xt70gb1xgr93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgr93/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 11, 1987 1987 1987-02-11 2020 true xt70gb1xgr93 section xt70gb1xgr93  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 95

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Wednesday. Februay 11, 1987



Editor's note: February is Afro-
American History Month. This is the
first in a series ofthree articles
focusing on minorities. Today’s
article will look at block enrollment
at the University.

Editorial Editor

hile February highlights
how far black Americans
have come in society and

how far black influence has brought
America, one aspect of America is
not faring too well at UK — minority
enrollment in higher education.

In the last six years, UK has
experienced a decrease in
enrollment and a significant drop in
black enrollment. After reaching an
all-time high in the fall semester of
1980 with 795 students, the number
of blacks enrolled at the Lexington
campus fell to 639 in 1984. Fall 1986
figures showed enrollment at 650.

Such figures have some UK
administrators concerned. And in
hopes of making UK more attractive
to black students, the Office of
Minority Affairs coordinates the
efforts of three separate programs
that focus on the needs of the black
college student.

Emmett “Buzz" Burnam, an
admissions counselor, is in charge of
recruiting, His methods are targeted
solely at black students. Doris




Blacks at UK


Weathers and her staff deal with the
academic side of college life through
Minority Learning Services. The
minority student affairs office,
directed by Chester Grundy, offers a
support service for black students.

urnam said that while the

purpose of a selective

admissions policy may be
good, UK's decision to implement
the policy has had a “negative
impact" on black enrollment.

Under that policy, which went into

effect in the fall of 1984, students
must have a 2.5 grade point average
and a composite score of at least 15
on the American College Test to be
automatically accepted at UK.

Any students not achieving the
criteria are either placed in a
delayed acceptance pool or rejected.

Bumam said black students who
fall in the delayed acceptance pool
tend to look at schools where they
can be automatically accepted.

“Black students don‘t score high
on standardized tests, thus it‘s hard
to get (financial aid) and

Minority offices battle
decreasing enrollment

scholarships,“ he said. “Students
believe they can‘t make it ——

This feeling among black students
seeking higher education adds to the
stigma that UK is a “white school,"
he said.

In 1983, the year before selective
admissions was implemented, UK’s
total enrollment was 21,616. In 1984,
enrollment fell to 20,792. UK’s black
enrollment was 712 in 1983 and fell
to 639 in 1984.

In hopes of bringing more black
students to campus, Burnam “beats
the bushes“ to find students who are
interested in UK or haven't thought
about what UK has to offer.

Burnam, a UK graduate who went
on to get a master's degree here,
believes he can give minority
students a unique perspective on
this University. Besides telling them
about opportunities at UK, he can
show them how this University has

“I'm proof that there are black
graduates here," he said.

One of the bi ggest problems
Burnam faces on the trail is
recruiting black male students. He
said the current ratio of black
females to black males on campus is
8 to 1.

“Some are working. Some aren‘t
doing anything,“ he said. But he
hopes a state-funded program for
black junior high school students —

Sec MINORITY. Page 3




Both the total enrollment
and black enrollment
reflect the implementation
of stronger admissions
requirements, implemented
in 1982. Due to recent
recruiting efforts, black
enrollment has increased.


I l 1



A A Alllllll/






















While the sexes are becoming more equal on the whole. an increasing
distinction can be found amongst black females and males.
















............ fir... .. . . .. .



SOURCE: UK admissions office




Socially Concerned Students
organizes tuition freeze push

Senior Staff Writer

The student organization that is
calling for a two-year tuition freeze
and increased financial aid says it
wants to raise questions before the
University administration and com—
munity about the problems of fi-
nancing a college education. Howev-
er, the organization says it needs

Socially Concerned Students, an
activist group on campus, held a
press conference Jan. 29 to an-
nounce plans to circulate petitions
for a tuition freeze and increased fi-
nancial aid in the form of grants and

At the conference, the group
stressed that it was just starting to
organize and that with publicity, it
hoped to gain the support necessary
to really begin its efforts.

Members discussed the possibili-
ties of getting support from other

student organizations and from state

They are holding a meeting to
form a committee on tuition freeze
at 4:30 pm. today in 205 Student

The purpose of the meeting is to
recruit volunteers to get the peti-
tions out, said Alan Creech, presi-
dent of the group. He said the
group‘s efforts to collect signatures
have been hampered by lack of

On Feb. 2. Socially Concerned Stu-
dents set up a table in front of the
Student Center cafeteria to collect

In three hours, the petition for the
tuition freeze was signed by about
250 people, while the increased fi-
nancial aid petition was signed by
about 200, said Chris Bush, chief re-
searcher for the group.

Creech said that last Tuesday, the
group passed out petitions to the
majority of fraternities and sorori-

ties and approached house council
representatives for all the dormito-
ries on campus.

He said the student organization
has gotten and expects to continue
to get “good response" as these peti-
tions are returned.

Creech also said the group is at—
tempting to get signatures and sup-
port through student organizations.
He planned to approach the rep-
resentatives of organizations at last
night‘s meeting of the Student Orga-
nizations Assembly.

“We still have yet to get hold of
SGA,“ Creech said, but added that
group members plan to do so when
they get “a little bit of a constitu-

They have several options in ap-
proaching the Student Government
Association. Bush said. One option is
to ask SGA for a specific endorse—
ment for a freeze, while another is
to ask SGA President Donna Green-
well, a student member on the

Percent tuition increase
from 1981 -87 for in-
state undergraduates








DAVID PIERCE Kernel Gvarrl‘ ts




Board of Trustees, to “express con-
cern" at a board meeting.

The group has also talked about
working with SGA to “start a run-

ning campaign to inform representa-
tives in the area about the problems
of financial aid," Creech said.

See FREEZE, Page 9

UK’s fees
with. others

Staff reports

A look at UK‘s tuition rates and
rate of increase over the past five
years as compared to its benchmark
institutions — those comparable to
UK — shows that the University is
pretty much in the middle of the

The tuition costs of a year's worth
of undergraduate education at UK is
$1,332. This figure is $31 more than
the University of Tennessee. Howev-
er. it is $24 less than Indiana Univer-
sity and either $74 or $320 less than
at the University of Illinois, depend-
ing on a student’s year.

Pat Cross, president of the India-
na University Student Association,
said his group accepts tuition in-
creases but works to reduce them.

"We've always wanted a freeze
. . . but we don't know how reasona-
ble in the political system it is for
that to come about," Cross said.

Gaines program provides scholarships for UK students, staff

Award enables three UK employees

Fellowship offers chance for advanced study of humanities,
represents ‘thread’ holding together educational interests

News Editor

(‘arrie Mason came to UK two
years ago from Hopkinsville Com—
munity College. And like many stu-
dents. she had a hard time choosing
exactly what academic and career
direction she wanted to take.

Mason decided to be an English
major, but she still had other inter-
ests she wanted to pursue that a
strict major might not allow.

When Mason became a Gaines
Fellow her junior year, the diversity
of the program made her feel that
she ”didn‘t have to give up all (her)

Mason. now a psychology and En-
glish senior, said the Gaines pro
gram for advanced study of the hu-
manities allows her to have interests
in other areas and form a
relationship with “a lot of faculty
from different areas."

More importantly, the program
has helped her develop a close
relationship with people — the other
Gaines Fellows ~ that have essen-
tially helped her “live for the past
two years."

The Gaines Fellowships were es-
tablished through the financial in-
vestment of John Gaines, a boxing-
ton horseman.

Gaines was out of town and could
not be reached for comment.

In 1984, Gaines gave ssoomo to es-
tablish the Center for Undergrad-
uate Studies in the Humanities —the

Gaines Center — with the condition
that UK match the gift.

With that initial funding, 20
fellowships were established for
study at the center.

Ten fellowships are awarded an-
nually to sophomore students “for
tenure in the junior and senior
years,“ according to information
about the fellowships.

The fellowships carry a stipend of
$2,000 for the junior year and $3,000
for the senior year.

The deadline for applying for a
Gaines Fellowship this year is 3
pm. Friday.

Applications can be picked up in
the Honors Program, 1157 Patterson
Office Tower. They must be turned
in at the Gaines Center, 232 E. Max—
well St.

When the Gaines Fellowships were
created four years ago, the intention
was to provide an intense study in
the humanities without regard to a
student‘s concentration of study.

Today. that same purpose re-

“The initial intent has been consis-
tent - to offer a special program in
interdisciplinary study in the hu-
manities for any qualified student in
the University of Kentucky, regard-
less of major," said Raymond F.
Betta, director of the UK Ham


During the fellows' junior year. a
seminar is held twice a week that

“focuses on the broad theme of the
human imprint on external reality

. (and) on environment in which
it concerns itself with our percep~
tion," Betts said.

The first year begins with a look
at the family and the city. It con-
cludes with instruction by Gurney
Norman, 3 creative writer and pro-
fessor of English, on the perception
of fiction "and how the n0velist or-
ganizes for us a new reality." Betts

The senior year consists of a the-
sis written by the fellows, which is
worth a minimum of six credit hours
and a maximum of 15.

“The thesis itself," Betts said, ”is
handled almost as if it were a doc-
toral dissertation, but on the under
graduate level. "

The dissertation is evaluated by a
committee of three faculty members
and includes an hour-long oral de-
fense of the thesis. The thesis topics
are chosen by the fellows.

Roland Mullins, an electrical engi-
neering and math senior. said the
program allows him the opportunity
to tie his education together in a
coherent thread.

The Gaines Fellowships have
“been a way literally to focus my
education f in) one coherent
view, one coherent theme."

And for Mullins, that focus is im-
portant because "at its best, engi-
neering is for humans."

“Technology is int the spplico~
tion of knowleae," Mulltm said.


And that application is “by humans.
for humans. "

Sometime at a large university
such as UK, that element of humani-
ty is lost. One of the changers of a
university, Mullins said, is that it
teaches a sort of “gun-barrel view of
the world." The Gaines Fellowships.
however, help to broaden that view.

And within that brosdenim view
comes the full meaning of the
Gaines Fellowship simply

One of the benefits of the pro
gram, Bette said, is that the ”full
some of the word ‘fellowship‘ (is
fond in) the surcharge of ideas,
hop. and cancer!- in an academic

to experience classroom environment

Staff Writer

To win scholarships that pay for
tuition and books for two courses
during the 198788 academic year,
UK staff members do not need a col-
lege degree.

The Gaines Center for the Human-
ities will award three personnel
scholarships to full-time, non~faculty
UK employees who would like to
take courses “for enjOyment and for
the classroom experience." said
Nancy Howard, administrative as-
sistant at the center.

The Scholarship in the Humanities
“is a little program that has yielded
maximum benefits," said Raymond
F. Betts, director of the center.

“What we‘re actually looking for
are those individuals for whom the
experience will be most rewarding,"
Betts said.

The “personalized“ criteria for
awarding the scholarships focus on
the individual, said Belts, who ini-
tiated the scholarship three years

The selection committee, which
consists of “administrative people
who have a keen appreciation of the
academic enterprise, will look for
people whose experience will be ex-
ceptimally worthwhile,“ Bette said.

Recipients may take cam in
the humanities or in "thou which
are not how—to classes." Howard

“The come may involve tutu-y
and philosophy of topics as they ef-

fect our thinking and civilization

“The course selection is fixed but
broad," Betts said. “We‘re not set-
ting up any particular courses.
We‘re just providing the means to
what we think would be a very re—
warding experience in the classroom
for the individual."

”We hope that it will enrich the
person's life, beyond or instead of

See AWARD, Page 9

Hooker 00’. latest comin-
uoo. but doesn't Improve on.
their past work. For a review.
seems, Page 2.

The Cats seek m
st Hoop form. ,ho





 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday, Fobmary ‘I 1 . 1987


Husker Du’s latest LP lacks innovation

Contributing Critic

Warehome: Songs and Stories
Husker Du/ Warner Bros.

OK, the bad news first.

Anybody looking for innovation
should look elsewhere (try Big
Black, LL Cool J, or Alice). Aside
from about four songs (on a double
album. a pretty paltry sum), this re-
cord is Obviously a Husker Du

If you‘ve never hcard lluskcr Du,
I would suggest that you go down to
your favorite record store and buy
Metal Circus (not heavy metal, just
metal) and save this one for later.

There are many disappointing
songs on this record, and there real-
ly isn't enough good material to jus-
tify two discs.

Now on to the good news.

These guys have the hooks.
On Warehouse: Songs and Stories,




Hmker Du forgets all about their
dismal major label debut Candy
Apple Grey, and picks right up
where they left off in their evolution
toward the perfect pop song.

Husker Du realizes the important
fact that you don't have to pamper
great hooks with syrupy arrange-
ments and slick production.

On songs like “Standing in the
Rain," “You're a Soldier" and
“Back From Somewhere,” the Du
lays down hooks that Paul McCart-
ney could love, but then they add
this big distorted guitar that shows
why the ex-Beatle makes such weak
records these days.

The Huskers don’t just play pop

“She Floated Away" has a title
and lyrics that could come from an
Axis: Bold As Love outtake, a verse







75¢ Lite




that sounds like The Pogues and a

“Actual Condition" is a rockabilly
song, although it sounds more like
The Stray Cats tlnn Gene Vincent.
And “Tell You Why Tomorrow" is
just a good rock song with cool

Contrary to what the album’s
cover would have you believe, there
is none of the great psychedelic ex-
perimentation the band had on its
last double album, Zen Arcade. A 15-
minute wig-out like “Reoccuring
Dreams” would break up the mono-

As isual, the songwriting and
singirg is pretty evenly split be
tween guitarist Bob Mould and
drummer Grant Hart.

Lyrically, the Huskers have never
been great. Their words are even
awkward sometimes. It’s their sub-
ject matter that sets them comfort.

ably apart from many of their con-

The lyrics on Warehouse are about
growim old and falling apart. Mould
and Hart tell stories about failed
relationship and lives that are
going nowhere.

As the hand says in the prose
piece that accompanies the lyrics,
“Sometimes you feel real old. Older
than you are. Check the aches and
pains, the hairline . . . Respomibili-
ties, respomibilities . . . The circus
wasn't as good as you thought it
would be, the movie stunk, etc.,

At least they aren’t just singing
about sex and the police state.

It’s not that Hmker Du is making
bad albums, they jmt aren't cashing
in on the promise of their earlier re-

The Huskers have established
such a recognizable sound that
they’re trapped by it, leaving all the
bands that were spawned in the
wake of Metal Circus to carry on.

Hard rock of ages

California’s Stryper combines heavy-metal thunder with a Christian message

Contributing Critic

To Hell With the Devil Stryper/E-
nigma Records

Stryper, the four-man, heavy—
metal band from Southern Califor-
nia, is just now hitting center stage
with its third LP, this time titled To
Hell With the Devil.

The guys are calling it their best
yet and are saying this is what
Stryper is supposed to be.

With their video “Calling on You"
consistently ranked high on the MTV
daily request line, Stryper is proving
it can compete successfully with the
other big names in rock today and
that it is developing a national audi-

Stryper combines talented har-
monies with powerful drum work
and really good guitar playing. 02
Fox, the lead guitarist, and Robert


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Sweet, the drummer, can rock and
rollwiththebestof them.

Lead singer, brother Michael
Sweet, has a wide vocal range mak-
ing Stryper one of the few rock
bands that takes advantage of actu-
al singirg talent rather than the
usual characteristic screaming pre-
sent on heavy-metal albums.

Their vocal talents shine through
on songs like “Holding on," “Sing
Along Song" and “Calling on You."

Other songs like the title cut,
“Rockin‘ the World" and “The
Way” remind one of Dokken, Bait
and a little Dio through the intro
guitar work and the classic hard
rockin’ sound that follows.

But songs like “All of Me” and
“Ree" are mellow ballads, sort of
like Motley Crue‘s “Home Sweet

Erik Reece
Arts Editor

Wes Miller
Assistant Arts Editor

e emulduhtlu

.‘ c

."s cm...»




Home,” with the same kind of syn-
thesized keyboard throughout.

But what sets these guys apart
from classic or usual heavy metal is
their lyrics. And they’ll be the first
to admit it, or proclaim it, as the
case may be.

“We are rock and roll evangel-
ists,” said Robert Sweet in a recent
press release. “The No. 1 thing is to
tell people about Jesus in a way they
can relate to.”

Although they might dress like
your standard metal rockers with
the long hair, Spandex pants and as-
sorted chains and wristbands, their
lyrics are undeniably Christian.

And with these Christian lyrics,
they’re basically forming a new sec-
tor of music — Christian heavy

The Sweet brothers are kids of
country gospel singers, so they have
musical talent in their veins. The

Sweets played in a rock band called
Roxx Regime that opened for Mot-
ley Crue and Bali when those builds
played the Los Angeles circuit

After being popular for the most
part only on the West Coast. thir-
album might be the one that null}
pushes the band into the forefront
for good.

According to local record stores.
the sales for To Hell With the Devt.’
have been comparable to other hard
rock acts and even better than Am}
Grant in the Christian music charts

Rolling Stone called them “heavy-
metal Bible belters" and Spin mag-
azine called Stryper‘s music. "High-
energy, head~twisting heavy-metal
rock with the power and glory ot

So if you like heavy metal. a in
Bon Jovi and Hall, for the lTlllSit‘ill
quality, then you‘ll definitel} like

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 North, Poindexter
not asked to testify

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Rea-
gan has refused to order former
aides John M. Poindexter and Oliver
North to appear before the board
Reagan named to review the Nation-
al Security Council’s role in the
lrancontra affair, the White House
said last night.

Spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said
presidential counsel Peter Wallison
told former Sen. John Tower, R-
Texas. that commanding appear-
ances by Pomdexter and North be-
fore the panel would compel the pair
“to testify against themselves.“

Tower had written Reagan on
Feb. 4, asking the president to use
his authority as commander-in-chief
to order Poindexter. a vice admiral,
and North, a Marine lieutenant colo-
nel, to testify to the three-member
panel. Both Poindexter and North
have returned to active military

Fitzwater disclosed the refusal not
long after the White House made
available to members of the Tower
commission a series of typewritten
transcripts of notes that Reagan
kept on meetings involving the se—
cret sales of US. arms to Iran.

In his letter to Tower, dated Feb.
6. Wallison said that both North and
Poindexter “have a constitutional
protection against self~incrimination
under Article 31 of the Uniform Code
of Military Justice.“ Fitzwater said
in a statement.

Poindexter resigned and North
was fired last Nov. 25 — the same
day that Attorney General Edwin
Meese III revealed on national tele~
vision that millions of dollars in
profits from the sales of US. weap-
ons to Iran had been diverted to the
Nicaraguan rebels known as con»

Subsequently, both North and
Poindexter returned to active duty
roles in the military, and both re-
fused to testify before congressional
committees, invoking their Fifth
Amendment rights against self-in—


( nniinucd from Page l

two-thirds of which are male —-- will
help reduce that ratio in a few

Burnam said the incentives are
here for the taking. Scholarships
and a six-week summer program
are two ways he attempts to
persuade black students to attend

“There are scholarships
attainable for black students." They
just need to be made aware of them.
he said.

The summer program gives black
students an academic edge on
college for the fall. Burnam said.
because academicenrichment
courses dealing with English,
mathematics and reading
comprehension are offered.

Also study skills are emphasized.
and time is set aside for career
orientation. Burnam said the
program “builds their confidence so
they'll do well when they get here.“

This summer will be the third
year the program has been held. To
be eligible for participation, high
School seniors must have an ACT
composite score between 11 and 18.
Students stay on campus to get a
feeling of residence hall life.

"Performance during the summer
can lead to scholarships for the
fall," he said.

Getting black students here is one
thing. but keeping them is another.
While numbers show that enrollment
is falling, recent figures show that
attrition — the number of students
who leave school — is lower among
black students than white students
at UK. In 1983. the black attrition
rate was 45.9 percent. In 1985, that
rate was 23.7 percent. UK‘s overall
attrition rate was 25 percent.

Fitzwater said that in rejecting
Tower‘s request to produce Poin-
dexter and North, “the White House
counsel relied upon a written opinion
from the general counsel of the De-
partment of Defense, who confirmed
earlier oral advice on this matter
when similar issues were raised in

In his reply to Tower, Wallison
noted that Reagan recently had
“made clear his desire that both
Poindexter and North cooperate
fully with all ongoing inquiries, con-
sistent with their rights."

The presidential counsel also re-
minded Tower that Reagan had pro-
posed last month that the Senate In-
telligence Committee grant limited
use immunity to Poindexter and
North “so the facts would be known
without precluding prosecution
based on other evidence. "

Meanwhile, Reagan met with Wal-
lison and with David Abshire, his
special counsel on the Iran-contra
matter, in preparation for a ques-
tion-and—answer session the presi—
dent is scheduled to have today with
members of the panel.

In describing the arrangement
through which the White House
made Reagan notes available to the
commission members yesterday,
Fitzwater said the board “gave the
dates that they were interested in,
meetings and so forth.“ He said the
president “provided the excerpts
which were typed up and presented

Reagan ”made the initial selec-
tion" of what notes to provide to the
panel. Fitzwater said, adding that
the president did not decline to pro-
vide anything that was requested.

The White House said late yester-
day that Reagan’s staff and the
Tower panel had reached ”a nego-
tiated agreement" in which the
notes would be delivered to the
board and then returned.

That scenario was played out yes-
terday, the White House said. It also
said in a statement that “the notes
will undoubtedly be discussed in the
Tower board report, but they will
not be published."

ne area where UK is

concentrating its efforts for

minorities surrounds the
most important aspect of a
university —- academics.

Enabling students to do well
academically is the purpose of the
Minority Learning Services.
Weathers, the director, is trying to
build a comprehensive learning
service. Her office must
complement other services,
opportunities and resources on
campus, she said, without being
“territorial of minority students."

The learning service has “been
very effective" in building a
“wholesome working relationship
with other services." she said.

Before Weathers became director
in 1984. the program focused on
academic skills such as tutoring and
study skills. Now she has
incorporated a counseling service
into the program. This, she said, is a
real improvement in the center.

Her “network system" includes a
f ull~time counselor. six student
assistants, a graduate assistant and
a learning specialist. She said
students use the services for
different reasons.

“Some come for a particular
academic skill and we may not see
them again." Weathers said.
Tutoring is on an ongoing basis and
the counselor deals with personal
situations. There are also several
support groups, including one for
adult students, peer counseling and

Weathers would like to see her
office be able to provide “ongoing
contact with minority students from
the time students enter this
University until they leave. "

KENTUCKY KENNEL. Woanldly. February 11 , 1007 - 3



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Breaking away

Adam Suarez. an advertising sophomore, pops a wheelie while
riding down Rose Street yesterday afternoon in front of the





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Chemistry/Physics Building. Yesterday's warmer temperatures
had many students breaking away from indoor monotonv.



B ut despite positive efforts
such as the Minority
Learning Services, the fact
remains that black students have
very few role models right in front
of them a at the head of the

Of more than 1.500 full-time
faculty on the main campus and at
the Medical Center. only 27 are
black. Only 15 administrators are

William Parker, vice chancellor
for minority affairs, said these
numbers reflect “no mass
movement in America to cause
blacks to return to education." And
specifically at UK. “there is
difficulty in becoming tenured and
limited funds are made available
because it‘s seen as preferential
treatment of blacks by the status
quo. "

Weathers said the low number of
black faculty causes problems
because there is a “need for
coaching and mentoring.“

“Just the presence of minority
faculty is an inspiration." she said.
“It‘s proof that minorities are
scholars and academics."

The cultural and social aspects of
college life are the main concerns of

But Grundy says UK is not
preparing black students to cope in
a multicultural world as much as it
should because black students are
immediately thrown into a white

UK must “create an environment
for people to be themselves and
pursue individuality in a setting that
promotes learning, not suppress
what makes them uniquely what
they are." he said.





Darwin supported

Grundy believes such a setting
will benefit white students as well as
black students. “White students
need to be exposed to black
intellectuals for different exposure
and points of View."

Grundy said the biggest deficienCy
is in the campus climate — "things
in the atmosphere that make
students feel a part of the
institution, things that make a black
student feel he can participate in all
aspects of the imtitution.“

He believes this is where UK
needs to do a lot of work.

One way UK is trying to meet the
needs of minority students is
through the Minority Student
Roundtable. Weathers said the
purpose of this roundtable is to get
“feedback from black student
leaders about their needs and wants
and keep them abreast of what
we're doing."

“We need to improve
communication among members of
the minority community,” she said.
“There is a need for minority
students to know what kinds of
things are going on at UK affecting

Weathers said a financial
commitment from UK would speak
louder than anything else. “Support
is empty without resources — that

Contributing Wri