xt70gb1xf64t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xf64t/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1960 journals 166 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.166 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.166 1960 1960 2014 true xt70gb1xf64t section xt70gb1xf64t O
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Regulatory Bulletin 166
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

Bruce Poundstone, Head of Department
Robert Mathews, Asst. Adm. 8: Chief Inspector
Guy P. Zickefoose, Auditor-Inspector
*David M. Daugherty, Registration Inspector
W. J. Huffman, Acting Registration Inspector
Otis R. Wheeler Neville Hulette Noel J. Howard `
M. M. Davis W. M. Routt
Harry R. Allen J. A. Shrader Lelah Gault
Valva Midkiff Dewey H. Newman, Jr. Norma Holbrook
J. T. Adair **Jo Ann Dawson Robert N. Price
Paul R. Caudill John Ellis E. F. Asher
Introducti0n...... ......... .. .......... ........ 3
Estimated Tonnage ¤fSales by Class of Feed, Kentucky 1960 . . . . . . . . 4
Companies on Reporting System, April 1, 1961 .... . .... . . . . . . 5
Recommendations for Registration and Preparation of Labels for
MedicatedFeeds...................... ....... 8
D1·ugs&FeedAdditives... ...... ................... 14
Urea....... ..... .............. ....... ...... 16
Method of Calculating the Analysis ofa Feed Mixture .... . . . . . . . . 17
Average Composition of the More Common Feedstuffs ........... . 18
Miscellaneous Samples Analyzed 1947-1960 . . ......... . . . . . . 20
Table 1 — Report of Official Samples Analyzed 1960 . . ........ . . . 21
Table Z - Samples Classified as "Not Passed" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
*David M. Daughterty on leave of absence since May 1, 1959
**Resigned in 1960
This report compiled and prepared by Robert Mathews and Bruce Poundstone.
Analytical data by the laboratory staff.

 A I`; Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1960 3
This bulletin contains the results of inspection and analyses of samples
of commercial feeds sold in Kentucky during the calendar year 1960, and
. other information helpful to those interested in this field.
During this period 580, 652 tons of commercial feed were reported as
K distributed in the state of Kentucky. Of this tonnage approximately three-
fourths was mixed feed or formula feed and one-fourth straight products,
such as soybean products, wheat products, etc. This tonnage is about the
same that we have had for a number of years, A table showing the tonnages
of feeds sold by type by years for most of the years since 1920 is available
i by writing to the Department of Feed and Fertilizer.
During the year 1960, 3,699 samples of feed were secured by the in-
spectors for analysis and 84% of these passed with 16% not passing. The
iii i R laboratory ran 4.999 determinations for protein, 5,057 determinations for
fat and 4,531 determinations for fiber. A large number of determinations
were made for different minerals with 852 determinations for salt. There
were 839 determinations made for non-protein nitrogen from urea. The
total number of analyses made in the laboratory in 1960 was 19,905.
ln the last few years drugs have become very common in feeds and
the laboratory made 565 determinations for drugs.
The farmer who is using medicated feeds should be very careful and
feed the feed according to the directions and no medicated feed should be
Y fed to any animal except the animal designated on the label.
Feed manufacturers who wish to register medicated feeds in Kentucky
should follow the "Recommendations for Registration and Preparation of
Labels for Medicated Feeds" which is listed in this bulletin on page 8.

 4 Regulatory Bulletin No. 166 , N .
Mixed Feed _'l`_g;xi
Calf Feed 5,198
Cattle Feed 19,776
Dairy Feed 94,525
Dog & Cat Feed 12,047
Horse & Mule Feed 12,100
Mineral Feed 6,637
Pig & Hog Feed 88, 563
Poultry Mashes 160, 275
Rabbit Feed 1,610 I
Scratch Feed 10,069
Sheep Feed 1,801
Stock Feed 1,514
Turkey Mashes 9,790
Miscellaneous Mixed Feed 13,153
Straight Materials E
Alfalfa Products 2,017
Animal Products 9, 984
Barley Products 301
Brewers Products 2,146
Corn Products 27, 507
Cottonseed Products 9,716
Distillers Products 4, 986
Linseed Sz Flax Products 240
Molasses 19, 849
Oat Products 1,653
Soybean Products 20, 832
Wheat Products 41,083
Miscellaneous Products 3, 280
GRAND TOTAL 580, 652

 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1960 5
Albers Milling Company Columbian Hog & Cattle Powder Co.
All-In-One Feeds, Inc. Columbus Canning Company
Allied Food Distributors Commander-Larabee Milling Co.
Allied Industries, Inc. Consolidated Flour Mills Co.
Allied Mills, Inc. Consolidated Products Co.
American Crystal Sugar Co. Cooperative Mills, Inc.
Anderson & Spilman Corn Products Company
__ Apex Feed 8.: Supply (s) Chas. M. Cox Company ‘
Archer·Daniel·Midland Co. Crestwood Farmers Supply Center
Armour and Company Culton's Seed Cleaner
C. T. Ashley Company
Aubrey Feed Mills, Inc. Dearborn Mills
August Moldenhauer Mill Decatur Cotton Oil Co.
Aylor & Meyer Company Decatur Elevator Co.
Decatur Milling Co. , Inc.
Baber's Vis-Vita Sales, Inc. Diamond Crystal Salt Co.
Bagdad Roller Mills Dixie Grain Co. , Inc,
Barry Carter Milling Co. Dixie Mills Company
~ Barton Distilling C o. Dixie Portland Flour Co.
Bates Farm Supply (b) Dixie Portland Flour Mills (Tenn.)
The Baugh & Sons C0. Dixie Portland Flour Mills (Kan.)
Bay State Milling Co. Dixie Treat Sales Co.
The Beardstown Mills Co. Doane Feed Products Company
Best Feeds & Farm Supplies, Inc. Dyersburg Oil Mill Co.
, _ " Big Four Feed Store (s)
Big Sandy Wholesale Company The Early & Daniel Co.
L. A. Black Eckhart Milling Company
` Blatchford Calf Meal Co. Elam Grain Company
Blenda Life, Inc. The F. L. Emmert Co.
Bobb Brothers John W. Eshelman & Sons
The Borden Company Eshelman Grain Co.
The Boswell Company Evans Industries, Inc.
Botkins Grain & Feed Co. Evans Milling Co. , Inc.
Bradley & Baker Excelsior Milling Co.
Bremco Alfalfa Mills, Inc.
Brennan Packing Co. Fabro, Inc.
The Brode' Corp. Farm Chef Feeds
Brown-Forman Distillers Corp. Farm Service, Inc.
The Buhler Mill & Elevator Co. Farmers Elevators, Inc.
Bu.hner & Company, Inc. Farmers Friend Mineral Co.
The Buckeye Cellulose Corp. Farmers l-lay & Seed C0. (b)
Farmers Service (b)
Cadiz Milling Company Farmers Supply Co.
The Carey Salt C0. Ferncliff Feed & Grain Co. (d)
Cargill, Incorporated Finch Packing (d)
Carson Food Company Flambeau Milling C0.
Cashman's Leghorn Farm Fort Negley Mills
Central Alfalfa, Inc. Foster Canning Co.
Central Soya Company Frosty Morn Meats
Chelsea Milling Company Henry Fruechtenicht Co.
Clark Milling Co. Fuhrer-Ford Milling Co.
Cleveland Milling Co. Funk Bros. Seed Co.
Clinton Foods, Inc.
Clinton Milling Co. , Inc. Garden Street Mill & Elevator
Cocke and Company General Foods Corporation
H. C. Cole Milling Co. Corn Mill Division
Colonial Stores, Inc. Gaines Division
Colorado Milling & Elevator Co. General Mills, Inc.
(s) Small packages only, (b) Bulk sales only, (m) Molasses only. (d) Dog food only

 5 Regulatory Bulletin No. 166 '
Goldenrod Oil Meal Sales Co, MagiC Feed MUIB. Il'lC·
The Great Western Sugar Co. Marblehead Lime Co.
Green County Milling Co. (b) Marco Mills, Inc.
Gwinn Brothers Co. Marianna Sales go.
Marion Milling o.
Hales & Hunter Company Markin Feed C0.
peter Hand Fuundaglnn (S) Martha White Flour Mills
Happy Valley Mills Martha White Flour Mills of W. Va.
Har eth Mills Martin Sales Co.
_]'_ lx; Hal-rig gl C¤_ , ln(;_ Master Feed & Seed Co. , Inc.
x~1amv111e Milling Company Mayfield Milling €¤· · l¤¤-
Hayyegg Brand. [ng. McKnight-Keaton Grocery I
Haydon Mill & Grain Co. (s) McMillen Feed Mills
l-la wa;-dl [n;_ Mennel Milling Co.
l-lgzkle B;·¤g_ O. W. Meyer Laboratories
Dr. Heinz Company Middlesboro Milling Co. (s)
l-lelmerg & Bel-ry Feed C0, (yn) Midland Flour Milling Co.
1-ll-]_,l[e packing Company Midwest Alfalfa Blenders. Inc.
Highland Products, Inc. (s) Midwest Brewers Yeast Co.
Hill Packing Company Midwest Feeds
Hoham Laboratories, Inc. Mineral Products Co.
Hollar Sz Mardis Minute Maid Corp.
Howdy Distributing Co. Model Mills ‘
Hudson's Farm Service (b) Mohawk Roller Mills
The Hunter Milling C¤_ Moore-Lowry Flour Mills, Inc.
Moorman Manufacturing Co.
Igleheart Bros. Div. The Mor-Milk Co.
Illinois Cereal Mills, Inc. (b) John Morrel & Co.
Illinois Soy Products Co. Morristown Milling Co.
Independent Oil Mill, Inc. Morton Salt Company
Inland Mills, Inc. Mowat, Wilson In Co.
International Milling Co. Mt. Sterling Hatchery (b)
International Salt Co. , Inc. Murphy Products Co.
The Ismert-Hincke Milling Co. Mutual Products C0. (s)
Myers & Clark Milling C0. , Inc.
Jackson Co. Farm Bureau Coop. Ass'n. Myzon, Inc.
Jet Products, Inc.
H. Nagel & Son
The Kansas Milling Company Nashville Cotton Oil Mill Corp.
Keco Milling Company National Alfalfa Dehyd. & Milling Co.
Kellogg Company National Biscuit Co.
Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc, National Distillers Product Corp.
The Kennel Food Supply Co. , Inc. (s) National Molasses Co. ·
Kentucky By—Products Corp. National Oats Company
Kentucky Chemical Industries, Inc. National Vitamin Products Co.
Keynes Brothers Nebraska Consolidated Mills Co.
H. C. Knoke & Co. Neumond, Inc.
Kraft Foods The North Amer. Trading & Import Co.
Chas. Nunn & Sons Milling Co.
LaCross Milling Co., Inc. Nutrena Mills. [nm
Lake C°u"*Y Ou Mills Oelwein Chemical Co. , Inc.
Lake Smtcs Ycast CDrP· Ohio Valley Soybean Cooperative
Edmcnd J' Lang Orleans Candy Company
Lewisburg Roller Mills (b) Orleans Canning CO.
Lexington Roller Mills, Inc. Owensboro Grain CO_
Life Guard Feeds
Lishl Grain & Milling C0- · l“C· Pacific Molasses Co.
Limestone Products Corp. of America packers BY_p,.OductS CO_
L}“d°" Mm (dl Pan American mus (S)
L*Ps°°mb Farm S“PP1Y(b) Park & Tilford Distillers Corp.
LUSE Br°S· Philip R. Park, Inc. A
L" B' L°Vi“ & C°• Pedrick Laboratories

 Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1960 7
Pendleton County Mills Southern States Hardin Coop.
Penick & Ford, Ltd. , Inc. Southern States Lebanon Coop. (b)
Perfection Foods Co. Southern States Leitchfield Coop.
Pillsbury Company · Speciality Food Company
Pittsburgh Plate Glass C0. Specifide, Inc.
i Planters Manufacturing Co. Spen-Well Feed Company
Provico Feeds & Concentrates A. E. Staley Manufacturing C0.
Publicker Chemical Corp. Standard Brands, Inc.
Publicker Industries, Inc. Standard Feed Milling C0. , Inc.
Standard Products Co. , Inc.
` _, The Quaker Oats Co. F. W. Stuck & Sons, Inc.
Quinnmenhaden Fisheries Suni-Citrus Products C0.
Sunshine Feed ·Mill
Ralston Purina Company Sunshine Molasses C0.
Lloyd Reiterman Supreme Mills
Riteway Milling Co. Sweet Feed, Inc.
Riverside Molasses Co. Swift & Company (Chicago)
Robinson Milling Co. (m) Swift & Company (Memphis)
Rome Oil Mill Swift & Company - Oil Mill
B. P. Rose lx Co. , Inc. Swift & Company - Pard Food Dept.
The Ross Milling C0.
Russell Grain Company Teater-Cassity-Wade (m)
Russell-Miller Milling Co. The Topeka Flour Mills Corp.
Ryde & Company Trenton Cotton Oil Company
· Tri·State Molasses Company
S & O Products, Inc.
Sandusky Brothers (s) Union Sales Corporation
i` Salyersville Wholesale Co. United Salt Corporation
Charles W. Schenk & Sons (s) Usen Canning Company
Schenley Distillers, Inc.
ri _ John Schlemmer Valier & Spies Milling Co.
Scientific Milling Co. Varner Mills Company
The Scott County Milling C0. Vets Div. Perk Foods Co.
` Joseph E. Seagram Ez Sons, Inc. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp.
Security Food Company Vita Fresh Dog Food Corp.
Security Mills, Inc. Vitamineral Products Co.
Shellabargers, Inc. VyLactos Laboratories, Inc.
The Sherwin-Williams Co.
Sikeston Cotton Oil Mill W & W Hamstery
Simmons Milk Products, Inc. Walters & Thompson (m)
The W. J. Small Co. Div. Weisenberger Sanitary Flour Mills
J. Allen Smith Western Condensing Company
Smith Packing Company Western Grain Company
Southern Canning Sales, Inc. Whitewater Flour Mills Co.
_ The Southern Cotton Oil C0. (Ala.) William Davies Co. , Inc.
The Southern Cotton Oil Co. (Tenn.) Williamstown Roller Mills (b)
Southern Products Co. , Inc. Woolcott Mills, Inc.
Southern States Bowling Green Coop.
Southern States Boyle Coop. (b) Yieldmor Feeds, Inc.
Southern States Campbellsville (b)

 B Regulatory Bulletin No. 166 · --
A Medicated Feed is any feed which contains drug ingredients (a) intended or
represented for the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease of animals
other than man, or (b) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body
of animals other than man. Excepted are feeds which supply antibiotics to the
animal at a non-therapeutic level. )
A. Information Required on the Label. In addition to the information re-
quired for non-medicated feeds, medicated feeds are required to carry the follow-
ing information in their labeling: (a) the purpose of the medication; (b) directions
for use of the feed; (c) the names and amounts of all active drug ingredients; (d)
a warning or caution statement for a withdrawal period when required for the parti-
cular drug contained in the feed and (e) warnings against misuse. It is suggested
that the label include this information in the following form:
l. Net weight.
Z. Brand name or trade name.
3. Product name (may include brand name and, for Types l and Z, the
word "medicated").
4. Purpose (statement of the purpose of the medication and reference to
directions for use).
5. Active drug ingredients (list of common names, not trade names, and ·
percentage present, for each drug. Antibiotics are to be expressed in
grams per pound and may also be in grams per ton).
6. Guaranteed analysis of the feed.
7. Feed ingredients (common name of each).
8. Name and address of manufacturer or registrant.
9. Detailed feeding directions (to be displayed prominently on either
front or reverse side of the label). A check list follows:
a. Purpose (if necessary to clarify or amplify the above statement).
b. When to feed (specific period necessary for effective use).
c. How to feed, or mix for feeding (feeding method to be followed,
i.e. , free choice, sole ration, intermittent feeding, etc.; mix-
ing directions for premixes, etc. , should give proper level of
medication for purpose intended).
d. Precautions (statement of precautions where misuse of the product
may be injurious to animals or man).
e. Warning statement (a withdrawal period may be required for safety.
With a mixture of drugs, use the longest period). See example be-
f. Other feeds (reference may be made to other feeds which have a
part in a feeding program for the animal).
Suggested Warning and Caution Statements
l. Acetylaminonitrothiazolc for Poultry.
Warning -- Discontinue use at least l week before slaughtering birds for food _
to permit elimination of the drug from food.
Z. Aminonitrothiazole (2-Amino-5-Nitrothiazolc) for Poultry.
Warning -— Discontinue use at least l week before slaughtering birds for food
to permit elimination of the drug from the food.
3. Anthelmintics Containing Cadmium Oxide and Cadmium Anthranilate.
Caution -- Consult veterinarian before using in severely debilitated animals.
Warning -- Treated hogs must not be slaughtered for food for at least 30 days
following treatment to permit elimination of cadmium residues from food.
4. Arscnicals (Organic, for Poultry and Swine).
Warning -- Do not administer to laying hens. Discontinue use at least 5 days
before slaughtering animals for food consumption to permit elimination of the
drug from the food.
The above warning concerning laying hens is not required on arsenic preparations
that have been shown to leave no residue in eggs.
5. Dienestrol Diacetate for Poultry.
Warning —- Discontinue use at least 24 hours before slaughtering birds for food '
to permit elimination of the drug from the food.

 V Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1960 9
6. Diethylstilbestrol in Animal Feeds.
Warning -- Discontinue use at least 48 hours before slaughtering animals for
food to permit elimination of the drug from the food.
7. Glycarbylamide for Poultry.
Warning -- Do not feed to laying hens in production. Discontinue use at least 4 days
before slaughtering birds for food to permit elimination 0 f the d rug from the food.
8. Nicarbazin for Poultry.
Warning -- Do not feed to laying hens in production. Distontinue use at least4days
before slaughtering birds for food to permit elimination of the drug from the food.
9. Nithiazide for Poultry.
Warning -· Do not feed to laying hens in production. Discontinue use at least 24
I hours before slaughtering birds for food to permit elimination of the drug from
__ the food.
l0. Amprolium for Poultry.
Warning -- Do not feed to laying birds in production. Discontinue medication
4 days before marketing the birds for human consumption.
Required Warning Statements For Drugs Used With Certifiable
3-Nitro-4-Hydroxyphenyl Arsonic Acid (3-Nitro-4-I-lydroxyphenylarsonic Acid)
for Poultry and Swine.
Warning -- Do not administer to laying hens. Discontinue use 5 days before
the treated animals are slaughtered for human consumption.
Chlortetracycline for Leptospirosis of Swine.
The following warning is required on preparations containing, per ton of feed,
` 400 grams of chlortetracycline:
Warning -— Discontinue use l0 days before the treated animals are slaughtered
for human consumption.
Dienestrol Diacetate for Poultry.
" Warning ·- Do not use in laying hens. Discontinue use 24 hours before the
treated birds are slaughtered for human consumption.
· _ Diethylstilbestrol for Sheep.
Warning -- Discontinue use 48 hours before the treated animals are slaughtered
V for human consumption.
3,5-Dinitrobenzamide for Poultry.
Warning -- Do not feed to laying hens. Discontinue use 48 hours before the
treated animals are slaughtered for human consumption.
Glycarbylamide (4, 5-lmidazole -Dicarb0xamide) for Chickens.
Warning -· Do not feed to laying hens. Discontinue use 4 days before the
treated chickens are slaughtered for human consumption.
Hygromycin B for Swine.
Warning -— Discontinue use 48 hours before the treated swine are slaughtered
for human consumption.
Nithiazide (l-ethyl-3—(5·-Nitro-2-Thiazolyl) Urea) for Poultry.
Warning -- Do not feed to laying hens. Discontinue use`Z4 hours before
treated birds are slaughtered for human consumption.
_ Nystatin for Turkeys.
Warning -- lf used in laying hens, eggs are to be used for hatching purposes
B. Types of Labels. Labels for medicated complete feeds generally fall into
four different types, as follows (sample formats are shown below):
Type 1 is for a feed which contains drug(s) for growth promotion and/or disease
prevention, and which is to be fed continuously for an indefinite period. The pro-
duct name is followed by the word "medicated" in letters at least half as tall as
those of the product name. This type of label can be used for any drug-containing
feed not included among the other types. Exempted from medicated labeling are
feeds which contain non·therapeutic levels of antibiotics (those with less than 50
grams per ton usually qualify), since these are not classed as medicated feeds. Salt to
which an antibiotic is added for control of bloat is to carry a medicated (Type l)
label, except when the brand name includes specific disease-control terms, such
as "anti-bloat".
Type 2 is for a feed which contains drug(s) at the treatment level, to be fed as
the sole ration for a limited period of time. The word "medicated" appears

 10 Regulatory Bulletin No. 166 _> ·
in the forepart of the product name, in letters of the same size as remainder of
product name.
Type 3 is for a feed which contains hormone(s) or hormone-like substances
(e.g. , diethylstilbestrol). For feeds which contain a hormone plus other drugs,
only the hormone is to appear in the product name. The product name "Stilbestrol
Mixture" or "Stilbestrol Mixture in Doe's Feed" may be followed by the words,
"Medicated for the prevention of " (or other statement of purpose)
and then followed by the list and amounts of active drug ingredients. Feeds to
which iodinated casein is added for stimulating milk production are to carry a
hormone-type label (Type 3).
Type 4 is for a feed which contains drug(s) at the treatment level for a specific
disease or condition. lt differs from Type Z only in that the product name indicates
the purpose of the drug and the word "medicated" thus need not be a part of the pro-
duct name (e. g. , "Pig Wormer"). In labeling feeds which contain anthelmintics,
use Type 1 label if feeding is to be continuous, Type Z if feeding is to be intermit-
tent, and Type 4in either case if the product name includes the word "wormer".
C. Supplements or Premixes which contain drugs and which are to be diluted
by mixing with other feeds before use are also covered by these four types of
labels. The type of label to be used in each case will depend upon the purpose of
the drug and directions for use of the finished feed after such dilution. lf the re- .
sulting feed when diluted according to directions will contain non-therapeutic levels
and no therapeutic claims are made, Type 1 label will be used, except for feeds
containing only antibiotics. lf the directions given are such that Type 2 as well as
Type l can apply, then the Type Z label must be used. Mixing or feeding directions
for one or more uses should be provided on all containers, for wholesale as well
as retail distribution (since wholesale products often get into retail channels). The
following statement should also be added where applicable: "For other uses, see
instructions provided by your supplier."
For supplements which contain only antibiotics, the directions for use determine
whether medicated labeling is required. Suppose the supplement contains 400 grams
of antibiotic per ton. lf directions include dilution to 50 or more grams per ton be-
fore feeding, therapeutic claims should be made and the antibiotic(s) guaranteed
under "Active Drug lngredients. " However, if directions are to dilute to Z0 grams
per ton before feeding and no therapeutic claims are made, the supplement is not
regarded as a medicated feed.
D. Where to List Antibiotics on a Feed Label.
(a) lf therapeutic claims for the antibiotic are made in the statement or pur-
pose, then the antibiotic should be listed among the "Active Drug lngredients"
irrespective of the amount present (even when less then 50 grams per ton).
(b) lf the purpose of the antibiotic in the feed is non-therapeutic (i. e. , only
growth and/or feed efficiency), the antibiotic is not to be listed as an active drug
ingredient but the common name of each antibiotic present is to be stated either
under "Guaranteed Analysis" or in the list of feed ingredients. The name and amount
of each antibiotic should appear under "Guaranteed Analysis" on the label of a premix
or supplement which is to be diluted, and such a declaration on the label of a finished
feed is also encouraged but not required, The term "antibiotic feed supplement" is
no longer acceptable in the list of feed ingredients. The term "Vitamin B12 and anti-
biotic feed supplement" also will not be acceptable; instead the appropriate term de-
fined under Fermentation Products should be used.
E. Submitting Copy for Registration. lt is suggested that typed copy of proposed
labeling for medicated feeds be submitted to State and Federal officials for comment
before the copy is sent to the printer. This may save the cost of printing unaccept-
able labels.
Because drugs in feeds may result in tissue residues of the animals which con-
sume the medicated feed, the assay of animal feeds is highly important along with
warning statements indicating specific withdrawal times of medicated feeds. No
drug or combination of drugs in feeds for animals should be submitted for registra-
tion unless a collaboratively tested method for the analysis of the drug in feeds of
the type to be used is also submitted.

 ~ Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1960 11
Code designations of numbers and/or letters may be used in the product name
on the label as an aid to identification (see Type l label below), but printing in the
margin (side-bar labeling) is discouraged. Two-digit numbers should not be used
in such code designation, and the code chosen should in no way mislead or confuse
the customer.
F. Sample Labels. Examples ofthe four types of labels and a premix label
are shown on pages 12 and 13. The drugs listed on these labels were selected
only for illustrative purposes, and it is not intended to imply that they are preferred
‘ over other drugs which may be used for the same purpose.

 12 Regulatory Bulletin N0. 166
M•=d*=¤*¤d RAIION  
A preventive ¤z¤i¤s¢ ¤u¢br¤¤ks nl For the treatment of inrectieus enter-
blackhead in turkey Rocks when fed itis in swine when led as directed on
according to directions on this Inbcl. this ini,¤1_
MIM Dvvv |¤¤r=dF¢¤•i¤1 Active Drug Ingredient:
Z·A¤°*YI¤*'¤I¤¤·5· StrepIornycin..0.075 grams per lb. (as
nitrulhiazule ._____,,,,,_,. 0.015% Slrepwmycin sulfate)
  _wW)_W___iiii_ U, penicillin _,_,_ 0.025 grams procame
' '''' ' " ' ' penicillin per pound
Guaranteed Anemia equivalent tn 0.0156
LL., ..._   grams penicillin G
)_.L(,  7 (Master Standard)
L..W .- .? Arsnnillic Acid ,e......_.r... 0.01%
V éid rn"' rinw Gooronteed Anulynis
74Q.?,. QQ. i mcnznizms
Manufactured hy Munufuchued by
100 us. Nzr walnut '°° Lu NU WHWT
Type 1 Label Type 2 Label

 · — Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1960 13
nnn1I$¤uI11IIIiII1si|1 ”“" "“‘°
· `nisinni mixiunz - “’ "°° w°*’*“‘
ron rxrrzniuc BEEF cnn: *`°' "‘° “°"“?"“‘ °' *1*** “°“““‘
worms (Ascaris Lumbncoides). Fol-
Feed an the rate pi 2 lbs. per animal low dixeeeiuns on pmer side or mg,
per day. Each pound contains 5 mini- _
grams diethylslilbestrol. A=•*~• DM |¤v•¢·•¤•=
CAUTION: ui. oiiiy iii uanma C“d"‘“"“ O"‘d° ···--·---·-- °·°‘5%
< > Aniu mug Ingredient: _ .
Dielhylstilbcstrol .......... 0.0011% G°°'°”°°°d A”°'""
Incorporated iii  
Gimzineed Aulysin |N(;g[¤|;N·r5
M.....i..i....4 i., ’·*·*···'··=•···•·* M
Mum,-Iu_E_ KENTUCKY M1u.\m..1..£:, xmrrucxv
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Type 3 Label Type 4 Label

 14 Regulatory Bulletin No. 166
T-6. Certifiable Antibiotics, a special class of drugs, are those antibiotics
listed in Section 507 (a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, namely
bacitracin ·
and any derivative thereof. Examples of derivatives would be dihydrostreptomycin, I
zinc bacitracin, and tetracycline. When drugs subject to certification are added to
animal feeds, data must be available to show the safety and therapeutic efficacy for ·
the claims made in the labeling. This is the significant difference between certifiable
products and new drugs, When new drugs are included in a product containing a certi-
fiable antibiotic, the claims for therapeutic efficacy must be established for the combi-
nation, and an Antibiotic Form 10 must be filed with the Food and Drug Administration
before the product may be legally marketed in interstate commerce. The Antibiotic
Form 10 is for all intents and purposes a new drug application with the additional re-
quirements for the establishment of therapeutic efficacy for the product.
T-7. New Drugs are those drugs for which the safety, because of short time in
use, has not been completely established. Before feeds containing new drugs can be
marketed in interstate commerce, there must be on file with the Food and Drug Admin-
istration an effective new drug application for the particular feed. New drug applica-
tions are made effective solely on the basis of safety. Therapeutic efficacy is not taken
into consideration, Antibiotics which are not subject to certification are handled as new
drugs under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The Following are new drugs
as of October 1960:
bithionol and methiotriazamine
dienestrol diacetate
enzymes (except pepsin)
hygromycin B
2,4-diamino-5 (p-chlorophenyl) 6-ethylpyrimidine
3,5 dinitrobenzamide
hydroxazine hydrochloride
p-ureidobenzenearsonic acid
Certain drugs cease to be classified as new drugs when, in the opinion of experts
qualified to judge the safety of new drugs, sufficient experience has been gained in their
use to warrant their classification as not new drugs. These or other substances may be
drugs, or even new drugs, under specific conditions of use and representation. The
following are not new drugs:

 " Commercial Feeds in Kentucky, 1960 I5
acetyl (p-nitrophenyl) sulfanilamide
· amino nitrothiazole
arsanilic acid
l atteramin
cadmium anthranilate
cadmium oxide
di-N-butyltin dilaurate
2, 21 dihydroxy-5, 51 dichlorodiphenyl-methane
· dinitrophenylsulfonylethylenediamine
dried rumen bacteria
.` dynafac
erythromycin thiocyanate
iodinated casein
menadione sodium bisulfite t
, . nicotine
3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenyl arsonic acid
4-nitrophenyl-arsonic acid
{ para aminobenzoic acid
i pepsin
* piperazine
piperazine dihydrochloride & monohydrochloride
` piperazine hexahydrate
" piperazine phosphate monohydrate
piperazine sulfate
` sodium arsanilate
sodium fluoride
sodium or potassium salt of para aminobenzoic acid
sodium propionate
'I`—8. Feed or food additive refers to any substance which becomes a component of
or affects the characteristics of a feed or food if such substance is not generally recog-
nized, among experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate its safety,
as having been adequately shown through scientific procedures to be safe under the con-
ditions of its intended use. Excepted are substances having "prior sanction" and pesti-
cide chemicals under certain conditions.

 16 Regulatory Bulletin N0. 166 _ A
The following information may be of some help to manufacturers and feeders
using urea.
Urea is a white crystalline powder made by combining ammonia and carbon
dioxide under pressure in equipment that will withstand high temperature.
Urea contains 46. 5% nitrogen, which is equivalent to 291% protein. The com- '
mercial product "262" Feed Compound, is urea which has been diluted with other '
materials to prevent caking, and contains 42% nitrogen which is equivalent to 262%
protein. The addition of 1 percent of this material to a dairy feed is equivalent to
adding Z. 62% protein. Besides urea's protein equivalent value, one must also
consider its lack of energy value as compared to the common high protein feeds.
An example of this, if the nitrogen in urea is used as efficiently as the nitrogen in
high protein feeds, it will require approximately 14 pounds of urea, plus 100 pounds
of grain to replace 100 pounds of soybean oilmeal. ·
Urea, when used as an ingredient in feeds sold in Kentucky is shown in the
guaranteed analysis as follows: Crude Protein %. This includes not _
more than % equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen. Crude
Fat %. Crude Fiber %, One percent of "Z62 Feed Compound"
would be 2. 62% equivalent protein from non-protein nitrogen. Urea should be shown
as an ingredient under "Ingredients".
Cattle, sheep, and goats are able to convert urea to a usable form through the
action of micro—organisms in the rumen. The organisms convert the nitrogen of
urea to