xt70gb1xf15n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xf15n/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2007 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 83, No. 2, Fall/December 2007 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 83, No. 2, Fall/December 2007 2007 2007 2014 true xt70gb1xf15n section xt70gb1xf15n X
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US ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS 1
The Journey - Nathan Lee 2
Field Notes - Barb Gibson 4
Frontier School of Midwifery
& Family Nursing News - Dr Susan Stone 8
Beyond the Mountains - Barb Gibson 10
Old Staff and Courier News 17
Correction 19
Footprints "Cl1ristmas" Excerpts from Wide
Neighborhoods - Mary Breckinriclge 20
Annual Report - BKD 22
In Memoriam 44
Urgent Needs 52
Cover: Christmastime at Wendover - early years. One boy was identified y
as Ed Farmer (photographer unknown). Correction on last Bulletin  
cover - See page 19for explanation.
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is published at the end of  
each quarter. Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for In-  
stitutions. Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and l
at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
to FNS, lnc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. l
A11 Rights Reserved. The Frontier Nursing Service does not share 1
it’s donor mailing list. p

_ T Introduction to Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
l Mary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the
I world - Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After
I I the death of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life
expected of women of her class to devote herself to the service
` of others, particularly mothers and children.
1 Mrs. Breckinridge established the FNS in Leslie County, Ken-
tucky, in 1925, as a private charitable organization serving an
; area of 700 square miles. It was the first organization in America
jl to use nurses trained as midwives under the direction of a single
p medical doctor/obstetrician, based at their small hospital in Hyden.
i Originally the staff was composed of nurse—midwives trained in
England. They traveled on horseback and on foot to provide qual-
J ity prenatal and childbirth care in the client’s own home.
l Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastern
Kentucky. FNS, Inc. is the parent holding company for Mary
Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc.,
which includes six rural healthcare clinics; Mary Breckinridge
- Home Health Agency and the Frontier School of Midwifery and
Family Nursing which offers a Master of Science in Nursing de-
gree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner
and Women ’s Healthcare Nurse Practitioner.
  Mary Breckinridge’s home, The Big House, located at Wendo-
l ver, is a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn. For more information or
I l reservations, call 606-672-2317 or e-mail fnstours@yahoo.com.
, You can also access our website:
l Frontier Nursing Service — www.frontiernursingorg
I 1

The Journey
by Nathan Lee, President & CEO
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As this Bulletin reaches your mailboxes, the Big House will have
undergone its annual "hanging of the greens". What is year- .
round a magical sort of place becomes even more so around the
holidays. lt’s around the holidays that I most appreciate the work
of the FNS. Our work for children seems to ring truer through Q
our District Clinic Christmas celebrations. Our work for mothers I
seems more profound as we await the first FNS baby of 2008. ·
Our work for families seems even more vital as grandparents
are cared for with their children and grandchildren at their sides .
at Mary Breckinridge Hospital. The Big House itself speaks to "
the importance of this time of year in the life ofthe FNS with its ‘
bronze plaque "To the Glory of God and in Memory of Breckie  
and Polly dedicated Christmas Day l925." Indeed, what is good  
about the FNS seems even better during this wonderful time of .

  And so it is again this year. In this publication you’ll find our
  Annual Report, with our April 30, 2007 audit. Those of you with
financial backgrounds will certainly enjoy this more than those
i of you without! What will be clear to all of you, however, is that
without the support of our friends, our work could not continue
_ to exist. During 2007, we experienced a substantial operating
loss. Eighty-two years of history tells us that this is not unusual
I for us. It also tells us that the philanthropic support of our friends
  is as much a part of our life-blood as any Medicare of Medicaid
  reimbursement ever will be. You see, what these financial
I statements cannot indicate is that during this year of operating
I loss, we expanded our maternity service to women throughout
  Appalachia, surpassing our own expectations by 25%. During
  this year of operating loss, we enrolled 314 new students in the
l Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing, including
I three of our own nurses who plan to become Nurse-Practitioners
I and each staff a district clinic. During this year of operating loss,
[ our district clinics have had 9,400 additional patient encounters
i compared to the previous year and have helped 445 people in
i their battle with drug addiction. During this year of operating loss
{ we have expanded our home health programming to reach some
I of the most at-risk folks in our service area. During this year of
i operating loss, we have touched more lives than ever before in
  the history of the FNS.
I On second thought, maybe it isn’t just the holidays. While I do
j · believe this time of year does do something to amplify our work, I
I think perhaps one ofthe wonderliil legacies of Mrs. Breckinridge
  is that we’re able to do more with our resources . . . with your
 " resources . . . than somehow would otherwise be possible. Thank
j you for your support this past year. Thank you for your support
` in the years to come. Together, we can continue to do more than
I anyone knows is possible. The journey continues . . .

Field Notes g
Mary Breckinridge Festival Update Q
This year’s Mary Breckinridge Festival was one of the, if not v_
the, best Festivals that Leslie County has ever had in honor of
our great founder, Mary Breckinridge! The "riderless horse" was I
led by Nurse-Midwife Laura Manns-James and the hospital float `_
won the first place trophy. y
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  Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Funding
i The Mary Breckinridge Hospital received funding from the Ap-
? palachian Regional Commission (ARC) for renovations on the
_ Medical Surgical Unit.
Weight Loss Program
_ Employees at Mary Breckinridge have lost a total of 2,066 lbs
through the Weight Loss Program.
J Hospital Clinical lryformation System
  Progress is being made toward the completion of the electronic
  chart system at Mary Breckinridge Hospital through Dairyland
Q Healthcare Solutions.
E Hospital Preparedness Program
  Kevin Cook, Surgical Manager and Chair of Region 10 Hospi-
E tal Preparedness Program was able to secure funding for Mary
T Breckinridge Hospital for an access control system for all external
i entrances and a 60KW portable generator to be used in the event
l of disaster. Also, Region 10 has received a Medical Surge Unit
i Trailer which will support up to 25 patients for three days in the
  event of a disaster. MBH will have full access to the unit if the
  need arises.
  Courier Program
l Five Couriers participated in the Courier Program this year. Ann-
  Draia Bales, Courier Coordinator, continues to recruit Couriers
  · through various internship listings on the Internet.
Y The Courier Program will offer a first time scholarship to an
ll eastern Kentucky graduating senior for the 2008 summer term.
i This opportunity will provide a cultural exchange and will begin
g to educate the youth of eastern Kentucky about the FNS.

Wendover Fall Festival I
The Annual Wendover Fall Festival was held October 26th at The
Livery and Hurricane Pasture. Approximately 75 employees from
across the organization joined Wendover staff for a day filled with
food and games. The food (pulled pork, brisket, smoked turkey l`
and the "f1xins") was prepared by Elmer Sparks, Jr., from the Big [
Creek Fire Department. Games included bean bag toss and sack ll
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Nathan Lee, President & CEO; Beulah Couch, Director of Hu- ·
man Resources; Tommy Pace, Information Service Technician ‘
and Steven Vickers, Multi-Media Assistant
Maternity Services Update
Over 80 newborns have been delivered at Mary Breckinridge .
Hospital since the re-introduction of maternity services. _

  From July 2l, 2007 - October 20, 2007, Wendover hosted a total
  of 888 guests. This number includes overnight guests, luncheons/
I dinners, meetings and tours.
I FNS and Bluegrass School of Music Concert
I _ November 2, 2007, the Annual FNS and Bluegrass School of Mu-
sic Concert was held at the Nixon Center in Hyden. Performers
  included Rhonda Vincent and Rage, Bobby Osborne, The Dean
  Osborne Band, The Moron Brothers, students from the Bluegrass
I School of Music in Hyden and others.
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l Students and instructors from the Bluegrass School of Music:
l Le]? to right - Obe Golding, Andrew Dekemper; Arvin Johnson,
l` JP Mathes and Timmy Baker

Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing Inc. i
The Quality Enhancement Plan  
by Dri Susan Stone, President & Dean  
The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing (FSMFN)
is undergoing its five—year reaffirmation of accreditation through 1
the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission .
on Colleges (SACSCOC), the regional body for the accreditation I
of higher education institutions in the southern states and Latin g
America. The F SMFN was initially accredited by SACSCOC in I
2004. A new component ofthe accreditation process is the formu- i
lation of a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) which is now required j
as part of the reaffirmation of accreditation by SACSCOC. The I
development ofthe QEP is an opportunity for FSMFN to enhance i
overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on an  
issue or issues the institution considers important to improving i
student learning. !
Although the QEP is part ofthe five-year reaffirmation of accredi-  
tation it is an independent section, distinct from the certification  
requirements. Briefly defined by the SACS Handbook, the QEP g
describes a carefully designed and focused course of action that  
addresses a well—defined topic or issue(s) related to enhancing  
student learning. " . . . the QEP is forward looking and thus {
transforms the process into an ongoing activity rather than an
episodic event (Handbook 2l)." The emphasis of the QEP is on i
the future. While the rest of the reaccreditation process focuses j
on establishing that we are doing what we say we are doing now, `
the QEP is an opportunity to undertake a new project specifically  
designed to improve student learning at Frontier. As a five—year ~_
project, the QEP should represent a new endeavor for the School  
and not be something that has been or is nearly accomplished. It is
essential that the QEP have broad-based school—wide input in the
selection ofthe topic and be accepted by the Frontier community
as having important value in enhancing student learning.

  We have been discussing several different ideas for a QEP with
  faculty, students and other members of the FSMFN Community.
j One of the ideas is to further integrate evidence-based practice
1 throughout our curriculum. This is already a focus within the cur-
i riculum but there are ways that we could enhance that focus. We
@ are also very interested in how technology could help to improve
i learning outcomes for students. This fall we are doing a pilot
ji project with our new ANGEL Learning Management System.
{ This system streamlines many functions associated with on-line
  learning for both students and faculty. Included are features like
j enhanced chat rooms, forum discussions and online testing. We are
  also investigating the use of IPODS as a way of allowing students
  to listen and see their course material while they are on the run.
T Most of our students work at least part-time and are raising families
j as well. One other related project is the PDA project. A personal
  digital assistant (PDA) can help students to access information
| such as textbooks, drug references and their own notes that they
l might record. They can also allow students to record their clinical
l hours and experiences and then immediately send the information
I to their advisor as a weekly report. The question then becomes,
l can any or all of these strategies improve learning outcomes? ls
  there a way to integrate the evidence-based practice idea with
  the use of technology to improve learning outcomes? That is the
i question that we hope to answer by developing a comprehensive
QEP that will include ongoing assessment of outcomes.
I Please stay tuned as we develop more information and solicit the
E help of the FSMFN Community in the development of our QEP
{ lf you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to contact any
  one of the Leadership Team: susan.stone@frontierschool.edu;
j` julie.marfell@frontierschool.edu; suzan.ulrich@frontierschool.
1 edu; shelley.aldridge@frontierschool.edu; trish.voss@frontier-
school.edu; mary.nichols@frontierschool.edu; josephucozoglu@
frontierschooledu, or call the FSMFN at 606-672-2312.

 ’ I
Beyond the Mountains  
Critical Access Hospital Conference  
During October, Mallie Noble, Mary Breckinridge Hospital Ad- l
ministrator, attended a National Critical Access Conference in San A
Antonio, Texas. Topics included Washington updates, Medicare ;
updates, marketing, joint commission accreditation and national "
patient goals for 2008.
Kentucky Hospital Association Conference Y
During September, Nathan Lee, President & CEO, and Mallie  
Noble attended the Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA) Cum- l
berland District meeting in Berea, Kentucky. Topics included  
Medicaid updates and KHA’s strategic priorities for 2007-2008. l
Physicians Job Opportunity Exposition  
October 3, 2007, Connie Hubbard, Risk Management Director, i
attended the l lth Annual University of Kentucky MPPS Physi— g
cian Job Opportunity Exposition at the VA Hospital Auditorium  
in Lexington, Kentucky.  
Social Services Update  
During September and October, Tammy Melton, Director of Social I
Services, attended conferences including "Methamphetamines: l
Impacting Healthcare, Communities and You", "Co1nmunity Re- ,
sponse to Domestic Violence" and "Emergency Mental Health:  
Assessment and Treatment".  
Committee Luncheons Update {
Throughout the fall, the message of the FNS has been conveyed  
to our supporters in cities throughout the United States. What 7
started with our Washington D.C. Committee in May continued
with the annual Louisville Committee meeting in September,
graciously hosted at the Louisville Country Club by Committee
Chairman Betty Dabney Brown, whose father served faithfully l
as FNS Treasurer for many years. From there, we continued in
10 V

  late September to our Bluegrass Committee Luncheon at the
E Lexington Country Club where we welcomed new Co-Chairs
  Linda Roach, Helen Rentch, and Mary Frazier (Fra) Vaughan.
l In mid—October, we were welcomed to New England, where our
if Boston Committee luncheon, along with a Courier reunion dinner,
Q were held at the lovely Dedham Club, thanks to the wonderful
`_ orchestrations of Patsy Lawrence and Caroline Dabney Standley
(yes...a distant cousin of Betty Dabney Brown!). Through the
f fellowship of these wonderful events, word of our work in the
  mountains was spread to literally hundreds of friends. We are
{ looking forward to expanding our Committee structure in cities
  where we’ve had strong support in the past, beginning next year
l with New York and Philadelphia. If you are interested in help-
l ing with this cause in these or any other cities, please do let us
I know. If you’re unsure whether Mrs. Breckinridge’s Committee
i structure remains relevant for folks today, I invite you to read the
l following piece, offered by Lees Breckinridge Dunn Yunits, a
  great-niece of Mrs. Breckinridge, who joined us for the first time
  this year at our Boston Committee Luncheon. A writer herself,
  Lees graciously allowed us to publish her thoughts of that day in
l this Bulletin. Enjoy.
l "Kate — a mother of four and a busy midwife - eased down into
  an old rocking chair located in Mary Breckinridge’s bedroom in
j the Big House. Rocking backwards, feet barely lifting off the
  ground, she suddenly felt a presence weighing down her chest
  — invisible pressure unlike anything she had ever experienced. ‘I
1 · was terriiiedj Kate recalled, motioning with her hands how distinct
{ the heaviness felt. Fortunately, a woman nearby consoled her
{ with the idea that the phenomenon was simply the kind spirit of
V Mrs. Breckinridge. ‘My life changed from that moment on,’ Kate
{ explained. A stylish young woman, Kate now works in Worcester,
Massachusetts delivering babies to the less fortunate. She extols
_ the virtues of her work and maintains that her skills as a midwife
took a turn for the better as a direct result of her "encounter" with
Mary Breckinridge.
I 11

Kate’s story was one of many offered about the FNS around a €
dining room table at the Dedham Country Club in Dedham, Mas-
sachusetts. The event marked the bi-annual meeting of the FNS  
Boston Committee held on Wednesday, October 16, 2007. I
Mrs. Breckinridge was my great aunt and this Boston gathering felt I
like a homecoming. The illustrious founder ofthe FNS died when
I was a young girl, before I had a chance to meet her. However, `
her younger sister, Lees, was my grandmother. Undoubtedly, ,
the fact that I, too, have a son, "Breckie" - who at this writing is  
a robust twenty-three—year old - is in no small way my "Mary"  
connection. I
Around the table, friends, supporters, admirers, midwives and I
former couriers shared words I’ve savored all 1ny life. Words like
"Wendover”, "The Big House", "Brownie" — for Helen Browne,
who succeeded Mary as Director and "Marvin", Mary’s cousin,  
who made the endearing short iilm about the Frontier Nursing E
Service. There were so many intriguing stories that we should j
have had a tape recorder for all of this, as Caroline, the first to 5
welcome me to the luncheon, put it. She was beaming through- §
out the afternoon, as much for the success of the event, as for the i
energy felt by the attendees.  
Those who had known Mrs. Breckinridge when they were teen-  
age couriers spoke with fondness about chatting with the FNS  
founder in her bedroom. Plenty of smiles lit up around the table l
as the couriers recalled toasting a requisite glass of sherry with i_
Mrs. Breckinridge. 2
A delightful former courier, Edie, who until recently owned a  
horse farm in North Carolina, added that she’d once stood on a
potato sack holding a lamp for a midwife during a delivery. An-
other, Patsy, a woman with a genuine curiosity about others who .
helped organize the day’s event, grinned that, at 18, she learned a
great deal about life during those formative years and that some

i years later when she herself gave birth, one of her attendants as-
V sumed that since she had worked for the FNS she wouldn’t need
I anesthesia. Patsy delivered her baby on her own merit, she said,
ll because of that remark.
i Our luncheon was particularly blessed to have Nathan Lee, the
_ President and CEO of FNS, Inc., in attendance. He was received
with adoring enthusiasm and, in turn, shared his love of and visions
  for the future of the FNS including the expansion of the higher
  educational degree program.
  As waitresses removed our luncheon plates, I contributed that in
J 1995, my husband, Jack Yunits, and I traveled to Seneca Falls,
l NK for the induction of Mary Breckinridge into the Women’s Hall
of Fame. The Boston Committee seemed pleased to learn that
, the inductees that year also included the singer Ella Fitzgerald,
Q Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first female as-
tronaut Sally Ride, and Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian
l Science. As Nathan Lee put it, ‘The other honorees were lucky
  to share the day with Mrs. Breckinridge? I agree.
  Another, former midwife, Judy, who earned her midwifery de-
i gree many years ago at the FNS, remembered with fondness her
. time spent in Kentucky, especially when she had time to play the
é organ located in the FNS chapel - the chapel that was a gift to
  Mrs. Breckinridge. After receiving her certiiication, Judy trav-
  eled to Africa where she spent the next twenty years delivering
· babies. Today, she is a pastoral counselor in Massachusetts and
2 muses that midwifery in Africa is far less complicated than it has
l become in America!
To conclude the afternoon, Edie, the former courier, spread open
a well-worn photo album whose black and white pictures included
many of horses, counting "Babette," Mrs. Breckinridge’s horse,
. and several photos of the Kentucky countryside.

Tia, a faculty member who lives in New Hampshire, reviewed l
the photos with me, saying with a smile that the landscape looks I
pretty much the same now as then. Those images enrich my I
wonderment ofthe romance and history that continue to fuel Mrs
Breckinridge’s vision. I
As the guests were preparing to leave, Nathan presented our two I
hostesses, Patsy and Caroline, with commemorative dark wooden
boxes each capped by a painted tile depicting a uniformed nurse- y
midwife on horseback. She is positioned in front ofa log cabin  
with lots of children populating the picture. I asked Nathan where I
I might buy one of these as a way of cherishing Mary Breckin— l
ridge’s spirit. He assured me he would see to it that I receive one.  
I, in turn, promised to visit the FNS and stay overnight in Mary’s  
bedroom. I hope her presence finds 1ne there." E
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National Philanthropy Day F
On Tuesday, November 13, 2007, the University of Kentucky Art
Museum joined thirty other local nonprofits and the Bluegrass
Chaper of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) to (
paint a more vivid picture of a philanthropist at the 2lst Annual  
National Philanthropy. Day. 1
The more than 500 luncheon attendees met this year’s FNS Hon- il
oree, six—year-old Benjamin "Jammer" Himebaugh, who empied j
his own piggy bank and then called on friends and family to do ~
the same. "Jammer" was recognized in the last Quarterly Bulletin
for his contribution and dedication to FNS (Volume 83, Number
l, Page 18).
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Dn Susan Stone, President ofthe Frontier School of Midwyery
and Family Nursing with "Jammer" and Jeremy Scarbrough,
President ofBIuegrass Chaper of the AF P

p Old Staff and Courier News
T Jane Pierson (1952 FSMFN Graduate) shared the following
i poem written by her friend Verna Hamm. Ms. Pierson remembers
r Ms. Hamm reading this poem to her on Christmas morning.
_ Night Before Christmas
y Frontier Wersion
  ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
l Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
i The chart backs were hung on their hooks all with care,
  In hopes no midwife would bother them there;
i Students were nestled all snug in their beds,
l While visions of Christmas babes danced through their heads;
  Hem in her kerchief, Pete in her cap,
  Were all settled down for a long winter’s nap,
  Then from the phone in the hall there rose such a clatter,
l Pete sprang from her bed to see what was the matter.
E Ran down the hallway and all in a {lash,
  Pulled oif the receiver and answered right back.
  What to her wondering ears should appear,
l But Barbara’s voice saying an OB is here.
T She said not a word but went straight to her works;
; Flying into her clothes, was off with a jerk.
l More rapid than eagles this multipara came,
Pete whistled to her comrades and called them by names;
· "Come Furnas! come Mickie!, come Helen! come Bowman!
Come Verna! come Mary! and get going!"
T To the top of the hill, up steps to the hall,
,` Now dash away, dash away, dash away all!
  So up to the hospital the midwives all flew,
l With Pls showing and mask dangling too.
i Then saw in a twinkle a wee crowning head,
, Heard the iirst gasping cry of the babe on the bed.
I All bundled up from his head to his toes,
i 17

His clothes, he has none, that’s how it goes.
His legs how they wiggle, his dimples so merry,
His color like roses, his nose like a cherry.
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow.
In a blanket they laid him was white as the snow. `
With little hand cuddled aside his face
He slept while the after birth gave quite a chase.
Poor Dr. DenDulk, they called at long last, I
But when he got there all danger was past.
Pete cut off the cord and was turning around, I
When another OB came in with a bound,
But Pete’s case was over, she to Hem gave a whistle
And iiew off to bed like a down ofa thistle.
But I heard her exclaim, as she drove out of sight, I
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night."
Lapquilts are distributed by our Family Nurse Practitioners and I
are used for chair bound or wheelchair bound patients, young and I
old. Colors may be of your choosing. Some designs and colors 2
may be more suitable for men — generally fringe may not be desire-
able. Size 40" by 42". Send quilts to FNS, Inc. 132 FNS Drive, I
Wendover, KY 41775.
"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I
I will not refuse to do something I can do." f'
— Edward Everett Hale I

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This photo was used on the cover of the last Quarterly Bulletin
(Volume 83, Number l, Summer, September 2007 Issue). The
people in the photograph were listed as "unindentiiied" but were
in fact, our dear friend, R Anne Cundle, FNS Nurse, riding a
horse named "Sweet" and Betty Lester, Nurse-Midwife, driving a
jeep named, "Turvey Drop". Thanks to Kate Ireland for passing
along this information.
  "Only he who does nothing makes no mistakes?
p — French Proverb

Footprints - "Christmas”
Excerpts from Wide Neighborhoods
by Mary Breckinridge, Founder .
Chapter 18, Part V i
"We began to make ready for Christmas. I sent a little circular, ,
asking for toys and money, to everybody I knew. My friends and
kinsmen supplemented my lists with lists of their own. It was
our first appeal. We have sent one in advance of Christmas every
year since then. At Hyden, where the Buyers and other leading
citizens never let Christmas go by without a celebration for the
children, we pitched in with them to ensure that every child was
remembered by the toy it most wanted, that the poorest families
got the warm clothing sent us, that all had candy. Up at Wendover,
my father and I made plans to combine a splendiferous party with
the dedication of Wendover itself.
. . . My father insisted that in such cold weather everyone who
came must have a substantial meal. He bought tons of hams. The
odor of their baking came out to greet me every time Teddy Bear i
(horse) and I rode up to Wendover. When Juliette had the hams
laid by, she started in on puddings and cakes. It was to be a feast.
For a drink we had a new wash boiler full of hot cocoa made with
condensed milk, well sweetened. That part of the refreshments
and the candy, which we put into little paper bags, were given by
friends on the outside who responded to my circular with enthu-
siasm. My cousin, Clay Hunt, of Bryan-Hunt Company, sent us ~
a big shipment of hard candies. In later years, up until his death, i
Clay established the custom of getting gifts of candy from other T
wholesale houses in various parts of the United States to add to {
his own.
. . . The only thing to do was to have all the toys stacked around  
under the great tree and arrange a committee of leading local l
citizens, whom I had met, to pass the children in one by one and

let each child choose the toy he wanted most. This was terribly
hard on the boys as they stood with dazzled eyes in front of balls,
y harmonicas and little red trucks. As for the girls, there was not one
but wanted a doll and there weren’t enough dolls to go around.
` Although we ran short of dolls, we did not run short of toys or food.
The weather was bitterly cold and the river barely fordable so only
some five hundred people came to our first Wendover party. To it I
A had invited everybody in the county — some ten thousand people.
I had notices about the housewarming put up at crossroad stores
and post offices and said that everyone would be welcome.
My father and I wanted a religious observance at Christmas as
. well as the social one. A group of Hyden school boys and girls
who came to the housewarming sang ‘Come All Ye Faithful,’
‘Oh Little Town of Bethleham’ and ‘Silent Night.’ The Reverend
Isaac Wells offered a prayer. Judge Lew Lewis and my father
made brief addresses of welcome to our guests before my father