xt70gb1xd83t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70gb1xd83t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1917-09-jun7. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-09-jun7. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1917-09-jun7. 1917 1917-09-jun7. 2011 true xt70gb1xd83t section xt70gb1xd83t 


              IN ADJOURNED SESSION JUNE 7, 1917.

     The Board of Trustees met at 3 P. M. in the Trustees'
room on the University grounds with Governor A. 0. Stanley in
the chair and the following members present:   Governor Stanley,
President Barker, Miiessrs. 1NTichols, Terrell, McKee, Gilbert:,
C'ohen, Harris, Hlornsby, Letterle, Froman, Elliston, Blackburn,
Carpenter, Smith, Stoll, Amon, Wath.en, Turner, Battaile, Lyle,
Brown, Johnston, Gordon, Doctor Patterson, DoctT'Marks, and
Governor Cox.

     The report of President Barker was read.

     The business agent Presented a report which was sent to
the Executive Committee for action.

     The renort of the Board of Control of Patterson Hall .wes
submitted and on motion of Mr. Gilbert, duly seconded, was or-
dered, by unanimous vote, sent to the Executive Committee "or

     Mr. Stoll made a verbal report to the effect that the Mul-
ligan property had been purchased according to instruction of
this Board, given in its meeting in Frankfort the preceding
January, but that final details of the sale would have to wait
the conclusion of a necessary action in court which was innpro-
gress, xind would soon be concluded.

     With reference to the selection of a dean of the College
of Agriculture to succeed the late Doctor Jose-h H. Ks stle, Mr.
McKee of tile committee appointed to recommend a selection, made
a report orally to the effect that the committee, for months
had been convassing a wide field of prosnectives but that up
to this time, had beer. unable to agree upon any man they were
willing to recommend. "We have st ill others in vieW," Asaid
Mr. McKee, "but vie intend to proceed as carefully as possible,
and we therefore, have no recommendation to make at this time."

     The minutes of the Executive Committee were approved, and
the action of the Executive Committee was adopted as the action
of this Board by unanimous vote.

     The report of the Board of Inquiry appointed by Governor
Stanley to make an inveetigation into certain conditions a]-
leged to obtain at the Tniversity was then called for.

     Mr Stoll moved that on account of Mr. Gordon being Chair-
man of the Board of Inquiry, he, and only he, be instructed to
give out for publication, when the time came for publication,
the contents of this report; that all discussions on the re-
port of the committee of this Board be considered confidential


and that the Board act in executive session.   This motion:,:
duly seconded, was adopted by unanimous vote.

     Pursuant to said motion the Board of Trustees went into
executive session for the piurpose of considering the report
of the Board of Inquiry, which report had been filed :with --the
Board.  After having cinsidered the report of the Board -of In-
quiry in executive se-ssion, and after having fally discu-ssmed
the report, Mr. Stoll offered the following resolution:

     BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Unive-r-
sity, that the report of thie Board of inquiry as amended, anzd
which as amended as follows, viz:

                     i;- ?  ?  SC  altz.tsJ^rl  a--'  Pl   1S  sj~--i--i

                   o 'tt    ,sv,.v.     ,;tij  


Missing page(s)


be adopted as the action of this Board. with the exception of
recommendation No. 2, which is not adopted.  The said resolu-
tion being put to the Board, was adopted by unanimous vote, all
of the members of the. oard oresent voting aye.

     Chairman Stanley then offered the following resolution:

          RESOLVED that this Committee.aexoress its profound.
     appreciation of the earnest, honest. faithful service
     of the President of this University, that it furthers
     express its admiration for his unique and splendid un:n-
     selfishness. With smiling courtesy and urbanity that
     can not be resisted, he has shown every member of the
     sub-committee and every member of this Board the great-
     est courtesy and kindness and accepted its finding with
     a spirit more admirable than the deepest learning, and
     that can be held aloft as superb example of moral worth
     and graAeur of spirit.

     Chairman Stanley's motion, duly seconded, was adopted
unanimously by rising vote.

     Mr. Stoll then moved that the Secretary of this Board. be
instructed to have engrossed the resolution offered by Chair-
man Stanley end sent to Judge Barker.

     M4r. Stoll's motion, duly seconded, was adopted unanimous-
ly by standing vote.

     President Barker arose and replied:

          I have no language at my command by which I
     can fittingly express my feelings on this occas-ion.
     I thank you most profoundly for the resolution, relat-
     ing to me and my work, which you have just passed.. I
     thank His Excellency, the Governor, in whose beauti-
     ful words the resolution is couched.. I wish I was
     worthy of the high regard you have expressed for me.
     I shall ever hold you in the highest esteem. I came
     to this University relying more upon the wisdom of
     those who elected me than upon my own. When I leave
     in September, l9187 it will be with no bitterness of
     heart, and no woulnd of spirit.  It will always be my
     sincere desire to push forward this University,' and
     its interests in every way possible.   I shall rejoice
     in its success v:ithout regard to who causes or pro-
     motes that success.   I shall ever be ready to give
     every man the credit that is due without envy or Jealousy
     that his work has been suterior to mine. Ylhen you
     elect my successor and install him into office, the
     first duty that I will discharge to myself, to the
     Commonwealth and to you, will be to nut my hand in his
     and ask him to tell me how I can advance his interests
     and the interests of the great institution over which
     he presides.


Mr. Froman moved that the Chairman now Proceed to nominate an
Executive Boa.rd of the Board of Tr-.Lstees of the University.
This motion was carried unanimously.

     Thereupon, Mr. Battaile moved that the same committee that
served last year be re-nominated and re-elected with Doctor
Mlarks of Lexington a.s a member of *the Board instead of Mr. G. .G,
Brock of London, Ky. giving as his reason for the suggested
change, that Mr. Brock lived far away from the city, and it
was frequently a greet source of embarrassment to him to be
compelled to attend the meetings of the Board.  Duly seconded,
this motion was adooted.

     Governor Stanley then -out the motion that the incumbent
Executive Board be re-elected with Doctor .Marka substituted for
Mr. Brock, and that the new Executive Board be composed- of the
following: messrs. Nichols, Chairman, Terrell, M4cKee, Johnston,
Stoll, Marks and Brown. The motion duly seconded: these gentle-
men were elected by unanimous vote.

     Mr. Gordon moved that this Board authorize the printing
of the report of the Board of Inquiry in pamphlet form.   Duly
seconded, this motion was adopted.

     M-r. ',%IcKee moved a vot~e of thanks to the Board of Inqui:ry
aend the Board of Survey for the thorough, painstaking, conscien-
tious and single hearted manner in which they had proceeded
and brought to successfal culmination the great task that had.
been assigned them. This mbotion duly seconded   was unanimously
adopted by rising vote.

     Mr. Gilbert moved a vote of thanks to Governor Stanley
for the fair, judicious and able manner in which he had conducted
as Chairman the meetings of the Board of, Trustees.- This motion,
duly seconded, was unanimously adopted boy rising vote.

      Mir. Stoll moved that hereafter the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees be the Board of Control of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station.   Duly seconded, this motion
was declared adopted by viva voce vote.

      Mr. Stoll then moved tnat the Board of Trustees adjourn
 subject to the call of the Chairman. This motion, duly seconded,
 was adopted.

      Board adjourned.


                        (signed)   Enoch Grehan
                                    Secretary Board of Trustees.


Missing report(s)