xt70gb1xgn9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgn9f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 2005 Vol.76 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, January 2005 Vol.76 No.1 2005 2005 2019 true xt70gb1xgn9f section xt70gb1xgn9f 23$ Iz'olume 76, Number 1 U. s, Postage
is; f,- ”, - use 7 - . v~ r_.__ entuc Press Association PAID
' paw???” * $3: - 1°1C°§ysmrme Glass”, KY 421‘“
W at” « . “We KY 40601 PM No. 939
t " .. «as; pp}, k «gi- ~ 7, 7 f ” " ' . UNIVERSITY OF KY.
fl“ + ~ "p- 'n ' ‘ 211 KING LIBRARY SOUTH , ,
January 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service
_____—____—__—_—_——————————-——— f
Directories available at convention " '
January -
The new edition of the industry experts scheduled to ., ' ,
Kentucky Press Association conduct sessions at the conven- " . ‘ News & NOteS
Yearbook and Directory will be tion on topics involving tech— . . . . Judges Needed for ;
available for you to pick up at nology, NIE programs, adver- ' '
the 2005 Winter Convention tising, management, sales, ' A _ ' GPA: NPA contEStS
and Trade Show on Jan. 20—21 at readership and sports cover- 1 _. i ' Looking for a contest to help
the Hyatt Regency in age. ‘j‘wpwln I judge? We have two of them
Louisville. The convention kicks off at l g "Mm I lined up for you.
The photo featured on this 11 am. on Thursday, Jan. 20 3.21, b: if}; V , 'p 2.1:. Thursday, February 17/ KPA
year’s cover was made by Bob when the trade show booths E? ,5 a12§“*=y;w§l¢f _7 will be judging the Georgia Press
Dickerson, photographer with open. .. .. '“‘_”.-'-7” V 1 Association news and advertis— }
The Kentucky Post in The first session of the con- " ' jg; , ~ " ing contests at the Embassy
Covington. It depicts vention will be from 1 to 4 pm. Suites in Lexington.
Thoroughbreds on a Boone when Tim Harrower, author of E And on Friday, February 18,
County farm in a snowstorm in ”The Newspaper Designer’s W. p p , . KPA will be judging the news J,
’ early 2004.. Handbook,” will entertain and {32A : . and advertising contests for the .
The directory isn’t the only educate the audience on the 2005 DIF’ECTOPI’ ‘ - Nebraska Press AsSociation ‘in ‘
thing you will take home with finer points of creating reader— , -' I Louisville at the Holiday Inn ,
you after attending the 2005 friendly, award—winning pages. " 1; South - Fern Valley Road. '
convention. You will be able to Seating is limited for this ses- .. , I Both judgings begin at 8:30
take home new ideas and infor- ‘ am. (Eastern) with a continental
mation shared by the numerous See AVAILABLE on Page 3 The cover 0f the 2005 KPA DireCton was made by breakfast and both require news- ,
Kentucky Post photographer Bob Dickerson. room and advertising staff mem_
O bers. If you want to participate in -
Recycled newsprint rates are good .. bop 0. *
ings, please call Sue Cammack at
It’s the prover- , sessions as our When that failed, another legislator KPA’ 80052645721’ or e~ma11 her
bial chicken or the O S d pf lawmakers tried saw a way for tobacco farmers to at scammack@kypress.com.
egg discussion. r; to figure out have an alternative crop. Soybeans. , , ,
I really hadn’t flQthL «a... mandatory col- ”Soybean Sam,” as we came to know Former Pelltlcal -ert§r
thought much $2.... lection, bottle the late State Representative Sam A1 cross to be roasted
about recyde‘i f biHS' recyding MCEIIOY' PrOPOSEd that all news ink Kentucky politicians will .
pewsprmt 1n the 1% Eggggufiggggggtr f and how to keep be made from soybeans produced 1n finally get their chance to see on
ast few years. The landfill space Kentucky. He was half serious, well the griddle the newspaper politi~
state didn’t seem available into the maybe more than half serious, but he ” cal writer they’ve learned to love
to think it was much of an issue and future. thought it would be a great alterna— , andto harp,»,opet‘thefdécaaes; ' .
I couldn’t find any legislators want- Newsprint and using recycled tive crop for tobacco farmers. ' [Al .l‘Cmés. The -",;.'Courier4 .
ing to hear about it. newsprint were part of the equation. More serious discussions came as ",Igurfiépa. ibngtimé pohtlcal
The issue is not the use of recycled Paper, be it newsprint, office paper, other states developed mandatory writerand coiummst,wil1 'bjé
newsprint. Kentucky newspapers, I cardboard or similar products, could recycled newsprint consumption. roasted enMondagFebzgm
think, have done a very commend- be recycled, could be used to make Early on, states were targeting cer- i prmkfortcmssleftthenewsyw
able job of using as much recycled more of the same product or perhaps tain levels of aggregate tonnage. permAugusttobecomemzenm
newsprint as possible in the last there were new products that could Some were shooting for an aggregate ldflectoa‘ofthemstmzteforilural
decade. be made once it was recycled. 40 to 50 percent recycled newsprint immatzsm&CammumtyIsaeea
That’s when Kentucky’s landfill The discussions were interesting. by the year 2000. attheUmversttyofKentucky
issues dominated much of the dis— Some legislation was proposed that Kentucky ran that flag up the
cussion in the state legislature. It con- newspapers had to take back every S%NEWS%?€XQ
sumedagoodporfionoftwoortruee copy or every newspaper printed. See RECYCLED on Page 5 t

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, January 2005 '
K t k 1 ° th ' ‘
en uc y peop e, papers in 6 news + _
The Central Kentucky News- Vernon, Ind. She began her newspa— coordinated the inception of a Teen expanding regional health care and
Journal in Campbellsville promoted per career 18 years ago as a recep— Board and has continued to handle a fitness industry. The glossy maga—
news editor Becky Dial to editor. tionist. Since that time she has han- variety of reporting and photogra- zine-style publication will be dis- (
She was named news editor in dled proofreading, social writing phy duties. She designs many of the tributed in the Commonwealth ‘ t
March after former editor Beth and some bookkeeping before being front and jump pages, coordinates Journal the final Sunday of each ‘
Foster acceptedageneralmanager’s named staff writer in 1998. Since story assignments for special sec- month. An additional 2,000 copies E
job at a sister publication in Mt. becoming news editor, Dial has tions and the regular paper, and will be available in free pickup racks I
I supervises a staff of three full and strategically located in high foot- (
four part-time employees. traffic areas in Somerset and area ‘ l
The KentuCky Press The Grant County News spon- doctors’ offices and fitness facilities. (
sored its second annual Wild 8: The newspaper also redesigned its 2
The Kentucky Press (19mm 939) is Pub- _ . 3 . Wooly Pet Photo Contest this fall. Southern Kentucky Family 1
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press . District 11~ Glenn Gray, Manchester Participants were asked to donate $1 Magazine in December. Lisa Rowell 1
ASSOCiaIItion/ Kentucky P1955 SerViCGI Inc-I Enterprise 3 3 per photo entry with all proceeds was also hired by the newspaper to 1
Third C1355 POStageIis paid atIclasgow, ' . I . , . going to the Grant County Animal be lead layout and design coordina— 1
KY42141.Subsci-iptron pncels $8 per Dlsmd ”Pom Carman, Casey Shelter. The staff presented the ani- tor for the newly created (
year. Postmaster: Send change of address County News . .
toThe Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer 3, , » mal control officer a check for $300 Commonwealth Journal niche (
Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223—8821. District 13 - Tom Caudjll, Lexington . *0 go to the shelter- Product department-
. _ , i Herald—Leader , _ The Kentucky Standard recently Linda Dobson called an end to .
Officers . ' 3 . > , I‘ . I hired David Mann as a her 32-year career at the Central I
IKenthkY PressAssociation ,, I District14—‘TeresaIScenters,IBerea Citizen _ reporter/photographer. He will Kentucky News-Journal as circula— J
" , _ .. . , . ». L ‘ , > '. , ‘i ' f cover a variety of topics for the tion manager when she retired on 1
Ifiggglggfifmfme Advocate I figbbraéglientufiylfiemel II I' Bardstown newspaper including Nov. 19. She began her newspaper I
. I . ,, 3 I , .Williesawyers,.ISentinelrEd\o . county government, courts and career as a part-time insert collator
,President-Elect-Charlie Portxnanm. I PattiClark, OWefitOn’ NewsHerald , : Bloomfield City Counc1l. He began at the old Central Kentucky News '
,FraninnFavorite I " j ‘ I ' , TayioriIHayes,KenmckyNewfira ., ' ‘_ his journalism career at the and then was added to the full-time
IIIII‘I'; ' i I .v University of Louisville as a sports staff as a receptionist.
WoePreSident—Giemaray, Manchester DmsronChamnan I writer for the school’s independent Crystal Anderson was promoted 3
Enterprise I NewsEditonaiDmawn-Iahn Student newspaper, The Louisville to circulation manager at the .._ . .
I ' 3 3 I . ShindlebowenSpencerMagnei 1 Cardinal. His first job out of college Central Kentucky News-Journal I
fireasmeraTaylor Hayes 1;; . ., I » . ':’ ,_ I: . . I I .
KentuckyNew Era I 1 .I I ,: , , ‘ Arterfismgflrrision:CherylMégers,.-5v I.: was as a staff writer for The News- follow1ng the retirement of Linda
' 3... .. II .I CentralKenmckyNgwslgurnalII:I },.': I5 Democrat in Carrollton. Dobson. Anderson has been work-
Pastl’resrdem -SharonTununslq, r . 3‘ ' {I Chris Phelps is the newest mem- ing as a backup in circulation since
WmchesterSun ‘ ’ .3; .3 _ CirculationDiVismn~KnssIohnson ber of the Advance Yeoman staff. He her original hire in July. Originally
3. 3 . LemgtonHerald~Leader will be serving as the sports reporter from Florida, Anderson is a gradu-
m°fmm°m of the Lacenter paper. Phelps, 24, is ate of Campbellsville University .
mfiflam'mymgazfigggfgnhwpdm’; originally from Fulton, Ind. and with a degree in sociology and the-
attended Ancflla College in ater- She worked at the university as
Dismziewsammvawmimmamfiducauonxeprwemauve Plymouth Ind- He received a degree a secretary in the devebpment office
Smssl’mress mmfiasmKenwda’Umverwy in computer “Working He is cur‘ among other secretarial'type iObS .
rently attending Mid-Continent while a student. She is an accom- '
DWda'Domwmefiflanm GeneralComiseis-Ianf’leischaker, College in Mayfield where he has plished photographer and has ' ‘
Cianon I. I [3' I' AshleyPaekDmsmoretétShOhlj played baseball for two years. He is worked as a correspondent photog-
Distract4~Chariie3po3 '3 ,Franklin 3 KentuckyPressAssociationStaff studying social studies education. rapher for the CKNJ in the past.
Favorite ,» rtmann , . David'f. Thompson,-EXECutiV€ Director I I At Mid-Continent Phelps served as The Journal-Enquirer in Grayson
' . Bonnie Howard, Controller the editor of the school's newspaper, and The Olive Hill Times have -
Distric’rS-Ron Filkins, Kentucky Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales The Continent, for two years. launched a comprehensive Web site .
Standard David Greer, Member Services Director Kay Williams, a carrier for The Journal-Times On-Line Edition as
Dana Lear, News Bureau DiTECtOT Courier-Journal, was recently asked part of continuing efforts to bring
District6—Arthur B. Post, Louisville , David Spencer, New Media Director to “come on down” for a recent the best possible news product to
Courier-Journal BUffy safnSLBOOkkeepmg ASSIStant . episode of The Price is Right. She the people of Carter and surround—
Stephanie Conrad, Research / Marketing , . . , .
District 7 _ Kelley Warnick, Gallatin Coordinator taped the show in late August and it ing counties. . The Web Site at
County News Sue Cammack, Administrative, Assistant . aired on NOV- 11- WWW.]0urnal-t1mes.com can be
Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant The Commonwealth Journal in updated daily if needed to bring .
DistrictSchn Mctz, Bath County News Holly Willard, INAN Business Clerk Somerset added a Health and readers more comprehensive infor—
OUHOOL’ Tami Hensley, TearShECtClel‘k Fitness magazine to its niche prod- mation. The site also offers a com—
. I I . ' uct lineup in late November. munity calendar, public opinion, let—
Dlsmdg' Loretta TaCkEtt'PamtSVlne . , Southern Kentucky Health 8: ters to the editor, weather, a Google
Herald Staff members, Officers and Directors Fitness Journal will be bl' h d t h t . 1 d
I. , I , maybe reachedbye-mailusing the indi- pu is e a searc , access 0 nationa news an
District 10 - Edmund Shelby, Beattyville vidual‘s first initial, full last . . the end of each month, featurmg the
IEWmfl% , . . . , Imegflkypresscom. , , ,_ latest news and views from the See PEOPLE on Page 12

 l The Kentucky Press,January 2005 — Page 3 3
s . .
KPA t' t b th f t
1 We are just - I University of I read recently about the daily in If and when that occurs, the dis—
3 days away from Oh, By 2 2; Missouri, will give Wilmington, Del., and its efforts to tinction between print and broad-
1; the 2005 KPA con- The Wa us a glimpse into put news video on the paper’s web cast journalism will have been suffi-
vention on Jan. 20 y g the future of news- site. In addition, the paper produces Ciently blurred to forever change the If
and 21 at the fig“ paper technology. a couple of daily newscasts with an way people think of journalism and ’y
Hyatt Regency in By David Greer Sterling is a former anchor and links them to its site. newspapers. ,
'I d o w n t o w n K“ Mngemices publisher and With so many digital cameras — Unlike the gloom and doom '
‘3 Louisville. The resident of the even those that are modestl riced crowd, I think news a ers have a '
l . P Y P P P
_ l convention will be full of interesting Missouri Press Association while — capable of generating several sec- terrific future ahead of them
3 activities and worksho 5 ran in Fidler formerl served as cor orate onds of video, it a ears the future althou h the news a er of the »
. P g g Y P PP g P P ,
I from InDesign pagination training director of new media for Knight of newspaper Web sites could be future may not be the traditional ,
J to a tour of The Courier-Journal’s Ridder and ex lored that com an ’s movin — albeit slowl — toward static roduct on conventional 5
_ P P Y g Y P ,
3 new state-of—the-art, com uter-con— new media and electronic ublish— some sort of combinin of rint and a er that we know and love toda .
P P g P P P Y .
l trolled rintin lant. But there’s in o ortunities. broadcast news. At least that’s what KHSJA UPDATE. At ress time, ’
1 P g P 8 PP P .
i one session in articular that’s Be ond that, we will ‘ust have to some industr undits are redict- the Kentuck Hi h School ,
. P Y 1 Y P P Y 8 ,
3 caught my eye. wait and see — or wait and hear — ing. If you’ve read about research Journalism Association stood at 103 j
3 It’s the 90-minute session called about new media research the duo is into so-called electronic ink, ou members for the 2004—05 school ear. :
j ”Embracing new technology in conducting now at Missouri. Fidler know that some are predicting a That compares to 97 members last 2
i 2005.” It will start at 1:45 .m. on is workin on somethin he calls the world in the future where sim le ear. Thanks to all the man 'I
. P g g P Y Y .
Jan. 21. Jim Sterling and Roger digital newsbook which combines paper will be capable of displaying Kentucky newspapers that have
‘3 Fidler, two former newspapermen— features of print and the Internet. It moving comics and maybe even sponsored local schools. I will have
3 turned-college-professors at the sounds like fascinating work. color video. an update on sponsors next month. .
___________________________________._—_——————-—-—— :‘
3 AG 0 ' ' _____ 3
l lnlons session and there is a separate 1
1 p AVAILABLE registration fee required. ‘
1 Continued from a e 1 The annual Changing 0f the T
“V SEW??? Em 153E? “den” Zie35§$1When a“ m dafendants p g GuardL““Ch Willbeheld “m”
E The Kentucky Attorney General’s The Justice and Public Safety sion and lit is opendto newspaper 1211;222:-dggrmfifibsgilfigzggftcipfi
iI officewas asked to decide whether Cabinet Assistant General Counsel personne and stu Ients. A sepa- The Advocate Messenger in '
, 3 the Department of State Police vio— Roger Wright amplified on the rate reglstration fee 15 required for . - h
j . , . . . the seminar. Danv1lle, w111 pass t e gavel to
j lated the Open Records Act In deny- Departments posmon stating that h '11 b h Charlie Portmann editor of The 7
ing The Ledger Independent’s Oct. the commonwealth’s attorney T ere WI also e a tour Of t fe Franklin Favorite [as he becomes :
22 request for copies of audio and advised him that there is a post-trial (lilourler-Journa 51 new :tate-oli the 120th president of the 3
Videotapes made during the investi— motion to destroy evidence pending I; e—art lirlbritmfg P a?“ Ah us WT Kentucky Press Association. 3
i gation of the Dec. 16, 2002 murders as well as the possibility of collater- fe avg: a he lor the S lort trlg The Freedom Sings perform- :
of Ryan Matchison and Adam a1 attack on the judgments of convic— rom e 0t? to _t e pant at h 1 b t th F' t
. .i H . p.m. Bus seat1ngw111be11m1ted to ers, W 0 C9 e ra e e 1rs ,
' .‘J afvey. h t L d tIOIIII'h lth’ tt 30 people. Amendment in song, are sched-
. ; n er reques , e ger e commonwea s a orney . _ uled to 0 ide the l ncheo
:3 1 Independent reporter Betty Coutant advised the AG’s office that after .The flrSt d? Of the conventlon entertainrftin: u n .‘
said that it had been more than a advising the newspaper that he did- w111 wrap w“ an opening recep- At 6 pm. after an afternoon of
3 year since all four of the accused n’t see any reason why the state hOIAafu6llpdm3 f . . _ b . sessions the KPA Excellence in
3 were sentenced and the possibility police shouldn’t turn over the tapes, aYdO mils/“lei egigs Kentucky Newspapers Contest
j for appeals is over. She said the com- he learned that one or more of the a; 8 a.m.dFr1h ay WI en t e t: 1: Awards Reception begins with
1 monwealth’s attorney saw no reason defendants were considering filinga s ow an . t e reglstratlon gs the highly anticipated contest
: Kentucky State Police should not motion to overturn the conviction open. Sessmns begm ”19”;- ee banquet following at7p.m.
. 1 release these tapes. based upon ineffective assistance of Page 8 for a complete ISt O ses- Th (1 - d -
,4 Sions and speakers. e awar 5 v1 eo presentation
.3 In response, Department of State counsel and that the defendants I . I . h .
3- . . . KeVIn Shmp, a syndlcated W111 be S OWn after dlnner and
; Pollce Records Custodian Deborrah have three years to file such a . . 1 d 'f' 1
j M. Arnold advised that the request- motion. columnist and adjunct professor p agues an certi 1cates Ia ong
’ t; ed information is part of an investi— On that basis, Wright asserted at the Un1vers1ty of Tennesselel 2:11:19: :3: gliteirhlsieczfiaxlfl IE:
I gation that is still open and denied that the reports are not currently College Of Commupicatlgns, W1 1 . pth b np et y
1 the request on the basis of KRS releasable pursuant to KRS conduct a sergmar r011? af.m. to OWATtngGS taheunP A President’s
; 61.878(1)(h). After receiving the 61.878(1)(h) and KRS 17.150(2). 1}? Pym or} 11:11 651%”? eSOtW‘i‘re R e tic; isset to be in
- denial, The Ledger Independent ini- The AG’s office found that the t at 15 9“” y ecomlng a ma]or eép n . f tg '
‘. tiated the appeal with the AG’s arguments advanced by the pfiyer 1n the plaglnation world. fr moretcin :rlgfeiogoalltZES- ,
3 office reiterating the opinion of the Department of State Police are fully T ls sessmn IS a I0 0pc?! to (Illews- verntlocrtl £1: C:n§mack at 1—800:
commonwealth’s attorney that it supported by law and therefore it gap? persipane 1. an dstfu at}? 3242721 e
was too late for an appeal and ques- affirms the Department’s denial of eating W1 e 1m1te or 15 ' .
3 tion how the case could be classified the request. ,
';,4..»§.,...~¢-... L ._____—__—.__—.—__—e_m______-—_—____..mwm.~.._ -_ WWW-..—

 § Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, January 2005 _ .
T Invasion of privacy basics in Kentucky Law ‘
i . By Jon Fleischaker 1 private information. While the press ”intag'ewould'makeareasonable per? embelliShin’g' actual, events, and i . I . I.
E . _. KPA General, ' a " has'aFirst Amendment right to gathj; rmn'j‘beuevegme subject endorses a using filephotographs outo'fcontext ' .
‘ - .- Counsel. . ’ ;‘ Ker news. .it must. £19 .50 lawfikllrgpsrfiailar Product and whéthér the (as; to;i‘1,lusttate‘a crime assess-g ‘ "
. g: massacres Show: . Important questions. so askuh‘de =rs‘ubiestkasssassatsa so thsuse or: mission stanzas.reassess-ranks; .. .
. ‘ ' Everyone: f’ihas r this sategory'arewfisfikérfiheififor: .~hi$?9r»hérihame Oriniésé-Dfisedee? BY .‘definijtiatk truth is .afifabs‘tilkits? -
-_ the. .right'lfto'b'e Riff. . '- "L Imation'is gathered legally (eg, wasd names and. images mayalways .135 'defense'tq mglightjinvasmn of pri-
. '_ ij'alonefl'hishasbeenf $€ maltréspassing, , 'wiretap‘ping,“ etc." _ usedinfconnection'wit'h'iegitimate‘ vacy.Another"defense,‘_muchlike“the I i "‘
a , Quoted as" thebasic . “ . involveduandWhethet the ”sphere. 'hew's. 7 ., ' _ , ' actual maliCe defense to defamation, '7 _U 1.1'
. I _ intent behind the right of privacy in, ' of privacy" wasbreachéd (e.g., one's _ '3 g '(3) Unreasonable publication of is that information concerning pub—. , ”
. _ Kentucky and elsewhere. Of course, 1 home, hospital roOm, or private private facts. This form offinvasion lic figures or about issues of public
. the law of invasion of privacy is not mail), or whether the conduct or of privacy is often asserted against concern was published with the .
quite so simple. Under Kentucky information is in the public sphere newspapers and broadcast outlets good-faith beliefinits truth. ’ g
' law, invasion of privacy actually (e.g., was it gathered on the public because it generally requires publi— W
. covers four different kinds of law- streets or from publicly accessible cation to the general public. It is like The press is usually protected
f suits. The good news is that liability government records?). The consent the intrusion on seclusion tort but from liability for invasion of privacy
‘ for each of them can be avoided by of the subject is always a defense to with the added element of publica— if one of several privileges ordefens-
‘* using a handful of straightforward this claim. tion. Examples of the kinds of pri- es apply. Generally, the publication
j common sense rules of thumb. The US. Supreme Court has also vate facts that fall under this tort are of information gathered from public
. WM recently held that the First details of a person’s sex life, a per- records or obtained in public meet-
‘ mm Amendment protects the press from son’s medical information, the con- ings will not subject the press to lia—
1 Kentucky, like most states, rec— liability for publishing information tents of personal communications, bility. Likewise, the publication of
I ognizes four separate invasion of that may have been unlawfully and photographs taken inprivate. It information regarding issues of pub-
; privacy claims (also called torts). obtained by a third party without does not matter that such facts are lic concern is protected by the First
i Although they all stem from the the help or authorization of the true, except in circumstances where Amendment, unless it is published
right to be let alone, they work in press. For example, a reporter who such facts are legitimately newswor— with the knowledge that it is false.
} very different ways. participates in hacking someone’s thy. The best rule of thumb for
' (1) The unreasonable intrusion email would be liable, while a ' Important points to keep in avoiding liability for invasion of pri-'
. into the seclusion of another. This reporter who merely receives tran— mind are that the facts must be both vacy was summed up by the US.
claim can be compared to snooping scripts of a wiretapped telephone highly offensive and not legitimately Supreme Court in the 1989 case of
or spying. To qualify as this form of call from an unknown informant newsworthy. For example, publish— Florida Star 0. B.].P. In that case, the
' invasion of privacy, the intrusion would be protected. ing a story about a police officer’s court held that the First Amendment
must be highly offensive and inten— (2) The unauthorized use of sex life would probably qualify as an protected a newspaper that pub—
~ tional and involve a person’s "zone someone’s name or image. This unreasonably publication of private lished a rape victim’s name even
of privacy,” which is that sphere of form of invasion of privacy can facts. However, where the police though a Florida law prohibited the
1 space or subject matter in which a sometimes be compared to trade- officer has been disciplined for an disclosure of rape victims’ names.
' reasonable person- has an expecta- mark infringement. It involves using inappropriate sexual relationship in The Court held that damages for
tion of privacy. Examples include someone’s name, photograph, or the line of duty or has been sued for invasion of privacy cannot be
. sneaking into someone’s house or likeness for profit or for some other sex harassment, the details forming WW
2 hotel room, reading someone’s mail benefit. The classic example is using the basis of those actions are news- truthful information obtained by
> or email without permission, and a celebrity’s photograph in an adver- worthy and may be published even lawful means about a matter of pub-
wiretapping. In recent years, this tisement without permission. The though they are about the officer’s lic significance.
' claim has often arisen in police press has also been held liable for sex life. If you have any questions, or
3 ”ride-alongs” during which the use of slogans and other features (4) False Light. This form of need further information, please
reporters accompanied police in the specific to an individual‘s identity invasion of privacy is very similar to contact your Hotline attorneys:
; execution of searches of a suspect’s and for ”giving away” performances defamation and is difficult to catego— Ion L. Fleischaker: (502)540-2319
: home. for which performers charge admis— rize. It involves portraying a person R. Kenyon Meyer: (502)540-2325
It is important to remember that sion. It is as much a right of publici— to the public in a way that implies Ashley C. Pack: (502)540-2385
this form of invasion of privacy is a ty as it is a right of privacy. things about the person that are not DINSMORE & SHOHL LLP
pure newsgathering claim and does Critical questions to ask under true and that are offensive to a rea- Switchboard: (502) 540-2300
not require the publication of any this tort are whether the name or sonable person. Making up quotes, Facsimile: (502) 585-2207
, . ' ’ ,, g . ’ ‘ , 7‘ : A
latest resumes or to post available JObS at , y »
' - , . your newspaper. , . » , ,

 . . ‘ The Kentucky Press, January 2005 ~ Page 5
I ' ' ARK adds “n'eWspapers to its statewide program
i -‘ ~ ., ' Kentucky Press ._ _ , '5‘ inch per thousand Metcalfe County Light, Edmonton pape‘nor newspapers to add. to the
_ ‘- . ‘ Service hit another Adve1‘ti3ing i gay»; circulation. That :News Herald, Ft. Campbell Courier," ’ list that will boost the circulation to
’1 . . - milestone with the . l ' fA makes it fair for iGrayson Journal Enquirer, London over-igne.million. { ,
2131:: =' ’9 l 'additiOn 0f ‘14.; P 11$ ’ ' . everyone 'partici- Sentinel - Echo, ' Manchester Since Stephanie Conrad took over
0' V ”weeklies and two j. if pating. ’ Enterprise, Morehead News; the piog’ram in June 2004, she has
i ' ,- daily newspapers 1.3% This, next year . ,Mu‘nfordville Hart County Newséit'ég‘fgsbidb‘f) ARK ads. That is an average
V " to the Ads reach- '_By Teresa 39019” f” two daily news-H Herald, Salyersville Independent,""'ii‘of’ 81‘s ad‘s’i’per month. This year we
" ' ' T; ' ' ing KentuCky KPS D mm” of Sales 71" papers will come Tompkinsville Monroe. Co. Citizen would like for that average to go up
,I ’ ‘ . . (ARK) program i ' V ' .. on 1 board - The and Whitley City McCreary County to at least 10 ads per month.
; ' for 2005. That brings the number to a Kentucky Enquirer and The Voice. . For advertisers, the cost of adver~
' » ‘ total of 104 participating newspa¥ Kentucky Post, both based in With these additions, the total cir- tising in this network is still areal
‘ pers. There are 19 daily newspapers - Covington. On the weekly side, these culation of the ARK program is bargain. For a 2 column by 2 inch ad
1 and 85 weekly newspapers taking newspapers have joined the ARK , 995,575. That’s real close to one mil- the cost is $2,000. A 2x3 is $3,000 and
I _ part for 2005. program: Beattyville Enterprise, lion, folks. That will be one of our a 2x4 is-$4,000V. Where else can you
_ ' . The program is structured so that Cave City Barren County Progress, goals for the ARK program this year - reach such a captive audience for that
1 Preach paper is paid 42¢ per column Central City Times Argus, Edmonton we will strive to find another news— kind of money?
. _________________________________________—_—————————
E " RECYCLED up with a mandate law. Instead, the recycled newsprint was, and Kentucky newspaper plants had a
legislature only required publishers remains, the best approach. I’m con-' stretch from 1994 until 2001 where 90
E Continued from page 1 to fill annual reports with the vinced of that regardless of what oth— percent or more of the newsprint
- Natural Resources and ers might feel. I’d much rather have a consumed contained some level of
; pole, too. But with the help of some Environmental Protection Cabinet. structure where every plant can get recycled fiber. It reached a high of
1 Canadian government officials com- The reports would show how much good levels of recycled fiber, than to 98.2382 percent in 2001 and I contend
ing to Frankfort, we were able to con- newsprint and recycled newsprint think that a few could mandate that was the highest level of recycled
r Vince the legislature that mandating the newspaper used in the previous aggregate tonnage levels of 50 per- newsprint used in the US. In other
. certain levels of recycled newsprint calendar year. cent fiber, leaving a bulk of the plants years, (1996 and 2000 being notable),
,- would not be in the best interest. While that legislation passed, it to rely on virgin newsprint. the use was second or third highest
2 . Those Canadian Officials, repre— really wasn’t realistice . Individual The process has worked. Over the in the nation.
‘ senting several mills north‘of thejbor- I publishers have no idea how much past 10 years of reporting, Kentucky We have fallen below 80 percent
e der, said that as more and more states newsprint their newspaper takes printing plants have seen use of recy- only two of the last 10 years, once at
f ' . mandated higher levels, the mills each year. Their newspapers are cled newsprint be as much as 98 per- 76 percent‘and more recently, 2003, at
n . would not be able to supply the man- shipped off to one of some 40 print- cent of the newsprint used in a year. 66 percent. Both percentages are
dates. A few' states" could impose ing plants around the state and it’s It’s fluctuated some, more of that attributable to issues at the mills. In
E higher levels and it would be work— those plants, not the publishers, that based on issues at the mills, not the one, a mill producing 100 recycled
" able. If most, or all, states did so, the have the figures. newspapers’ interest or willingness newsprint was unable to produce
L mills couldn’t comply. So while the law still reads ”pub- to use recycled newsprint. much at all and levels fell to much
Q There was another argument from lishers shall file," we were able to Mills have had problems produc— lower percentages. And in the other,
g some US. mills. work out a process with the state cab- ing recycled newsprint that is as con- a mill produced recycled newsprint
1 And actually, it’s more of the truth inet that allows KPA to compile the sistent' with its ”runability” 0r but the quality became an issue when
t ‘h' than any other part. information from the printing plants ”stretchability” as virgin newsprint. the newsprint didn