xt70gb1xgs7g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgs7g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-04-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 29, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 29, 1994 1994 1994-04-29 2020 true xt70gb1xgs7g section xt70gb1xgs7g  







By Perry Brothers
Staff Writer


Students in the College of Ar-
chitecture will hold an all-
school meeting this afternoon to
collect petition signatures in
protest of the tenure denial of
architecture professor Mark

The college's tenure and pro-
motions committee announced
the decision on Wednesday, and
architecture student council
president Walter Zausch said he


Engineers test
new substance
for support

By Stephen D. Trimbie
Assistant News Editor



Hardly anyone would raise an
eyebrow to hear that some UK en-
gineers soon are going to build a
60-foot pedestrian bridge in Daniel
Boone National Forest

Nor should anyone be surprised
that engineers predict it will sup-
port 80 pounds per square foot and
withstand any storm or flood Moth-
er Nature flings at it. After all, it‘s a
bridge, and that’s what bridges are
supposed to do.



today with a 5 .
chance of thunde
high around 80.
-A 60 percent chance -
showers tonight; low are

~Gonelderahie cioudineee
tomorrow with a 50 percent
chance of more
thunderstorms; high
between 75 and 80.





B 11d g pastic bridges

Late tenure denial
incomes students

thinks the timing of the an-
nouncement was contrived to
curb student action.

“It seems like decisions like
this always come down at the
last minute when architecture
students have been awake for
five days straight preparing for
their final juries," said Zausch,
who is a fourth-year student.

He said students in the school
are known for their participation
in the college‘s operational af-
fairs and he thinks the adminis-
tration possibly postponed the
announcement intentionally.

“This isn't a college where
students are willing to roll over
and play dead on issues like
this," Zausch said. ”This is a
college where students take ac-
tive involvement."

Zausch and other students in
the college began organizing the
student protest Wednesday after-
noon, hoping a petition will
force the committee to reconsid-

Even if the students' action
fails to reverse the denial.

See TENURE. Page 2

Art program loses
its leader


By John Dyer Fort
Senior Staff Writer



,- a

The UK career of assistant art professor
Shawn Brixey, who directed one of the
fastest-growing programs in the Univer-
. sity's School of Fine Arts, will end with
,g the spring semester.

After heading the School’s Experi-
mental Vidco/Multi-media Lab the last
four years, Brixey leaves uncertain the
future of UK’s new art genre program.
including the popular student video exhi-


‘ Brixey, who learned he wouldn‘t be
offered a tenured position, began looking
" for another job last summer.
. He is headed this fall for the University
of Washington in Seattle to take a tenure-
track position as assistant professor of art.
The School of Art at Washington is the
, /Iargest single program on a campus with

See BRIXEY, Page 2

r‘ort 'r'rrra

p .



Ounce of hope goes far


By Tyrone Beason
Editor In Chief




Except this bridge is a little dif-
ferent: It's made entirely of plastic.

Even the plastic is unique — not
the sort composing credit cards or
picnic silverware but the kind used
in military aircraft, missiles and na-
val war vessels.

The proper name for the compos-
ite substance is Fiber Reinforced
Plastic, and engineers foresee its
replacing modern materials in
bridge construction, such as con-
crete, wood and steel, by the year

The bridge UK is building,
which is designed for people and
not vehicles, will be analyzed and
tested to ensure the plastic‘s safety.
The project is one of many
throughout the country.

“In the next 20 years, (plastic)
will become an important structural
material along with steel,” said Is-

sarn Harik, a UK associate profes-
sor who is co-directing the project.
The other co-director is Kentucky
engineer Theodore Hopwood.

The University received a
$435,000 grant from the US. De-
partment of Defense to build the
bridge. Harik said the federal gov-
ernment is interested in new materi-
als for bridges because, currently,
40 percent of the nation's 600,000
bridges measure below structural

Although still in the testing
phase, Harik said, researchers know
that the plastic they are using for
their projects is strong enough to
replace the older bridges.

“The plastics of today are very
strong . Some are stronger than
steel," he said, adding that the de-

See BRIDGE, Page 2

UK halts credit card
payments for tuition


Staff report


Because of increasing bank fees,
UK will stop accepting tuition pay-
ments by credit card, effective July

In announcing the change yester-
thy, Chancellor of the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway said
cepting tuition payments by credit
cud — a fee which the University
carnot recover — would have
reached neuly $200,000 in fiscal
yea 1994-95.

The change will not affect stu-
dents whowant to pay for the four-

week or eight-week summer ses-
sions with credit cards.

UK has accepted credit-card tui-
tion payments since 1988. That
year, Student Billing Services pro-
cessed about 900 credit-card trans-
actions totaling $252,850.

In fiscal year 1993-94, UK ex-
pects to process about 12,000 cred~
it-card transactions totaling $7.2
million and estimates the number
of transactions would rise to 15.500
(311 million) in 1994-95.

The unrecoverable bank charges
UK must pay this yet will be
$123,840 and would climb to an
about $192,(X)0 in 1994-95, offi-
cials say.

You don 't need to live in South
Central Los Angeles to witness
neighborhood disillusionment. Just
talk to residents of the Georgetown
Street area in Lexington. Their
world is a tempest on the brink of
bed/am. The people there have only
enough hope to get by —— just
enough for the city.

June 30, [993

Douglas Park is a hub of evening
activity in Lexington‘s Georgetown
Street neighborhood.

Motorists stream in and out of
the parking lots, meeting with
friends. Children steal a curse word
or two while away from their par—
ans. Neighbors and complete
strangers congregate at picnic ta-
bles to play dominoes.

Across the street, area residents,
mostly men in big cars, chuckle
and banter among each other out-
side Booker T. liquor store.

In the distance, the sporadic clat-
ter-pop of Fourth of July fireworks
breaks the calm.

At other moments, it is the ur-
gent, blue and red flicker of a po-
lice patrol car or a feisty portable
radio that refuses to

stay horned in on the (Kids) lust hang


rhythms of alocal sta- w Old people

tion. _ _ ’
Vacillating be- think Its

tween the soothing dangerous.

clarity of a soulful

ballad and the frac- Young people
think it’s way of

tious static, the radio,
set on the table of a
group of domino |ife_
players, is a symbol
of this neighborhood.

As the players try
to relax and enjoy the
game, a patrol car

border the park. On '
this evening, a police

vehicle passed by every three to
four minutes — a constant remin-
der that all is not well here.

“You don‘t need all of these po-
lice," one of the domino players
complains. “Go down to the white
neighborhoods and see how many

police they got."
“Here comes two now," he says,
pointing toward Howard Street.

The police have become a fixture
in the Georgetown Street area. Just
last week, around midnight on June
16, mayhem broke loose when offi-
cers chased a fleeing motorist into
the area, after he ran a'routinc po-
lice roadblock on London Avenue.

The pursuit ended near Charlotte
Court, a predominantly black hous-
ing project just east of Douglm
Park. When word spread that a 15-
year-old boy had been struck by a
patrol car. angry young residents
took to the streets, throwing bottles
and burning rags at police and loot-
ing a nearby grocery. Two police
officers were sent to the hospital.

Leaders in the black community
proclaimed the disturbance a wake-




up call for Lexington, a cry for
help. A scourge of youth unem-
ployment and simple idleness final-
ly had gotten the best of this neigh-

Something had to be done.

Leaders talked. Lexington lis-
tened. Residents waited.

Neighborhood resident Clyde
Jackson, 41, argued that city lead-
ers should focus not on police su-
pervision but on neighborhood pro-
grams that help keep young people
out of trouble and, more important,
off the streets.

“Kids here just don't have noth—
ing to do — nothing — no jobs, no
activities . They just hang out,"
Jackson said.

“Old people think it‘s dangerous.
Young people think it‘s way of

April 26, 1994

As a group of domino players fo-
cus on their late evening match, the
world spins lazily around them. It‘s
spring, no time to think about heat
or trouble or change.

“What change?“ a player asks
contemptuously. “1 don‘t see no

Her companions release a collec-
tive, spiteful laugh and nod their
heads in agreement.

One would have a difficult time
convincing these friends and
Georgetown Street neighborhood
residents that much
has improved since a
civil disturbance oc-
curred in the area 10
months ago. The
promises made by civ-
ic leaders and city of-
ficials have yet to bear
visible fruit, they say.

Youths still hang
out on the streets at
night. Drug dealers
continue to pander

—C|yde their illicit goods.

'n V
will roll quietly down it; ‘* i
one of the lanes that #3

“It’s a shame," says
George T. Ross, 45,
who has lived in this
neighborhood his
whole life. Ross
doesn't blame young
people completely for
the wrong they may do, though.
Circumstance, he said, is a primary
factor in their decision making.

“Would you work for $5 an
hour, as temporary help, with no
benefits?" he asks. “What are you
gonna do? You‘re gonna sell some
cocaine do some crime.

“They wonder why so many
blacks is selling drugs,“ Ross con-
tinued. “You can't make it" any
other way.

Louis Hughlcy sees things differ~
ently. Last year. he and New York
Yankees scout Steve Chandler, a
former Lexington resident, orga-
nized a youth basebdl league to do
and into a more productive state of

“We teach them to be competi-
tive. We teach them cooperative
Ieaming. leadership and building
character," Hughlcy said.

More than 400 children. fran
preschoolers to high school stu-
dents, will puticipate in the leagrre
this year. About a fourth of them,



Hughlcy said, live in the George-
town Street neighborhood.

The Lexington Police Depart-
ment is getting involved, too. On
Charlotte Court, the site of last
year‘s unrest, there now stands
what has come to be known as the
PAL Building, home of the Police
Athletics League. Officers sta-
tioned here are charged with inter-
acting in the conununity, holding
events for children, getting to know
the older residents,

This community-based approach
to policing is not only useful to a
poverty-stricken area such as Char-
lotte Court, it‘s necessary, says As—

sistant Police Chief Ulysses Berry. ’

a PAL coordinator.

See CITY, Page 2


L.A. cops
serve and

By Michael White
Associated Press



past, such a complaint might
have been ignored.

In post-riot South Central,
Sgt. Mike Marchello is on the

On this night, the supervisor is
responding to a former gang
member‘s complaint that he was
needlessly dragged from a car
by officers.

increasingly, veterans like
Marchello spend much of their
time trying to assure residents
that police are there to help, not

The rising number of calls
from field officers seeking su-
pervisors' help is a reflection of
community-based policing, the
cornerstone of reforms recom-
mended by an independent com-
mission following the deadly ri—
ots in South Central two years
ago today, after the state court
acquittals of four white police-
men in the beating of black mo-
torist Rodney King.

“In this division there are so
many volatile spots.” Marchello

About half of the 130 recom-
mendations rrrade by the Chris-
topher Commission have been
fully implemented.

But significant recommenda-
tions still aren't being followed.

Cultural awareness training is
mandatory for new recruits, but
not for veterans. as the commit-
tee suggested.

“You‘re talking about charg-
ing an environment, charging a
whole way of thinking,” said

See I..A., Page 2








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Sherman's Alley by Gibbs ‘N’ Vaigt Showtime
lhopetheydan’tmhdlfibrmtta McLeaiSteveraonlembmerialist Youkmewaoneeinthe
few snacks. Last time. they t stooge I'm seeing Mary/eaten theater Manse myself.

tatekMywmypomgae tove. fitngeniusZnelvd Lnerdcfat'e lranthepopcomconceeelon
, fiftwrhar epic 'T hue Rate A Druid.‘ ' at Fords Theater.
The sand of your trying egos ___~_.
was a bit distracting Doesn't sand violent enough pd like ,0 tell you m
c Say. this new '11er Larry' Slim. Any knife fights?









before they graduate


By Joe Godbey
Staff Writer


It's cap and gown time, gradu-
ates, the last dance before the big
show called life.

UK‘s 127th commencement cer-
emony is May 8 at 2:30 pm. in
Memorial Coliseum. Though sever-
al colleges will hold receptions be-
forehand and afterward, all the
graduates will attend the ceremony
held at the coliseum.

There are 4,916 graduates for de-
grees, which include 3,017 bache-
lor's degrees, 1,467 graduate de-
grees and 432 professional

UK alumnae Bobbi Ann Mason,
a Kentucky novelist and short-
story writer, is this year's keynote

She will be presented with an
honorary degree at the commence-
ment for her achievements.

Jill Cranston. graduating politi-



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the human touch


cal science major from Marietta,
Ohio, will be the1994 class speak-

This also marks the first year of
the Senior Challenge, which pro-
motes the history of UK. The Sen-
ior Challenge is headed by the Stu-
dent Development Center, which
does fund raising for UK. Each
senior was asked to donate $19.94
to help purchase a historic marker
to commemorate a significant
event in UK‘s history.

Each sign costs between 81,000
and $1,200. These signs will not
only promote UK but it will give
the graduates of this year some-
thing tangible to be remembered
by, committee officials said. The
first sign will be placed outside
Miller Hall.


Continued from Page 1

lice spokesman Gary (ireenebaum.
LA. Attorney Ronald Kaye said
police are still “too oriented toward
enforcement, arrest.“
“There's still a sense of disuust
on the streets." he said.

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By Stephen D. Trirnble
Assistant News Editor

This was no Legos set.

Instead, it was a 230-pound,
20-foot long, 3 1/2-foot wide
steel bridge that stood 8 feet off
the ground that won the first
prize trophy for UK students at
the American Society of Civil
Engineers' regional competition
in Youngstown, Ohio. The win
may aid the UK team at the na-
tional competition next month in
San Diego.

And unlike the toy childhood
model, which may require hours
of placing connecting blocks
and assorted pieces, UK's engi-
neering students assembled their
bridge in less time than it takes
to read a normal-sized instruc-
tion manual for a Legos contrap-
tion — 13 minutes, 40 seconds

No toying around:
engineers win event


It was the third trip to the re-
gional meet for the UK team.
which finished third last year
and didn't place in its rookie
competition. This year, students
finished narrowly ahead of Day-
ton University.

Other teams that competed
were the universities of Louis-
ville, Cincinnati, Ohio State,
Bowling Green and Youngstown
State, which played host to this
year's event.

Civil engineering junior Scott
Kozenski, chairman of the eight-
man UK team, said this year the
team expected to win.

Ilis team finished second in
nearly all of the judging catego-
ries, including time, lightness
and stiffness.

Kozenski said the group had
been preparing for the competi-
tion since November. The group

practiced assembling the pieces
of the bridge - which could not
measure longer than 5 1/2 feet,
according to judging rules ——
many times before the competi-

The team members are: Ko-
zenski, project manager Matt
Bullock, chief designer Pray-
toosh Gupta, Charlie Clark,
Brian Scott, Mike Young and
Paul Mitchell.

Now the UK team is consider-
ing going to the national touma—
ment, and Kozenski said that if
it can raise enough money to
pay for expenses of the 40-team,
Southern California competition,
the team will go.

Right now, he said, team
members are trying to develop a
new bridge design for the na-
tional competition.


Continued from Page 1

sign, not the material, of a
bridge has the most effect on its
endurance against the elements.

Harik predicted that in five
years testing of the pedestrian


plastic bridges will be complete.
He said he hopes, by the turn of
the next century, vehicular plas-
tic bridges will be safe enough
to build commercially.

He added. however, it will be
about 20 years before the tech-
nology exists to build an engi-
neering monster like the Golden
Gate Bridge in San Francisco

completely out of plastic.

Also, unlike steel and wood,
plastic lasts virtually forever,
Harik said, and it is much more

Although it costs more to
manufacture plastic than steel,
the production cost is offset by
the easier construction of plastic
bridges, he said.





Continued from Page 1

Zausch said, “at least (Clary) will
know how strongly we feel about

Clary has taught in the college
for seven years, and his tenure has
been denied twice. Students and
faculty said they could not under-
stand why he has not received ten-

“1 was shocked," associate pro-
fessor Tony Roccanova said. “I‘ve
been trying to figure out exactly
why this has happened twice. It is
clearly an injustice."

“We all know Mark around here
to be an intensely committed mem-

ber of this school," Roccanova
continued. “He teaches with me in
the first-year program, and he is
absolutely integral to that program.
If he leaves, it will be a great loss."

College of Architecture Dean
David Mohney, who assumed his
position on Jan. I, agreed with

“This resolution is unfortunate
for both him and the college,"
Mohney said.

Four approvals are required for
each instructor requesting tenure.
Clary apparently received at least
two of the four.

“He got the faculty approval and
the dean’s approval, so basically
the people who didn‘t know him,
the area committee and the dean of
The Graduate School, are the ones

who denied him approval," husch

Those who do know Clary ex-
pressed their disappointment over
the matter.

Christopher Steele Titsworth.
also a fifth-year student in the col-
lege, has worked with Clary 0n
committees and said many students
will suffer both an academic and a
personal loss if the tenure denial
inspires Clary to seek a position

“It’s going to really damage our
school," Titswonh said. “It‘s a big
loss not only on a student instruc-
tor level, but we will all be losing a

The all-school meeting begins at
2 pm. today in 209 Pence Hall.


Continued from Page 1

more than 1,000 an studio students.
There are about 200 art history, ed-
ucation and studio students enrolled
in UK's an department.

After receiving a triple master‘s
degree from the Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology‘s revolution-
ary program combining art, hard
science and space-age technology,
Brixey was hired in 1990 by then
Dean of Fine Arts Richard Domek
to set up a cutting-edge program in
new genre and video at UK.

An intemationally known artist
with connections ranging from per-
formance artists Rachel Rosenthal
and Karen Finley to specialists at
NASA and MIT, Brixey also re-
ceived a prestigious Al Smith Fel-
lowship in 1992.

After arriving at UK, Brixey im-
mediately attracted a small group of

Continued from Page 1

“We felt like we had to work in
the area of prevention. as well as
enforcement,“ he said. “That helps
us establish a better rapport“ with
the residents.

But Micro-City Government ex-
ecutive director Ron Berry isn't
certain that neighborhood policing
is the ultimate solution to this
area‘s ills.

“We talk and put bandages on

students interested in combining art
and high-tech appliances.

Brixey introduced his students to
current video shooting and editing
techniques, using a variety of
space-age, computerized video and
audio equipment.

In 1991, Brixey and his students
put on the first-ever video exhibi-
tion at UK. In 1992 and 1993, the
video festivals showed to sold-out
audiences in UK‘s Student Center

Last spring, the student video
show played for two nights at the
Kentucky Theatre, a first for UK

“Most fine ans students now
grow up in the age of MTV and
computers — that’s what they
know,“ said English senior Byl
Hensley, chairman of the Next
Stage Committee, who helped Brix-
ey organize student video shows.

“When someone comes along
whose specialty is that technology
and that medium, people gravitate

problems," he said. “Nothing's
really been done.“

The kind of help Berry is con-
cerned about is jobs. Micro-City
Government last year was able to
employ 157 disadvantaged youths
in a summer work program. Be-
cause of cutbacks in federal fund—
ing, this year‘s program can accom-
modate only 57 young people out
of 2,500 applicants.

The altemative for many of these
applicants once school ends is the
streets, where drugs, violence and
hopelessness await.

to that individual, and people gravi-
tate to that product."

Art senior Joe Conkwright appre-
ciated Brixey's enthusiasm.

“He pulled me aside and said, ‘If
you haven't found a purpose in life,
then this is what you want to do,’
Conkwright said. “He was satisfied
enough with the quality of the work
I'd done that he felt I had talent for

But Conkwright also wonders
what will happen after Brixey

“I’m not sure the program's go-
ing to hold my attention."“At the
same time, I know the program will

Despite his disappointment, Brix-
ey remains positive: “I stayed as
long as you can on a one-year (re-
newed) contract, four years."

“There’s a little bit of sadness.
leaving these people, some of
which are the best friends I'll ever
have," Brixey added. “1 will miss
them terribly.“ ‘

Domino players in Douglas Park
break their intense game silence for
two reasons — to begin a new
match and to laugh. Beyond these
comic outbursts. one can hear the
approaching wail of a people in cri-

But for right now, it's spring. not
yet time to feel down about heat
and trouble and change.

“It‘s a good thing they keep the
police around," warned Phillip
Brown, 36, who lives in the neigh-

“It's just the beginning of sum-
mer. You never know."













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End of the mayhem


Final notations from a long, event-filled year

Notes on an abmdoned U-Haul:

The minor mill churned out of
control Monthy afternoon with the
cataclysmic news that gripped an
entire state. Accading to the re-
ports, Rick Pitino's U-Haul was
packed and ready to go. Destina-
tion: California.

With the Wildcat faithful mut-
tering their own private apocalyp-
tic soliloquies on talk radio, I pon-
dered the seemingly desolate
situation. Just then, with a some-
what gleeful celerity, it hit me.

The Pitino commercial deluge
was over! No more T.M.C. Long
Distance! No more Golden Flake
potato chips, with the coach dead-
panning the slogan, “One taste and
you're stuck on Golden Flake."
For five years, the people of Lex-
ington have been force-fed these
products throughout the basketball
season by the Pitino marketing
phenomena, all the while held hos-
tage by the boredom.

Of course, Pitino is staying in
town, as will these contrived ex-
cuses for commercials. (It's a de-
cent tradeoff, I suppose.)

But when he does leave Lexing-
ton (it will be years from now, not
days), 1 suggest that all candidates
for the position sign a pledge vow-
ing not to do cheesy ads. Violators
could be punished with a dock in
pay or perhaps the indignity of
having to wear a jacket from the
Wimp Sanderson collection during
a game.

It's just an idea.

-Cawood Ledford’s advertising
pitch for T.M.C. exceeds even Pit-
ino's for theatrical futility. I know
that criticizing the legendary
broadcaster in this state borders on
sacrilege, but I've had enough.
Ledford sank to new depths last
season as he stated, while staring
at the championship banners from
midcourt in Rupp Arena, “Maybe
they should hang a T.M.C. ban~

-Idea for a demented, politically
incorrect advertising campaign for
McDonald's: This Michael Jor-
dan-Larry Bird game of horse for
a Big Mac started off nice, but it's


getting a little old.
To spice it up,

could stage a
brawl between


‘ UMass coach
' ‘ John Calipari and
. Temple's John
. ...... . "4 Chaney, with the
r . . winner getting a
w Bis Mac-
Now, for some
reflections on a year of UK sports.
-Pig Roast in Memphis — The
Cats' 90-78 toppling of the even-
tual national champs was the un-
deniable peak in a topsy—turvy
year for the hoopsters. Officials in
the Clinton administration dis-
missed the game as a Republican
plot to embarrass the president.
-0ptimism Run Amuck — Bill
Curry had every reason to be
proud of his football team. After
all, they were the first Wildcat
team to go bowling since 1984.
But his assertion that UK had
“six of the best wins in America"
bordered on the ridiculous. In their
first non-losing season since 1989,
the football Cats posted wins over
perennial patsies Kent and East
Carolina and four Southeastern
Conference squads who sported a
combined record of 18-26.
-Evolution of the Shrfl'le -—
Center Andre Riddick modified
his post-dunk routine during his
junior campaign. Coming into the
season, Dre spun out once, and

sometimes twice, following a
This year, the spin move

evolved into a sort of strut, which
was in full effect as he schooled
Tennessee State's Carlos Rogers
in the NCAAs.

No word yet on what moves Dre
has in store for his senior year.

-Dome Gnomes Take the Cake
—— In my many travels this year,
the Carrier Dome in Syracuse,
N.Y., easily had the best atmos-

During the Orangemen's 93-85
victory over UK, Syracuse stu-
dents passed buckets of Kentucky
Fried Chicken through the stands,
taunted the free-throw weary Rid-

dick with chants of “36 percent"
(his charity stripe percentage at
the time) and charged the court
with a venomous ferocity follow-
ing the win.

-Yeah, It Had To Be the Shorts.

On these very pages in Decem-
ber, I boldly made predictions for
the upcoming months.

I said that, in the month of Feb-
ruary. Tennessee would win its
fifth game of the season, and I
would get a date. Hey, one out of
two isn't bad.

oDon't look now, but heading
into his junior season, Tony Delk
has a decent shot at making a run
at Dan Issel's school scoring

Delk, who averaged more than
16 points per game this year,
would have to average around 20
points per game the rest of his ca-
reer to challenge for the record.
Stay tuned.

-l’m the lyrical Jesse James.
Don’t ask.

-Today, Jeff Brassow attends his
last class at UK. I think a moment
of silence is in order.

-What better time than the end
of April to make some 1994—95
basketball predictions. l. Arkansas
2. North Carolina 3. UK 4. UMass
5. Purdue (assuming, of course.
Glenn “Big Dog” Robinson comes
back) 6. UCLA 7. Maryland 8.
Kansas 9. Minnesota 10. Indiana

-Don't be surprised if, when you
return to campus in the fall, you
see UK zealots Floyd Watt, Terry
Willis and Robert Vallandingham
camped out in front of Memorial
Coliseum, jockeying for position
in the line for Midnight Madness.

~Will next year finally be the
Year of the Cats? The addition of
Mark Pope and Antoine Walker (if
he passes his entrance exam) will
give Pitino a team long on talent
and experience.

-Take heart as you embark on
your finals week voyage. Only 97
days remain until UK—U of L day,
the day football will be king in the

Staff Writer Eric Mosolg