xt70gb1xgr5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgr5r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 1983 1983 1983-09-08 2020 true xt70gb1xgr5r section xt70gb1xgr5r l I i
Vol. LXXXVI, No. “ An independent student newspaper serwng the University of Kentudiy mm c 1894 in. mm. “vim”... .. 4,“
_._____..—_—._._—_—__——————————-———————._-..____-_~ __.._. -7.
EF Legislative leaders plan for budget preparations despite opposmon
Research commission calls for mo rt' 'pat'on 'n proc
8 From Staff and Associated Press re- for agencies that will be requesting Court and found unconstitutional branches have been embroiled in a get and the appropriatioi oi iziods to \t'f'ut“ '9. «.m'v .i . x in...
ports money. Hellard said the Supreme (‘ourt is legal struggle to determine certain thevaniusbranches iiclluiomut .:i.
, Warren said his statement would reviewing the deCiSion at thistime authority that the General Assetiitilx He \dlll iitir- llllit'ffl'llt‘v it: the mar \ '_ .. V .. . .. . W .
FRANKFORT -—Legislative lead- represent the administration's posi- Warren said the administration recently claimed The state so uals is that the lit: marina. pro . If" 'j": f '1 H ‘ .‘r ‘
ers yesterday approved a letter to tion until the courts settle certain believes that such legislative action preme Court is urn-tut to rule on tides for agency hunts ti who-h: :"Tl ‘,'_ , .. ' t“ y " "ll“
. Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. indicating powers claimed by both the exec- lS unconstitutional and will not abide thecase tX‘ftit‘eth'ltl'l-isessioti and Justify requests ‘vll‘itlt' thi- t'u‘ "I I“, ', ‘ j' l "‘ ""1“
the General Assembly plans to par- utiveand legislative branches. byastatuteauthorizmgit The reply. written by itellard was iitiie manual pl'rlilth ooh idl‘lllt‘l ‘ i: ""’."j“':" ,' ‘_" ‘_“ “ ” ‘1" "‘
ticipate in the preparation of the Hellard said this “on-going" strug- "I believe you will agree that approved by the t‘OlllflllsMOfi without and tntk'petidi-ti! .igi-iii \ iii-mu to do “W"?! """i “‘ ‘ 'I‘"""“ "M
next biennial budget. gle between the General Assembly agency confusron would result if two comment it was sent to Brown and so "““1” ‘ ""‘ k" ""f' "‘ " “‘ ""
The letter was OK’d by lawmak- and the executive branch has contin- sets of budget instructions were dis- (‘hief Justice itobwt Stephen of thi- "The effect «terms thi- ll'flhfliiilfl‘ :“w‘ ".2. ‘3' ’M'” r" “" ‘j‘l‘m
ers sitting as the Legislative Re- ued since budget hearings began in seminated and that such confusion Supremet‘ouri the din-umeniatiim .iiid .iwmiiii-iit l“ " """‘ ' " "3 ”'
search Commission. The 16-member 1968. The LRC had appointed a spe- would have a negative impact on 'he Hellard said the legislative man of needs and priorities to lllt' oifi M “ "mm”
commission. created in 1948 as a cial subcommittee on uniform bud~ budget process." Warren said "l ual on the budget will be furnished t'lalS directly risr-iibiiiir g.ii- pro llt‘.|.tltl “a. '.'k 4...“ . .1.“
support arm of the General Assem- get imtructions to create a manual believe it is in our common interest both to the interim )Olnl Appropria grams and .iwari- oi t‘iifltltllttlb win- is .Alir'hvi ii.~ i.. .- ... .. it...”
bly. handles administrative and re- of imtructions. Hellard said this toavoidsuchasuuation “ trons arid Revenue (‘ommittee and to Hellardsaid lti\ a... i.- .t-«Jlilvs'. w" "a... i..
search affairs when the General As- committee has already been ap- In line with that. Warren said. “i the respective appropriations coiii- He said another tilltmt‘r i< that tttvn" rtomim'vit‘ gu'l“! to.
sembly is not in session. said Victor pointed and is at work. have determined that only the bud- mittees during the 1984 session the Litt‘ iiiiinuai ‘miiiirm mow the t'\t‘11ll:\t‘ l'fdllt t' 3'2. . m
Hellard, LRC Director. The letter Hellard said a broad budget bill get instructions prepared by the ()f- "it is imperative in these times oi specific financial data tli.iti lllt‘ «~\ it.” '-l.i1ttl1 this or.» n .. 't-
was a response to one by Finance introduced in 1982 gave the General fice of Policy and Management Will revenue shortfalls and potential bud ecutiu-u-rsioii t-w It!vifll..l'lt|f‘ and n. .. i i...
Secretary Robert Warren saying Assembly authority to work with the be disseminated by this office to the get deficits that the legislature ob Also tht' executin- iuili-iiitii illi w: t'...' . All‘» in. i,.~- .: . \t
that only the executive branch is re- budget. This controversial bill was agencies ofstate government ” mm as much information as [10351th poses .iii (let 1 tlt'dtillnt' ioi iiiidgi-i «'9.th twig." hum... .t e.- v.‘ H.-
sponsible for drawing up a manual brought before Franklin Circuit The executive and legislative to aid it in the formulation of a bud requests Whllt' lllf‘ Hit' manual of» lhlll‘i ll~*.:.it~l w».
~‘ ' y ‘ O O o
- ‘ r 3’ - ‘ . Euro can ilots bo cott Russmn fli ht
.2t ' “1" . x ' 5 4- ,- ii p p y g S
_ . ., t t. l , i
a” i. . I 13”?” I By The Associated Press ple's livcsf hesaid piani- ‘vtlllt‘li tamed 3m iii-urn. - . . ..i up or
' ,, ' t . Q . Howe said the countries were considering l't‘ \iiierir‘iiis uni-i, rt “I“ awn...“ M. J ,,.. . til”
. .2, 1‘ 2- ? «ya. « ' Airline pilots in Britain. Australia. France and stricting flights to the Sunni l'nititi or f‘tNlrlt‘l i~r tin-r llk' \«mr'l l\l.tlltl of \ilif..i; ' .i~' l‘iiits
, , .,_: ‘ ' . ‘ ’ ’. Denmark agreed yesterday to boycott flights to trig flights by the Stnlt’l airline or both for a «to l'tii-iwmri- toiiiwi unto
' 1 y 6"; Moscow in retaliation for the downing of a South stated periodot llnlt‘ ' False-limits m»... in.“ Mir-mi...“ .. . ”is
/ . g ' g . - Korean jumbo jetliner. and Soviet Foreign Min The details of the boycotts by Australian gliiiu or ii... i... it .\ ioo llllltl .. our 2 m: o... .\.I\
"a; ' ‘ v. _ ~22 ister Andrei A. Gromyko said the plane was at- French and Danish pilots had not been spelled iii which tlit' Nfllt'l l iiioii tLi~ i.~\,..i...i...g vim
' s : ' = h " tacked after it "tried toescape.” out, but the French didn't expect their action to Ktirf'illl lilaiii- thmmwn \h‘ut; “W1 jg~iltf',.'\
i ' .. '- r ' y ‘ “a; The British pilots' association asked its Sill) take effect untilnextwoek .iiti-i- (iroiiivko \ \pflt‘t‘ll ... tho i» ii..t oi i -it.!t‘t
» "' ' members to start a (today boycott tomorrow. in Seoul. South Korea. more than iotiim t‘lit‘t‘IDfiN't‘llf‘lt‘v .iiiiii i.ii.-i..i.oi.
a and airline captains in other European nations mourners. many screaming in grief. packed a shulti sat lllllkikslu‘h tll lllc' iioot iou «fill?
a g ,1 ' :1 ‘2 ' ' 3; indicated they too would join the protest stadium yesterday to denounce the Soviets. and t;roiii_viio .ii-i-iN-d th- ”mm.“ ...i,,,.,~.,‘i,..i...,, .1
' Q L wit? ”* NATO countries were considering backing the South Korean Prime Minister Kim hang hyup «lander iii ttt‘t‘iblflg Mosrou oi .. “Us. t.-...i..
'1 2; a " pilots'action withaformal embargo told the mourners that “retnhutioii :ind cursi- tioiioi llunhu‘inghlsin[hr-pldnri1;\..\lq-r
British Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe will fall upon them for the crime they have mm M lL|\ in-oiiir irriu-ih i tour ”)0 Null]: ho
. ' - ' told reporters after a morning meeting of NATO milled " rvtiii .iiri'rntt '-‘.I\ on spa i.i. ilti". tot \lllt‘f \.Ill
. - foreign ministers in Madrid that the West was In Spain. (iromyko declared yesterday his .iiithoritii-s .iiid lllt'll ri-li-\.iiit \l'l‘.ltt'\ lll’ -.iiit
; : determined to respond forcefully to the Sept. 1 government was perfectly Justified in shooting \ltm‘uu it." plt‘\i0\l.\l\ .illr-gmi tiii- .nft r,it' .i....
Q " X ‘ . . shooting of a Korean Airlines Boeing 747 by a dovm a South Korean Jumbo Jet. charging the ”It .i sin iiiiwii. \ttfllt‘llllllfi \‘J'sllillfllltl wt
”1' .2 Soviet fighter. plane violated "sat-red" Soviet borders \A'hllf‘ on \(illlll Kori-.iii otti< iiiis li.i\l' doom!
1’ ' , , . : 3‘“ ”almOSt nothing that can be deSlgned in "specralrluty" for Washington bliuit/ told reporters .iflrtwatil llu- litiq'
"is " ' this fiEld can match the scale 0f punishment (irontyko and Secretary of State (ivorgv l’ hoods .m- on thr rurt oi ”I“ \uvw-t I v. .,, .iod
~ that is necessary for the extinction of 269 pet} Shult7 accused each other oi lying about the !hi-_\ rooiiiiiimivii t.riirti'.k«i «timi.
' .. I » ', SGA cuts funds drastically for ‘Communicator’
z 'x ,3; V~ 2 ,Ci. ”-3" '. 2' I i
g '4 {a . ' ' 1 . By SCOTT WILHOIT t0 the campus." Bob Easton. sen limited staff and a new faculty and the N-tuito- last night providing 9m
' " I News Editor ator at large. said “But. we must user "We havent had the time to for new weights in thi- \Q'n'tif‘i ti-ii
% if encourage them to seek alternative draw add contracts.‘ Mitchellsaid in In a bill \pnrluirwl by former
° ' ’1 sources of funding " Neal Hardest). senator at large \t‘flitlltr lmtis hiniiih the \rrinti- will
.‘ y . :1 “i ‘ _ V Funding for UK‘s minority news- . ‘ . said he would favor approving lht‘ pilrtlli‘lu' .i diiriihi-H u-f .iriii in" ,
2 ~ \' V ’ ' . I paper. The Communicator. drew . ()riginally. hvcrett “Haw“ “‘ ed- money but “this would have to be weights consisting of ui-ightut iiii fl' 1
w .0 ’ 7 V . " heated debate last night at the Stu- ttor 0f the ’publtcation. said he "L the limit of funds coming from iiii-iilsof‘httn H'ii-iiiiitts
. ,- 1 ,. . E; , ‘ “V .. 1' "wry" dent Government Association Senate quested $2.300 from the Senate to SGA .2
‘5me i if. 2*? meeting. fund The Communicator for the 9” llardcsty said the Senate has In other itt‘llttll ihr- \i-rmti- up
V. . g z ‘ In a bill sponsored by Chuck tire year However. when the bill “we, supported any campus orgarii pron-d .i ri-xoliitiori l.l\|lrlfl‘( .iii no
Thombury. pharmacy senator. went to committee. 't was changed ration for more than a year llf' \itltl [)rtnt'llll'fll in hziiidiiiippi-d itttt'xhl
r «ssuiimiiimu renown: $301.90 was allocated to continue to a month-by-month appropriation SGA has been the mayor underwrit m“) I“ ”w NWM‘, ("MW l'rirriary
Hangin, on printing the first issue of the two- procedure er for the monthly paper over the WWW" ”amid \“lh W" -' Wt")
year-old publication. ”There is “0' "We were suppose to be totally past tuoyears lt'tti t-xtsts with ”w doom iii oldrr
. . thing wrong with them coming to us self-supporting by this time. but cir- Following the meeting. Mitt-hell parts of thi- student i‘riiti-i l
Holly Lee, a phySical therapist sophomore, anchors for her for money." Thombury said "Per cumstances have prevented this said. "They can spend money for talked with some ruiiiitiiapimi \lll
sorority's tug-of—war team yesterday at the Scaton Center. She sonally. 1 support this bill to go from oceurring.“ Mitchell said weights but im.) haw. ”mm“. wpmi di-iits illlfl tlwy told riii- ii in“ din“;
pulled to no availas the Tri—Delts lost [0 Chi Omega. through.“ Some of the problems he said the ing mtmcyonant-wspapi-r ittiposisihli- to get lfl illlll out iii m.-
"The CommUniCGfor is necessary paper has encountered include 3 Mitchell was referring to action by Stiirtr-rit t‘i-nis-r doors \allv mod
J l' h l t $200 000 f l t ' d't' t
ourna ism sc oo ge s , or c cc ronic e 1 mg sys em
By STEPHANIEWALLNER sor of journalism, will attend an exposition for a month and after the order is placed. convincingly that we have the means to meet partition an arc-ii oii tor tltt' ioiiiiiuti-r to
Senior StaffWriter in Chicago Sept. ii to 14 to view equipment. most companies say three to five month; to our Objéx‘iivca ii. the news editorial and ad keepltt‘nnllnt'd
“They will examine and compare editing haveitdeliveredandinstalled.” vertisingsequcnces."lambethsaid
systems currently on the market,“ lambeth “The University purchasing officers will “We're hoping to do more in the way of ed 1” “H hk“““‘"“ "" “l“ l" "3"“1 ”1“
Classes in the School ofJournalism will be said. be in collaboration with Bob Omdorff and ucation with this equipment."tirndorftsaid 5"“ 'h-V a“"’"’""" '“”"""h ‘5'"1 l'"
usinganew electronic editing system funded “I've known about the show for a long me to set our specifications for what we “We're optimistic and pleased that the d'ml’u‘d" that “l” ‘"'V"“-‘ “H "4 ”“’ W”
by the University by the middle of the Spring time but we weren't planning to go." Om- want and need." Lambeth said “The Uni— University has recognized this panicular "’r“ ”wudmam“ ““""“‘""“"""’“"‘
semester. says Rained Omdorff. assistant dorff said. “It‘ll speed up our search a lot. versity will put that out to bid and we‘ll see need Drennon said "It Will mean tremen 41,. MW," ,,, 8“,...” W mum“,
professorofjournalism. _ ‘ We‘ve been looking on and off for a long whocomosout With thebest bid.“ dousprogressintheprogram “ mm” m m, Journalism 5”,”, m WNW
oUptoszoomo Will beavailable,’ Edward time," .. . . The protected amount of equipment is to Other expenses which WI” "mum", the modern Mum“ "Mpmm, MM... H mm
Lambeth. director 0f the School of Jour- The present editing equipment conSists of Video display terminals for use in electronic amount of . , ., t l h h, l . .
. . .2 . - . . . . . .. . equipment available Will be main ( 'mm' "W" .V ‘ "Vim"? '3'th
nalism, said. This has been a long standing four terminals which broke down early last editing. according to Omdorff ld really tenance costs “Maintenance can run to to Is wd
request, probably about twoyears.“ March. “It was repairable. but the decision love to have 16 because that's the size of rcent of the chase rm, . (“mm
“The University has planned to give us was that the school had spent enough money mostofthereportingandeditingclasscs. peld W ‘ p ' "l'kntipmrnt is only one it?!“ and in no
this money for about a year but couldn’t be- in repairs already.“ Omdorff said. The sys- “We could do with less but it wouldn‘t he sa nit-ans the must important om- ill at i "am.
cause of budget problems.“ Herbert Dren- tem is nowseven toeightyearsold.hesaid. as good for students.“ he said “We alS) "That‘s a big concern.“ he said "if your Hun." he said 'But the iii-vision rim-s \hm
non. Dean of the College of Communicatiomi “Within a week to two weeks (after the ex- hope to get a new typosetter that would haw not covered that way it could be a costly or the l‘mvrmty s commitment to yiumaiism
said. . position) we should be ready to get a bid alittle versatility." saster Another cost will be table top space and Its faith in the faculty the l'unlf‘lllum
Omdorff and Alan M310“. assistant profos- out," Omdorff said. “We have to hold the bid "This will contribute to our ability to show for these t‘terminalsi We will also need to and the students
Ed t'
uca lOIl , ,
Academic servzces supports students coming back to school contInUIrlg .
By LYNND.PARKIS Academic Support Services. a spe- in.“ Murray said. mom of them education “3'05
Reporter cial support program for adult stu- (men and womeni are strongly mo i
dents. helps thee students adjust to tivated by the practical. but there is _
therigorsofcollege. also a strong motivation toward self- M b ” m hu- II:
Norma Palmatrome dropped out DeeEllen Davis. director of satisfaction." or p. “a- ~. “a.
of UK after three semesters to get Continuing Education for Women. in addition. Murray said. "Some an lb m Isms-‘- um
married. “so-million years ago." she said about 28 percent of UK‘s stu- men are cashing in on their veter- ”hm”;
says. later. in her 30:. shewas tired dents are age 5 or older. The ma- ans‘benefits. ;_ -_ . _.
of the "social bit." so she picked up jority of the adult students are en- “Most of the men i talk to are a. “r0 h. oft- In.
afew more credits attheUniversity rolled in evening and weekend pan-time (studentsi because they ,2 '“dmfllw
of Virginia at Charlottaville. she classesshesaid. have jobs" Murray said. "The ' , . ”*“.M
says. Mary Ann Murray. an academic women i talk to may be part-time or i?” .; ,. “.hm~t
Now she needs a job. So Palma- advisor, said she had 847 individual full-time (studentsi. but many of " J“ ‘ , ,, .. is my...
trome tbcided to continue her edu- caiferences with adult students in themam'thave jobs." “ v;
cationatUK. the last academic year. About 27 Sum Tania, an undecirbd w ‘ ~
“1 had to start sanewhere“ she percent of those studmts were um. frullnsn. said people always think * 3
said. She started at Franc Hall. she said. “Career Direction Thmugh adult men are “coming back to t ‘a .
borne of UK Academic Support Serv~ Self-Exploration." a m designed couege." She. however. is attending ‘ ’5
ices,andairolledinam~setitled. specifically for men.hnbeenof- hemtconegechmtlusaemes- } K; ?
“Discovering a New You." "the fend by Academic Smart Services ta. Ha children attend school and g 6; . I‘DW‘IHQ
clns provided vocational toting forthreesemuta‘s.Dwtsuid. raster said: “l'm not one to wuti / hdu . h b“
and selfexplmtion for adult women Mll'l'ly Ilid she was surprised to walls all day. I need more than that. ‘ 2 '5 _’ “Afim. : Q h
considering career dances. she rindmenmremrningtoooliegefor Iaijoylesming." . 4. ~ - .. .- 1’ ‘ mm“ L ‘ m I;
said. the same reasons a women. “I Shewuiutomeetpeiipletoo. ' m “32.“; WV'QQ
Palmstmme is one of more than think the economy is tacit; people 3;? ‘ .. . “ii” 9.2.3135;
3.”) adult studuiu Inciting UK. to wider the career they are “gmitws :itéww ~ezith£~dmr ». ir'm‘v‘a‘ .
{p . .

 l l l
2 - TH! KINTUCKV KIINII. Thursday, September 0. 19.3
matey Patterson
seemeairor B
Assistant Sports Editor By S
-— Senit
' At
Pomt guard returns from Pan Am Games meg.
' 0 e e
ert \
Hedges returns to school With hopes of makm the Olympics
. . Ke
By JAS()N WILLIAMS she said. “I learned a lot of things for whomever was behind. They chances are “Just as good as any- ence
Senior Staff Writer abOUt people; Imetalotofpeople. would boo the US. when they came one’s and proabably better than {am
“I had a lot of fun; I enjoyed my. in no matter what, but if we got be- most, because if they have selected aret
F self. I learned a lot about my coun- hind, then they started cheering us." tryouts then [robably my name will u]
*‘ Tuesday afternoon, while the Lady try. too.” Although she went through a lot of beonit," she said. dent:
', Kat basketball team was running on These sentiments came despite work, from tryouts in May to a sum- “But like I keep telling everybody, chan
3" L; the track at Shively Field, Patty Jo the discomforts faced by most of the mer of practices to the actual com- anything could happen. It might cons
v, ‘2‘ ”,1 _ Hedges was throwing discus for her U.S. athletes such as dorm rooms petition, Hedges said it’s been worth happpen again that no one gets to go Kc
., . , 2:2 . , ' track and field class. Yesterday, without doors and lack of running it. (as in the US. boycott of the Mos- mail
n ‘ " ‘,, 2'? ’ .. ' ,, while the team lifted weights, she water. Hedges and the women's bas- “I heard there was a girl on our cow Olympics in 1&0). So I’m just ees j
was having her picture taken in her ketball team were fortunate enough team who said it wouldn’t be worth goingtotryand stay inshape.” prob
\ , ' a, USA. basketball team uniform. to move into a hotel after a few days it unless she made the '84 Olympic Staying in shape includes regular hesa
, ., = ‘2 It’s not what Hedges, who played at theotherrooms. team. but I looked at her and I dosagesof basketball. As
5:," 2 a? , As, her final year on the team last sea- Hedges had no complaints on Car- thought that’s not true because let “I’m playing with the guys in Sea- Boar
' 2.,” :3; son, has been used to in early Sep- acas. “They have real nice people. I the fun of playing was enough for ton Building," Hedges said. “People respi
2% " ,3; tember, but she's made the adjust- love the people I met a lot just from ————-——— ask ‘isn’t it going to be hard?’ but I fits
. ,r/ v, 3i. ment. the women‘s basketball team and don’t think it is because 1 like play- "I‘m
.; _ \‘\Q g, 2, “I thought there’s no way I could the men’s basketball team,” she a , , ing with guys and they make you like
in (g, ‘i 12' ,5 handle it, but it‘s great." she said. said. I wouldn I say I m betterinalotofcaseslthink." Boar
‘ ‘N- 2 , “I'm so glad I‘m done. I wouldn’t “The country was just all moun- burnt out on ball be— Hedges also is finding more free Ke
,, y ,2" ' say I‘m burnt out on ball, because tains. Everywhere you looked there ’ time without the Lady Kats and fel— pose
2, .. ,:,2. w - . A . I‘d love to go overseas and play, but were just big, tall mountains, and cause 1' ’a' [ave [0 go low former teammates Valerie Still
fi 31‘ V ‘ 2 f 4, “h" ' I just feel like I'm ready to move on the houses were on the sides of those and Lea Wise on campus. Still is
, 4r ~ ,. a 2 toother things. mountains and they were like slums 0V€FS€GS and play, but playing professional ball in Italy for
. t " .. " ' ”A “I‘d be glad to help the team in or something here. ' ' ’ the next eight months while Wise,
9 a I,” f , {‘3 coaching, which Coach (Terry) Hall “It was sad. But I asked a guy I just feel [Ike I m who earned her degree, is in Lexing-
. ""‘ 2 MM“ ’4? .; has asked me to do. I might do a about it and he said they‘re happy. ready [0 move on to ton“lookingfora job,"Hedges said.
9 , f ,4. .2, ' little of that. I need the experience He says that they have everything 0 I her thin S :1 Hedges still needs three semesters ByS
.‘ Q ; . f . " 5 because that's what I want to do (as they need, so I guess that‘s all that g - to graduate, and she said she hopes semi
‘5: g ,4 ,2 .=: if W - g .2- afuture careerl." counts." Patty JO Hedges to help With Lady Kat practices oc-
. fl _.. 2 , i , Axe/2:3,: ‘ *2, Basketball has hardly been absent The South American crowds had caSlonally during that time. Most of Pi
it . " " '. W in from Hedges' life the past month. As their ups and downs, Hedges said. Former Lady Kat all, though, she 100kS forward to her Tues
I, ’ .. " .. , . the starting point guard for the “In Brazil, when we played the new-found leisure time. mg n
= 7' s V . U.S.A. team, she guided some of the Russians, for some reason people _ “I find I’ve got a lot of free time Til
' ‘r ‘ '. 2f , 7 " ",, top collegiate players in the nation were against us to a degree," me. I think this will be a good step that I could do with what I want to,” portl
2 ,,,,i f: ' 232 , ' ,, ' 4» to the silver medal in the World Hedges said. “They threw coins at towards the ‘84 Olympic team." she said. “1 don’t feel pressure to do tron
i», W .2, {3, 9 {if ,2 ,, r" Championships in Brazil and the us and hit us on the head and stuff, Tryouts for that team, coached by anything. Cam
" - ~ 3ft ‘ . W“ ‘ gold medal in the Pan American but that could happen anywhere; Tennessee’s Pat Head Summitt, Will “So far it’s been a lot of fun, I’m The
é, . ” «a! 2 Games in Caracas, Venezuela. that could happen here. People prob- be held in May in Colorado. relaxed a lot more. I can meet more and
-’ .., 2 , ' 2 .. “It was a good learning experi- ably do thatall the time. Hedges is optimistic about her people than I‘ve ever been able to and‘
V _' * , 22,, egg: ence for me on and off the court," “But in Caracas, they were just chances of making the team. Her before.” Dc
‘ '4 " ‘54,” :1: .3 ' . . theft
A ' 1% / " cour
, , .. -—-r- .. ,, g , UK to host first annual fall Tennis Tournament K.
5. 2. ’ _ ’4 ,9”. in" By CONCEPCION LEDEZMA Emery said, the men's Singles in Tennessee, and one to enter it from any level,“ edbi
’ a ’ ,’ 2.4 4 W ‘ Staff Writer “When they think of tennis in Ken- UK tennis team players are among Emery said, “There are also divi-
5,2" T ,.2.jv.._ tucky, we want them to think of the the listof contestants competing. sions for boys and girls, good or
‘ . M __ ,9 d complex here (at UK) and of our fa- The brackets will consist of men’s bad." S
' i The first annual men an women’s cilities,"hesaid. and women‘s singles and doubles. 2 -
H”, mum PM W Invitational and Open TBMiSdTOUF' The UK complex also holds the The prizes for the invitational tour- rawSL? Zlgénmgyiggiedéglifsh
, . . ' M ”m nament Will be hOSted by UK uring high school state and junior tennis nament winners includes: $500 for . . .' ByC
Folrlme: Lady Ka‘t Patty Jo Hedges shoots over Auburn 5 Brenda theweekendof Sept. 17-19. tournaments. “This tournament is the men‘s singles champion, $250 for gnfgryafeaerexdage igeqtgu red for the 1:“ R911
H' m astscason sflnal home game. ”This iS going [0 be an annual also intendedtobring community in— the runner-up: $175 for the men’s i nts The _pel {“1113an pig ":6
event in the fall," said tournament fluence in our (tennis)program.“ doubles champion team, $75 for the pa ' 5mg es ees IS an _$1.
, . . per team for the doubles rtlc-
. . . director and UK men's tenms coach The various player divismns in the runner-up; $250 for the women’s sin- nts pa 1 M3
connors WInS semlflnal match Dennis Emery. invitational tournament are teaching gles champion, $125 for the runner- pa ‘ Ame
The reason for the event is to pI‘O- pros, travelling pros and regional up; $100 for women's double team, Anyone interested in participating says
. . . mote interest in UK tennis in the ranked junior and college players. $50for the runner-up. may contact Emery for more infor- 50“
NEW .YORK (AP) — Defending the ”St set. mm the $0"? 5'4‘ Lexington and campus community, Greg Carter, who is ranked No. 1 in “The Open tournament is for any- mation at257-3283 or 223-8315. Th
champion Jimmy Connors survwed Teltscher saved two set pomts in the son
a string of four straight first-set 10th game, breaking Connors for the ‘ ' ' - cuss
. . . C
semee breaks and advanced to the fourth time. Then they held serv1ce I ,atonla traCk to Open 81 ver annlversary season Bacl
semifinals of the US. Open Tennis the rest of the way. But Connors, the UK‘:
Championships yesterday with a 7‘45, only man to win this tournament on (AP) — Latonia Race Course, which ume they visit the northern Ken- at night) will not only help our fans meet, but the highlight of Latonia’s 81’3“
6-2, 6—2 Victory over No. 14 Eliot three different surfaces, dominated ls observmg its Silver anniversary tucky track. with results daily, but hopefully at- year is the $250,000 Jim Beam Spiral ”'1
Teltscher. . the . tiebreaker, winning seven season, is staging a “Run for the Sil- The promotion in honor of Latoni- tract new fans," said Latonia gener- Stakes. com
Connors, the No. 3 seed, Will meet straight pomts. ver" promotion for Thoroughbred as 25th anniversary is being run in al manager Stephen Baker. The minimum purse for races will goin
the winner of last night's match .be- In the second set, Connors broke racing fans at the Cincinnati-area conjunction with Cincinnati radio be $3,500. Officials say there will be Cole
tween No. 16 Bill Scanlon, who ellm- Teltscher in the second and fourth track. station WLW, which has obtained Latonia draws heavily from Ken- a large supply of good horses avail- Ame
inated top-seeded John McEnroe in games. then gave a break back in A 25—date fall meet began yester- exclusive rights to broadcast Lato- tucky, Ohio and Indiana, and has able because Churchill Downs in is if
his last match, and Mark Dickson the fifth game, But Teltscher lost his day and ends Oct.6 with a drawing nia race results each night. been upgrading its image and qual- Louisville has held racing through Ame
Connors and Teltscher traded seerce again in the eighth game as for $10,000 in silver. Patrons will be “The WLW signal (a 50,000watt, ity of racing in recent years. It holds the summer and many horses will Ti
eight consecutive service breaks in Connors took the set. eligible to register for the prize each clear channel that reaches 38 states four stakes races during the fall beshipped to Latonia to race. {30"
" ic d
"to Kentucky Kemd, 210 Jam-em Wig, University of Kentudry, lexingl‘on, W1“
_ , Kymhmmdnnhnmdnmmwmlym T}.
2 dumm.mwammpuualmmm Ky.m11.31m1p¢ion g”:
ram:mparyeer,$15permnnhd.ThKenmdryKemolispI-imodby ' an
Kernel Crossword Wmmmm.,.m.mm.t....................... Basketball smmmages set , nu,
$23: 2: $3%:": WEDNESDA Y’S The University of Kentucky basketball team 2::
6 — bear 57 Honest PUZZLE SOL VED Cl'EVYCHASE n" makes YOU laugh hard. I’d see it will play four intrasquad scrimmages prior to “1!
‘1 Re'a'wes 3W5 l&2 6 000 t'm 5'” its season opener — three in locations around belil
‘4 NaI'OW'ane 50"“1'3” IBlllEl fill-ED EDIE Io°~o307 . ’ | e ' the state and one in Lexington. W0“
15 Unaccom- 61 Honored mama gamma BBB!!! ammo M — Joel Siegel,GOODMORNING AMERICA , , sian
16 Famed 62 — Jam IIIIIIIIIBIEEI Ema. On Nov. 10, the Wildcats Wlll scrimmage at , wan
"(tab 0'9 63 Throuoh BEIIIIIBEI IBIIEL'JB swosm emcs $175 . ' ‘ ' h h 01 ‘ to tside Ash-
17 Privileges 64 Apprehen— Imaam out: AFTER spur Ar ” **** A fantastically summ" Jumorfim SC 0 . ’ ”’5 .u
19 Parasmcegg SlOnS "HEIDI"! Elli-"Blink! ca v CHASE . . . ,, land. The charltles that Will benefit from the
20EolQ.E.D 65 Aln't: 2wds some ammo Ella-Ella E V entertaining mowe. scrimmage are the March of Dimes, the Scott
S; ggegosmon Donut :3ng gflgfilgunnflfla ROGER m — Roger Ebert,CHICAGO SUN-TlMES AtThe Movies Rose Memorial Fund of Handicapped Children
r na e mg I I I . .
24 gazuy 2 Swan genus uI-oggguguoggem “ and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
26 creed 3 Elbo o e . , , _ ,\ . . . .
27 H0, _ 4 Farmwuniir; Egggaggamgagg w . _ QM b 0t: Notv. lf2,_ HopkanVllletzllighBS‘cjlsozl 1:31
30 Dive 5 Look at . a. ~ ‘ Q, , , e c 51 e o in rasqua acr . u . .
32 Crazy. Slang 6Meatple MEIER] Ema-l3 BEBE £29 m m , ‘ W of the Hopkinsville area will benefit from the _
33 Was anxious 7Potpourn BEES DENIED mug“ 2:20-4:00- ._._':“’°“ /” - - l
34 Malay 00"" 8 Aerial stunt 28 Front 45 Farm sounds 5 ‘45'7 ‘30'9330 - é Wildcat appearance. -
37 Does wrong 9 — Arbor 29 so am“, 46 _ _ and ' $2 ‘ The Knott Co. Central High gymnasium Will
33 Mo'el'm'd ‘0 Annul post: 2wds took notice QM ‘ [E ‘ Ewing be the site of a Nov. 14 scrimmage. The Lions
40 giitab:gtslse 11 crpunzdvlgsle a? 2332:3333” 23353133359 73W ,_., ' ' Club Eye Foundation is tenatively scheduled as
41 Laths 12 Greek poem 33 Fish 50 Harm's [i] , . “1%,“ 6 soummxo new HASE the charity to benefit from the proceeds.
2 2; 3,2223; :3 3:822:18 g2 Susan's? 51 BfknaFme 7 7:72:35 233“” 2 "flags acacia: The final intrasquad scrimmage Will be held
iinse ar:r. ,_. _ ._. - 205-3: — 2 -2 — - -
45 Anchored 23 Wrath 38 Snow vehicle 53 Precip. 6 03390338100 5 2551.07 2453.255 5:45—7:50-950 6.0%;%90%L%%100 Nov. '5 m Lexmgton' ‘
jg gfifa‘ed 32:21: 39 weapm‘s 54"i5h. exc'a' ' I ' ' Times and more information about the in-
49 Fortified 27 BasIC M mg? was 55 $21,225 Q $200 Pf” to 6‘00“” Dally % trasquad scrimmages will be announced later.
50 Sound substance 42 Murmur 58 Born CHEVY CHASE $1.50 Prior t06:00p.m. Dally
reflection Abbr 44 Utilize 59 —— vive: Alert M .
13 Tu -of-warintramurals held
EEIEI Elggg Ea: THE MEN OF THE 80’s 8
The women’s independent division was won
18 .
n.-...-.... n.- , by the women’s gym team and the men’s inde-
H..- w... a“... w pendent was won by the UK MC Class of '85.
“HI. Farmhouse fraternity captured the. fraternity
. . “II... Thursday Evening from 9 until ll is for Ladies ONLY. d,""5'°“ and P' beta Ph' won the ”for"? d'Vf‘
“a“... WWI-l. You'll have a ball with the men SlOn. The Blandmg l Bulls won the men s reSl-
H dence hall division and the Blanding Women's
I... w...- “a“ Tower team won the women's residence hall
ill-ll iii-III liiIII 2 M r
V. '9 r. ., ’fl" f" “M
III “III. III-- . "x ,/ -“' '
1_ x, , Woodland ct . _. ’.
"Igg==ll IIIIII . = a. sue... Avenues I .~ - WE
ill-II 2- 2, 2 .2. FED
ill-Ill lee-l genie ' ‘2 r: , . N 4
I {‘ ‘J ", ' . ‘ y
3:: flflfifllaflflflfl 3 a a? ,,.,. IT S
k _ \\ -. ~f awe“. H °.W onmcr the Kentucky Kernel at 257-1915 if you
“I. "I... “I... M: W” ' “l ‘ - ~11: ' ‘ 1 ‘ mm, ould like more information about UK’s award-
.5 ”Nag, .,‘,,' W ‘ m Q .A W inning independent daily newspaper. We also
W iWW‘ r, ~‘oe. \ ' "d h h '. t d ed"
,. _ , .. W” . Elm __ m “a. "H w u“ p otograp ers,artssan copy tors.

 . ~ l
—— _~_ -. .. monument KIINIL "wad". $09th I. I”) J
.. New members prepare to govern UK ——-—I - . 1
V t
Board a oints three Tl‘ t S l Clubs get office space in Student (enter ,
‘t pp us ee After an mmtm of planning the Student «gain than 1 ti- ii. ., “I ..a . . 3., . ... \r .
'0' BJSIEPHAAIEKAUAER Sit} of Inuisvule hearth. “We have tributlon. Watson served as a high 9‘1““ and Amm.‘ ”m" "WW 1" Willi“ ”\‘l'I‘ with-It“ Herr-v- “ . r fit” :..' «t. . l
_ SemorStaffWriter somewhat d