldman
will help host the auction and take four stu-
dent bidders to deSha's restaurant. The auc-
tion is being held to raise money for children
with cancer treated at the UK Pediatric On-
cology Clinic.

“This event is one of many building up
to the dance marathon to get the word out
about DanceBlue and get people excited
about it.” said finance senior Emily Pfeifer,
the overall chair holder. The auction will be
held at Memorial Hall at 8:00 pm.

Among those being auctioned are eco-
nomics sophomore Nick Phelps. who is SG’s
Senate president, and Rachel Lovejoy, presi-
dent of UK’s Panhellenic Council. Dates
choose between free dinner or a free movie,
all donated by area businesses. including de-
Sha‘s and A La Lucie.

Several UK student-athletes had agreed
to participate, but since the dance marathon
organization isn’t national. NCAA regula-
tions forbid their involvement. Pfeifer said.
Other UK students up for auction were
anonymously nominated. then called and
asked if they would be interested in partici-

“How could you turn down helping chil-
dren with cancer?" asked Lovejoy, a market-
ing senior.

“I think that getting involved in student
activities makes the job more fun." Goldman
said. “If a student asks me to participate (in

See Auction on page 2

leader DeLay
declined to

plead guilty

By It Jeffrey Smith
in: wasnmcrou POST

WASHINGTON w Lawyers for former
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. R-Texas.
disclosed yesterday that the powerful politi-
cian rebuffed a Texas prosecutor’s suggestion
that he plead guilty to a misdemeanor election
law violation. in an exchange that occurred be
tween lawyers before DeLay was indicted on
felony money-laundering charges by a Texas
grand jury

In a series of new motions and court plead-
ings filed as DeLay nears his Friday arraign-
ment at the Travis County courthouse in
Austin. 'beas, his lawyers also asked the court
to sever DeLay’s forthcoming trial from that of
his two co-defendants. political aides James El-
lis and John Colyandro. so that DeLay‘s inno
oence or guilt can be swiftly resolved.

In addition. lead attorney Dick DeGuerin
and his two cocounsels filed separate motions
seeking to quash both counts of the Oct. 3
money-laundering indictment against DeLay,
citing multiple reasons why the transactions
at the heart of the alleged offense were not ac-
tually a violation of Texas law. They said. for
example. that the law covered the “money
laundering of funds" such as coins or curren-
cy and that the money transfers cited in the in-
dictment involved "checks" that were not

In the indictment. DeLay. Ellis, and
Colyandro were charged both with money
laundering and conspiracy to commit money
laundering. The accusation grew out of a Sep

SeeDeuyon pageZ




5cents’ worth

A trio of nickels, shows

The Grammy-winning trio
Nickel Creek made its third
stop at UK’s Singletary Center
for the Arts last night. The
group is currently on tour pro-
moting its new album. “Why
Should the Fire Die?”

Top: Nickel Creek performs last night at the Singletary
Center. The band has played at UK two times before.
Left: A full house packed the Singletary for the show.
The Ditty Bops opened for the band.

"manual-mm | sun




Brooks blasts critics, defends program

By Chris Johnson
ms xrurucxv xmti

Head coach Rich
Brooks finally addressed
the rumors.

And it wasn‘t pretty

“There has been spec-
ulation running rampant
that I‘m going to resign at
some point or time."
Brooks said, addressing
the media at his weekly
press conference.

“But it ain‘t happen-
ing. guys. I‘m not gonna
walk out on the players I
recruited. or the pro-

Brooks said he has a
plan for turning around
UK‘s football program. a
plan not indicative of his
7-21 record so far as coach
of the Wildcats.

“I think we should
have more wins, probably
four or five more. than we
got," he said. “But if we
have a few more wins.
we‘d still be in the same
boat we're in now in the

rebuilding process."

Brooks said his plan
may take longer to blos-
som than fans are com-
fortable with. but contin-
uing to lose coaches after
short stays is not the road
to success for a program.
he said. Brooks is UK‘s
third in six seasons.

“If (administrators)
short-circuit that plan.
they‘re just gonna perpet.
uate the problems that
got ‘em there." Brooks

Brooks even came so
far out of character to
raise his voice into the
microphone during his

“I‘ve had one full re-
cruiting class." Brooks
said. “One."

When asked if there
was a timeline to his
plan. Brooks said. "I
think you need to see four
Rich Brooks recruiting
classes of 25 players. I
had one. This one coming
up is two. 80 I need two


Brooks' first two class-
es faced scholarship limi-
tations imposed as a re-
sult of UK’s three-year
probation for recruiting
violations during Hal
Mumme‘s tenure as

"I can coach football."
Brooks said. “My coaches
can coach football. We're
committed to doing it the
right way. We‘re not
gonna cheat. We want to
do it the right way.

"We want to give this
state, this community.
and this university a
good. class football team."

Brooks also alluded to
the fact that he signed a
five-year contract, and he
plans on staying for the
duration of that contract.
which would give him
two more years and, thus.
two more recruiting

“I have turned a pro-
gram around." Brooks

See Notebook on page 6


m Inn | cm?
UK head football coach Rich Brooks argues with a referee
during the UK-Florida game on Sept. 24.

Newsroom: 257-1915


 PM! 2 I tuesday. Oct. l8. 2005



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"Elm AT YOUR mama




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1) I



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I‘ I,

Answers tornorrmi
Answer What the bank robbers faced when they hit
the roadblock — A HOLDUP







UK Gamelan class director K. H Han performs Balinese music during the "Concert of World Music and Dance"
as the Sinqletary Center for the Arts yesterday



Ambulance accident halts
Rose Street traffic

An ambulance struck a
vehicle yesterday afternoon
on Rose Street. scraping the
vehicle‘s mirror and clogging
traffic. said Steven Sea. bat-
talion chief for the Lexing-
ton Fire Department.

No one. including the pa-
tient in the ambulance, was
injured in the accident, Sea
said. Both vehicles suffered
minor damage.

The ambulance drove up
on the median to get around
vehicles that had pulled over
to the side of the road. Lexv
ington police and UK police
both responded to the acciv

“It was our people‘s fault.
is what (police are) probably


Continued from page]

something). I try to do what
they ask."

Goldman said he will at
least be worth the price of a
20-ounce bottled drink on

“i know I am getting
$1.25." Goldman said. after a
student e-mailed him to let
him know he's worth at least
that much.

“i don‘t know how much
money each person will go


Continued from page i


tember 2002 transfer of
8190.000 collected by a Deliay-
organizer! group mostly from
corporations to the national
Republican party in Washing-
ton and the payment several
weeks later of 8190000 by the
party to selector! state candi-
dates in Texas.

The aim of the alleged
scheme was to ensure the elec-
tion of a Republican majority
that year in the Texas House.
so it could redraw the state‘s
congressional map to favor
the election of more Republi-
cans. The effort succeeded.
and five more Texas Republi-
cans were elected to (‘ongress
in 2001.




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going to say. Sea said. W"e
weren’t able to completely
clear the other vehicle."

A second ambulance
came within five minutes to
continue transporting the pa.
tient. he said.

Both police departments
helped direct the traffic situ-
ation. which cleared up after
“not more than 2:3 or 30 min
utes." said Kevin Franklin.
UK's acting police chief.

Death toll for Pakistan
earthquake rises

lSLAMABAI), Pakistan

Relief officials and local
government leaders in north-
ern Pakistan have reported
dramatically higher death
tolls from the devastating
Oct. 8 earthquake. with esti-

for. but 810 would be great.“
said .lared Tippets, an assis
tant director in llK's Student
Activities office. Overall. the
committee is hoping to raise
at least 81.000 to send to the
clinic by the end of the
spring semester.

Inspired by a similar
fundraiser at Penn State.
DanceBlue hopes to become
well known and highly antic-
ipated. Last year. Penn
State‘s “’l‘hon" raised tnore
than $4 million.

Dancclllue wants to "get
the whole campus involved."
said Meredith Hughes. presi-
dent of Student Activities

Texas is one of 18 states
that bars the expenditure of
corporate funds for campaign
purposes. and the indictment
alleged that the two funds
transfers were an attempt to
subvert state law. The Republiv
can National Committee and
I)el.ay’s associates have both
claimed to the contrary that
the transfers were legal be
cause the money frotn Texas
went into one bank account
and the funds that went to
Texas were paid out from an-
other account in Washington.

"The right thing. the
courageous thing. for you to
do is to admit you were wrong
and dismiss the. case right
away." DeGuerin wrote in a
letter to the county district at-
torney. Ronnie Earle. “The
longer you drag it out the
more obvious it becomes that
the result you care about most
is the political damage your

mates reaching 100.000, the
army’s chief spokesman said

The government has de-
cided against revising its of-
ficial estimate of 38.000 killed
until its relief coordinator
completes a survey. but it etc—
knowledgcs that the actual
toll probably will be much
higher. said the spokesman.
Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan.

In the meantime. the gov-
ernment is reluctant to eti-
dorse the rise in field estis
mates because of their impli-
cations for the amount of
money it will offer to victims
in compensation. Sultan
said. Parliament approved
about $85 million in aid to
quake victims a week ago.
when the official toll stood
just under 20.000.

Board. "Because it is a
statewide project. we hope
that more people than just
the UK community gets in-
volved someday.” she said.

The group is hoping to
draw a good crowd tomorrow
night. which is its first event
of the school year.

“if it goes well the first
year. it builds from there.“
Goldman said.

“We are really hoping for
campus unity." Hughes said.
“The longer [)anceBlue is
around. hopefully the more
people get involved."

newsw Icy/ferric]. com

actions have done to Tom De-

l)el.a_v has previously al-
leged that one of Earlc‘s aims
was to force him from his po-
sition as House majority
leader. Under a House Repub-
lican rule . those accused of
felony crimes must step down
from leadership roles. Had [)e»
Lay agreed to Earle‘s sugges-
tion that he plead guilty to a
lesser charge. he would not
have been forced to step down.

Earle did not respond to a
request for comment Monday.
A series of subpoenas issued
by [-Zarle‘s office late last week
for telephone records of De-
liay. a daughter who serves as
his event planner. and some
assrwiates in Washington and
Texas suggests that Earle is
still seeking information that
might bolster his case against

2005 Agriculture Career Fair


Look at your

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crlnesrlau, October l9 at 8 pm.


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Oct. 18. 2005


Brittany Johnson
Asst. Features Editor
Phone: 257-915

-rnail: teaturesOkykernel.com



I:‘eeS E

ETCETE“ I The Poore Philosophy


Columns come and go, but fame lasts forever

It seems as if I’ve arrived.

And by arrived, I mean
there's a Facebookcom
group dedicated to me.

The massive, addicting
o n I i n e
that took
over cam-
pus last
year con-
tinues to
a b s o r b
more stu-
dents and
more col-
Ieges na-
It’s even
gotten into
the high
school scene. This will obvi-
ously give rise to “FA” —
Facebook Anonymous
support groups in the very
near future.

Some people call Face-
book the ultimate stalker
tool. I call it the ultimate pro
crastination tool.

But what can I say? Some-
one created the “I've been
poked by Derek Poore” Face-
book group and, apparently.
it’s all the rage. I mean there
are 10 members, come on!




Ten whole people who’ve de-
cided to join this obvious
cult. I wasn't aware I poked
so many people to warrant
my own group, but maybe I
do it late at night and it’s
similar to sleepwalking.

Facebook groups in gen-
eral are goofy. You can tell a
lot about people by the com-
pany they keep and the Face-
book groups they join.

There are student-athlete
groups, Ashley Judd fan
clubs, groups about Face-
book and more thought-pro-
voking groups like “We Love
Taco Bell all Day and all
Night.” Also “Drunk Dialers
Anonymous,” “I Went to Pub-
lic School, Bitch! (UK Chap-
ter)," “They Shouldn’t Let
Ugly Girls In At UK“ and
“Nerdy Girls Make Me Hot."
Some are smaller, like “Halo
2 Rocks my Face Off " and
others, like the public school
group, number in the thou-

Facebook lets you link to
high school buddies and oth-
er friends at colleges across
the country. It also lets you
pretend like you know 700
people. There’s even a guy
circulating who is attempt-

ing to be "friends” with five
million Facebook members.

Plenty of members are
not what they seem. Tubby
Smith is on there, but I doubt
it‘s actually him. So are
Judd, Gov. Ernie Fletcher,
Napoleon Dynamite, George
W. Bush, John Kerry and
everyone in between.

If you need your finger
on the pulse of campus,
check Facebook. Late night
nacho runs is the most excit-
ing thing going on right now.

When people aren’t on
this thing. they talk about it.
The profile picture is the
only thing people talk about
anymore. At least once a day
I hear someone say, “Did you
see what Jill put up on her
Facebook picturel?"

Parties and poking are
important Facebook tools,

People I‘ve never heard of
have invited me to many keg
parties. I showed up and
they‘d never heard of me ei-
ther. We all became fast Face-
book friends.

l’ve found people are
checking their Facebook for
messages more than e-mail
or even their cell phones.

Can‘t find someone? Poke
them. They're on the comput-
er staring at what dirty mes-
sages Joe Schmoe has on his

But now that I’ve obvious-
ly made my case for hitting
the big-time, I also have an
announcement to make. Af-
ter nearly a year writing this
column, I‘m laying it to rest.
I’m afraid “Et Cetera" passed
away around 3 pm. yesterday
when I finished writing it.
I’m moving on, focusing on
my other Kernel duties.
Thanks to everyone who saw
fit to send me half-drunken
messages and fan mail.

I may write something
when the mood strikes me,
like why there is no Et
Cetera next week, but other-
wise this is where you get
teary eyed and I laugh at you.

Don't cry Go do the cross-
word or something.

But don’t grieve.

Join my Facebook group.
You’ll feel better.



Avett Brothers bring mixed genre to The Dame

By Nathan Thacher
KERNEL uusnc cnmc

Close your eyes, and
picture the following: The
Violent Femmes donning
banjos and straw hats,
The Everly Brothers with
mohawks, Sam Beam per-
forming on cocaine. . . got
all that? Voila! You’re
now looking at The Avett
Brothers. And if you
want a closer look, they’re
bringing their live show
to The Dame tonight.

The Avett Brothers
are whatever you’d like to
make of them. Solely call-
ing the group punk-fla-
vored bluegrass or up-
beat folk is selling these
boys quite short. The va-
riety of pace and tone
from song to song lends
this group to any number
of genres, among punk,
folk, pop-rock and coun-
try, all beautifully trans-
lated through soaring
three-part harmonies, an
eclectic and varied string
section, and the warm,
bouncy strums of coun-
try-style bass.

Scott Avett, providing
vocals, banjo and kick
drum; Seth Avett, on vo-
cals and guitar; and Bob
Crawford with vocals and
upright bass, hail from
North Carolina and have
brought the sound of old-
time mountain music and
American folk into a mod-
ern forum without losing
any of the passion and
levity that makes it so en-

The songs featured on
their latest release “Live,
Volume 2” are taken from
their previous albums
“Mignonette” and “A Car-
olina Jubilee” as well as

some new tracks. The al-
bum doesn’t sound as
noisy or frantic as punk
or rock, if for no other
reason than it’s all
acoustic. The cozy twang
of the banjo effectively
anchors the sound in the
realm of the rustic and re-
laxing, and the Everly-es-
que vocal harmony rein-
forces these idyllic roots.

“Swept Away,”
“Please Pardon Yourself,"
“A Lot of Movin’" and
“The New Love Song"
sound like mostly tradi
tional bluegrass-country,
following the time-tested
leisurely rhythms that
made Hank Williams and
Bill Monroe famous.
Rather than the drunken
melancholy and lost love
that marks the latter two
artists, the Avetts are
much more optimistic
and light-heartedly play-
ful, both lyrically and

Songs like “At the
Beach,” “The Day Marvin
Gaye Died” and “Pretty
Girl from Cedar Lane”
don a very different style,
distinctly pop-inspired
with the guitar trying its
damnedest to shine over
the banjo. “One Line
Wonder” had me thinking
I was suddenly listening
to a Ben Folds song, and
Scott changes from the
more nasal, drawn-out
notes to sound, well, more
like a pop singer, and yet,
it all still fits into the con-
tinuity of the album.

The place where the
punk influence is most
notable is in the pace of
the strings, and in songs
like “Hard Worker,"
“Nothing Short of Thank-

ful” and “Letter to a Pret-
ty Girl." The boys bang
away on their strings
with a punk-like fervor,
and the vocals become
more loud and strident.
“Complainte d’un Matelot
Mourant” is the standout
track on “Live," the only
one with a dreary, slightly
spooky tone, with the
boys wailing out a ghostly

The best compliment
I could pay to The Avett
Brothers would be to say
that their music always
sounds real, never con-
trived or overwrought.
Its antiquated flavor is
well-preserved, but
sounds very fresh and
alive due to the revitaliz—



ing effects of rock. Most
of the best music, honest
1y, has already been sung,
and those artists who rec-
ognize it and build upon
these sturdy roots end up
making the best new mu-
sic. The Avett Brothers
do this quite well.



If You Go
The Avett Brothers
Where: The Dame
WherL' Tonight at 8
How Much: Tickets cost $5.




The Avett Brothers, (Left to right) Scott Avett (vocals, banjo), Seth Avett
(vocals, guitar) and Bob Crawford (upright bass, vocals), will perform

tonight at 8 at The Dame. Tickets cost $5.



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The New Shape of



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The Campus Calendar rs produced by the Office of Student Artrwtres, Leadership 3 involvement Registered Student Orqs

fiche of SW HM, [WA/r471 8 flmlaewzeat

and UK Dents can submit information for FREE on/rne ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear (ta/12574067 for more information





cJames W. Stuckert Career Center
Drop» in Hours, 3:00 pm, James W.
Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose
cFencing Club Practice, 8:00 pm, Buell
OMen‘s Volleyball Open Gym, 8:00
pm, Alumni Gym
ocheap Seat Tuesdays presents
'Fantastic 4', 8:00 pm, Worsham
'National Student Exchange info
Session, 3:30 pm, 102 Miller Hall
OUK College Democrats, 7:30 pm,
Student Center Rm 211
OUK Greenthumb Meeting, 6:30 pm,
Room 106 Student Center
OBINGO, 7:00 pm, Student Center
OAlpha Phi Omega Actives Meeting,
7:30 pm
eThe Thomas D. Clark Study, 7:00 am,
Thomas D. Clark Study
0The Rock, 9:00 pm, Sig Ep House
e8asic Needs Planning Meeting, 6:00
pm, In front of the SVC Office
OTaeKwonDo practice, 6:30 pm,
Alumni gym loft


‘ r-VlJiS: Peace Corps-Presentationotoo

pm, James W. Stuckert Career Center -
408 Rose Street

eThe Thomas D. Clark Study, 7:00 am,
Thomas D. Clark Study

°Student Government A B R Meeting,
8:00 pm, 363 Student Center

Olames W. Stuckert Career Center
Drop In Hours, 3:00 pm, James W.
Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose

OUK Habitat for Humanity Meeting,
5:15 pm, Student Center Room 228
0Ad Club a Marketing Meeting: Rajiv
Satyal, P86 Marketing Exec, 8:00 am,
3rd Floor, Lucille Little Fine Arts

ODanceBlue Date Auction, 8:00 pm,
Memorial Hall

0Comedy Caravan, 8:00 pm, Student
Center Cat's Den



OUKLAMBDA Meeting, 7:30 pm, Room
357 of the Student Center ,
pm, Blevins House

OFree Movie--The Maltese Falcon,
10:00 pm, Student Center-Center

ITaeKwonDo practice, 6:30 pm,
Alumni gym loft

IFencing Club Practice, 8:00 pm, Buell

eThe Thomas D. Clark Study, 700 am,
Thomas D. Clark Study

tlnterview for Success. 3:30 pm, James
W. Stuckert Career Center - 408 Rose

~Lecture: The Future of Physics, 7:00
pm, Memorial Hall

eAmnesty international meeting, 700
pm, Student Center Rm 228

ORSA General Assembly Meetings,
5:30 pm, 359 Student Center
pm, Blevins House

OMen's Volleyball Open Gym, 8 00
pm, Alumni Gym

'James W. Stuckert Career Center
Drop- in Hours, 300 pm, James W
Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose



? Drop in Hours, 300 pm, James W.


~The Thomas D. Clark Study, 7:00 am,

; Thomas D. Clark Study

-James W. Stuckert Career Center

Stuckert Career Center 408 Rose


elCF Dinner and Fellowship, 7.00 pm, 3
(SF Building on Woodland Ave. ;
(across from Cooperstown Apt.) ‘
~Anthropology Department *
Colloquium Series, 4:00 pm, 213 ‘

OFree Movie-‘The Shawshank

Center-Worsham Theater

_._...-......., ~ (new... ._.

Redemption, 10:00 pm, Student 3

- 0Col|ege of Pharmacy PharmD.

Program Open House, 9:00 am,
Nursing Bldg. Room 201

OThe Thomas D. Clark Study, 7.00 am,
Thomas D. Clark Study

oFree Movie-Busting Out, 10:00 pm,
Student Center-Worsham Theater

OUKUFO, 10:00 pm, Seaton Field
~Placing Leaders Around Youth, 4 00
pm, Meet Outside the Student Center .
by the ATMs

OBanner Competition, 4:00 pm, W.T
Young Library

09th Annual UK Homecoming SK
Run/Walk, 1:00 pm, UK Arboretum
OThe Thomas D. Clark Study, 7 00 am,
Thomas D. Clark Study









Oct. 18, 2005

Editorial Board

Adam Sichko, Editor In chiei

Tim liseman. Ilanaoinq editor
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor
Brenton Kennel. Asst. Opinions editor


Chris Johnson. Asst. Sports editor
Crystal Little. Projects eater
Derek Poore. Sports editor

Doug Scott, Features editor

Josh Sullivan. Stat! columnist







For now, SG has lost right to independence

. In all the legal wrangling
over who won last school
year‘s Student Government
election, one question
emerged as crucial: Who has
the final say over 80's ac

Becky Ellingsworth. cur-
rently serving as SG presi-
dent. has held that the 80
Supreme Court has ultimate
oversight. But UK has main-
tained »~ and now wants to
codify ~— that SC is subordi-
nate to UK.

The proposed changes to
UK‘s governing regulations
regarding SG say the organi-
zation‘s “rules shall be con-
sistent with the vision. mis-
sion and values of the Uni-

as otherwise delegated by the
Board of Trustees."

The document also says:
“The Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs has administra-
tive oversight and superviso-
ry responsibility. including,
but not limited to, those in-
volving budget and finance,
for Student Government As-

In other words. UK can
step into SG affairs when
university administrators
think the organization has
stepped out of line.

With recent events in
mind H especially the elec-
tion dispute. which should
never have gone to Fayette
Circuit Court ~ we think the

election fiasco magnified: the
lack of a clear definition of
the relationship between UK
and SG. If such a document
had existed in the first place,
regardless of whom it gave
ultimate oversight to, UK
would not be wasting time,
money and resources in an
ongoing court battle over
who won the SG election in

Moreover, we think it's
right for UK to have the final
say on 80 actions — out of
sheer pragmatism more than
philosophical considerations.
86 has done little over the
past few years to warrant to-
tal independence; rather, it
has wasted student money on

which non-SG members can-
not speak before votes are
taken, attempts to take over
Student Activities Board and
WRFL, and the everexces~
sive (but barely attended)
Gator Roast and Hoosier Dad-
dy street parties.

SC is funded by student
fees, and so it is right for the
university to hold it account-
able, especially when one
considers its pattern of be-
havior. No organization has
the right to waste student
money without oversight.
and as events since March
(and in past years) have made
clear. the election process it-

cise restraint under the new
regulations and step in only
when appropriate. Just as SG
shouldn't exist solely to
waste student money, neither
should it be merely an arm of
university officials’ whims.
Perhaps UK should con-
sider using the new regula-
tions as a probationary peri-
0d of a few years, such that
UK would grant SG more in-
dependence as it proved itself
more mature and trustwor-
thy. As they respond to the
plan, 86 members should ex-
ercise humility — the organi-
zation has little going for it
as of late — while challeng-

would seriously hinder the
work we do at The Kernel.
We would also certainly be
happy to see an autonomous,
well-functioning SC in the fu-

But The Kernel gets its
revenue for production and
staff salaries through adver-
tising. (Two Kernel advisers
receive university salaries,
but they have no final say
over content in The Kernel.)
SG, by contrast, receives its
funding through mandatory
student fees. As such, the
university has the right to
hold SG accountable for its



versity and shall be governed
by the governing and admin-
istrative regulations. policies
and procedures as adopted or


new regulations are appro-

At the very least. they ad-
dress the problem that the

Patriot Act condemnations,
annual election scandals,
Tim Robinson’s voter-regis-
tration fraud. meetings in

control of SC is the optimal
state of affairs. Obviously,
the university should exer- to


We understand the value
of independence: Subjection

self is not oversight enough. ing UK to leave the door open Now is the time for 86 to
On the other hand, we for more autonomy in the fu- respond appropriately to the
don’t think full university tune new regulations —- not by op

posing them loudly, but by
shaping up and proving itself
worthy of independence.


Football fandom isn't
reserved for the boys

I can hold my own with boys. I was born into a family
full of boys.

In fact. I feel pretty privileged to have grown up with
two older brothers.

Among the many things they have
taught me through the years, I believe
the most influential was how to act
around boys. They have taught me how
to build a fort. how to play sports and
even how to get out of any tickling hold.
They have taught it all to me.

My personality is proof that I have
grown up around boys. College has been
the first time that I have had to spend
more than maybe a week of camp with
girls. In fact. it was a rude awakening
living in a dorm full of girls my fresh-
man year. I was not used to the scream-
ing and giggling at all hours of the day.

Since then though. girls have grown on me. with one
exception ~~ watching football.

For example. my freshman year I watched the Ohio
State-Michigan game in my dorm with two girls. They
both fell asleep during the most crucial part of the game.
After that. I made a vow to myself that I would never
watch an important game under those conditions. I told
myself that I‘d always sacrifice the mileage to drive to
Ohio. where I knew the people would be sporting Buckeye

To understand my pain. imagine watching Patrick
Sparks make the three-pointer against Michigan State last
year ~ while the people around you are sleeping. I could-
n‘t scream. and I couldn‘t express the excitement running
through my veins. It was rough.

So I have come to the conclusion that there are five
types of female football fans.

Female fan type one is the girl who is really just watch-
ing the game because she wants to hang out with the peo-
ple who actually care about the game. This girl watches
the game without really knowing what is going on. but she
just enjoys the company and tries not to make silly com-
ments during plays.

Type two is the girl who came to watch only because
her boyfriend wanted to watch the game. She couldn't care
less about the game but wants to be with her boyfriend.
During the game. she strives for her man's attention but
she ends up getting him frustrated because he doesn’t care
what she has to say when the opposing team is on third
and goal. Eventually. he gets annoyed and ignores her
presence. In return. she gets upset. Then. the other specta-
tors find themselves watching the episode between the
“love birds" instead of the game. Tension fills the air and
makes for an uneasy football-watching atmosphere.

The third female fan t