xt70gb1xgt1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgt1h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1998 1998 1998-02-13 2020 true xt70gb1xgt1h section xt70gb1xgt1h  





0lt's tuition
savings plan

Money fine
college would

be tox— ee

By Mat Herron

.Ve’u‘t' lid/tor

lhe L‘.S .Senate F inance ( oiiitiiittee
approved a tuition plan Monday that
could offer relief for families and stu-
dents trying to pay for college.

lhe plan, proposed liy Sen. Mitch
.\lc(.onnell (R- Ky.), would allow par-
ents and college students to start a tax—
free college savings account.

Money set aside for college tuition,
books and living costs that is currently
taxable both annually and on withdrawal
would be tax—free.

“In this era ofskyrocket-
ing costs, where the cost of


thication lrtist F tmd Savings Act I he
planr rained more momentum when the
Smal Businessjob Protection Act was
signed into law in 1996.

In light of the tuition increase
passed last setitester, the savings plan is
critical for students as they enter state
colleges and universities. said Paul
Borden, executive director of the Keit-
tucky lligher I‘ldtication Assistance

The hill has a solid chance of passing
because ofthe time it has spent on (lapi—
tol llill. Borden said.

“It's been through abotit three
years of effort at the federal Ievl,e he

said. “H e now have a substantial num—

ber of senators atid representatives
that are familiar not just with Keit—
tucky's program, but similar programs
that are operated in several other

The approval by the finance commit—
tee, he said, “may result in legislation
being signed during this ses-

Kentucky has had a tuition

WEATHER I’ only innny

today, [Hg/J o/I-I 5. Clear
tonight, [01." of )7). Sunny and

‘1ij tomorro'" [Jig/J of SI).

BEBE. YE]. StonI mlgttt and tIit II [It/—




Feb; [any I ) I 9 98

~ . . i f i I ) ( \ t "
t'tlft‘ftlt‘t' (I tough .‘Ill.\‘ll .St‘mv (II/(I ()lt' .IIIJ‘X 3 . IIIII II 2 I I I I I .7
' I Z (Inn/tum 9 Sim, 3
tomorrow (I! Rllpp. See .S'portx, page i. It (m .t./ 9 t a. ,m m. 8



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\ t O T‘}


STBNPPINI III'I'ee-montlt—oItI (.III/t‘IEI’ .\It'I\Iec It Iwrk/et/ III (or it ride It‘ll/1 I’t'l‘ It/tttIte/ II W. t‘. ./t/..’ law In on. 7., Ian/I

Buckling III] HOT enough

By Jessica Coy

.thmn/ .\II'LI" Iz'tI/r r

Keeping your children safe while iii the
car means more than just buckling them

(Lar seats .iitd safety belts are highly

weighing 6H potinds be plated in .i IIIHISI'
cr-typc car seat.

According to stJItsIILs t‘clt‘asctl by the
caittpaigii, motor vehicle crashes are the
leading cause of injury *l't‘latctlalc
among children ages I I .iiid under. I' .It It
year nearly [.400 childten die .is iiiotoi


"\laiiy patents think that it is UK to
plate a rear-facing car seat in the trout
\It‘Kt‘t‘ stitl. thonglt l
know it ttltt ill the
Itatk \t‘ll when you cd‘III set
the safest plate. and .ittoids t‘it
the iiiosi piotettion

Stdl." "l‘ttii

is st.tt\ to put a
tlttiii. IT‘S

tit Iltc t\t'IIl ot at.

_ college has risen three savings program since 1988, .. _ . _ ‘ g _

I times as fast as inflation, it which more than 2,700 resi— eifectiie in preventing injuries and vehicle passengers and about {oatttto “mum "

i is vital that we encourage {fig-vita] dents participate in. deaths. Btit according to “statistics ate injured \iiiong those killtd. tie .itly l’art ot the "\.I~\c'YIthI sit. ty cant

? American families to ”Ive thatwe McConnell had been working released by the Xational .Safe I\I(Is>(.ztitl- 30 peicent .iie old eiioutth to sit III .1 piittn includes l.t \Itty'ltii‘. tat seat

i to keep pace with the rising encourage on this new savings plan for paign, -I(_l percent of all children still ride boostei seat. . t lice kups. durum; \-. bit It parents tan

3 cost of higher education," A . ahoutrthree years now, Bor- unrestrained ()f the children who are Alany patents think that children Ii.i\c iheii tat seats ittSltt" iet! In (.tt
,: McConnell said in a news 'nzeru'anfam— den said. restrained lour out of live c ir seats .iie don t have to be restrained ll there is .iii sea! e\perts to make suie tltc't ate the

I 11185 to save to “[ dotiIt think it‘s tlte kind tised it. t oiiectly. air bag." Achee said. tight si/e tot theii LIIII it t it. at t


Increasing tuition has
become a force to be reck—
oneI with.

keep pace with of
the rising cost
of higher edu—

thiiig that a legislator
expects to introduce at the
beginning of session and

(lhtld Passenger Safety \Vcek. spon—
sored by the National Sale Kids( am—
paigii. is designed to raise parents aw are-
itcss about proper car seat size, installation

l‘Iyen though air bags, coiiibtned with
seat belts have saved tiiaity li\es. tlit
National Highway Il‘raftic Safety (Ioni-
mission warns parents tliai children .iiid

installed coii‘tttly .tiid tiistizc tlit scat

hasn't been i'etalicd
l’atctits can call a litttlitte i! the\ spot
an unresttained thtld. lhe It' etise plate

From 1980 to 199-}, . w have it \oted on at the end of . ‘ _ ‘ ‘
tuition at L'.S. colleges rattan. that session," he said. and usage. . ‘ air bags don t I]Il‘\‘. Air bags can injure or number ol the cat in w bit h the tlttltl was
and universities rose 23.} V The IIIL’LICSI obstacle is the Many misconceptions evist about car kill children who are not restrained prop— spotted is recorded. \ Icttct is setit to the
percent, while median Mitch MBCOIIIIOII coiitpetition for monev. seat usage. ()ne of the most common IS erly'1 . owner telling them they w ct'c spotted
income rose jtist 84 per— U.S.Senator(Ky.) ““1, see at the Ifetleral once a child is more than-III inches-in ( oiimion myths about child passenger with .iii unrestrained child passenger. atid
cent. level the approaching 0“ J height or 60 pounds. they will be safe I‘ltl‘ safety. as listed by lhe .\atioii il Site Kids .tre given intoriiiation about (Itlltl pisseii-

Kentucky has a college balanced budget, Borden mg without a cit seat campaign. include the belief thit iii low gerfisalety. ‘
ttiitioii savings program with 3.70“ par- .aid. “There" a huge competing lo I ynn \lc Kec Fayt. tte( otiiity Sate speed crashes. children can bc hiotceted tI ' lhe ltttlltltt.‘ is a gate .tt ide.i ttet .iust it

Kitls( ootdinitor disattrecs. they are iii paretits laps. is anonymous. \lelstt said. ind tlso

ticipants, tallying $6.4 million in saw

interest for anv stirpltis that might be
available so this is jtist one of many


just because Kentucky law says that

The fact is. even with tpiitk reaction
on ltehalt of the parent, a IIIrptttthl child

because it allows etllitt'l'ltt'tl eiti/eiis to
speak lttt‘ tlttltlt’eti who until speak Ior



ti McConnell first addressed the idea in potential uses of leder al financial FINISH." M” (II) llmmd‘ III?!“ have I” , _ .

i 1994 when he proposed the Higher resources." r‘idc IIIHC‘JT seats people think it is safe, btit can he ripped Iroiii their arms with a force themselves and tell their parents to buckle
t .Safe Kids recommends that even children of WI) pounds. them up.


.i I I


E i

b By Jamie Kerr tine's Day in one way or another. don't have as much time for \Ialcn— long-distance relationship and said she

I (It/”WII’WI’IK ”IT/“’7‘ (lift ideas for the holiday that most tine's Day. they do try to celebrate the was surprised when she w eiit tip to

3 people first thinkofare the traditionals: holiday with special memories of the New York (Iity to see Iicr boyfriend

‘ roses. chocolates and stuffed animals. ones in the past. for \IaletitincIs Day.

As Valentine’s Day approaches. the
number of people with confused looks
on their faces increases.

It is a time when many are frantic
with worry over what to do for the
holidav. Some have seemingly tried
every thing, and the mere thought of

By Jay G. Tate

“l le got tiie a ticket for 'Bcattty .iiid _
\p itx lt/IIIt‘I

the Beast‘ on Broadway," she said.

\Vheii Bill l'aticoniieau, a foreign
languages and international economics
junior, tirst met his girlfriend. she told
biiii she was “feeling a little lost."

“I ro )osed on Valentine‘s Day and

hid her en ri rctiient ring iii a box of

h F

chocolate truffles, said (ireg Bishop, a
journalism junior. He said his wile was
so overwhelmed Iiy the chocolates he
altnost had to point the ring otit to her.

But more women tend to receive
these yifts than men That is one rea-
son wliy Dottie \Vheat, who works in
the Margaret [. King Library. will
probably be sending her boyfriend
roses for the holiday.


\liiiost a month after foi'iiier head \olleyltall
toith l‘t'Ht l‘IHI'y cht for loitist iita State. Butler

lziitersm Seiiiot \SStHIJIL' \thletits Dii'eetoi

giving in to btiying a heart- shaped box “It's amazing how much men like Valentine‘s Day is not only for people For \Ialentine’s Day. he ptit flowers .lt'tttt It’adctt tprottouttt ed “_I( ll l.\ t:lt"t ltas

ofchocolates makes them cringe. roses," she said. to celebrate with their significant others, and other goodies in her house, along s‘tttt'tgs'tl -t\ -t lc-tdtttu s thtlttI-Ht‘ lo Imomc the /
Then there are those who will Some people get around the same- but also with their other loved ones. with a present. (..its' sixth head toath ‘ ‘

embark on their first special Valentine‘s old gift dilemma by giving traditional “heat is planning on baking her chil— “I wrapped tip this compass .iiid I I l\ 1‘ (\lts't‘ts‘sl to IttI‘IH-tll} I‘tt-IM' HS «Is'L’NHtt \


’ii‘adcii. who has been .ii Built-t since l‘Wi. Iias
been otit oi toat hing sitite she left IIK tor the
Indianapolis school. Though some tlosc to the
prog rain belitstd l'lort's re pl It eiiient would
come dtictth from the toithing tanks. l loiy siid
Bi idtn toult l tittlttllttltss be .iptiteet tit tot I Is

“'Slit s\tty ptoltssioiial. \tit tiittnst.\ti\ ded
icated to doing what it takes to be successful."

included a note that said ‘llere‘s .i
compass so th it you can tind your w .l\
hack to me. II I auconnt .iti said

Students who are single or who
won‘t be around their loyetl ones for
the holiday agree their first priority .
will be watching LIK play (He .\liss, ‘

drcn cookies and sending them balloons.

“It seems like kids get left otit a lot
for that holiday she said.

Some gifts are so creative and
thoughtful you would think they were
straight otit of a romance novel. l’sy-
chology senior Kinna l’atel is in a


gifts with a twist.

“ \ guy gave me a bear and ptit gold
heart earrings on the bear s ears, said
l,li7.abeth Johnson, a psychology
junior. “This was the sweetest \Ialen-
tine I ever received.“

Although married students often

Day and are somehow already fresh out
ofideas. Some are dateless and preoc-
cupied with finding ways of forgetting
about the holiday altogether Whether

you baie a date with someone special or
a date with the TV and a box of tissues.
everyone seems to recognize Valen—


Flory said

I I lloit noted that Braden has enjoyed .i \er\
tlost ielitioitsliip with ctiiieiit Bullti coich ,I.
Shaion Dingman. who was a I K assistant in I‘IXS (I
and head coach at conference rital \uburn in f;
t 1W]. :3.

he said. “It was all aged items as “used," and offered SIN)
because it normally applies a standard
i0 percent appraisal value on used
items. The board offered half of the
amount of the homeowner's policy. I

against the (I'oiiimonwealth, which
began in February 1997, ended earlier
this month.

The nearly year-long review was

shoes and clothes,"

over everything."
“'hen a UK student thinks his

rooiti has been damaged. the first step

iiy iiat Klrtley
Staff l4 'riter

As a result of that relationship and Braden‘s
coaching background. Flory refused to \iew'
Braden‘s hiatus from coaching as an obstacle,

“I don't look at it like she’s been out of coach


“ “Mum-mm .

Before last year, the. only signifi-

“‘ ' W
cance 0f the. word fSUIlIJKIOf 35”" oflegal process begins on campus. not because of tuestions concerning ing " Flory said ”She s been \ert tlose with
iiiliiyiiri‘tvjfssitsyillgglgeillgaIIItream. S ormer “[fjn fact students suffered damage, the validity of t e claim,l but rather Bryant rejected the offer, and as the Sharon and what she s doing with the prttgrzm So i . -: . . a":
But the talk turned to “lawsuit" they would be able to hlcaclatm against because "I the "WIN," In“) ‘Cd- C386 UmUHUCd the board TlllCtl IHF (Braden) knows what s going on and I think it
the flaw." 53“] Jim \Vims, director of The UK Athletic Department claims exceeding $00 to automatically would be an ('Xt‘cllcnlvt'lltilt‘c. .

when Bryant's father, Don, filed a
$670 claim against the Common-
wealth of Kentucky, which he felt was
liable for the leaka e that damaged his
son’s room at \Vil cat Lodge.

Bryant 3 business junior, said his
room leaked from Feb. I to March 3,
l997, and said obvious damage result-

, ed from the leaky ceiling.

Dmgiiian agreed. saying Bradcn's unique blend
of experience and tenacity make her an intriguing
head coaching prospect.

“She's a great administrator because she was in
coaching and she knows what‘s going through the
minds of coaches." Dingiiian said. “She knows a
great deal about the game. I think no matter

A settlement was reached before the I where she is or what she does. she‘ll be great."
.S'm- BRIDE" on I

“I came back from a trip and there submitted for the damage is appropriate. his homeowner‘s policy. date of the trial, and Don Bryant was I

was brown water alll over my bed, my Th’e arduous review ofjason's claim The board viewed Bryant‘s- dam- awarded $670. \ i
t ' I

be placed on a list lor a hearing wht n
negligence is denied or the amount ol
tlaiiiages is disptited.

\ hearin was set for early February
1998, btit K, which had denied its
negligence caused the damages to
jason Bryant's room. rescinded.

Residence Life. “\\'e have the forms
that go to Frankfort for review."

So Jason submitted a list of his
room's damages, which he totaled at
$670, and his father filed the claim.

Once a filed claim is sent to Frankfort,
it is investigated to determine whether or
not the dollar amount the claimant has

approved the validity ofthe claim early
on, btit the it's discrepancy lay in the
“fair market value" of the claim.

While Bryant sought $670, the
Board of (Ll-aims originally offered
$250, partially because the board said
fair market evidence was missing and
because of Bryant’s $500 deductible on




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Editor In Chief . . . . . .......................................... J ennifttr Smith
Miniging Editor ...................... . ............... Chris (Iiniplicll
Assotiitc Editor ............................................... Din (l‘Nt-ill
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Parent illVlllVBlllBllt locus
0i education CDIIlBI‘BIIBB

By Elisabeth Mohr

(Quinn/mung ll 'I'm'r

The UK Collch of Education,
now in its 75th year, is sponsoring
ii confcrcncc on l’arcnt and Corn-
iiiiinity Involvement in Education.

Tbc confcrcncc, scheduled for
l‘icb. 2| at thc Ilarlcy llotcl down—
town, will advise and educate par-
cnts and tctichcrs about how thcy
can hclp children and bccomc
more involvcd in kids' education.

“I think the goal of thc confcr-
cncc is to hclp both parents and
CtlllC'dlUTS scc that education is a
partncrship," said Roscttai San—
ditlgc, public relations coordinator
for the (Iollcgc of Education. “And
how cduczitors and parents talking
about thc education of their chil-
drcn and ciich onc's responsibilities
and rights in the proccss."

Thc kcynotc spcnkcr at the
confcrcncc will be Asa Hilliard,

who teaches urban education at
(icorgia State University.

“\Vc arc very honored to have
such a distinguished person as Dr.
Hilliard s caking," said Aimee
Mink, staf assistant at the College
of Education.

There will also be a presenta-
tion by Roy Peterson, secretary of
the Education, Arts and Humani-
tics Cabinet of Kentucky.

The co-chairs of the conference
are Kathryn Wallace, director of
Minority Educator Recruitment and
Retention for the Kentucky Depart-
ment of Education; Shirlcy Raines,
professor and dean of the UK Col»
lcgc of Education and J.John Har-
ris, yirtilcsstir of education at UK
and scholar in the Afi‘ican-Amcrican
Studies and Research Prov am.

The conference WI 1 include
workshop sessions to educate par-
ents and teachers on various topics.

“One of the goals they talked

about was having some sessions
that would oricnt parents who
maybe aren't comfortable in an
academic setting," Mink said. “Or
maybe they’re not sure how to
help their kids in school, but
they're vcry concerned parents."
Sessions include “L"ndcrachicvc—
mcnt Among Minority Students:
Strategies for Parents and Teach-
crs,” “Student Management and
School Violence: Prevention and
Intervention Strategies," “Athletics
and Achievement," “Parents Teach-
ing Mathematics Skills to Their
Children," “Taking the mystery out
of Admissions to Collcgc," “'I‘cst
Preparation for the ACT and the
SAT" and “Complex Instruction:
An Instructional Group Strategy to
Assist All Students in Learning."
The session on Complex
Instruction will be moderated by
Dcnccsc Jones, an associate pro-
fessor at UK, and Karen \Vcbb,

dean of the college of education at
Southern Univcrsity.

“Complex Instruction is a model
of instruction for teachers to use to
promote equity in the classroom,”
Jones said. “Regardless of gender,
race/ethnicity, or socioeconomic
status, this strategy is useful to elim—
inate the problems or unequal par—
ticipation in group work."

Jones and Webb are the only
people in the eastern part of the
country who can teach this strategy.

Plenty of spaces are still avail—
able for the conference, and
admission is $20. (irants are avail-
ablc for the cost ofadmission.

“What we want — who these
sessions are for —— are parents or
anybody who works with at-risk
students," Mink said.

For more information about
the conference or about the grants
available, call Aimee Mink at the
College of Education, 257-3889.


Bill changes crime reporting

By Shruti Daté
77W Ill/’l I’t‘l

\\':\Slll.\'(i'l‘().\' - chisln-
tion proposed by L'.S. Scn. Robcrt
’l‘orricclli (D—NJ) could change
thc why othcr collcgcs and univcr—
sitics across the nation rccord
uttiipus htitc crimcs.

Thc l‘Nl) Studcnt Right to
Know and Campus Sccurity Act
—»- the law govcrning campus hate
crimc rcporting -— requires insti-
tutions of higher education to
record as hntc crimcs murders,
rapcs or aggravated assaults
“motivatcd by rzicc, rcligion, .s'cxu-
‘.ll oricntntion and cthnicity."

L'ndcr thosc classifications, tlic
(icorgc \Vtislimgton L'nivcrsity
policc dcpartmcnt rcports no
occurrcnccs of hatc crimcs
bctwccti I‘M-l and WW).

’l‘orricclli‘s proposcd lcgisln-
tion would cxpand thc czitcgorics
of criiiic that could bc classified as
hatc crimcs, and includc violcncc
lllUlIV'JICtl by gcndcr— or disabili-
ty—ligiscd discrimination.

Mciliods of rccording l'I‘JIC
criiiic statistics ill univcrsitics and
collcgcs iirc lacking dcspiic provi-
sions in tlic W‘N) law that rcquirc
tbctii to tnbiiloic such incidcnts,

said Michacl Libcrman of the
Anti-I)cfnmntion League.

“Thcrc is a substantial amount of
dcninl (about hate crime occur—
rcnccs)," Libcrman said. He said
some institutions are lax in record—
ing hate crimes bccausc thc statistics
may hurt thcir competitive edge.

But L'nivcrsity I’olicc Dircctor
Dolorcs Stafford said (WV follows
tbc letter of the law, reporting all
crimes the 1990 law requires it to

Libcrman noted, though, that
(WV did not provide statistics for
a 1996 Department of Justice
rcport that tabulated national hatc
crimc statistics.

“UH" did not participate at all,"
bc said. “Arc thcy taking (the Stu-
dciit Right to Know) law seriously?"

Mikc \Valkcr, assistant dean of
thc Community Learning and
Living Ccntcr, said the university
closcly follows the Student Right
to Know Act and sends all
prospective students campus
crime statistics.

But Torricclli‘s new Campus
Ilatc Crimes Right to Know Act
of 1997 would atncnd the llighcr
Education Act of 1965 by placing
cvcn morc stringcnt rcporting
rcquiremcnts on universities.

“Currcm law requires colleges
and universities to rcport statistics
on crimes that occur on their cam—
puscs," Torricclli said in a speech
on the Senate floor Nov. 9.
“However, colleges are only
required to report thosc batc
crimcs that result in murder, rape
or aggravated assault."

Those three violent acts
account for only to percent of
hate crimes, Torricclli said.

\Valkcr said the University‘s Stu—
dcnt Codc ofConduct already pro—
vides protcction against gender-
and disability-motivated \itilcncc.

Under the student code, the
University forbids violent acts
motivated by race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, disability,
vcicran status or .scxual oricntn-

But thc 'l'orricclli legislation
also would rcquii‘c vantlalisni,
linrassmcnt and simplc assault --
thrcc offcnscs that cncompass a
majority of hate crimcs ~— to be
rcportcd on campuscs.

Although (i\\' never has faced a
violent hntc crime, sonic instances
of harassment hove occurrcd.

“This is it rclntiycly licnign
campus," said Rtibbi (icrald
Scrotta ofthc Ilillcl (Icntcr, who

has worked in thc (NV communi—
ty for 16 years.

Thc divcrsc nature of the uni-
versity’s population leads to better
understanding of differences and
fewer hate crimes, said Michael
Baratz, former president of the

Jewish Student Lcadcrship Coali-

tion of I lillcl.

But in January 1997, faculty
members in the English and histo—
ry dcpartmcnts received literature
denouncing the Jewish communi-
ty, said Kim Morel-and, the associ-
ate dean for undergraduate affairs
of the Columbian School of Arts
and Sciences.

And last semester a professor in
the Colombian School received an
anti-Scmctic c-niail message with
no return address, Morcland said.

Such acts of harassment caused
anxiety among faculty mcmbcrs,
she said.

The new legislation will
“address the nature and the mag-
nitude of the problem" by expand—
ing the acts defined as hate crimes,
Libcrman said.

“The numbers will provide a
measure of accountability," he
said. Ilc said morc accuratc statis-
tics will lead to more targeted
responses to hatc crimes.


Pl‘fll: Media influences racial views

Public opinions
reflect attitudes

By Joshua Gordon
l’ll/tlli’Hl/l'flf Horn/u . Ill/Qilrur

(is\l.\ll’.S\'II.l,lC, Eln. ~ Thc
mcdia pliiy J lzirgc rolc in shaping
.'\IIICIIC.IIl\" racial .ittitiidcs.

This is thc conclusion of a L'ni-
\‘crsiiy of Illinois rcscarcbcr who
t‘\pl(>rt.‘tl tlic wity public opinions
.irt- fornicd on issues such as crime
and i.it'c.

In .i colloquium sponsorcd by
l'l'i's poliiit.il st'icncc dcpartmcnt
“muddy and 'l‘ucsdny, Bruce
\\ illi.itiis. .i profcssor in thc Dcpnrt—
iiiciii of L'i‘liim .md chional I’lan-
iiiiig in tlic Iiistiiutc ofCoiiimunicn—
trons Rcsciirch .it tlic L'nivcrs‘ity of
Illinois .it l rbiinii—(Ihampaigm,
spokt- on this and rclatcd topics.

l sing focus groups, \\'illi;ims

lookcd at Atticricans' public opin-
ion tll)()ul crime and race.
“Normally we think of public
opinion as fixed ideas hcld by citi~
zcns," \Villinms said. “Instcnd wc
nccd to think ofit as involving con-
tcstcd issues created through cori-
vcrsation and social intcraction."
Most public opinion surveys
involvc people giving “private"
opinions, not tcmpcrcd or influ—
cnccd by social rcactions, he said.
\\'illi;ims' study involved focus
groups that allowed him to discov—
cr this socially—oricntcd public
opinion. Thc focus groups wcrc
tlividcd according to race.
Participants wcrc shown a
vidco scgiiiciit about a crime — onc
with a picturc of a black suspect,
the othcr had kl white suspect.
“\Vc found powerful racial
stcrcotypcs wcrc triggered by
iron cs of thc black suspcct,"
\Vil iams said. “The diffcrcnccs
wcrc stark. They were most pro-

nounccd in those alrcady holding
racial stereotypes."

In the focus groups, \\'illiams
also found that discussion among
thc groups lcsscncd thc cffccts of
mcdia stcrcotyping. Both racial
groups were frustrated with the
nicdia's crimc covcragc, although
the rcasons diffcrcd.

“\Vhitc womcn didn't like the
cxtcnt of crimc covcragc, while
the black women didn't like how
their community was portrayed,"
\Villiams said.

The two groups also diffcrcd in
their relationships with thc iusticc
system. While both reported a
need for a system tough on crimc,
the black grou 5 said they felt the
system was uniliir.

“\Vhitc women .still empathize
with the police, while the black
women all reported bad cxpcri—
cnccs with the police," Williams
said. “For the black women, crime
was a part of everyday experience

and ncvcr scparatc frotn their daily
lives, while whitc womcn still had a
bracketed distance from crime."

\Vhilc these findin .s were
important, \Villiams .sai be con-
sidcrs changing people's thoughts
about public opinion to be equally
im )ortanr. Ilc said when studying
pulilic opinion, it is important to
focus on what people are willing
and able to .say in public.

Larry Dodd, a U E political sci-
ence professor, questioned how
researchers can distinguish between
public and private opinion.

“Docs watching television and
discussing the issues with your
partner in the bedroom ualify as
public opinion?" Dodd asikcd.

Williams said Dodd's question
hit on an important gray area that
nccds further study.

“The modem media changes the
line between public and private,” he
said, “and we need to increasingly
look at this relationship.”


Homosexual couples 888K Fig

By Khyber Oser
I)tll/)’ (.o/lt-qmn

S’lA'l'E (l()LI.l~.(iE, I’cnn. «—
\thn l’rcsidcni Clinton signed
thc Dcfcnsc of Marriage Act on
Scpt. 2t), 1096. sonic-sex mar—
riagcs wcrc banncd throughout
thc ['nitcd Stiitcs.

Many .s‘tntcs, including Pcnn-
svlvama, havc added emphasis to
t at statement by adopting simi-
lar legislation within their bor-
ders, prohibiting men to marry
men and women to marry

National Erccdom to Marry
Day is a countermeasure.

“I don't think pcoplc rcali7c

how many obstacles there are for
samc-scx couples," .s‘aid Duane
(iildca, political co-dircctor of the
Lesbian, (Jay and Bisexual Stu-
dent Alliance.

“Our goal is awareness," he

Sponsored b ' the National
Freedom to A arry Coalition,
today marks the first-ever Nation-
al Freedom to Marry Day. The
date was chosen to be Feb. 12 so it
would coincide with Abraham
Lincoln's birthday and Valentine's
Day, “finding/:10 the Equal Mar-
riagc Rights orld Wide Web
site. These two holidays represent
equality and love, according to the

The alliance has commemo-
ratcd thc day throughout this
week with guest speakers, infor-
mational tables, a candle vigil
and a ribbon-wearing campaign.
The ribbons represent the mari-
tal idiom of“tying the knot” and
serve as a visual reminder that
support and recognition should
be given to tnarria es in all
forms, said Steve Mc(,ann, social
educational co-director of the

“Marriage is a commitment
between two people that love each
other,” McCann said. “Why do
we feel the government is a better
judge of who I can love and who I
can t?"

s - .. , .-._...—. WWW.“ yum .... --

t to WBII

The debate about the govern-
ment’s involvement in same-sex
marriage legislation is largely
based on the issue of marital
benefits. American society
places such importance on mari-
tal status that gay and lesbian
couples cannot receive the same
rights and privileges as married
heterosexual couples, said
alliance member Heather Soli-

“There’s no spousal recogni-
tion,” said alliance member Derek
Morr, a computer science fresh-
man. “You're seen as two people
who cohabitate, rather than a cou-
ple in a long-term, committed





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