xt70cf9j6n2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt70cf9j6n2k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 2008 2008 2008-09-23 2020 true xt70cf9j6n2k section xt70cf9j6n2k REVISITING THE PAST

Senior Braxton Kelley moves
back to old position s“ Sports, page 5





UK asks
to see

By Travis Walker
newsfikykernel. com

Blue and white tend to be the
dominant colors on campus. But
on Tuesday. UK is going green.

The second annual “Big Blue
Goes Green: A Sustainability
Showcase" is designed to educate
students about UK and Lexing-
ton‘s efforts to achieve environ-
mental sustainability. said Carol
Hanley. co-chair of the UK Sus-
tainability Advisory Committee.
the event’s sponsor.

“We’ve got to cultivate a cul~
ture of sustainability on campus."
she said.

The event will feature discus-
sion panels. information booths
and movies.

Mark Williams. the other co-
chair of the Committee. said last
year‘s showcase focused solely on
UK. but this year has grown to in—
clude the whole city.

Lexington Mayor Jim New—
berry. Bob Wiseman. UK vice
president of facilities manage-
ment. and Hank List. deputy sec-
retary of the energy and environ—
ment cabinet. will sit on a panel
beginning at 10:30 am. to discuss
sustainability efforts at the state

See Green on page 3





focus of

By Kellie Doligalg
news@kykemel com

A new alcohol intervention
program has been launched at the
UK Chandler Hospital in an effort
to prevent traumatic injuries and to
recognize substance abuse.

The American College of Sur‘
geons now requires all Level l
trauma centers. which includes
the UK Hospital. to test if patients
are intoxicated when treating
them for injuries. About 40 to 50
percent of trauma cases involved
alcohol. according to a UK news

Alcohol and drug abuse are of—
ten underlying causes of trauma in-
juries for college students. said Dr.
Paul Kearney. the chief of trauma
and critical care at the UK Hospi-

“Risk—taking behavior is more

See Alcohol on page 3



Matt Longacre, center, a busrness management junior, talks with friends while eating after the evening prayer at The islamir Center of Lexington on Monday
night. Longacre was praying at the mosque as a part of Ramadan, a celebration of the holiest month in lslam

Faith beyond the fasting

Muslim community reflects. worships
during holy month of Ramadan

By Laura Clark

When Matt Longacre first read
the Quran during his senior year of
high school. it spoke to him.

“It told me about the problems
iii my life and how to solve them."
Longacre said. "God was having a
conversation with me on how to
have a better life."

The Quran. the Islamic holy
book. was a driving force behind
Longacre's conversion to Islam in
2006. Now. Longacrc. a bUsincss
management junior. has found the
Muslim community in Lexington
very fulfilling.

“Early on. I had that faith. but
I was stranded with people who
didn‘t share those beliefs with
me." he said. “Later. when I came
to UK. there were people I could
turn to."

This month. Muslims from
around the world are celebrating
Ramadan. which is considered the
holiest month of the Islamic calen—
dar. Ramadan follows the lunar
cycle and takes place in the ninth
month of the Muslim calendar.
This year the holiday began
around Sept. 1 and will end
around Sept. 30.

According to tradition. the
Quran was first revealed to the
Prophet Muhammad during the
month of Ramadan. During the
month. verses of the Quran are
read each night in prayer. By the
end of the holiday. the entire
Quran is recited.

In addition to reading the
Quran. Muslims fast from sunrise
to sunset. After sunset each day.
they break their fast with prayer
and a meal called the iftar. Before
sunrise. Muslims eat a pre—fast
meal called suhoor.

However. fasting during Ra~
madan is more than refraining
from food and drink. Ramadan is
a time when Muslims cart concen—
trate on their faith instead of the
concerns of their daily in cs.

Aun Munis. a biology senior
and the MUslrin Student Associa—
tion president. said it is easy for
people to get distracted by every
day life and Ramadan is a time to
establish a reconnection with

“Some people approach Ra-
madan apprehensively." Munis
said. “But it‘s really a time to re—
evaluate and see things in your life
you can work on."

Longacre said his first Ra-
madan was a difficult experi~

"After a while. though. I be—
gan realizing that it's more than

just going without food and wa-

ter." he said. “lnstead ofjust for-
getting about hungcr. it gave me
space to reflect."

Muslims pray five times a day:

at dawn. noon. mid~aftemoon.'

sunset and night. During Ra~
madan. an extra prayer is said at
sunset. before Muslims break their
fast. This prayer. called the
tarawih. usually lasts longer than
the normal daily prayers in order

to complete the whole book by the
end of the month.

Muslims cart pray anywhere.
but prayer usually occurs in a
mosque. which I\ an l\ltlmlC
house of prayer. In the mosque.
the worshippers stand in parallel
rows behind the prayer leader. the
imam. who directs their postures
and recitations.

The different postures. which
include standing. bowing and
kneeling. have an important effect
on a person‘s prayer life. said
Boushra Aghil. a Muslim and [K

Matt Longacrc
prays during
the evening
service at The
islamrt‘ Center
of Lexrrigtoh
Mondav night
as a part of


"They represent the physical.
mental and spiritual aspects ot
your life." Aghil said.

Longacre said he has discov
cred lslam as not only a religion,
but as a vyay of life.

“lslarn encompasses c\ cry th-
pcct of everything you do." he
said. “Praying through the day.
fasting through the day. the more
you work into that. the more you
persist in those PT‘JLHkCS. thc bet
ter you feel, the bcttcr‘ person you
become "


Ryder Cup weekend raises profile of former Cat

JB Holmes
reacts to sinking
his putt on hole
12 during the sin .
gles matches at
the 37th Ryder
Cup on Sunday





b V


_By Travis Waldm

ln three short years. for
mer UK golfer J.B. Holmes
has gone from a young PGA
Tour player to a stalwart on
the first winning American
Ryder Cup team since 1999.

And his former UK coach
wasn‘t shocked at all.

“T told people l thought
he was going to be a better
professional than a college
player." UK head coach Bri«
an Craig said. “His game is
more suited for professional
courses than college cours-

Holmes went 2—(l-l this
weekend as one of six Ameri-
can Ryder Cup rookies at
Valhalla Golf Club in
Louisville. winning one team
match with partner Boo
Weekley on Saturday and de-

feating Soren Hansen in a
singles match Sunday

Holmes. a Camp»
bellsville. Ky. native. was
part of an exuberant Ameri-
can youth movement that
Captain Paul Azinger and
veteran .lim Fury‘k credited
wrth leading the US. to vic-

But this wasn't Holmes'
first intemational event. He
represented the United States
in three other team events. in—
cluding the Walker Cup. an
amateur version of the Ryder

He's now 4—0 in intema~
tional team competitions.

“He‘s played well in that
format before." Craig said.
“The bigger the stage. the
better he plays. He feels like
he has something to prove."

Unlike his fellow Ryder
Cup rookies Weekley and

Anthony Kim. who “on over
fans with their infectious pcr~
sonalities and outward div
plays of emotion. Holmes has
become a fan favonte around
the Tour because
of his titanic tee
shots that rarely
travel less than
300 yards.

Holmes is
also going to
great lengths in
representing t'K.
The UK logo is
stitched into the
bag he carries on
the Tour. and he‘s
in the process of
setting up a
scholarship fund
to help students in Taylor
County, Ky. attend UK.

At Valhalla. he acknowl-
edged the Cats fans who
chanted "Go Big Blue" as the

"The bigger the
stage, the better
he plays. He
feels like he has
something to


UK doll roach

bomber \valkcd Pihl. and
Craig said Holmes even took
time to rib a Tennessee fan

When the Volunteers fan
asked Holmes to autograph
his Tennessee hat.
be obliged. btit
not before writing
“(io Cats" and
crossing out the
orange “T" logo
on the front of
the hat.

Holmes“ in-
creased visibility
is a valuable re
crurting tool.
(‘raig said.

“I think it is
tremendous for
the program to
have an alumnus out there
doing what he did and play»
ing like he‘s played. not just
in the Ryder Cup." Craig
said. “He's done so well."

Hm 257-1915; w 257””
t v


 PAEE..Z_L_Tu3_89@LSspternber 23. 2008


















l 1




“T.“ T ”T

By Linda c. Black
To get the advantage, check the

clays rating: 70 is the easiest
tidy, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April19)—
Today is a 7 A It may be diffi-
.ult to restrain somebody who’s
worried, but you can Don't base
i decision on anybody's anxiety
stay cool, and insist the others
in the same,

Taurus (April 20—May 20) —
Today is a 7 —— Watch out for
tccidents, espeCIally in unfamil-
iar territory Don't rush, even if
you feel anxious. Take your time
ill’tl avoid breakage.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) -——
Today is a 7 —— Emotions run
ingli over finances now. Might
’)H a good idea to av0id the sub—
;r‘rt You might want to avord
spending much money, too


E‘uir'rniiiohirmm‘tm ‘

Cancer (June 22-July 22) ——
Today is a 7 —— Some people
wouldn't know a good deal if it
bit them on the leg. Give up on
a person who isn't going along
with your reasoning.

l.eo (July 23-Aug. 22) -—
Today is a 7 — A new idea
won't work the first time it's
tried Let somebody else lead
the way, and take the hit Stand
back and watch carefully.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —-
Today is a 7 w Postpone mak»
ing a purchase or contribution
until tomorrow or the next day.
or never You may not have as
much to spend as you'd hoped.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today is a 6 _ Keep quret for
just a little while longer. This
will not be easy, No pain, no
gain, remember?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —
Today is a 7 W Long-distance
deals may look attractive, but if
you begin them now you'll run
into all sorts of complications
you haven't thought about. Bet-


ter shelve the idea.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
— Today is a 7 — It's not a
good time to go shopping or
move your investments around.
You're liable to spend more than
you should, and be sorry later.
Capricorn (Dec. ZZ-Jan. 19)
— Today is a 6 —- Competition
keeps you on your toes, and
let’s face it, you love it. But
you’ll have a better chance of
Winning now if you partner with
an old adversary.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —
Today is a 7 —- Conditions will
be in your favor for the next four
weeks. It'll be easier to travel,
publish, learn and teach Got
any projects along those lines7
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) -
Today is a 7 — Money's tight,
but there's no need to make a
big fuss about it. You can get by
with very little, when you have
the right people around you,



l Today’ 5

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816 Euclid Ave.




A for/stained

' Theme


" TODAY UK Student Center

Learn what UK is doing in support of sustainability.


Eurew the FREE Exhibits


Featured will be UK's solar car
and other displays and exhibits

; showcasing sustainability-related
gefforts at UK and in the commu-

; rtity.

Watch a FREE movie

Enjoy FREE popcorn


f 3 am -— 4 pm; Student Center.

2 Grand Ballroom


i Register to win a FREE


Students are eligible to register to

iwin a free bicycle.

l 8 am — 3 pm, Student Center.

‘ Grand Ballroom

lReceive a FREE bouquet of

1 flowers

All events are FREE




Starting at 8 am, Student Center
Patio (while supplies last)

See “Six Degrees Could Change the
World" and “Who Killed the Electric

12:30 pm and 3:30 pm. Student Center,
Center Theatre

Attend FREE sessions
- The CentrePointe Debate

- Electric Vehicles

- Sustainable Forestry

and UK

° Green Building Design ,
- Sustainability. Kentucky; Lexington

Panelists: Mayor Jim Newberry; Deputy

Secretary Energy and Environment
Cabinet Henry Clay "Hank" List; Vice

President Facilities Management Bob


9 am to 3 pm. for agenda visit

www. uk y. edu/sustainability

Students, staff, faculty and interested members of the public are inVited to attend.
No ore-registration required

Hosted by the UK Sustainability Advrsory Committee

GREEN : A Sustainability Showcase

For more information visit www.ulty.edu/sustalnabllity



.your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun pep

Jennifer Hudson
newly engaged

‘I don’t think I’ve ever

we DiSI-l

A new diamond ring is
just the latest jewel to join her
new album and film

Like her sex and the City:
The Movie character. Jennifer
Hudson has ended her quest
for love with a diamond ring
from a hometown sweetheart.
At her Nth—birthday bash on
September l2 in LA. the
Oscar winner received a sur-
prise proposal from beau of
more than nine months. I
Love New York 2 star —David
"Punk" 0tunga. 28. “She was
so excited. she couldn't get
her breath!" his mom. Billie,
tells Us. The pair. who divide
their time between NYC and
Illinois (where Harvard Law
grad Otunga is a litigation at-
torney). got cozy after Hud-
son split last year from her
flame of eight years. mainte-
nance engineer James —Pey—
ton. Days before officially
going off the market. Hudson
opened up to Us about her
self-titled debut album (out
September 30). her film The
Secret Life of Bees (October
17) and. of course. her fiance.

Tell us about your relu»

I am very happy? I don't
think i have ever been happiv

Your life has changed u
lot since Ann‘t'icun Idol.

l‘vc becn normal my
whole life. just like everyone
else. Now everything i do is
in the spotlight. it takes a
while to get adjusted to that!

What can ivc awcctfrom
your new album."

Me. Jennifer Hudson. My

way. We're going to have the
ballads. the pop hits. the
dance stuff - something for
everyone. i collaborated with
Missy Elliott, Timbaland.
Dionne Warwick. T-Pain... It‘s
a great variety! it‘s not what
everyone expected. but i
wanted to show flexibility. To
me. my voice is like a tree
with many branches. On this
album. 1 can display that. i
didn't get to do that on idol.
0n Dreamgirls. that was
Ellie‘s voice. But now we get
to see Jennifer. .

How was working with
Alicia Keys, Quccn Luti/‘lrh
and Dakota fanning on The
Secret Life of Bells."

it was amazing. We had a
lot of fun. I was excited to
hear Alicia was in the film,
and Queen is like a big sister
to me. And 1 love Dakota. 1
call her Mama Dakota. 'causc
there‘s nothing she don't
know. She is so mature. She's
definitely a lady. She acts
much older than me! l rc-
mcmbcr the first time I met
her. she was. like. ll. and it
was scary. l was like. wow.
Shcis definitely grounded.

You also sang thc —Iurtion-
ul (int/1cm u! the Democratic
National (‘onvcntimr Did
Baruch ()bamu call you.’

Yes? Oh. my God! I was
so honored. it was a beautiful
surprise. And it's a historic
moment I was glad to be a
part of. He represents change
and hope. and these arc
things that we have not seen
in a long time.

Hollywood is notorious

been happier”

for in emphasis on body and
looks. What are your
thoughts on that subject."

In Hollywood a lot of
times. talent gets looked over
for image. Of course you
should be presentable wher-
ever you go. But it shouldn't
be to the extent that people
are becoming anorexic or are
threatened lcarccrwiscl for
not fitting in. That's ridicu—

Is that why you‘vc be-
come involved in —.vr'lfl¢'.\'t('t'iii
charities rm- young girls."

For some reason. people
seem to find confidence in
me. I've always found beauty
in being unique and different.
and it's good for people to be-
lieve in their own beauty.

OK. now ivhrll's this talk
about (i .icqucl to Sat and the
City: Thc Movie."

I don't know where they
are with that. to be honest.
But if it happens.-(my charac—
ter] Louise is moving back to
New York. I‘m ready and pre—

Jennifer's sell-esteem

As long as you believe in
yourself. that is all that mat-
ters." Hudson told Us after
talking to teenage girls at a
Dove Self-Esteem Fund

. workshop in LA. about im—

age pressures that she‘s faced.
Her advice? "Confidence
is the key. It doesn't matter
what you look like. what size.
what color. It's OK to be dif—
tgreitt. it's OK to be you."






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Tuesday, September 23. 2008 | PAGE! g


Look to the past for fun,
affordable hair fashions

Being a poor college student (and that
is no exaggeration), 1 find it is often quite
hard for me to bolster my obsession for
fashion via fashion magazines with those
glossies costing $4 a pop (that‘s at least a
chicken sandwich and
a drink at Chick-Fil-
A). not to mention
Vogue Paris costing
$18 (that’s at least
two sandwiches and
chips from Jimmy
John‘s and a burrito
from C ielito Lindo).

Thus. imagine my
excitement when my
brother rerums home
from my original
hometown with two
— count ‘em. two —
issues of Elle and
Vogue from dearest Mama Lanliam (she
treats a daughter right).

Perusing those majestic pages. 1 no-
ticed a trend walking down the runways
that could easily be applied to the life of
an everyday student such as your fine
selves: hair accessories. With this in the
back of my mind as I went about my daily
business. I found I ran into real-life living
examples walking among us as if they
jumped from the pages themselves to take
our hands and guide us to a more fashion-
able path - one that has been tread be-
fore, since all of these trends have been
stolen from decades past (but don‘t won'y.
no return of the 80s sweatbaiids).

So what could I do but share my ob-
servations with those people who would
appreciate it the most (why. that's you. of
course!) So here are the trends of today
pulled from the trends of yesteryears.

18905: Bowler hats. Don‘t panic! This
trend is a little out there but worth the risk
for those willing to turn a few heads (and
inevitably roll a few eyes — some people
can’t handle too much experimentation).
Originally created to withstand great deals
of pressure without yielding one bit.
bowler caps these days are more for those
ladies that want to blur the lines of an-

Wear with: a floral dress. some


. opaque black tights and a pair of comfy

to-and—fro flats. and you‘re ready to chal-
lenge Charlie Chaplin any day of the year
(though I wouldn’t suggest the mustache).

19405: Fedoras. This one is a bit more
prevalent for us Lexingtonians and is also
for those lovely ladies ready to make a
statement. During the summer we saw the
fedora in various versions of breathable
straw, but for the fall. think dark tweeds
and suedes circa meddlesome detectives
and those two—bit. good-fa-iiothin‘ mob—

Wear with: a menswear-inspired (or a
real man‘s — Goodwill. anyone?) blazer
and a pair of dark. skinny jeans to show off
a funky style with very classic elements

19505: Flowers. Watching "Project
Runway." 1 can't deny that Kenley

Collins‘ style of red lipstick. monochro-
matic tees and signature hair pieces didn‘t
inspire myself a little bit. Mostly seen in
clip fon'n, rocking this style can be as easy
as a little flower clip to keep those bangs
out of your eyes to a bouquet of florals
pinned in to your flowing locks. Either
way. this trend gives a sweet. feminine
punch to any outfit and hails back to the
days of those fantastic pin—ups the likes of
Bettie Page.

Wear with: a basic tee and jeans for
an easy on-the—way-to-class style or all
done up with a big-collared. belted mini
dress to show the boys you're sweet but
wild at the same time.

19705: Feathers. I mentioned feathers
once before in an earlier column but had
to include it due to an unexpected boom in
the fashion world. Flower children knew
what they were doing when they adorned
themselves with all sorts of naturalist
goodies. and now they're more available
than ever. My favorite manifestations of
the feather trend are in clip fomi (which 1
happily admit. I just invested in one) to an
even more accessible version of an earthy

Wear with: anything! If you're more
interested in a daytime look. invest in a
brown or cream-colored version to match
those high—waist bell—bottoms you‘re dying
to wear, or add some punch and go for a
more fancy version with a peacock feather
to spruce up that little black dress.

1990s: Slouchy beariies. (‘an ljrist
say thank you to that one deity guy that
the grunge version isn‘t making a com—
plete comeback —- not that I dislike plaid
in the slightest. but 1 do enjoy the occa—
sional shoWer (is that so wrong?) Slouchy
beanies are a cool way to add ease and
comfort to an outfit (and keep your head
all snug). ln autumnal colors such as mus—
tard. burgundy or eggplant. beanies are
most often wom with hair down. but can
easily be worn over a ponytail or a long

Wear with: l hate to admit it. but 1
like this style with an oversized plaid shirt
with a basic skinny blue jean. 1f plaid is
just not your thing. try it with an t)\'t:1\1/.Cd
button~dovyn polo (preferably white) with
a iiiedium—sized brown belt to cinch your
waist to finally put grunge and Kurt
Cobain to rest.

Whether you‘re willing to make a big
statement or just add a little touch of fabu—
ious to your unifomi of jeans and a T—shin
(ain‘t notliiii‘ wrong with that). past—
decade hair accessories are an easy. afford—
able way to do so. To find these at decent
prices just look around at the nearest
Goodwill (and sanitize before use) or
Michacls. Whichever. if any: ti'cnd you
choose. make sure to find one that is true
to your own personal sty lc. since there's
nothing more fashionable than a lady
doin' her own thang.

Maggie Lair/rum is (I nmt‘liuiirlisiiiu
apparel (rml tutti/cs junior. E‘Hltllfft'u»
tirrr’s‘Cd kykcrncl .1 ‘nm.


Exhibit forges ahead
on historical fakes

By Allison Mm
news ykernelcom

Readers often take for
granted the validity of histori-
cal documents, but a new ex—
hibit at the M1. King Library
is proving that it is not wise to
automatically trust every—

The “Fakes. Forgeries.
and Piracies" exhibit. which
is being held in the King Li-
brary through mid-November.
allows UK students to ob-
serve a fake page from the
Gutenberg Bible. James
Macpherson‘s made—up trans-
lation of the poems of Ossian.
a piracy of Elizabeth Barrett
Browning‘s original 1847 edi—
tion of “Sonnets from the Por-
tuguese" and many more fa-
mous forged documents.

“It‘s a good object lesson
about how well these were
done and how people wanted
to believe there was such a
poet as ()ssian." said Gordon
Hogg. director of the King Li-
brary. “People stake their aca«

demic credentials in studying
these famous poets.“

Macpherson claimed to
have found and translated the
poet Ossian‘s ancient manu-
scripts. but his works were
discovered as a fabrication in
1805. Macpherson had actual-
ly written all of the poems in
the book that were supposed
ly by Ossian. However. he
was still widely admired by
the public for being the cre-
ator of the fake poems.

Thomas J. Wise was a
British bibliographer who col-
lected books. He prixately
printed nearly 300 works of
English authors. many of
which were found out to be
piracies. He was caught forg-
ing the works because he
printed the fakes on a type of
paper that was not yet avail—
able and used a typeface that
had not been invented at the
time the original manuscripts
were printed.

Many of these people cre—
ated forgeries for fame or
money. but others had deeper

motives in creating fake docu-
ments. said Jim Birchfield.
the curator of rare brmks at
the King Library.

“It‘s almost an aspect of
psychological control' Birch-
field said. “There's a sense of
power in making people be—
lieve something that isn‘t cor-

Forgeries are not just a
thing of the past, Birchfield
said. A few years ago, he said
someone claimed to have dis-
covered the diaries of Adolf
Hitler. but they were later dis-

Bill Marshall. the curator
of manuscripts at the King Li»
brary. said forgery or piracy
in literature can be compared
to the contemporary act of
stealing music.

"It's like pirating music.
but they used to pirate litera-
ture instead." he said. "It‘s an
exciting exhibit because it‘s a
mystery that has unraveled. It
has many different things in it
that people haven‘t seen be-



Continued from page 1


and campus levels.

()ther discussion topics
throughout the day will include
the CentrePointe project at 9
uni. in room 363 of the Stu~
dent Center. electric \ehicles at
11 am. in room 363 and
Robinson Forest at 1:30 [1.111. in
room 35‘).

The event also


movies concerning the environ-
ment. “Six Degrees Could
Change the World" begins at
12:30 pm. and "Who Killed the
Electric Car" begins at 3:30 pm.
Both movies will be shown in
the Center Theater of the Stri-
dent Centei‘. Panel discussions
will follow the shouiiigs.

The showcase will take
place from 8 am. to 4 pm. in
the Student (‘cntct‘ (il‘tlflti Ball-

: If rouge/r
MAW ;_
Mtuesdaye'amw i.
Grand Ballroom





Continued from page 1

common in younger people.
between the ages of 15 and
25 or so. particularly younger
males." he said.

About [.700 college stu-
dents die every year from uri-
intentional alcohol-related in—
juries. according to the Na—
tional Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholisni‘s Task
Force on College Drinking.
Drinking also accounts for
nearly 599,000 non~fa al in-
juries among this same age

To deal with the preva-
lence of alcohol as an under—

lying cause of injury. the
American (‘ollcgc of Stir»
gcoiis has set mandatory stair
dards in alcohol-recovery pro—

UK Hospital has brought
in a licensed professional
counselor and a chemical de-
pendency specialist. Through
the new program. patients ad-
mitted to the trauma unit are
screened for intoxicants. Pa—
tients identified with a prob-
lem are referred to a tonne
seloi and are asked a sei‘ics of
questions as part of the treat—
ment. From there. further
measures are determined.

"We hate aluays had a
program. but it was less or“
ganized before." Kearney

People need to acknowl»
edge the seriousness of exces-
sive alcohol use iii order for
the program to work. Keamey

”We tend to accept alco-
hol as a legal drug. like tobac-
co." he said. "We have to re—
alize that moderate intake is
OK. But alcohol and drug
abuse is not just a problem.
it‘s an illness."

Should a student wind up
iii the trauma unit at thc L'K
Hospital. the itc\\ piogi‘aiii
will help them to see the dari—
gers of alcohol. Kearney

"By loi'niali/ing .1 pro»
gram. people will recognize
alcohol and drug abuse as a


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. .

0Greg McIntosh, Chris
Bathgate, and
Zephaniah Bostow, 9:00
PM, UK Student Center
Cats Den

-Exploring Your Career
Options, 3:30 PM,
Career Center
~Campus Cruasde for
Christ, 7:30 PM, Center
Theatre in the Student

0a reading with UK
alum Dan Bernitt, 7:00
PM, Niles Gallery - Fine
Arts Library
Student Organization
Meeting, 7:30 PM,
Pazzo's Pizza

OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,
Bluegrass Sportsman

OEngineering Career
Fair Clues, 3:00 PM,
Raymond Bld, Room
OFree Florez
Concert, 8:00 PM,
Main Building Front
0Comedy Caravan,
8:00 PM, UK
Student Center Cats
OUK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,

,. Bluegrass Sportsman ,
Lea ue
°Fe owship of
Christian Athletes,
8:00 PM, Room 211
of the Student

OUK Trap and
Skeet Practice,
7:00 PM,

Weekend, 6:30
PM, UK Campus
0"Phi Alpha
Gamma" by UK
Bernitt, 7:30 PM,
Briggs Theatre

OGuitar Hero
77:00 PM, 7:00
OUK Trap and
Practice, 7:00
; Bluegrass
3 Sportsman

IUK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,
Bluegrass Sportsman

OUK Women‘s Club
Lacrosse Meeting for
New Members,5:00 PM,
Commons Market

'UK Trap and Skeet
Practice, 7:00 PM,
Bluegrass Sportsman
Lea ue

-"P i Alpha Gamma" by
UK alum—Dan Bernitt,
7:30 PM, Briggs Theatre
OLSAT Prep Weekend,
10:00 AM, UK campus



\i-pti-iiilwi 3%


Page 4

Kama Entromi Bouio

Brad Moll, editor Ill chiet Melissa Vmoh. asst opinions editor
Eric Lindsay, managing editor KOIIM Calm sports editor

Blair Thomas. managing editor Wm WM features editor
Bred Bowling, opinions editor Emily Foam, columnist

Wu Robinson. columnist

llie upiiiiuns page provides a forum for the exchange of ideas Unlike news stones, the Kernels
unsigned editorials represent the Views of a majority of the editorial board Letters to the editor.
culuiniis cartoons and other features on the opinions page reflect the Views of their authors and

not necessarily those of the Kernel



Use of smoke
in fire drills
is dangerous

Despite concerns from sttideiits and other universities. UK
fire officials w ill once again be placing a log machine in dor—
mitories for sniokc~out fire drills. according to a Kcriiel article
on Sept. l5. '

This editorial board has never questioned the desire for
niipi'oyemerits Iii studeiil safety. especially when it comes to
fire safety in dorms and campus buildings. But the continued
use of smoke for fire drills still seems incomprehensible de—
spite its intended purpose.

The purpose. as l‘K Assistant Fire Marshal (ireg
Williamson said in a Kernel article on Sept. l7. 3007. is to
make fire drills more realistic. it forces both the students and
firefighters to treat the drill like a real fire.

The concept is a novel idea. But ultimately the ends don't
justify the means. The smoke needs to be put out.

Using smoke for fire drills can cause a number of negative
consequences. First and foremost. it can become a health risk for
students breathing the air. especially those with asthma.

Smoke can also create a visibility issue. Students unable
to see'might run into objects. trip over something or even fall
down stairs. While probably few and far between. injuries are
certainly prone to happen without proper vision.

And finally. smoke will Usually create an unneeded sense
of panic. Those unaware of the fire drill will likely become
scared by the presence of smoke in their dorm rooms. which
usually creates unintended results. Students who usually do
one thing will often do another when a sense of hysteria sets

“These drills are a great opportunity to show students how
they might react in a real situation and make them think about
whether or not their reactions w ere safe." Williamson said in
the Kernel article on Sept. l5.

How else are they supposed to react‘.’ Any dangerous situ«
ation. especially one that involves smoke and fire. is going to
create panic. .ltlsl because you make students aware of their
reactions doesn‘t mean they re