xt70cf9j6p5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6p5w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1949-02-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 14, 1949 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 14, 1949 1949 1949-02-14 2020 true xt70cf9j6p5w section xt70cf9j6p5w » but, :1.“ _ _.. H u:, .-: A; :A ',..'..'.(‘I'tA ..—.

gTJ Minutes of the University Faculty January.lO. 1949

Review of current literature in the field of Civil Engineering.
general duscussion and presentation of papers on departmental
research. Required of all graduate students. Two hours.

Electrical Engineering 23la-d. Seminar. 1 Sem. Hr. ea.
Review of current literature in the field of Electrical
Engineering. general discussion and presentation of papers
on departmental research. Required of all graduate students.
Two hours.




Mechanical Engineering 215awd. Seminan 1 Sem. Hr. ea.

Review of current literature in the field of Mechanical
Engineering, general discussion and presentation of papers on
departmental research. Required of all graduate students.
Two hours.





Metallurgical Engineering 2]5a§d. Seminar. 1 Sem Hr. ea.

Review of current literature in the field of Metallurgical

Engineering, general discussion and presentation of papers on

departmental research. Required of all graduate students. ‘g%



Two hours.

Mining Engineering ZZla-d, Seminar. 1 Sem. Hr. ea.

Review of current literature in the field of Mining Engineering.
general discussion and presentation ofgapers on departmental res
search. Required of all graduate students. Two hours.


The Faculty adjourned.

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Maurice F. Seay,/


Minutes 2f the University Faculty February 14. 1949

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
Monday. February 14. at 4:80 p.m. In the absence of President Donovan. M
Vice President Chamberlain presided. Members absent were Alfred Brauer, ';
Thos. P. Cooper, John Crockett, Betty J. Eilertsen. Carsie Hammonds’. j
M. Jongeward, P. E. Karraker. H. P. Riley‘. Earl P. Slone, William S. 1
Taylor'. and D. V. Terrell. 1

The minutes of January 10 were read and approved.

Dean Kirwan. Chairman of the Committee on Student Organizations.
presented the Constitution of the Southeastern Conference Society of
Spiked Shoe. which was recommended by the Committee. The Faculty voted 5
approval of the constitution. which is as follows: i I

Southeastern Conference Society of Spiked Shoe



The general purpose of Spiked Shoe shall be in all ways possible to
increase, to foster. and to forward track as an amateur sport.


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Minutes of the University Faculty February 14. 1949

The specific purpose shall be to bring together in a closer
bond the track men in the Southeastern Conference and to further
the interest of track in that area. It is the organization's duty
to bolster intereclass and intraamural track meets; to inculcate
interest in subacollegiate institutions; to further the aims of track
by serving as officials for meets among undergraduates and among
high schools; to bring to the attention of the press such information
as would be to the advancement of track as a sport.


The name of this society shall be the Southeastern Conference
Society of Spiked Shoeo


SECTION 1. The membership shall be chosen from among the undergraduates
of the colleges or universities at which chapters are established.

SECTION 2. Active members of the Society shall be chosen from among
those who have won their varsity track or cross-country letter.

SECTION 3. The senior manager of track shall be eligible for member—
ship in the Society at the beginning of his senior year, and shall
be passed upon in the same manner as other candidates for memberhhip.

SECTION fl. Possession of the requirements for membership does not in
any way make membership automatic and all candidates for membership
into this Society shall be duly voted upon and must be approved by
fourwfifths of the active members present.


SECTION 1. It is the duty of all members to attend all meetings
when possible and fines may be imposed upon members missing duly
announced meetings.

SECTION 2. Each member shall be required to purchase an emblem of the
Society and under no circumstances shall the emblem be worn by any
male persons other than members of the Society.

SECTION 3. Each member of the Society shall do all in his power to
further the aims of the Society and shall function in such capacities
as he may be called upon to do by the officers of the chapter.

SECTION 1. There shall be four officers for each chapter: President.
Vice—president. Secretary and Treasurer.

SECTION 2. The term of office shall be one year and no officer may
succeed himself.


















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779 Minutes of the University Faculty February 14, l9d9
SECTION 3. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

The President shall have supervision over the Society at all
meetings. except in the case of illness or unavoidable absence.

At all meetings it is mandatory upon the President to bring
before the members for their consideration the following subjects:

1. Minutes of the preceding meeting

2. Old business

3. Unfinished business

5. He shall call for and receive a report from the Treasurer

6. If members are to be admitted it is his duty to bring
their names before the members.

7. It shall be his duty to bring before the Society any
names of men to be considered for honorary membership;
Men so considered are to be persons of prominence and
integrity whose actions or examples have been of benefit
to track or the track team.

8. The following is a list of proper items which the President
may at his discretion present to the chapter for their

(a) The holding under the auspices and
guidance of the chapter of inter~class, inter»
fraternity. scholastic, intramural or freshman
track meets, whether cross~country, board or
indoor track, or outdoor track.

(b) Promotion of track in secondary schools by
furnishing meet officials; arranging for talks
on track at secondary schools; arranging for
attendance of secondary school men at traCk
meets in which members of the chapter participate;
or at which they officiate; and any other means
for encouragement as may present themselves.

(c) Promotion of track as a sport among the under»
graduate body. This may take the form of posting
notices; personal encouragement by members of
the chapter; and any other forms approved by the
college or university authorities.

(d) For the purpose of advancing the interest of track
and of the Society. both among the undergraduate
body and among colleges and secondary schools in
general. the president is asked to consider every

(e) Any other matters which may constitute the prOper
business of the chapter, or which. in the opinion
of the President, should be brought to the
attention of the members.









It is mandatory for the retiring president, at installation. to read
to the new officers Article IV of the constitution and to receive from them
their assurance that these provisions will be carried out.

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The Vice=President shall assume the duties of the President in case of
his absence. either temporarily or permanently. It shall be mandatory upon
the VicenPresident to acquaint himself with the duties of the President
and be in position to carry on such duties should it become necessary.

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Minutes of the University Faculty February 14, 1949

It shall be his duty to be in charge of initiations.


The Secretary shall keep all the records of the meetings. These
records shall be kept in a suitable minute book; the record of
the chapter activities shall be a continuous one.

The Secretary shall enter in his book the names of each member as
he is initiated, and all of the officers as they are elected. It
shall be his duty to act as custodian of the minute book during his
term of office. and to turn it over to his successor in office in
an upwtOmdete condition.

The minute book shall contain a copy of this constitution at all

It shall be his duty to maintain communication with the Conference
Secretary General and to notify him at least twice a year of the
activities of the chapter. He shall report the names of new
members to the Conference Secretary General within two weeks after
their initiation.

He shall receive from the chapter Treqsurer the correct amount
for the purchase of the emblems' for new members. and be responsible
for the purchase and delivery of these emblems.

He shall keep a correspondence file which. upon the election of
new secretary. shall be turned over to his successor in office.

He shall, if requested to do so by the president. prepare such
notices, news Stores or other items as directed by the president

and submit them to the press.

He shall submit a written report to the Conference President every
two months telling of the activities of the chapter.


The Treasurer shall have charge of the finances. It shall be his
duty to collect from the members of the chapter such initiation
fees and dues as shall be decided upon by the chapter.

No member whose debts are not paid up to date shall be considered

a member in good standing, and no such member shall be entitled

to hold office. nor to vote in the election of new members nor in
the election of officers. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer

to prepare and bring before the chapter a list of any delinquents.
and a statement of the conditidn of the treasury. at the discretion
of the President.

The Treasurer shall keep a complete set of accounts. which shall
be kept in such condition that an accounting may be made to the
chapter at any time. He shall prepare and submit a balance sheet
once a year. and shall turn the books of account over to his
successor in office in an up-to~date condition.

He shall turn over to the Secretary such sums as shall be
necessary for the purchase of the certificates of membership,






















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Minutes of the University Faculty February 14, 1949

which are granted to each new member, and for the purchase of spike
shoe emblems.

All checks must be signed by the President and Treasurer.

SECTION L. The insignia of the society shall consist of a gold track
shoe with the college letter of each chapter in the proper university
colors enameled on the tongue.

SECTION 2. The Secretary will be responsible for the ordering and
delivering of the shoes.

SECTION 3. Each new member shall be granted a certificate of membership.
Each certificate must he signed by the Conference President, the Secretary
General; and the president of the chapter to which the man belongs. The
Secretary shall forward the amount necessary to cover costs of the
certificate to the conference Secretary General.


SECTION 1. A proposed amendment to the constitution of the Southeastern
Conference Society of Spiked Shoe must be submitted in accordance with
one of the following proceedures;

The preposel must be presented to the society at the annual convention
for ratification or nullificetion. In order for this motion to
become an amendment for the above named constitution, it must be
approved by at least ten of the twelve Southeastern Conference schools.

Duplicates of the proposal must be sent to each of the conference
officers. including the Secretary General.

The conference secretary will send cepies toench of the chapters.
Each chapter will either approbete or nullify the proposed amend=
ment and withinLtwo weeks notify the conference secretary of their

If the proposal is ratified by ten of the twelve chapters, it
becomes an amendment to the constitution of the Southeastern
Conference Society of Spiked Shoe. effective on the first day of
the following month.

The conference secretary must notify each chapter and the Secretary
General of the final decision.

The conference secretary must keep a permsnent_record of each
amendment proposed and how the various chapters voted.



SECTION 1. There shall be a meeting of the Southeastern Conference



Minutes of the University Faculty February 14, 1949

Society of Spiked Shoe held each year during the weekend of the
Southeastern Conference Track and Field Meet in that city in which the
Southeastern meet is being held.

SECTION 2. The purpose of this meeting shall be to:

1. Bring the various chapters together in a closer bond

2. Elect officers for the coming year

. To discuss and formulate plans for furthering track and cross"
country in the high schools of the Southeast

To consider and decide upon any other plans, business or questions
pertinent to Spiked Shoo.



SECTION 3. There shall be two duly elected delegates to represent
each chapter. Each delegate shall have one vote.

SECTION 4. Any chapter failing to be represented at the annual
meeting, when duly notified as to the time and place, shall be subject
to suspension from the Southeastern Conference Society of Spiked

Shoe for a time not to exceed one year, for the first offense.

SECTION 5. It would be of great importance to the bolstering of

a more united and stronger organization if the various chapters would
extend to its fellow chapters the common courtesiee of the rendering

of suggestions as to various plans found successful for the raising

of money, building reputation, or the sponsoring of Various events;

and the sending of transcripts of their respective track meets to every
other chapter.


SECTION 1. Each year at the annual meeting of the Southeastern
Conference Society of Spiked Shoe, the conference officers shall be
elected for the following year. They will be three in number: the
President, Vicewpresident. and the Secretary.

SECTION 2. Their term of office shall be for one year. They may succeed
themselves in office if duly reeelected.

SECTION 3. The duties of the officers:

He will have supervision over the meeting of the following year.

It will be his duty to attempt to organize Spiked Shoe Societies
in all of the major conferences in these United States.

In the event Spiked Shoe is organized in other sections of the
country, it will be his duty to carry on correspondence with these
sections and to promote a National Convention: at which will be
present delegates from each conference society of Spiked Shoe.

In case of death or resignation of the Conference Secretary
General, it will be the duty of the Conference President to
carry on the secretarial duties until a new Secretary General
can be elected at the next scheduled meeting of the Southeastern
















 723 Minutes of the University Faculty February 14, 1949
Conference Society of Spiked Shoe.
It will be his duty to announce the time and place of the next

scheduled meeting of the Southeastern Conference Society of
Spiked Shoe and to see that each chapter is duly notified.


He should keep in close touch with each chapter. and should be
thoroughly acquainted with the constitution and the rules of

Spiked Shoe so as to be in position to act in an advisatcry capacity
to the chapters of Spiked Shoe.

In case of death or resignation of the Conference President. it
will be the duty of the Viceepresident to take over his duties and
responsibilities for the remainder of his term of office, ‘





It shall be his duty to keep the minutes of the Southeastern
Conference Society of Spiked Shoe annual meeting and to turn over
to his successor in office the minute book in an upvto—date condition. I

It shall be his duty to collect the annual dues of the chapters and ‘!
to turn over to the Conference Secretary General the correct amount ”
alloted him for expenses.

SECTION 4. Each new officer is required to be thoroughly familiar with
this constitution in its entirety.


SECTION 1. There shall be an election for the office of the Conference
Secretary General held every three years. The first of these elections will
be at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Conference Society of Spiked
Shoe in 1948',

It is advisable and highly recommended that the person elected for this
position be a track coach from one of the conference schools. , %

This secretary may be withdrawn at any time for incompetence or willful
neglect of duty if such action is desired by at least'bn of the twelve ‘
Southeastern Conference schools.

In case of death, or resignation of this officer, the conference President
will assume his duties until a new Secretary General can be elected at y
the next scheduled meeting of the Society. l

SECTION 2. It shall be his duty:
(1) to keep a roster of all the members of the Southeastern Conference
Society of Spiked Shoe, both past and active.
(2) to furnish certificates of membership for new members when
requested by the local chapter secretary, only.
(3) to turn over to his successor in office all correspondence files
and other business of Spiked Shoe. S
(4) to transact any other business deemed necessary by the Society. 5':
(5) to be a general adviser for this society. 4






Minutes of the University Faculty February 14, 1949

SECTION 1. Each chapter shall be required to purchase a charter.
These will be vauired through the Spiked Shoe Chapter at Alabama
Polytechnic Institute.

SECTION 2. Each chapter will pay a sum of five dollars per year to
the Secretary General to COVer the expenses he may encounter. This
will be due at the annual meetings.


SECTION 1. Initiation of new members may be carried out in any
manner that the local chapter desires, both informal and formal
initiations. The only requirements are:

(1) All parts of the informal initiation must be in accordance with
regulations at the respective institutions.

(2) Each new initiate must read the constitution in its entirety.

Expelling of Members

SECTION 1. In order to eXpell a member of a chapter. a partition,
signed by fourefifth of the members of that chapter. must be
presented to the executive body and to the Conference Secretary
General of the Southeastern Conference Society of Spiked Shoe.
After a thorough investigation into the full particulars of the case,
this group will recommend action to be taken.


Dean White offered the following motion:

“That Military Field Day be set. subject to the approval of
~the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences, at 2:00 p.m..
Monday, May 9".

Dean White stated that it was necessary to decide the matter at once,
in order that Colonel Mackensie might make proper arrangements. The
Faculty approved the motion.

Dean Carpenter presented for the College of Commerce the following
new course, which was approved by the Faculty:

Economics 218a and b, Economic Theory. 3 credits each. An
intensive course covering the whole field of contemporary
economic theory and the variOus analytical techniques used
therein. Prerequisite: Econ. 1.

The Meeting adjounred.


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Man ice F. Seay.