xt70gb1xgq2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgq2f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 28, 1972 1972 1972-11-28 2020 true xt70gb1xgq2f section xt70gb1xgq2f l l
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P Q ,' ("Q .1 9 Lexington and the t'mversity of Kentucky-- member. the highest level of horsemanship m , ‘ Q/I _ ' .3» 1“ .-"
_ Q. Q ' , . , . . . . 3 the Ponv Club system. . I i .‘ I . 1 I1.
{5' s i Whlt( fences and horses. horses, horses. 2 I I”; Q .Q .. . ~.°-E ‘ .M'Wfé‘“ . , I 1 . In“ “My;
‘ I \ . . I ' ‘2 ' And people, people, people who train, ride. For the past few summers.Tom has traveled to .. ~. ii] - II -_ -_ . . Q. Q
\ 1 J I' . . - 'I.I- jump and take care of those horses. eight states Wlth an “A Pony Club summer a . I - . .. . - . . 2
‘ II Iii ’I I II ’I ' II - ' f om South Carolina to New York. He e :Qf . - . _Q _
. , . . . , . . _. Afew of the liorsg..r(>latod people even takea bit frogg‘jlndgflga e 'um ing and coaches Pony ‘1 5M; II I . I . . . K ., .' II _
I ‘I‘ "I ’ ' I 'I II 'I I'I II I 'I I 0f their time away from “("595 to attend classes (eIacb is“ te‘arris‘ J p is. :IE‘I .. . “III '. 2. .. ' ‘ " ~. Q I I ~>
. >I--:' a .’ _v i'.:.. I. II - / U ra ;V . IIII I, Q **.~>‘-:9‘_3*1i; a??? 5... I -Q-. ,. . II II . ,
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. E v; .. v ‘ , g . . . . i ‘-I? It's 6 am. The program gave McLaughlin the chance to =.".5 1.: 1e... @va At; ; Q . ‘I'-IIK‘?\.Q’ ,> r , .
‘ " I‘I'Ii“ .. .I ‘ . ~ . . . . . .~ . ic riders, Geor e 'Vlorris ,.’e R .Q., i". . ' 2*.21. I .
M I“ I ' " ‘II ‘3 II ” I3I= -IIIIII"III'--‘I‘III-‘IIIII 55“ $ .- ‘ II I ”‘I‘ I’ .- W‘hlk‘ lllOSt students ill‘(' happily glued to their work “1th tWO Olymp g I‘ . it“ 11;: “331» :2 ' 3. .... 3 ~QIII .
. Q. g Q. s x. I. . a ; . . Q‘ . of? beds the horse ,1. fully awake-—and hungrv. and Jessrca Ransehausen. Both Morris and $.31 9:; 39111?! .3 .. . I .
. ..z‘ Q. .é‘: O . I ..Q i? - . 3 -_ . . . - . I . . h ‘t ~ ltansehausen rode in the 1960 and 196 4 Olympics. Q «was I .
‘ II‘ ”I“ W I II I iI VIII II I ‘ I II I“ III II someone must feed hmI because e can very l t ‘d 'th Morris or Ransehausen for 36‘“ iv ..r H .. .
‘v’f t. I § §‘ f-II .3- § II .“ ‘ I’ - well order room service from his SUI”- Few lle p arIis 0,“ e w‘ I .‘ei‘i a» _ ' ~ -~
It; . II .. .. 3.x“! ’ ‘ .. . “‘I': II1I :‘. 3‘3'1.:'I..'.;;-;Q3Q.Q.-.:v “MW/3:41:13)” >3 " .. 'x.. '3.» -. ‘: .- 3, - .I ; . . . ‘ _ , . . ,3." '.'.> - .- I . 1 A ‘1" '.
I i" v ..w fig: ‘I‘“ I 5 w§4 g 9:3;fi‘m viiiewwoe‘ .. . ”*9 . ‘ “ ..- E‘ _ .. ‘ > ’ I know the Joys of feeding horses in sun, sleet. hall ‘1 “mp e 0 years 1;; N a I) , .; I
“‘3" V” as» a at 2% 3.: °” ' i. get 'I . I . II I . or high w-iter McLaughlin has no horse of his own here but Q». .1 .. I Q . I I ..
E m- 5.1 IQ '1. > .35: 9. sQwfl ,1 I_ {1'er ...-..Q. IQ Q _ . 1 ~ enjoys every chance he gets to ride, hunt or show I ,Q . , I I ,. -. _I 7 III
@»1I7,.»IQ:-.;I;;j:- -I... -. ....é'I-Qg'fi I I” II IAKAIA' *'- Wfifiw,§f I“ go: I “19*: II§9.‘:“-; ;i:,‘? Q; ““311; 1-13; 4%! I if?” Sht'JW'nU l )lCtriCh krlilWI.‘ (}ethng up at b (Lm. ()thtr horses- .' “A! I ~ .Q . ' I I‘ . ~. I '. IV‘- I 5‘ . i
‘ ' ~ . mewfimmv .‘ I m "’* i‘I’IImII‘IISI .-1‘ ...):II ’ -'i >5 '. everv morning doesn‘t seem unusual. Shawna . ,. > .. \TF" \GF 0]“ ll McLau hlin ‘I I .I. ‘I' I ..I . . Iii-"W ‘-IIII\
I I I I i ‘I‘“ I W333” " I ‘III‘I ”It?" M I?” II .... , . “-‘W'Tifi"... Ibis. ‘I‘ h *l s train '0 to 60 \‘earlin thoroughbreds with A1 ”I“ I" ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ . g _l . . . Q. QQ " .Q _. - ' ” _ ', ,t; 4" ‘ Q
h .. Q ' ' Ii I ”"2 w ‘I‘ieWiigé-3wg“ {-1 Q.“ I"“"“¢?“““" ‘53:? I‘II M 3,9“ I 1 .fQ I ‘ gk, ‘ p a ‘ g l d started riding with Brownland Farm ln Nash~ .. . " . , . ' ., ; ' _ ‘
i . a“ .; ... " - i sexeyie“>““ ~ ‘-‘ ~ ' ~ W John “Md “dbl” "‘ Keene 8" Ville. He progressed through the Middle Ten- . . . . . ,. .
‘ II I I I I I I II II . ) . 7 tend a “B" National Rall ' ' :- ’-
I SHAWNA worms Wlth 12 to 14 other Y‘QSISIEI‘E; on‘it(‘r:i‘:vv‘0:t:rk y . I _ . II
racetrackers to teach the “babies" the meaning m’vl'lL rohli‘n 'oined the Combined Training I . III I . II 15,-,
of saddles. bridles, bits and the human touch. t‘i‘rciiitauagt the] same time “The Circuit is . -I- 2 w, . . I II
II Q Q _Q .3 Then they are taken to the track and ridden for dressage, cross~country and stadium jumping all
'I (‘I';‘Ii-‘QI-t WW?" - I ‘II 'II II the first time. in one day. There are three events in the fall and u I BF TR 1‘ H I“ I H ard
-' ' -- '-- '* ' '- > " . g ’ - . . . . . \Ht‘KLER w . . 2 .> ' : . .' i o arv
" ’t 9-. : ‘ ‘L.’ 3 .- .. - - , ... ., ..¥§,.~'-fl- Q; ~ _' ~° . . .. . . . ‘ - ‘ ' ‘ oint awards iven exermse, Holloway showed horses eVery year ' ;
,1 fg, 3 ffiv {Magi ka‘Ij‘i?‘ rgQ ;Q‘§ a}; I f I I r {$5}??- .. 1, .- I> Riding “screwy yearlings isn t easy, but the three in the spring With‘hlIgh p id 3 until her sophomore year in high school. to compete in the next p010 match.
E‘II- = I “‘“5 I' ‘1‘ 'I ' 'I‘-Ii; he; fig “if ‘t . I '9 3:..11314 .. 'I I % .‘é'et ‘35:;‘3‘1, ‘ I " ‘5‘ ii job “pavs excellently". said Dietrich, a biology at the end 0f the year. e 53 -
- 3i”: , j 'I’ ‘ » i ‘ if; I “ ‘3‘ ‘ .. II":.I.‘ is. ‘I' “I- “? '. . . o ..‘I’ I Q I ' I‘i _.-’§3 1 a- .‘ .4“ Q. . Iii Iii-I , i ' - . Q . v Q . . ~ ,
@wmka» ,. . I I ... 33‘ iii; .QQ:Q=< his I.. 97." -. sf; gm}? 3 Q1." .wa ggitw", , 4 tag}. freshman. IJohn Ward Stables. for whom She Future plans for McLaughlin include travel One of UK s most enthusmstic horsemen 15 Tom and Gary Leonard are two p010 freaks
. as“? ‘I‘“ - ii“ ‘II I 7 ‘3 sigh 1%.”. $ng ‘fifi 2‘5“: 7;. ‘I i I ‘ 2' &' “Iorks‘ ‘rams mainly ‘0‘ mama“ and with the “A" program and judging schooling John Mickler. an animal sciences freshman. An who helped get the L'K polo team off the g