xt70gb1xgm5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgm5j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2012 text GLSO News, April 2012 2012 2012-04 2019 true xt70gb1xgm5j section xt70gb1xgm5j ~+GLSO
T—shirt orcler leads (a
GLSO to file_ an"
HRC complaInt 910"
Area citizens t 60 :6a
boycott ‘\ H
T—sh/rt company? 9;:
.‘f’ )-"’f
Plans for 5th .
Pride Festival Festlval
in Full Swing

 If your partner is:
. jealous
. clingy
. calls you names a}
. threatens you
. “keeps track” of you «I ,
. isolates you from family or friends a
. controlling . ”5,,-
. hypersensitive .
. forces you in to having sex ,
Then YOU might be in an UNHEALTHY Relationship.
‘ ) There is help.
Come to the free GLBT DV
support group.
Mondays 7pm-8pm
At the GLSO
For more information:
Call: 859-276-4457x237 or @
Email: Sbaker.bcc@gmail.com

 Issue 4 2012 Feature Story
HRC complaint filed
IC_K blooming GSA Meeting
thls SPer 6 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
Trans Kentucky
. Meeting
$2323.:an Saturday, April 7, 6:30 pm.
8 Pride Center
Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Thursday, April 12, 7 pm.
Citizens boycott Pride Center
t-shirt company 12
Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Sunday, April 8 & 22, 6 pm.
Pride Center
Blood donation -
controversy GLSO Board Meet-mg
correction 13 Thursday, April 5, 6.30 pm.
Pride Center
Bachelor Negative Partners of HIV Positive
Bachelorette Auction People Meeting
14 Saturday, April 21, 7 pm.
Pride Center
GLSO Domestic Violence Support Group
- - Every Monday, 7 pm.
Classnfieds 16 Pride Center

 GLSO News Issue 4 2012

_ _ Aaron Baker, President
The GLSO News '5 PUP"5h9d Vice President, Ginger Moore—
monthly by and for the LeXIngton Minder
Gay and LesbIan SerVIces OrganI— Paul Brown, Secretary
zatIon members and communIty. Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay GLSO DIRECTORS
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services
. Mary Crone, GSA
to the GLBTQQIA communIty. Jeremy Law, At Large
. . . Don Lowe, At Large

The V'S'O'? 0f the LeXIngton Gay Chris Whittington, At Large
and LesbIan SerVIces OrganIza-
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA m
community through voice.

Chad Hundiey, Office Manager
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, EDITORIAL NOTES
serVIce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for
GLSO Pride Center ntewf CErI-trtlbutotrsdand edIItorIal
389 Waller Avenue Sdat @Ir: eres e ’ e maI
Suite 100 e I or 'g so.org.
Lexington, Ky 40504 Prlde center Hours
859.253.3233 \S/yr:j Mo3n &7TuesTH Clgsed,

e nes m- m urs m-

Www'glso'org 7pm, Fri P11afi1-5pm andpSat

"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."

 H a ‘t
. «7‘ , I: fit .a’
'fi'flflll} fl ' , ,. as.
4% $5491 . i”
A“ 3 hug" 4“!
Negative Partners of HIV
Positive People
Do you love someone who is HIV Positive, and you are not? Does your partner
have a HIV Positive support group to go to, but you don’t? Do you have anyone to
talk to about the changes in your life? Are you concerned about your and your
partners’ future? Have you built up a wall in order to keep from getting hurt? Do
you feel pressure to "keep up appearances”? Do you take time to nurture yourself?
Do you need someone to talk to? Do you do good things for yourself so that you
will be re-energized to care for your loved one?
The GLSO is opening a new program for Negative Partners of HIV Positive People
for all of the reasons above and more. We have a goal of offering support and
understanding by shared experiences. The first meeting will be April 21St at 7PM at
the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. It’s a whole new viewpoint.

 ' April 18 being held at Pulse Nightlife.
Imperlal COUI‘t (Door 8:30/Show 9:30). We will have
Blooms some exciting raffle prizes that will be
This Spring used to lspark conversation tandhget
- our pane going. Be sure to et ere
By ShOt Zr contr'bUtor to see just what we have in store for
you! Then on Wednesday, April 25 we
Spring weather came a little early WI" hOSt our final EQY qualifymg pag-
this year and provided us the perfect eant of ,the year, Miss Derby Pride, at
weather to be seen all over the city Pulse Nightllfe-
promoting the Imperial Court of Ken- _ .
tucky. For an application and pageant rules/
categories please see Empress ShotZ
We welcomed our brothers and sisters or Empress NICOle Diamond. The fOI-
from the Cincinnati Court for our an- lowmg night we WI” be lending our
nual co-produced show, Miss Big Bone talents to OUTsource as we perform at ‘
Lick. Congratulations to Cincinnati their annual “GAYLA." All the fun be-
Court member, Diamond E. Deville, on gins at 6i), check With OUTsource for ‘
your win. Don’t forget to add your location in thestudent center. Lastly
own Special touch to the “Bone” and we will be holding one of the most fun >‘
we will see you in Cincinnati next year ShOWS 0f the year, Turnabout! ‘
when you play host to this amazing . , ‘
event. Speaking of bones, the Scott This '5 the ShOW where our QUYs that ‘
County Humane Society’s Wags and do not do drag on a regular baSIS get
Drags was a resounding success. Our all doli’ed UP entertain for US- I hear \
members showed up in full force and welhave ‘queens” from AVOL coming
represented the Imperial Court of Ken- to 10'” _us thlS year 50 be sure to Join
tucky with pride. It was in this same to see JUSt WhO from the AVOL staff IS
spirit of pride that our Court members C0m|h9 to get PAINTED!
came together and attended the St. . .
Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown We are getting very excrted. as we
Lexington, You all did a wonderful draweverclosertoCoronatIon In June.
job of talking to the parade attendees Applications for your next Monarchs 0f
about our organizations mission and the ImperIa|.Court 0f Kentucky have
encouraging membership! been turned In and we anXIously await
the candidacy announcements on Sat—
The following week we attended the UtdaYr Apr" 21 at midnight!
NOH8 Campaigns photoshoot brought _
to Kentucky by Lexington Fairness. All (300d lUCk to all the candidates, we
of our members in attendance had a '00k forward to seeing what YOU have
great time! Thank you Lexington Fair- to bring to the table! Watch for the
ness for bringing this opportunity to announcements and follow their can—
Lexington. March has brought us the dldaCY shows as they show US hOW
Imperial Court of Kentucky's annual they. can raise money for our com-
awards show, the Falsie Awards. Conv munIty.
gratulations to all the winners from _ .
the community! Your support to your Voting for Monarchs Will take placelon
Court and Community is inspiring. Sunday, June 3, 2012 at Coronation
31 in the Lexington Downtown Hil—
Lastly, we ended the month with a ton’s Grand Ballroom.
contingency of 12 members from the .
ICK attending Night of a Thousand You must have been a member, With
Gowns in New York City with the Im- no lapse, Since November 30, 2011 to
perial Court of New York. Represen- be ellglble to vote.
tation like this serves our community
well as it promotes attendance to our AS always, to become a member Of
largest fundraiser of the year coming the Imperial Court Of Kentucky see
up in June 2012, Coronation 31, a member of the Board of Directors
for an application. You can email us
We have some wonderful shows lined at info@imperialcourtkentuckyorg 0"
up for this month. It all begins with contact the reigning Monarchs, Fred
“1 Girl 5 Queens" on Wednesday, and ShOtZ.
_ I

 ”UAW/'7 Al”
O queens:
“57 J V
P k x: (a)

i m a


DOOR: 8:30PM
SHOW: 9:30PM

 GSA Planning group that are ready to join
Pride Prom in the fight for equality, and
ready to have fun anytime.
The Gay Straight Alliance for
Youth is making plans for
our 6th Opride Prom which ‘ . , y , , , .
will be held near the end of 1‘1 1 l‘ ‘ £7 -
May. It is our biggest event
and the youth learn in the
planning process and then
have a great time celebrat-
ing this event. We will be
looking for chaperones next
month' Calling All
GSA youth and some teens Volunteers!!
Egg; logglrtliiclgphateiegooil: hill? _It is now time to start think-
Youth Empowerment Lead- Ing about contacting US for
ership Project funded pri- volunteering for the Pride
marily by Just Fund. A num- Festival. We have had many
ber of the high school GSAs InleIdualS help us In prevr-
will be in need of new advis- fius yeersband hope that we
ers as well as new student avet e Iggest turnout and
leaders next year GLSO is response ever for volunteers
hoping to be able to . take for the day of and the duties
leadership training into the #9:?de up to the Flestitval.
schools in support of the ere are many V0 un eer
GSAs opportunities In all _areas In-
' cludrng meirchanglsmg, cm-
A number of teens were un— cessrons, rst a1 ' servrces,
able to attend our sessions actrvrties, set-up and break-
at the Pride Center due _to down and more.
:figssipggtffi'tohnsgg: Stagietriolrfi: All _ volunteers 'will receive
al volunteers and some ad— E at”? somethlrtrg asTak toz-
ditional funding we plan to he otappriecre 'On' datha
take our materials and train— ours I? V0 un eel: a3 e3
ing to them and their GSAs enjoyt e resto t e _ay an
in the fall know you had a part in help-
' mg to make It possrble.
fiserptartwcéf thfifha 12323331251; For any and all Pride volun-
our teens to the NOH8 pho- teer inquiries, please contact
tography event We have Chad at Cehad@le):jpridefest.
'- - - org or A am at a am@ ex-
some young actrvrsts in our pri d efest. org.
_ I

 GLSO Board files cal company, and the commit-
HRC Complalnt teeh irI'litendedh to meg/e forrward
- _ wit aving t em pro uce s irts.
against Hands On However, a committee member
Originals first called the business with the
intention of finding out whether
Since posting the information any lower price could be negoti-
about Hands On Originals, the ated. He reached someone there
GLSO has received a lot of atten- who asked who he had previous-
tion. The board members of the ly talked to. At that moment, he
GLSO have been listening. The could not remember their name,
board has decided to file a dis- and when the name “Blaine” was
crimination complaint with the suggested, he agreed. Numerous
HRC. The board does not wish phone messages back and forth
to engage in nor does it condone were exchanged before the com—
name—calling, bad-mouthing, mittee member was finally able
or threatening businesses. The to speak with Blaine, who rep-
board has two simple goals in this resented himself as an owner of
situation: 1) educating the com- Hands On Originals. His inquiries
munity and 2) refusing to tolerate were related to what the GLSO
discrimination. was, what our mission was, and
what we were promoting. The
The board has already begun edu- committee member explained,
cating the community by posting including that the t-shirt would
this situation to its websites. Itwill only contain a stylized number
continue to educate throughout “5” on the front and the name of
the process of the complaint. the festival, and sponsors on the
rear. When Blaine learned that it
As for the second goal, the board was a gay pride festival, he asked,
does not agree with discrimina- “You know we’re a Christian or—
tion in any manner and will not ganization, don’t you?" He then
tolerate discrimination. Lexington continued on to say that Hands
has had a Fairness Ordinance for On Originals would not print shirts
13 years because the citizens of related to a gay pride festival. He
Lexington voted against discrimi- suggested that he could refer us
nation. The GLSO believes in the to a different business who would
Fairness Ordinance and refuses to print the shirts. Our committee
let discrimination go unaddressed. member told them he would take
As a result, board president Aaron that offer to the board, but that
Baker filed the complaint today. he felt that we would not want to
do business with anyone who did
As part of our commitment to business with Hands On Originals,
transparency, we have included based on their discrimination. On
the text of our complaint below: March 25th, the GLSO board met
in emergency session and agreed
“The Pride Festival committee to file a complaint with the HRC
of the Gay and Lesbian Services under the Lexington Fairness Or—
Organization (GLSO) received a dinance.”
quote from Hands On Originals
in December by phone (from an
employee named Kaleb) to pro-
duce t—shirts for the 5th annual Stay tuned to the GLSO and Pride
Pride Festival in Lexington. The Festival websites for more infor-
quote from Hands On Originals mation.Thank you for all the com-
was the lowest bid from a Io- munity support.

 Wednesday Night Senior SOCIal Group
Discussmn GrouP We are e) Igrouphfor seniors
. . 55+. We eievet at it is reat
The Wednesday N'ght D'SCUS' to get out and have com%any
sron Groupis backat 7PM atthe doing it. If this sounds like
Pride Center, 389 Waller AV? something you are interested
The third Wednesday of_this in give us a call at 859—253-
310mg pr.”1%teh“g;elft§g§eg 32,33. We are actively seeking
rscu ion l - - -
in GLBTQQI A People”. How is cost friendly ideas to have fun.
it affected by labels? How is it Come join us! We are now 11
affected by family, friends and persons strong and have lots of
co-workers? How does it grow ideas'
over the years? At what point '
do you truly love yourself for We came up with the following
who you are? ideas of things to do: Danc-
We W'” discuss all these ques- ing, Music, Cultural activities,
trons and more. How do you Movies (Drama, Comedy, and
feel about your 0W” self-es— Horror), Cincinnati Orchestra,
teem. Th's '5 the place to ex- Ballet, Theater, Sports, Musical
plore these questions. safely, Theater, Reading Book Club,
among warm, welcoming and Crafts, Drag Shows, Drag King
accepting peers. Th's group '5 Shows, Natural Bridge, Fishing,
for anybodythat wants to talk Tour of Rood and Riddle, Trail
about anyth'ng. re'atEd to be' Riding, Picnic, Hiking, Art Show
”‘9 GLBTQQIA 'n Kentucky. at Woodland, Pot Luck, and
There will be a certified men- Shakespeare m the Park.
tal health professional there. to We have already gone to the
answer questions and provrde movies and are planning these
support._ Jorn ”5 for an eve- outings: Big Band, March 3lst
ning of lively conversation. at the Singletary Center, 7PM.
Meet at the bench in front of
the ticket booth at 6:30. I’ll
have an arrow sign. And Rolex
Horse Event at the Kentucky
Horse Park, April 28th. It is
$35.00 but worth it. Meet at
the the Gatehouse, far left side.
‘ Look for someone with an ar—
row sign at 9:00AM. We will
wait until 9:30, then go the
“the lake”. We’ll still have the
arrow sign in case anyone is
, late. Look for us. Don’t for-
get to bring a chair and be
prepared to do lots of walk-
_ I

 Real Estate Service W ill 1
,3 7 Illssu us
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move up, the help of a trained, experienced professional
can make all the difference. I can help make the
buying/ selling process a fun and enjoyable expencncc.
Give me a call Scott Ackcrman
Mobile: 859-338-8483
Fax: 859 269-0065
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com
@ Sewing Lexington &All of Central Kentucky [3
Call me with all your Real Estate Needs

 Citizens boycott
Hands-On Originals on Twitter by Lexington residents,
Re rinted from Including Caitlin Neal.
, p "What bothered me personally is
LeXIngton Herald-Leader for anyone as a Christian to say
we'redoing this on. behalf of_ al
A wave of critical public opinion Christiana she "said. Its JUSt
already hit thée companryzonlinfe k'nd 0f r' 'CU'OUS-
teeE’lRQ'EglsFB Sgstlquracdegc'ria: The .GLSO's Baker said the .out—
tion of the issue on its Web si?e pouring 0f supportonirne confirms
_ _ iS long—held conviction that Lex;
A Facebook grou called "Boy- Ington IS a very fair-minded City.
cott Hands on griginals" had .. . . .
more than 1 000 members by Its Interesting to see how_ much
Monday afternoon. Another ”“5 has tOUC 6d people in .th.e
company and Wildcat ear— not acceptable, he said.
house had 52 members. GLSO ,, . .
President Aaron Baker said the Nothing may come OUt 0f ”“5 ex-
GLSO did not organize either ce_pt_the C'tY saying yes, they dls‘
page. criminated, and that was wrong.
Hands On Originals' own Face- "BUt even if that's all that
book page has not been avail- happens, our board felt 'E
able since that Friday. Mem- was important to stand UP-
betrs _of thy? 5’0?“ groupdsald Read more here' htt '//www ken
cri leism a een 05 e on - - - '
Hands On Originals'pFacebook tucky.com/20_12/03F26/2127245/
wall. hands-on—originals—t-shirt-com-
Complaints also were posted popular#wgt=pop storylink=cpy
‘ d l

 Blood Donation be safe, except that you also
Controversy tnay not gjive false informa-I
. - Ion regar Ing your persona
collizeRticggeeNlliggn t history'if it would affect your
B Aaron Baker surtablllty as a donor. Again,
Y _ r I dont believe that gay men
Contrlbutor who know their status are
unsuitable as donors, but the
Are you a gay man who federal government does.
knows his HIV status and And their “risk factors” are
wants to donate blood to what generate the ques-
save lives? Kentucky wants tIons asked _when YOU go to
to put you in jail for 5 years. donate. So If you are asked
whether you've had sex with
Recently, in this newsletter, a man Since 1977 and “8,
our columnist “Cousin Que- You could end UP in jail for as
ry" said revealed that he has mUCh aShS years, afs WE” as lose
lied about whether he was your ”9 tto V°te Otevet'
gay in order to donate life— Please, readers: be care-
savmg hIOOd- That column ful. I know you want to save
(stem thcemneex’frttecvlvssrhettgrncli lives, but don't risk jail time
wrote an article about the to do It' Instead, lobby your
. . . _ eglslators and educate your
controversy. While highlight friends and family on this
ing the bigotry behind the hateful law And thank you
policy that men who have to the eagle—eyed community
sex With men are perma- member who sent in this cor-
_nently deferred from donat— rection—you may have just
"‘9 blood, t.t°td.V°U that 't saved someone from a long
was not a crime in Kentucky prison sentence ..
to lie about your sexual '
partners in order to donate
blood. . I
Support your community.
I was wrong, and it's impor— __ l
tant that you understand . . l
how much trouble you could Signupiodaytomakearecurring
gottantitzllyd be Kfacingkif Iyou donafionaspartolthe I
0 ie. n er entuc y aw, .
you may not donate blood GLSOMemberProgram ’
'f Y?” ire aLwlggfrISk" fgr Aslitfleas$5permonthcanmakeadiiference! t
con rac Ing . cours ,
the brilliant Kentucky legis- I, , i l -
lators didn't define who was llwllgrsoorg;membership J
at “high risk,” and gay men I
who know their status would -

 GLSO Library PI‘OJeCt Bachelor/Bachelor-
underway ette Auction Planned
The GLSO, in collaboration by Egfitjrilgfipodrley’
with several graduates of
the UhlVerSItY 0f . The third annual Bachelor/
Kentucky SChOOI 0f lera'fY Bachelorette Auction will be
and Information SCIence, lS held on Sunday, April 22nd
updating 0UP , at Bogart’s Lounge in the
library. The hI'St 903' of thls Crown Plaza Hotel. Doors
PFOJeCt '5 to make the iIbrary and silent auction items will
materials more acceSSIble to open at 6:30pm and the
the PUbllC"Wh|Ch WI“ hope- show and auction will start
fully Include at 7:30pm.
a publicly searchable cata—
log (available onlIne) and an This event is open to 18 and
easy way to _ up. How it works, we put
check out materials so you people up for auction, high—
second 903‘ '5 ner with the auctionee and
to create 5! separate and ex— the best part is we provide
panded children s and young the dinner! Along with the
adult _ Bachelor/Bachelorette auc-
IIterature section;, we hope tion there will be a silent
these materials WIll be used auction with items.
to promote
acceptance and understand- Admission price is $10/$5
lhg among young people as with valid studentID. All pro—
well as PFOVIde _ ceeds benefit the services of
literature appropriate _for the GLSO and Pride Festival.
teens who may be question— Special drag performances
!h9 their sexual , , will also take place during
Identification or orientation. the course of the evening as
We would greatly appreciate well.
donations _
0f relevant b00kei Pal‘tICU' If you would like more info,
lar_ly In the followmg ”€355 volunteer to be auctioned
, Chlld" ens or donate an item to be
b00k5, young adult bookS, auctioned off, please email
DVDS, and recent adUIt fiC' chad@g|so_org'
tion. We hope to __,__,,,,,,,,-_,_,,,,,,,,, -M‘
get the library up and run— r
ning soon, so that people
can take advantage I v the GLSO
of all the wonderful materi-
als we've collected. L '
_ I

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 APRIL GLSO someone you know would be in-
terested in attending this, please
CLASSIFIEDS contact Rodney at R.Day66@
YARD SALE! Library Volunteers
Ginger and Jane are DOWNSIZ- Needed
INIG! Yard sale Laredo Ct. Most
things under 331- Home, garden, The GLSO Pride Center is in search
aligpétugfc, holiday, glass, hard- of individuals who would like to ,
. i - . help update the Pride Center li— -
8am-2pm. ment & materials are available but I
just need volunteersl willing to (lio—
- nate some time & ta ent to cata 09
Sleeping Room some new additions to our library. l
$200 a monglr $1§61§eposit lo Please contact the Pride Center
I I _ . I . l'
cateld ahblock from St. Joes Hos— for more information
pita rig toff Waller Ave. No pets,
no drama. Shared bathroom, canoPY Tent for Sale [
kitchen and living space. Non—
smoking. Contact the Pride Center A screened tent for camping or 1
for more info. backyard use for sale. Asking
price is $35 with the proceeds go-
Fur coat For Sale ing to the Gay Straight Alliance for
Gorgeous Fur Coat valued at YOUth- _ _ L
$15,000. Asking only $3,000. Come by the Pride Center during
Would be great for an elegant normal Office hours to take a l00k!
drag performer or classy real girl. L
Pictures available upon request. If
interested, p ease contact Joyce K JUST REDUCED! _ 3
Dryer Set 5
1 BR Apartments for Excellent condition. Hardly used. at
n H e . ff Asking $299! Contact the Pride
Nort anover Ave, JUSt 0 East Center for pictures and more info!
Main St, near Woodland Park. G
Kitchen 8‘ bath. Private entry. For more information or to
$550 per 'month plus electric place a FREE classified ad in L
$250 depOSIt, pet friendly, Section our next edition, please email the '
8 Welcome. Laundry room on s'te- detailed info to Chad at chad@
Please call Norl at 859—230-8079. glso.org.
All claisifields shczjuld be directeg
Negative partners of t roug t e Pri e Center an Wl
should be short but contain the
HIV+.Partner Support basic information of who, what,
There '5 interest m Starting a sup— when, where, cost, etc. Deadline Ri
port group for negative partners for all submissions to the GLSO
Of HIV+ InleldualS. If YOU or Newsletter is April 20, 2011 17

The GLSO Ramfioyé
The Imperial Court of Kentucky
impciky@aol.com Www.ImperialCourchnluckyxn‘g
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors

SisterSound 859.806.0243

Diverse Music for all Women

DJ Fix My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734

Debra Hensley insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road

Lexington Fairness—www.iexfair.org 859.951.8565
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road

Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483

GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233
Lexington Pride Festivai—www.lexpridefest.org 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Center

 GLSO Phone Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or Sister Sound 859.806.0243
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services, Lexington 211
. . Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
W010. TransKentucky cassiemtf@
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 yahoacom
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 United Way 859.313.5465
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 WES
877-605-2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851
Hea'th Dem" W°°df°rd 859-873'4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV/AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 LeX Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
LOUESVI'“? Region 502574-0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 270_443_3339
Norther“ KY- Region 859341-4264 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
Community and Social Groups Studentfimuns
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Be'ea “"999 ACE 859958-3633
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 centre C°“ege BGLA 859238-5332
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 '
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 /
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 .
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 \ qo‘ 28cc
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ 50¢:6-0245
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 c§d°§§te
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 “Qtesafiat ~ .1.
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 2939:0539 '
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 9’ .
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582
- Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 . ,.
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO NEWS Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 April 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor©glsaorg

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A Fundraiser benefiting
Festival ‘ \ .
l t
y l
’ Bogart’s Lounge
The Crowne Plaza Lexington
1375 South Broadway
Lexington, KY
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Doors Open at 6:30pm—Events Begin at 8PM
$10 Admission / $5 with Valid Student ID
Variety of Bachelors & Bachelorettes to be auctioned off
Silent Auctions & Live Auctions—Drag Vatiety Show