xt70gb1xgt5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgt5v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 2001 2001 2001-11-08 2020 true xt70gb1xgt5v section xt70gb1xgt5v By the


percent of Americans
who label homosexuali-
ty as an “acceptable

the average age that
women acknowledge
their same-sex orienta-
tion. The average age
for men is l5.

percent of high school
students report hear-
ing homophobic
remarks regularly from

percent of teenagers
who feel forced to drop
out of school because

of harassment about
their sexual orientation

percent of students
who hear homophobic
comments made by
school staff

percent of lesbians
who report suffering
from family physical vi.
olence based on sexual
orientation. 19 percent
of gay men report this
same violence

percent of homeless
youth who identify as
being gay or lesbian

number of distinct
mammalian species ho-
mosexuality has been
observed in

percent of gay and les-
bian teens that admit
to feelings of severe

percent of gay and les-
bian youth that are
forced to leave home
because of conflict
with family members
about their sexual

percent of Americans
who support equal
rights for gay people

number of states it is

legal to be fired from
your job because of
sexual orientation

See page 2 for a
preview of Keith
Boykin's talk tonight at
Memorial Hall. He will
discuss race, sex and

Compiled by:

Mark Boxley

ts, CNN and Gallop Polls.

THE 411 ‘

so 39

The sun and planets
may mean a lot to us.
but they're just one of
more than 200 billion
stars and planets in the
Milky Way galaxy.


ISSUE 1353

VOL. “I08


Call 257-1915 or e-mail




November 8, 200]


Bl s_°_".!1.'-_.'F.'_'.'9!' 5‘3!!!

surf wmita

Some students will have to
find a new area to study next fall
because UK's graphic design ma-
jor will no longer be offered

The Art Department in the
College of Fine Arts' is phasing
out the major and plans to imple
ment a new one in hopes that it
will better prepare students for
the future, The current major
will no longer be offered begin»
ning next fall.

But the issue at this point is
the future of current students

Juniors and seniors already
involved in the graphic design
major will be allowed to continue
on the design path and graduate.
but freshmen and sophomores
will take classes toward a degree
in the new major. new media and
digital imaging.

One of the students affected
is Matt (lroneck,

Groneck was majoring in
graphic design but has since de-
clared art studio because of the


change. (lroneck said he is un-
happy with the change and the
way it has been communicated to
students. "They haven't given us
a reason as to why they did it."
(lroneck said.

Information about the
change was given through advis—
ing conferences. said Jack Gron.
chairman of the art department.
But many students are still un-
sure of‘ their future at ['K.

"I feel like they are making

me leave UK." (lroiieck said. "If

they don‘t offer my major here. I
may have to transfer. I don‘t
want to leave my friends. but I
feel like I have to."

(ironeck came to Hi for the
major after turning down a full
scholarship to Murray State l'nir

he said. And (iron said this area
needed serious attention.

"The new major will address
the need for knowledge in a
world of new and growing me-
dia." (iron said. “The major will
encompass elements of graphic
design but will gear toward new
media such as DVD and (‘DARom
instead of print media design."

A national search has begun
to find a digital media professor
who will begin teaching classes
this fall. The new professor will
intertwine digital media with
photography and the existing
graphics design program.

"We are not closing the pro
gram. but changing it for the bet
ter." (iron said.

A change
in desrgn
Ken Ayres. a graph-
ic design instructor,
watches Joe Hard-
wick, a graphic
design junior. adjust
an assignment. Both
students and pro-
fessors said they
are disappointed in
the department's
decision to change
the major.

JESSELEBUS l mm. \‘Ali

Though students are disap-
pointed. Groii said the change
will improve the program.

"I understand how students
could get the wrong idea. but
they will be more prepared than
ever in a career in this field. We
are expanding to make it better.“


For information on the graphic
design major change call Jack Gran.
chairman of the art department. at

Winning ways

Raber leads
men‘s soccer
team into
l 8



Professor reflects on military service

Veteran says war taught him the meaning of freedom

In service

Lt. Col. Brian Wade in the Persian 6qu during the Gulf War. Wade was
in the military for 17 years. He now teaches military science at UK.



By Sonya Lichtenstein


Lt. Col. Brian Wade never
thought about what it truly meant
to be an American. Now he knows
that freedom isn't free.

Like Wade. most students at
UK are not old enough to truly re—
call the Gulf War. Most remember
the little things i like their par-
ents watching President George
Bush on the news or wearing
“Support Our Troops" stickers.
But for one person on campus. the
war that lasted only 96 hours
changed his life.

As Veteran's Day approaches.
Wade. a veteran of the war who
now works as a professor of mili-
tary science. reflected on what his
17 years of service meant to him.

“A lot of people walk around
talking about rights and privileges
they have because they are citi-
zens of the greatest nation in the
world. but they also have responsi-
bilities.” Wade said.

Wade served in the Army dur-
ing the war as a mechanized com
pany commander overseeing 130

“When you are in the Army.
you are part of a family. When you
live in a confined spot with a lot of

uncertainty. you get close to peo-
ple." he said

Wade spent eight months over-
seas in the Persian Gulf. moving
between Saudi Arabia and Iraq

Because there were no bases
in the Middle East for his compa».
ny. he and his soldiers worked in
iZO-degree heat and slept in the
desert for the duration of their ser—

"We lived outdoors and slept
on or near our combat vehicles."
he said. "There was no structural
shelter. so we created shade with
what we had. It was like a camping

That “trip" brought with it a
great deal of responsibility "I was
(the company's) leader. I was who
they looked to when they were
feeling insecure That bond never
goes away. Until I die. I will al-
ways have that bond."

The feeling of insecurity was
all too familiar for Wade. He felt it
himself in 1990 when he was de-
ployed to the Middle East.

Wade. who was married and
had a two-year-old daughter. said
his family was sad but suppoitive,

“There was no guarantee that
I would come back. There was a
degree of uncertainty because. at
that point. no one knew if there


UK tearing down Kappa Alpha house

by Emily Hagedorn and

Heath Tingle


The mission of the Kappa Air
pha Order fraternity is to “create a
lifetime experience" for its mem-
bers. but for some. losing the Kappa
Alpha house on Hilltop Drive will
become a lifelong memory.

The fratei‘nity's lapse on its
lease prompted l'K officials to de-
cide to demolish the house. said
Ken Clevidence. the associate vice
president for (‘ampus and Auxil
iary Services.

Because of internal problems.
the KA house is not inhabitable.
Last December the KA's fell behind
on utility payments and were forced
to shut off the house‘s heat. which
caused the pipes to freeze. The
building then flooded.

The cost to repair the house
was estimated in the $1 million
range. and the funds needed were
more than UK was willing to pay.
especially without financial back-
ing from KA. (‘levidence said.



The Kappa Alpha
house on Hilltop
Drive sits empty
because it is not
Members of the
fraternity have
plans to rebuild
a new house.

Dee's roiroe

"We felt that type of funding
was not worth those buildings." he
said. "The university does not have
the expenditures to cover the cost."

It will take three to four
months. and cost between 820in
and Sililkili to tear down the build-

(‘levidence said if the KA's
wish to rebuild at the same location
they can. but [K is encouraging
them to move to Greek Park the
new "six- pack” of fraternities l'K
hopes to build by 20H. Building
plans include the renovation ofthe

The Studient ew siontucy, exington

current buildings. which will cost
smirk“ per house

Nick Doiron. a biology junior
and KA member. said the absence
of a house is causing membership
to decline “t‘ommunication is diffi-
cult." Doiron said. ”Some brothers
that didn't live in the house could
check there for updates."

(‘urrentlv RA is meeting off
campus once a week and asking
alumni to donate funds

They are estimating a two-year
timetable to build a new house. The
location has yet to be determined.

would be a war or not.”

This degree of uncertainty was
hard for Wade. "I didn't real}; re
act to my own departure. I was
more, concerned with what I was
going to do once I got there "

Wade served in the (Eulf from
August 1990 until April 1991.
Though his troops were stationed
in the Middle East for months. the
actual war only lasted a few days.
beginning with ground .ittacks on
Feb. 24. 1991. "It was quick. furious
and then it was over." he sflltl.

Wade came home in April 1991
a changed man. He returned and
received a Bronze Star and a l‘oii‘.‘
bat Infantrynian's badge. He also
came back feeling different about
his freedom.

"Rights and privileges are a
gift. Respoiisil‘iilities are what we
have to maintain." he said

Wade emphasizes those re
sponsibilities on caiiipiis. "Teach-
ing the cadets in ROTC is the
greatest thing I can do, There‘s no
place I'd rather be."

National Veterans Day

Ceremonies observing the contri-
butions of veterans will be Sunday.

my current: f tome. suit

Talking about race

Larry Johnson leads the discussion on race relations Wednesday night
in the Student Center. See page 3 for an article on the discussion.



 El THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, zootfll «limo Kantian.


The Low-down

like your
watch. in
a private,
and do
not pull
it out
strike it.
merely to
that you

- Philip Dormer
(4th Earl of

Distinguished FBI agent speaking at UK

lFXthL'l‘th 'l‘he founder and former di~
rector of the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation‘s
Anti 'l‘errorist 'l‘ask Force Danny t‘oulson will
speak on campus (‘onlsotr a ctiunter-terrot‘ism
professional. is best known for arresting 'l‘imo
thy McVeigh who was convicted of the (lkla-
homa t ity bombings t‘oulson speaks at 7 pm
'l‘uesday Nov 1». in the UK Student (‘enter
tirand llallrooni llis program. “The War oti 'l‘er-
rot'ism l’ast l‘rt-sent and Future."
charge and opt-n to tile ptiblic

FAA says airport adhering to security

l.t )t'lS\'ll.l.l-L comments made by l'S.
'l‘ransptit'tation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta ear
her this week haye led airport and Federal Avta
tien Admnnstrators to clarify a security incident
that occurred at Louisville lnternational Airport.
\irport officials called a news conference to dis-
cnss comments Mineta made Monday in Chicago
to discuss airport security Mineta noted that iii-
cidents oyer the weekend in Kentucky and (‘hica
go were e\ tdence that security was lacking iii the
wry airlines are screening passengers.

Auburn investigates offensive party

Al'lll'RN. Ala Auburn l'niversity offi-
cials said Wednesday that punishments could
come as early as next week for two fraternities
accused ofdressing in Kit Klux Klan robes at Hal-
loween parties The school said it will work with
national fraternity l‘t‘1)I‘t‘8t‘llliltlYt’S. 'l‘he investi-
gation began after professionally taken pictures
from the parties were posted on the lnternet.
lielta Sigma Phi fraternity has expelled two of its
members one who dressed up in a Kit Klux
Klan costume at the (let. ‘3? party.

Charges against officer dropped
(‘th‘lNXA'l‘l A prosecutor dropped the
remaining charge against a police officer acquit»
ted of assaulting a black than who died in police
custody Hamilton (‘ounty l’rosecutor Mike
Allen “was considering a retrial for l )fficer Robert
.Iorg on a charge of involuntary manslaughter.
Allen said Wednesday that no new witnesses had
come forward and the state had no additional ev~
idence it could use. A jury failed to agree on the
felony charge, Jorg was found innocent of misde-
meanor assault in the Nov. 7. 2000. death of Roger
()wensby Jr. Jorg was the first city police officer
charged with a felony in an on-duty death.

is free of


Larry Hagman is
known for playing
the powerful.
conservative J.R.
[wrng on
"Dallas." But in
real life, the
actor talks openly
about the
hallucinations he
experienced the
first time he
dropped acrd.
"This cave door
opened up right
in front of me -I
mean it was
really real - and
there were
guarding the
gates and a lion
with feathers and
it could fly. It was
very. very scary,"
Haqman told AP
Radio. ”Andi
looked up to my
left and my
who'd been dead
for, like, 25 years
was sitting up
and she kind of
levitated in the
sky above me and
she says, 'Don't
worry about it -
go with the

Comedian receives time for crimes

MACON. Ga. It was no laughing matter
for a man who confessed at a comedy club to sev-
eral armed bank robberies a federal judge on
Wednesday sentenced him to more than 87 years
in prison. Glenn S Matthew's. l5. of Warner
Robins was convicted in Attgust of robbing three
banks with a rifle In January. Matthews took
the stage at the (‘omedy (‘afe in Macon and cori-
fessed to robbing the banks between December
10% and January 3001. Audience members
laughed as club officials called police. lti addition
to the 87-year sentence. l'.S. liistrict Judge
Wilbur l). ()wens Jr. sentenced Matthews to five
years of supervised release and ordered him to
repay the banks more than 333.000.

Basketball player charged with threats

Ml'RRAY. Ky. Murray State basketball
player Jamar Ayant was suspended frotn the
team after being charged with sending two e
mailed bomb threats. Ayant. ‘10. of Murphysboro.
111.. faces a felony count of terroristic threaten-
ing, He was lodged in the t'alloway t‘onnty jail in
lteti of a 82.300 cash bond The two bomb threats
were received Monday on campus. a university
statement said. Avant was arrested Tuesday by
campus police after aii investigation.

U.S. trying to dry up terrorist money

WASHINGTON 'l‘lie llush administration
orchestrated raids on l'.S. businesses in a global
crackdown on ()sama bin liaden‘s financial net
work Wednesday, ()verseas. Swiss police arrest-
ed two Arab financiers linked to the terrorist.
Warrants were executed as part of President
Bush's campaign to dry tip terrorist money sup»
plies. according to officials who spoke on condi
tion of anonymity

French court denies Al Fayed's suit

PARIS A French court denied Mohamed
Al Fayed's claim for damages Wednesday over
what he had called a flawed part of the inquiry
into the Princess lliana case. Al Fayed had
claimed 3111.000. saying that two French investi~
gatingjudges erred when they didn't iimnediate-
ly inyestigate a charge of invasion of privacy
against the news photographers at the scene. The
Aug. :ll. 1997 crash at the Alina traffic tunnel
killed Diana. Dodi Fayed and driver llenri l’aul.
An investigation into the inyasitinrofipriyacy
claim began only this year. with another judge.
l'nder Judge Muriel Josie. eight photographers
who were cleared in the maiti probe have been
placed under investigation a step short of for
mal charges for photographing the victims in
their car

Compiled from wire reports



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Being gay and
black in America

Awareness: Former presidential assistant
to address spirituality and sexuality

By Steve Ivey


The highest ranking gay
person in the l'.S. government
speaks tonight on campus.

Keith Boykin. a former
special assistant to former
l’resident Bill (‘linton and an»
thor, will discuss race, gender
and sexual orientation dis-

ltoykin said gay aware-
ness has increased over the
past 10 years, especially on
college campuses.

"It‘s not unusual to find
gay organizations oti any catn-
pus nowadays.” the Harvard
graduate said. Roykin said he
would like to see gay aware-
ness increase iii all connnuni

"There has been much of

an effort in recent years to try
to build a coalition between
groups of color atid Lesbian
(lay Bisexual 'l‘ransgendcr or-
ganixations." he said. "Black
lesbians and gays must be
willing to define themselves
and not be defined either by
others stereotypes or by their
own fear of those stereo-

lti his first book. (Me
More [ricer to (‘mxsi Ifc'INL’
[flock and (lay in America.
Boykin outlines his struggle
to unite black and gay com-

"The river we all face as
Americans is prejudice
against whose current we
must defend our democratic


December». if Din
llticcmtim l5 '/ liim

Students can pirrhisii llllll lll tirkcl DPJ game for SS iiiith .i
tliiiiirls roll lllll purchase additional

ideals of equality and opportu-
nity." he said. "Will we cross
this river together. or will we
be divided by forces of hate
and fear'?”

Another dividing force
lloykin plans to address is the
issue of spirituality and sexu~

"I embrace my race. sexus
al orientation and religion.
and they do not conflict." he

The event should work to
unite UK students. said Shon-
ta l’helps. the multicultural
director of L'K’s Student Ac.
tivities Board. which is spon-
soring the event.

“People tend to associate
discrimination with race.
when in actuality. people are
oppressed according to gen
der. age. religion and sexual
orientation." Phelps said.

Boykin‘s talk about race
and sex in America is one peo-
ple need to hear. said Jennifer
Mueller. a journalism and for
eign languages and interna-
tional economics senior,

"He has great insights
about racial and sexual coir
flicts that he‘s either re-
searched or dealt with first
hand "

Progressive thought

the event is at 8 pm. at
Memorial Hall tonight. the event is
free and open to the public.

Boykin will discuss sex, lies
and race in America.






1mm KERNEI. | THURSDAY novmorna 2001 1 3


Forum encourages racial honesty

By_ Kristin Durhln


For a group of 10. Wednes
day was graduation day at UK.

Students. faculty and com-
munity members participating
in the final of a series of discus-
sions on 1ace and ethnicity ex
pressed mixed emotions as they
began thei1 evening.

Lora i ittleton. a I‘ransylva1
nia University senior. said she
wanted to come back next se»

“I looked forward to it
every week. and I‘m sad it‘s our

at UK



American Indian or
Alaskan native


last week," she said.

Dialogues. a discussion be-
tween a group of ethnically dif-
ferent individuals. met for five
weeks this semester in hopes of
honestly discussing race.

Most of the participants ap
proached the final night with a
sense of accomplishment.

'I‘heresa Davis-Beatty. a
black l'K employee. said she e11-
111yed the honest discussions.

"It's something that's very
much needed. especially here at
the university.“ she said.

With the group discussions
came free pizza and sodas. As

some members munched on
mushroom pizza and sipped
Mountain Dew the talk facili-
tators. Brittany Strobel and
Larry Johnson. asked them to
describe themselves.

“How you see yourself has
a great impact on how we see
each other." Johnson said.

Johnson encouraged spon~
taneous responses. but he ac-
knowledged some of the group
members‘ anxieties.

Beatty said at times. she
was anxious.

“I was sort of uncomfort-
able. I didn't know how the

white men would take my com-
ments. but it's always been a
positive outcome.” she said.

Some said they learned
more about themselves.

“It really brought things to
the forefront ~ things I might
not have talked about as
much." Littleton said.


Dialogues begin again on Feb.
5. Apply at 513 Patterson Office
Tower. For information, visit





Asian or
Pacific islander







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Avoid the harassment,
discrimination game

Forbidden: Definitions may vary, be aware

By Kristin Durhin


With the recent attacks on
international students and ms
es of discrimination. harass-
ment is a reality on I’K's cani-

Representatives of ['K's ()f
fice of Equal Opportunity pre-
sented students. faculty and
staff with advice on how to re»
port cases of discrimination.
which are not tolerated on cam-

“UK's responsibility is con»
tinually raised to prevent and
respond to harassment." said
Patty Bender. UK‘s affirmative
action and equal opportunity
compliance officer.

Equal Opportunity investigates
all complaints.

One type of complaint at
the university that has changed
during the past 10 years is sexu1
al harassment.

Bender said the attitudes
toward sexual harassment have

“We had people in 199:1 that
would argue with us about the
definition of sexual harass-
ment." Bender said.

She said the definition of

sexual harassment has not
changed. but UK's responsibili
ty has.

“The bar of liability for the
university has been raised.”


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said the Office of

she said. "We cannot afford to
ignore it."

The majority of sexual ha-
rassment complaints involve

unwelcome sexual comments.

jokes or questions. she said.

In addition. the office invesA
tigates complaints of harass-
ment regarding race. ethnicity
or nat1onal origin.

The office makes a recoms
111endation regarding each com-

Bender said some situa-
t1ons are severe enough that
she recommends a termination
of employment.

Although each complaint is
different. the office has specific
guidelines for investigating a
harassment complaint. said
'I‘erry Allen. assistant vice pres-
1dent for affirmative action.

“We apply a lot of the same
princ1ples to the different types
11fdiscrimination." he said.

Differences aside. the out-
comes of harassment are the
same. Bender said.

“Sexual harassment. racial
harassment and discrimination
are hurtful. and they leave
scars." she said.

How to report a claim

To report a case of discrimina-
tion or harassment, call UK's Office
of Equal Opportunity at 257-8927.


Program accepting nominees

By Kristi North


A friendly word and a
quick smile were just two
reasons. among many. for
one UK professor to be
named a Great Teacher.

Bill Fortune. a law pro-
fessor. was a recipient of one
of the six Great Teacher
awards in 2000.

And the time has come
again for students to nomi-
nate the best professors on-

“This is
the only
awards pro-
gram for
teachers at
UK in
which all
the nomina-
tions are
by stu-
dents." said David Ratter-
man, chair of the Great
Teacher Committee for the
UK Alumni Association.

Since the origin of the
program in 1961. 180 teach-
ers have been revered.

Fortune said he was
honored to be among them.

“I never think of myself
as a great classroom per-
former. but I try to interest
students,” Fortune said.

Amy O’Nan. a second-
year law student. along with
two other students. nominat-
ed Fortune for his friendly
demeanor and work in the

“I nominated Professor
Fortune because he is a sta-
ple at the law school. He’ s.
always willing to help any
student." 0’ Nan said.

She said Fortune‘s lead-
ership of the college's Salva-
tion Army bell-ringing pro—
ject was another reason she
chose to nominate him.

Fortune and the other
winners were honored last
year at a banquet at the
King Alumni House and pre-
sented with a stipend of

“No program is more vi-
tal than the Great Teacher
Award program because it
emphasizes the importance
of excellent teaching. which
is at the heart of any great
university." Ratterman said.

Praising professors

Great Teacher Award
nomination forms are available
to students at the King Alumni
House, w. T. Young Library,
Medical Center Library.
Student Center Room 209,
Oswald Building Room 103 or
online at www.uky.edu/A|umni/

Nominations are due by
Thursday, Nov. 15.

Nominees must hold the
rank of assistant professor or
higher and must have been
employed at UK or LCC for the
past three years. They also
must not have been winners of
the award since 1991.


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Week of November 5— 7 7, 2007

The Campus Ca‘erdar s deduced by the Offce of Stone“: Ace. t1es Pegste'eo
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Calendar Car 257- 8867 to '1 cue 11‘311‘1ato'

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No more needles wi

Carrying it around: UK student, nurse
say pump makes disease more discreet

Dlabetes facts By Kristin Gunderson

percent of the
U.S. population
with diabetes

million men
with diabetes

million women
with diabetes

million undiagnosed

leading cause of death
in 1996

new C3595 per year

Source: Centers for
Dlsease Control and


I‘III' I111I1I Su11th.s111'kmg 111111»
dies In his .u'ms .1111I legs e.u'l_\'
11111.11 11111111111}; \\:1s;1s normal 11s
11.11111411ggs and bacon for break~

IIILI 1".1s 11111111111 has changed
811111}; .1 1\;>1 ‘1' 1111111111111. avoids
1.1111111: ~11111~ 11111 sleeps 111 each

111s111111 11.x 3111111. 1‘1111111111ally

I“. I111 ' 111.1b1111 s 1s :1 disease in
1.1}:11'1111'2111111111. 11111-s11ot produce
111s11'1111 i 3111111110111 used to con
\‘11‘1 1' ‘s. s11111he\ and other
I1111(I.\IIII1|IIII-1 111111111111111‘11.ul\'

511111.11. 11 :11111‘l1111111‘11l engi-
thousands1111111111111” uho have
traded 11' .1, 1‘:11g11\ of 117s11l1n tor
the pump

“The pump allows 11111 to be
with 111_\ s1 2111111111. 511111I1s1111

The ;111111; 1 looks s1111111'1‘111 a
b11-1p.1 .1111I1:11b11111111111k1 one
It holds .111 111s1.l111 iill111I 1:11‘11‘1dge

'tnd 1I11l:\111‘s :11s11'111‘1 1111111- body
through 11 clear t'n1n tube that
p1111‘111's the skm. 'I‘I‘11-1‘111‘t1‘1dg11 1n
the pump runs out ot 1nsul1n
every few days. and the tube and
needle must be 1111111111111 from the
stomach and then replaced.

"(‘hangmg 1th11 cartridge) is
not that bIg ot'a deal." Smith said.
“T1111 pump 1s not 1111111'l_\'.'1sb.'1das
taking shots "

s11pI111111111‘11, 1s one of


insulin pump

The MiniMed 2007
System (right) pro-
vides a unique treat-
ment option for
patients with insulin
dependent diabetes
mellitus. The

MiniMed 2007 System
may offer treatment
advantages for
diabetes patients who
have difficulty main-
taining consistent
glycemic control.


Features of the system include continuous insulin delivery, which provides
insulin absorption. The system contains a negative pressure insulin reservoir,
assuring safety during insulin refills. It also contains a small, easy- to- use pro-
grammer - the Personal Pump Communicator (left). Source: www.minimed.com

left for college more than a year
ago He said his schedule was
mote rigid befoi e using the pump
because he had to plan his life
.uound his two daily injections.

Diabetics who inject insulin
do so between two and four times
per day. and those numbers vary.
said Brooke Ives. a clinical ser-
vice technician at Medtronic Min-
iMed (‘o.. which makes and sells
the pump.

Injections delivei insulin in
higl iei doses and fewer times a
11.1\ than the pump Ives said

Another difference IS the the
otinsulin u