xt70gb1xgt0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgt0x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1996 1996 1996-11-20 2020 true xt70gb1xgt0x section xt70gb1xgt0x  



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Pieces 1‘ the
AIDS puzzle

By Ben Abes
Stafl‘ lVriter

Dr. Richard Greenberg is look-
ing for a piece of the AIDS puzzle,
and a trial of investigative therapy
led by the Kentucky AIDS Consor-
tium might be just the piece that

Greenberg, associate professor







ofinternal medicine in the College
ofMedicine, and medical director
for KAC, is starting to recruit 50
patients locally for a three-year,
3,000-patient national trial of a new
HIV vaccine called Remune.

The vaccine, once worked on by
Jonas Salk, the father of the polio vac—
cine, uses a processed form of the dead
virus to stimulate the immune system.

Researchers hope the immune sys—
tem will then be able to fight the ill—
nesses that make HIV progress to

Greenberg said although there are
some doubts as to whether this type of
therapy will work, the results will
hopefully prolong the lives of those
infected with the deadly virus.

“We are fraught with skepticism,
but armed with a little bit of informa—
tion," he said.

“There are many pieces to the puz-
zle; it might be one, it might lead to




The vaccine is a dead
form of HIV without its
outermost layer, known as

It is manufactured by
Immune Response Corpo-
ration of Carlsbad, Calif.

Greenberg expects this
treatment to be coupled
with existin

“We need more than
chemotherapy to deal with
it,” he said.

“The virus hides where
chemo can’t find it, like a
Trojan horse."

This trial is part of a
new method of treatment for HIV





"EA ”OGGFATHEB Snoop Doggy Dogg

release; his port-prison sophomore album of.

traditional rap. See review on Page 3

opefully pre—~

infected HIV

. But Greenberg does not
expect it to eliminate the virus from

WEATHER Cloudy today, high

53. Chani‘e ofrain tonight, low
3 7. C ham‘e ofrain tomorrow,

high 55.




the body and restore any damage done.
“I don't think we can resurrect what
has already been lost,” he said. “
That part of the puzzle is still miss—

Those eligible for the trial will
receive an injection every IZ weeks,
_ and they will be monitored so the
[hls effects of the vaccine can be observed.
Study examinations, lab tests and med—
ical exams will be provided free of
charge to participants.

Iiligible participants must have a
(ID-I cell count between 300 and 54‘),
must be at least I8 years old, and must
not be suffering from any AIDS—relat-
ed illnesses.

For more information on the pro-
gram, or to see if you are eligible, call
KAC at 1—800—365-2470.


All of the previously
approved anti—HIV drugs
directly interfere with the
virus, but Remune uses the in ."
body’s natural defenses of‘

The". are the immune system to fight
many pieces to HIV.
the puzzle; 1t Greenber said
might be one therapy will if]
therapies to It might lead vent the development of
ight the dis— to one.” AIDS in

v patients.
He also expects the vac-
[iirioghclilgrgl cine to help ease the “pill-
medicaldireaorfbr laden" lives of those infect—
the [(0’wale ed, who are often forced to
Cmmium take 20 to 30 pills to keep


L06 governance discussed by its leaders

By Gary Wull

Associate New: Editor

For the past year, discussions have been fostered
focusing on the idea of UK’s involvement in the
community college system. ,

Yesterday was no different as Jimmyjack Miller,
community college representative of the UK Board
of Trustees and faculty member of Ashland Commu-
nity College, addressed faculty and staff at Lexington
Community College about the current state of UK
community colleges.

In his speech he concentrated on three main
issues: better communication with other community
colleges within the state, enhancing the community
college system to better prepare students and issues
of governance.

Miller gave LCC some ideas about how it could
interface with other community colleges.

“We need to show how we are connected with our
sister schools through programs, through structure,
through our embodiment of our governors," he said.

He then asked what the needs of the community

colleges would be.
“In light of what the governor has said about
higher education, we have been faced with

“First and foremost is meeting the challenge for
the next century," F.mbry said.
“By that I mean providing quality


the challenge and an indictment that the
product that we are turning out as a grad-
uate is not prepared for the 2 lst century,”
Miller said.


education for the students of Kentucky.

“I personally think if there is going to
be a merger then merging us with a tech
school would be most efficient."

When discussion turned to community [Personally LCC presidentjanice Friedel said she
college governance, Miller suggested the think ifflgerc would not change the relationship LCC
faculty and administrators at LCC write is going to be a has with UK because ofthe benefits the
down a list of benefits they receive merger the” students receive.
because of being a part of UK. mg,— mg m “LCC has a very, very close relation-

Miller said he could not say whether or wit a tech ship with the University of Kentucky ——
not the community college would be bet- school would be many of the students come here because
ter or worse ifthey would break off from most efficient. ” of UK, so you have the presence of UK
UK. that draws students," he said.

“As employees of this community col- v Miller also supports the idea of UK
Iege system we ought to have a right to Nolen Embry heading the community college system

have a say in what is going to happen to
the community college system,” he said.
Nolen Embry, associate professor of


atroa'ate pro error at

in the Commonwealth ofKentucky.
C ’ “I'm not ready to jump ship until such
time that specific form of governance is



psychology at LCC said the issue of gov-
ernance is the most important to him.

clearly defined I will have to say my alle-
giance is to the University of Kentucky," Miller said.


direct student loans make aid cheaper lfll' Students

By Bodman P. Botldns
Staff Writer

Editor’s Note: The following i: the recent! in a three-part
mic: on rtudent loans.

One of President Clinton’s 1992 campaign
promises was to make access to higher education eas-
ier by simplifying the student loan process.

The program he wanted and received will take u
an increased amount of the total student loan fun 5
in the future.

In 1994-95, 104 colleges partici ated in the pro-
gram; more than 500tparticipate in the rogram
this year, according to e Department of E ucation.


Direct student aid began with the GI Bill in I944,
and the current system IS based on the Higher Edu—
cation Act of 1965.


Recently Congress passed a bud et that increased
spending on student aid programs om $1.3 to $7.56
billion. About 900,000 more students will receive aid
from these additional funds.

Student loan money was not included in this
package. The. $13 billion raised for the 1997-98 aca-
demic year comes from treasury bill auctions.


Direct student loans not only make it easier for
students to apply for loans, but they also decrease the
college’s financial aid Work load and save mone '.

In addition, students are responsible to onfy one
lender, the federal government.

Students submit the Free Ap licau'on for Federal
Student Aid to their college, w ich determines the
amount of the loan. The US. Department of Educa-
tion approves or rejects it.

Then students si the promissory note and the
loan amount is cre ited to the student’s account at


the college. An money left over after expenses
comes to the stu ent in a check.

But students remain unsure about how the pro-
gram affects other financial aid opportunities.

“That’s one thing I’m still trying to figure out is
how eligible am I going to be for other loans or is it
really going to hurt my credit?” said Jennifer Slou h,
a social work graduate student. She estimates er
debt burden, including interest, to be $32, .

There are four types ofdirect student loans: Fed—
eral Direct Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal Direct
Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal Direct
PLUS Loans and Federal Direct Consolidation

Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loans are subsi-
dized loans based on financial need. The federal gov-
ernment will pay the interest on these loans while
the student is in school and for six months after he or
she graduates.

See LOANS on 2



BREAK THROUGH Left, This medicine may keep HI V from degenerating to fall—blown AIDS. Above, Rereareh Assistantjenny Cox and
Dr. Richard Greenberg announce their rearch for 50 randidatefor the new HIV vaccination program.



November 20, I996

(,‘rorrword 7 Sport: 3


Divertionr 4 Viewpoint 5




Relatives want
to hear llalueJet tapes

MIAMI — A transcript of passengers scream-
ing “Fire! Fire! Fire!” moments before Valujet
Flight 592 nose—dived into the Everglades isn’t
enough for some relatives. They want to hear
their loved ones’ final terrifying moments.

“I've got to know if that woman who was
screaming was my mother," said Amanda Myers,
whose parents were killed in the crash.

The National Trans ortation Safety Board
released a transcript of the cockpit recording on
Monday, the opening day of its hearin into the
May 11 crash, which killed all 110 peopfe aboard.
The week-long hearing resumes today.

Shouts from passengers were recorded three
times after fire swe t into the cabin, and at one
point women were heard screaming “Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!" according to the transcript.



Report: Sherry Strinufield leaving “Ell"

NEW YORK — Sherry Stringfield is shedding
her white coat and stethoscope, leaving NBC’s hit
series “FR" to spend more time with her
boyfriend, the Daily News reported today.

The actress, who plays Dr. Susan Lewis, could
be one as early as tomorrow's episode, the paper
saiti citin sources close to the program.

Stringfield, who makes $70,000 an episode, is
leaving the Los Angeles—based show to be closer
to her boyfriend in New York. She also wants to
have a more “normal" life, the paper said.

Stringfield has negotiated an exit deal with the
show’s producer, W'arncr Brothers, in which she
has agreed not to work in television for the next 2
1/2 years, sources told the paper. In an episode
last week, Dr. Lewis said she planned to move
from Chicago, where “ER" is set, to Phoenix,
possibly setting the stage for her departure.

Compiled from wire reporrr.


Committee seeks
input by Internet

By Emily Boyd

Contributing H ’riter

From the long lines to the controversial print-
ing charges, UK’s computer microlabs can be frus-
trating. Fortunately, there is an outlet for your
frustrations, suggestions and ideas.

The Instructional Computing Advisory Com-
mittee is offering a “town meeting online" on its

The ICAC has existed for two years and con-
sists of faculty members from different depart-
ments and one student re resentative, all appoint-
ed by UK President Charl)es Wethington.

Along with '
the Adminis-
tration Coim



puting and


Computing The Instructional Computin"
Advisory Advisory Council is seeking mp.

committees. through the Internet.
ICAC advises
UK on the
and uses ofits
resources for
purposes," said Robert Tannenbaum, director of
Academic Computing Services and member ofthe

The committee has decided that they need
more input from the community.

Afraid that a traditional town meetin would
lack much participation, members decide to take
the town meeting online. Tannenbaum said this is
a “serious effort to get input from the entire com-

He also said the online town meeting is an
experiment to see how efficient this format will be
and how people will respond. Ifit oes well, Tan—
nenbaum said he “hopes to help other committees
do these ‘town meetings.m

The website consists of basic information about
the ICAC and links for commenting about six
major issues concerning UK's instructional com-

The six major issues include access to student
computing labs, instructional software. “smart"
classrooms, networking, faculty support/develop-
ment and computer—based instructional materials

Participants can voice their opinions or sugges-
tions on any of these issues. The committee hopes
to see input from students, faculty and staff.

Each issue has its own separate discussion
group. Three to four facilitators fi-om the commit-
tee are involved with each group. These facilita~
tors will oversee the groups and help keep the
comments focused.

Participants can contribute o inions in the first
round of discussion until Dec. 1 . At this time, the
committee will mold the key points from the
online suggestions and put them together to form







”let-twin :-


 \ , ..--.—.—--. ~ '1‘4‘


2 Wednesday, November 20, 1996, Kentucky Kernel






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By Mat Horton
Stafl Writer

“The embargo? It’s ridiculous.”

It’s a Thursday afternoon. Few
are working at the Student Gov-
ernment Association office, and
SGA President Alan Aja has just
been reminded of an issue that
hits close to home.

“In the ’605, I can understand,”
said Aja, a communications senior.
“But in the ’905, having an embar-
go against a country just because
they’re communist? When there’s
an influx of people waiting to forrn
a revolution to free the country?
There are people that are starving,
people that are swamped by gov-
ernment that controls their every

Such intense feelings on this
measure stem not from Aja’s
desire to seek reelection, nor do
they indicate an alliance with
Fidel Castro in the future.

Rather, they come from his

His parents are ori ‘nally from
Cuba, and Aja liverfjin Miami
before his family moved to

After graduating from Ather-


Alan Aja
Bringing diverse ideas to SGA


ton High School, Aja chose UK
for affordability and to get away
for the “college experience.”

A quick lance does not reveal
his Latino escent.

Such confusion, he said, comes
from his fair skin and blue eyes.

The appearance holds true for
the rest of his family, but their
thick accents are a dead giveaway.
In job situations and in
restaurants, Aja said
non-Hispanics will
immediately alter their
word choice and
inflection to accom-
modate his parents,
even though they
don’t have to.



difference between
around and insulting.

“The media portrays Hispanics
as dark-skinned robbers, rapists,
the bad guys on Miami Vice, the
drug cartel,” Aja said.

“That might be true for some,
but it’s not the case most of the

Though Kentuckians consider
race more in first
impressions than the
“individualistic, capital-
istic” people of Miami,
Aja said the community
atmosphere and South-
ern hospitality make the
Bluegrass a pleasant
place to live.


“I’m glad they’re Y “My ideal place to
acknowledging the dif— camgus live would be a place
ferences, but some— Impres Ions with the multicultural

times they’re in a neg-

ative fashion," Aja said.

“We don’t let it get to us. We’re

just like, ‘Hey, you’re learning

from us, we’re learning from

The media, he said, tends to
perpetuate the stereotypes other
people have of Hispanics.

Jokes are common in every cul-
ture; people just have to know the

aspect of Miami, L.A. or
New York,” he said,
“and the friendliness and hospital—
ity of Kentucky.”

Aja’s background played a
major role in his election as SGA

As the first minority president
ever for SGA, Aja said the “diver-
sity of ideas” and the people he
deals with make his position

enjo ble — and frustrating.

“Sdmetimes people forget that
Chrissy (Guyer, SGA vice presi-
dent,) and I are students too,” he

In retrospect, the raduate—
school-bound Aja sai he has
grown less contem tuous of the
administration, an he hopes to
bridge the communication gap
between it and the students.

“I’ve met administrators that
are very pro—student,” he said.
“We have to lay it on the line with
them. We have to say, ‘Here are
our problems, these are the
issues,’ and not go out there and
be rude about it.”

Frustrations accompany the

process of change, but Aja said _ _

those students interested in being
leaders should use this frustration
to their advantage.

“Be culturally aware,” he said. ,i


“There’s nothing wron

being proud of your

Expand your horizons.”

To nominate someone in the campus com-
munity for Campus Impressions write a
short paragraph explaining their contri-
bution to UK Bring nominations to 3 S

Grehan journalism Building or call 2 5' 7-

1915 and ashfor Lindsay.


Twist and snout!

Alpha ,Gamma Delta social sorrority
and Sigma Alpha Epsilon socialfra~
ternity sponsored a gigantic game of
Twister and a hula hoop contest in
the Student Center Grand Ballroom
last night.

The $5 registration fee was split
between the two chapters’ national
philanthropies, the National Diabetes
Foundation and the American Can-
cer Society’s Great American Smoke-

Above, Tara Pachmayer, a journal-
ism sophomore from AGD, and Marc
(.‘leggs, a finance freshman from Phi
Kit, pa Psi social fraternity, get tied
up in knots on the Twister mat.
Right, Leah Ftcke, an undeclared
sophomore and member of Pi Beta
Phi social sorority, mastered the hula
hoop for her cheering section dressed
in 1950s attire.


at? «4“


Committee wants
students’ opinions
From PAGE 1

a rough draft of their report that
will influence future actions.

On Jan. 15 they will post the
first draft and viewers can make
comments on the draft.

On Feb. 15 the report will be
revised again and another draft
will be posted in March.

Comments will be accepted
untilA rillS.

At at time the committee will
begin work on a final draft of the


Interest varies hosed
on federal subsidies
From PAGE 1

On the other hand, Federal
Direct Unsubsidized
Stafford/Ford Loans are not
based on financial need, so the
federal government will not pay
the interest it does for the subsi-
dized loans. Interest on these
loans will either be added to the
loan’s principal or can be paid off
quarterly by the student.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans
are for parents to hel their
financially dependent sturiénts.

For students with more than
one loan, a Federal Direct Con—
solidation Loan is an option.

The total amount is consoli-
dated and subject to one interest
rate. Students make month] pay-
ments to the Department 0 Edu-
cation after leaving school.

“I think the government really
gives quite a bit as far as extra
expenses besides school stuff,”
Slough said.


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By Chris Easterling
Sports Editor

For the second consecutive
year, quarterback BillyJack Hask-
ins will likely play against Ten-
nessee with a separated left shoul-

It is the same shoulder that
gave the junior from Paducah
problems at the end oflast season.

llaskins was able to play in the
final three games last year and was
even able to lead UK to a 31-27
fourth uarter lead before he was
eventusilly forced to the bench for
the final UK drive of the game.
The Cats lost that game 34-31.

His fourth quarter 47-yard
touchdown run, which gave UK
the lead late in the game, was cho-
sen as college football’s “most
inspirational play” from last sea-

“We won’t know until we get
into the game,” Coach Bill Curry
said of Haskins’ status for Satur—
day’s game. “(Haskins) would go
out there with the (arm) dangling
if he could."

Curry was expected to have a
more definite idea about Haskins’
status today at ractice.

“If he’s stilDl in a lot of pain
(today), then he’ll still play,”
Curry said, “but when he gets to
the point where he can’t concen—
trate then he’ll have to come out.”

IIaskins has started every game
since the LSU loss that eliminated
the Cats’ chance at a winning sea-

son. He entered that game in the
second quarter. Since that loss,
UK has won three in a row, all
within the friendly confines of
Commonwealth Stadium.

For the season, Haskins has
thrown for 892 yards on 85-of—157
pass attempts. He has thrown four
touchdowns and four intercep-

MIIIIIIIII 8180 Illll‘t

UK won’t be the only team
with a hurting quarterback on Sat-
urday. Tennessee’s Heisman Tro-
phy candidate Peyton Manning

as a knee sprain but is expected
to play.

Manning, who has completed
210-of—322 passes this season for
2,807 yards and 17 touchdowns,
suffered the injury to his right
knee during the Vols’ 55-14
Homecoming win over Arkansas
last week.

“We don’t think there is going
to be anything that shows up on
the test,” Tennessee Coach Phillip
Fulmer said on Monday. “What
the doctors are telling us is that
he’ll be sore for a couple of days
but should be able to play.”

In the unlikely event that Man—
ning can’t play, the backup quar—
terback for the Vols is sophomore
Jeremaine Copeland. Copeland
has completed six-of—nine passes
for 45 yards.

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"0T AGAIN junior quarterbarle Billy jar/e Haskinr ante again willfare
Tennessee while suffering from a panially separated shoulder.

Stadium, Saturday’s crowd will
likely be the largest crowd ever to
watch a UK football game.

This is the first year that UT’s

stadium has seated more than
100,000, with the expansion hav-
ing been completed last spring.
The previous capacity was 95,637.

Swimmers ready tor Nike Cup Invitational

By 0. Jason Stapleton
Senior Staff Writer

The UK swimming team has a
tough row to hoe ifit hopes to get
a win this weekend when they
head to Chapel Hill, N.C., to the
Nike Cup meet.

It will be especially tough for
the Wildcats to pull out a win
because the divers will not be
making the trip down tobacco



The Wildcats divers will
instead be takin part in the Indi—
ana Invitationa diving tourna-
ment in Bloomington.

“It really takes out the possibili-
:y of winning the meet, but we

on’t really go to that meet with
that intention,” said UK swim—
ming coach Gary Conelly. “We
want to go down there and be able
to concentrate on the specific
events rather than having to worry

Pbm mom

FBESHMM PIIEIIIIIM Nat Lewis has been one of the top performer: for the

UK men ’.r swimming team.

about how it’s gonna total up for
the team.”

Distance freestyle swimmer
Leigh Dalton said the team did
not feel any extra pressure to do
well because of the absence of the

“We’ve never had the divers at
the Nike Cup, and we’ve always
done really well there,” she said.
“For this meet I don’t think it puts
that much pressure, but at SEC’s
it would make a difference.”

Dalton said that she was look—
ing at the Nike Cup as a measur-
ing stick to see exactly how she has
been coming alon this season.

“I think overal —— as a team —
our times have been really good,
though," Dalton said.

Conelly, too, is looking to use
the Nike Cup to auge his team’s
performance at t is point in the

“I’m not real sure what to
expect because the meet’s about
two or three weeks earlier than it
is normally,” Conell said. “We
usuall swim real wel down there

Conelly said he expects some
swimmers to quali for automatic
NCAA Champions ip cuts as well
as having several qualify for con-
sideration cuts.

Both Dalton and Rick Barber
or their automatic NCAA bids
ast year at the Nike Cup meet.

This meet will serve as a home-
coming for one of the \Nildcats’
top freshmen this year.

Nat Lewis, a native of Cul—
lowhee, N.C., broke the UK
record in the 1,000 yard freestyle
and is currently No. 1 in the coun—
try in the 1,650.

“It’s oing to be great,” Lewis
said. “IV y parents are going to be
there, and I’m going to get to see.
some of my friends.’

Lewis was recruited by the Tar

Heels, but he said comin to UK
was an eas decision to maEke.
“I 'ust iked the team a lot bet—
ter,” Lewis said. “We have a great
pool, a whole lot of good guys and
great coaches.”

The meet is goin to be a lot
tougher for the men t an it will be
for the women.

The men will have much stur-
dier competition than the women,
havin to 0 up against the likes of
Florida, Tennessee, and North

The Lady Vols and Gator
women swim teams are not mak-
ing the trip.

“On the women’s side it will be
pretty much us and UNC,”
Conelly said.

The other teams that round out
the field are East Carolina, Old
Dominion, James Madison, Syra-
cuse, West Virginia and Virginia

Wildcats coming 0" tough WBBIIBIIII

By Jay G. Tate
Senior Staff Writer

Wildcats wobble, but they

' don’t fall down.

Despite a pair of beatings at the
hands of Southeastern Conference
foes over the weekend, the UK
volleyball team is prepared to
make some noise in this weekend’s
SEC tournament at South Caroli-

The Cats had a chance to snag
the No. 2 seed in the tournament,
which would have assured them an
easier road to the finals — delay-
ing the suicidal match-up with

erennial conference powerhouse

But it didn’t happen.

Instead, the weekend trip to
Florida and - South Carolina
proved to be a lesson in humility.

On Friday night, UK was
ambushed by a Florida team that
many ople see as the favorite for
the N championship. In front
of a crowd of nearly 4,000 fans,
the Gators held the Cats to just
.044 hitting while routing UK, 15-

UK head coach Fran Ralston-
Flory said she thinks Florida’s per-
formance was among its best of
the season.

“Florida layed about as well as
they could ave played," Ralston-
Flryy said. “Their head coach was


excited about the level they pla ed
on —-— she didn’t know if t ey
would play that well again."

The Cats then traveled to
South Carolina and took another
thumping, courtes of Shani
Abshier and Fernan a Laires. The
two Gamecock outside hitters
decimated the UK front line, hit-
ting a combined .413 with 37 kills.

The match proved to be a stark
deviation from the commanding
performance the Cats put on
against USC in October. In that
match, the UK front line held the
Gamecock front line in check,
registering 16 team blocks.

But on Sunday, UK could
muster onl seven total blocks as
the Sout Carolina hitters
launched away against the hapless
Cats, winning 15-9, 15-12, 15-7.

“Our assing was horrible,”
Ralston- lory said. “Therefore,
we couldn’t use our (middle block-
ers) and the way you beat South
Carolina is to attack them in the

The losses to UP and USC
moved the Cats to 12-17 on the
season, including an 8-6 SEC

Aside from the demoralizing
back-to-back three- me setbacks,
the losses allowed outh Carolina
to ain the No. 2 seed, moving
U to No. 3 and into Florida’s
side of the SEC tourney bracket.


That means the Cats will have to
to ple the Great Wall ofJennifers
(Flbrida’s Jenny Wood, Jeni Jones
and Jenny Mam.) just to make it
into the finals.

“Florida is a very, very good
team," UK assistant coach Tonya
Johnson said. “On any given day,
if we play