xt70gb1xgk8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xgk8r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-03-25 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 26,  March 25, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 26,  March 25, 1915 1915 1915-03-25 2015 true xt70gb1xgk8r section xt70gb1xgk8r I X. ‘ ` »
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llllllllll Stlllllllll lS"‘” ”‘ “"‘ ‘“"‘“'S """ Slllll llllll Fllllll Fllll Y""°“"’"`“”` °“‘“`°"S lll l E Slllllll
    S       Those preparlng oratlons for thc      
l TM '““"""° °' Mm “° D°"°°h’ prolnlbltlon contest to be new April zs ,
_ _ ...... Matthews to Mr. Walter Winston Fitz-I -—-— are asked to meet Friday mon in the --— I
}• 8d_ F. t ¤·¢¤¤*=- ¤¢ S¤m¢*¤¤¢- Ky-· ·¤<* Clem- Mm Robert Lee smut Tgllg Y. M. C. A. mam; mom. for the pm. Spendmg Week m Industrial
G3m€8 well Balanc v Irs son Cullen, South Carolina., wu cole- · .
l O   . 1 H ' I t ) of   md DOM! of ¤0|0¢U¤8 J¤d8€¤· Sl! J¤d8€¤ COI`p0I'3.t1OIlS of ChlC8g0
wlth   Here   W‘•\•¢m YWUNTK m°*'¤ nl uf ° ° ;’ P f F d must be chown lt thi! N|¤•» 0¤• 8*** and  
SgVg]]th_ ;t B·M·tth°:"unn 80.;; mmsawnlg   0 un ° lng on thought and composition and —- ,
.____ ‘ ' ’ ° u F H 1 another on dellvery, nnd‘it is very Thmy m"“‘b°" °f uw 89***0* CIM!
Street, the Rev. 0. J. Chandler offlclnt- ° °"' ni “"° '°'“° °""°°*’ "°“‘ nemsmry that the conmmms mem at or me college O; Mochamcal and Elec.
{ April 7-0hlo Unlverslty, on Stoll Ing. ‘ Mrs. Robert Leo Stout‘s lnterestlng ‘ ,
Fi ld rg on to the members of the Hem once. The executive committee ofthe tricm bnglneering le"- °"°" the Q“9€¤
I a 9 · The house was beautifully decorated P Y local Club is requested to meet with & Crescent rgllrggd at 6;37 p_ m_ gun.
, c April 10—Unlverslty of Michigan. on with pglmg gnd fgmg, gn ug.; being Cl¤88®tt Chapter. Daughters of the the Ommm at the same time day, on their inspection mp to Cmd!.
1 L Stoll Field. arranged by the front wludows of the Amerlcm R°"°l“U°“· °f which She This contest is held for the. purpose go and vicm“_y_
g Appl] ]5...M¤ryvlllg College, at d0\1bl€ parlors WN-h 8 blink of DIKUW is Regent In tm? repo"' M"' Stout of selecting an crawl. to represent The trip, which ls an Annual glfglr,
; Muyymm and clusters ot whlte candles, and “""°““°°° thu th° °h°pt°r hu °°t°b` State University in the State contestlls made a. part, ot the regular curricu-
i , April 16.n-unlmsuy ot Tennes- *··¤¤ ¤* E¤¤*¤*""¤¤- ""‘°° '°' “‘° ’°““‘ ‘”°'“°“ °' "‘° 8,,,, M, notices ,,0,,,,,l,, hm, ,,9,,,, lum to snow me young mlm.-, nl.
Y seo at Knoxville Just before the entrance, Mlss Kath- U“‘"’"’“Y “ P°'°m“¤°m l°“ mud °t best modern mm 1 th I
. · given that as good man may be chosen P °° u ° N'8° i¤‘
i crlnc Mitchell sang beautifully. "Be- °"° h““°"’d d°"“"· °“"°d me H°""y dustrlal engineerln eo oratlons r
April 23-24-·Mluml University, on Cl S d Lo F d . to compete with the other colleges ofl K rv »¤“°—
Stoll Field. muse" and "Belleve M0 It All Those ;:8°“ U; °°t t °° un ‘ me Sum Those wishing to be in m°`as are found ln Chicago and the many
, Endesrlng Young Charms/’ her accom- ° “Y“ n PU z l d t 1 d. wm {
April 30, May 1—Unlver¤lty of Ten- Fr _ UBQBMGB our duburnmem in 1914, try-out must hand their oratlons to R_   8 J¤·¢*>¤ ¤ us cen ers.
psnimonts being played by Miss an M The class under the supervision ot
name, on Sum m,|d_ which aggregated $65 00 we have E. L. Murphy on or before March 30 ·
cos Gelsel. Mlss Evalloe Allander · · · In Order that they can be graded by Dean p_ paul Anderson and pmt W·
A tlveday trip il Dl‘¤¢t|¢¤||Y ¤¤¤\|!'¤d played me bridal march from Lohan created s Student Loan Fund of $100. {E F
_l . roeman, ot the Electrical Engi-
- C ’b°,·l"d the judges on thought and compost] .
to Cl¤"k"m°» T°¤¤·» wd um Being ambitious to do an educational
· Do- pm and Mm!. the ceremony me bridal tlon The oratlons must be in three I neermg D°p‘"m°m• ‘"`"°d in Chicv
l U¤iV9¤'¤i¢Y· N U!b*·¤°¤· Tenn- 1 . work on the level ot a larger chapter, ' l .
M couple oft on the 11.40 C. & O. train typewrmen copies lsu Monday, at 7:2;, s_ m_ They wm
. Pauw U¤iv¤r¤i¤* will M hm MW 21 but resllzlng the extreme limitation or ‘
. d M lm can M_ 2, A dw M ¤ mv ¢¤ W•¤1¤¤¤¤¤>¤· D- C-- ¤¤¤n -_--,,., ._ Ileave cmcsgo Sunday at ms .. m.
  an are 680. Y · ml New York md hum th-. wm so to our treasury, I gave: Greek play, with     md ud" in I I ·t 9:10 D. m-
A ls ln progress to clue the •••IOI W Ichmmn Cones,. South Cu.°u¤·, to clnniodsnces, at tho theatre in   H E   the same day- Domuod account- of
R"' P°‘”°°“'“° '”"°‘“° °" °‘°" xmas. *°8‘°“ ‘“‘ M°"· ““°' ‘"°°"“ °' *"`°‘*i C OS N LAST W the mp are being mailed the Lsxmg-
!_’ Flgld, May 30. th I n Id d_ The bride is attractive md puny sratlon and added to the small amount Hem. Coleman of Garnmsbur ' E mn paper, daily. the students being
_ my °°° d°t° °° ° °°u ° M and was graduated from Stats Univer- th"' "“‘d°• ml swimming f°°° °°k°" in y ` K, ' grouped in pairs to wrlte up each days'
‘ at trip through Tounauoo lute iu thv sm, Int Jana Mr: Fitzpatrick is a at the Unlverslty ot Kentucky, durlug,S· F°wl°"· °f Waverly? J“°°b S· S"' td l
1 r ~x Y k cn a 0 K p
°°“°°' which h ummus uw approval graduate of State University and holds th° hut °"mm°r· which h°v° b°°° my Mir y' 0 L ew or ty, an l I Those who made the trip are Protes-
ot the Athletic Committee to become 3 position in the Government servlcayown in me pash AB a result, we have Willett, ot Elizabethtown, with Dee
_ sor P: Paul Anderson, Professor W. E.
effective., are required to complete the at me had of me Sum Dairy Depub Ia fund which, though not princely in McNeil, of Hickman, and C. P. Nichol- Freeman, G. B- Arnold, L G- And, H.
“°h°d“'°· - ment or South cnonna. I“‘“°““‘· y°‘ ¥’°y“ “““ °‘ “‘° mm I"` s°°’ °! ('m°°' as °lmmm’ wmpose Y. Barker H. 1:. Barth M c mus;
Th]! il 8. WGH-DUBIICBG B0h0d\1l0 Bild ilng gxpgnggg for g Ong ygafg ggudgng thv debatlns, team selected in chapel ’ I ' · '
·*·_•·•‘•··‘; A. R. Blackburn, J. E. Bolling, M.
odors ancxcollont season for the Wild-I irgsidoncs in Lexmgwn_ If agmublylast week to represent the University
MQCK       i l I d b be b Id A ru Brooke, G. F. Campbell, L. B. Cnynvood,
cuts; they should be able to Kei DY , to the chapter members, I would like n ”· tr angu at e me [0 °· D S v Courtney W B Crow L B
  with at good percentage of tha iamis.       this fund handled ln strictest privacy 30 with vanderbilt University and me Fvun; J T éeldér   W ihé R.
Thi! UPS! 8¤m9. ADTU 7. will D6 T and for the benefit of young women of { U"i"9"nY M Alabama- D Halwkms ' T F ' Héyueg K , P,
played on Staws new dlamoud on The Henry Clay Law Society dis- Revolutionary ancestry. ltls my wishl TM question f°" d°b““’ w“· hR"' HQWQ “ “’ Hllghés G Imlénd   T.
' Stoll Field, which will be ready by paused with its regular program on that the beneficiary be known only|S°l"€d· That P"°“ld‘”“ Wilson W“.JMkS;m ·(, iyenersori S. B Maul .,1,.
· . . , . . A en, .
April 1. Monday mgm and mgm s mock msn ¤ to the rmldsm or the Unlversity the-J¤¤¤¤<~>¤ l¤ R·>s¤r¤*¤¤ the ‘i·i¢¤¤¤v
a ’ , _ R. Nunan, L. S. 0’Baun0n, E. C. P -
· The Wildcats met three of these instead. Mr. F. A. Harrlson was trledkegent of the Henry Cleggett Chapter|T€'S* bumciem Gmunds for V“°m$ ker w F Phupot R D Puckett ag
taams last year and won from Miami on a charge of chlckonateallng. Pfeblund myself, as Physical Dlrector of the Smm"B“mB“ Immigration Bind. S iigiéeyl and E ’M lwhwr D U
by a. score ot 8 to 7. In three games ident J. T. Gooch was presldlng judge   women at the Univgrghy Og Kemucky_ G- W- Vaughn. J- A- Edge and W. E- ` ` ` `
.. r  
with Tennessee, State won two and and Messrs. I. M. Nickell, R. E. Cul-lThe scholarship is already being usedlxmholls acted as judges- { J. P. LaMa,ster, formerly a, student
lost one to the Volunteers. Michigan len, B. D. Sartln and R. E. L. Murphy `by a lovely girl of a prominent but lm-| Smm will Whold uw am"m'““'€ at   in the Agricultural College, but for the ‘
has been on the Wildcat schedule for were the attorneys. The defendantlpoverlshed family and the {und is al-ih°'“*’ wml Alabama and the “°g*m""lpast two years pacteriologlst at Elmen-
several years and with the exception was acquitted of the charge. lready being supplemented by indi; M v““d*“`bm· ldorf Farm Dairy, has been gppgintgd
of one tle, a 7 to 7 game in 1912. has Dean Hamilton brought her cl¤·¤¤ in I vldual members of the chapter? "“"°'°’—_“ las assistant dairy husbundman with
always succeeded in vunqulshing the ' Argumentution over in a body and a l ———•·•-•———— Leo J. Sandmann, B. S. `I4. has been   the dairy division or the Unlted states
\vl1d4·uts, but this year lt ls hoped the large crowd enjoyed the amusing lncl-       upolnted assistant in hlstory for the L Department or Agriculture at wash-
story wlll be different. dents of the trial.     remaining months of this semester. kington,
• —rr~-····v—r mrrr or r ’**r··—·*  """ · r       ~se ~~  e~·—————»—»——»;;——.s
I Efforts to secure the assignment of.
lllllS llllBH lll|l· IIS llllll lllll WEEKS Ilfl             Ellllllllllll Hlll Jllllllll Pllllll llllllllllllllll
’ ’ inspector instructor of the Kentucky
_ mllitlu, have ended ln a failure.
You of the sterner sex, if y0u’ll tukellssue and she wlll select her staff of Strong mmwnca was used to www Although the date for the ..luuior·Louise Mlchot,
u little friendly tlp, will be mlghtyiusslstants. 'I"helr names wlll be giv`en me assignment and Represumauve lronn ls, three weeks oft, Aprll 1t»th,I pommmee on Music_CM.l Bank
careful how you uct during the next ln next weeks lssue of 'lhe IDLA. Cumrm personally wok me matter up preparations are already being lD&dB;hurdt’ Dutch Schrader. Miss Katherine
two weeks. Anythlng you might goillllss Hughes and the statfl wllllhawke wml me war Depurtnlenm but new to make lt the best and most brllllantlxmchelh Miss Rebecca Smith
or anything you might `s1y’;nay ;?(.0Il'l§)l€Y.6 charge ot' e»ery:1nl;tlat s ami Mills, chief or me Muma DM/is_ one ever held at Old state. The vonmlmw on D€(_0rummB_JameB
used against youAlnith: blr Zossucio 'put un tl1e paper thattiweeb. oy gay io"' dwmed that Lieutenant Gumon music ltus not been urunged for yet, Moore, Carl Zermssy Fay TOWNS,
the IDL , out prl th;) ntf   t ao say slome: ng a out 101: 0; must join his regiment, me Twemiem but R. l·.. Hundley, class president, has James MCCOHHBIL mss [ua Dams"'
get the gate, or you muy eone 0 t ei _ume minor las ut gnatltxe ut 0 ilnmmlw for foreign Service. announced thu: the dances wlll con- mss Lua Estes. Miss Clam wml-
· law`brea ers. { I b I lthelr wlttt sms w e tle nlen. llwuwuam Gumon was formerly slst ot ten one steps, eight usltzes, worm. Miss Margaret insem-
l·or years past t las een t1e tus-I ·yh,, ,0.edB uu, given this opportun. Colmlmndum Ut, Uadms here and every und tmo fox uots. umm m R f l I CR
tom to allow the departments ot thel t‘ounnlttet·s huw been appointed us I W on E rw mmm, ` A`
¤»..lm..lty .0 stu., The mss at m.l"’ “° "‘“` "“" “`“’ "`“"° k"°`"` °"" "’“""“ "‘“‘ ""'“"°“ ‘°““`“'°"‘° l.,..t.wt· ‘*"’*“"'· *‘· *`· ""°"*“‘·"‘· ****5 *'**"'·¤
lt] l rl · l U i lt assignment. " wu   _     _ _. ¤
lous tlnxes and ln accordance wlth thlsl W r ` mw on yur ous u vars y t‘onuuitu·e on lnvltutlons—llerbert H H" mv Ale\°md€r’ uhs LM-lewn
` · . . ‘ · _ -——-—-·—·-•·¢-•- — * ~ _
4-ustonn the lssue of Aprll 8th will be l°l"`°‘ Au J°k°°‘ Mmm' items of in ln-. lddwunl Tuthlll spoke on "Amer- tlraluuu, M. S. Sullivan. Miss Vawlyul www
turned over to the young ladies of the l '*"`““'· °" “"Y*"*"g i"*“"d*“d f°" P“b“' lt·u‘s Part in the ureut wsrf nt t‘lln- l Lutkemeler. I °`°mm"y w H"` us"! °““°“‘· m"`
Journalism llepartnnent, to be haudledlcullon that week should be submitted tonvllle, Sntnrtlsy evening, This wns l‘onunitte¢· on l’lat·t+——l.. ll. Nels011,|t“‘i""" W °uWM°*`B will N0! D9 UNKN-
ns they see Ht. lto Miss Hughes 0I' a lllelllbef of the the lhlrd and lust of a series of lee- H. E. (`UHEII. U. M. Edwards. lblllvd vlcllly among the lnennbers of
Miss Florence Hughes, of The lUEAistall'. See next yveeks' IDEA for tures given nt the Cllntnnvllle Chris- (`Ullllllllltwl on Progrunls » ll l’.‘the class, but will be t·onsn.leret,l by [ho
staff, wlll act as edltur·ln—chlel’ for thelfurther particulars tlun church. Campbell, J. U. Garrett, Mlss Marie advisory t-onnnlttee,
~ •

I T H E I D E A 2
· ··   -·-—--~ ·——-——-—— —————————————— ———--————·-—·-—— · -———·-————~
· C
S ll i h t E I ive Mutual and Universal Pro ram of Movin Pictures G0 Where the Go’s G0
ymp 0h C Orc QS T8 XC ll! K K .
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE °"""'°" “°
Me At Admission 10c
F|R|1’·CLA8| IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPII, Jr. 0wn•r and Mans r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
l Q l I
Published svery Thursday throughout the College year by th• student bod! l luccnaor to IARIII I CO.
‘ of th• Stats University of Kentucky, for the benefit of tho under- * * * ‘• * ‘• * ‘•' * • ‘• ‘• •' * " *   W M in  
graduates, alumni and faculty of the institution. • · • ·
7__TT_____;"_p_d_ ___A________,   _ _+_k___, ____ r_,___,_7__TT ggoggg R_ 8MlTH· ggg1· ·°DA p°UN1-MN IN TH. O
    THE IDEA ls the ofllclal newspaper of the University. lt in Issued with ··"0y,l_ pm D(,mm.mllc_~· Sounds CNY- MN! ¢AN¤l!|
luis view of furnishing to its subscribers all the coll•|• news of Kentucky, _ _, V ____
together with s digest of Items of interest conc•rnlng the unlvsrsltloo •t Tomlllof. doesnt it. George R. means S " `_i
      l0\h9|' UUWU Und Cin"'? V _ i lt. too. and bears out that characterl-  
2 wsscmrriou, ous ¤ol.tAn Psa vnn. nv: csun up corv ’“"°“ '" h" """"y “°“°"· T““"“I Universit
8 - · SHOWS DAILY · • 3 Entered •t mxinrtou ron or¤o• ¤ noone elm mall m•tt•r, wlw he is ¤¤ Well known and liked Y
-,..4..-. .*7. -- , ;-‘.. .-...;.. ‘   :t*;.:;.:¢r···T.······t*··*Tr·; BbO\It thB CSHIDUB. {
EDITORIAL ITAFF, 1|14-lil!. Mr. Smith'; career at Stale and pre- O
        P. TAYI4OR................. ·.....·............... Edltor·ln-Chief vinus [0 his poming is Interesting. H6 K
KENNETH DORIS ................. . ..............·..·· M8¤8Kl¤8 Editor was originally 3 member of tho Six-  
      J, OW ‘~  REYNOLDS ............... . .................... LIIUUDK Editor teen class, of which ho was president Offers free tuition in an   I
l A“°°l“• Edlwrm l in his Freshman year. Later entering · .
uml Entirely me nm••m•¤l Jnmmrrm anu. .... Patterson nm J. s. sonnino ...... noon. me mioalths Cvlless ¤f Lew. he will complete menu *0 the K ¤`¤ d ¤ ¤ t ¢ 8
la, B, LEIBOVITZ ........... Athletics G. C. ROGERS ............... Ml¤l¤|`th*“ °°“”° in June and get °· d°K*`°€· of Kélllillcky Hllh Schools who
  B. W. ROTH .,........... Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange Geerse R- hss ¤l¥'6¤dY €¤l€¥‘€d one of
1 the leading law tlrms or this city and are D!`€D8!'€d to Ente! tht Freib-
LESTER W. GRADY ................................... Business Mm•;•rlin addition is Secretary or the Leaning- mlm Cl"'
O 8 8 I J. T. GELDER ..................................... Subscription Manq•r ton Railroad Y. M. C. A. He has
.'I.‘T'1T.‘T"""" ' " _ ’ ,;_ -, . -- -...- . T. '. ' il-.,T.ZT[r? l                       in
_,_T_._.----....--,-- -_-....... l__;:;.;;:;:;...... l his Own Gnortm holding v"i°u° p°“{' entitled to send FREE of mi.
ltions during the time here, always
  TO GLASS ORGANIZATIONS AND LITERARY SOCIETIES. lwlth credit to himself. He was pro- mon: matnculatlonr laboratory
---— lmoted from sollcltor to circulation and other fees, one or mm,. ·p_
The organizations and societies have been slow to elect members of The   manager of the Lexington Tribune, _
IDEA Board ol Control. Yet some have been selected and others must belwhen that daily was started in this P°mt¢9$· ° ’
elected at an early date. The Board of Control for 1914-15 is composed of city.
Nece a exp
Mc       six members, one from each of the following organizations: Senior class,l In athletlcs_George R. has takon g, ss ry enses m°d°r·t·‘
Junior class, Sophomore class, l'nion Literary Society, Patterson Literarylnromlnent part. He is a varsity foot- FOP ful] information 1’9g|rd·
Society and Philosophlan Literary Society.  bnll and track man and also champion . .
1 m 8 Om
M T; l_,g#_‘__ The Board of Control for the year 19l?»·lti must be selected before thelheavyweight boxer of the University, g pp wes' course. of .tudy'
_'—l-gl `€'Z-;_:j’i '_P=l_  » tlrst Friday in April and is composed of six members, one from each of thel No athlete ever fought harder or more cost of board, etc., apply to
~_'i  {gg}-    ;‘__`..·¢ following organizations: Junior class, Sophomore class, Freshman class,   fairly for the success of the Blue and H S BARKER
I ‘ . .=· of :‘;¢ · _ _ ,
4 ` ——=T*‘._;»f...;·Qg{{i‘.*_’·f Ji Union Literary Society, Patterson Literary Society. and Philosophlan Literary ; White. He is a member of the Union ' ;
  ' _ Society.  Literary Society, Y. M. C. A. Cabinet, P1‘0IidGI1f, `
_ M These two boards will meet the second Friday in April to elect theland the Henry Clay Law Society. Mr, Lgxingfpn, K,_
    `*‘  Editor, Aslstant Editor, and Business Manager of The IDEA tor the yearlSmlth is one of the most cgngcigntioug  ___
g ` I ot 1915-16. lt is requested that all organizations entitled to a member on lstudents ever at tSate. He is of a re·
  a` ,__. . the Board elect same before the first Friday in April. Each member must   tiring disposition, big-hearted and de- I
" we- present a certificate of election, stating to which Board selected, signed by lllghts in doing an act of kindness for FOR PENS D PENcu's’ I. '
A _ the president of the organization, from which he or she was elected. lsome friend. He will make an able TAB!-ETS AND FINE
I ’ t -—·————————; llawyer, honest but fearless and g, so;-.l STATIONERY
- l > •|• ·|» •I· •I· ·I· ·I· ·I· ·|· + ·I· ·I· ·I· ·I• ler skates. When one comes in late tolvant of his fellow man, I JOHNSTONG
l \_ ` ·|· HUM OF THE GADFLY •I· at class with tears in her eyes it mayl ij CANDY
`   I- ·|• O ·I· O •I• 0 O ·|• ·I· ·I• ·|· ·|· be because she hasn’t prepared thel FRANK KENNEDY. ‘
. il THE NEWS IN RIME. recitation.
• ' ·. l •—·— W
(0, \9 L--- —-————- l All Gxamination of tho rooordg of m• E•  
°T"'l°P’S¤ " THE NEWS IN RIME. mslol-V l~l-Um , Le. B til i l 309 Wn! Main Strut .
J the oder es of l Seniors will show that very few are as
Mialnill give H HBW d€E¥`€€» "'l`en Years Ago" states that the State versatilo as Fr k K d Hi
To ins ect the new S rin W -. . .· .. , . °° °""° y‘ B
P P 9 ln **¤<·¤¤e1¤r 0f Are Mm H<{¤¤¤=i wings Juniors new tt funeral overlwolk tu the College of Ag,,c,,,l,,,,, has —;———————-—
Styles in A studs thinks up a bran new J°k€_` (`¤l¢‘¤l¤S· TIIGTB lS géllefol l'€j0lCi¤glbeen uniformly good, Ho has hold tho — -;__
H His name is not O‘Connors. now over the fact that lt has only l position of Puro Food Inspector- at [hg ’ ·
atsw Cincy tied with Northwestern, hlglll more lives. Exuerlmcm Smtlou for three yearsl HAVE YOUR
  I·‘l»r lllld·\\'€S[ champs in swimmin’; land was recently appointed to the r€_    
_ ’ This week S Cry Al lbs l`¤¤il’el‘slt.l‘ of Oklahoma is lsponsible position of Milk Inspector of  
Sh1rtS• , At Miami. held an annual contest among thelthis city. Such places can only be FOR THE KENTUCKIAN
  ls gotten out by the W0¤1€¤· prettiest girls and the ugliest menlillled by capable men.   MADE AT F
These are the kinds of contests in_ Mr. Kennedy is president of the YJ     ’S   di L
’ • The engineers at M- A- C- lwhicli every girl votes for herself and M. C. A., and has been very instrumen-l p y u l0 4
DOI] t Lay BChInd· H**"° had 3 ’“°"‘“°““ °"‘“°S‘¥ l··~‘sr>‘ men for someone else. tal ln promoting tho work or our or: 341 w lm Sl P.ll"l635_l l
\Spring Fashion week is now at hand, lglmlzatlon here whlch was recemlyl ' ' ’
      We all should look neat dressed. ` In a recent examination at vandopl _._ __ Y _ ____ _ o _ ` p _ l Y_ _ _ l__ ____
The Virginia boys who eat at school bilt, out of a class of twelve men, four
P·In auch suns       til hash are now complaining; made 100 and the lowest grade among   AM I  
aa'. to umu _' • While snow does fly, thc others was 95, with one exception. To • •
_”"'*;"" At V. M. I., One man made 85, but he withdrew
The team's excused from training. from s<·hool——#the pace was too killing. ° D
Graves, Cox ——— l ___ L€Xll'lgtOl”1 fllg Company
The deportment of a student varies! Sundays Leader contained some in-
  inversely as U18 square of [IIB dlSl8.l1CB\lt%|'t*S(ll\l·i SUlliBU('S OH food COIISUUHP  
CO• from the instruct0r.—B00k Strap. tion ut the cafeteria, but Abe Roth,  
h••rp•r•t•d —— T l for reasons best known to himself,
Says tha Cincy News: mn E thinks they are incorrect in statin {V
8 .
The College F°u°ws, Shop Fmshmun uw way he should g°—°aud that 15 biscuits per meal is high score
  “'l"’" has a J““i°" h°`“ 8°¤°- lm. one mlm        
I , C. CO As the date for the Junior Proml H l   · l
Xingtcn Igar • draws nearer. many of me fellows are lhe (lourler—Journal is authority for {Moll Onldt
pmctlclug Bltllng down ln tlwlr tlrst llio statement that the men now at l •
Manufsctunro of dress Bulls war, if laid head to foot, would form a A
    line extpilding urulllld the world It I h     N S •  
  The University of Missouri student is only a matter of time until this e g    
l3| WEBT MAIN UTREET who ate thirteen pieces of pie for din- statciiiciit will be veritied. The men   f
ner and suffered no inconvenience are bring Iald that way every day. 1 _
DR·• J• D-   must undoubtedly have been a Chris-
nv:. nn. N08E me ·r•·•¤¤A‘r thm Scientist. *°*i”i“ COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY I
m.m:'G$:;::'::Ord_r .... l Seniors, order your Caps l
‘ .‘ · d 1 U l i . · · -
uccmund mmdlngo Some of the toe H lst llw 11 VGN island Gown; at pnlvqrslty i   North Llmegtone Lelillftoll, Ky. {
outa ••n•»• mx n••ie•¤o• no-x °‘ M°"'“““ '*° ‘° “"’ ' ° “““°“ °“ ’°‘ Book btore. —L0mmlttee. l •   , I
J l'

. A T H I ID I A ` ` ’ |
V ‘*·`·· ——1*•————Y-* -1*****1-¤i?*'? '* ;11-• g;q-;;.• t,__q i • an -1
Q \ W
· tI•·<·Iar+·tI hy an authority to he equal In          
eftlr·|en¤·y to any in the entire country.           Y M y S • S J
Frank was also leader of the first. (los-     8      
Thtrtoen msn schools have ogsnmed The election of officers for the com-
pel tt-nm over sent out hy thls Unl- _
vpnmy their intention of sending a team to "'K "°“°“ Y0" the U1"' b“k°t bm      
I the lnterscholastlc track and field mam WM hsld M0¤d¤Y ¤ft¤r¤<>¤¤ N
Few students have such a tllversifled ` 316 L • 9 B S
HM or honors M Frank hu} H8 in meet to be held on Stoll Held, May 12 · • `   8    
(`"mmm of um Senior cmu "cm- to 15 inclusive, undo, tho nnsnioos of Miss lalsle ll. Heller was chosen cap-
' ' the tmtvsmty. it ls believed that the mm ¤¤¤ Miss N¤¤¤v ¤¤¤·>¤. munuw-
tary and treasurer of the Strollers, a D l d S, t
me h r f the mop Club for three number of schools represented will be MW! Heller has bwn with me mam un up an c son
tn e o . ,
th- d d,l.I,d.ll •
yew., cnptaln of NBER football team ‘"**·‘*'***'*·**°' ‘°·*’°*"‘· "° "`“'” “" ““ ‘“' ""` "° ‘“'”‘ " Derbres and Soft Hare
· · The following have entered teams ln 8 Winn"'! $KK"°K*m°“ should be
in 'l2, student manager of the Univer- ‘ ‘ $3___$4__$5
the meet· Loulsvllle Manual Louis- turned °“t frvm Mw University-
slty cafeteria and a member of the ` '
pm Dena Them framrnny and Mystic ville Male, Lexington, Hardlnsburg, Other makes $2.00 up.
Thirteen qocmty Quite B HB, for one Erlanger, Maysville, (Jynthlana, Stan-      
mlm but Frank has nhgld down,. every ford, Somerset, Shelbyville, Hender-      
thing he has tried with grace and SO"' Paducah and L8 Gr°'n8°' lireathes there a man with hair so
abmty The tournament is open to all the dud Hart SCh¢Zff7`!€T 8 MGT!
· I
tteputlsp he had travelled over near- "‘““ “""°°"‘ °' “"’ 8***** ““" "‘ “"‘“‘ ro whom the barber hath never ¤¤i<1= Spring Suits and Top Coat;
_ tlon to the track meet, contests will be .. t 1
Zd;:°T:rf:;1:ft:;° cgzzizilgrankgfs held in publlc speaking, plano, voice D0 s:’;\:n:0:m B on C, massage or Q And other High'gTad€ Clothes
parents live ln Ohio but he calls Lex- and other branches °f high °°h°°l °n` 'Twlll make your hair grow as nothing $12-50 to $35 00
· O lngton his home now, State and the d°°'v°r‘ will do.' '
people here so appealing to htm that ' ° ' New Shirts, New Neckwear, New Collars and all the
he decided to make this his perma-     Barbers, from the Latin word "bar- other New Things for young men.
nent home. I-lis many friends here bar0us," have been found in all coun-
appreclate him and his intluence and d The molyglcm Club Miemblcd Fgltries since time began. They are the
ight n Science Hal to hear ..
are glad he has determined to stay. ay n men who get over you with a razor f •
IF. Farquhar, on Literature iniand make you agree to nu mon. no"_       CO.
|Sclence." Professor Farquhar ln his cies They know more about nn Boom]
  I ` ’
  Iaddmss showed Mw me m°st°rpi°°°° political and religious questions than
R   of literature are scientific in compost- has ever been written. ———- ———————-———-—————·—--—---————·;i..
tlon. The Magnus Opus of Milton and Dcmosthencs was n poor talker,
of Dante were pointed out as resting Socrates had no philosophy, and P rl O E N . X H O T E L
upon the Ptolmalc System of Astrono- nurkds arguments were a joke, whon
· · x my. In Sooth U18 n€ldB of BCIQDCB and we compare their qualities with those ;;·*.....;T...i:,:2;..:  :· ;·+:···  
fr ':°"““"° i“"° “° b‘i‘°“°K' °m":’ “‘“* of the average barber. Club BI'€8kf8StS fI‘0I11 ISC to 60€
` J" . ‘ °’ ‘"° ““°*""“ °· °"“° “g "' narbm new- have out mes.
A view of all the great scientists and when you go mw a barber shop they       to 55(Q
poets t()0k place   made the lec- try to Ben you, Over your protests, the LKZTTT TTl?'T?"Y*  
COLLAR ima *¤¢·=··¤¤¤¤¤- ¤¤¤¤¢ ¤¤¤ *¤¤t¤¤¢¤·lf(,...,wl,.g; A hair treatment, has The new Grill i• the mon beautiful room in Central Ken.
` "°· — ·· lr d ted 'thR k o0dP
¤_ug]··[pgAgQ¤Y&(1)_TR¤Y)|] slnge, electric brushing, manicuring, tuc Y, ECM'! Wl 00 W ottery.
  lshlne eye wash skin softener com- `
¥     plexion aider, talcum powder, face 4
‘   I`IS' I` OF "AG." SOCIETY mum wrinkle remover and many  
other things which they carry in t
Th° Agricultural Society met Mom stock. You are also expected to tlp ’
1.27-     day evening in the Agricultural Build` the cashier, the man who brushes your a n S      
GPS! 2 lng. Prof. T. R. Bryant did not take . _
I. ' coat and soils your collar, and the man SEE KAHN FOR FRESH SU 
_ part in the program as he was out of , _
HWY! 8 |·m· W 8 Wm- Phew 864 X who opens the door for you. The bar AT WHOLESALE PRICES
.... ¤<>w¤· H*· mk wm bs ¤*v¢¤ lm- ber tm, md., you .. cate of soap —~~ ————————~ —~~~»— E·—————
, ( C- L- M°"g“° "°“d °·“ *'“°'°“““g p“p°’ which can be detected at a distance or Supphes f0r Parties. Banq uets. Etc.
[     s °n Bsmgethmg $b°utd:F"m (Lats Ganz nine miles, smiles sweetly, Bild S¤Y¤» Phone 483 or 1690-y. Call for Solicitor
‘ ·— E tl. . ance a y scusse " oo ., .. ,
•   * call again. Thus for barbers.
‘ I - Roads", \loral· Ilse a bowl and scissors at ""°_`__""` `—_";`T
’     ` TIIG QUOBUOII of accepting the (;)hBl’ home-  
{ y L i g§~h;\ Ienge of the Law College to a de ate __M_ PISGAH
· / U ji ·.g' REXTQ ` Iwas brought up and it was deemed ad- _____,_•_______, J. J. Graddy Nick Ryan T. C. Br•dI•y Jn. T. Mccarty
F ' J` °` ' , ' ble to reject the proposition for p { ·· r gary is dglivgrin lectures
  j   ..\ visa ro esso g T T
\*\‘ to   ml? i` the present, The question may, how- to tho High School Students through.      
/     S S . ever. be reconsidered later- out nie Eastern portion or the state GRADDY-RYAN C0.
UACEPY SATURDAY ' ’L""°'°°”"""” this week His subject is "The Min- l¤°°rp°mt°d
_ _ Q   ta E-E EXPERIMENT STATION NO1-Es' mg I“d“s"y· jms “'°rk ls "` °°n` PATTERSON. RYAN G. McMARTY AND GRADDY A BRADLEY
  T Mv,mt¤1t39tMAtM>¥ Lt¤lN<.l0N.KY `*_ '" nection with the Extension Depart- Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Tailoring
l   -·-~- —··· ········ Prof. T. R. Bryant, of the Station, mont of the C0ugge_ Pho", ooo No W", Mlm ou",
  lwas in Harrison County the past week _____._
F Ionklri I F¤¢|¤h» Pr¤P¤‘|•*•¤‘• Ifurthering the alfalfa work in which Dr. Mackenzie was the speaker in  
l       his department is actively interested. chapel Wednesday, giving a very inter-
' An Alfalfa Club of sixteen members esting and instructive talk on "The
107 South L|m••t0n• 8tr••i ` . _ , . .   Mi. • •
q Oppouu th. Pmunlx Ho"' mock Iwas organized and plots varying from Ball of Senaccherib s Army. ss c    
L•xln¤t°n’ Ky_ Itwo to twenty acres selected on each Katherine Mitchell sang two beauti-
Fmu-_O|__A88 WORK OuAgAN1·;;¤‘of sixteen farms for the tests to beltul solos with Miss Frances Geisel as i Corner |.lm••¢¤n• and Wlnglqw,
  made. Soil samples were taken fromlnccompanist.
l •
Mm M, An., tn. gm. •• lem no, n has been me mmm no _____ Full Lme of STATIONERY and SUPPLIES
° ‘ M GURK’S ="“"“°“ ""““"‘ ‘° “°“' ‘*‘“"'“ °“ "°· ““’“"°'“ °' “‘° "“"°'“"’ ‘“°“"’ w~c»• COUNTER OPEN SEVEN one me N.¤,m_
C Rusing no limestone or nhosnhoros who are also members of the Board of
'* _ . . , _ ·_ ESPECIALLY ON SUNDAY.
when dl il wen md G00D_ Yields of 3 to 4 tons have been 0b_l(0IllIH€l`('€, inet last night in Methant  
tained under these circumstances, but IMI Hall to °n°°t “ gmup °rgamZau°n£ W, F,     C0,
Hot ch°°°l·t'• Cady wd l°“ those pushing the work believe thatland to take Steps to w°"k in m°r° Sym`;
  mo plots trontoo with umostono ono pathetic harmony with the spirit audi
DrO ]·   GOrd0niDh0BDh0TUB will show yields gf frqm 5 DUVDOSPS of U18 Board of (`OIIIIIIBFCO. 1 {••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
it DENTIST to 7 was per acm. Prof- (`· K M"l°h€"· Of the Moderug WCTC YOU at the P8!] HEUCIIIC DSIICQ DCC. IS?
• EONONJOULE SOCIETY Language Department, addressed the _
__i“i‘i°__....... “"“*°“"‘“"' ___ ,,,,,,,l.S and ,,,.m,..B ofthe Mt. smug if “°* y°“ *““° *‘°“'d “b°“* ‘*·
L ,00 T0 The Edis0n·Joule Society held a reg-itémded “ch°°|“ l““t week °“ the °°b` `_ _ _ _
d ]0hI\|’ Dri]: St0I‘€l¤l**' m¢*>U¤K Saturday morning KI jen Of ""E‘"°°v°'*" I“°mu°i°°° °t 1`lfty'hV€ of those €X(]UlSIt€ €0l`S8g‘€s were fur-
; Q N•xt to Put OffIo• Ewhich Professor Decker and Dean An. L¢*¤¤`¤i¤H- 1 nishod by us. Nuff  
A For   uons Shanna. swrderson gave heart talks to the men. . .
{ watt! cutie', ’Hp,s andyhgarsg A votnmittee of three was appointed S€I\I0l'S, order y0\%I° Capel
_____;_____   _ _ __ ·to arrange for a Freshman inspection 8lld GOWIIS Bt UHlVQYS\tyi   A.    
· ltrip to Cincinnati.   St0l'€. ·—C0l¥\II\ltt€€. `
4 0  
  • • , ° ,
j ... Kmkead Coal C°·i N0T.cE_ III! QHIOAED TEAI!IlE|l$' AGENCY n 123 East Sixth Street.
Allthflttité Bhd Bit\II\\il\0\l|l PROMPT-—l\ILlABLE··Il·`F|tIIENTi , •
I   'l‘he Masonic t‘lub will meet Tues- TM WW W TM B“t B°*““°"“ m l JEFF     U. Rt‘Dl`t‘S£‘I\t8tI\/Q Phone  
;   _ _ The Norm, wen and Mtutue wen t
l l*’“’· M“""‘ J"- “‘ MU *’· “'·· '“ “*° Atasar r. •»ncs•r,rn.¤.tu.•tc.> rm.
if ‘
4 P
° I

 | T H E I D E A
| ol` llw Sovle-ly is iI\HH`\It‘i4‘l| to sour] tn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
gngggg gnu ugrg       M. ..,.. ...0,   .,..,.,~ ..l ..,..   .... ..l
    8 _ our ·<»·ntlm•~nt>¤, amd to nlso i`lll‘I1i!·¤ll    
          <*o|1i•·~¤ ln 'I`|1¢· IUICA mul lhv olly lwwwi ’
our mmm \   “***· *‘·‘*·····~* ·*·"* **···y *··‘ ····'··1 Do you know that the SPECIAL RATE of 50
Fl IP! . `
KELLER, F|q;{$(_ ' v —— lm ,,_ mHm_,_ { per com mscounr ms on on Much mw If
236 Il. mln ll. PMn• 354 Resolutions Adopted Con- ri. rt ROGERS. YOU have l\0t already arranged for Fotos you must
Give your orders for dances. ect., (»(.ynjn Dgqth of Wm \\'. ll. NOEL, ` •
to MRROGER M. PARRISH of l   Ti; _ · W H HANLEY do so at once, or you will lose the opportunity.
S""° “"‘ ”°’” "’· · `° °S`"g‘ <~»·¥·······»·— SPENGLER ART GALLERY
  lloun l`. J. Norwood_ of ilu- (`o\Ivr:e· .._.;...••.....- +•
v _ L.x|”°`°n of Nllnvs. smtcirtulnml the I¥`If‘HIlN‘l`S of   HALL    
{A IA   ilu- !\linim; S(N'i(‘i\' with his aumual _._...
  l*’°'"°"·'l¤     lmnquvl 'I`u<~sday night at the <·lo>¤e· 0f Misses [Ala]